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l Grammar Present tense verbs with future meaning @ UJ

. . ...
........... tllt wt1,t,reyo11,olnglodo wtltn you ........?
lf lpt1ood1r1dn,l rn,fgotoW#school.
lf, whrn, ofür,-,br~re. My p,rentswill be dlwppolnted ff 1•11'tp lnto In,.
Al\« l.....-.,1'11be1bletowork lnthelrnnn.
lnttdtodttlot btf«e lphomtforthtsum~.

;=( A Choose !he colTI!ct verbs. Then complete 1hr sentrnces with your own ide;is.
1. BtfortthissemesterwlUbe ,@oYtf. l thinkl'II beableto _ _ _ .
2. l'Uprobably _ _ _ alterl ftnis.h / willftnishmy studirs.
3. lf ldon't / won'tgetagood jobafterl willgrad111tt / 1radu,.tr,lmight _ _ _ .
4. lfl ram / willHrnalotofmontyin t~ r...lmay _ _ _ .
5 l'd liktlo _ _ _ / wiltvisit myrelativesagain.
6. lf JH<omr / wlllbecomrrtally ,;:;;;;¡¡nEn¡llsh.lhoptrllbeableto _ _ _ .
7. lthinkl11 _ _ _ afterlretlre / wiHretire.

Lesson B Present tense verbs with future meaning

DD,,~uMwrill.ilff •"f.wtrt~.
A Chooselhebrslexprnslonslocon1p(etethtstq11ntlons. ~ ,. 1nd<l¡Wtolff..-to
Thencomp, rewithapartner. uwfulu!f
Wlr,,nlf~. rJl b)l,0,
1. Areyougoingtodo1nythingintr res1ingafttr classwillbe / is 0 ;oo_
OYtlloday? (NO!Whffll~ .
2. Afteryo~ ) eatdinnrrtoni&ht.areyo111oin1todoanywork? nr1oot,O,o,iob.)
3. Whatdo youthink you'lld1e eforeyougo to bedtonighl?
4. lf you don~ lli15leepnght away,doyouthinkyou11rud
5. What'sthefir.;tthingyou'regoingtodo wh~ 11p tomorrowmoming?
6.AreyougoingtoexercisetomolT(IWbefore you
~ akfast?
7. lf ~ n'traintomorrow. doyouthinkyou'llgorunningorgoforawalk?
8. A~ g tomntyourfriendstomooowwhrn ~ wilp(out ofdass?
9. 1r","0Udon't~ tim r toutbreakfasta1homt1omorrow,will","0Uhavtanuriylunch?
_ ~O- lr","0Uwil111ouS ,lsWHkrnd,whmwillyougo?
-~.. , Complel• ll'I• (OII.-HU!lonl wllh lhl (ortKI lonn or1111 Wrtll.

l. Emlly How'swour 10b1Qin11

Beth OIC. l ! ~ b f t t e < w h f n l ~ m y ó q : f f f.

lmlly Ohrully11tu•u•lmwo'/-¡!_~.,.l.!.í.i "°u N•~-8/!l moremonr,.

Btth Thlt's tlf:hl . And l 1bl1 to nk for • promollon. loo 111

Emily ~ll, l'm 1u,ei11llhilt~rdworlt lnnl1h1KhOOI IS wof!hlL

Beth lhopeso. ll l ~ p ¡ ¡ H l h e e u m s. l ri .!."7"-i •nds1udy lull1lme.

Wh 1t1,ewou1oln11oc1o1ttflwe ¡¡.¡!~!'mi ,011*?

Ntil l'm 1101 "'''• 1~ S o t o trldul lt KhOOI . How lboulyGu?

Beforel~1nydttl'WOn,.lthlnk l ~ lomyp¡¡,en1S1nd1'1k

1hemlori1dYlce.lltheyci1nhelpm1,I li-~~- myownbaJslneu.

Ntil 5ounds 1ood. Whtn your baJsi~'I WCttUlul, willYou Jiw mt I job

.n.. :,_

Q Aboutyou
.:::::r~ICom pl•t• lh• .... ,.nen wlth lrul lnlo rm11 lon u1ln1 º"''· b1{or1, ,,. or wlt1n.
1. l"m su,e myfomllywUI be reoHyhappy wlien 1 «"' a mast,.,'s d"W"•
2. 1 m1y s tudy Yftl I rnay study
3. 1hope 1'11 be 1bt1 to Ves hope ve befare
4. 1m ight not gel No st1Kieot afte, feba,acy
S. l1uesslwon't _ _ ~Y•=•~"=
"= - - - - - - - - -
6. 1·11 probab ly earn a lot of mon~ Befom mooey i) macch
7. l'llbedi~ppoinlrd _ <H~,,~, -- . • _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. On ed11ylml1h1, Ncatonlca_lhe_,.
9. lprobablywon·1 - lfy~~='='"""-- - - - - - - - - - -
10. l'llbe1e11llypl111 sed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• .-, ,,. ,l!!i1il!I e:, CID
r ,n~c:;.D", ,.
lw ,, , . Jh , ·~
~,1, ...,_ 1

- 11!!...._ - - -- - -
",':.11 8 (11111plrle !he ch,rt wlth jQIK f1111111boft. Add )'Oijí own 161!11,. Tlwn COIIIJNlll! with I Jlllrln".

h1S1n fntettMinJjob? hn1fN1 fdin1job? hn1 difflcult_iob_l _ _,_, m_u _lor ofmo~?

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