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Paper 1 Theory February/March 2023

1 hour 45 minutes

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● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 20 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Section A

1 (a) The list contains examples of different types of rock.

basalt granite limestone marble slate

Circle two rocks in the list that are igneous. [2]

(b) The diagram represents the rock cycle.

rock A
g at


m e lt


in g
io n



li n
t and pressure
rock C rock B

e r o si o n

Identify the rock, A, B or C, that represents:

• igneous rock .............................................

• sedimentary rock ......................................
• metamorphic rock. ....................................

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(c) Igneous rocks are made from crystals.

Explain why some igneous rocks have smaller crystals than other igneous rocks.
Some igneous rocks have smallers crystals because if the rock cools too quickly only
small crystals are able grow. This mostly happens when magma goes out of the earth
And cools rapidly once its outside.

............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 6]

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2 (a) The graph shows fertiliser use in four regions of the world.

East Asia
South America
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa


fertiliser use
/ kg per hectare



1970 1980 1990 2000

(i) Calculate the increase in fertiliser use in South Asia between 1980 and 2000.

increase = ................................. kg per hectare [2]

(ii) Compare the fertiliser use in South America with the fertiliser use in East Asia, describing
the changes between 1970 and 2000.
In East Asia a lot more of fertilisers are used than in South America, in 1970 East Asia
Started to increase their use in fertilisers while South America also inreased but in
less Quantity



..................................................................................................................................... [3]

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(b) Using organic fertiliser is one strategy for making agriculture sustainable.

Name and describe one other strategy for making agriculture sustainable.
Crop Rotation
name of strategy .......................................................................................................................
Basically, it consists of rotating the crops throughout the year
description of strategy ..............................................................................................................
depending on the season, the crops depend on different nutrients
of the soil each one. So this will increase effectiveness and will
Make the agriculture more sustainable.

[Total: 7]

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3 The maps show the global distribution of malaria in 1900 and 2000.

no malaria present
malaria present


Tropic of


Tropic of


Tropic of


Tropic of

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(a) Describe how the global distribution of malaria has changed between 1900 and 2000.

Between those years the malaria decreased a lot and this is probably because
actions were taken. In some areas like europe and South America it disappeared while
in sites like Africa it maintained almost equal.

............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) (i) The use of antimalarial drugs is one strategy for controlling malaria.

Describe the benefits and limitations of the use of antimalarial drugs as a strategy for
controlling malaria.
Malaria can be controlled throughout all the world, this may reduce the world
benefits ..............................................................................................................................
malaria population, and this would also decrease the cases and mortality
rate. Furthermore it will reduce the areas in which malaria mostly affects.

It may be expensive to make a cure for the malaria meaning that LEDCs
limitations ..........................................................................................................................
wont be able to elaborate it. Even though they can try another ways
Like insecticides but they wont be as effective as the medicine.


(ii) Name and describe one other strategy for controlling malaria.
Government applying instecticides
name of strategy ...............................................................................................................

description of strategy It.......................................................................................................

consists of applying insecticide in the whole country

if this is leaded by the government its better because

it will be more effective

[Total: 7]

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Section B

4 (a) (i) Use words from the list to complete the sentences describing the composition of soils.

chlorophyll microorganisms mineral ozone water

Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Soils are composed of:

• mineral
................................................ particles

• air

• ................................................
• and organic content.

This organic content consists of:

• plants

• animals

• Microorganisms

• and their dead remains.


(ii) Sand, silt and clay are the three different sizes of soil particle.

Arrange these soil particles in order of increasing size.

smallest largest

clay silt Sand

.................... .................... ....................


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(b) The diagram shows the names of some soil types and their percentage composition of clay,
silt and sand.

The shaded area represents a sample of loam soil that contains 40% silt, 40% sand and 20%

100% clay

90 10

80 20

70 30
60 40



50 50




sandy clay
40 clay 60
clay silty clay
loam loam
30 70
sandy clay
20 loam 80
sandy silt
loam loam
10 90
loamy silt
sand sand
100% sand 100% silt
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
percent sand

(i) Identify the soil type with a composition of 20% silt, 70% sand and 10% clay.
Its sandy and its a loam due to the mix
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Determine a percentage composition for a silty clay loam soil.

silt ....................... %
sand ................... %
clay ..................... %

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(c) The photograph shows farmers in Ecuador.

Suggest four strategies that these farmers could use to reduce soil erosion.

Countour ploughing
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
Adding organic material
3 ................................................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................................

[Total: 11]

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5 New Zealand has several important marine fisheries.

It is estimated that 95% of all marine species harvested in New Zealand are from sustainable

(a) (i) Describe what is meant by the term, sustainable fisheries.

By this term it is meant that they dont do overfishing, basically they dont do
bycatch. They probably avoid this by using special nets or use the system of

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Explain the importance of sustainable fisheries for humans.

Some countries alimentation relies only on fishes, so if fishery isn't sustainable
somewhen the resource, which in this case is fishes, will run out.


..................................................................................................................................... [2]

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(b) Toothfish are harvested in the Southern Ocean off New Zealand.

The graph shows the harvest of toothfish over a 13-year period.



/ tonnes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

(i) Describe the trends in the harvest of toothfish.

As we can see in the graph, it tends to go up resulting that if we compare the
first years to the last ones, it increased a lot, its maximum was reached in
the year 12 which aproximately 3500 tonnes catched. Something interesting
is that even though in the year 8 it decreased, it then started to increase again

and it finally reached more than the previous maximum.

..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Calculate the percentage increase in catch between year 1 and year 5.

Give your answer as a whole number.

percentage increase = ......................................................... [3]

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(c) Toothfish are large predatory fish that live in very deep water. They grow slowly and are
10 years old before they can reproduce.

(i) Explain two reasons why toothfish are not suitable for fish farming.
Toothfish grow very slow, and in cases of overfishing if the fish grow
1 ........................................................................................................................................
slow it isnt good, it will result in the exctinction of the fish
Toothfish live in deep water so its difficult for the farms of this fish to
2 ........................................................................................................................................
be sustainable

(ii) Suggest how fish farming can impact marine ecosystems.

Farming fish can lead to a lot more parasites and diseases than wild fishing
also it can pollute because of the wastes of the cage in addition, if the fish escape
it can alter the ecosystem



..................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 15]

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6 The map shows the main distribution of tropical cyclones.

Tropic of Cape Verde

Cancer islands cyclones

cyclones cyclones
Equator cyclones


Tropic of

Tropical cyclones only form under certain conditions. Many Atlantic tropical cyclones, known as
hurricanes, form near the Cape Verde islands off the west coast of Africa.

(a) (i) Suggest why tropical cyclones form near the Cape Verde islands.
One of the reasons its because the warm water which its 27° and this its sufficient
for a good evaporation which can lead to the storms. Another reason is that the
ocean its not so deep so this also helps with the evaporation.



..................................................................................................................................... [3]

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(ii) Suggest how climate change may affect the number and distribution of tropical cyclones.

Explain your answer.

Well firstly climate change affects with the number of tropical cyclones. This is

because it can give even more energy to the warm ocean for evaporation which
will lead to the creation of the powerful storms. Also it can change the place
in which they are formed affecting areas that are not prepared for recieving a

..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) After tropical cyclones, people are often affected by water-related diseases.

Explain how tropical cyclones increase the chance of water-related diseases.

Firstly, floodings affect because as there is a lot of water, its a good place for bacteria
and other organisms to breed. For example mosquitoes can breed after a tropical
cyclone. Also flood waters can mix with the sewage water which if we mix these two
we already know why this should be avoided.


............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(c) State two other impacts that tropical cyclones have on people.
1 ................................................................................................................................................

Infrastructure destruction
2 ................................................................................................................................................


[Total: 11]

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7 Air pollution can contribute to deaths in humans.

The table shows the number of deaths per 100 000 people linked to air pollution between 1990
and 2015.

number of deaths
per 100 000 people
1990 110
1995 104
2000 no data available
2005 83
2010 75
2015 67

(a) Plot a line graph to show the number of deaths per 100 000 people linked to air pollution
between 1990 and 2015.

Draw a straight line between each point.


(b) Use your graph to estimate the number of deaths per 100 000 people in 2000.

Show on your graph how you determined your answer.

number of deaths = ......................................................... [2]

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(c) One strategy for reducing atmospheric pollution is to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

The graph shows the annual percentage change in oil use for five countries.



United States
of America



–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
annual percentage change

(i) Explain why annual percentage change is used for the comparison of oil use.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest strategies that Norway has used to reduce its use of oil.

couldnt find about Norway but i found another international agreements

such as the montreal protocol which banned and controlled the use of CFCs to
slow down ozone depletion.







..................................................................................................................................... [5]

[Total: 12]

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8 The diagram shows the distribution of water on Earth.

oceans 97.5%

ice caps and glaciers 79%


water in lakes
water in soil
38% X

water in rivers
water in living organisms

(a) (i) Use the diagram to determine the percentage of the Earth’s water that is fresh water.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the source of water labelled X on the diagram.
Ground water, ice caps and glaciers
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Suggest why the percentages shown on the diagram are estimates.
I believe its because different reasons, firstly because the ice caps melts,
also the water from the ocean its evaporating constantly.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

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(b) Reservoirs can store large volumes of fresh water for people to use.

State two other stores of fresh water that people can use.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................

(c) A local government wants to build a dam across a river valley to form a large reservoir
covering an area of 10 km2.

The reservoir means that a small village and the people living there must be moved.

A government officer says:

Building the dam has more advantages than


To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

agree because even though it is expensive to build a dam it has a lot of benefits

starting with the electrical generation which depends on the dam but most of the
times its sufficient to supply energy for a lot of people. Also it can control floodings
which in some areas is really useful to control the flow of the water in the rivers.
Dams are also used to irrigate so for me a dam has a lot of benefits .










............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 11]
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