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Desecrated Church

hree decades ago an angel of Lathander was Plea for help
banished from the heavens for wanting to
meddle in the affairs of men. His mission on The hearth is warm and the drinks are cold. Besides you, your
the material plane had made him attached to
the humanoids. As his punishment he lost all allies and the innkeep the taproom is empty. Just as you were
his abilities and to live and die as a human. starting that joke about the kobold, gnome and goblin the
The angel learned that without his powers it door slams open. "HEELPPP!!!!!!"
was much harder to have a profound effect on the affairs of
man. Failed struggle after struggle caused him to give up, and As Pastor Bertrand runs into the taproom he notices the
settle down. He fell in love with a beautifull human and adventures and falls down on his knees before them crying
started a family. Becoming pastor Bertrand of a small chapel for help. Pastor Bertrand has fallen into dispair and is on the
not far from a small town, doing all the good he was capable verge of madness. Stumbling over his words he talks about
of. Pastor Bertrand had two children, both human, but now undead at the chapel, worries for the safety of his family and
his wife is pregnant with his third. This time, something is begs the adventurers to save them. Besides this the Pastor
different he can feel it. The child had powers, those of divine does not explain much and hurries the adventurers. During
nature. It radiates from his wifes abdomen. Somehow this his short battle with the ghoul Pastor Bertrand got clawed by
baby had inherited divine powers from him. the ghoul and his right arm is bleeding profusely. The
A powerfull lich that has his lair a few miles away from the bleeding can be stopped with a DC 8 Medicine(Wis) check.
village had noticed this as well. The divine energy annoyed The innkeeper does not know what is going on but he knows
him and he decided to rid of it. The lich went to the church the pastor very well. The innkeeper can provide the players
with a ghoul servant. Bertrand tried his best to defend his with the following information.
family and the chapel but quickly realized it was futile. Not
willing to give up hope he ran towards the village in search The location of the chapel. Which is a 10 min walk south
for help. of town
Bertrand is a pastor and he is beloved by everyone in the
village. He has a small family; a wife called Cheyenna,
Starting the one-shot currently pregnant and two sons Ben and Ser. they tends
This is a one-shot for a party of 4-6 players of level 1. The to the chapel and its graveyard besides helping any
story is grim and somtimes gory, notify your players before villager that is in need the best they can.
hand. This story relies on characters willing to do the right Bertrand is a smart, courageous man. Someone that he is
thing. Your player start in the only inn located in the village surprised to see in this state.
nearby the chapel. They are ppassing through on their travels The innkeeper does not know anything about why the
towards another location. However, the night takes a dark church might be attacked.
turn as a distraught pastor runs into the tap room.


As you move towards the end of the graveyard you hear a
Aproaching the chapel
muffled thumps. Around you the earth of some of the graves
When the adventurers approach the chapel read seem to be moving. From it rise two skeletons, their bones old
and yellow. Another much fresher corpse with its flesh
A small chapel stands solemnly in a field. The bright moonlight
hanging loosely from its body stands up from the earth. With a
makes it look all the more lonely in the darkness of night. The
sickening neck snap it turns its head to you and lets out a
chapel has a second floor with a bell tower atop. Closer to you,
hungry growl.
on the right side of the chapel there is small graveyard fenced
with a low stone wall. Close to the entrance inside the
These undead begin their turn prone. One of the skeletons
graveyard is a tall tree. A soft wind blows past, and you smell
has a dagger, the other has no weapon. This makes their
death. damage dice a d4 and 1 instead. Neither of them wear armor
making their AC 10.
If the players decide to take a closer look describe the If the skeleton escaping the mausoleum has not noticed the
following depending on their passive perception. players yet it does so at this point and gains advantage on
escaping during its turn.
Perception Description
The cellar door is locked and can be opened with a DC 10
thieves tools (Dex) check or forced with a DC 13 STR check.
10 The old and rusty gate connecting the When opened there is a staircase that leads to the basement.
graveyard and the road, moves slowly in the
wind letting out loud creak
The Chapel
13 From within the graveyard, over the stone wall
you hear the scraping of nails on stone and The lich has taken Cheyene, the wife of Pastor Bertrand, and
dirt. After which a short silence, then a hollow laid her on the altar. There the lich killed the divine child and
moan the mother bearing it. The lich left after sating its desire,
15 The wind carries a soft scream. Echoing out leaving a ghoul to feast on the remains. The ghoul now sits
from the church doors. A fleating cry of a perched on the altar eating the remains of Cheyene and the
child. child.
The chapel is not very large. A small altar on an elevated
The stone wall is 5 ft high and can be easily jumped over. platform and a total of six benches fill the room. two small
rooms, one leading to the basement and bell tower are left
The Graveyard and right of the entrance.
When the players enter the chapel, through the main door
A small graveyard is built next to the church. not many graves or otherwise read
are here, as most of them are family graves. As the lich made
his exit from the chapeh he raised a several undead. Three In what normally should be a small, simple and serene chapel
skeletons and one zombie have risen from their graves. If now unfolds a grueling scene. On the right side of the altar a
the adventurers enter the graveyard read the following. grayish feral creature with long limbs and claws is ravaging and
The rust of the gate flakes as you open it and enter the feasting on the legs of a woman. On the left of him, you see
graveyard. To your left an old and gnarly tree stands by itself, the upper body of a woman her face contorted in terror and
beneath it a small bench. Normally used to rest or grieve, now pain.
abnormally vacant. Several graves of different sizes lie left and
right of a small gravel trail. Leading to a cellar entrance and a When the players walk into the chapel through main doors
small mausoleum. The mausoleums stone door has been
the Ghoul notices them and starts to attack them. The upper
body of the woman has been raised as a zombie. However it
opened slightly. From its opening, a skeleton is trying to has half its movement speed and Hit Points as well as a
escape. permanent prone condition.
The woman wears a gold necklace inlaid with a gem worth
The skeleton is stuck in the opening of the mausoleum and is 50 gold points
focused on escaping. It does not react unless the players To the left of the entrance there is a small room, int it
make noise or immediately attack it. after about a min the stands a cabinet containing some supplies for ceremonies in
skeleton manages to get free. If the skeleton notices the the church. As well as bookcase with religious and
players it puts extra effort in trying to escape roll an DC 8 philosophical books. A ladder leads up the second floor and
acrobatics if it passes the skeleton is free, if it fails roll again bell tower.
every few seconds the players wait. This skeleton has a short To the right of the entrance there is a small room
sword and a shield, changing its AC to 15. containing a coat rack and a barrel full of apples. There is
When walking over the gravel trail characters with a also a hatch leading down to the basement
passive perception of 12 or higher hear scratching and
scraping noises from the graves. If players fail to hear these
noises they are suprised by two skeletons and a zombie that
crawl out of the earth.
When they do so read


The Basement The Bell tower
This is the workshop and kitchen of pastor Bertrand. He Normally before certain ceremonies or when the sun rose the
works here on all kind of carpentry jobs for the villagers, He bell would be rung. Currently the youngest boy, Ser, of pastor
mainly builds caskets for those that have deceased. There is Bertrand is hidden here. After hearing the screaming
workbench, a small straw bed, a hearth, various boxes of downstairs and seeing his father run towards town through
materials and piles of wood. When the characters enter the the window he got terrified. He took a club from his father
room read that was on the second floor and then hid himself in the bell
tower, ready to strike anyone coming up the ladder. if a player
A small basement what seems to be functioning as a tries to climb up to the bell tower the boy will make an attack
workshop. In one corner a hearth, its fire crackling away, next while screaming loudly. Ser has -2 to hit and does 1d4-2(1)
to it a bed. Various crates with working material are divided to damage, he rolls with disadvantage. He has the statistics of a
commoner. After the attack he drops the weapon and crawls
two sides of the room. You hear a soft whimpering. As you are
into a corner.
trying to locate where it comes from you see a trail of blood If the player reach into the bell tower read
leading to one of the crates in the corner. Where what seems
to be a detached hand tries to pry open the top of the crate. A large copper bell hangs from the middle of this tiny room.
Through the large open windows you can see the moon shine
The hand is has the stat block of a crawling claw and wont bright in the night sky. In a corner a small kid is pushing his
notice the players until attacked. It is the hand of the oldest back against the wall, his hands and arms in front of his face
son of pastor Bertrand, Ben. When his father fled towards whimpering; "don't hurt me! don't hurt me!".
town he made a futile attempt to rescue his mother, after
which the ghoul cut of its of his hand. He has lost a lot of
blood and is in shock and having hallucinations. When Conclusion
rescued he thinks the players are angels if they act nicely, If the players rescue the two children and bring them safely
demons if they are rude. With a DC 12 medicine (Wis) check outside read
the stump on his arm can be carefully bound and wrapped in
cloth or bandage. A simple healing spell will heal the wound
but not restore the hand. In both methods Ben remains in In the not to far distance they see a familiar figure
shock untill he has finished a long rest. approaching. The children immediately recognize their father
and run closer hugging him. As you approach he looks at you
The Second Floor with a worried look that asks; "did she make it?".
The second floor is a small space where one can stand only
upright in the middle. The room has multiple bedrolls on the If the Players killed his kids he asks where his family is.
floor where the children and wife of the pastor sleep, in the When given the dreadful news he falls to his knees holds and
middle, in front of a window, is a desk. When they climb up to starts crying. Not long after he stands up and asks the players
the second floor read to help him give a proper burial to the deceased. According to
Lathander traditions the dead are burried at sunrise. If they
An already small room is filled with crates and bedrolls. A small agree, the players help working on digging a hole and
preparing a casket for the corpses. At approaching sunlight
desk is cropped up next to the only window. In front of which
the ceromony is started. When the first light of the sun hits
another ladder goes up to the Bell tower. the scene read
The desk contains a journal from pastor Bertrand. Where he "As life brings us light and joy. Death brings pain and sadness.
talks over several entries on how he can sense divine energy Now darkness has passed and new light will shine upon us. It
from his wifes womb. The journal is written in celestial. if one will strengthen us. The light will always resolve" As pastor
of the players can read celestial read Bertrand is preaching the first rays of the morning sun are
hitting his back. The light reflects or refracts of. Bertrand was
17th of Spring; I am sure this time, when i was sleeping next
never an ugly man, but in the morning light he seems pristine.
to her i could feel it. it emanates through and becoming
Then for half a second you see glowing wings grow on his
stronger. my child is blessed. I will need to take special care
back, bright as the morning sunlight. In that moment pastor
for her. teach her all the ways, the proper ways. Hopefully the
Bertrand seems to be Divine. You blink and what you saw
others will accept her. But it doesn't matter, she is coming. All
seems to have disappeared.
we can do now is wait."

With a DC 10 investigation (Int) check, a hidden box If the players ask about his divinity he answers them honestly.
containing a bag of 22 gp, 55 sp, 74 cp and a small jade see introduction text above.
worth 15 gp can be found behind a crate.
The ladder leads up to the bell tower
A plot hook
If you want to build further on one shot you can adapt this Credit
Image page 1 Pollux101 on DeviantArtc
one-shot to a plot hook. Instead of killing the baby the lich Cover art Nikitova Clients
steals it instead, using it for some ritual or because it is a Made Using the The Homebrewery
collector of strange things. It does so by performing a crude Author: Lucas Kuijpers
C-section sacrificing the wife but keeping the child alive, the
lich then dissapears back toward its lair. After the burial
pastor Bertrand will ask what the players are going to do
after this. If they don't say anything special he will ask them
to hunt and gather information on the lich for him. He can
feel that his daughter is still alive. He will stay behind, at least
for now. As he has to mourn for his wife and take care of his
sons. eventualy he can be used as a recurring character.
Becoming a paladin of lathander that seeks justice for his
family and wants to save his daughter.

The Chapel Map

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