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Ivan Javier Crespo Aponte

848 Shirley ann trail

Lakeland, FL 33809



December, 4 2020

Dear Experian

I hope your day is going well, but I need your help. I noticed the following issues with
these accounts on my credit report:

TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CO 7040406154889 Account Reporting Incorrect “Past Due

Balance” And Account Reporting Incorrect “Current Balance”

CRESCENT BANK AND TRUS 10013152329 Account Reporting Incorrect “Past Due
Balance” And Account Reporting Incorrect “Current Balance”

AMER CR ACPT 4720016805675 Account Reporting Incorrect “Past Due Balance” And
Account Reporting Incorrect “Current Balance”

LVNV FUNDING LLC 444796237488 Account Reporting Incorrect “High Balance” And
Account Reporting Incorrect “Charge-off Date”

GM FINANCIAL 45508 Account Reporting Incorrect “High Balance” And Account

Reporting Incorrect “Charge-off Date”

CRESCENT B&T 10043 Account Reporting Incorrect “High Balance” And Account
Reporting Incorrect “Charge-off Date”

CREDITONEBNK 444796237488 Account Reporting Incorrect “High Balance” And

Account Reporting Incorrect “Charge-off Date”

CP VEGA BAJA 192 Account Reporting Incorrect “High Balance” And Account Reporting
Incorrect “Charge-off Date”

COMNWLTH FIN D1043639 Account Incorrectly Reporting “1 Month Term” 2. Account

Incorrectly Reporting “Open Account” Please delete

CAPIO 2171 Account Incorrectly Reporting “1 Month Term” 2. Account Incorrectly

Reporting “Open Account” Please delete
I did some reading on the internet about credit reporting laws, and from my understanding if a
consumer finds errors on their credit report, they have a right have them fixed, right? I got this
information from the FTC, and the CFPB. This incorrect information on my credit report is
causing problems when I try to apply for credit. Please investigate this matter, and get back with
me when you are finished. I hope this will be soon.


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