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Executive Summary

Our aim will be to provide an exclusive all black themed event at a private guest house in Pretoria for an
audience of high profile individuals, music lovers and a surprise birthday celebration for an individual. This
will be a live outdoor event organised internally by The Goldfingers & Delicious for our customers and
interested publics. The overall aim is to provide an extraordinary experience for the invited guests and to
make profit from the sale of alcohol and other non-alchoholic beverages.

Location: Richtershuyz Guest House (375 Mackenzie Street) Pretoria, 0181 GPS : -25.76717 : 28.24765

Date: Proposed date Saturday 24th August 2019 (Allowing for all scheduled major outdoor events to pass).

Bar and Food provided by Black Millionaires

Numbers: Proposed 100

Ticket Sales : Invite & Gate Takings

Event Name

All Black Surprise Party

Event organisers





Target Audience:

Our target demographic will be high profile individuals in the Gauteng area based on our database. These
individuals have always been loyal clients to Goldfingers & Delicious who have always given them support 1
based on their events and themes they host at various clubs for example Brooklyn & Sumo Nightclub.



Financial sector

Stock Marketing Staff

(Consignment,glassware,ice (Graphic designer, Invitations,Djs,
buckets) Girls,Promoters,Photography)

Event Face: TBC

Financial Plan

Projected costs (Some costs are estimated not confirmed:

Venue (Has 8 rooms) R15 000.00

Sound & Lighting R4 000.00
Furniture R10 000.00
Glassware R2 000.00
POS Rental R3 000.00
Company Entity (Run Around Costs) TBC
Consignment Deposit TBC
Graphic Designer TBC
Invitations and Cards TBC
Complimentary Cigars TBC
Caps TBC
T Shirts TBC
Engraving and Printing TBC
Girls TBC
Party Bus TBC
Djs R3 000.00
Photography R1 000.00
Waiters R1 400.00
Barmen R700.00
Bouncers R600.00
Cleaners Provided by Venue
Ice Condiments R1 000.00
Food Platters Outsource
Ice Buckets Included in Glassware
Décor and Drapping R1 000.00
Table condiments TBC
Drink Condiments TBC
Hubbly Covered on House
Total R42 700.00
Projected income:

The income is purely based on a simple concept of we need a minimum of 20 different patrons to spend
a minimum of R10 000.00 each which is a projected income of R200 000.00.

Please allow for a further elaboration in person.

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