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Name: Asmaa Fu'aad Mohamed Date : 12/05/2024

Ref. Dr : DR/EMAD HAMDY Exam : Closed MRI Brain
Age : 37 Year(s) Code : 1712410

MRI of the brain.

 Slightly ectatic supra-tentorial ventricular system and
deepening of the cortical sulci for patient age.
 Otherwise,
 Normal morphological features of the cerebral hemispheres with
no evidence of focal mass lesions or areas of abnormal signal
 Normal size and shape of the infra tentorial component of the
ventricular system.
 No evidence of abnormal intra axial fluid collections.
 No midline shift or mass effect.
 Normal morphological features of the cerebellar hemispheres with
no focal mass lesions or areas of abnormal signal changes. Normal
appearance of the CP angles.
 Normal components of the brain stem.
 Normal sellar, parasellar and suprasellar regions.
 Scans through the calvarium are unremarkable.

Dr. Amal Shawky MD

Signature Dr. Amal Shawki

12/05/2024 2:12 PM

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