Reading My Daily Routine Present Simple Text 152130

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Reading: My daily routine:

I wake up early every morning. My alarm clock rings at 6:00 a.m., and I quickly get out of
bed. First, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I make a cup of coffee and prepare a
simple breakfast. I usually have toast with butter and jam.
After breakfast, I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus. The bus arrives at 7:15 a.m., and
I take it to work. I work in an office from 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. During the day, I answer
emails, attend meetings, and complete various tasks.
When I finish work, I head back home. I like to relax in the evening, so I watch TV or read a
book. I sometimes cook dinner, or I order takeout. After dinner, I spend time with my family
or chat with friends online.
Before going to bed, I check my schedule for the next day and set my alarm clock. Then, I
get into bed and read for a little while before falling asleep.

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