PO OG SMS 016 - Procedimento de Manuseio de Substâncias Químicas

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OGX Petróleo e Gás Participações

S.A., Subsidiaries & Affiliates

Issued on: 04/05/12 Version 01
Handling of Chemical Substances


This procedure defines the basic premise of the efficient Handling of Chemical Substances in
facilities in the service of OGX, establishing responsibilities, guidelines and SSO minimum
requirements so as to carry out the activities involving chemical substance.


1 – Objective: 3

2 – Application and Scope: 3

3 – References: 3

4 – Definitions and Acronyms: 3

5 – Responsibilities: 3

6 – Process Development: 4

7 – Suitability for the Business: 9

8 – Annex: 9

The content of this procedure shall be disclosed to all employees

Requests for clarification shall be sent to HR by e-mail and addressed to


Prepared By: Revised by: Approved by:

Alexsander Azevedo Hegel Bernardes Reinaldo Belotti Page 1 de 18
SMS Specialist SSO Manager Production and Dev. Director
OGX Petróleo e Gás Participações
S.A., Subsidiaries & Affiliates
Issued on: 04/05/12 Version 01
Handling of Chemical Substances


Issue Version Date Topics Sumário da alteração
(I / E / A / N)
2012 01 05/04/12 NA N Creation of the procedure


Acronym Description
I Inclusion: New information was added.
E Exclusion: Information excluded from prior version.
A Change or adjustment to information existing in the previous version.
N New: Shows procedure establishment date, corresponding to document 1 version.

Additional Information: (Field for comments or guidance for next revision or specific issues related to procedure subject

Prepared By: Revised by: Approved by:

Alexsander Azevedo Hegel Bernardes Reinaldo Belotti Page 2 de 18
SMS Specialist SSO Manager Production and Dev. Director
OGX Petróleo e Gás Participações
S.A., Controladas e Coligadas
Emissão: 04/05/12 Versão 01
Manuseio de Substâncias Químicas

1 – Objective:
Define the responsibilities, authorities and routines to prevent undue exposure to chemical agents
and incidents during the acquisition, receipt, storage, handling and disposal of chemical products
in the areas of OGX, in addition to establishing the methodology for the identification of chemicals
and chemical hazard communication in the work environment.

2 – Application and Scope:

It is applicable to all sectors or workplaces where the receiving, storage, handling, discard or
exposure to chemicals occurs, whether routinely, casually or only once.
This standard applies, in particular, to any area that handles or stores hazardous chemicals, such
as warehouse and laboratory, among others.

3 – References:
 OGX Risk Management Procedure
 OGX Safety and Signalling Procedure

4 – Definitions and Acronyms:

4.1 – FISPQ: Material safety data sheet for Chemical Products – Data sheet that aims to provide
information about various aspects of chemicals (substances or mixtures) regarding the protection,
safety, health and the environment. Considering those aspects, it provides basic knowledge about
chemicals, recommendations on protective measures and actions in an emergency situation.
4.2 – List of Chemicals: Listing of chemicals identified and used in areas of OGX or facility in their
service. This list shall be available to all professionals who handle chemicals.
4.3 – MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet – Data sheet that also has the same goal of FISPQ, but
may not contain all the obligatory fields as the FISPQ. For this procedure, the nomenclature
FISPQ will be adopted.
4.4 – The places where the physical copies of their respective FISPQs of chemicals used in the
sector will be kept. And folders or boxes are identified and made available close to the places of
the storage of chemicals, easily accessible to employees of the area.

Elaborado por: Revisado por: Aprovado por:

Alexsander Azevedo Hegel Bernardes Reinaldo Belotti Página 3 de 18
Especialista em SMS Gerente de SSO Diretor de Des. e Produção
OGX Petróleo e Gás Participações
S.A., Subsidiaries & Affiliates
Issued on: 04/05/12 Version 01
Handling of Chemical Substances

4.5 – Chemical: Any type of product present in a chemical transformation process as raw
materials, intermediate or final product, or consumable products, such as: lubricants, products
to disinfect, catalysts, reagents, etc., and that are considered toxic, corrosive or flammable and
able to cause damage to people's health.

5 – Responsibilities:
5.1 - SSO General Management: (i) Issue, review, critically analyze and approve security
signaling standards; (ii) Approve and authorize issuing of Safety Signalling Administrative
Standards review.
5.2 - SSO Management: (i) Identify existing chemicals at OGX; (ii) Review the list of chemicals,
available on the network; (iii) Drawing up safety instructions for handling chemicals and provide
copies for sectors upon previous request; (iv) Ensure the availability of FISPQs and provide
copies to the other sectors; (v) Inspect the application of the hazard communication system; (vi)
Promote training activities; (vii) Verify, through safety inspections, the absence of FISPQs in
folders and/or available boxes in the sectors as well as in storage locations; (viii) Schedule,
organize and record training activities.
5.3 - Managers, Heads, Engineers, Supervisors and people in charge of: (i) Supervise and
keep updated the implementation of hazard communication procedures concerning existing
chemicals in the respective sections; (ii) Apply the procedures of hazard communication (labels
and/or boards) in accordance with the established procedure; (iii) Print Chemical FISPQ used
in their sectors, available on the Intranet, and place them in folders and/or available boxes,
close to the location of chemical storage.
5.4 – Emergency Brigade: (i) Promote the signalling in the area affected by chemical in
emergencies; (ii) Promote emergency care according to the instructions established in the
Emergency Action Plan and FISPQs.
5.5 - Supplying Warehouse: (i) Acquire chemicals according to technical specification for
acquisition of chemicals; (ii) Report on the purchase of any new chemical to SSO area at OGX
so that its registration, the necessary hazard communication and the updating of the list of
chemicals are carried out; (iii) Require at the time of purchase of any chemical, the FISPQ in
the Portuguese language, according to the technical specification for acquisition of chemicals;
(iv) request suppliers to permanently update the FISPQs.

6 – Process Development:
Controls to prevent accidents with chemicals should involve:
• Verification of the chemical by qualified personnel before its acquisition, by aiming to
provide all the controls for its use;
• Appropriate receipt of the chemical acquired in order to ensure that it is stored in a
proper way and that it has all the information necessary for its safe handling;

Prepared By: Revised by: Approved by:

Alexsander Azevedo Hegel Bernardes Reinaldo Belotti Page 4 de 18
SMS Specialist SSO Manager Production and Dev. Director
Issued on : Version
Operational Procedure PO.OG.SMS.016 04/05/12 01

• Storage and handling of chemicals by trained personnel, qualified, duly authorized and
protected with suitable protective equipment;
• Use of chemicals according to the safety instructions in force, avoiding the mixing of
incompatible products and contact with non-resistant materials;
• Disposal of chemicals in accordance with current legislation and chemical safety
instructions of the manufacturer;
• Emergency response Procedure covering the chemical and allowing an appropriate care
in the event of spillage or leakage;
• Use suitable facilities for handling chemicals with due safety;
• Adoption of procedures for the acquisition, storage, handling and disposal of chemicals
in a safe way;
• Appropriate Communication of risks involving chemicals for all workers involved.
Hazard communication applied to chemicals shall occur through the following means:
• List of Chemicals;
• Labels;
• Personnel Qualification.

6.1 – Acquisition of Chemicals

Only chemicals coming from approved suppliers shall be purchased and they shall be able to
provide the specified product on the condition that the product is not on the prohibited
chemicals international listings.
The acquisition of chemicals at OGX shall be carried out by the procurement sector, according
to technical specification for acquisition of chemicals. When buying a new chemical the
following procedures shall be observed:
• Provide the FISPQ for the chemical in question in the Portuguese language. In case it
does not exist, a translation shall be requested;
• Send the FISPQ to SSO area for substance evaluation and for the updating of the
After receiving the FISPQ, the SSO area shall update the list of chemicals.
The need for the use of PPE and other protections for the handling of the chemical in question
shall be assessed according to FISPQ information.

6.1.1 Health Control of Users of Chemical Products

All workers who perform activities involving the handling, transport and storage of chemical
products shall be submitted to medical examinations, sufficient to prove physical and mental
fitness for the tasks, according to PCMSO. The medical examination shall focus on the
following crucial aspects:

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• Nervous system (vision, hearing, balance and motor coordination, as well as situational
difficulties, emotional and behavioural changes);
• Cardiovascular system (heart frequency and rhythm and blood pressure);
• Hematopoietic System;
• Liver function;
• Enzyme activity, for example in the application of some pesticides;
• Respiratory (spirometry).
Based on the results of medical examinations, one shall ensure that employees who show
important changes in their health and who can contribute significantly to increased risk of
accidents as well as the worsening of pre-existing organic condition that favours the
occurrence of serious acute toxic effect do not work in activities involving the handling,
transportation and storage of chemicals.
Employees can work in activities involving the handling, transportation and storage of chemicals
if they suffer from health changes that can be controlled, and which do not represent absolute
contraindication for the activity carried out. They shall undergo treatment, participate in control
groups and show that specific health indicators are within normal range at the time of the

6.2 - Communication of hazardous conditions related to chemicals

6.2.1 - Identifying Chemicals
Labels shall be used for the identification of risks of chemicals, according to NBR 7500 and as
illustrated in Annex 1 – Risk Labels, and other official standards in force to deal with specific
The chemicals of occupational interest shall be continuously identified in the risk assessment
for the facility in the service of OGX.
After identification, all chemicals shall be included in the list of chemicals of the facility in service
of OGX, which is available on the network, and that shall be established by site to contemplate
all chemicals used in it.
Chemicals shall be kept with labels in their permanent or temporary packaging that outline the
product name and their hazardous characteristics in the mother tongue.

6.2.2 - Classification of Chemicals according to Danger

The classification adopted for hazardous chemicals based on the type of danger consists of the
following classes, according to NBR 7500:
• Class 1: EXPLOSIVES;
• Class 2: GASES
Subclass 2.1 – Flammable gases;
Subclass 2.2 – Non-flammable gases, non-toxic gases;
Subclass 2.3 – Toxic gases;


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Subclass 4.1 – Flammable solids;
Subclass 4.2 – Substances subject to spontaneous combustion;
Subclass 4.3 – Substances that in contact with water emit flammable gases;
• Class 5: OXIDANTS
Subclass 5.1 – Oxidising substances;
Subclass 5.2 – Organic peroxides;
• Class 6: TOXIC
Subclass 6.1 – Poisonous/toxic substances;
Subclass 6.2 – Infectious substances;
• Class 8: CORROSIVE;

6.2.3 – List of Chemicals – Content
All aggressive chemical substances identified in the risk assessment should be included in the
list of chemicals, where the following data shall be registered:
a) Chemical or generic name;
b) Product Code;
c) MSDS/ FISPQ Number and date of update, when available;
d) Existence of information documents on Safety of Chemicals and means of provision;
e) Local (sections) that use and/or store the substance(s). – Revision
The list of chemicals should be continually reviewed whenever new chemicals are purchased or
no longer used in OGX.

6.2.4 – Labelling of chemicals – Content
Any substance included in the List of Chemicals shall be identified by means of the label,
written in the Portuguese language, containing the following information:
a) Trade, generic or chemical name;
b) Hazard class;
c) International symbol of identification or classification.
Signposting and labelling shall meet the following minimum requirements:

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• Durable in the environment where they will be used (resistant to humidity, corrosive
environment and chemicals) in order to avoid that they become unreadable;
• Standardized in relation to colour, shape, size, type, and being easily identifiable. – Label Affixing

Signposting and labelling shall be affixed to the product packaging or to storage tanks, fixed
plates or movable panels kept in a visible place and next to the product.
Tanks, vessels, reactors, pipes and their connection points shall be marked with the product
name and flow direction when appropriate; – Labelling Standard

It is recommended that the labels have the graphical format as specified in annex 2-Label –
Model, although other standards may be used, provided that it is necessary.

6.2.5 – FIPSQ - Material Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products – Content
For each chemical included in the list of chemicals, a FISPQ shall be provided in the
Portuguese language, containing the following information:
• Product and company identification;
• Composition and information on ingredients;
• Identification of the hazardous products;
• Measures for first aid;
• Fire fighting measures;
• Control measures for spillage or leakage;
• Handling and storage;
• Exposure control and personal protection;
• Physico-chemical properties;
• Stability and reactivity;
• Toxicologial information;
• Ecological information;

• Considerations for treatment and provision;

• Information on transport;

• Regulations;

• Other information.

This is the information that FISPQ shall possess. OGX shall encourage suppliers to adopt
FISPQ so as to improve the type of information on each chemical, according to NBR 14725.

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Material Safety Data sheets for Chemical Products shall be kept updated and available at the
place of use (operation, storage and maintenance) and in the outpatient clinics.
Whenever there is review of the document by the manufacturer an updated safety information
sheet for chemicals shall be provided;

6.2.6 – Operating Instructions for Storage, Handling and Disposal of Chemicals

Storage, handling or disposal of chemicals is only allowed upon the use of operating instruction
indicating the safe way to perform the activities, including applicable collective and individual

6.3 – Industrial facilities for the storage, handling or disposal of chemicals

Facilities for storage, handling and or disposal of chemicals shall be constructed using material
compatible with the chemicals to be handled.
Chemicals shall be stored in an organized manner, stacked in such a way as to ensure their
stability (maximum height and alignment) and properly identified.
Storage of chemicals shall take into consideration other storage nearby, in order to avoid
mixing of incompatible products as well as possible reactions among products.
Chemical product storage shall be avoided in locations with difficult access or in locations
where it is difficult to provide emergency care.
All locations in which there is storage and handling of chemicals shall have eye washing
fountains and emergency shower close enough so that a person suffering eye injury is able to
find the devices just by using touch. Under no circumstances shall these devices be blocked.
Besides the devices mentioned previously, chapels shall be provided in laboratories to exhaust
chemical gases, vapours and fumes.
All locations in which there is storage and handling of chemicals shall be provided with phone or
radio to contact the Emergency Brigade.
An inspection and maintenance plan shall be implemented in order to preserve the integrity and
useful life of the facilities and equipment related to the handling, transport and storage of
chemicals and individual and collective protection equipment.

6.3.1 – Fire Protection Systems

Fire protection systems in storage areas, laboratories, supply warehouse, loading islands,
storage areas for waste, service stations, processing areas shall have a project prepared by a
qualified professional and shall take into account:

• Hydrant system and accessories;

• Fire Extinguishers;
• Automatic sprinklers;
• Detection System;
• Emergency Alarm;

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• Inerting.

6.4 – Qualification of users of chemical products

6.4.1 – Application
Handling, transport and storage of chemicals shall only be performed by capable people,
following the guidelines of the respective material safety data sheets;
All employees who develop activities involving the handling, transportation and storage of
chemicals shall undergo periodic training in the operating instructions in force, for the purpose
of hazard awareness, interpretation skills of the media and preventive measures.
In addition, theoretical and practical courses shall be carried out periodically on:
• Recognition and analysis of the risks associated with these activities;
• Recognition and identification/signaling of chemical products (material safety data sheet
for chemicals, labels, etc.);
• Inspection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and collective protective
equipment (CPE);
• First Aids.

6.4.2 – Staff Hiring

Contracted employees shall receive training before starting the professional activities.

6.5 – Chemical Emergency Response

The emergency care is carried out by trained professionals according to the Emergency Plan
as well as Evacuation Plan established.
In the case of accidents involving chemicals, occurring outside the usual storage location
and/or handling, the area shall be dully marked by means of movable panels that identify
6.5.1 – Identifying Panels
The identifying panels shall be provided by the SSO area in the service of OGX for the use in
case of emergencies.

6.6 – General Provisions

6.6.1 – Industrial Secrecy
Information about substances, mixtures or processes, which are classified as “industrial
secrecy” at the discretion of the COMPANY, will be limited to medical recommendations and
preventive measures required, and may be exempted from other types of hazard

6.7 – Record Control

Contractors shall keep track of the records of all chemical substances present in their facilities.
OGX may request at any time proof of documentation.

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6.8 – Bibliographic References

 NBR 7500 / 2011 – Identificação para o transporte terrestre, manuseio, movimentação e

armazenamento de produtos; (Identification for land transport, movimentation and
storage of products)
 NBR 14725 – 1 / 2009 – Produtos Químicos – Informações sobre Segurança, Saúde e
Meio Ambiente – Terminologia; (Chemicals – Information on Safety, Health and
Environment - Terminology)
 NBR 14725 – 2 / 2009 – Produtos Químicos – Informações sobre Segurança, Saúde e
Meio Ambiente – Sistema de Classificação de Perigo; (Chemicals - Information on
Safety, Health and Environment – Hazard Classification System)
 NBR 14725 – 3 / 2009 – Produtos Químicos – Rotulagem; (Chemicals – Labelling)
 NBR 14725 – 4 / 2009 – Produtos Químicos – Ficha de Informação de Segurança de
Produtos Químicos (FISPQ). (Chemicals - Material Safety Data Sheet for Chemical
Products - FISPQ)

7 – Suitability for the Business:

Not applicable.

8 – Annexes
Annex 1 – Risk Labels
Annex 2 – Label - Model

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Annex 1 – Risk Labels

• Class 1 - Explosives;

• Class 2 - Gases

Subclass 2.1 – Flammable gases;

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Subclass 2.2 – Non-flammable and non-toxic gases

Subclass 2.3 – Toxic gases;

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• Class 3: Flammable Liquids;

Class 4 – Flammable Solid

Subclass 4.1 – Flammable solid;

Subclass 4.2 – substances subject to spontaneous combustion;

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Subclass 4.3 – substances that in contact with water emit flammable gases;

• Class 5 - Oxidants

Subclass 5.1 – Oxidising substances;

Subclass 5.2 – Organic peroxides;

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• Class 6 - Toxic

Subclass 6.1 - Toxic / poisonous substances;

Subclass 6.2 – Infectious substances;

• Class 7 - Radioactive Materials;

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• Class 8 – Corrosive substances

• Class 9 – Diverse Dangerous Substances

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Annex 2 – Label - Model




Risk Phrases (Maximum – 4)

Safety Phrases (Maximum – 4)

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