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Nama :

Kelas :
No. Absen :


3.1. Memahami percakapan untuk meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan,

meminta barang, memberi barang, dan meminjam barang disertai
ungkapan meminta maaf, ucapan terima kasih, melarang dan
mempersilahkan melakukan sesuatu dalam konteks kelas

4.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak
tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, memberi
barang, dan meminjam barang disertaiungkapan meminta maaf, ucapan
terima kasih, melarang dan mempersilahkan melakukan sesuatu

Materials : Asking – giving help, borrowing things, saying thank

you, and saying sorry

Activities :

1. Listen and repeat

2. Look and read
3. Read and practice in pairs
4. Say aloud, and practice
5. Read and practice
6. Act out and ask help
7. Act out and say for borrowing things



Activity 1

Listen and repeat!

Activity 2
Look and read!

You are welcome.

Activity 3

Read and practice in pairs!

A : The classroom is dirty.

Can you help me sweep the classroom?
B : Sure.
A : Thank you.
B : You’re welcome.

A : The classroom is dirty.

Can you help me clean the whiteboard.
B : Sure.
A : Thank you.
B : You’re welcome.

Activity 4
Say aloud, and practice!

Let’s do homework together! Let’s sing together!

Let’s sweep the classroom together! Let’s play together!

Let’s read book together! Let’s go to the canteen together!

Activity 5

Read and practice!

1 Excuse me, May I borrow your book please?

Sure, here you are!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.

2 Excuse me, May I borrow your pencil please?

Sure, here you are!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.

3. Excuse me, May I borrow your eraser please?

Sure, here you are!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.

4. Excuse me, May I borrow your pen please?

Sure, here you are!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.

5. Excuse me, May I borrow your ruler please?

Sorry, I just have one.

6. Excuse me, May I borrow your crayon please?

Sorry, I just have one.

7. Excuse me, May I borrow your bag please?

Sorry, I don’t have a bag.

8. Excuse me, May I borrow your sharpener please?

Sorry, I don’t have a sharpener

Activity 6

1.Act out and ask help!


.. _______________





2. Act out and say for borrowing things!




. ____________




Exercise 1

Look at the picture, make dialogues!

Asking to do something

Nora : Let’s read together! _______________________

Sindi : Alright

______________________ ___________________
______________________ ___________________

______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________

Exercise 2

Look at the picture, make dialogues!


(Meminta / Memberi Bantuan) (Meminta / memberi barang)

ADI : Can I borrow your book? Yuni : Can I have a candy?

ARI : Yes, here you are. Arik : Yes, here you are .
ADI : Thank you. Yuni : Thank you.
ARI : Your welcome. Arik : Your welcome.

______________ ____________
______________ ____________

_______________ _____________
_______________ _____________

Exercise 3

Look at the picture, make dialogues!


(Meminta / Memberi Bantuan) (Meminta / memberi barang)

Nia : Can you help me to water Adam : Can I have some water?
plants? Farhan : Yes, here you are.
Ari : Alright. Adam : Thank you.
Nia : Thank you. Farhan : Your welcome.
Ari : Your welcome.

________________ ________________
________________ ________________

________________ ________________
________________ ________________

Exercise 3

Look at the picture, complete the dialogues!

May I borrow your ... , please ?

Sure, here you are
Thank you
Your welcome

Can I borrow your ... please?

Sure, here you are
Thank you
Your welcome

May I borrow your ... please?

Sorry, I just have one
That’s okay

May I borrow your ... please?

Sorry, I just have one

May I borrow your . . . , please?

Yes, here you are
Thank you
Your welcome

May I have . . . , please?
Sure, here you are!
Thank you.
You’re welcome

Can I have some .... please ?

Yes, here you are!
You’re welcome.

May I have .... please?

Sorry, I just have one!
It’s okay.

May I have your .... please?

Sorry, I just have one.
It’s okay

May I have .... please?

Sure, here you are!
Thank you very much.
You’re welcome

Exercise 4
Complete the dialogues!

Fira : Excuse me. May I borrow your book?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : May I borrow your pen?
Ayu : Sorry, I need it

1. Fira : Excuse ........................?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : ....................................
Ayu : Sorry ...........................

2. Fira : Excuse ........................?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : ....................................
Ayu : Sorry ...........................

3. Fira : Excuse ........................?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : ....................................
Ayu : Sorry ...........................

4. Fira : Excuse ........................?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : ....................................
Ayu : Sorry ...........................

5. Fira : Excuse ........................?

Ayu : Sure
Fira : ....................................
Ayu : Sorry ..........................

I. Choose the best answer for a, b, c, or d!

1. Excuse me … I help you?

a. you’re welcome c. Thanks

b. can d. Of course

2. Amel : May I borrow your book ?

Andi : …

a. may c. can

b. sure d. you’re welcome

3. Student : …?

Mrs. Ana : Sure!

a. May I go to the toilet

b. May I borrow your pen

c. Can I help you

d. May I sweep the floor

4. Mr. Heru : This box is heavy

Sam : …?

Mr. Heru : Of course

a. Can I borrow your pencil c. Can I sit here

b. May I clean the whiteboard d. Can I help you

5. Your dictionary – excuse me – may – borrow – I

a. May I borrow your dictionary, excuse me

b. Excuse me, May I borrow your dictionary

c. May excuse me I borrow your dictionary

6. Deni : I have to move this chair.


Yudi : Sure

a. Can I help you c. May I borrow your box

b. Can you help me d. Can I borrow your box

7. Kevin : Are you using this book?

Wina : No, ….

a. I am not c. I am

b. You are d. Are you

8. help – me – you – excuse – me – can - ?

Arrang : ….

a. Excuse you, Can me help me ? c. Excuse me, Can you help me ?

b. Can me help me, Excuse you ? d. Can you help me, Excuse me ?

9. Student : …?

Mrs. Ita : Sure!

a. May I clean the class

b. May I sweep the class

c. May I clean the whiteboard

d. May I sweep the whiteboard

10. Putra : May I … your pencil ?

Ida : Sure, here you are!

a. clean c. help

b. sweep d. borrow

II. Let’s complete these dialogues!

May I borrow your bicycle?

Lita : Hi, Jack, How are you today?

Jack : .............................................
Lita :Fine,thanks.May I borrow your bicycle.
Jack : ...............................................
Lita :How about your helmet. May I borrow it, too?
Jack :...................................................
Lita : And may I borrow your backpack?
Jack : ..................................................
Lita : All right, thanks.
Jack : ..................................................

 You’re welcome

 Yes, sure you may

 No, I’m afraid you may not. I’m using it

 Hello, Lita. I’m fine,thanks. How about you?

 Yes, of course


90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. borrow = meminjam

2. help = membantu

3. using = memakai

4. need = perlu

5. have = punya


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai



3.2 Memahami teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi contoh

melakukan sesuatu, dan meminta kejelasan informasi,
himbauan dan larangan dalam konteks kelas

4.2 Menulis dan bercakap-cakap dialog sederhana tentang

memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, dan meminta kejelasan
informasi,himbauan dan larangan dalam konteks kelas

Materials : Instruction, asking information

Activities :

1. Look and say

2. Listen and practice
3. Look and read loudly
4. Read loudly
5. Read and practice



Activity 1

Look and say!

Switch off the lamp! Switch off the fan!

Switch off the AC! Recycle the waste!

Turn off the tap! Turn off the stove!

Switch off the computer! Switch off the television!

Activity 2

Listen and practice!

Teacher : Ok, this class is over! Turn off the the fan, please!

Student : Excuse me, sir, may I switch off the lamp?

Teacher : Sure, we must save the energy. Turn off the lamp and the
fan when we don’t use it!

Student : Yes, sir, we must save energy.

Mommy : Tony, what are you doing?

Tony : I am washing my hands, mom.

Mommy : Don’t forget to turn off the tap!

Tony : Ok, I will save water.

Mommy : Good boy!

Activity 3

Look and read loudly!

Use water as you need!

Don’t waste water!

Turn off the tap while brushing

your teeth!

Switch off the television when you sleep!

Save water when you wash dishes!

Switch off the lamp in the afternoon!

Water the flower!

Turn off the tap! The pail is full.

Activity 4

Read aloud!
Water is very important to save the

earth. We need it for bathing, drinking,

washing clothes, washing dishes and

watering the flower, etc. Do not waste

water! We have to turn off the tap while

brushing our teeth. Turn off the tap

when the bathtube is full.

Activity 5

Read and practice!

Brian : Excuse me, sir, can you tell me how to save our world?

Mr. Chan : Of course, you can start from saving energy and water.

Brian : How can we do it?

Mr. Chan : Switch off the fan or air conditioner when it’s not in use.

Switch off the lamp in the afternoon.

You can also save the water.

Brian : Thank you. I’ll do.

Mr. Chan : You’re welcome.


Exercise 1

Cross (x) the bad habbit in the box!






Exercise 2

Read and complete!

Sandy : .... can you ... me where can I pay electricity bill?

Vivi : You can ... by online or in the post office.

Sandy : Really? Ok, I . ... there.

(after pay the bill in the Post office)

Vivi : ... is your bill? Have you paid it?

Sandy : Yeaahhhh, I ... four hundred thousand rupiahs for electricity

bill. It is ... for me.

Vivi : It’s better to reduce of using electric.

Sandy : Yes, you are right. I must ... energy.

Exercise 3

Read and answer!

Let’s Save the Earth

The students in Surabaya have a great event at Kenjeran beach. It is

“ Aksi Bersih-bersih di Pantai Kenjeran”. They clean plastic waste spreads

on the beach area. It leads by the governor of Surabaya, Tri Risma Harini.

She and all students there take any plastic waste. They take lots of plastic

waste. This event gets 14 ton of plastic waste and throw away to “Benowo

TPA”. It’s an area of waste. This is a good activity, because it has a great

impact to our ocean and our planet.


1. What is the great event in Kenjeran Beach? ....

2. Who leads the event? ....

3. Who are involved on this event? ....

4. Where is center of waste area ? ....

5. Why “Aksi Bersih-bersih di Pantai Kenjeran” is a good action?

Exercise 4

Look at these pictures, write your suggestions!











Exercise 5

Look at the picture and write 5 instructions!

1. ....................................................................................................................

2. ...................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................

4. ....................................................................................................................

5. ....................................................................................................................


I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c or d

1. Teacher : Can you ... me how to save water?

Student : Sure.
a. tell b. give c. go d.take

Doni : Do you know, the cycles of water?
Dodi : What do you .... ?
Doni : Every drop of water on earth has been recycled many times
through nature's own purification systems.
Dodi : Really? It’s so wonderfull process.
a. do b. mean c. think d. study
3. Putri : ... , can you explain about water conservation?
Mr. Amri : Sure, I will explain after break.
a. What b. How many c. Excuse me d. Certainly
4. Farah : The room is very dark. ... the lamp, please!
Ghea : Sure.
a. switch on c. turn off
b. switch off d. save on
5. ... please, it is very hot in this room.
a. Turn on the fan c. Turn on the TV
b. Turn on the lamp d. Turn on the computer

6. Student : Excuse me can you tell me how to ... the plastic waste?
Teacher : Sure, you can bring reusable glass for your drinking.
Don’t buy food or drink in plastic sachet!
a. reduce b. recycle c. throw d. save
7. Ruly : Don’t forget to ... a reusable bag for shopping!
Hanny : Ok.
a. take b. borrow c. buy d. bring
8. We must ... the electric power of TV when you sleep.
a. plug b. unplug c. install d. hold on

9. Mr. Ben : ... trees around your house! You will get fresh air.
Mrs. Siti : Really? Ok, I will.
a. Plant b. Cut c. Take d. Give
10. Hanny : ... the planet by reuse, reduce and recycle!
Jingga : Ok, our world will be green and clean.
a. Look b. Throw c. Bring d. Save

Read and answer!

Bring your Reusable Glass!

Amira : Excuse me, mom! Would you tell me why we must bring reusable
glass and bowl?

Mrs. Lily : Sure, you must reduce the plastic waste. You can use your glass
to buy some drink in the canteen. The school must be zero
waste. Don’t buy food or some drinks in plastics sachet. Don’t
use straw!
Amira : Why should we reduce plastic waste?
Mrs. Lily : Because plastics pollute the natural environment. It can take
thousands of years to biodegrade, it also has a bad impact on
our oceans. Many of whale and sea animals were dead caused
by plastics waste in its stomach.
Amira : Really? It is so terrible.

Mrs. Lily : Of course, so let’s save our ocean from plastic waste! Reduce
the plastic waste and always throw the trash into dustbin!
Amira : Ok, mom, I will.

1. What do the students must bring from their home? ....
2. Write two instructions from Mrs.Lily for Amira! ....
3. How is the impact of plastic waste on our ocean? ....
4. Why does plastics waste pollute the natural environment? ....
5. What kinds of plastic should we reduce? ....

Tingkat keberhasilan :

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. explain = menjelaskan

2. throw = membuang

3. electric power = listtrik

4. reduce = mengurangi

5. recycle = mengolah kembali

6. waste = sampah


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai




3.3 Mengamati, mendengarkan percakapan untuk memberi contoh

bagaimana merawat tanaman atau binatang peliharaan dan
membaca nyaring teks deskriptif sangat sederhana dengan
ucapan dan intonasi yang benar dan berterima.
4.3 Menulis dialog dan bercakap-cakap tentangbagaimana
merawat tanaman atau binatang peliharaan

Material : Pets, plants


1. Look and say

2. Read loudly

3. Read and practice

4. Let’s survey



Activity 1

Look and say!


feed chicken play with dog wash the dog

treat the cat clean the cage toilet training

refreshing love pet give nutrition

Activity 2

Read the text loudly!

I have a cat. Its name is Winkie. It has brown color. It has lovely green

eyes. It is very soft and furry. It eats fish and drinks milk. It plays

with me when I come back from school. It likes to play ball in the

garden. It loves me and shows it’s love by licking me when I come back

from school. It sleeps in a small basket near my bed. I always clean the

cage and feeds everyday. I love Winkie very much.

Activity 3
Read and practice!

Lily : Hi.... What are you doing, Han?

Hanny : Look!, It’s my cute cat.

Lily : Yeah …. It’s so cute. How do you raise your cat?

Hanny : I feed it every day, wash it every evening. I always clean

the cage!

Lily : How about nutrition and vitamins? Do you give it?

Hanny : I have to consult to the veterinarian .

Lily : Ok, I see. Thank you, Hanny.

Hanny : You’re welcome.

Activity 4

Listen and repeat!

I clean the cage every day.

I feed my rabbit.

I wash my dog.

I change water regularly.

I play ball with my dog.

I bring my cat to the vet.

I water flowers everyday.

I give fertilizer once a week.

My plant gets enough sunlight.

Activity 5

Read and practice!

Mom : Let’s plant sun flowers in our garden!

Dito : It’s a good idea! I will take a pail and water.

Dita : What else we need?

Mom : I bring seeds. You plant and care them everyday.

Dita : What can I do next?

Mom : You just water them everyday and give fertilizer once a


Dito & Dita : Ok.

Activity 6

Let’s survey. Ask your friend!

What is your pet?

My pet is ....

Survey table

No. Name Pet

1. Chintya dog

2. ........................................ ........................................

3. ........................................ ........................................

4. ........................................ ........................................

5. ........................................ ........................................


Exercise 1

Read and complete!

Ghea : Do you have a (1) ... ?

Beni : Yes, I have a (2) ... .

Ghea : Hmm, it is so cute. How do you (3) ... a hamster?

Beni : I (4) ... his cage and feed regularly. I also must (5) ...

his water to (6) ... everyday. And of course I give running (7)

... in his cage.

Ghea : (8) ... wheel? What is it?

Beni : It is for his (9) ... . He likes run around his wheel.

Ghea : Really? Oh thanks for your information. It is (10) ... for me.

Beni : Never mind.

hamster running pet playing useful

raise wheel change clean drink

Exercise 2

Look at the pictures and write sentences!

1. .........................................................................................


2. ........................................................................................


3. .......................................................................................


4. .......................................................................................


5. .......................................................................................


Exercise 3

Read and answer!

My name is Edo. I spend this holiday in my uncle’s village. My uncle has 15

rabbits in his cage. They eat vegetables everyday; carrots, cabbage and

others. My uncle always cleans the cage everyday. He also changes the

water for rabbit drink. If they has disease, my uncle bring to a vet. A vet

will check up all rabbits and give treatment. All rabbits are healthy and

active. They also get nutrition and vitamins once a week.


1. Who has holiday in the village? ....

2. How many rabbits does uncle Edo have? ....

3. What vegetables the rabbits eat? ....

4. Does his uncle always clean the cage? ....

5. Who checks up the rabbit healthy? ....

Exercise 4

Look at the pictures and complete!

1. I ... the hamster cage twice a week.

2. Mr. Bill ... the birds with corn.

3. My sister and I ... the flower in the garden.

4. My dog is injured on its leg, I bring it to the ....

5. We must give ... the plant, so it can grow fast.


I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!

1. Myta has a cat. She always … with her cat

when she came back from her school.

a. plays c. feeds

b. treats d. cleans

2. A plant needs .... to grow fast.

a. water b. oxygen

b. fertilizer d. soil

3. If you have a pet, you must ... the cage to

avoid the disease.

a. make c. play

b. love d. clean

4. My cat was injured. It needs a treatment

with a ....

a. student c. dentist

b. vet d. farmer

5. My uncle has several ducks. He ... them

with seeds.

a. feeds c. cleans

b. plays d. washes

6. These are kind of pets, except ....

a. duck, cat, rabbit c. dog, crocodile, lion

b. turtle, duck, fish d. bird, hamster, chicken

7. We can feed birds with corn and feed rabbit with ....

a. meat

b. seed

c. worm

d. vegetable

8. This is for playing hamster in the cage. It is ....

a. running wheel

b. branch

c. stone

d. leaves

9. I have fish in the ....

a. aquarium b. cage

c. bed d. sky

10. A plant needs .... to photosynthesis on its leaves.

a. water c. light energy

b. fertilizer d. soil

Jhon : I want to have ducks like uncle Ben. It will be fun.

Mom : No, we don’t have field to breed them.

Jhon : We can use cage, mom.

Mom : It will be very dirty.

Jhon : I will clean the cage every day. We’ll get lots of eggs.

Mom : Really? Ok, you can try to have ducks, but do not more than


Jhon : Ok, thank you mom.


1. Who wants to have ducks? ...

2. Can we breed ducks in cage? ...

3. What will duck lay? ...

4. How can raise the duck? ....

5. Does mom agree of John’s request to breed ducks? ...


90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. healthy = sehat

2. seed = biji

3. care = merawat

4. cage = kandang

5. feed = memberi makan

6. disease = penyakit


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai


3.4. Memahami percakapan dan memahami teks deskriptif

bergambar sederhana tentang berbagai pekerjaan/profesi
seseorang secara sederhana dan berterima.
4.4 Menulis dan mendeskripsikan macam-macam
pekerjaan/profesi seseorang secara sederhana dan berterima.

Material : Kind of jobs

Activity :

1. Look and say

2. Listen and repeat

3. Listen and practice

4. Listen and practice

5. Read the text loudly

6. Speak and act out

7. Let’s play “What am I?”


Activity 1

Look and say!

students singer dancer driver pilot

doctor nurse fisherman chef teacher

dentist soldier mechanic policeman farmer

Activity 2

Listen and repeat!

He is a doctor. She is singer.
I am a student.

She is dancer. He is a soldier. He is a policeman.

He is a farmer. She is a teacher. He is a fisherman.

Activity 3

Listen and practice!

Yes, I am. Are you a doctor?

Are you a student?

No, I am not.
I am a nurse.

No, he is not.
Is he a chef? He is a farmer.

Yes, he is. Is he fisherman?

Activity 4

Read the text loudly!

Miss Elisha is my English teacher.

She is beautiful and very kind.

She always teaches lesson clearly.

The students practice speaking English with her.

They love her very much.

Activity 5

Speak and act out!

He is a pilot
What is he? What is he?

He is a mechanic

He is a policeman
What is he?
What is he?
He is a dentist

What is she? She is a teacher

She is a dancer
What is she?

Activity 6

Let’s play “What am I ?”

The rules of game:

1. A student comes in front of the classroom. He/ She act out a kind of
job without saying the name of job.

2. He goes to in front of the classroom and let his friends guess what she/
he is.

3. A student (infront of classroom) just answer Yes or No.

4. If his friends answered correctly, the game is over.

5. This game can be repeated by 5 or more students.


Exercises 1

Listen and write!

He is Mr. Richard.

He is a .... white

He has a ... on his neck.

He wears a .... uniform.
He works in the ....

He is very ... and patient. hospital

Exercises 2
Read and answer the questions!
Mr. Sonny is a pilot.

He flies a plane.

He wears pilot uniform.

His uniform is blue.

If you want to take a plane, please go to the airport.

Juanda is an international airport in east Java.

1. What is Mr. Sonny? ....

2. What does a pilot wear? ....

3. What colour is his uniform? ....

4. Where can you get the plane? ....

5. Have you gone by plane? ....

Exercises 3

Look at the picture and answer the questions!

1. Shandy : What is he?

Andy : ....

2. Anne : What is she ?

Sandy : ....

3. Danu : Is he a mechanic?

Denis : ....

4. Dio : Is he a fisherman?

Dea : ....

5. John : Is he a dancer?

Jack : ....

Exercises 4

Make a dialogue according to the pictures!


Hanny : Is he a soldier?

Cyntia : No, he is not

Hanny : What is he?

Cyntia : He is a policeman

1. Bonny : Is she a ... ?

Luna : No, ....

Bonny : What is ... ?

Luna : She is a ....

2. Rakha : Is she a ... ?

Rafa : No, ....

Rakha : What ... ?

Rafa : She is ....

3. Mico : ....

Nico : ....

Mico : ....

Nico : ....

4. Sonia : ....

Andin : ....

Sonia : ....

Andin : ....

5. Andra : ....

Andre : ....

Andra : ....

Andre : ....

Exercises 5

Describe these pictures with your own words!









4. .................................................................


5. ................. ......................................................................



Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

1. Is she a nurse?

a. Yes, I am b. Yes, she is c. No, I am not d. No, she

is not

2. My father cooks some food in the restaurant. He is a ....

a. chef b. waiter c. waitress d. receptionist

3. My father works in the hospital. His uniform is white. He is a ....

a. soldier b. doctor

c. policeman d. singer

4. works – A policeman – police station – in the

1 2 3 4
The correct sentence is ....

a. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 b. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3

c. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 d. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1

5. Tony : What is she?

Dhoni : She is a ....

a. teacher b. nurse c. waitress d. singer

6. Mr. Amin is a fisherman. He catches .... at the sea


a. cat b. dog c. cow d. fish

7. George : What is your father?

Andy : My father is a doctor.

George : Where does he work?

Andy : She works in the ...

a. school b. hotel c. hospital d. bank

8. A ... goes to school everyday.

a. doctor b. student

c. mechanic d. singer

9. Dimas : Is he a driver?

Nimas : ....

a. Yes, he is b. No, he is not

c. Yes, she is d. No, she is not

10. A pilot flies a ....

a. car b. bike

c. ship d. plane

Read this text and answer the questions!

Mr. Jack is my English teacher.

He likes telling funny stories.

All students listen him and laugh happily.

He also smart and very kind.

Speaking English is fun and interesting with him.

1. What is Mr. Jack? ....

2. Is he a Math teacher? ....

3. What does he like to tell? ....

4. How is he? ....

5. Is speaking English boring? ....


90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. describe = menggambarkan

2. uniform = seragam

3. passanger = penumpang

4. work = bekerja

5. teaches = mengajar

6. lesson = pelajaran


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai



3.5 Menyimak dan memahami percakapan teks naratif

sederhana tentang kisah kepahlawanan
4.5 Menulis dan bercakap cakap sederhana tentang kisah
kepahlawanan dengan tindak tutur yang berterima

Materials : Text about heroes

Activities :

1. Read loudly

2. Read and practice

3. Look at the pictures and say

4. Read and practice

5. Point and say



Activity 1

Read loudly!

Ki Hajar Dewantara is an Educational Hero.

He was the first minister of Education in


He motivated youth to keep passion in learning.

He is the founder of educational motto “Tut

Wuri Handayani”.

Activity 2

Read and practice!

Ricky : Who is he ?

Ricko : He is the first president of


Ricky : Is he Ir. Soekarno?

Ricko : Yes, he is. He proclaimed Indonesia’s

Independence on August 17th 1945.

Dodi : Do you know, who is he?

Tomy : Sure, he is Bung Tomo. He played a

central role in Battle of Surabaya.

Dodi : What did he do?

Tomy : His speech burned the Indonesian

spirit to defend Surabaya.

Activity 3

Look at the pictures and say!

Let’s join the flag ceremony!

Let’s pray for the national heroes!

Let’s study hard to appreciate Heroes’ struggle!

Let’s sing Indonesia Raya!

Let’s visit 10 November Museum!

Activity 4

Read and practice!

Mr. Ali : Where will you go?

Ardhi : I will go to school, sir

Mr. Ali : What will you do? It is Sunday.

Ardhi : Today is Independence Day.

We have flag ceremony at school.

Mr Ali : Oh, I see. Good student!

Jack : What is it? It is very high.

Amir : It is Heroes Monument. It is

dedicated to the heroes of the

Battle of Surabaya on November

10th 1945.

Jack : What can we see there?

Amir : There is a museum under the monument. It contains of

documentary photographs and dioramas that happened

around the 10 November clashes.

Jack : Wow, it’s wonderfull.

Activity 5

Point and say!

Ir. Soekarno

Moh. Hatta



Ki Hajar Dewantara

RA Kartini



Cut Nyak Dien



Exercise 1

Read aloud!

The Hero Day

Every November 10th , Indonesia commemorate The Hero Day. It was The

Battle of Surabaya. At that time Bung Tomo gave speech in a station of

radio. He feed up patriotic spirit. Surabaya people fought with NICA

soldiers till the end. Thousands people died. Since then, this moment was

called The Heroes Day.

Circle T if the statement is True and F if it is false!

1. November 10th is The Heroes Day. (T / F)

2. Bung Tomo is the first president of Indonesia. (T / F)

3. The Battle was happened in Jakarta. (T / F)

4. Bung Tomo gave speech to feed up patriotic spirit. (T / F)

5. Thousand of Surabaya people died in the Battle. (T / F)

Exercise 2

Complete the dialogue!

1. Bill : When was the battle of Surabaya

James : Of course, it happened on ....

Bill : Did it happen after Indonesia proclaimed

its Independence?

James : ....

2. Tamara : Why do we join in the flag


Grace : Because we have to … our heroes.

Tamara : What can we do at the flag


Grace : We can ... for them.

3. Fian : Who is he?

Bob : He is .....

Fian : Is he the first president of Indonesia?

Bob : .... . He is the first vice


Exercise 3

Describe these pictures!









5. ................................ .............................................................................


Exercise 4

Look at the picture and answer!

1. Who is he? ....

2. Is he a National Hero? ....

3. What did he do? ....

4. Where was the battle happened? ....

5. What can we do as students to appreciate heroes struggle? ....

Exercise 5

Match and draw line!

He took speech to feed
up patriotic spirit of
Ki Hajar Dewantara Surabaya people. He
struggled for Indonesia

He is Educational
figure. He motivated
Ir. Soekarno the youth for learning
the science. He is the
first Minister of

She is from Aceh. She

was educated in religion
Bung Tomo
and household matters.
She led guerrilla
against the Dutch for
25 years.

He is the first
Cut Nyak Dien president of Indonesia.
He proclaimed
Independence on
August 17th 1945.

She is from Jepara.

She built school and
RA Kartini
taught the Indonesian
women how to read and


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. Ir. Soekarno is the first ... of Indonesia.

a. Educational Minister c. vice president

b. president d. governor

2. Dhoni : ... did take speech for raising patriotic spirit of Surabaya


Fahmi : He is Bung Tomo.

a. What b. Who

b. How d. Where

3. Every Monday, the student have ....

a. flag ceremony c. birthday party

b. speech contest d. camping

4. All students must learn ... Indonesia Raya for their patriotic spirit.

a. singing c. dancing

b. praying d. visiting

5. We must .... for the National Heroes to appreciate their struggle

againts colonialism.

a. sing c. pray

b. visit d. meet

6. Ki Hajar Dewantara is an .... figure of Indonesia.

a. Revolution c. Democracy

b. Educational d. Emancipation

7. Teacher : .... do we celebrate the Independence Day ?

Student : On August 17th.

a. Where c. Who

b. What d. When

8. ... is dedicated to the Heroes died during the Battle of Surabaya on

November 10th, 1945.

a. National Monument c. Heroes Monument

b. Tani Monument d. Khatulistiwa Monument

9. We must .... to continue Heroes’ struggle for Independence.

a. study hard c. never study

b. fight d. take speech

10. join - Let’s – ceremony – the – flag - !

The correct sentence is ....

a. Let’s the flag join ceremony!

b. Let’s ceremony the flag join!

c. Let’s join the flag ceremony!

d. Let’s join the ceremony flag!

Read and answer!

Today is Saturday November 10th, it is The Hero Day. There is

Hero Theater at my school. All students are wearing Heroes costume. They

looks heroic and enthusiastic. There are soldier, nurse, doctor and British

troops in the yard. They will act out the roleplay of Battle of Surabaya. A

student as Bung Tomo orates to burn the Surabaya people heroic spirit.

The role play is so fantastic. All teachers and other students give big


1. What day is that day? ....

2. Why are the students wearing heroes costume? ....

3. What kind of costumes are they wearing? ....

4. What role play will they act out? ....

5. How are all teachers and students after role playing? ....

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. ceremony = upacara

2. independence = kemerdekaan

3. vice president = wakil presiden

4. appreciate = menghargai

5. struggle = berperang

6. spirit = semangat


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai




3.6 Menyimak dan memahami teks deskriptif sederhana tentang

keindahan tempat wisata

4.6 Menulis dan bercakap cakap sederhana tentang keindahan

tempat wisata

Materials : Objects of tourism

Activities :

1. Listen and repeat

2. Read the text loudly

3. Point the picture and speak loudly

4. Practice in pairs!

5. Let’s survey

6. Speak and practice




Activity 1

Listen and repeat!

Surabaya zoo Kenjeran beach

Bungkul Park

Suramadu Bridge Hero Msuseum

Surabaya plaza swimming pool

Agung mosque

mangrove forest Hero Monument

Activity 2

Read the text loudly!

Kenjeran Beach

I’m Santi. I live in Surabaya. Surabaya is the biggest city in

East Java. There are many tourism objects in Surabaya such as Bungkul

park, Hero Monument, Surabaya Zoo, Suramadu Bridge, Surabaya Plaza,

Agung mosque etc. My favourite object is Kenjeran beach because I can

swim, play sand, fishing and go around the sea on a boat. Usually I go to

Kenjeran beach by car with my family.

Activity 3

Point the pictures and speak!


I like going to Surabaya zoo


The children like playing sand castle in Kenjeran beach


This is Bungkul park


The students go to Hero monuent museum.


We like swimming in Plaza Marina swimming pool.


Suramadu bridge is between Java island and Madura island.


My mother go shopping at Royal Plaza.


Agung mosque is the biggest mosque in Surabaya.


The students study about history in Hero Monument.


My family go to mangrove by car.

Activity 4
Practice in pairs!

Activity 5
Let’s survey. Ask your 5 friends. Use the questions below!

A : What is your favourite tourism object?

B : My favourite tourism object is ….

A : How do you go there?

B : I go to there by ….

Write your survey on the table below!

No Name Favourite object Go by ….






Activity 6
Speak and practice!

Dialogue 1

A : What is your favourite tourism object?

B : It’s Kenjeran beach.
A : How do you go there?
B : I go there by car

Dialogue 2

A : What is your favourite tourism object?

B : It’s Bungkul park.
A : How do you go there?
B : I go to there by motorcycle.

Dialogue 3

A : What is your favourite tourism object ?

B : It’s Hero monument.
A : How do you go there?
B : I go to there by bu


(Lyric : disini senang – disana senang)

Here I am Happy

Here I am Happy

There I am Happy

Every Where I am Always Happy... 2x

Let’s making happy learning

Let’s making happy learning

Let’s making happy learning

Happy learning

Exercise 1 Complete these words!
1. 2

__ e __ c __ P __ __ k

3 4

m __ u __ __ a __ n __ o __

5. 6.

m __ n g __ __ V __ _ r __ d g __

Exercise 2

Listen and check (√ )







Exercise 3

Match words with the pictures!

1. • • mangroove

2. • • beach

3. • • hero monument

4. • • mall

5. • • swimming pool

6. • • mosque

7. • • zoo

8. • • park

9. • • bridge

10. • • museum

Exercise 4

Write sentences!

1. __________________





3. .


4. . . .




Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!

1. We can see many animals in the ….

a. zoo c. park
b. beach d. museum

2. Yudi and I like swimming in the ….

a. park c. mall

b. monument d. swimming pool

3. We can go to religious object at Akbar ….

a. mosque c. temple

b. mangrove d. beach

4. There are many plants and flowers in the ….

a. park c. museum

b. zoo d. beach

5. The children play sand at the ….

a. park c. temple

b. beach d. plaza

6. We can see antique and unique things in the ….

a. museum c. mangrove

b. zoo d. swimming pool

7. We can see sun rises at the ….

a. zoo c. mall

b. swimming pool d. Beach

8. Tourists can buy . . . in the tourism object.

a. sand c. boat

b. flower d. souvenirs

9. We can see animals at the ….

a. mall c. museum

b. zoo d. park

10. Ira and her mother go shopping to the ….

a. park c. mall

b. beach d. museum

II. Let’s fill in the blank with a correct answer


There are many boats at the ….

2. I like playing skateboard in Bungkul . . .

3. Suramadu . . . is the way to cross Madura strait.

4. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful …. at Bromo.

5. Andy : … is your fvourite tourism object?

Sani : My favourite tourism object is Mangrove forest.

Tingkat keberhasilan :

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor


1. sunrise = matahari terbit

2. strait = selat

3. mangrove = tembakau

4. plant = tanaman

5. antique = antik

6. unique = unik


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai




3.7 Menyimak, memahami dan membaca nyaring teks deskriptif

tentang cita-cita.

4.7 Menulis dan bercakap cakap sederhana tentang cita-cita

Materials : dream, ambition

Activities :

1. Listen and repeat

2. Practice the dialogue

3. Let’s survey




Activity 1
Listen and repeat!


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a doctor.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a teacher.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a soldier.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a pilot.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a nurse.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a policeman.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a chef.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a postman.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a singer.


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a sailor.

Activity 2
Practice the dialogue!

Reni : What is your father, John?

John : He is a chef

Reni : Where does he work?

John : He works in Mulia restaurant?

Reni : Do you want to be a chef?

John : No, I want to be a policeman.

Activity 3

Let’s survey

Ask your friends

A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be ….

Survey table

No. Name She/He wants to be







Que Sera, Sera

When I was just a little girl

I asked my mother, what will I be

Will I be pretty, will I be rich

Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours to see

Que Sera, Sera

What will be, will be.

When I was young, I fell in love

I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead

Will we have rainbows, day after day

Here's what my sweetheart said.

Hey! what're you gonna say?

Hey! What're you gonna say?

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours to see

What will be, will be.

Que sera,…


Exercise 1

Listen your friend and give tick (√ )







Exercise 2

Complete dialogues!


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a ….


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a ….


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a ….


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a ….


A : What do you want to be?

B : I want to be a ….

Exercise 3

Match words with the pictures!

1. • • postman

2. • • soldier

3. • • singer

4. • • teacher

5. • • policeman

6. • • chef

7. • • doctor

8. • • nurse

9. • • sailor

10. • • pilot

Exercise 4
Let’s do crossword puzzle

Exercise 5

Look at the pictures, Write 3 sentences!

1. __________________



2. __________________



3. __________________



4. __________________



I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!

1. Syahrini is a ….

a. sailor c. singer

b. policeman d. nurse

2. She is a ….

a. nurse c. grapes

b. doctor d. banana

3. Mr. Heru sails around the sea. He go abroad.

He is a ….

a. chef c. teacher

b. sailor d. singer

4. A … flies the plane.

a. singer c. postman

b. soldier d. pilot

5. A … works in the hospital.

a. policeman c. soldier

b. doctor d. sailor

6. My uncle is a ….

a. doctor c. teacher

b. singer d. chef

7. Mrs. Ita is a ….

She teaches her students.

a. nurse c. teacher

b. sailor d. doctor

8. Mr. Adam is a ….

a. policeman c. soldier

b. postman d. teacher

9. to be – want - ? – you – do – what

a. to be do you want what?

b. do you what to be want?

c. what do you want to be?

d. want do you what to be?

10. A …. handles the traffic jam.

a. sailor c. doctor

b. policeman d. teacher

II. Read silently, answer the questions!

My name is Dania Amreta Cantika. Just call me Nadia. My
school is SD Mawar Sukabumi. I am the student of the fifth grade. I will
tell about any professions at my school. There are headmaster, teachers, a
librarian, school staffs, and a gardener.
Headmaster is the pers who lead a school. Teachers are person
who teach the students. Librarian is a person who works in a library. School
staffs are persons who take care of the school's administration and a
gardener is a person who takes care of the school garden.
1. What is Dania?
2. In what class is she now?
3. What does the school's staff do?
4. What does a gardener do?
5. What does a teacher do?


90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

1. traffic jam = macet

2. go abroad = luar negeri

3. fly = terbang

4. want = ingin

5. work = bekerja

6. teaches = mengajar


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai



3.8 Memahami teks percakapan sederhana tentang bagaimana

berperilaku baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

4.8 Menulis dan bercakap-cakap sederhana tentang berperilaku

baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (sopan santun, kartu
ucapan, pujian) secara berterima

Materials : congratulations, praise, asking permission

Activities :
1. Read and practice
2. Read the text loudly
3. Look and say
4. Read and practice
5. Look at the card, read and write


Activity 1

Read and practice!

Sonia : Your dress is so nice. You look beautiful.

Hana : Thank you, Sonia. It’s my birthday dress.

Sonia : When will you have party?

Hana : Come to my birthday party tomorrow, OK?

Sonia : Certainly. Happy birthday, Hana.

Hana : Thank you. See you tomorrow.

Activity 2

Read the text loudly!

Hana’s Birthday

Hana is my classmate. She will have a

birthday party at 4 p.m tomorrow. Today, I

will buy a special present for her.

She likes camping, so I buy something to

make warm at the campingsite.

Yeaaahh,, a sweater and and a scarf. I buy them and wrap them with pink

paper and ribbon. I hope she likes my present.

It is at 4 p.m. I come to Hana’s birthday party with Dea. Hana is

wearing a beautiful pink dress, she is so pretty. There is a big birthday

cake with 10 candles on it. All friends sing “Happy Birthday” and Hana blows

the candles. She slices her cake and give the first slice for her mother.

She looks happy.

Activity 3

Look and say!

Congratulation for winning the speech contest!

Congratulation for getting good score

in Mathematics!

Happy Birthday!
Always be happy and healthy!

Wow, you look so beautiful with pink dress!

Excuse me, can you show me the

nearest hotel from here?

Activity 4
Read and practice!

Bagus : I heard you got 100 for mathematics.

Ayu : Yes, that’s right.

Bagus : Congratulation!

Ayu : Thank you.

Robby : Happy Birthday Ferdi! This a gift for you!

Ferdi : Thank you Robby.

Robby : Always happy and healthy.

Ferdi : Aamiin, Thank you!

Andy : I’m sorry Miss. I’m late.

Teacher : Why are you late?

Andy : I had stomachache, mam.

Teacher : It’s okay. Sit down.

Andy : Thank you.

Activity 5

Look at the card, read and write!

Make your birthday card for your best friend!


Exercise 1

Read and complete the dialogue!

Jimmy : Excuse me, Miss.

Najwa : Can I ... you?

Jimmy : Yes, is there a ... around this harbour? I need to buy some ....

Najwa : Yes, there is one.

Jimmy : Can you .... me how to get there?

Najwa : Of course! Just ... this road, then there is T-junction, ... and you

can already see the mini mart on your ... . It is next to ....

Jimmy : Oh I see. .... for the information.

Najwa : You are ....

a. toilet b. go straight c. right side d.thank you e. help

f. welcome g. mini mart h. drink i. show j. turn left

Exercise 2

Student : Good morning, madam, where are you going to?

Grandma : I want to cross the road. Can you help me?

Student : Sure, hold on my hand. Let’s cross carefully!

Grandma : Thank you, kind kids.

(They are crossing the road)

Student : OK, madam, now you are on the other side of the road. Take
care, okay?

Grandma : Thank you kids.

Circle T if the statement is True and F if the statement is

1. A police helps grandma crossing the road.( T / F )

2. Grandma want to cross the road. ( T / F )

3. Grandma crosses the road with her grandchild. ( T / F )

4. The students have a good behaviour. ( T / F )

5. Grandma holds on the student’s hand when they cross the road. ( T / F )

Exercise 3

Look at the pictures and put a tick (v) what will you say!

Happy Birthday!

Happy New Year!

Congratulation for getting good


Congratulation for winning speech


You look so beautiful!

Sorry I come late!

What are you doing?

May I borrow your book?

May I help you, mom?

Sorry, I’m busy!

Exercise 4

Describe each picture and write sentences!











If you're happy and you know it
Clap you hands
If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Clap you hands

If you're happy and you know it

Pull your ear
If you're happy and you know it
Pull your ear
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Pull your ear

If you're happy and you know it

Raise your hand
If you're happy and you know it
Raise your hand
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Raise your hand

If you're happy and you know it
Make a smile
If you're happy and you know it
Make a smile
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
Make a smile

If you're happy and you know it

Raise your hand
If you're happy and you know it
Pull your ear
If you're happy and you know it
Clap you hands


I.Choose the correct answers by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

Angga : Excuse me, sir. May I ask you something?

Mr. Ashari : Certainly, Angga. What is it ?

Angga : Could you explain the Surabaya legend once again?

Mr.Ashari : OK. I’ll explain it after break time.

Angga : Yes, sir. Thank you.

1. Where does the dialog take place ?

a. Angga’s house

b. Mr. Ashari’s house

c. school

d. bank

2. Angga said “May I ask you something?”

What does it mean ?

a. He is offering something

b. He is instructing someone

c. He is asking for information politely

d. He is requesting something

Memey : Excuse me, sir. Can you help me?

Mr. Bill : Yes, Memey. What’s the matter?

Memey : May I borrow your dictionary? I need to look up a new


Mr. Bill : Sure. Here you are.

Memey : Thank you, sir. I’ll return it as soon as possible.

Ms. Eliza : No problem.

3. What is the dialog about?

a. Returning a book

b. Learning a new word

c. Lending a book

d. Borrowing a dictionary

4. Memey said “ I’ll return it as soon as possible”.

What does it refer to?

a. the dictionary

b. the book

c. the matter

d. the new word

5. Nita : Excuse me. Could you please tell me

where Mr. Burhan is, sir ?

Security : He is in the library now. He likes

going there during the break.

Nita : Oh I see. Thank you, sir.

Security : You’re welcome.

Who is Nita looking for?

a. Mr. Abdullah c. Mr. Burhan

b. Her friend d. Her father

6. “He likes going there during the break”

He refers to ....

a. Nita b. Mr. Abdullah

c. Mr. Burhan d. Nita’s classmate

7. Your friend got medal for runner up of singing

competition. You say ....

a. Happy birthday! c. Sorry!

b. May I help you? d. Congratulation

8. You are in the restaurant now. You want to know

what the menu . You say ....

a. What can I do for you?

b. Can I help you?

c. Would you come in?

d. Would you please give me the menu?

9. You don’t know the way to the beach. You

want to ask someone, you say ...

a. Congratulation!

b. Sorry, I don’t know

c. Can you give me something?

d. Can you show me the way to the beach?

10. Your father gives a present in your birthday. You say ...

a. Thank you!

b. Sorry, I don’t like it!

c. Can you help me!

d. Happy Birthday!

Read and answer!

Mr. James comes from London. He wants to

visit the tourism object in Surabaya. He has a

map, but he confuses reading it. He asks to

someone “Can you show me the Heroes


Someone answer “Sure, go straight on this way, there is T junction you can

turn right ”. “ Oh, thank you!” Mr James said. He goes straight along the

way and follow the instruction. Finally he finds the Heroes monument. He

wants to see 10 November Museum and watches the dioramas of the Battle

of Surabaya.

1. Where does Mr. James come from? ....

2. Why does he ask to someone? ....
3. What place does he like to visit? ....
4. What does Mr. James say after someone gives the direction? ....
5. What does he want to see in Museum? ....


90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. traffic jam = macet

2. go abroad = luar negeri

3. fly = terbang

4. want = ingin

5. work = bekerja

6. teaches = mengajar


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai




3.9 Menyimak dan memahami teks prosedur jenis-jenis makanan

sehat, minuman, buah-buahan, dan sayuran.
4.9 Menulis dan bercakap-cakap teks prosedur tentang membuat
makanan dan minuman sehat

Materials : food, drink

Activities :
1. Look and read
2. Look at the pictures and the dialogues
3. Practice in pair
4. Read the text loudly and act out
5. Listen and repeat
6. Practice in pair
7. Speak and practice
8. Read and complete the text
9. Let’s survey




Activity 1

Look and read!

Lontong Balap

My name is Sandra. I live in Surabaya East Java. My hobby is

culinary. I like many kinds of food from many other places like pizza,

hamburger, fried chicken, kebab, etc but I prefer traditional food from


There are many traditional food from Surabaya like lontong

kupang, lontong balap, semanggi, rujak cingur and coconut satay. My

favourite food from Surabaya is lontong balap. It’s traditional food in


Their main ingredient is lontong and been sprouts soup. Been

sprouts cook in a kuali (super large pot) with garlic, shallots, salt, pepper,

scallions and cilantro. It’s fresh, it’s warm,it’s perfect for breakfast. I like

lontong balap because it is healthy and delicious.

Activity 2
Look at the pictures and read the dialogues!


A : Do you know traditional food from Surabaya?

B : Yes, I do.
A : What is your favourite traditional food?
B : My favourite food is lontong kupang


A : Do you know traditional food from Surabaya?

B : Yes, I do.
A : What is your favourite traditional food?
B : My favourite food is lontong balap

A : Do you know traditional food from Surabaya?

B : Yes, I do.
A : What is your favourite food?
B : My favourite food is rujak cingur.

A : Do you know traditional food from Surabaya?

B : Yes, I do.
A : What is your favourite food?
B : My favourite food is semanggi.

Activity 3
Practice in pair!

Dialogue 1

A : Do you like fried fries?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite food?
B : My favourite food is lontong kupang.

Dialogue 2

A : Do you like pizza ?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite food ?
B : My favourite food is lontong balap.

Dialogue 3

A : Do you like hamburger?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite food?
B : My favourite food is rujak cingur.

Activity 4

Read the text loudly and act out!

How to make fried rice?

Ingredients :
● 1 plate of cooked rice
● 2 eggs
● 1 teaspoon of salt
● 2 medium onions, chopped
● 1 cloves of garlic, chopped
● chilli powder (adjust based on your spicy level)
● 1 table spoon of tomato sauce
● 1 table spoon of vegetables oil

Step of how to cook fried rice:

1. Heat a medium frying pan and pour the vegetable oil.
2. After it’s heated enough, add the garlic, onion, and chili.
3. Stir-fry the ingredients until it’s tender.
4. Add the eggs and scramble it until half cooked.
5. Pour the cooked rice, then keep stir for a minute.
6. Next, add the seasoning such as the sauce, pepper, and salt,
and mix them all with the rice.
7. After it’s well cooked, take the fried rice and serve on the


Activity 5

Listen and repeat!

water tea


coffee milk

Activity 6
Practice in pair!

Dialogue 1

A : Do you like milk?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite drink?
B : My favourite drink is orange juice.

Dialogue 2

A : Do you like tea ?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite beverage ?
B : My favourite drink is coffee.

Dialogue 3

A : Do you like orange juice ?

B : No, I don’t.
A : What is your favourite beverage ?
B : My favourite drink is plain water.

Activity 7

Speak and practice!

A : Look, it’s fried rice.

B : How is it?

A : Yummy…. It’s delicious. Do you want to taste it?

B : Hmm… it’s good!

A : Do you like coffee?

B : Yes, I do. I like coffee and milk.

A : How is it?

B : It’s so sweet.

Activity 8

Read and complete the text!

How to make a cup of coffee


● Water

● A spoon of coffee powder

● 2 spoons of sugar

Procedure :

● First, boil some water

● Second, put a spoon of coffee powder and 2 spoons of

sugar into a cup

● Third, pour the boiling water into a cup

● Fourth, stir well

● A cup coffee is ready to serve.

Activity 9

Let’s survey

A : What is your favourite food/ drink?

B : My favourite food/drink is ....

Survey table

No Name Food Drink







(Lyric : Are you sleeping)

Orange Juice
I want to drink

I want to drink

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juicy . . . juicy . . juicy

Juicy . . . juicy . . juicy

Orange juice . . . orange juice


Exercise 1
Complete these sentences!

How to make omelette?

First --------- eggs into a bowl.

Add the copped of ---------- and -------------

---------- all them into the -----------

Heat the oil in a ---------- and add the mixture ( egg, onion, and salt)

Cook with the help of a spoon and a ------------- in low heat.

Exercise 2

Let’s write

How to make a cup of tea

Ingredients :
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

Procedure :
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!
1. I like orange ….

a. tea c. coffee

b. juice d. milk

2. My father likes drink ….

a. milk c. coffee

b. fresh water d. juice

3. My mother cooks ….

a. bread c. pizza

b. soup d. noodles

4. This is ….

a. lontong kupang c. rujak cingur

b. fried rice d. Semanggi


I like … for breakfast.

a. fried rice c. noodle

b. pizza d. omelette

II. Complete the dialogue!
A : What is your favorite breakfast?

B : We have (1) … (2) … (3) ….

B : Which one do you want?

A : I want fried rice.

B : How about drink?

A : I like drinking … and a glass of (5) ….

B : Thank you.

A : You’re welcome

Tingkat keberhasilan :

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. contain = mengandung
2. need = perlu
3. powder = bubuk
4. heat = panaskan
5. stir = aduk
6. pour = tuangkan


Mukarto,Sujatmiko dan Josephine. 2006. Grow with English.


WS.Dona, Afif Zaerafi.2005. English Friendly. Solo:Tiga Serangkai


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