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.m PBA Serles (ATP) ——$ SSS can ra 2 : ; —22_32: SPREADSHEET Parts of the E Y Grderstending the Tae reen That You Need to Know: software. Here are the key pet of the Excel screen is crucial for efficient navigation and use of the ‘Active Cell The Box con cuiTently selected or in focus, lis address Is displayed in the Name eo on the left of the Formula Bar. licking this button closes Excel. ‘Application Close button Application Clicking this buttor ; it Miribates button * button minimizes the Excel window ‘Column letters meee ange. fom A to XFD - one for each of the 16,384 columns in the calle eet, You can click a column heading to select an entire column of Is. or drag @ column border to change its width. Used in grouped rows or columns, these buttons allow you to collapse or expand the grouped sections, Labeled with letters (A, B, C, etc), these headers represent columns in the 2 worksheet, Clicking on a column header selects the entire column. File button Click this button to open Back Stage view, which contains many options for working with your document (including printing), and setting Excel options. Formula Bar Collapse / Expand Buttons Column Headers Situated below the Ribbon, the Formula Bar displays the content of the active cell, allowing you to view and edit cell contents and formulas. Group Mode When grouping rows or columns, a small indicator appears on the left or top Indicator of the worksheet to show that grouping is in effect. Help button Clicking this button displays the Excel Help system window. Macro recorder | Click to start recording a VBA macro. The icon changes while your actions indicator are being recorded. Click again to stop recording. Minimize Ribbon | Clicking this button hides the Ribbon, giving you a bit more space on button screen. When you click a tab, the Ribbon reappears. Name Box Located to the left of the Formula Bar, it displays the address or name of _ | the active cell, allowing you to quickly navigate to a specific cell, Page view buttons | Change. the way the worksheet is displayed by clicking one of these buttons. cs customizable toolbar holds commonly used commands. The Quick hoe na? feats toolbar is always visible, regardless of which tab is selected. = the Tille Bar, the Ribbon is a tabbed toolbar that contains various elo i Ribbon anand ‘and functions organized into tabs such as Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. rate Ted with numbers (1, 2, 3, tc), these headers represent rows in the Row Headers worksheet. Clicking on a. row header selects the entire row. R Hiorbers range from 1 t0 1,048,676 - one for each row in the worksheet. }ow numbers | vou can click a row number to select an entire row of cells. Po YOU Ca ree ontal scroll bars allow you tp navigate through large | Scroll Bars i II bars allow you tp navigate through | al and horizontal scrol ugh large ver eneote They help you move up, down, left, and right within the kshe works Dottom of the Excel window, sheet tabs represent individual worksheets within the workbook. You can add, delete, and navigate between sheets using these tabs. Computer 9th (PBA / Prac, Tester PBA Serles (ATP) 122 s displays informal Status Bar At the bottom of the Excel window, the Sie oe oe ts about the current state of the workbook, including 7 ae reate contains three sheets, Aq. Sheet button By default, each new workbook that you ¢! f anew sheet by clicking the Insert Worksheet bu after the last sheet tab apiay tabs hat aren va ton (Which is displayeq Sheet tab Use these buttons to scroll the sheet tabs to Scroll button im far toa menu, Tab list Use these commands to display a different Ribbon, si soar Tabs Different tabs on the Ribbon allow you to aocess spectic Ss i related to formatting, formulas, data management, Title Bar Located at the top of the Excel window, it displays the name of the Workbook you are currently working on. Vertical scroll bar_| Use this to scroll the sheet vertically. Window Clicking this button closes the active workbook window. Close button : ; Window Maximize 7 | Clicking this bution increases the workbook window's size to fill Excels Restore button | complete workspace. If the window is already maximized, clicking this button “unmaximizes" Excel's window so that it no longer fills the entire screen. Windows Clicking this button minimizes the workbook window, and it displays as an minimize button _| icon Worksheet Area | The large grid where you enter and manipulate data, It consists of columns (labeled with letters) and rows (labeled with numbers), forming cells where data is entered. Zoom Slider ~~ [ Located at the bottom right comer, the Zoom Slider allows you to adjust the 00m level to view more or less of the worksheet. 2 3. 4 5. Excel Worksheet Movement Keys That You Need to Know Use the arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move one cell in the corresponding direction. Press Tab to move one cell to the right. If you are at the last column of a row, Tab will move the selection to the first cell of the next row. Press Shift + Tab to move one cell to the left. If you are at the first column of a row, Shift + Tab wil move the selection to the last cell of the previous row. Enter Key: Press Enter to move one cell down. if you are at the last row of a column, Enter will move the selection to the first cell of the next column. Press Shift + Enter to move one cell up. If you are at the move the selection to the last cell of the previous column, first row of a column, Shift + Enter will Press Page Up to move one screen up in the worksheet. Press Page Down to move one screen down in the worksheet, 2 : Hold down the Ctrl key and press an arrow key to move to the edge of the d ion in the corresponding direction. This is useful for quickly navigating large sets of data” @ot? "9" Press Home to move to the beginning of a row. ‘ 123 (Ep casas semen ol ye Ctrl key and pre: 8 8S Hom tomove to the top-left cell of th oe je worksheet. lo movi ! e to the last cell of the rent rc in the data re I of the current ‘Ow within t lata region. + gid down the Ctrl key and press, Ho to End to move to the bottom-right cell of the data region: i ‘down the Ctrl key and pr Hold . ress Backspace to move tothe active cells column header. oF gown the Ctrl key an wold Key and press Spacebarto select the entre column ofthe active cell the Shift ke fold down ey and press Spacebar to select the entire row of the active cell. - ving Around the Worksheet: ing around a worksheet in Mii Ho einen Here are in Microsoft Excel efficiently is crucial for effective data entry, analysis, an ; Various ways to navigate and move around a worksheet: Usethe arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move one cellin the corresponding direction. Press Tab to move one cell to the'right. Use Shift + Tab to move one cell tothe left. Press Enter to move one cell down. Use Shift + Enter to move one cell up. Use Page Up to move one screen up and Page Down to move one screen down in the worksheet. “Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Fold down the Ctrl key and press an arrow key to move to the edge of the data region in the corresponding direction: Press Home to move to the beginning of the current row. tri + Home: Hold down the Ctrl key and press Home to move to the top-left cell of the worksheet. Press End to move to the last cell of the current row within the data region. fas Eo Ctrl key and press End to move to the bottom-right cell of the data region. Fae Backs and press Backspace to move to the active cell's column header. fill + Spacebar: key and press Spacebar select the entire column of the active cell. Hold done — ey and press spacebar to select the entire row of the active cell Ue = age Up aro move 10 he previous worksheet Use Ctrl + Page Down to move to the next Worksheet. (etge Scroll Whe eel to soroll up oF do"” in the worksheet : cel window to switch between different sheets in a Click on sheet tabs at the bottom of the E Workbook. djsiog. Enter 2 cel refererice or a named range to navigate fo 8 Press Cii-4-G to open the “G0 T°” Specific location. Computer AS Praca Maryam PBA Sertes (ATP; 178 Maryam PBA Sertes (ATP) the 17. Scroll Bars: nt and bottom of te worksheet 10 ero n i Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars at the 9 hea directions. can quickly and. officiontly move are, wu By mastering these navigation technic ua "ty and ease of USS. Excel worksheets, improving your producti > Navigating with your Keyb: ar that can enhance Your efficiency, copa, Navigating Excel with your keyboard is a handy Ste keyboard shortcuts to help You navigat when dealing with large datasets. Here are various h Microsoft Excel: 1. ‘ ; sponding direction, in the corre: Use the arrow keys (Up, Down, Let, Right) to move one cel 2 . . to the edge of the data region int, Hold down the Ctri key and press an arrow key to jump " 3, orTesponding direction, Press Ctrl + Home to move to the top-left call of the worksheet. 4 : : data region. Hold down the Ctrl key and press End to move to the last cell of the 5. 4 ; Use Page Up fo move one screen up and Page Down to move one screen down in the workshee 6. Taband Shift + Tab: Press Tab fo move one cell to the right. Use-Shift + Tab to move one cell to the left. 7 i % Press Enter to move one cell down. Use Shift + Enter to move one cell up. 8. +P; i 5 : Use Ctrl + Page Up to switch to the previous worksheet. Use Ctrl + Page Down to switch to the next worksheet. 9. “(Al : Copy the formula from the cell above the active cell into the current cell. 10, 14 ion it Copy the value from the cell above the active céll into thie current cell. 11. Select the entire column of the active cell 12. i Select the entire row of the active cell 13. Ctrl+F; Open the Find dialog to search for specific content within the worksheet. 14, ft ‘ Open the Replace dialog to replace specific content within the worksheet. 15. Ctrl +G: Open the Go To dialog, allowing you to navigate to a specific cell or range. 16. AL+ES Vi Paste special. After copying a cell or range, use this, sequence to open the Paste Special dialog 17. Ctrl+2Z: — Undo the last action. 18. Ctrl+Y: — Redo the last undone action. 19. 4 re only. After copying a céll or range, use this sequence to paste values withou 20. + H 1 a 10. ih 12, Computer 9th (PBA / Pi th your mouse e A galing in Micros: i i iftace. Here ate some common i ea intuitive and can be a quick way to interact with i : ions for navigating in Excel: gE na cell to select it. Hold ick 0” 3 down the left mouse button and drag to select multiple cells ge the MOUSE scroll wheel to scroll uy Usp, and scroll down to move Fe dove trough the werkahect. Scroll up to move towards heron the sheet tabs at the bott oe iom of the Excel window to switch between different sheets In 9 “Yolumn and Row Headers: i imi Glick on a colur aL header (letter) or a row header (number) to select the entire column or row. Glick and drag the fill handle (a small squ 7 scent cells with a serie or pattern square at the bottom-right comer of a selected cell) t0 fill Refor the mouse pointer over the edge of a column of 1 y or changes, then dick and drag to resize. ¢ row header until the cursor 19° eld ‘down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and scroll up or down with the mouse wheel to Zoom in or 0 Click and drag a sheet tab to rearrange the order of sheets in a workbook. Select the rows or columns you want to group, right-click, and.choose "Group" from the context menu. Ungrouping Rows or Columns: Sacer ine grouped rows or columns, right-click, and ghoose "Ungroup" from the context menu. Right-click on cells, rows, columns, or sheets to access context menu options for various actions, such as cut, copy, paste, and formatting. Right-click on a row or column header and choose “Insert” or "Delete" from the context menu to add or remove rows or columns. . Cell Formatting: Right-click on a cell and choose »format Cells" from the context menu to access formatting options. AutoFit Columns and Rows: Double-click the right edge of a column header or the bottom edge of a row header to automatically adel tne column wiath or row height tof the eontent Hyperlinks: i eer ns ontaining a hyperlink to open the linked website or document. d visual way to navigate and interact with Excel, These sore sotans provide 2 sulk tnd ter trenensive srpaionce, b ide a quick an 1e mouse actions provide-8 T°, 4 more comprehensive experience, ‘complementing keyboard s) m PBA Serles Click the Copy button at. ‘ e form: Click the cell where you want to paste th Click the Paste list arrow. Select Formatting, ‘i Excel applies the f the copied cel! to the Excel applies the formatting of ands: > — Advanced Paste Special COMMAT apie in dst if the paste commands you're looking ei ate special commat Paste Special dialog hox to view advanced P* 1. Copy acell value, 2. Click the call where you want to paste the value. 3. Click the Paste list arrow. te options a Select Paste Special. us paste The Paste Special dialog box cisplays, containing numero 5. Select a paste option. 6. ee SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Know the Basics of S readsheet” ____ “Know the Basics of SpreadsheCr > Theory: i: ‘A spreadsheet is a software application used to create, manipulate, and anelyze Sag ee in a tabular format, with rows and columns. To work effectively with spreadsheets, it is essential to understand basic concepts such as naming cells and sheets, filing columns and rows, addressing cells using relative and absolute references, and using the “Paste Special” feature to control data pasting, » Procedure: i, Naming Celis and Sheets: ‘ ® To name a cell, select the cell and use the formula bar to enter a name. You can also select the cell, right-click, and choose "Define Naine’. © Toname a sheet, double-click the sheet tab at the bottom and enter a name. 2 Filling Columns and Rows: ©, Click and drag to select the cell or group of cells you want to fill. & Place the cursor over the fil handle (a small square in the comer of the selected cell) © Click and drag the fil handle to autofil cells with @ series or pattern, 3. Addressi is (Relative and Absolute Addresses): . ®. Relative Addressing: Cell references change wher , fe Formula from At to.A2, the formule wl adjust to reley to Aa “formula. For example, if you copy @ © © Absolute Addressing:’ To prevent a cell ref scarp 6081 remalre fed when epee ethereal” CPAM9ING. use a doiar sign (S). For 4, Paste Special: ® Select a cell or range of cells you want to copy. © Right-click and choose "Copy' or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctl + ¢) © Select the destination cel or range where you want to paste the dex ! @ Right-click and choose “Paste Special to access options lke vein > Observations: S, formatting, and more. Your observations wil include naming celis and sheets’ gp addressing cells using both relative and absolute referent feature. You wl notice how hese actions atest the data and ses '@ columns and rows with, data and using the “Paste Speci lure of the spreadsheet. od Serles (ATP] posta Results: Y ‘The results will demonstrate your abi spreadsheet with named cells and sha ging relative and absolute ref ‘allows you to control data pasting. 2 ea _RELEVENT SHORT VIVA QUESTIONS _ y Write short answers of the following questions. . What is the purpose i am Nani pi a am of naming a and sheets in a spreadsheet? a i § s it easier to ref i ‘thin speach, inpreving catty amon ee specific data or sections within a cal Qu een? you autofill data in a column-or row, and what is the advantage of using ans: You can autofill data by using the fill handle to ot ioemcent and reduces the need for marval data erty. ‘opy patterns or series of data. Autofil is efficient 3. What is the difference between relative and absolute cell references, and when would you use each? Ans: Relative references adjust when you copy a formula, while absolute references remain constant. Relative references are typically used for calculations that need to adapt to different locations, while absolute references are used when referencing fixed values. Q4. What is the purpose of thé “Paste Special” feature, and can you give an example of @ situation where you would use it? Ans: “Paste Special’ allows you to control how data is pasted, including options like. pasting values, formatting, and more. For example, you might use "Paste Special” to copy data without copying the formatting, or to transpose rows into columns. Q. How can you name a cell in a spreadsheet, Ans: You can name a cell by selecting it and entering a name in the formula bar. N the readability of formulas and makes it easier to reference specific data. Q6 What is the advantage of using named cells in formulas, and how do you reference a named cell in a formula? Ans: Named cells in formulas enhance formu reference a named cell in a formula, yo ég,, “Income” instead of ‘A1". (7. How can you name a range of cells in a spreadsheet, and why would you want to name arange? . Anse Fae. a range of calls, select the range and enter a name in the Name Box. Naming a range Teonaree sompex formulas and data references, making the spreadsheet more organized and user-friendly. Explai the purpose of relative cell references with an example. Relative cell references change when @ formula is copied to a different location. For example, if you copy a formula from cell B2 to cell B3, a relative reference to Al becomes A2, automatically adjustit lative position. %. When aight ‘you ive porolute cell references, and how do you denote an absolute Ing, ference ina formula? Absolute cell references are denote an absolute reference both, e.g., $A $1 ag Define Cell, : A cell in Microsoft Excel is a Bt Computer 9th (PBA / Practlcals) Bae work with spreadsheets effectively. You will have @ a Hae columns and rows, and correctly addressed cells . Additionally, you will see how the "Paste Special” feature and why is it useful to do so? laming cells improves Ja clarity and make it easier to understand and update. To u simply use the cell's name instead of its cell reference, used when you want a reference to remain fixed in a formula, You by adding a dollar sign ($) before the column letter, row number, or ctangular-shaped box on a worksheet Maryam PBA Serk Qui, Ans: Q12, Ans: Q13. Ans: Qua, Ans: Qis. Ans: Qi. Ans: Qu7. Ans: Qus. Ans: Qis. Ans: Q20. Ans: 21. Ans: Q23. Ans: 9th (PEA 1 Py Computer 28 (PBA Prac, 130 ATP) een ae What are rows and columns in Excel? pfers to columns as I By default. Excel uses the A1 reference style, eth lats (1 through Sea lel 8 total of 256 columns), and refers to rows a3 refer to a cell, type the © numbers are called row and column headings. To refer ofl, and vihat i the row number, mbers in a colurnn using au How do you fill a series of dates or numbers 4 Spreadshi advantage of doing so? drag the fill handle. Spreat To ill a series, enter the first date or number and then 2 oe generate a series, saving time and reducing errors. itting data in a spreadsheet? Can you explain the difference between copying and fe origina Copying duplicates data to another location while keeping Fala f0 another location, removing it from the original location readsheet to prevent accident How can you protect a cell or range peice in a spi changes, and why is cell protection useful ell protection is usesy You ean protect cals by Tecking them and then protecting the eee a specie eat" a when you want to maintain data integrity and prevent unauthorize a ranges. : What is the purpose of merging cells in a spreadsheet, and how can you unmerge cells if needed? eS Merging cells combines them into a single, larger cell. Merging is often used for header cells. To unmerge cells, select the merged cell and choose “Unmerge" from the menu. What is Absolute reference? . An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column reference, the row reference, or both. What is relative reference? . By default all cell references are relative references. When Copied across multiple ceils, they Grange based on the relative position of rows and colurane, What is paste special? 'f You want to paste only a specific aspect of the se one of the Paste Special options, What is absolute cell reference? | data intact. Cutting may, Copied data like its formatting or value, you would that Microsoft Office Excel can find the values or ants that you want that formula to i Pe to calculate. Call address is a combination of a letter and a number that Specifies the col in i} Is footed on cet of ‘olumn and row in which a ce! What is a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is a sheet of paper that show: column value of the cell. Excel allows for sim representation through graphs manipula What are some common applications of the “Paste Special" is used to control how data i only (without formatting), transposing data, Pasting values mathematical operations on Pasted data, Sees ooo gy — 143 7 — Computer 9th (PBA / Practlcals) Exc hatlo nations in Excel are predotine, ; ruvells. Thay always teint ula built into the software that perform specific calculations ants that the function requires, equals sign (=), followed by the name of the function, and any R function isa pret yunonts, oF INV whatrial hore Performs a specie task caleulaton. Functions take gu" sm what da : Uses of Excel Functions: on, and then they return a result. Eunctions in Excel BR DectOn ee be used for a wide range of tasks, from basic arithmetic operations like sie minimum, pa pan reaiio, and division, to more complex calculations like finding the sum, “ - oacisions besed'on he alae 6 arenes of cells, or using logical functions like IF statements to i “ is cells. Functions are di vailable for getion and use, and can be inserted Ino ered formulas, conta Iter. See Sa has a unique syntax or format that rust be followed in order for the function work P n you start to enter a function, Excel displays the syntax of the function to help you jeate the formula correctly, You can acoess the s . ct pcated to the left of the formula bar. syntax of a function by clicking on the Insert Function (Fx) SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Work-with functions and formulas” > - Theory: in spreadsheets, functions and formulas are essential for performing calculations, data analysis, ee rtutomation” Functions are pre-defined mathematical or logical operations, while formulas Gr aMMhbinations. of functions, operators, and cell references, Understanding how to work with . fanetions and formulas is critical for using spreadsheets effectively. Procedure: - Entering Formulas: Select the cell where you want the result of your formula to appear. Begin the formula with an equal sign (=), followed by the function or expression. Using Functions: " Functions start with the function name (e.g. SUM, AVERAGE, IF), followed by an opening parenthesis. Enter the arguments (cell references or values) within the parentheses. . Operators: « ae © Use operators like + (addition), - (subtraction), + (multiplication), / division), or * (exponentiation) in your formulas. . 4. Cell References: : 5 © Refer to other cells in your formula by using their addresses, e.g., A1, B2, or by selecting them with the mouse. > Observations: il formulas, using functions, operators, and cell ref Your observations will include entering 0 , ieforencae to porto calculations within the spreadsheet. You will see how different elements of the formula interact to produce resulls. Results: . - Tho resume will demonstrate your abilly to work with functions and formulas effectively. Your spreadsheet will contain ‘correctly calculated results based on the functions and formulas you have used. eneery we Maryam PBA Series (ate) _ | _ : te RELEVENT SHORT VIVA QUESTIONS aN Qu. Ans; Q2. Ans: Q3. Ans: a. Ans: Q@ Ans: 6. Ans: Q7. Ans: Q8, Ans: Qo. Ans: Q10. Ans: qui. Ans: Write short answers'of the followin ions. ; a formula in a spreadsh, What is the primary difference between a function aria a formula is a coming, A function is a pre-defined operation in a spreadsheet, while Mn functions, oPerators, and cell references that perform calct is the equal sign (=) impo How do you start a formula in a spreadsheet, and why i readsheet that you're ¢ You start a formula with an equal sign (=), The equal sign tells the sp! ter, a formula, Not text. in formulas? What are o rators, and how do you use them in 7 . Operators neaeiae tke +, 5", “ used oper mathematical operations In formu ¢ example, you can use + for addition and * for multiplication. How do cell references work in formulas, and why are they essential in 'spreadsh, calculations? Cell references Specify the location of data in a spreadsheet. They are vital for Perform Calculations and updating data automatically when cell values change. Can you explain the concept of relative and absolute cell references in formulas, an when would you use each? ° Relative references adjust when you copy a formula, while absolute ‘references remain fixe, Relative references are used when you want the fern adapt to different locations, yh; absolute teferences ‘stay constant. phat are some common functions used in financial calculations, and how do the benefit financial modeling in spreadsheets? ' manageable steps within the formula, What types of formulas are available in Microsoft Excel? The predefined formulas in Microsoft Excel are referred to as functions, and the’types includ string functions, numeric or mathematical functions, ‘statistical functions, logical functions anc information functions. In adcition to the functions, users can define their own formulas to implemen! on data in the spreadsheet. How is formula worked in Excel? A formula is an expression which calculates the value of a Cell. Functions are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel. ‘ What is a function in Microsoft Excel? In Microsoft Excel, a function is a type of formula that allows the user to perform mathematical statistical and logical operations more easily, How do you create formulas in Excel? can create a formula in Microsoft Excel by using constants arid call references and names, or functions. Simple formulas to add, Subtract, Tuy at operat wales are entered directly ip your worksheet, while more compior formulas are initiated in the Exc formula dialogue box, oe fe oh fo ok SY ye & — 149 Computer 9th (PBA / Practicals) SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Representing the data graphically” rs se a ote in spreadsheets is a powerful way to visualize information, identify ens nderstandable pai Cases ae Graphs and charts can convey complex data in 2 : . Common types of thats, pie charts, and scatter plots, each suited for afferent typ So gah include bar charts, line procedure: aon ie cle youve eo represent graphically, ensuring it's organized and structured in a way shart: . ee st spreadsheet software, you can insert @ chart by.selecting the data and then going to the ‘insert’ or “Chart” menu. Type: Select the appropriate chart type for your data. For example, use a bar chart for comparing categories or a line chart for showing trends over time. Customize Chart: a Customize the chart appearance, including titles, labels, colors, and data series. Make sure the chart is visually appealing and easy to understand, Interpret Data: Hea ears chart and extract insights from it Look for patterns, trends, and outliers in the data Observations: Yor ebservations will include selecting data, creating a chart, choosing the chart {yr customizing Tee chars appearance, and interpreting the data presented in the chart. You wil observe how different chart types can effectively represent various types of data, Results: ° The results will be the graphical other chart type you choose. understandable manner. RELEVENT SHORT VIVA. QUESTIONS hort answers of the foll What is the significance of representing data graphically ina spreadsheet? Representing data graphically makes ‘complex information more accessible, helps identify trends and patterns, and allows for more effective ‘communication of insights. What factors should you consider when choosing the appropriate chart type for your data? °S: Consider the type of data (e.g. categorical or numerical), the message you want to convey (e.9., comparisons, trends, or proportions), and the visual appeal of the chart. ®. How do you insert a propin a spreadsheet, and what are the common chart options hy 2ailable? eee To insert a chart, select the data and use the “insert” or “Chart” menu. Common chart options include bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and more. 1 representation of your data, such as a bar char, line chart, or any “These charts will help convey information in a more visual and —, ee as Computer 9h (Pay 150 ation, and why tim "ey! Maryam PBA Serles (ATP) hart customiz What are some key elements of ¢ 1a series. I'S important tg, customize charts? colors, and dat Ans: Chart customization includes titles, ae inte Visually appealing and provide context cane QS. How can you use graphical represen! t batlegoriog oF periods? re data from different categories o ou can use bar charts or line charts wie line charts reveal trends over time, | by kt sompatons, ing a pie chart, and in what situations sit, advant EN You Ven sy jerpretation. ‘ ie compare data from different Cate, T Petag Ans: charts show sid. Q6. What are the fou : effective? ; le. It is useful wi Anst A pie chart is effective for showing proportions ae a eae! allocation. pighlight the contribution of each part to the whole, suc ea analysis and decision-m 7. How can graphical representations enhance da king rofessional settings? peer none Ans: Graphe and charts simity complex data, making it easier to igen bl and patterns, ena, patter-informed decisions in various fields, including business an a 8. What should you avoid when creating charts to ensure they are i effective, Ans: Avoid clutter, excessive data, and misleading scales. Keep charts simple and Make sure 5 accurately represent the data, Q9. What are the components of Excel window? Ans: The components of the Microsoft Excel window are an active Ans: A workbook is the file in which You Work and store your data, Because each workbook can cont: ATP oe ert n 159 Computer 9th (PBA / Practicals) SHORTCUT TIPS FOR “Manipulating and formatting data” (Filter, validation, protection, conditional formatting) Theory: se jn a spreadsheet, manipulating and formatting data is essential for organizing. analyzing, and presenting information effectively. There are various tools and techniques available for these tasks, Pretding fitering data, using data validation, protecting}cells or ‘Sheets, and applying conditional formatting. Procedure: Filtering Data: Select the data range you want to filter. Bp to the “Data’ or "Filter’ menu and apply fiter options to show or hide specific data based on criteria _ Data Validation: Sclect the cells where you want to apply data validation rules. Go to the *Data’ of "Data Validation” menu to set criteria for acceptable data entry. _ Protecting Cells or Sheets: Ghoose the cells or sheets you want to protect. Gate the "Review" or Protect” menu to set permissions ‘and password protection . Conditional Formatting: "Select the cells where you want to apply conditional formatting. So'to the “Format” or "Conditional Formatting” menu to specify formatting rules based on data values > Observations: Your observations will involve filtering data based on criteria, applying data validation to ensure Ysta accuracy, protecting cells or sheets from “Snauthorized changes, and applying conditional fate ating to highlight specific data patterns or values > Results: The results will be a spreadsheet with data manipulation: and formatting applied as per your instructions. Filtered data, validated entries, protected cells or sheets, and visually enhanced data through conditional formatting will be evident RELEVENT SHORT VIVA QUESTIONS ite short answers of followii ‘ions. Q. What is the purpose of data filtering in a spreadsheet, and how can it be useful for fn analysis? fic subs fd fata filtering allows you to focus on specific sul sets of data, making it easier t @, extract valuable insights from @ jarge dataset. oa a a Describe filtering data. Filtering data in a spreadsheet means tO set conditions so that only certain data is displayed, Ans: Computer $¢h (PBA / py, << F 0 Maryam PBA Series (ATP) 16 Q3. Whatis cell formatting? farance o} Ans When we format cells in Excol, wo change the appe number itself, colére, | Q4. What is conditional formatting? itomatically apply formatting — such as "loons, , Ans: Conditional formatting allows you to automa data bars ~ to one or more cells based on the cell value. and how does it help ensure ty QS. What are some common criteria for data validation, accuracy in a spreadsheet? ite formats, or custom rules. It helps Prey Ans: Data validation Criteria can include numeric angen. date h aa incorrect dat. ind maintains data consistency. adsheet, and wha; 6. Why might you so to protect certain cells or sheets in a spre: t ley of Protection can be applied? thorized changes. Protection can t Cell d to prevent accidental or unaul Ans: Cells or sheets are Protected to pi ay or other actions baseul'en user rele prstomized to restrict editing, formatti idsheet, ay Q7. How can conditional formatting enhance data presentation in a spreadsheet, and whi Pes of conditions can be formatted? it Ans; cae formatting visually highlights data patterns or values roid arhcete sl Common formatting conditiong include data above or below a threshold, dup! and da ranges. Qs. Explain the process of filtering data in @ spreadsheet, including how to apply an remove filters, Hii ceteris ia Ans: To filter data, select the Fie 2° the “Data” or “Filter menu, and Specify criteria, Filters can y Wreved by clearing the fier options. a Q9. What are some examples of situations where you might use data Validation in ; pore adsheet, and how can it prevent data entry errors? Ans: Data validation is used for tasks like date entry, guantity limits, or input in specific formats. | pevents users from entering data that doesn't meet specified criteria, Q10. What is the difference ‘between Protecting a cell and Protecting a sheet in 3 Spreadsheet, and how can you remove Protection if needed? Ans: Protecting a cell restricts actions on individual cells, while Protecting a sheet restricts action tho oss the entire sheet. Protection can bo removed by entering the correct Password or disabin the protection through the “Review" menu, Q11. Can you provide an example of a real-world application where Conditional formatting is useful for data analysis or Presentation? Ans: Conditional formatting is useful in financial “Ports to highlight profit a Cells with losses can be formatted in red, while celis with Profs an be fone gna. Fe {a number without hang ‘Or example, lormatted in green. fo he hm SMe he he

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