STEMFEST X KITS Project Proposal

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Proposal To Organize an Event, “STEM Fest 2024”

STEM Fest 2024 is an event hosted by STEM 4 ALL MAKERSPACE Malaysia. STEM
Fest is a flagship event of Minggu Sains Negara organised under the Ministry of Science,
Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI). Students, educators, industry professionals, and
committee members will gather, aiming to explore, learn, and innovate together. We as KITS
(Kids Inspiring Tomorrow’s Success), a youth-led organisation aiming to provide the youth of all
backgrounds with upskilling opportunities, aim to send 60 youths such as orphans or children
from B40 communities that we have worked with to STEM Fest 2024. Another 90 students from
smaller schools such as private homeschooling centres will be offered a ticket with a 20%
discount, totalling the target to 150 pax. A special science show will be held for all attendees
under KITS.

Our initiative aims to expose underprivileged youths to STEM-related applications and job
opportunities provided by companies and industry professionals. Through this experience, we
hope that a passion for STEM will be ignited among youths, thus reducing the gap of workers in
the STEM field. The experience includes hands-on activities, showcases from companies,
workshops, show-and-tell sessions, and many more.

Multiple fundraisers will be held in collaboration with different organisations to achieve our
goal. The amount raised will be used to purchase tickets for underprivileged youths for STEM
Fest 2024.
Content Index
1. Details
2. Objectives
3. Timeline
4. Procedure + What we intend to do
5. Budget Statement
6. Partners Expectations
7. Involvement of Other Schools
8. Risk Mitigation

1. Details
a. Date: 27th of July 2024
b. Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
c. Venue: Da Men Mall
d. Target demographic: Open to all ages

2. Objectives
● To expose underprivileged youths to STEM-related projects and applications.
● To ignite a passion for STEM in youths.
● To provide opportunity and experience to youths who may not have the same
exposure as others.

3. Timeline
A. Fundraisers
a. 6/6 - Final meeting to confirm collaboration details for STEM Fest 2024
b. 10/6 - Contacting period
c. 17/6 - Planning period
d. 8/7 - 21/7 - Execution period
e. 27/7 - Event Day

4. Procedure
A. Pre-event
a. Fundraisers will be held with collaborators. Current fundraiser ideas
include bake sales, second-hand sales, charity runs, and sports
b. Small schools will be contacted and talks will be held to garner students.
c. Orphanages and B40 communities which KITS have previously and
consistently worked with will be invited and offered a ticket to STEM Fest
B. During event
a. The 60 underprivileged kids arriving at 11 am will be split into 12 groups
of 5, with 12 volunteers from KITS overseeing each group. This is to
ensure guidance and security is provided to each kid.
b. From 11 am until 1 pm, the KITS volunteers will guide each group around
the booths.
c. At 1 pm, all kids will gather for a special science show hosted by
STEM4ALL specially for the attendees under KITS
Note: All students registered under schools will be under the responsibility
of their respective schools unless stated otherwise.

C. Post-event
a. A post-mortem will be held with each collaborator to discuss each
fundraiser held.
b. Feedback forms will be sent to the schools.

5. Financial Statement
a. A total of RM3500 is expected to be raised from the fundraisers. With an
expected range of RM900 - RM1500 to be earned from each fundraiser.
b. You may find the mock distribution of the fundraiser money plan here.
c. Transparent records and detailed receipts will be provided to collaborators as
proof that all funds will be directed towards the initiative.
d. If required, regular updates or reports will be shared with collaborators to ensure
e. In-depth financial statements will be created upon further discussion with
collaborators so that both parties will have an equal say on the funds.
f. Leftover funds will be given to KITS so that more support can be given to our
partner orphanages
6. Partner Expectations
a. Weekly meetings will be held and regular updates provided by both parties.
i. When nearing the execution period, meetings will be held more frequently
(twice a week) and initiated by KITS members
b. The fundraiser held will be a monetary fundraiser.
c. KITS will provide the skeleton of the event according to the collaborator's
preference. However, the fundraiser should preferably be aligned with KITS’
vision and mission.
d. Depending on the type of fundraiser chosen (bake sale, second-hand sale, etc…),
a set amount of manpower is required from collaborators.
e. The execution date of the fundraiser should be within the execution period stated
in the timeline.
f. Proposals of the fundraisers are to be finished before the execution period.

7. Involvement of other schools

a. KITS would like to extend the discounted tickets to smaller schools that do not
gain as much exposure as compared to bigger schools, thus providing them with
an opportunity to gain more experience and exposure to STEM.
b. A target of 15 different schools will be contacted, and we aim to garner 90
students in total from these schools and centres.
c. Schools and centres can choose to sign up independently under KITS, meaning
they will obtain the 20% discount but all transport and responsibility of their
students are under them.
d. Alternatively, schools can choose for their students to be under the care of KITS,
where students will split into groups and are assigned a KITS member who will
guide them throughout the event.
e. The main goal of inviting other schools is to provide the opportunity of
experience to students from smaller schools and to meet the minimum amount of
150 pax.

8. Risk Mitigation
a. Risk: The amount raised is insufficient for 60 underprivileged youths.
Mitigation: More schools will be contacted to ensure a minimum of 150
pax is reached

b. Risk: There are insufficient numbers of students signing up.

Mitigation: If numbers are still low before the execution period, we will begin
contacting tertiary-level students (e.g, universities and college students instead of
just primary and secondary school students)
c. Risk: The number of students exceeds the number of volunteers
Mitigation: Members from the host of the event, STEM4ALL, have agreed to
provide manpower during the event day if needed.

d. Risk: The advanced STEM items shown may be a risk or dangerous to the
younger attendees
Mitigation: Volunteers will be assigned to a group of students to oversee them.
They will also undergo an in-depth briefing the day before the event, and all
safety precautions will be emphasised.

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