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Date :1/16/2024

Name :Roy
Age : 66
Status : Separate
Job :retired, Work for NHS(research department)
From :between London and Southampton
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7305 162544
Push contact information:447341504427
Push Number:31
Next Push Number:1
Killer Name:nb55

Date :1/16/2024
Name :Jamie
Age : 37
Status : Single
Job :Scrum master
From :Maidstone
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7823 903928
Push contact information:
Push Number:
Next Push Number:
Killer Name:

Date :1/16/2024
Name :John
Age : 70
Status : Married
Job :Software consultancy ( retired)
From :south west of UK,
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7484 729901
Push contact information:447426913227
Push Number:12
Next Push Number:13
Killer Name:09

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Joao
Age : 39
Status : Single
Job :Work in Constucton
From :Jersey
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7700 352021
Push contact information:447507604908
Push Number:28
Next Push Number:29
Killer Name:大熊

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Lee
Age : 41
Status : Single
Job :I run own my bussiness, van services+ wast management
From :Yarmouth
Adding Customer from:Mg
Account client:44 7305 942898
Push contact information:447831070575
Push Number:19
Next Push Number:20
Killer Name:nb01

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Anup
Age : 43
Status : Married
Job :Software engineer
From :Manchester
Adding Customer from:rcs
Account client:447405471150
Push contact information:447412375085
Push Number:14
Next Push Number:15
Killer Name:nb10

Date :1/17/2024
Name : Christopher
Age : 58
Status : Married
Job : Drive gas tankers
From :South Wales
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7490 026322
Push contact information:447507604908
Push Number:28
Next Push Number:29
Killer Name:大熊

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Umesh
Age : 40
Status : Married
Job :CCTV surveillance
From :Seven king
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7904522238
Push contact information:447831070575
Push Number:19
Next Push Number:20
Killer Name:nb01

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Dan
Age : 38
Status : Girl freind
Job :Work in film indrustry
From :Leicester
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7479 399456
Push contact information:447394255138
Push Number:19
Next Push Number:20
Killer Name:星辰

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Jeff
Age : 31
Status :single
Job :Chef
From :Stew
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7455 308358
Push contact information:
Push Number:
Next Push Number:
Killer Name:

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Phil
Age : 34
Status :single
Job :Work in Law
From :Wimbledon
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7990 070891
Push contact information:@LC647
Push Number:25
Next Push Number:26
Killer Name:nb13

Date :1/17/2024
Name :Maurice
Age : 40
Status :Divorced
Job :Bussiness operation manager
From :wiltshire
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7848 455992
Push contact information:
Push Number:
Next Push Number:
Killer Name:

Date :1/17/2024
Name : Steven
Age : 48
Status : Not married but care for a relative
Job : Decision Maker for DWP, 16 years in travel industry before
From : wiltshire
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7488 298874
Push contact information:447426913227
Push Number:1
Next Push Number:2
Killer Name:nb09
Date :1/17/2024
Name : Terry
Age : 55
Status : single
Job : I work offshore, Oil & gas platforms
From : Seattle
Adding Customer from:
Account client:+1 (206) 293-5433
Push contact information:447823469749
Push Number:19
Next Push Number:22
Killer Name:小龙

Date :1/26/2024
Name : Rafal
Age : 41
Status : Married
Job : I am supervisor, working on some projects, new system, OEE etc
From : Trowbridge, near Bath
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7525 025522
Push contact information:
Push Number:
Next Push Number:
Killer Name:

Date :1/26/2024
Name : Patrick
Age : 48
Status :Single
Job : I am a ski technician, I am the head of sport in Greece for a English
company called pelegoni
From : Uk, liverpool
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7512 091919
Push contact information:447355160443
Push Number:22
Next Push Number:23
Killer Name:30

Date :1/26/2024
Name : Killian
Age : 30
Status :Single
Job : IT recruitment, I am moving into a functional consultant
From : manchester
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7391 966019
Push contact information: 22
Next Push Number :23
Killer Name:nb36
Date :1/31/2024
Name : Michael
Age : 66
Status :Married
Job : I work in Financial Services.
From : Walsall West Midlands
Adding Customer from:Rcs
Account client:44 7504 498017
Push contact information: 447341504427
Push Number:27
Next Push Number :2
Killer Name:56

Date : 31/01/2024
Name : Russ
Age : 60
Status : divorced
Job : Carpentry Contractor (semi retired )
From : Swinton
Adding Customer from : RCS
Account client : 44 7970 402696
Push contact information : 447452857356
Push Number : 9
Next Push Number : 10
Killer Name : 万金油

Date : 01/02/2024
Name : Chris
Age : 40
Status : Married
Job : Sales rep
From : Swinton
Adding Customer from : RCS
Account client : 44 7500 870493
Push contact information : 447453498130
Push Number : 25
Next Push Number : 26
Killer Name : nb041

Date : 01/02/2024
Name : Michael.
Age :75
Status : Married
Job : Retired, was a senior software architect and coder.
From : Colchester
Adding Customer from : RCS
Account client : 44 7934 100894
Push contact information : 447453498130
Push Number : 25
Next Push Number : 26
Killer Name : nb041

Date : 02/02/2024
Name : AI
Age : 36
Status : Single
Job : Design building
From : Glasgow
Adding Customer from : MG
Account client : 44 7866893590
Push contact information : 447533022027
Push Number : 3
Next Push Number : 4
Killer Name : 艾伦

Date : 02/02/2024
Name : saiteja
Age : 30
Status : Single
Job : Software engneer
From : newcastle
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7424 184600
Push contact information :@CEN451
Push Number : 11
Next Push Number : 12
Killer Name : nb22

Date : 02/02/2024
Name : jack
Age : 33
Status : Single
Job :Intrship in software development
From : Middlesbrough
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7436 996105
Push contact information :
Push Number :
Next Push Number :
Killer Name :

Date : 02/02/2024
Name : Michael
Age : 32
Status : Single
Job :Chefs
From : Kenly
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7554 394563
Push contact information : 447576575835
Push Number : 10
Next Push Number : 11
Killer Name : nb12

Date : 02/02/2024
Name :James
Age : 28
Status : Single
Job :I run my own business, (trading cards and streaming )
From : Liverpool
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7445 839511
Push contact information :
Push Number :
Next Push Number :
Killer Name :

Date : 05/02/2024
Name : Ricardo
Age : 48
Status : Living together
Job : Ranger tier, ( I drive a van all night to swap batteries and check if is
ready to ride )
From : Bristol
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7724 936731
Push contact information : 447507604908
Push Number : 24
Next Push Number : 25
Killer Name : 大熊

Date : 05/02/2024
Name : Ric
Age : 52
Status : Single
Job : Electrical engineer
From : NW englend
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7585 111652
Push contact information : 447823469749
Push Number : 19
Next Push Number : 20
Killer Name : 小龙

Date : 05/02/2024
Name : James
Age : 46
Status : Have a rilation
Job : I have a small business, (selling of medical equipment and vehicles)
From : Leeds
Adding Customer from : Rcs
Account client : 44 7814 207335
Push contact information : 447400175668
Push Number : 21
Next Push Number : 22
Killer Name : nb28

Date : 2/3/2024
Name : Matt
Age : 53
Status : Married
Job : Contractor for a IT Company
From : Scotland
Adding Customer from : MG
Account client : 44 7595 590248
Push contact information : 447428118723
Push Number : 11
Next Push Number : 12
Killer Name : nb23

Date :07/02/2024
Name :Peter
Age : 69
Status : Single
Job : semi retired, I write and design business software
From : East Grinstead
Adding Customer from : rcs
Account client :44 7887 891962
Push contact information :447426591179
Push number :15
Next Push number :16
KIller Name :雷碧—

Date :07/02/2024
Name :Steve
Age : 46
Status : Widowed
Job : Run my own business
From : Liverpool
Adding Customer from : rcs
Account client :44 7771 655543
Push contact information : 447462520444
Push number :19
Next Push number:20
KIller Name : nb01

Date :07/02/2024jyu58k
Name : Dean
Age : 45
Status : married
Job : I am an industry engineer
From : Brighton
Adding Customer from : WS
Account client :44 7311 495192
Push contact information : 447471620389
Push number : 23
Next Push number : 24
KIller Name : 阿乐

Date :15/02/2024
Name : Paul
Age : 29
Status : Single
Job : Work for BBC panorama
From : Ilford
Adding Customer from : WS
Account client :44 7907 672472
Push contact information : 447411065085
Push number : 28
Next Push number : 29
KIller Name : nb20

Date :15/02/2024
Name : Nicholas
Age : 40
Status : Single
Job :Work with Logistic H&s
From : London
Adding Customer from : Mg
Account client :+44 7517 009875
Push contact information :
Push number :
Next Push number :
KIller Name :

Name : Brain
Age : 57
Status : Single
Job :I build music festivals and events.
From : Playmouth
Adding Customer from : WS
Account client :+44 7718 945174
Push contact information : +44 7599 740572
Push number : 15
Next Push number : 16
KIller Name : nb13

Name : Eddie
Age : 48
Status : Single
Job :Aerospace engineering
From : Liverpool
Adding Customer from : WS
Account client :+44 7828138295
Push contact information : 44 7355 160443
Push number : 22
Next Push number : 23
KIller Name : nb30

Name : Raman
Age : 36
Status : Living separately
Job :
From : Leicester
Adding Customer from :tg
Account client :+44 7469 396951
Push contact information : @meiling1788
Push number : 27
Next Push number : 28
KIller Name : nb56
Date : 17/1/2024
Costumer Name : Daniel
Age : 36
Statue :In a relationship (Not married)
Job : Operatin Manager
Live : London
From :Portugese
Adding Customer : I message
Account client :+447710185287
Push contact information :
Push Number:
Next Push Number:
Killer Name:

Date : 22/1/2024
Costumer Name : CK
Age : 40
Statue : Single
Job : Self employed, (coach, crossfit/strongs man)
Live : York
From :Latvia
Adding Customer : I message
Account client :+447835024987
Push contact information : 447427321784
Push Number:17
Next Push Number:18
Killer Name:nb03

Date : 22/1/2024
Costumer Name :Sebastian
Age : 34
Statue : Relationship
Job : Self employed, (coach, crossfit/strongs man)
Live : Geneva
From :Switzerland
Adding Customer : ws
Account client :+41 788710892
Push contact information : 447427321784
Push Number:17
Next Push Number:18
Killer Name:nb03

Date : 22/1/2024
Costumer Name :David Caulín
Age : 37
Statue : Single
Job : Electro mechanical Engineering
Live : Murcia
From :Spain
Adding Customer : ws
Account client :+34 678 511 825
Push contact information : @Jenny99010
Push Number:18
Next Push Number:19
Killer Name:脚踏车

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