Dulex Lab Strategy & Tactics-1

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Product RSP SAR Contribution Price 1st year U

Targofit Iso Protein 12% 350 7,097

Targofit Gainer 10% 320 6,469
Targofit Protein Bar 10% 120 17,250
Targofit (Male Sports Nutrition) (45%) Targofit Creatine 3% 144 4,313
Targofit Preworkout 3% 175 3,549
Targofit Athlete Dietary 3% 55 11,291
Targofit Electrolytes 4% 600 1,380
ROSAFIT ISO 8% 375 4,416
ROSAFIT GAINER 5% 340 3,044
Rosafit (Female Sports Nutrition) (25%)
ROSAFIT BAR 4% 144 5,750
ROSAFIT Preworkout 2% 185 2,238
Omega3 3% 155 4,006
Calcium & Vit D 2% 90 4,600
Dulex Spread (10%) Multivitamins 2% 103 4,019
Immunity 2% 110 3,764
Protein 1% 150 1,380
Omega3 3% 155 4,006
Calcium & Vit D 2% 90 4,600
Dulex Choclate (10%) Multivitamins 2% 103 4,019
Immunity 2% 110 3,764
Protein 1% 150 1,380
Healthy Bar 5% 155 6,677
Dulex Bar (10%)
Kids Protein Bar 5% 90 11,500
1st year V 2nd year U 2nd year V 3rd year U 3rd year V 4th year U 4th year V 5th year U
2,484,000 14,502 5,075,640 18,852 6,598,332 22,623 7,917,998 27,147
2,070,000 13,218 4,229,700 17,183 5,498,610 20,620 6,598,332 24,744
2,070,000 35,248 4,229,700 45,822 5,498,610 54,986 6,598,332 65,983
621,000 8,812 1,268,910 11,455 1,649,583 13,747 1,979,500 16,496
621,000 7,251 1,268,910 9,426 1,649,583 11,311 1,979,500 13,574
621,000 23,071 1,268,910 29,992 1,649,583 35,991 1,979,500 43,189
828,000 2,820 1,691,880 3,666 2,199,444 4,399 2,639,333
1,656,000 9,023 3,383,760 11,730 4,398,888 14,076 5,278,666 16,892
1,035,000 6,220 2,114,850 8,086 2,749,305 9,703 3,299,166 11,644
828,000 13,014 1,691,880 16,919 2,199,444 20,303 2,639,333 24,363
828,000 11,749 1,691,880 15,274 2,199,444 18,329 2,639,333 21,994
414,000 4,573 845,940 5,944 1,099,722 7,133 1,319,666 8,560
414,000 13,014 845,940 16,919 1,099,722 20,303 1,319,666 24,363
621,000 8,187 1,268,910 10,642 1,649,583 12,771 1,979,500 15,325
414,000 9,399 845,940 12,219 1,099,722 14,663 1,319,666 17,596
414,000 8,213 845,940 10,677 1,099,722 12,812 1,319,666 15,375
414,000 7,690 845,940 9,997 1,099,722 11,997 1,319,666 14,396
207,000 2,820 422,970 3,666 549,861 4,399 659,833 5,279
621,000 8,187 1,268,910 10,642 1,649,583 12,771 1,979,500 15,325
414,000 9,399 845,940 12,219 1,099,722 14,663 1,319,666 17,596
414,000 8,213 845,940 10,677 1,099,722 12,812 1,319,666 15,375
414,000 7,690 845,940 9,997 1,099,722 11,997 1,319,666 14,396
207,000 2,820 422,970 3,666 549,861 4,399 659,833 5,279
1,035,000 13,644 2,114,850 17,737 2,749,305 21,285 3,299,166 25,542
1,035,000 23,498 2,114,850 30,548 2,749,305 36,657 3,299,166 43,989
20,700,000 272,276 42,297,000 353,958 54,986,100 424,750 65,983,320 504,421
104.33% 30.00% 20.00%
5th year V
CUSTOMER DATA BASE LINE 2 ( Non medical team)
Diet Centers

class A
Class B
Class C


class A
Class B
Class C


class A
Class B
Class C


Class A
Class B
Total No. of required visits
Promoter capacity per month
Required No of promoters

ASSIGNED TEAM Medical Reps distribution Plan

West & south Centre
5 5

No Monthly salary
Promoter 12 6,000
Area sales manager
2 10,000
Brand manager 1 10,000
HR calculation
Saudi Content creator 1 7,000
Egyptian or Hindi Camera Man 1 7,000
Commercial manager 1 15,000
Country manager 1 20,000

Total 75,000
LINE 2 ( Non medical team)
Diet Centers
Data Base Targeted
175 150
200 50

Data Base Targeted
1200 500
1500 100

Data Base Targeted
1000 800
2000 200

Target cinter Target No of visits

1450 2900
350 700
its 3600
nth 288
rs 12.5


Annual salary Annual Ticket Medical insurance car insurance IQAMA fees annual cost
72,000 4,000 10,000 2,000 10,000
120,000 7,000 12,000 2,000 10,000
120,000 7,000 12,000 2,000 10,000
84,000 0 12,000 0 0
84,000 7,000 12,000 2,000 10,000
180,000 7,000 12,000 2,000 10,000
240,000 8,500 16,000 3,000 10,000

900,000 40,500 86,000 13,000 60,000

Total per person Total Annual cost Annual incentive
98,000 1,176,000 194,400
151,000 302,000 72,000
151,000 151,000 36,000 Total HR & Admin
96,000 96,000 21,000
115,000 115,000 21,000
211,000 211,000 36,000
277,500 277,500 72,000

1,099,500 2,328,500 452,400 2,780,900

1st year
Sales Forecast 20,700,000
Basic + Exta Dic value 3,105,000
% 15%
invoice value 17,595,000
COGS + Registration 6,158,250
HR , salries , admin 2,639,250
Marketing Exp 4,398,750
Gross Profit 4,398,750
Distribution & Logistics Expenses 2,111,400
Profit margin 2,287,350
Depreciation 295,030
Net Before Tax 1,992,320
Profit Margin % 11%
P& L
2nd year 3rd year
42,297,000 54,986,100
6,344,550 8,247,915
15% 15%
35,952,450 46,738,185
12,583,358 16,358,365
4,314,294 5,608,582
5,392,868 4,673,819
13,661,931 20,097,420
4,314,294 5,608,582
9,347,637 14,488,837
295,030 295,030
0 0
9,052,607 14,193,807
25% 30%
4th year 5th year
65,983,320 79,179,984
9,897,498 11,876,998
15% 15%
56,085,822 67,302,986
19,630,038 23,556,045
6,730,299 8,076,358
4,486,866 4,711,209
25,238,620 30,959,374
6,730,299 8,076,358
18,508,321 22,883,015
295,030 295,030
0 0
18,213,291 22,587,985
32% 34%
Product RSP SAR 1st year U
Targofit Iso Protein 12% 275 7,097
Targofit Gainer 10% 120 6,469
Targofit Protein Bar 10% 144 17,250
Targofit (Male Sports Nutrition) (45%) Targofit Performance 3% 175 4,313
Targofit Preworkout 3% 55 3,549
Targofit Athlete Dietary 3% 375 11,291
Targofit Electrolytes 4% 600 1,380
ROSAFIT ISO 8% 300 4,416
ROSAFIT GAINER 5% 130 3,044
Rosafit (Female Sports Nutrition) (25%)
ROSAFIT BAR 4% 185 5,750
ROSAFIT Preworkout 2% 65 2,238
Dulex Spread (10%) Omega3 3% 155 4,006
Calcium & Vit D 2% 90 4,600
Multivitamins 2% 103 4,019
Immunity 2% 110 3,764
Protein 1% 150 1,380
Dulex Choclate (10%) Omega3 3% 155 4,006
Calcium & Vit D 2% 90 4,600
Multivitamins 2% 103 4,019
Immunity 2% 110 3,764
Protein 1% 150 1,380
Dulex Bar (10%) Healthy Bar 5% 155 6,677
Kids Protein Bar 5% 90 11,500
Offline Target 70% 14,490,000
Digital Target 30% 6,210,000
Jan Feb Mar April
1st year V Unit Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit
2,484,000 355 124,200 710 248,400 355 124,200 1,065
2,070,000 323 103,500 647 207,000 323 103,500 970
2,070,000 863 103,500 1,725 207,000 863 103,500 2,588
621,000 216 31,050 431 62,100 216 31,050 647
621,000 177 31,050 355 62,100 177 31,050 532
621,000 565 31,050 1,129 62,100 565 31,050 1,694
828,000 69 41,400 138 82,800 69 41,400 207
1,656,000 221 82,800 442 165,600 221 82,800 662
1,035,000 152 51,750 304 103,500 152 51,750 457
828,000 318 41,400 637 82,800 318 41,400 955
828,000 288 41,400 575 82,800 288 41,400 863
414,000 112 20,700 224 41,400 112 20,700 336
414,000 318 20,700 637 41,400 318 20,700 955
621,000 200 31,050 401 62,100 200 31,050 601
414,000 230 20,700 460 41,400 230 20,700 690
414,000 201 20,700 402 41,400 201 20,700 603
414,000 188 20,700 376 41,400 188 20,700 565
207,000 69 10,350 138 20,700 69 10,350 207
621,000 200 31,050 401 62,100 200 31,050 601
414,000 230 20,700 460 41,400 230 20,700 690
414,000 201 20,700 402 41,400 201 20,700 603
414,000 188 20,700 376 41,400 188 20,700 565
207,000 69 10,350 138 20,700 69 10,350 207
1,035,000 334 51,750 668 103,500 334 51,750 1,002
1,035,000 575 51,750 1,150 103,500 575 51,750 1,725
20,700,000 6,463 1,179,000 12,927 2,395,800 6,463 1,179,000 19,390
April May June July August September
Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit
372,600 710 248,400 355 124,200 355 124,200 710 248,400 710
310,500 647 207,000 323 103,500 323 103,500 647 207,000 647
310,500 1,725 207,000 863 103,500 863 103,500 1,725 207,000 1,725
93,150 431 62,100 216 31,050 216 31,050 431 62,100 431
93,150 355 62,100 177 31,050 177 31,050 355 62,100 355
93,150 1,129 62,100 565 31,050 565 31,050 1,129 62,100 1,129
124,200 138 82,800 69 41,400 69 41,400 138 82,800 138
248,400 442 165,600 221 82,800 221 82,800 442 165,600 442
155,250 304 103,500 152 51,750 152 51,750 304 103,500 304
124,200 637 82,800 318 41,400 318 41,400 637 82,800 637
124,200 575 82,800 288 41,400 288 41,400 575 82,800 575
62,100 224 41,400 112 20,700 112 20,700 224 41,400 224
62,100 637 41,400 318 20,700 318 20,700 637 41,400 637
93,150 401 62,100 200 31,050 200 31,050 401 62,100 401
62,100 460 41,400 230 20,700 230 20,700 460 41,400 460
62,100 402 41,400 201 20,700 201 20,700 402 41,400 402
62,100 376 41,400 188 20,700 188 20,700 376 41,400 376
31,050 138 20,700 69 10,350 69 10,350 138 20,700 138
93,150 401 62,100 200 31,050 200 31,050 401 62,100 401
62,100 460 41,400 230 20,700 230 20,700 460 41,400 460
62,100 402 41,400 201 20,700 201 20,700 402 41,400 402
62,100 376 41,400 188 20,700 188 20,700 376 41,400 376
31,050 138 20,700 69 10,350 69 10,350 138 20,700 138
155,250 710 248,400 355 124,200 355 124,200 710 248,400 710
155,250 710 248,400 355 124,200 355 124,200 710 248,400 710
3,539,700 12,927 2,395,800 6,463 1,179,000 6,463 1,179,000 12,927 2,395,800 12,927
September October November Decmber
Value Unit Value Unit Value Unit Value
248,400 355 124,200 710 248,400 710 248,400
207,000 323 103,500 647 207,000 647 207,000
207,000 863 103,500 1,725 207,000 1,725 207,000
62,100 216 31,050 431 62,100 431 62,100
62,100 177 31,050 355 62,100 355 62,100
62,100 565 31,050 1,129 62,100 1,129 62,100
82,800 69 41,400 138 82,800 138 82,800
165,600 221 82,800 442 165,600 442 165,600
103,500 152 51,750 304 103,500 304 103,500
82,800 318 41,400 637 82,800 637 82,800
82,800 288 41,400 575 82,800 575 82,800
41,400 112 20,700 224 41,400 224 41,400
41,400 318 20,700 637 41,400 637 41,400
62,100 200 31,050 401 62,100 401 62,100
41,400 230 20,700 460 41,400 460 41,400
41,400 201 20,700 402 41,400 402 41,400
41,400 188 20,700 376 41,400 376 41,400
20,700 69 10,350 138 20,700 138 20,700
62,100 200 31,050 401 62,100 401 62,100
41,400 230 20,700 460 41,400 460 41,400
41,400 201 20,700 402 41,400 402 41,400
41,400 188 20,700 376 41,400 376 41,400
20,700 69 10,350 138 20,700 138 20,700
248,400 355 124,200 710 248,400 710 248,400
248,400 355 124,200 710 248,400 710 248,400
2,395,800 6,463 1,179,000 12,927 2,395,800 12,927 2,395,800
Total Digital
Target Target Target Target Target Target
Total Revenue 310,500 621,000 310,500 931,500 621,000 310,500
Revenue Direct 139,725 279,450 139,725 419,175 279,450 139,725
Revenue indirect 62,100 124,200 62,100 186,300 124,200 62,100
Total Leads 5,705 6,226 6,848 6,274 7,375 7,567
Lead CR 11% 12% 12% 13% 13% 13%
Total Volume 1,395 1,660 1,826 1,812 2,131 2,186
Volume Direct 628 747 822 816 959 984
Volume Indirect 139 166 183 181 213 219
Budget Expenditure 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Spending inbound 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
CPL 32 30 30 29 29 29
CPC 29 24 22 22 19 18
RPC 223 374 170 514 291 142
Cost Ratio % 13% 6% 13% 4% 6% 13%

Digital Target 30% 6,210,000

Digital Spending 14% ROI

Paid ads 500,000
Branding 250,000

Channel Contribution
fb & ig 10%
Google Search 50%
Snapchat 20%
Social 1%
Affiliate 5%
Mobile APP 1%
Website & SEO 3%
DCC 2%
Tik Tok 8%
Youtube 0%
Twitter 0%
Total 100%
Target Target Target Target Target Target
310,500 621,000 621,000 310,500 621,000 621,000
139,725 279,450 279,450 139,725 279,450 279,450
62,100 124,200 124,200 62,100 124,200 124,200
8,907 9,003 8,449 8,894 9,338 9,048
13% 13% 14% 14% 14% 15%
2,573 2,601 2,629 2,767 2,905 3,016
1,158 1,170 1,183 1,245 1,307 1,357
257 260 263 277 291 302
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
29 28 28 27 27 27
16 15 15 14 14 13
121 239 236 112 214 206
13% 6% 6% 13% 6% 6%
Segment Segment cost Segment Contribution
Enlisting Fees
1,000,000 24%
Accounts enlisting 1,000,000
Field Force support
Training & meetings 37,500
81,500 2%
Electronic detail aids + digital campaigns 24,000
Brand reward 20,000
Print Matrials , Raminders, Gimmiks & Media develo
Printed detail aids 6000
Reminders & gimmecks 95000 148,000 4%
Media Development 30,000
Trial FOC 17,000
KOL Development Program
Customized requests 50,000 150,000 4%
KOLS testimonial 100,000
Public relation
Launch events 100,000
RTD 50,000 262,000 6%
Conferences 100,000
Social gathering 12,000
Online CRM development
Social Media Management 750,000
1,260,000 30%
Influencer 500,000
SMS communication 10,000
POS KOL incentives
Pharmacits incentives 100,000 200,000 5%
GYMS coach 100,000
100,000 2%
Merchendizing 100,000
Promotional offers
1,000,000 24%
offers 1,000,000
Total Budget 4,201,500 100%
Target 20,700,000 20%
Channel Tactics
Google Display Ads on top visited websites and apps

Google Maps Ads

Track google trends to launch tendy campaigns

Focuse on keywords with low competition

Smart Camapigns On google

Discovery ads
Work more on bid adjustment optimizations for ( Devices -
Locations - Days)
Focus our budget on general camapign ( Nutrition - Supplement -
Health )
Start using camapign search with our doctors names

Ig A/B testing for different segments and creatives

Dynamic creatives Campaign

Personalized ads ( products)

Sponsored message

Traffic camapigns for inbound

FB/ Instagram carsoul

Silent Videos; delivering message through video with
no sound

Start Platform content personalization

Retargeting camapigns ( Custome audience - Look alike)

Run general camapigns for our doctors - clinics

Snapchat Snapchat Carousel stories

Snapchat hyperd campaign for the inbound

Use GIF for Snapchat

Using lead form Camapigns
Silent Videos delivering message through video with no
Camapigns with Before and after Videos in atheletic products
Optimize snapchat based on Loctaion Segmentation
Start Platform content personalization
Focus on Youtube channels with long videos about our success
Youtube storis
Use pumber ads on youtube for branding

Run conversion camapign with before and after Technique videos

Videos for TikTok like; doctors , coaches and consumers trending

Tiktok videos
Run conversion camapign on videos like before and after &
advices products
tik tok challenges with segments (Kids - Mothers - Athelets-
Lifestyle - Bodybuilders)
Vidoes live in tik tok

Website start using live chat in our website

Work on publish Testomonials videos on our website for more
Work on site audit
Work on ( On page optimization)
Publish on our website our photos for success cases

Social Media Influencers videos during their journey

Cover all our events in our social media platforms
Before and after Videos in Gym
Videos with doctors & Caoaches talk about our products in
Nutrition Plan
Use befor & After posts for more credability
run send message camapigns
run page likes camapign

DCC Run campaigns per Product

Run camapign with most success offer with special discount
Start run the DCC camapigns on snapchat
Start Run dcc Camapign on google
Monthly 2 Plans Engagment Plan & Paid Plan with Offers
Marketing Theme Stage Behavior KPI channel Activties Task owner

HealthEducation Based Impression
Marketing Awarness Frequent
SM/SE content Marketing
Observation Like , Open
Engagment Click , Visit
SM/SE/ Communi
Community Building Engagment Comment , Website ty
Repetition Repeat
Share some Email
Share More Other data SM Marketing
Digital Marketing Lead Repeat Use Regular use Website
APP Call Center
Regualar use Frequent use

View Offer/
Add to cart / App
Consider Marketing
Experiential Marketing call to ask CRM Call
(Promise - Interact- provide ) Purchase Buying Call Center
Start for Call Center
process center
Review Website
Experiential Marketing Re-visit CRM Call
(Promise - Interact- provide ) Repeat View Offer
service Call Center
Call Center
RePurchase Repeat sales center
Habbit Post/Share
Adoption No of Refree
Frequent App
Value Loop Marketing
Experiential Marketing CRM
(Promise - Interact- provide ) Refere Refree
Retained Call Center
Viral Loop center
Refree Desk
Retention Loyal Refree
Pre-Launch Stage Launch Stage
Business Plan Saber Saber 10-Jul Hiring Team One Territory
Company identity Saber Aim& Go Office Address Omar Marketing material
Products identity cycle Saber Aim& Go Trainning
Finishing Products Saber Dr.Amir Territory Prospection
Product Registeration Doc Saber Dr.Amir Hesham Fixed List
Gym Value chain Saber Dr.Amir A.Abdalziz Accounts Enlisting
DulexLab Platform Saber Aim& Go Launch campaign IMC
Digital Pages Creation Saber Aim& Go Digital Plan
Product Photo session Saber Aim& Go Commercial Plan
DCC NO Saber Mr.Omar Marketing Plan
Digital No Saber Mr.Omar Influncer List /Time
Shipment contract Saber Mr.Omar Academy Partnership
Call center Company Saber Mr.Omar Icons Team
Call center HotLine Saber Dr.Amir Supplement store programs
CRM System Saber Dr.Amir Coach Programs
Sales Rep System Events Calender
Distributor Agreement Launch Event
Launch Stage

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