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Surah Al-Fa ha Overview

 Surah Al-Fa ha is recited every prayer, 2-4 mes depending on which prayer.
 It’s the only surah required for offering prayers.
 There’s a great learning advantage in focusing on those words that repeat.
Another p is to focus on learning just one line per day.

Example 1: Ayah 1 and 3 are similar with the excep on of the added Bismillah.
Example 2: In ayah 5 the word iyyaka appears twice, just with the addi on of wa.
Remember it by spli ng them up into two: iyyaka na’budu + wa-iyyaka nastaa’een.
Eksempel 3: Ayah 5 and 6 ends with rhyming words, and can be used to remember
the following ayah.
Eksempel 4: For easier learning, split ayah 7 into three parts: ”sirata alladhina
an'amta alayhim” + ”ghayril maghdubi alayhim” + ”walad-daaalin”. Remember to
recite them as one sentence, as to not change the meaning of the ayah.

Bismillah ar-raHman ir-raHeem 1

Alhamdulillahi rahbbyal 'alameen 2
ar-raHman ir-raHeem 3
Maliki yawmi-deen 4
iyyaka na'budu wa-iyyaka nasta'een 5
ih'dina siratal mus'taqeem 6
siratal aldhina an'amta alayhim ghayril 7
maghdubi alayhim walad-daaaliiin

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