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(ATP) sn series | 189 Computer 9th (PBA / Practicals) FF QA 2.3: GETTING STARTED WITH pepe GUNS GETTING STARTED WITH GUI (Graphical User Interface Q.S (Operating System). (i) Identify the basic icons of GUI 0.S. > Graphical User Interface (GUI): ; Graphical User Interface (GUI) - GUI operating: systems use icons and menu: ommands. Because of their ease of use, GUI Operating Systems have become the domi stem used by end-users today. Windows is te most popular GUI OS. is to: carry out jinant operating | * Basic icons of GUI 0.S * 1 Par \ User Files Folder. Documents * é i SS Network OSMAN ANN a Computer 9th (PBA ; Maryam PBA Series (ATP) 120. Ry > in yp i i lication or devi folder, applical IC. The - ‘An icon is a small graphical symbol that represents 3 et nat are kept on the desktop, 'eon fa a ROME Special system icons Such as Recycle Bin and Comput label at the bottom describin its name. ibed below. The basic icons of Windows 7 are shown in Fig, and are described @Recycle Bin (b)Computer icon a bie (0 Shorteut ‘icons @)File icon (e)Program icon Recycle Bin: It is a temporary place (folder) for tems that the (a) pon series (ATP) 191 ’ ; : 0 Computer 9th (PBA / Practicals) icon resembl ‘ Folder icon resembles a physical file folder. It is used to store files. A folder can have another hich is known as sub inside it w! nas subfolder. Folders are it i ni ingvice such a8 hard disk so that they can be jae weed « keep files in an organized manner on a ‘ 3 : (Fa GUI, files are also represented by i Hee by icons. A file m: it ji¢ or video. Users aes ae BY its icon. Icon of a Microsoft Word file is Sera ‘Oo So (e) Executable program files are also rej ic i i : a presented by icons. Different graphical symbols are used for erent program icons, Program icon of Acrobat Reader is shown in Fig. haces ( i Shortcut icons are created to access a pr i ba \ ‘ogram, file or folder quickly. They have-an arrow at the jatom left comer and the name below it. Shortcut icon of Google Chrome is shown in Fig (0. agecete Se SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Identifying the basic icons of GUI 0.S” > Theory: ‘ . ‘s Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System provides a visual way for users 16 interact with their computer, Ina GUI OS, icons are graphical representations of various functions, files, or applications that make it easy for users to navigate the system: > Procedure: 1 Boot th 3 é Start your computer and log in to the GUI OS, such as Windows, macOS, or a Linux distribution with a GUI. 2. Desktop Icons: ‘On the desktop, you will typically find several basic icons, including the following: ° is PC: Represents your computer and file explorer. © —- Recycle Bin/ Trash: Used for deleted files. ©. Internet Browser: ‘An icon for accessing the web. © Documents: ‘A shortcut to your documents or home directory. 3. Start Menu / Dock: Peaee start menu (Windows) or dock (macOS), youl find icons for frequently used applications, such as web browsers, email clients, and more. se the file explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS) to access and organize fles and folders. 5. Application Icons: : You will see icons for various applications installed on your system. These can include word processors, image editors, games, and more. > — Observations: : Observe the desktop, start menu / dock, and any open windows to identify and become familiar with the icons present. Note their appearance and the actions they perform. > — Results: The results will be your understanding of the basic icons in the GUI OS and your ability to interact witHi them effectively for tasks such as launching applications, accessing files, and managing the computer. . e lowing quest! : > — Write short answers of the follo go they enhance user experiencyy jo they to interact with th: ;, and how G0, for users they Q4. Whatis the purpose of icons in a Oe fons, making it easie it Ans: Icons provide visual shortcuts to variou: egal 1c” icon on the des; computer and access applications, files, ae my computer | This P top, Q2. Can you explain the significance of the oer denon and what functions does it serve? cents the computer and file EXPIOFS, 8 f0 Ans: The "My Computer / This PC” icon repres manage files. t navigate the file system, access storage devioes, and d what is its purpose in oe Q3. How can you access the Recycle Bin / Tras! Jeleted files temporarily. Users ICCESS it fp Ans: The Recycle Bin / Trash icon is used to store del : . recover files that have been deleted accidentally. nthe desktop, and how does it facilitate Q4. What is the role of the Internet Browser icon o1 web access? wsers, allowing users to open ang Anst The Internet Browser icon provides quick access to web bro\ explore websites and online content. in users Customize QS. _ Explain how application icons in a GUI OS function, and how ca or organize them? ications by clicki Ans: Application icons represent installed software. Users can ne rie auainn, rename icons. They can also customize the desktop and start menu/do ¥ a a rearranging icons. : ; Q6. What is the primary difference between the Windows and macOS desktop layout in terms of icons and navigation? : - Ans: The desktop layout and the appearance of icons differ between Windows and macOS. Windows typically has a taskbar and a “My Computer’ icon, while macOS has a dock with frequently used application icons. : Q7. How can users search for files or applications in a GUI OS when they have many icons on the desktop or in the start menu / dock? ‘Ansi Users can use the search function in the start menu (Windows), spotlight search (macOS), or a ‘search bar in the file explorer to quickly find files and applications. Q8. What is the Start menu? Ans: The Start menu in Windows provides access to Programs, settings, and features, serving as.a central hub for navigation. Q9. What is the mouse pointer? : Ans: The mouse pointer is an on-screen graphical symbol controlled by the mouse, indicating the current position on the display. : What does mouse action point mean? Mouse action point refers to placing the cursor or pointer on a What does mouse action dick mean? Mouse action click involves pressing and releasing the mousse button once Q12. What does moose action double-click mean? Ans: Mouse action double-click involves quickly pressing and releasing ti Q13. What is Internet Explorer? 3 the mouse button twice. Ans: Internet Explorer is a web browser developed by Microsoft for brow Q14, What is a desktop shortcut? Sing the internet, ‘Ans: A desktop shortcut is an icon on the desktop that provides quick access to i or folder. 9 Speci Q15. What is a font? eas Ans: “A fontis a set of characters with a specific style, size, and appearance, used for text display. Specific location on the screen. fic program, file, ik 195, Computer 9th (PBA/ Practicals) re del pat are mputing refer to storage w msi comp! a ge devices, such as hard drives or ‘SSDs, where data is stored. ort are folders? _ wt anizational cont i pe ie? lainers used to store and manage files on a computer. | 2 rate unit of data on a coi : ig auni na computer that stores informali sft fle extension? ion, such as text, Images, or programs isa suffix ina file i jg extension is @ Su name indicating the format or th iat is Windows Explorer? 9 pipe of the te rindows Explorer is a file management tool in Windows for browsing and managing files and je. iat isa window? , window in computing is a graphical interface element that displays the contents of an application rile What are scrollbars? seollbars are graphical elements in a window that allow users fo scroll. through content that sxceeds the visible area. What is a menu? : 5 menu in computing is a list of options. or commands presented to the user, typically. accessed rough the menu bar, What is a dialog box? 4 dialog box is a pop-up window that prompts the user esponse to a specific action. What is Control Panel? The Control Panel is a system utility in Windows that allows users oreferences. for input or provides information in to configure system settings and i Computer 9th (Pay Lp, Maryam PBA Series (ATP) 194 ty / folder: ' > ry ‘S). a les (ii) __ Manage data (Fil ; irectories: Creating and Renaming of Files and Dires can be managed by the 1g a representation of a foeeee of the resources, they have nap (hy, A file object provides , Output) system. Like other objects, they enable seine synchronization. The 0 (Input g's are protected by object-based security, and they Supp 2. A directory is a hierarchica) «Up System also enables reading from or writing to the vesiper of files that can be containea ina Of directories and files. The only constraint on the La is located. Bing directory is the physical size ofthe disk on which the di Creating new files or folders: Follow these steps to create new folders: want to Open Windows Explores navigate to the drive or folder in which you Teate you, % folder. 5 W. ight click anywhere in the white space and hover the mouse over nel Click on folder from the sub-menu that appears. : F You ‘wil then be prompted to name the folder, simply type in the name and then Press ey (return) key, : The same procedure may be followed for creating files. Renaming Files and fold FSi Follow these steps to'rename files and folders: Right click on the folder or file which you want to rename. Then click on the sub-menu Rename. Filename gets highlighted. Write the name ofthe file or folder you want and press Enter. SSS SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Managing data” Files / folders Mata (Files / folders) Theory: Managing data, which includes files and folders, is a fundamental aspect of using a Graphical Us Interface (GUI) Operating System. It involves organizing, creating, moving, copying, renaming, deleting files and folders, Procedure: File Explorer / Finder: (Pen the file explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS) b click ing th keyboard shortcut e.9,, Windows key roc Windows) OF the respective icon or usta reate a Folder: In the file explorer, navigate to the location where you want ‘to creat Right-click in the window, select *New’, and then choose “Folder” Give the folder a name and press Enter. Create a File: In the same location or within a folder, right-click and choose provide it with a name. Select the file or folder you want to move or Copy by clicking on it, Right-click and select “Cut” (for moving) or "Copy’ Navigate to the destination folder. Right-click and select “Paste” © a New folder. "New" to create a new fie, tt \TP) pases ATP) 195, Computer 9th (PBA / Practicals) game Files and Folders: file or folder and choose "| ” click the ose "Rename’. Type th Ei ras Sat ype the new name and press Enter. g 2 act the file or folder. Stoss ne Delete Key or right-click and choose ‘Delete’ rvations: pservations involve creating folders and files,’ moving or copying them to different locations, renaming files and folders, and deleting items to organize data ofectvely sults: The resulls will be a well-organized file system with created folders and files, some of which may have been moved, copied, renamed, or deleted. RELEVENT SHORT VIVA QUESTIONS Write short answers of the following question: |. What is the significance of file and folder management in.a GUI OS, and why is it essential for users? s: File and folder management is crucial for organizing data, ensuring easy access to files, and maintaining a clean and efficient storage system. . Explain the process of creating a new folder in a GUI OS. What are the steps to follow? St Torcreate a new folder, right-click inthe file explorer, select "New," and choose "Folder." Give the folder a name and press Enter. How can users create a new file in a GUI OS, and what are the types of files that can be created? 1s: Users can create a new file by right-clicking inthe fle explorer, selecting "New," and choosing a file type. Common file types include text documents, spreadsheets, and image files. What is the difference between moving and copying files and folders, and when would you use each option? 'si_ Moving a file or folder removes it from the original location, while copying’creates a duplicate in the new location. Moving is used when you want to relocate a file, while copying is used when you want to keep a copy in both places. ‘ s. How can you rename a file or folder, and why might users want to change file or folder names? a ns: To rename a file or folder, right-click, choose "Rename," and type the new name. Users may want to rename items to make them more descriptive or organized. 6. Explain the process of deleting a file or folder in a GUI OS. Can deleted items be recovered? ns: To delete a file or folder, select it and press the Delete key or right-click and choose "Delete." Deleted items are moved to the Recycle Bin/Trash and can usually be recovered before permanent jcletion. 7. What are some advanced features of file management in a GUI OS, such as searching for files, compressing files, and setting permissions? MMs: Advanced features may include search options, file compression, and setting access permissions on files and folders. e Explain cut command in Windows. : The cut command in Windows (Ctrl + X) removes the selected content and places it in the , clipboard, ready to be pasted elsewhere. hee Explain copy command in Windows. The copy command in Windows (Ctrl + C) duplicates the selected content and places a copy in the Clipboard, preserving the original. so ee Compute 9 (PBA Pry , Maryam PBA Series (ATP 196 210. Explain paste command in Window. An: content from the clipboard at the Curren {Ue Paste command in Windows (Ctrl * V) places the Cursor location, - i Ql. Whatis Paint program? bles users to create and edit images Using tool Ans: A paint program is graphics software that enal Ike brushes, colors, and shapes Q12. What is drag-and-drop? Ans: Orag-and-drop 'S @ user interface action where an ae wyobbed to perform a specific action or tranefer content ; Whatis the advantage of Log Off? - ding security by preventing unauthorizeg ANS: Logging off in Windows closes the user session, providing Whossf0 the user's open applications and data, Incense Q14. What is the difference between Standby and Hibernat tialy active, while Hibernate o Ans: Standby is a Power-saving mode that keeps the computer pai — etergy: the current state to disk and completely powers off, conserving my Q45. What is the shortcut key for shutting down the computer’ ee "a the a Ans: The shortcut key for shutting down the computer in Windows is “Alt + F4” when the lesktop is active. Q16. Describe Window Operating system, Ans: Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft, known for its graphical user interface ang Widespread use on personal ‘computers. Q17. What is desktop? Ans: The desktop in computing is the is selected, dragged t0 @ New location, a, Faphical representation of the workspace, displaying icons, shortcuts, and background ‘wallpaper. Q18. What are Icons? Ans: Icons are small graphical rey Gesktop that displays open Programs, the Start menu, and Bystem notifications, facilitating navigation, 220. Whatis a notification arent Ans: The notification area, i y, displays. icons representing background Processes and provides access tg system notifications,

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