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Computer “(PBA / r yecifically for Urdu > tro: ion: vee igned specifica ang introduction: ular software application Sees company, the editor is Widety A InPage Urdu Editor is a pop' language text composition. Developer for creating documents, pages, and put 7 int, a languages that use the Arable soft soe ig is support for ee eened choice te A Or i features of i kes it Ts | caligrapy willy used for Urdu and Persian a hau documents want to create aesthetically pleasing and authentic-!oo} with various tools and features, aj tnPage Urdu Editor provides a usersriendly interface WM A thas gained popula users to easily format text, insert images, and handle complex a who need to produce content in Publishing industry, educational institutions, and among indivi or other related languages. > — Uses of Urdu Editor: imarily for creating and f The use of Urdu Editor, specifically referring to dae eeverint Hoste 7 ee documents in the Urdu language, and other languages using the Pe of the use of Urdu Editor (InPage): 1. Urdu Text Composition: i including the intricate Nast InPage allows users to compose and edit text in the Urdu language, i script. It provides a platform for users who are more comfortable with Urdu script to create content such articies, stories, poetry, and more. One of the significant advantages of InPage is its support for the Nastaliq style of Are calligraphy. This feature enhances the visual. appeal of Urdu text, making it more authentic z aesthetically pleasing. : a Pe it and Desi InPage facilitates complex page layouts, making it suitable for designing publications, newspape books, and other documents. Users can easily manipulate text, insert images, and control the ove layout of the page 4. Educational Material: In educational settings, InPage is commonly used for creating teaching materials, worksheels, 2 other educational content in Urdu. It enables educators and students to. work with: the Urdu st seamlessly. ; 5. Publishing 1 InPage has found widespread use in the publishing industry, especidl Hl 5 i P I. ly for Urdu-langue Sree eee magazines, and books that utilize the Arabic Script can be efficiently produe 6. ca ° by InPage, @ Pakistan rial language of Pakistan, ang iblications in Ur While primarily designed for Urdu, InPage also supports expanding its uty fr users working wit diverse linguistic content 7 onaUaaeS that use the Arabic $7 7 onal ! munication: : in regions where Urdu Is spoken or holds cultural signi communication. it allows users to express themselves effect) and eutural nuances, it’s important to note that while InPage has been a popular eho; ian oft software options and advancements in technology may offer simian ore, Urdu text compostion choose InPage for ls spetialzed focus onthe Urdu script andtsec Ta cabablties, Us the nui language: icance, InPage serves as a vital tel! in their native script, preserving lingu® erles (ATP) pan ss 167 Computer 9th (PBA / Practlcals) eee InPage Urdu (Keyboard Shortcuts) jnpage Urdu comes with a set ; of key vi? various tasks. 'yboard shortcuts to enhance the user experience and re some Ci Hore al ommonly used keyboard shortcuts in inPage Urdu: Ctrl +N Ctrl + 0 New document Ctrl +S. Open document Ctrl + P Save document cult Print document ctrl +X Copy selected text aoe 8 Cut selected text cet Paste copied /cut text Ctrl +, as Ctr +B [= : Bod Cot +1 Tialic Ctrl +U Underline Ctrl +L Align text to the left Ctrl +R Align text to the right Ctrl +E Center-align text Ctrl +3 ee Justify text Ctr + K Insert hyperlink Cul+M CL Tnsert a new column (for multi-column layouts) col+T Change font Ctrl + Shift+> | Increase font size Ctrl + Shift+< | Decrease font size =| Ctrl +N Change Nastalig font Ctrl + Space Toggle between English and Urdu input [Ctrl + Shift +A Tnsert Allama Iqbal poetry style “Sitarah” (Star) Please note that keyboard shortcuts can vary based on the version of InPage Urdu you are using, and some features might not have assigned shortcuts, Nee mor turrner ee Een Caret movement & Text Selection in Inpage Function Shortcut Ke) Function Previous Character Next Character Previous Word Next Word Previous Line Next Line. Top of Next Textbox Top of Paragrap [Boubie click | ___Select Word [-“Triple Glick | __ Select Paragraph Tit+ Down Arrow Top of Previous Textbox p Computer 9th (PBA / Pa BA Sees (ATP) — ——————————————— ——————_—_—— Text Editing in Inpage = okey Function cul Shortcut Key Function Shi Space Toggle English ang Ctrl+V, Shifts Insert Paste Ctrl Urdu as Delete Alt Backspace, ]Undo Provous Operation} Backsp Previous Character Ctrl +z Delete Previous Word} kspace Sule Select All cuit ne - Delete Next Characia Ctr+F Find Text N Cte Replace Text Ctrl + Del - a Word L_Ctrl +X, Shift+ Del Cut Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Inser Text Formatting in Inpage | funciona —T i Shortcut Key Function Shortcut Key Function Ct+B Bold Ctrl +H Character Format [eas Ctrl+G Paragraph Format to —__t_—/agraph Format | Ctrl + Alte Left Alignment Ctrl + FS Increase Character Spacing eaacuica tees Sasi Cth+AlteR Right Alignment Ctrl + Fé Decrease Character Spacing Baseline Shift Up Ctrl + Alt+c Center Alignment Ctrl+ Altes Justified Ctrl + F8 Baseline Shift Down Ctrl + Alt+F Full Justified Ctrl + Fo Decrease Font Size Ctrl+T Define Style Sheets Ctrl + F10 Increase Font Size Ctrl + Alt+T Toggle Text and Tab Modes Page Movement in Inpage : Page Up Scroll Page Up Croll Page Down Ctrl + Page Up [se Chine Page Upmiaiaea + Page Up ~ Scroll Page Up by One Line 5 Scroll Page Shift + Page Down Ctrl + Shift + Page Up Down by Gna Line Scroll Page Lett by One Line Ctrl + Shift + Page Down Scroll Page Right by One Line apps ATP) 169. Page Change in Inpage Shortcut Ke =a] Functio ait Page Uy Previous Page —| ‘Alt + Page Down Next Page ‘Alt+ Home. | Fist Page ‘Alte End |__Last Page] ATE Toggle Master and Document pages Page Editing in Inpage Shortcut Key -] Function Alt + Del ‘ Delete Pages Alt + Ins L Insert Pages Selected Picture Modification in Inpage Shortcut Key _ Function ‘Arrow Keys Move Ctrl + Arrow Keys _ Smaller Movement, Del Delete Ctri+ X Cut Ctrl+C. Cop: Ctrl+V Paste View Change in Inpage Shortcut Key T Function FS Fit in Window. F6 50% F7 Rotual Fs 200% Right Button Click Zoom In Shift + Right Button Click ia] Zoom Out ———————————————— Selected Object(s) Modification in Inpage ee ee Shortcut Key Function Ctri+ A Select All Objects Shift + Mouse Click Select / Deselect Multiple Objects I Del L =| Delete Computer 9th (PBA / Prat wy Maryam PBA Sertes (ATP) 170. Git Cte x Gopy Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Undo Previous Operation S Alt+ Backspace, Ctl? Z ‘Move Selected Object ‘Arrow Keys. Ctrl + Arrow Keys Arrow Keys with mouse down Ctrl + Arrow Keys with mouse Shift while moving Objects Escape while moving Objects ‘Smaller Movement }——————ove Selection Point J Smaller Movement of Objects Tonstrain Movement Vertically / Horizontay Shift while modifying an Object Shift while modifying a line iginal Position ‘Objects to Original Take ‘Object to Square or Circle Make Line atany angle _——~ Double Click on Picture Box File Operations in Inpage E_——_—SSS EE SE | __"“storteut key Tool Selection in Inpage Save Document ‘Save As Document Print Document Page Setup Close Document Import Text or Picture Export Text or Picture Import Picture Function Cti+1 Selection 7 Arrow Tool Ctrl +2 i-Beam/ Hand7 Editing Tool Cirl+3 Rotation Tool Ctrl+4 Text Box Linking Tool Chis | Tex Boxee, Shift + F2 [rate et Title Text Box Tool a re Rectangular Picture Box Tool Eliptical Picture Box Taq Si Fe Sond Comered Picture Box Tool Shits Fe ‘angular Graphic Box Tool Shift+F9 : Eliptical Graphig BoxTool __ ‘ound Cornereg Graphic Box Tool Line Tool Computer 9th (PBA / Practlcals) serles (ATP) — asa Miscellaneous in Inpage Document Preferences Go to the Last Edited item in Ribbon Go to the Page Scroller in Status Bar Go to the View in Status Bar of Text Shortcut Key Functi = nation Shortcut Key Function Ip Double Click On Application = ; Tool Strip Preferences ‘ap To Guides Double Click On Typographic Text Ribbon Preferences Fat 7 ‘ypographic Preferences| Double Click On Format Guides Rulers Alt+ P14 ica i Application Preferences | Double ClickOn | Reset Ruler origin Origin Box Page Scroll Ctrl + Left Button Click Double Click on Create ‘Object with the Tool handles (for Text, Title| and Picture Boxes) Drag Drop InPage File ‘Open Files from File Manager Import Picture from File Manager if a Picture Box is active Import Text from File Drag Drop Picture File Drag Drop Text File Manager if a Picture Box is active Tab within a Table Cell Ma 2, wlio a Computer 9th (Pay , Sertes (ATP) Click Print, : ill appear. Press Ctrl + P on the keyboard. The Print dialog box wi ise, click All, Select a printer from the drop-down ist Se Un Print Range, Click Pages and ype a range of ee up-down arrows 10 set copie, Under Copies, click the Number of copies spin box, Click OK to Start Printing, " SHORTOUDTIPS FOR “Using Urdu Editor : Sea Vv wun ew Qu. Ans: Q2. Ans: An Urdu editor is a software tool that allows users to tre. oa Se a te language. It ‘ypically includes features like text input methods, ily change font styles and sizes for Urdu text, Install the Urdu editor software.on your computer if it's not already installed. ft ; Launch the Urdu editor from your Computer's applications or programs menu. Start typing in the Urdu language Using the built-in Keyboard layout or input. method Provided by the editor. This often includes phonetic or QWERTY-based Urdu input methods. Edit and format your Urdu text as needed, such as changing font style, size, and alignment, Save Your work inthe editor using the ‘Saver or "Save As" options, Your observations will depend on the specific Urdu editor you are using. You May observe the ase of typing in Urdu, the features Provided for formatting, and how Well the editor supports the Urdu language. The results will be the text document You have created or editeg Using the Urdu editor, saved in the desired location on your computer, RELEVENT SHORT VIVA QUESTIONS . > Monte short answers of the following questions, Can you explain the process Of changing the font editor? *hange font style and size, ‘select the Urdu text, go to the for i i 1d choos? the deetied font style and size from the menu. ™t formating options, an What are some common Urdu input methods Provided by Urdu editors, and how @ work? Crean input methods include phonetic, QWERTY. based, and virtual . They alot users to type Urdu characters Phonetically or using a familiar keyboara Tayo ome Stvle and size for Urdu text in the pe 1B3 i ats PAGS? is a software applicati + jqpage 8 Cation used for de. a Fae, and Persian, Providing features for lop Publishing, particularly fork Aimplex scripts. eating documonte sear fF languages like Urdu, Computer 9h (PBA / Practlcals pat Is Urdu Word Processor? lesigning pages, and handling , Word Processo) 1 sn the Urdu lange ¥a"®t00 speci document lu language, often ically dosigned for or How does an Urdu editor help u: eating, editing, and formatting Quo script and language requirements rcheck and language-specific writing Catering to the uni errors? Sers with spell urdu editors often include builtin g i i pell-chack ee asertion candanduage-spectic Taek, nd grammar-check features to assist users in The insertion point is the . where the next character What is cursor? The cursor is a m i arrow, showing he ea eon a computer Screen, often represented as a blinking line or Describe Document Area of InPage. lon (such as typing or clicking) will occur. Tre Document Area in InPage is the main workspace where users create and edit content, or 3 te images, and other elements within the document. e advantages of using an Urd 7 handwriting or other methods? a eee ee een Using an Urdu editor is efficient and allows for easy edit i i ; is a y editing, formatting, and sharing of text. It's especially beneficial for creating digital documents in the Urdu language.” " What is Tool Strip? A Tool Strip is a graphical user interface element containing icons or buttons that provide quick access to various tools and functions within a software application. What is Ribbon? . The Ribbon is a user interface element that organizes commands and functions into a set of tabs, each containing related tools and options for efficient navigation and access. What is the role of the Ribbon in InPage? In InPage, the Ribbon organizes tools and features, offering quick access to formatting, layout, and editing options, streamlining the user experience. blinking vertical will be inserted iad eae text editor or word processor that indicates 3. What is the use of Status bar in InPage? : The Status Bar in InPage displays information about the current document, such as page number, line, column, and also provides toggles for different views and settings. Describe the function of Master Page. : The Master Page in InPage serves as a template, allowing consistent layout elements (like headers and footers) to be applied across multiple pages for uniform document design. . In what professional or personal scenarios is an Urdu editor commonly used? Urdu editors are used for various purposes, including creating documents, emails, reports, and publications in the Urdu language. They are also valuable for communication and content creation ‘on social media and websites in Urdu. 16. What is transmission medium? itis the physical pathway aver which message is transmitted from sender t0 receiver. ‘ Wi the as of rae between two communication devices that govern the process of data 8, What is View control on the status bar? MS: The “View contro!” on the status bar in communication. inPage refers to an option that allows users to switch between different views within the document. What Is Selection Tool? The Selection Tool in InPag the document. is used for choosing and manipulating objects, text, or images within e Hcemetermsees ——— Computer 9th (Pay 1 Moan POA Sees (arp = =, 220. Describe page margin. Side an, Ans: Page margin: nro ies aroun rains in InPage refer to the blank spaces a Where text and other elements are confined. < ; ‘| Q21. Whatis Editing Tool? ‘odifying and refining content, cluding ANS: The Editi Ng Too! in InPage provides functions for m Oh ty } Copying, pasting, and formatting text. ; 1 Q22. Whatis usage of Title Text Box tool? ing and formatting title text boxes ANS!” The Tile Text Box Teal in InPage is employed for creating Alay, deste to emphasize and stylize specific text. } hat is Text Box tool? 8, enabling users ‘The Text Box Tool in inPage is used to insert and fonnet text boxes, 2 Conta, placement and appearance of text within the document What is Line Tool? , it locument, ai he Line Too! in inPage is utilized for drawing ines and shapes in the d 1g in ora, oo glements and page layout. a? + What is the Of Insert Page command? The Insert Hage eee in infoge adds a new page to the document, faciitatng Qiganization and expansion of content What is page orientation? “ ay Page orientation in InPage refers to the layout direction of a page, with options for portrait praandscape (horizontal) orientations, How Would you Bold the text without using mouse? By using shortcut key Ctrl + B, Which shortcut key is used to create new file? Ctrl+N What is the difference between Save & Save As? Save: tis used to save the fle during working, . Save As: tis used when the fie is save forthe first time or user want to give new name to fle 930. Define Application Software. S Software which are used to run specific program or application on the computer. Eg weg processing software, St. What is the purpose of using an Urdu editor, text editor? Wert, and how does it differ from a standard Ctr+s Which shortcut key user used to close the window? Alt + F4 What is the shortcut key to open a file? Ctri+0. What is a Table? In InPage, a table is a arid of cells arranged in rows and colum Present information systematically Q36. Whatis the purpose of table? ‘Tables in InPage serve the purpose of structuring and i are. Anes pee document layout and readability,” “4 Presenting data in an organized m 937. What is phonetic keyboard layout? Ans: A phonetic keyboard layout in InPage is designed phonetic sound, making it easier for users to input NS, allowing users to organize a4 (ilow users to type characters based ant text in specific languages, oo & 2, oS ee

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