Teks Narrative (Task English)

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“A fox and a rabbit”

Assalamu’alaikum. wr. wb.

Good afternoon everyone, to the viewers and Mrs. ema as my English teacher who I love and
respect, in this video I will bring a narrative text entitled A fox and a rabbit, ok I will start now/let’s
get it.

Once upon a time in the jungle, there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one knows him. Everybody
in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked very vicious.

One day, in a beautiful summer morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a
little rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. The snake was going to eat it.
Rox jumped over the snake as soon as possible and scared it away.

The little rabbit then felt relieved that Rox just saved his life from the threat of the dangerous snake.
After that, it told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved its life. There was no need
to be afraid of him anymore.

Things got better because now the forest dwellers are no longer afraid to be friends with rox and he
gets good friends and accepts himself as he is.

That's the story that I have brought, if there are deficiencies in my demeanor or there are words that
are not pleasing, I beg to be forgiven, thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

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