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Engineering report:

Engineered Products – The Oven

Yr 11 Engineering Studies

Name: William Fu


In this report we have discussed information and questions about the kitchen oven. We focused on a
brief history of the oven and two singular components, how they are produced and the chosen
materials. We discussed the engineering properties that make the chosen materials of the components
suitable for the purposes of the oven. This report also included a discussion on the advancements in
technology that have influenced the way that ovens would have been produced. Furthermore, the
report explained and discussed the social, environmental, and cultural implications of the use and
production of the oven. Lastly, this report included a Harvard style reference list.

Table of contents

Content Page No.

Title page 1

Abstract 2

Table of contents 2

Introduction 3

A Brief History 3-4

Analysis of component production and materials 5-7

Advancements in technology 8

Implications of the product –Cultural, Social, Environmental 9 - 10

References and Acknowledgements


In this report we have been tasked with the research of a common household appliance. We will
therefore discuss information and answer questions about the chosen appliance; the kitchen oven. This
report will include a brief history of the oven and will focus on two singular components, how they
are produced and the chosen materials. We will also discuss the engineering properties that make the
chosen materials of the components suitable for the purposes of the oven. This report will include a
discussion on the advancements in technology that have influenced the way that ovens would have
been produced. Furthermore, the report will explain and discuss the social, environmental, and
cultural implications of the use and production of the oven. Lastly, the report will include a Harvard
style reference list.

Brief history
- The first home “Kitchen” ovens

Figure 1: Mud oven uncovered at the

Kalibangan site in the Indus Valley

The first “Home” ovens appeared in the cultures and civilisations that appeared in the Indus valley
around 3200 BC. These ovens used primitive woodfires underneath a mud/clay molded to heat the
surface and interior of the oven. Obviously, some 4000 years ago, there was no considerations for the
oven material’s thermal properties that would allow for an efficient transfer of heat energy, but the
primitive ovens in peoples mud huts served the same basic purpose as kitchen ovens do now.

- The 18th century: The first iron ovens/stoves

In the early 1700’s although the ceramic or brick-based wood-burning

oven was still in use, the start of the industrial revolution in England saw
the exponential growth of more advanced metalworking techniques.
Production of ovens and stoves during this time would have used
processes such as open mould casting which was a process that was
beginning to be industrialised at the time. The final assembly would have
still been performed by hand. The use of iron was the main step forward
for the product during this time. The increased thermal conductivity of
iron means that more heat could be transferred from the heat source
(Coal/fire) to the oven itself resulting in higher temperatures that the
oven could reach and the quickening of the heating process. Figure 2: An early example
of a cast metal oven (Iron)

- Gas stove/ovens of the 19th century
During the later parts of the 19th century, gas stoves started to become more common in middle class
households. Fundamentally, gas stoves and ovens did not really differ from the cast iron predecessors
in the 18th century. The materials were still generally kept the same to preserve the good thermal
properties that cast iron possesses.

- The Microwave oven

In 1946, Percy Spencer created the modern microwave oven. By using magnetrons and running a
current through them, the food that was placed inside would be hit with high-frequency microwaves,
causing vibration and therefore thermal energy. Materials during this time also changed, while the
exterior evolved to be made of stainless steel, a material that is durable and strong, the interior
material that is exposed to heating was changed to aluminum. The choice for aluminum was because
it is lightweight, cheap and has properties of thermal insulation where the microwaves emitted are
reflected off of aluminum’s surface to allow for an even distribution of heat to the food/item, making
it better than cast iron.

Figure 3: The Amana Radarange, introduced in 1967 it was the first

compact microwave for home use. The materials listed above can be
clearly seen in the design of this early home use microwave.

- Modern electrical ovens

Modern day electrical ovens are made from a wide
selection of materials to gain full advantage of the
properties of these different materials. Electrical ovens
are now heated by a heating element within the oven that
is usually a wire made of a metallic alloy with electrical
energy passed through it to generate heat. The interiors of
modern ovens are now generally made of a porcelain-
enamel coating on stainless steel which has very good Figure 4: An electrical oven with visible
heat resistance and thermal shock resistance, able to heat heating element (Wire on the roof)
and cool repeatedly succumbing to thermal fatigue.

Therefore, we can see the evolution of the oven across its existence and the materials that have
improved as we learned more about the properties of materials and put these to good use.

Analysis of components – Production and Materials
Heating element Oven interior

Figure 5: A labelled diagram of the heating Figure 6: An image showing the

element of the heating element in an oven porcelain enamel coating on the
and how it is assembled in the oven. interior of an electrical oven.
Materials In the heating element of modern electric In the oven, the coating of the
and ovens the material that the heating element interior must be made of a material
properties is made of must be able to withstand high that is able to withstand high
temperatures and the thermal shock of temperatures while also being
heating and cooling repetitively. resistant to corrosion.

One of the most common alloys used for One of the most common materials
this application is Fe-Cr-Al (Kanthal), a used for the interior of an electrical
metallic resistance alloy used in oven would be a porcelain enamel
commercial heating. coated stainless steel.

Figure 7: A diagram showing the Figure 8: A diagram showing the

substitutional BCC structure of Fe-Cr-Al. layers and structure of porcelain
Green: Cr, Black: Fe, Red: Al enamel coated steel.

Positives of Fe-Cr-Al alloys in Positives of Porcelain enamel
application: coated steel in application:

1. Oxidation resistance: When raised to 1. Durability: Porcelain enamel

high temperatures in contact with air, coated steel is highly durable
the alloy will react and oxidise with the and resistant to scratches,
air to form a protective layer of stains, and corrosion, due to
chromium oxide around the alloy its enamel coating and
protecting it from further oxidation. metallic base.

2. High electrical resistivity: The high 2. Chemical resistance:

electrical resistivity of the alloy (1.39 Porcelain enamel coatings are
Ω mm2/m), allows it to generate high also resistant to acidic
amounts of heat in a shorter time when solutions, alkali solutions and
a current is passed through. other chemicals because of the
chemical composition of the
3. Low coefficient of thermal material.
expansion: In the operating
temperatures of 20-700 degrees 3. Heat resistance: Porcelain
Celsius, the alloy has a low coefficient enamel can withstand high
of thermal expansion making it temperatures without warping,
suitable for appliance use where it is discoloration, or degradation.
fixed in place.

Negatives of Fe-Cr-Al alloys in Negatives of Porcelain enamel

application: coated steel in application:

1. Low Ductility: Fe-Cr-Al alloys have 1. Brittle coating: While

limited ductility at lower temperatures porcelain enamel coated steel
which therefore requires heat treating is durable, the brittle coating
before shaping, driving up costs. can chip or crack if subjected
to impact.

2. Brittleness: The alloy is also brittle at

2. Cost: Porcelain enamel
room temperatures, making it
coated steel appliances may
susceptible to mechanical failure
be more expensive than
through physical stress.
alternatives because of their
complex manufacturing
3. Welding difficulties: Fe-Cr-Al alloys process.
have a tendency to form hard and
brittle intermetallic phases at the weld
3. Weight: Porcelain enamel
interface. Therefore, more specialised
coated steel components may
methods of welding must be used to
be heavier than alternatives,
ensure weld quality; drives up
which can pose challenges
manufacturing cost.
and inconveniences during
repair and/or installation.

Construction Making Fe-Cr-Al alloys: Making Porcelain enamel coated
Process steel:
Fe-Cr-Al alloys are industrially produced
through 2 common methods. Vacuum Porcelain enamel coated steel is usually
made in two steps. The first is to
induction melting and powder metallurgy.
prepare the steel to accept the coating
Both methods reliably create high amounts and the second step would be to apply
of the alloy relatively quickly. the outer coating.

Vacuum induction melting

Vacuum induction melting works by using Preparing the steel core

induction coils to form eddy currents which
then heat the metals in the crucible. This is The type of steel that is typically used is
all accomplished within a vacuum chamber low-carbon steel or mild steel. Steels
with a smooth surface are commonly
to basically eliminate the possibilities of
used for enamelling. One of the most
oxidation during the alloying process. The common grades of steel used in
molten alloy is then poured into a mould porcelain enamel coating is ASTM
and allowed to cool. A424. The steel is chemically treated
and heated in preparation for the
coating process.

Coating process

The steel is first cleaned and treated to

ensure proper bonding with the coating.
A layer of enamel is then applied to the
steel surface. The steel is subjected to
Figure 9: Diagram showing the how a high temperatures in a kiln or furnace,
vacuum induction melting setup works. where the enamel fuses with the steel,
forming a coating. Once cooled, the
Powder metallurgy porcelain-enameled steel sheet can be
machined according to the desired
Powder metallurgy works by mixing
powders of each component metal then
compressing and heating the mixed powder
in a die. This process is called sintering,
which forms a full alloy of the component
metals. The shape of the die therefore
determines the shape of the product which
can then be machined to desired shape.

Figure 11: A diagram showing the

Figure 10: A diagram showing the steps taken to make a porcelain enamel
common steps of powder metallurgy. coated steel product.

Advancements in technology - Production

As outlined in the brief history of the oven above, not only the structure, mechanisms and materials of
the oven have changed over the long period of time that it has existed for, but the actual process of
production has changed over the years because of the advancements in technology in engineering
fields such as software engineering, metallurgical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

- How it would have been made

Let’s look at an example of an early oven from the 1930’s. Most commonly, the oven would have
been made on an assembly line in a factory. This assembly line would receive the materials required
to assemble the oven from an outer source but would then have to rely on manual labour to actually
shape and assemble these components into the final products. With some early automated machinery
present, the majority of the work was still focused on skilled manual labour with mechanical tools
which reduced the number of ovens that any one factory could make.

Figure 12: An example of an industrial factory line in the 1930’s

each worker would have helped to assemble the final product.

- Advancements in technology (Engineering fields)

With the modern world comes technological innovations that completely change how ovens are made.
Developments in the engineering fields mentioned above (Software, Metallurgical, Mechanical), the process of
production on a common household electric oven has changed dramatically since a century ago.

Firstly, improvements in mechanical engineering have allowed modern factories to almost fully autonomise
with minimal human contact needed. Mechanical systems such as robotic arms and autonomous assembly lines
are now used in almost all industrial applications to drive down costs and cut the amount of human interaction
required. Improvements on mechanical and robotic systems have allowed for this to happen which improves the
accuracy of the manufacturing process and therefore changes (For the better) the production process of the oven.

Secondly, improvements in software engineering also plays its part in allowing for production to be automated
by writing and designing instructions for mechanical systems to follow. This new modern form of production
allows for the assembly line to be fixed and adjusted without physical contact with the actual machinery.
Therefore, advancements in software engineering have allowed the oven’s production process to improve.

Finally, the improvements in materials and metallurgical engineering have allowed the production of the
oven to switch from less suitable materials such as cast iron to the complex and suited alloys mentioned earlier.
These new materials have therefore changed the development of the oven and how it is and can be made.
Therefore, advancements in the technologies of all 3 of these engineering fields have played a vital role in
changing and improving the production process and development of the modern electrical oven to produce a
better product.

Implications of the Oven - Use and production
Social Implication
Causes: The use and production of the electrical oven has had profound impacts on society. Where
people may not have had the choice or freedom to make diverse culinary products before the
existence of the modern electrical oven, now essentially all households have the choice to use the
oven in their homes as they please. Also, the use, production and commercial sale of electric ovens
also fuels the industry and provides drive to produce better products, materials, and production
methods to improve the electrical oven, providing jobs for material, metallurgical, mechanical,
chemical and many other types of engineers.

Effects: Therefore, the effect of the use of electrical oven will result in several societal impacts and
implications. Firstly, the opportunity given by the electrical oven to the general population to create
their own diverse dishes will result in a small, but nonetheless noticeable, decline in the food and
beverages industry due to the choice of some in the population to create it themselves. However, as
mentioned in the causes, the use and production of the generates a considerable amount of jobs and
opportunities for society, boosting the economy, GDP per capita and lifestyle of those who are
effected by the jobs provided by the appliance industry.

Figure 13: A graph showing the growth and predicted growth of the household
appliance market the U.S. Ovens and similar take an estimated $20 billion cut
of the $55.3 billion USD total.
Environmental implication

Causes: Electric ovens require electricity to operate, which is often generated from non-renewable
sources such as coal, natural gas, or nuclear power. As mentioned before, the production of electric
ovens requires the extraction and processing of raw materials such as metals: Iron, Chromium,
aluminium, gold (Circuit boards) and minerals such as silica and carbon for components and
construction. Electric ovens also have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced or upgraded
over time, resulting in the disposal of old appliances.

Effects: The use of non-renewable fuels to generate electricity releases greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and air
pollution. Additionally, the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels can cause habitat
destruction and ecosystem degradation. Mining and processing of these raw materials can also lead
to habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity at a much higher rate
than just releasing greenhouse gases. Improper disposal of electric ovens can lead to landfilling or
incineration, contributing to and accumulation of harmful waste and emissions of harmful

Figure 14: A graph showing the growth and predicted growth of the
amount of electronic waste generated in million metric tons.

Cultural implication

Causes: Electric ovens are now so commonly used in households worldwide; it transcends geographic and
cultural boundaries. Electric ovens also enable individuals to cook meals at home by themselves using fresh
ingredients, promoting healthier eating habits. Finally, electric ovens offer convenience, precision, and
versatility in cooking, allowing individuals to prepare a wide range of dishes with ease.

Effects: The widespread use of electric ovens allows for a cultural exchange and diversification of culture
and food. People can easily access and share recipes, cooking tips, and culinary traditions from different
cultures through online platforms. This exchange enriches diversity and creates appreciation for different
cultures, promoting understanding and acceptance. The availability of the electric oven as a convenient tool
for personal cooking has also promoted a new culture centred around personal health and eating habits.
Finally, the accessibility of electric ovens has facilitated home cooking, promoting family meals and social
gatherings centred around food promoting a family focused personal culture as well.

Figure 15: A graph showing the preference of international

cultural cuisines in Australia.


Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 4

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Figure 9

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Figure 10

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Figure 11

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Figure 12

Working at Ford’s factory (no date) PBS. Available at: (Accessed:
19 March 2024).

Figure 13

U.S. household appliances market size, share report, 2030 (no date) U.S. Household
Appliances Market Size, Share Report, 2030. Available at:
(Accessed: 19 March 2024).

Figure 14

Published by Ian Tiseo and 9, J. (2024) Global e-waste Generation Outlook 2030, Statista.
Available at:
globally-forecast/ (Accessed: 19 March 2024).

Figure 15

Published by Statista Research Department and 3, J. (2023) Australia - Preferred

International Food Cuisines 2018, Statista. Available at:
preferences-australia/ (Accessed: 19 March 2024).

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Oliver Dean (student) - Read over report and gave feedback.

Justin Yan (student) - Informed me on the cultural impacts of the oven.

Anson Wang (student) - Provided advice and inspiration for the layout of the report.

Brian Lee (Student) - Read over report; gave feedback and grammatical corrections.

Haochen Niu (Student) - Read over report and gave feedback.

Mr Sadie (Teacher) - Gave advice on the format of the report and the content that
should be included in the report.

Mr Hall (Teacher) – Helped me with the information on the chemical and physical
properties of the materials in this report.


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