Business Commun 511

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Business Communication 511


Question 1

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

Question 2

From the case study, it is clear that Mr. Schinder is facing some challenges in his verbal communication
with his colleagues. Here are some ways he can improve his communication:

1. Clarify his message: Mr. Schinder can be a bit vague in his communication, leading to confusion for his
colleagues. To improve this, he could try to clarify his message by being more specific and using concrete

2. Use active listening: Often, Mr. Schinder's colleagues are not fully understanding his message because
they are not giving him their full attention. Mr. Schinder can encourage his colleagues to practice active
listening by making eye contact and asking clarifying questions.

3. Control non-verbal cues: Sometimes, non-verbal cues such as posture or facial expressions can send a
different message than the one Mr. Schinder is trying to convey. To better communicate, Mr. Schinder
should be aware of his non-verbal cues and try to control them if they are sending mixed signals
Question 3

Effective communication is essential in any organization to ensure effective collaboration, knowledge

sharing, and coordination among employees. Communication serves three primary functions in an
organization including:

1. Informational Function: This function focuses on the exchange of information between employees
within an organization. Effective communication helps to ensure that all members in the group have
access to accurate and timely information. This includes sharing knowledge, updates on company
policies, procedures, changes in schedules, and other relevant information.

2. Motivational Function: Communication also helps in motivating employees by providing feedback,

recognition, and support. This type of communication serves to encourage employees to work hard,
meet targets, and maintain a positive attitude, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction

3. Coordination Function: Communication serves as a tool for coordination among employees, helping to
align everyone's efforts to achieve company goals. Effective communication provides a common
understanding of the organization's objectives and priorities, ensuring that everyone works in sync to
achieve these goals.

Within a group

Question 4

A business is an integral part of a larger ecosystem which includes various internal and external factors
that can have a significant impact on its functioning. External factors, also known as external influences,
are events or conditions outside the business that can affect its operations, financial prospects, and
overall success. These factors are largely beyond the control of the business and can include economic
conditions, demographic changes, technological shifts, legal and regulatory changes, and social and
cultural factors. This essay will focus on discussing the external environmental issues that can negatively
influence a business, except for Mr. Schinder's behavior.

One of the most significant external factors that can negatively influence a business is economic
conditions. Economic downturns, recessions, and inflation can all have a significant impact on a
business's sales, profitability, and ability to generate cash flow. An economic downturn can lead to a
decrease in consumer spending, which can negatively impact a company's revenue. Additionally,
inflation can drive up the cost of goods and services, leading to lower

Question 4

As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific details of the business you are referring to or
the behaviour of Mr. Schinder. However, here are some external environmental issues that can
negatively influence a business:

1. Economic factors: Economic downturns, recession, inflation, changes in interest rates, and
fluctuations in exchange rates can all negatively impact a business's revenue, expenses, and profitability.

2. Political factors: Changes in government policies and regulations, political instability, the threat of
terrorism, and civil unrest can all impact a business's operations, sales, and profitability.

3. Technological factors: Rapid advancements in technology, disruptive technologies, and changes in

consumer preferences can all impact the demand for a business's products or services.

4. Social factors: Changes in demographics, lifestyles, values, and attitudes can all impact consumer
behavior and preferences, affecting a business's sales.

5. Environmental factors: Increasing environmental regulations, natural disasters, climate change, and
shifting consumer attitudes

Question 5

As an AI language model, I do not have access to information about Mr. Schinder's organization or his
job description. However, in general, the four most imperative elements of communication that are
critical to any organization include:
1. Clarity: It is essential that communication is clear and concise, and the message is delivered in a way
that is easy to understand. This includes using straightforward language, avoiding jargon or technical
terms, and ensuring that the message is relevant to the audience.

2. Timeliness: Effective communication should be timely and appropriate. This means that messages
should be delivered when they are needed and in a manner that is appropriate to the context and

3. Consistency: Consistency is crucial for building trust and ensuring that messages are not confusing or
misleading. Organizations must ensure that messages are consistent across all channels and that
employees are delivering consistent messages to customers and stakeholders.

4. Listening: Effective communication is a two-way street that requires active listening. Organizations
must encourage employees

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