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Amos, the Prophet of Justice
He was the prophet who began his ministry in response to Yahweh's call. His central
preaching is about Yahweh, the universal God who will judge all nations. He
reminded the people to "Seek good, not evil. Hate evil, love God." He also pointed
out that God will protect those who will remain faithful. He experienced many
difficulties because those were the days when there was great material prosperity,
social injustices, and oppressions.
2 Hosea, the Prophet of God's Love
He was married to Gomer, a harlot (street prostitute). Despite Gomer's
unfaithfulness to Hosea, still, he accepted her with all his loving heart. He was
the prophet who made use of his personal experience in his preaching about God's
unconditional love. He compared Israel to Gomer. Israel became unfaithful to God,
but God lovingly accepted them.
Jeremiah, the Prophet of Hope
He was the prophet who kept on warning the people to repent and turn back to God
though his message fell on deaf ears. He made use of symbols to illustrate his
message. In his prophecy, he brought the message of hope to people. He told the
people that God will give them a New Covenant that will never be broken because it
will no longer be written in tablets but in their hearts. He died as a faithful
servant of God.
What Is the Mission of the Church?
Before Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, He left the missionary order to His
disciples "to go and make disciples of all nations." Clearly, the mission of the
Church is to proclaim and establish among all people the Kingdom of God. This also
means that the mission of the Church to preach is not limited for itself or for its
members but for the whole world. The Church should go beyond the boundaries in
order to preach God's saving message of love. The Church has to seek all those who
have gone astray and lost, and bring them back to God..
"The Church is an evangelizer, but she begins by being evangelized herself."
(Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI) In order for the Church to continue
evangelizing, she must undergo renewal. The Church cannot do it alone. She needs
the help of the members in renewing the spirit of evangelization.
What Is Our Mission as Members of the Church?
As members of the Church, we share in one and the same mission of preaching the
Good News to all. God's unconditional love for us should motivate us to perform
this mission. That extraordinary kind of love that we experience with God is what
we will share with others.

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