Final Exams 3rd 2023 ( موقع درس انجليزي)

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‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

.‫هذه االختبارات وجهة نظر خاصة بمستر هشام نصار و لٌست مقتبسة من أي كتاب أو مصدر و هً ال تغنً عن المراجعة الشاملة‬
Experimental Exam (10)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The inspector ordered the worker to pick up his gloves and put------------ .
a) on them b) off them c) them on d) them off Unit 5
2- Mr. Hisham---------to win "the best teacher "award this year.
a) has thought b) is thought c) thinks d) is thinking Unit 8
3- --------his arrival, Mr. Hisham discovered that someone had broken into
his house. Unit 1
a) During b) While c) On d) Just as
4- Mr.Hisham is a football----------- . Unit 7
a) enthusiastic b) enthusiast c) enthusiasm d) enthusiast
5- Never speak--------my behalf. ً‫تراكم‬
a) at b) about c) for d) on
6- Mr. Hisham is ---------------my father. Unit 2
a) almost the same age as b) exactly as old as
c) exactly the same age as d) much more old than
7- ----------are vehicles that travel into space. Unit 3
a) Spaceship b) Spacecraft c) Space vehicle d) Space vessel
8- When I was a young boy, my mother used to tell me a-------about animals
every night, from which I could learn a certain moral. Unit 12
a) fable b) legend c) myth d) mythology
9- I think no one has clear evidence,---------------? ً‫تراكم‬
a) don't I b) don't they c) has he d) do they
10- Egypt has one of the most important water-------in the world which is
The Suez Canal. Unit 10
a) gateways b) get ways c) gets away d) gates
11- I---------you the bad news but I didn't as I knew you would be nervous.
a) must have told c) might have told Unit 4
b) could have told d) couldn't have told
12- You state your -------in the introductory paragraph of your essay.
a) conclusion b) thesis c) opinion d) body Skills
13-" Take it or leave it " means you don’t have any -------choice.
a) alter b) alternative c) alternation d) another Unit 6
14- Throughout his career, Mr. Hisham could------- a large sum of money.
a) rise b) arise c) raise d) arouse Unit 11

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

15- Alexandria is Egypt's second ----------largest city. ً‫ & تراكم‬Unit 2

a) a b) an c) the d) no article
16- Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation? Skills
a) Hisham said "I don't know who is responsible here."
b) Hisham said, "I don't know who is responsible here."
c) Hisham said, "I don't know who is responsible here?"
d) Hisham said " I don t know who is responsible here."
17- ------------I know like cats. Unit 9
a) Most girls b) Most of girls c) Many of girls d) Most of the girls
18- As a wise teacher, Mr. Hisham balance punishment with positive ----- .
a) courage b) courageous ً‫تراكم‬
c) encouragement d) discouragement

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
In memory of my beloved wife
Few life events are as painful as the death of your husband, wife or
partner. You may be uncertain how you will survive this overwhelming loss.
You may even question if you have the energy or desire to try. The following
practical suggestions may help you move toward healing.
Allow Yourself to Grieve. Your partner has died. If you feel confused,
that’s OK; you have lost a part of yourself. You are now faced with the
difficult but important need to mourn. Mourning is the open expression of
your thoughts and feelings. It is an essential part of healing.
Talk Out Your Thoughts and Feelings. Healing starts when you can share
your grief with others. Allow yourself to talk about the death, your feelings
of loss and loneliness and the special things you miss about your partner.
Find a Support System. Reach out to people who care about you and are
willing to walk with you through your grief. Find a support group you might
want to attend. Avoid people who are critical, judgmental or who want to
give advice. You have the right to express your grief, but you also have the
right not to share.
Do Things When the Time Is Right. There are things you must do right
away, but for the most part, don’t make yourself do anything until you are
ready. You can make some decisions now and wait before making other
decisions. Don’t let others make decisions for you.

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

19- The main idea of the passage is--------------------
a) How to forget a dead partner.
b) How to express your mourning.
c) Suggestions to overcome the loss of a dear person.
d) Finding support in our life.
20- The synonym of the underlined word ( overwhelming ) is-----------
a) extreme b) underwhelming c) easy going d) willing
21- The author makes --------suggestions to overcome the loss of a partner.
a) two b) three c) four d) five
22- The author advised us ---------others to make decisions for us.
a) to allow b) to let c) not to permit d) not to let
23- Which expression in the passage that means ( express )
a) do things b) reach out c) talk out d) question if
24- According to the author's view, which of the following is an essential
part of healing?
a) Do Things When the Time Is Right.
b) Find a Support System.
c) Allow Yourself to Grieve.
d) Talk Out Your Thoughts and Feelings.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
A rich man's son was about to graduate from college. For months, the
son was asking his father for a new car, knowing that his father had more
than enough money.
When graduation day came, the young man's father called him into his
office. The father handed him a wrapped gift. Looking disappointed, the son
opened the gift to find a lovely, leather bound journal, with the young man's
name embossed on the cover. He angrily raised his voice, threw down the
journal and stormed out.
The young man had not seen his father since graduation day. He became
successful and was wealthy like his father, with a beautiful home and family.
He came to realize his father was aging and it may be time to put the past
behind them. Just then, he received a message that his father had passed,
and he had to return home to take care of the estate. As the mourning son
09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

regretfully returned home, he began searching through his father's

important papers and saw that still the lovely, leather bound journal, just as
he had left it. He opened it, and as he flipped through the pages a car key
dropped from the back of the journal. A dealer tag was attached to the key
that read "Paid in full. Wherever this car takes you, write about it to
remember it forever. Love, Dad"
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
25- On his graduation day, the father presented his son a / an-------- .
a) diary b) car c) dairy d) a & b
26- The young man didn't see his father---------------------- .
a) after his graduation day.
b) before his graduation day.
c) on his graduation day.
d) until his graduation day.
27- The underlined word " embossed " is close in meaning to ------------.
a) covered b) written c) drawn d) pictured
28- The underlined word " aging " is antonymous to--------------
a) getting older b) getting younger
c) getting wiser d) getting wealthier
29- The moral of the story is----------------.
a) Be ungrateful for what you're given no matter what you expect.
b) Be furious of what you're given no matter what you expect.
c) Be grateful for what you're given no matter what you expect.
d) Be immersed in what you're given no matter what you expect.
30- We infer from the passage that the father was a -----------one.
a) mean b) careless c) caring d) grumpy
Choose the best translation from a, b, c or d:-
‫ و لو لم تكن‬، ‫ بكترٌا و مٌكروبات‬، ‫ ٌتعرض جسمك كل ٌوم للعدٌد من الهجمات من فٌروسات‬-13
.‫حرٌصا و تعزز جهازك المناعً قد تقتلك أحد هذه الهجمات‬
a) Every day, your body exposes to many attacks of viruses, bacteria and
microbes. Unless you're careful and boost your immune system, one of
these attacks may kill you.
b) Every day, your body is exposed to many attacks of viruses, bacteria and
microbes. If you're careful and boost your immune system, one of these
attacks may kill you.

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

c) Every day, your body is exposed to many attacks of viruses, bacteria and
microbes. Unless you're careful and boost your immune system, one of
these attacks may kill you.
d) Every day, your body is exposed to many attacks of viruses, bacteria and
microbes. Unless you're careless and boost your immune system, one of
these attacks may kill you.
‫ ٌخشى بعض الناس أن ٌحل الذكاء االصطناعً محل االنسان فً العدٌد من مجاالت الحٌاة مما‬-13
.‫ٌعرض البشرٌة لخطر الفناء‬
a) Some people afraid that artificial intelligence will replace man in many
fields of life, which will expose humanity to the danger of annihilation.
b) Some people fear that artificial intelligent will replace man in many fields
of life, which will expose humanity to the danger of annihilation.
c) Some people fear that artificial intelligence will replace humans in many
fields of life, that will expose humanity to the danger of annihilation.
d) Some people fear that artificial intelligence will replace man in many
fields of life, which will expose humanity to the danger of annihilation.
33- Teachers must motivate their students by altering their view on difficulties
and challenges which they face throughout their life.
ً‫ ٌجب على المعلمٌن تحفٌز طالبهم من خالل تغٌٌر وجهة نظرهم حول الصعوبات و التحدٌات الت‬-‫أ‬
.‫ٌواجهونها طوال حٌاتهم‬
ً‫ ٌجب على المعلمٌن تعزٌز طالبهم بواسطة تغٌٌر وجهتهم نحو الصعوبات و التحدٌات الت‬- ‫ب‬
.‫ٌواجهونها طوال حٌاتهم‬
ً‫ ٌجب على المعلمٌن تدعٌم طالبهم من خالل تغٌٌر وجهة نظرهم حول الصعوبات و التحدٌات الت‬- ‫ج‬
.‫ٌواجهونها طوال حٌاتهم‬
ً‫ ٌجب على المعلمٌن توعٌة طالبهم بواسطة تغٌٌر وجهة نظرهم حول الصعوبات و التحدٌات الت‬- ‫د‬
.‫ٌواجهونها طوال حٌاتهم‬
34- Man is sociable by nature as they need friends; a family and a society to
interact with, therefore isolation may kill their humanity.
‫ و من ثم قد‬، ‫ أسرة و مجتمع للتفاعل معهم‬، ‫ الرجل اجتماعً بطبٌعته حٌث ٌحتاج الى أصدقاء‬-‫أ‬
.‫تقتل العزلة انسانٌته‬
‫ و من ثم قد‬، ‫ أسرة و مجتمع للتفاعل معهم‬، ‫ االنسان اجتماعً بطبٌعته حٌث ٌحتاج الى أصدقاء‬- ‫ب‬
.‫تقتل العزلة انسانٌته‬
‫ و‬، ‫ أسرة و مجتمع للتفاعل معهم‬، ‫ الرجل اجتماعً بطبٌعته حٌث ٌحتاج الى أصدقاء‬- ‫ج‬
.‫من ثم قد تقتل العزلة انسانٌته‬
‫ و من ثم قد‬، ‫ أسرة و مجتمع للتفاعل معهم‬، ‫ االنسان اجتماعً بطبٌعته حٌث ٌحتاج الى أصدقاء‬- ‫د‬
.‫تقتل العزلة نفسٌته‬

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

35- In" Great Expectations" Compeyson is an evil character.

Are you for or against this fact? Why?
36- In your opinion, was Miss Havisham a victim or a guilty?
Justify your answer.
37- Write an essay of about 200 words on:
- An environmental issue like: # "Global warming"
# "Climate Change"
# "Protecting our planet"
Is it wise to destroy the only place we can live on? Undoubtedly, the
answer is "No". But man is really destroying The Earth. Pollution is the
cancer of our modern age.
Why is pollution dangerous? Pollution is dangerous because it destroys
plants. Pollution is dangerous because it destroys animals. Pollution is
dangerous because it destroys our ecosystem. Pollution is dangerous
because it destroys our planet. Pollution is dangerous because it causes a lot
of diseases. Pollution is dangerous because it destroys our life.
What are the main causes of pollution? Cars cause pollution. Factories
cause pollution. Man's activities cause pollution. Burning rubbish causes
pollution. CO2 causes global warming.
How can we reduce pollution? We can reduce pollution by planting
more trees. We can reduce pollution by conserving trees. We can reduce
pollution by using green energy. We can reduce pollution by recycling our
waste. We mustn't use fossil fuels. We mustn't pollute our resources.
Finally, we can say that pollution is dangerous because it destroys our
life. To solve this serious problem governments should work with individuals
to save our planet.
‫ هذا مجرد نموذج مبسط لمن ال ٌستطٌعون كتابة موضوع مناسب‬: ‫ملحوظة‬

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

.‫هذه االختبارات وجهة نظر خاصة بمستر هشام نصار و لٌست مقتبسة من أي كتاب أو مصدر و هً ال تغنً عن المراجعة الشاملة‬
Experimental Exam (11)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I wish I ----------better before the previous exam. Unit 2
a) studied b) could study c) would study d) had studied
2- By 2025, the new educational system ---------completely. Unit 3
a) will be implemented b) will be implementing
c) will have implemented d) will have been implemented
3- How much----------pair of shoes? ً‫تراكم‬
a) this is b) these are c) are these d) is this
4- If I have a deadline, I always----------work overtime. Unit 4
a) should b) must c) have to d) could
5- Could you tell me where--------------tomorrow? ً‫تراكم‬
a) will you go b) would you go c) you would go d) you will go
6- I regret ---------you that I can't visit you next Friday. Unit 5
a) tell b) telling c) to tell d) to telling
7- You looked absent-minded during the meeting. What---------------about?
a) do you think b) were you thinking Unit 1
c) did you think d) are you thinking
8- Some times challenges are useful as they enable you to -------yourself.
a) invent b) stress c) reinvent d) remake Unit 9
9- Don't put--------your homework to the last minute. Unit 6
a) on b) up c) of d) off
10- After a long day at work, I always feel----------exhausted.
a) very b) so c) quite d) completely Unit 7
11- Sustainable development aims to increase our production and conserve
our natural ----------at the same time.
a) resources b) identity c) sources d) culture Unit 8
12- No one knew where Mr. Hisham was. He---------home. Unit 10
a) may go b) must have gone c) can't have gone d) might have gone
13- The man -------beside you is my teacher. Unit 11
a) sitting b) sits c) who sitting d) that sitting
14- Be humble. Don't -----------so much. Unit 12
a) boast b) boost c) post d) pout

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

15- Which of the following doesn't show cause and result? Skills
a) He came late so his manager scolded him.
b) He had a deadline therefore he had to work over time.
c) He was allowed to attend the meeting despite coming late.
d) He was made to apologize as a result of coming late
16- You restate your main idea in the------------. Skills
a) introduction b) body c) thesis d) conclusion
17- My friends wondered where------------the previous weekend. Unit 12
a) did I go b) had I gone c) I went d) I had gone
18- I -------------for a new job for 6 months now. ً‫ & تراكم‬Unit 7
a) had been looking b) have been looking
c) had looked d) have looked

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
Some will say that cheating in an exam is an art as it takes talent and a
great deal of courage to dare to cheat at exams. What are the consequences
of cheating on an exam? How can you prevent your child from doing so?
Cheating is the act of obtaining advantages or rewards without following
the rules that apply to others. There are many reasons for cheating in
exams. Firstly, the problem is related to the issue of merit and rising
competition. Students have to fight for the best possible grades in order to
get into the most valued courses at university. Cheating in an exam is seen
as an easy solution. Also, When a child is under family pressure and is not
allowed to make mistakes, or there is no room for failure, fraud and
cheating may appear to be the only way to live up to expectations. Finally, a
student may start cheating to join a group of peers or friends who
encourage this malpractice, to try and rebel or to challenge the school
Surely, there are some bad consequences of cheating in exams. If a
student hasn’t managed to revise, wants to cheat and is caught in class, it
can seriously damage his or her results, as well as reputation or even place
at the school. They could get a zero on their assessment, contact home or
even detentions and exclusion from the school. Parents and guardians even
make an agreement with the school before their child starts to never cheat
or be involved in any malpractice, which schools are serious about
throughout their time there.
09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

19- What is the main idea of the passage?
a) The definition of " Cheating " c) The bad results of " Cheating "
b) The causes of " Cheating " d) All mentioned.
20- All the following pairs are synonymous except------------------
a) Consequences / results c) peers / friends
b) fraud / cheating d) courage / encourage
21- The underlined word " malpractice " means a / an ----------behaviour.
a) proper b) bad c) good d) appropriate
22- The author mentioned-----------reasons for " cheating " in exams.
a) Two b) three c) four d) no
23- Find a word in the passage that means " skill " .
a) talent b) assessment c) agreement d) issue
24- All the following are results of " cheating " except………….
a) detentions and exclusion from the school.
b) Students could get a zero on their assessment.
c) family pressure.
d) it can seriously damage his or her results.
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
Leadership looks like many things. It can look like knowledge, triumph,
clear direction, and a “road to success.” At the same time, it can look like
struggle, adversity, defeat, and even complete deterrence. What makes a
great leader is the ability to be resilient, empathetic, and motivated
regardless of the situation.
Oprah Winfrey is an author and television host. Most widely known for
her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah was also once the world’s
only Black billionaire. Oprah’s television show was one of the first to offer
an emotion-centric approach. She hosted guests to hold discussions on
confession culture, self-help ideas, and strategies for overcoming adversity.
Growing up in poverty, Oprah struggled with many financial, domestic,
and abuse situations. Through a support program at her school, Oprah made
her way into a more affluent high school with better opportunities for
education. Following her triumph at a local beauty contest, Oprah took on a
part-time role with a news agency in Nashville where her love for media

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

Over several decades, Oprah worked her way up in radio to a very

successful career. Her compassionate approach and genuine personality
earned her a large fan base who looked to her for self-help and emotion-
centered support in their life challenges.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
25- What do you think the nationality of Oprah is?
a) English b) American c) Canadian d) Australian
26- From the sentence ( Following her triumph at a local beauty contest) we
infer that Oprah was a----------young lady .
a) wise b) wealthy c) pretty d) leader
27- The underlined relative pronoun ( who) refers to Oprah's---------
a) enemies b) relatives c) admirers d) opponents
28- Which of the following has earned Oprah good reputation?
a) Her compassionate approach. c) Her talk show.
b) Her genuine personality. d) All the above.
29- From the passage we can infer that Oprah---------
a) was a poor child. c) had an affluent childhood.
b) is a wealthy lady. d) a & b.
30- "-----------" is a word from the passage that means ( calamity).
a) adversity b) agency c) confession d) poverty
Choose the best translation from a, b, c or d:-
‫ مثل مبادرة " حٌاة كرٌمة " و مبادرة " مائة ملٌون‬، ‫ تهدف المبادرات الرئاسٌة المتنوعة‬-13
. ‫ الى مواجهة التحدٌات االقتصادٌة و االجتماعٌة و الصحٌة و التعلٌمٌة الحالٌة‬، " ‫صحة‬
a) The various presidential initiatives, as the "Decent Life" initiative and the " One
hundred million health " initiative, aim to face the current economic, social,
health and educational challenges.
b) The different president initiatives, like the "Decent Life" initiative and the " A
hundred million health " initiative, aim to face the current economic, social,
health and educational challenges.
c) The various presidential initiatives, such as the "Decent Life" initiative and the
" A hundred million health " initiative, aim to face the current economic, social,
healthy and educational challenges.
d) The different presidential initiatives, such as the "Decent Life" initiative and
the " One hundred million health " initiative, aim to face the current economical,
social, health and educational challenges.

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

ً‫ ال شك أن مبادرة " حٌاة كرٌمة " قد ساهمت فً تطوٌر العدٌد من القرى األكثر احتٌاجا ف‬-13
a) There is no doubt that the "Decent Life" initiative has contributed to the
development of few of the neediest villages in Egypt.
b) There is no doubt that the "Decent Life" initiative has contributed to the
development of many of the neediest villages in Egypt.
c) Undoubtedly, the "Decent Life" initiative has contributed to the development of
many of the neediest cities in Egypt.
d) Undoubtedly, the "Decent Life" initiative has contributed to the development of
many of the most needy villages in Egypt.
33- What makes a great leader is the ability to be resilient, empathetic, and
motivated regardless of the situation.
.‫ عطوفا و متحفزا بغض النظر عن الموقف‬، ‫ ما ٌجعل القائد عظٌما هً القدرة على أن ٌكون قوٌا‬-‫أ‬
.‫ حكٌما و متحفزا بغض النظر عن الموقف‬، ‫ ما ٌجعل القائد عظٌما هً القدرة على أن ٌكون مرنا‬-‫ب‬
‫ عطوفا و متحفزا بغض النظر عن الموقف‬، ‫ ما ٌجعل القائد عظٌما هً القدرة على أن ٌكون مرنا‬-‫ج‬
.‫ عطوفا و محفزا بغض النظر عن الموقف‬، ‫ ما ٌجعل القائد عظٌما هً القدرة على أن ٌكون مرنا‬- ‫د‬
34- Over the ages, god has endowed Egypt with great leaders who have always
been able to protect its identity from all internal and external dangers
‫ على مر العصور وهب هللا مصر قادة عظام و الذٌن تمكنوا من حماٌة هوٌتها من كل المخاطر‬-‫أ‬
.‫المحلٌة و الدولٌة‬
‫ على مر العصور وهب هللا مصر قادة عظام و الذٌن تمكنوا من حماٌة هوٌتها من كل المخاطر‬- ‫ب‬
.‫الحالٌة و الماضٌة‬
‫ على مر العصور وهب هللا مصر قادة عظام و الذٌن تمكنوا من حماٌة هوٌتها من كل المخاطر‬- ‫ج‬
.‫الداخلٌة و الدولٌة‬
‫ على مر العصور وهب هللا مصر قادة عظام و الذٌن تمكنوا من حماٌة هوٌتها من كل المخاطر‬- ‫د‬
.‫الداخلٌة و الخارجٌة‬
35- Arthur and Mrs. Joe have similar qualities.
Do you agree with this idea? Why? Why not?
36- One's family has a great effect on one's life.
Illustrate giving only one example from " Great expectations "
37- Write an essay of about 200 words on:
"The qualities of a successful person"

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

.‫هذه االختبارات وجهة نظر خاصة بمستر هشام نصار و لٌست مقتبسة من أي كتاب أو مصدر و هً ال تغنً عن المراجعة الشاملة‬
Experimental Exam (12)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Don't interfere with other people's personal affairs. Don't be------. Unit 3
a) nosy b) curious c) both a and b d) neither a nor b
2- I never wash my clothes. -----------------------------. Unit 6
a) I always let them washed b) I always allow them washed
c) I always get them washed d) I always make them washed
3- They promised that they ------ us next week. Unit 12
a) will visit b) would visit
c) would have visited d) should have visited
4- Volunteers need to --------some of their time to charitable work. Unit 10
a) devote b) dedicates c) pick up d) combine
5- He is so naïve. He always lets himself----------- .
a) deceive b) deceiving c) be deceived d) be deceiving Unit 8
6- The World Youth ------has launched a lot of initiatives in response to
current international changes and global crises. Unit 5
a) Forum b) Form c) Version d) Position
7- Unless Hisham-------more experience, he wouldn't have a better position.
a) had b) had had c) would have d) has ً‫تراكم‬
8- I think every driver must be able to -------CPR. ً‫تراكم‬
a) make b) do c) perform d) b & c
9- The convict--------he was innocent but he couldn't prove it. Unit 1
a) told b) violated c) ruined d) claimed
10- Nowadays, education is the--------of our government. Unit 4
a) prior b) superior c) superiority d) priority
11- We--------that she knows quite a bit about dentistry as her parents were
dentists. Unit 2
a) resume b) consume c) assume d) subsume
12- Speakers often use signposting language to--------important information.
a) enlighten b) penlight c) light d) highlight Unit 7
13- Help the little boy. He is carrying a heavy glass bottle in -------hand.
a) every b) neither c) all d) each Unit 9
14- In Egypt, there are a lot of --------customs such as scattering salt during a
wedding. Unit 11
a) seat b) deep-seating c) deep-seated d) deep- seat

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

15- Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation? Skills
a) what a beautiful dress! How much does it cost?
b) What a beautiful dress! how much does it cost?
c) What a beautiful dress, How much does it cost?
d) What a beautiful dress! How much does it cost?
16- He revised well-------------he could get high marks. Skills
a) For fear of b) in order to c) in order that d) but
17- Mr. Hisham objects to ----------our homework. Unit 5
a) procrastinate b) procrastinating
c) procrastinated d) procrastination
18- Yesterday, I attended a party-----------I met some of my old friends.
a) which b) at which c) in which d) for which Unit 11

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
World temperatures are rising because of human activity, and climate
change now threatens every aspect of human life. Left unchecked, humans
and nature will experience catastrophic warming, with worsening droughts,
rising sea levels and mass extinction of species.
Climate is the average weather in a place over many years. Climate
change is a shift in those average conditions. The rapid climate change we
are now seeing is caused by emissions produced by humans, mostly from
burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal. When these fossil fuels burn, they
release greenhouse gases - mostly carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases trap
the Sun's heat and cause the planet's temperature to rise. Global
temperatures have risen 1.1 C and are heading towards 1.5 C, according to
the UN's climate scientists. The world faces a huge challenge, but there are
potential solutions.
Countries agree climate change can only be tackled by working
together, and in a landmark agreement in Paris in 2015, they pledged to try
to keep global warming to 1.5 C. In November 2022, Egypt hosted a summit
for world leaders, called COP27, where countries came together to make
new commitments to tackling climate change. Many countries have pledged
to get to "net zero" by 2050. This means reducing greenhouse gas emissions
as much as possible, and balancing out remaining emissions by absorbing an
equivalent amount from the atmosphere. Experts agree that this is still

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

achievable, but requires governments, businesses and individuals to make

substantial changes now.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
19- The main idea of the passage is----------------
a) The problem of pollution. c) COP 27
b) Climate change d) Climate change and efforts to face it.
20- The synonym of the underlined word ( aspect ) is-----------as it is used in
the passage.
a) site b) sight c) feature d) look
21- The tone of the passage is-------------
a) pessimistic b) threatening c) critical d) optimistic
22- The underlined word ( this ) refers to ------------
a) reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible.
b) balancing out remaining emissions.
c) absorbing an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases.
d) All the above.
23- Find two antonymous words in the passage.
a) temperature / climate c) equivalent / achievable.
b) release / trap d) catastrophic / substantial
24- From the passage we can infer that the best way to overcome the
problem of climate change -------------
a) is to make new commitments to tackling climate change.
b) potential solutions.
c) requires governments, businesses and individuals to make substantial
changes now.
d) requires reducing human activity.
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
Nick was a 10- year- old boy. He was the only son to his parents. Nick's
father was a very busy businessman who could not spend time with his son.
He came home after Nick slept, and was off to office before Nick woke up in
the morning. Nick yearned for his father's attention. He wanted to go
outdoors and play with his father just like his friends did.
One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening.
"Dad, it is a big surprise to see you at home," Nick said.
"Yes son, my meeting was cancelled. So I'm at home. But after two hours I
have to catch a flight," his father replied.
09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

Nick was in deep thought for a while. Then he asked, "Dad, how much do
you earn in a year?"
Nick's father was taken aback. He said, "My dear son, it's a very big
amount and you won't be able to understand it."
"Ok dad, are you happy with the amount you earn?"
"Yes my dear. I'm very happy, and in fact I'm planning to launch our new
branch and a new business in a few months. "
"Dad, can you tell me how much you earn in a day or even half a day?"
Nick's father replied, "It will be around $ 25/- per hour."
Nick ran to his room upstairs, and came down with his piggy bank that
contained his savings.
"Dad, I have $50 in my piggy bank. Can you spare two hours for me? I want
to go to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow evening. Can you
please mark this in your schedule?"
Nick's father was speechless!
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
25- We infer from the passage that the greatest gift a parent can give his
child is--------------- .
a) money b) time c) chocolate d) gold
26- The synonymof the underlined word " yearned " ,as used in the text, is---
a) aspired b) inspired c) impressed d) had
27- Nick was a ----------------child.
a) rich and happy b) wealthy and joyous
c) wealthy but brokenhearted d) poor and brokenhearted
28- The message we can get from the story is -------------- .
a) Money is important. b) Money can buy anything.
c) Money can't buy everything. d) Money is most essential.
29- How much does Nick's father earn daily?
a) about $ 25/- per day. b) about $ 600/- per day.
c) about $ 250/- per day. d) about $ 6000/- per day.
30- The closest antonym of the underlined word " spare ", as it is used in the
text, is--------- .
a) save b) give c) waste d) take

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

Choose the best translation from a, b, c or d:-

ً‫ تعمل الدولة حالٌا على تطوٌر منظومة التأمٌن الصح‬، ‫ اٌمانا منها بأهمٌة صحة مواطنٌها‬-13
.‫لتوفٌر خدمة صحٌة الئقة لكل مواطنٌها‬
a) Believing in the importance of the health of her citizens, the state is
current working on developing the health insurance system to provide a
decent health service for all its citizens.
b) Believing in the importance of the health of its citizens, the state is
currently working on developing the healthy insurance system to provide a
decent health service for all its citizens.
c) Believed in the importance of the health of its citizens, the state is
currently working on developing the health insurance system to provide a
decent health service for all its citizens.
d) Believing in the importance of the health of its citizens, the state is
currently working on developing the health insurance system to provide a
decent health service for all its citizens.
‫ فمنحتها أعلى‬،‫ تحاول القٌادة السٌاسٌة المصرٌة جاهدة القضاء على كل صور التحٌز ضد المرأة‬-32
.‫ قاضٌة و محافظة‬، ‫ وزٌرة‬،‫المناصب و لذلك أصبحت المرأة األن سفٌرة‬
a) The Egyptian political leadership is trying hardly to eliminate all forms of
prejudice against women and it granted them the highest positions, so
women have now become ambassadors, ministers, judges and governors.
b) The Egyptian political leadership is trying hard to eliminate all forms of
prejudice against women and it has granted them the highest positions, so
women have now become ambassadors, ministers, referees and governors.
c) The Egyptian political leadership is trying hard to eliminate all forms of
prejudice against women and it has granted them the highest positions, so
women have now become ambassadors, ministers, judges and governors.
d) The Egyptian political leadership is trying hard to eliminate all forms of
prejudice against women and it granted them the highest positions, so
women have now become ambassadors, ministers, judges and governorate.
33- The competition in the labour market has become very challenging, as getting
a job now requires a set of skills, experiences and talents.
‫ حٍث ٌرطهة انحصىل عهى وظٍفح األن مجمىعح مه‬،‫ أصثحد انمساتقح فً سىق انعمم صعثح جذا‬-‫أ‬
.‫ انخثشاخ و انمىاهة‬،‫انمهاساخ‬
‫ حٍث ٌرطهة انحصىل عهى وظٍفح األن مجمىعح مه‬،‫ أصثحد انمىافسح فً سىق انعمم صعثح جذا‬- ‫ب‬
.‫ انخثشاخ و انمىاهة‬،‫انمهاساخ‬
‫ حٍث ٌرطهة انحصىل عهى وظٍفح األن مجمىعح مه‬،‫ أصثحد انمىافسح فً سىق انعمم صعثح جذا‬- ‫ج‬
.‫ انرجاسب و انمىاهة‬،‫انمهاساخ‬
09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬
.‫ لذلك التركيز مطلوب‬،‫امتحان الغد ان شاء هللا سيكون السهل الممتنع و سيلعب على فهمك لكل سؤال و استخدامك لكل ما تعلمته في اللغة االنجليزية‬

‫ حٍث ٌرطهة انحصىل عهى وظٍفح األن مجمىعح مه‬،‫ أصثحد انمىافسح فً سىق انعمال صعثح جذا‬- ‫د‬
.‫ انخثشاخ و انمىاهة‬،‫انمهاساخ‬
34- Your free time is a treasure which if you make good use of it, you can acquire
many scientific and practical skills that enable you to increase your productivity
when you return to work.
‫ وقد فشاغك هى انكىض انزي ارا أحسىد اسرغالنه ذسرطٍع أن ذكرسة انعذٌذ مه انمهاساخ انعهمٍح و‬-‫أ‬
.‫انعمهٍح انرى ذمكىك مه صٌادج اوراجٍرك عىذ انعىدج انى انعمم‬
‫ وقد فشاغك هى انكىض انزي نى أحسىد اسرغالنه ذسرطٍع أن ذكرسة انعذٌذ مه انمهاساخ انعهمٍح‬- ‫ب‬
.‫و انعمهٍح انرى ذمكىك مه صٌادج اوراجك عىذ انعىدج انى انعمم‬
‫ وقد فشاغك هى انكىض انزي ارا أحسىد اسرغالنه ذسرطٍع أن ذكرسة انعذٌذ مه انمهاساخ انعهمٍح‬- ‫ج‬
.‫و انثقافٍح انرى ذمكىك مه صٌادج اوراجٍرك عىذ انعىدج انى انعمم‬
‫ وقد فشاغك هى انكىض انزي نى أسأخ اسرغالنه ذسرطٍع أن ذكرسة انعذٌذ مه انمهاساخ انعهمٍح و‬- ‫د‬
.‫انعمهٍح انرى ذمكىك مه صٌادج اوراجٍرك عىذ انعىدج انى انعمم‬
35- What values do we learn from Joe's character?
36- Do you think Pip's character has changed to the better or the worse?
Justify your answer.
37- Write an essay of about 200 words on:
- Technology: # The pros and cons of modern technology.
# Social media # The use of technology in education.
Do you know what our modern age is called? Our modern age is called the age of
technology. Do you know why? Because we use technology in all fields of our life.
However, modern technology is a double- edged weapon.
What are the advantages of modern technology? Modern technology has a lot of
advantages. Modern technology saves our time. Modern technology saves our effort.
Modern technology has made our life easier. Modern technology has made our life more
comfortable. We use modern technology at schools. We use modern technology in
factories. We use modern technology in banks.
What are the disadvantages of modern technology? Modern technology wastes our
time. Modern technology wastes our money. Modern technology wastes our effort.
Modern technology has made people lazy. Modern technology has bad effects on
Finally, we can say that modern technology is a double-edged weapon because it
has its pros and its cons. We should make use of its pros and avoid its cons.
‫ هذا مجرد نموذج مبسط لمن ال ٌستطٌعون كتابة موضوع مناسب‬: ‫ملحوظة‬

09293471210 ‫ هشام محمد نصار‬/ ‫مستر‬ .‫ بالتوفيق‬............ ‫هذه مجرد اقتراحات لبعض أنواع األسئلة و ال تغنيك عن المراجعة المركزة‬

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