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Totem Pokémon

This document provides detailed information on Photonic Sun and Prismatic Moon’s heavily
modified Totem battles. All of them have new allies, new moves, and in many cases, new stat-
boosting auras. Some of their strategies do rely on a certain degree of surprise, though, so be
warned that reading this document before playing may spoil the battles.
Gumshoos & Raticate

Totem Ally One Totem Ally One

Species Gumshoos Yungoos Species Raticate Rattata

Level 16 13 Level 16 13
Ability Adaptability Stakeout Ability Gluttony Hustle
Item Sitrus Berry Oran Berry Item Chople Berry Oran Berry
Aura Defense +1 N/A Aura Defense +1 N/A
Nature Adamant Timid Nature Adamant Timid
EV Spread 200 HP/100 Atk/ All zero EV Spread 200 HP/100 Atk/ All zero
100 Def/100Sp Def 100 Def/100 SpDef
Move 1 Super Fang Leer Move 1 Super Fang Quick Attack
Move 2 Bite Tackle Move 2 Assurance Tail Whip
Move 3 Tackle Pursuit Move 3 Fury Swipes -
Move 4 Scary Face Super Fang Move 4 Scary Face -

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Araquanid Goldeen Masquerain

Level 28 26 25
Ability Water Bubble Lightning Rod Intimidate
Item Wacan Berry - -
Aura Speed +2 N/A N/A
Nature Quiet Modest Timid
EV Spread 252 Def/252 SpA 252 HP/252 SpA 252 HP/252 Def
Move 1 Bubble Beam Mud Shot Air Cutter
Move 2 Leech Life Water Pulse Icy Wind
Move 3 Giga Drain Rain Dance Bubble Beam
Move 4 Aurora Beam Mud Sport Mist

Totem Ally One

Species Marowak Salazzle

Level 37 35
Ability Cursed Body Corrosion
Item Thick Club Petaya Berry
Aura All stats +1 N/A
Nature Adamant Naive
EV Spread 252 HP/106 All zero
Move 1 Shadow Bone Toxic
Move 2 Fire Punch Venoshock
Move 3 Brick Break Flame Burst
Move 4 Detect Torment

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Lurantis Kecleon Ninetales

Level 44 41 41
Ability Leaf Guard Protean Drought
Item Power Herb Heat Rock Heat Rock
Aura All stats +1 N/A N/A
Nature Naive Adamant Timid
EV Spread 252 HP/152 Atk/ 252 HP/252 Atk 252 HP/252 Spe
100 SpA
Move 1 Solar Blade Sunny Day Flamethrower
Move 2 Weather Ball Rock Slide Psych Up
Move 3 Protect Fire Punch Disable
Move 4 Synthesis Psych Up Will-O-Wisp

Species Nihilego

Level 58
Ability Beast Boost
Item Babiri Berry
Aura SpA +3
Nature Timid
EV Spread 80 HP/ 176 SpA
252 Spe
Move 1 Power Gem
Move 2 Sludge Wave
Move 3 Thunderbolt
Move 4 Psychic

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Togedemaru Rotom Skarmory

Level 59 57 57
Ability Lightning Rod Levitate Sturdy
Item Sitrus Berry Light Clay Rocky Helmet
Aura All stats +2 N/A N/A
Nature Impish Modest Impish
EV Spread 252 HP/252 Def 252 HP/252 SpA 252 HP/252 Def
Move 1 Zing Zap Discharge Stealth Rock
Move 2 Spiky Shield Hydro Pump Drill Peck
Move 3 Iron Head Will-O-Wisp Tailwind
Move 4 Bounce Light Screen Torment

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Mimikyu Jellicent Chandelure

Level 66 65 64
Ability Disguise Cursed Body Flash Fire
Item Lum Berry - Sitrus Berry
Aura All stats +2 N/A N/A
Nature Impish Modest Modest
EV Spread 198 HP/124 Def/ 252 HP/252 SpA 252 HP/252 SpA
104 SpD
Move 1 Shadow Claw Scald Flamethrower
Move 2 Play Rough Ice Beam Will-O-Wisp
Move 3 Drain Punch Spite Clear Smog
Move 4 Bulk Up Night Shade Curse

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Kommo-o Dragonite Metagross

Level 92 91 91
Ability Soundproof Multiscale Clear Body
Item Roseli Berry - Light Clay
Aura All stats +2 N/A N/A
Nature Adamant Jolly Careful
EV Spread 252 HP/100 Atk/ 252 HP/252 Spe 252 HP/252 SpD
152 SpD
Move 1 Drain Punch Wing Attack Meteor Mash
Move 2 Dragon Claw Extreme Speed Pursuit
Move 3 Stone Edge Safeguard Bullet Punch
Move 4 Poison Jab Mist Light Screen
Ultra Necrozma

Totem Ally One

Species Ultra Necrozma Naganadel

Level 100 91
Ability Neuroforce Beast Boost
Item Lum Berry -
Aura All stats +2 N/A
Nature Modest Timid
EV Spread 248 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 SpA/252 Spe
8 SpD
Move 1 Photon Geyser Sludge Bomb
Move 2 Flash Cannon Flamethrower
Move 3 Earth Power Thunderbolt
Move 4 Dragon Pulse Helping Hand

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Ribombee Pelipper Blissey

Level 95 95 93
Ability Shield Dust Drizzle Healer
Item Occa Berry Damp Rock Light Clay
Aura All stats +3 N/A N/A
Nature Bold Modest Bold
EV Spread 252 HP/152 Def/ 252 HP/252 SpA 252 Def/252 SpD
104 SpD
Move 1 Pollen Puff Hurricane Heal Pulse
Move 2 Draining Kiss Scald Light Screen
Move 3 Psychic Roost Helping Hand
Move 4 Quiver Dance Soak Flamethrower
Gumshoos: Rematch

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Gumshoos Noivern Excadrill

Level 100 98 98
Ability Strong Jaw Infiltrator Mold Breaker
Item Chople Berry Focus Sash Scope Lens
Aura All stats +3 N/A N/A
Nature Impish Timid Jolly
EV Spread 252 HP/252 Def 252 HP/252 Spe 252 HP/252 Spe
Move 1 Hyper Fang Tailwind Drill Run
Move 2 Ice Fang Hurricane Iron Head
Move 3 Crunch Screech Rock Slide
Move 4 Protect Super Fang Mud-Slap
Raticate: Rematch

Totem Ally One Ally Two

Species Raticate Noivern Excadrill

Level 100 98 98
Ability Thick Fat Infiltrator Mold Breaker
Item Chople Berry Focus Sash Scope Lens
Aura All stats +3 N/A N/A
Nature Impish Timid Jolly
EV Spread 252 HP/252 Def 252 HP/252 Spe 252 HP/252 Spe
Move 1 Hyper Fang Tailwind Drill Run
Move 2 Assurance Hurricane Iron Head
Move 3 Double Team Screech Rock Slide
Move 4 Protect Super Fang Mud-Slap

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