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Eradicating Jones and Inducting the Pigs A brief summary of the Battle of the Cowshed and the events

that led up to it; see 2B for a look at how the farm was initially run and what type of government it was that Old Major preached.


A Word for the Wise



Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better The Evolving Hypocrisy of the Principle of Animalism

An advice column managed by Van Gogh fortunately, words in print do not fall upon deaf ears. I am stuck. I know that it is not difficult at least, not extremely so, to learn the alphabet because the others already have. But I cannot seem to because try as I might, I only ever remember from A to D, and when I learn the rest, I forget those. How do I remember them all? -Boxer Clearly, then, you would do best to not try at all, lest you burn yourself out. The first four is well enough and an accomplishment on its own. -Van Gogh

The Windmill Debacle

Snowball wins favor in the weekly barnyard debate; see 2C for full analysis, including insight into Napoleons power ploy and the ideologies represented by either pig.

The Merits of Education Before his passing, Old Major bestowed upon the animals a new sense of ethics and encouraged them to rebel. Snowball later broke the concept down into Seven Commandments and titled it Animalism. In short, the principle of Animalism is that all animals alike are equal and that none should adopt the vices of man, even after The Rebellion. This idea is representative of communism, where there is solidarity and everything is owned by all. In theory, a communist government is ideal because it means that there is an equal voice amongst the people; in practice, it does not work so well because it makes for a weaker government that can easily be overthrown. The subtle way in which the pigs first abuse their power such as taking the milk and apples for themselves under the threat of Jones returning foreshadows early on that, while glorified, the communist approach is not one that will last. Napoleon, in particular, is in due part the reason as to why it does not. Snowball, who is white to symbolize purity and virtue, promotes Old Majors teachings not to make himself look good, but because he genuinely wants to progress the lives of all animals. He is liberal-minded and vehemently protests against the reintroduction of a Totalitarian government such as the one that Jones led. Napoleon, on the other trotter
Continued on page 4

After reconstruction of the windmill begins, Napoleon maintains that a schoolhouse must be built for the pigs, as well; see 2D for a peek into the social classes that the allegory portrays.

Gamblers Gambit

Though it is originally outlawed by the Seven Commandments, the pigs adjust laws to suit their fancy and eventually pick up on mankinds vices; see 2E for the final scene and compare the behavior of both pig and man.

Hypothetically speaking, if one were to drink excessively and then wake feeling worse than death, in what manner would one remedy this? I, of course, am still portraying a hypothetical scenario only to sate my scientific curiosity. Nothing more. -Squealer For a question of such length, my answer is comparatively simpler. Sleep and with hope, you will not wake. -Van Gogh

Alfred Simmonds Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal Call now to be eligible for a limited-time only discount on pick-ups. We do all the real work for you, and with this special offer, its virtually free! Dont miss out! (305-535-9996)
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Eradicating Jones and Inducting the Pigs

When Jones was still in control of the farm, it was representative of a Totalitarian government. He literally controlled all aspects of the animals lives, such as when they were fed or if they fed at all. If any animal were to ever act out, it would result in them being flogged. This was why they did not fight back, because he put them in their place when needed and dominated them with brute force. Though albeit grudgingly, the animals were dependent on the man and too afraid of what change would bring, so they did nothing. It took Old Major taking the initiative and encouraging the idea of rebellion for change to even seem plausible for the animals. He pointed out the miserable conditions in which they lived and the poor quality of life altogether by connecting this negligence with mankind, he made the animals look at their situation in an entirely new perspective. The animals, representing the masses, blindly followed his leadership because he spoke so passionately and persuasively that it seemed suddenly obvious that Jones should be in the wrong. The faith placed in this idea is something that will come up repeatedly, but it is most important to note that, without question, they always follow in the belief that whatever is being done is for the benefit of them all. The Battle of the Cowshed takes place after Old Major passes, when tension is highest with Jones. Now firmly in the belief that they have been wronged, there is a joint effort between all to chase the man off, and when they do, they also eradicate the system of Totalitarianism, instead inducting the pigs and following the Communist ideals that Old Major exalted. All animals are seemingly equal.


The Windmill Debacle

After eradicating Jones and his system of Totalitarianism, the animals try to live up to Old Majors idealism by allowing themselves to be lead by the pigs. Snowball, the smarter of the two, comes up with the idea of building a windmill, so as to lessen each animals workload and make life easier all around. He teaches the animals how to read and write, as well as setting up committees in the hopes that they will come together more quickly and efficiently. A disciple of Old Major, Snowball promotes the Communist government that would benefit them all. Napoleon, on the flip side of the spectrum, is not so much smart as he is cunning. He does not care for the ideals expressed by Old Major, only in it for himself in the long run. It is in his self-interest, however, that he debates with Snowball about the welfare of the other animals; seeming to take an interest makes himself look good and prevents suspicions from being aroused while he plans accordingly. While Snowball is preaching equality, Napoleon is training dogs. Unlike Snowball, Napoleon waits for the opportunity to arise before making a move. When Snowball takes the lead in the weekly debate, he calls on his dogs to chase his competition away. To further secure his own image, Napoleon declares Snowball a traitor so that the animals will turn to him, instead. If they protest, he calls on his dogs. When they are out of line, he calls on his dogs. Much like Jones, Napoleon stands for the brutal oppression of a Totalitarian government ruled by a dictator who uses force and scare tactics.

Two full acres of land for sale, already tilled for optimum agricultural conditions. My starting price is a dozen pounds, but I will sell to whoever pays the best. If at all interested, please contact Pilkington Farm at 305-503-6997.


The Merits of Education

After reconstruction begins on the windmill for a third time, Napoleon maintains that a schoolhouse must be built for the pigs. What is key in regards to this idea is that, after Snowball was chased away, none of the other animals received a continued education. Most were left with the minimum capability of reading and writing, with the exception of Benjamin the mule, who could do both but chose not to. In short, they are wholly uneducated. Why, then, build a school solely for the pigs? A better question would be: why not? Building a school was another devious ploy on Napoleons behalf that allowed him to continue to string the animals along and keep his power. This power is assured to him by the pigs willing cooperation and the presence of his guard dogs, so if he was to treat them better than the rest, surely they would continue to follow his lead? Napoleon does just that. He leaves the best food and largest rations to the pigs and the dogs for their continued support. Building a school would be the next logical step in the process because it would mean that he could brainwash the newest generation at an early age; this would ensure their support, as well. With the majority of the farm in his favor and the minority consisting of the oldest animals who fear him, Napoleon could stay in power for a very long time. It is not only the pigs and the dogs that allow Napoleon his continued dictatorship, however. The other animals, such as Boxer and Benjamin, are also at fault. They help to give Napoleon his absolute authority by choosing, in one way or another, to do nothing about it. Benjamin knows exactly what Napoleons angle is, but representing the pessimistic citizen who believes that one person would hardly make a difference, he maintains only that the quality of life would always be the same that is, terrible. Likewise, Boxer represents the working class that remains loyal to the government, regardless of what might happen; essentially, he is symbolic of the uneducated who are easily manipulated, just as the other animals are. Even though some animals, such as Clover, became suspicious of Napoleon, they simply did not know enough to fully grasp the gravity of the situation and allowed it all to spiral out of control. In the end, that is what the allegory attempts to teach, Orwells message being that having an education is important in any government that is ruled by the people. People need to be capable of making intelligent decisions so that systems such as Democracy or Communism, in this case remain in their control, rather than being weak and easily manipulated by propaganda.



Napoleon is selfish and does not care for any animals happiness but his own. He wants the authority and power that Jones had over them all before the Battle of the Cowshed, and so he plans to take it. While Snowball gives speeches of grandeur, Napoleon remains quiet, usually allowing the sheep to break in for him with a chorus of: four legs good, two legs bad. Though irritating, this actually is done to make him look good, as well. After all, how are the animals meant to follow Snowball if they dont ever know what hes on about? When Napoleon does give a speech, it is only to throw a point back into Snowballs face; that is, up until Snowball takes the lead in their weekly debate. Napoleon chooses then to call on his attack dogs and chases him off, taking over the reins without anyone really noticing. Then, Squealer begins to grant him different titles. Our Comrade, Leader Napoleon and Ducklings Friend are two of them that are meant to make him seem just as dedicated to the cause that being their freedom as Snowball was, if not more. He portrays himself as a benevolent leader with a heart of gold that makes constant sacrifices for the sake of the other animals, such as when Squealer is singing his praises and insisting that Napoleon gives the most out of them all, simply because thinking is harder than manual labor. Well, it certainly is when one is uneducated. This is the turning point of Animalism, where it begins to become more hypocritical, rather than a statement of equality. After the windmill is destroyed for the first time in a windstorm and Napoleon blames it on the traitorous Snowball to secure his position of power, no one questions him not even those suspicious of the sudden blanks in their memory. The fact that the animals readily follow him with blind faith is what allows Napoleon to keep his authority and so easily amend the Seven Commandments to suit his whimsy. In Boxers own words: Napoleon is always right. Again, even those suspicious of his motives remained silent out of fear, which becomes the appropriate and standard response by the end of the allegory. With no one standing to protest against him, Napoleons already considerable control

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