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Q]Food Legumes contain a substance called saponin which
has been credited with lowering plasma cholesterol in
animals.Twenty samples of high yielding variety of chick
peas(cicer arietinum) were labroratory-tested for saponin
content(mg/100g).The observations are given below:
Test the claim that true mean saponin is less than
3400.Assume normality of parent population.

Let us assume our null hypothesis

Ho:mu=3400 ,i.e true mean of saponin is 3400

Ha:mu<3400 ,i.e true mean of saponin is less than 3400

First we have to test basic assumption of t test i.e we will check the
normality of sample.


>shapiro.test(x) #Test for checking the normality of sample

#Data comes to be following normal distribution[Since p value is

greater than alpha(0.05),so we accept normality of data and it is
independent,normal,variance is also unknown, so we apply t test

1)For checking normality of population:
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: x
W = 0.93317, p-value = 0.1777

2)For testing hypothesis:

One Sample t test

data: x

t = -2.5268, df = 19, p-value = 0.01027

alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 3400

95 percent confidence interval:

-Inf 3393.607

sample estimates:

mean of x


Interpretation of Output:-
Computed value of t statistic is -2.5268, v(degree of
freedom)=19, p-value=0.01027,hence we reject Ho at 5%
level of significance ,since p value is lesser than alpha so we
reject our null hypothesis and come to conclusion that true
mean of saponin is less than 3400.

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