A Plea For Pure Science

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A Plea for Pure Science

Author(s): H. A. Rowland
Source: Science , Aug. 24, 1883, Vol. 2, No. 29 (Aug. 24, 1883), pp. 242-250
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science

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242 SCIENCE. [OL. II., No. 29.


ADDRESS OF H. A. ROWLANd OF BAL- gree; yet we do not dignify him by the name of a
TIMORE, MD., VICE-PRESIDENT OF chemist. And yet it is not an uncommon thing,
SECTION B, AUG. 15, 1883. especially in American newspapers, to have the ap-
plications of science confounded with pure science;
and some obscure American who steals the ideas of
A PLEA FOR PURE SCIENCE.1 some great mind of the past, and enriches himself
TIHE question is sometimes asked us as by to
time of the same to domestic uses, is
of year we like the best. To my mind,often lauded above
the spring is the great originator of the idea,
the most delightful; for nature thenwho might have
recovers worked out hundreds of such appli-
the apathy of winter, and stirs herself cations, had his mind possessed tile necessary ele-
to renewed
life. The leaves grow, and the buds open, with a ment of vulgarity. I have often been asked, which
suggestion of vigor delightful to behold; and we was the more important to the world, pure or applied
revel in this ever-renewed life of nature. But this science. To have the applications of a science, the
cannot always last. The leaves reach their limit; science itself must exist. Should we stop its prog-
the buds open to the full, and pass away. Then we ress, and attend only to its applications, we should
begin to ask ourselves whether all this display has soon degenerate into a people like the Chinese, who
been in vain, or whether it has led to a bountiful have made no progress for generations, because they
harvest. have been satisfied with the applications of science,
So this magnificent country of ours has rivalledand thehave never. sought for reasons in what they have
vigor of spring in its growth. Forests have been done. The reasons constitute pure science. They
levelled, and cities built, and a large and powerful have known the application of gunpowder for cen-
nation has been created on the face of the earth. turies; and yet the reasons for its peculiar action, if
We are proud of our advancement. We are proud sought ofin the proper manner, would have developed
such cities as this, founded in a day upon a spot theover
science of chemistry, and even of physics, with
which, but a few years since, the red man hunted all their
the numerous applications. By contenting them-
buffalo. But we must remember that this is only selves
thewith the fact that gunpowder will explode,
spring of our country. Our glance must not beand seeking no farther, they have fallen behind in
ward; for however beautiful leaves and blossoms theare,
progress of the world; and we now regard this
and however marvellous their rapid increase, they oldestareand most numerous of nations as only bar-
but leaves and blossoms after all. Rather should we barians. And yet our own country is in this same
look forward to discover what will be the outcome of state. But we have done better; for we have taken
all this, and what the chance of harvest. For if we the science of the old world, and applied it to all our
do this in time, we may discover the worm which uses, accepting it like the rain of heaven, without
threatens the ripe fruit, or the barren spot where the asking whence it caine, or even acknowledging the
harvest is withering for want of water. debt of gratitude we owe to the great and unselfish
I am required to address the so-called physical workers who have given it to us. And, like the rain
section of this association. Fain would I speak pleas- of heaven, this pure science has fallen upon our
ant words to you on this subject; fain would I re- country, and made it great and rich and strong.
count to you the progress made in this subject by my To a civilized nation of the present day, the appli-
countrymen, and their noble efforts to understand cations of science are a necessity; and our country
the order of the universe. But I go out to gather has hitherto succeeded in this line, only for the reason
the grain ripe to the harvest, and I find only tares. that there are certain countries in the world where
Here and there a noble head of grain rises above the pure science has been and is cultivated, and where
weeds; but so few are they, that I find the majoritythe study of nature is considered a noble pursuit.
of my countrymen know them not, but think that But such countries are rare, and those who wish to
they have a waving harvest, while it is only one of pursue pure science in our own country must be
weeds after all. American science is a thing of the prepared to face public opinion in a manner which
future, and not of the present or past; and the prop- requires much moral courage. They must be prepared
er course of one in my position is to consider what to be looked down upon by every successful inventor
must be done to create a science of physics in this whose shallow mind imagines that the only pursuit of
country, rather than to call telegraphs, electric lights, mankind is wealth, and that he who obtains most has
and such conveniences, by the name of science. I do best succeeded in this world. Everybody can com-
not wish to underrate the value of all these things: prehend a million of money; but how few can com-
the progress of the world depends on them, and he is prehend any advance in scientific theory, especially
to be honored who cultivates tliern successfully. So in its more abstruse portions! And this, I believe,
also the cook who invents a new and palatable dish is one of the causes of the small number of persons
for the table benefits the world to a certain de- who have ever devoted themselves to work of the
higher order in any human pursuit. Man is a grega-
1 In using the word science,' I refer to physical science; as I
know nothing of natural science. Probably my remarks will, rious animal, and depends very much, for his happi-
however, apply to both, but I do not know, ness, on the sympathy of those around him; and it is

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AUGUST 24, 1883.] SCIi NCE. 243

rare to find one with the courage toplied pursue his own science,
ideals in spite of his surroundings. In payment times past, men in th
were more isolated than at present, andFaraday, each came in the
contact with a fewer number of people. which Hence that all mac
time constitutes the period when the great ways, sculptures, and the
paintings, and poems were produced. Each man's a poor man,
have been enriched by his discoveries. And slch
mind was comparatively free to follow its own ideals,
and the results were the great and unique works of must be the fate of the followers in his footsteps for
the ancient masters. To-day the railroad and the some time to come.
telegraph, the books and newspapers, have united But there will be those in the future who will study
each individual man with the rest of the world: in- nature from pure love, and for thenm higher prizes
stead of his mind being an individual, a thing than any yet obtained are waiting. We have but
by itself, and unique, it has become so influenced yet commenced
by our pursuit of science, and stand
the outer world, and so dependent upon it, that it upon the threshold wondering what there is within.
has lost its originality to a great extent. The man We explain the motion of the planet by the law of
who in times past would naturally have been in the gravitation; but who will explain how two bodies,
lowest depths of poverty, mentally and physically, millions of miles apart, tend to go toward each other
to-day measures tape behind a counter, and with with a certain force ?
lordly air advises the naturally born genius how he We now weigh and measure electricity and electric
may best bring his outward appearance down to a currents with as much ease as ordinary matter, yet
level with his own. A new idea he never had, but have we made any approach to an explanation of the
he can at least cover his mental nakedness with ideas
phenomenon of electricity ? Light is an undulatory
imbibed from others. So the genius of the past soon
motion, and yet do we know what it is that undu-
perceives that his higher ideas are too high tolatesbe ? Heat is motion, yet do we know what it is
appreciated by the world: his mind is clipped downthat moves ? Ordinary matter is a common sub-
stance, and yet who shall fathom the mystery of its
to the standard form; every natural offshoot upwards
internal constitution ?
is repressed, until the man is no higher than his fel-
lows. Hence the world, through the abundance of There is room for all in the work, and the race has
its intercourse, is reduced to a level. What was but commenced. The problems are not to be solved
formerly a grand and magnificent landscape, with in a momenet, but need the best work of the best
mountains ascending above the clouds, and depths minds, for an indefinite time.
whose gloom we cannot now appreciate, has become Shall our country be contented to stand by, while
serene and peaceful. The depths have been filled, other countries lead in the race ? Sliall we always
and the heights levelled, and the wavy harvests and grovel in the dust, and pick up the crumbs which
smoky factories cover the landscape. fall ftom the rich man's table, considering ourselves
As far as the average man is colcerned, the change richer than he because we have more crumbs, while
is for the better. The average life of man is far we forget that he has the cake, which is the source of
pleasanter, and his mental condition better, than all be-crumbs ? Shall we be swine, to whom the corn and
fore. But we miss the vigor imparted by the moun- husks are of more value than the pearls? If I read
tains. We are tired of mediocrity, the curse of our aright the signs of the times, I think we shall not
country. We are tired of seeing our artists reduced always be contented with our inferior position.
to hirelings, and imploring congress to protect them From looking down we have almost become blind,
against foreign competition. We are tired of seeing but may recover. In a new country, the necessities
our countrymen take their science from abroad, of andlife must be attended to first. The curse of Adam
boast that they here convert it into wealth. Weisare upon us all, and we must earn our bread.
tired of seeing our professors degrading their chairs But it is the mission of applied science to render
by the pursuit of applied science instead of pure this easier for the whole world. There is a story
science; or sitting inactive while the whole world which I once read, which will illustrate the true posi-
tion of applied science in the world. A boy, more
is open to investigation; lingering by the wayside
while the problem of the universe remains unsolved. fond of reading than of work, was employed, in the
We wish for something higher and nobler in this early days of the steam-engine, to turn the valve at
country of mediocrity, for a mountain to relieveevery the stroke. Necessity was the mother of invention
landscape of its monotony. We are surrounded with in his case: his reading was disturbed by his work,
mysteries, and have been created with minds to enjoy and he soon discovered that he might become free
and reason to aid in the unfolding of such mysteries. from his work by so tying the valve to some mov-
Nature calls to us to study her, and our better feel- able portion of the engine, as to make it move its
ings urge us in the same direction. own valve. So I consider that the true pursuit of
For generations there have been some few students mankind is intellectual. The scientific study of na-
of science who have esteemed the study of nature the ture in all its branches, of mathematics, of mankind
most noble of pursuits. Some have been wealthy, in its past and present, the pursuit of art, and the
and some poor; but they have all had one thing in cultivation of all that is great and noble in the world,
common, - the love of nature and its laws. To these - these are the highest occupation of mankind. Com-
few men the world owes all the progress due to ap- merce, the applicatioIns of science, the accumulation

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244 SCIE NCE. [VOL. II., No. 29.

of wealth, are
of those in necessities
the chairs of professors,
witli high the aim that there can be no mistake.
ideals, but If our aim ina bl
world whichlife is wealth,
has let us honestly
neitherengage in commercial
higher pursuits.
pursuits, and compete with others for its possession.
As the applications
But if we choose a life which we consider ofhigher, letsc
comes easier,
us live up the wealth
to it, taking wealth or poverty as it may n
of apparatus chance to can
come to us, but better
letting neither turn us b
of otlier aside from our pursuit.
things beside th
possible. The work of teaching may absorb the energies of
But the moral
many; and, indeed,qualities
this is the excuse given by most m
proportion for to not doingthe wealth
any scientific work. But there is an old
can be done in
saying, that pure
where there is a will there is ascien
way. Few
or painter naturally
professors do as much teaching or lecturing attai as the
gitimate work
German professors, of his
who are also noted pr
for their elab-
poet, the musician, all
orate papers in the scientific journals. I miyself h
the end of a successful career. But the scientist and have been burdened down with work, and know what
the mathematician have no such incentive to work: it is; and yet I here assert that all can find time for
they must earn their living by other pursuits,scientific usually research if they desire it. But here, again,
teaching, and only devote their surplus timethat to thecurse of our country, mediocrity, is upon us.
true pursuit of their science. And frequently,Our bycolleges
the and universities seldom call for first-class
small salary which they receive, by the lackmen of ofin-reputation, and I have even heard the trustee
strumental and literary facilities, by the mental of a well-known college assert that no professor should
atmospliere in which they exist, and, most of all, by engage in research because of the time wasted ! I was
their low ideals of life, they are led to devote their glad to see, soon after, by the call of a prominent scien-
surplus time to applied science or to other means of tist to that college, that the majority of the trustees
increasing their fortune. How shall we, then, honor did not agree with him.
the few, the very few, who, in spite of all difficulties, That teaching is important, goes without saying. A
have kept tleir eyes fixed on the goal, and have stead- successful teacher is to be respected; but if he does
ily worked for pure science, giving to the world a most not lead his scholars to that which is highest, is he not
precious donation, which lhas borne fruit in our blameworthy ? We are, tlhen, to look to the colleges
greater knowledlge of the universe and in the applica- and universities of the land for most of the work in
tions to ollr iplysical life which have enriched thou- pure science which is done. Let us therefore exam-
saiids and benefited each one of us ? There are also ine these latter, and see what the prospect is.
those who hlave every facility for the pursuit of science, One, wlhom perhaps we may here style a practical
who have all ample salary and every appliance for follower of Ruskin, has stated that while in this
work, yet who (levote themselves to commercial work,country he was variously designated by the title of
to test ifyhlli i courts of law, and to any other work to captain, colonel, and professor. The story may or
increa;le tlleir presenlt large income. Such men wouldmay not le true, but we all know enough of the cus-
be respectable if they gave up tlie name of professor,toms of our countrymen not to dispute it on general
an(l took tllat of cclslultilg chemists or physicists. principles. All men are born equal: some nien are
And sluc l men are needed in lthe commullity. But captains, colonels, and professors, and therefore all
for a ima to (occupy the professor's chair in a promli-men are such. The logic is conclusive; and tlie same
nellt college, andl, by his el,ergy and ability in the kind of logic seems to have been applied to our
comlercial applications of hiis science, stand before schools, colleges, and universities. I have before me
tlie local co,mllluity ill a prominlellt maniler, atndl be-tlie report of the commissioner of education for 18S0.
come Ilie newspaper exponen,lt of his science, is a dis-Accordingl to that report, there were- 38.,l or say, in
grace lbth to him anl( hlis college. It is the death-round miumbers, 400 institutionis, callinig tlhemselves
blow to science in tlat regions. Call him by his proper colleges or uliversities, in our country! We may
anie, ald hle becomes at once a useful mtember of the well exclaim that ours is a great couintry, having
collmuinlity. Put in hIis place a man who shall by more tlian the wliole wirld beside. Tle fact is suf-
precept anti example cultivate his science, anid howficielt. Tlie whole earth woild hardly support such
differelt is tile result ! Young mlen,l lookling forwarda number of first-class institutioits. Thle curse of
ilnto the worldt for sometlil)g to do, see before them med(iocrity must be upon tlhem, to swarm in such
this lligll aidl Ioble life, and they see that there is nimbers. They must be a cloud of mosquitoes, in-
something mlore honorable than the accumulation of steadl of eagles as they profess. Atd this becomes
wealtlh. They are tlius led to devote their lives to evi(lent on furtlher analysis. About one-thlird aspire
similar pursuits, a1i(1 they honor the professor who hasto the name of un;iversity; and I nlote one called by
drawin tlieni to som,etliing higher than they might that name which lias two professors and 18 students,
otherwise have aspired to reach. and another having tlhree teachers and 12 stul(lents!
I do miot wi.>h to be mnisunderstood in this matter. And these instances are not iunique, for tle number
It is no disgrace to make money by an invention, or of small institutions and scllools which call tlem-
otherwise, or to do cotimmnercial scientific work under selves universities is very great. It is difficult to
some circumstances. But let pure science be the aim 1 364 reported on, and 25 not reported.

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AUTGus T 24, 1883.1 SCIE. NCE. 245

decide from the statistics alone the exact is

a very small
of these institutions. The extremes are easy anyto man- institution
age. Who can doubt tlat an institution with over $1,000,000, is to
800 students, and a faculty of 70, is of a higher grade world. And yet
tian those above cited having 10 or 20 students and many of them
two or three in the faculty ? Yet this is not always the word 'unive
true; for I note one institution with over 500 students that the e
which is known to me personally as of the grade of of these institu
a high school. The statistics are more or less defec- them deserve i
tive, and it would much weaken the force of myhas probably be
remarks if I went too much into detail. I append But what shall w
the following tables, however, of 330 so-called col- the charter of
leges and universities:- total of $20,000
and 18 students! or another with tliree l)rofessors,
218 had from 0 to 100 students. 12 students, and a total of $27,00 endiowmelnt, mostly
88" " 100 " 200 ' invested in buildings! And yet there are very ilany
12 " " 200 " 300 " simiilar institutions; there being 16 with tliree pro-
6 " " 300 " 500 " fessors or less, and very many indeed with only four
6 over 500 or five.
Such facts as these couldl only exist in a democratic
Of 322 so-called colleges and universities: - country, where pride is talkenl il redulcilng every thling
to a level. And I may also say, tlat it caln only exist
in the early days of such a democracy; for an iltelli-
206 had 0 to 10 in the faculty.
99" ' 10 " 20 " gent public will soon perceive that calling a thing by
17 " 20 or over " " a wrong name does not clhange its character, and
that trtuth, above all things, should be taught to the
youth of the nation.
If the statistics were forthcoming,--and possibly
It may be urged, tlat all tlese institutions are
they may exist, - we might also get
doing an
good idea
work of the
in educatiol; alnd that manly young
statnding of these institutions and
are thusapproach to not afford to go to a
taught, who could
the true university idea, by thetrue average
collete or age of the
university. But I (lo not object to the
scholars. Possibly also the ratio of number of
education,-t-hough schol-
I have no doublt an iltvestiga-
ars to teachers might be of some help. All
tion would tllese
disclose meth-
equal absurdities here, -for it is
ods give an approximation to the present
aside standing
from my objeot. But I do object to lowerilg the
of tle institutions. But there is another method of
ideals of the youth of tle country. Let them know
attacking the problem, which is very exact, but that
it only
they are attending a school, and nTot a university;
gives us the possibilities of which the institution and let is
them know that above them colies the college,
capable. I refer to the wealth of the institution. In and above that the uliver'.sity. Let theml be tauglht
estimating the wealth, I have not included the value that they are only half-educated, and tliat tllere are
of grounds and buildihgs, for this is of little inpor-persons in the world by hllose side tley are but
tance, either to the present or future standing of theatomts. In other words, let them be taught the trtth.
institution. As good work can be done in a hovel as It may be that some small institutions are of high
in a palace. I have taken the productive funds of grade, especially those which are new; but who can
the institution as the basis of estimate. I find: - doubt that more tlhan two-thirds of olr institutions
calling tlhemselves colleges and universities are un-
234 have below $500,000. worthy of tlie name? Each one of tlese institutions
8 " between $500,000 and $1,000,000. has so-called professors, but it is evident tlhat they can
8 ' over $1,000,000. be only of the grade of teachers. Why should they not
be so called ? The position of teaciler is an honored
There is no fact more firmly established, all butthe
over is not made more honorable by the assump-
tion of be
world, than that the higher education can never a false title. Furtherlmore, the multiplication
made to pay for itself. Usually the cost toofathe title, and the ease with which it can be obtaiined,
of educating a young man, very much exceeds render it scarcely worth striving for. When the man
he pays for it, and is often three or four of times
energy,as ability, and perhaps genius is rewarded by
much. The higher the education, the greater the same
thistitle and emoluments as the commonplace
proportion will be; and a university of the manhighest
with the modicum of knowledge, who takes to
class should anticipate only a small accession to itsnot because of any aptitutde for his work,
income from the fees of students. Hence the test but possibly because he has not the energy to com-
I have applied must give a true representation of pete with his fellow-men in business, then I say one
the possibilities in every case. According to the fig- of the inducements for first-class men to become
ures, only 16 colleges and universities have $500,000 professors is gone.
or over of invested funds, and only one-half of these When work alnd ability are required for the position,
have $1,000,000 and over. Now, even the latter sum and when the professor is expected to keep up with

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246 S CI J. NCE. [VOL. II., No. 29.

the progress faculty,

ofbut have numerous
his subject min
to advance assistants
it, and of allwhen
kinds, and shou
sons, then the
highest position
work, w
if for no other reas
and the successful
age the student tocompet
his highest effor
ingly. The chivalric
But, assuming that the spiri
to devote hiswealth such as to
life only a the
large andsthi
a few noble command
men is necessary
to to allow him
give t
but, if we wibh
opment. to cultiva
in science, we And this
must is specially so in our sc
open a
their efforts. In the early days of physics and ch
Jenny Lind,the fundamental
with experimentsher beco
cultivated it the
with to some
simplest ex
apparatus. And
yet who the names expect
would of Wollaston and Fara
and give needing scarcelyfor
concerts any thingnotfor
have been able to do so if she had wished? And so Much can even now be done with th
the scientific man, whatever his natural talents, atus;
must and nobody, except the utte
have instruments and a library, and a suitableneed and stop for want of it. But the
respectable salary to live upon, before he is ableoneto can only be free to investigate
exert himself to his full capacity. This is trueof
of chemistry and physics, when
advance in all the higher departments of human complete laboratory at his comman
learning, and yet something more is necessary.draw
It is on for the expenses of each
not those in this country who receive the largest
simplest of the departments of
salary, and have positions in the richest colleges,astronomy,
who has now reached such p
have advanced their subject the most: men receivingbody can expect to do much more
the highest salaries, and occupying the professor'sperfectly equipped observatory; an
chair, are to-day doing absolutely nothing in pure be useless without an income suffic
science, but are striving by the commercial applica-
corps of assistants to make the obs
tions of their science to increase their already putations.
large But even in this simp
salary. Such pursuits, as I have said before, are subjects, there is great misunderst
honorable in their proper place; but the duty of a try has very many excellent obse
professor is to advance his science, and to set an ex-little work is ldone in comparison,
ample of pure and true devotion to it which shall ion has been made for maintainlin
demonstrate to his students and the world that there observatory; and the wealth which
is something high and noble worth living for. Money- might have made one effective ob
changers are often respectable men, and yet they would prove a benefit to astronom
were once severely rebuked for carrying on their trade scattered among a half-dozen, mere
in the court of the temple. scopes for the people in the surro
Wealtlt does not constitute a university, buildings view the moon with. And here I strike the keynote
do not: it is the men who constitute its faculty, of at least one need of our country, if she would
and the students who learn from them. It is the stand well in science; and the following item which
last and highest step which the mere student takes.
I clip from a newspaper will illustrate the matter: -
He goes forth into the world, and the height"to Thewhich
eccentric old Canadian, Arunah Huntington,
he rises has been influenced by the ideals which who left $200,000 to be divided among the public
he has consciously or unconsciously imbibed in his schools of Vermont, has done something which will
university. If the professors under whom he has be of little practical value to the schools. Each dis-
studied have been high in their profession, and have trict will be entitled to the insignificant sum of $10,
themselves had high ideals; if they have considered which will not advance much the cause of educa-
the advance of their particular subject their highest tiorn."
work in life, and are themselves honored for their in- Nobody will dispute the folly of such a bequest, or
tellect througliout the world, -the student is drawn the folly of filling the country with telescopes to look
toward that which is highest, and ever after in at the moon, and calling them observatories. How
life has high ideals. But if the student is taught much better to concentrate the wealth into a few
by what are sometimes called good teachers, and parcels, and make first-class observatories and insti-
teachers only, who know little more than the student, tutions with it!
and who are often surpassed and even despised by Is it possible that any of our four hundred colleges
hini, no one can doubt the lowered tone of his mind. and universities have love enough of learning to
He finds that by his feeble efforts he can surpass unite with each other and form larger institutions?
one to whom a university has given its highest honor; Is it possible that any have such a love of truth that
and he begins to think that he himself is a born they are willing to be called by their right name?
genius, and the incentive to work is gone. He is I fear not; for the spirit of expectation, which is
great by the side of the molehill, and does not know analogous to the spirit of gambling, is strong in the
any mountain to compare himself with. American breast, and each institution which now,
A university should not only have great men in its except in name, slumbers in obscurity, expects in

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AUGUST 24, 1883.] SCIE. NCE. 247

time to bloom out into full prosperity.

Americans Although
have shown no lack of invention in
many of them are under religioussmall things; and
influence, the same spirit, when united to
truth is inculcated, and where men knowledge are taught andtolove
takeof science, becomes the spirit o
a low seat at the table in order that research. they may Thebetelegraph-operator,
hon- with his limited
ored by being called up higher, and not dishonored
knowledge of electricity and its laws, naturally turn
by being thrust down lower, yet these institutions
his attention to the improvement of the only electri
have thrust themselves into the highest cal instrument he knows any thing about; and his
seats, and
cannot probably be dislodged. researches would be confined to the limited sphere o
But would it not be possible to his so knowledge,
change public
and to the simple laws with which he
opinion that no college could be founded with a But
is acquainted. lessas his knowledge increases, and
endowment than say $1,000,000, the or field
no university
broadens before him, as he studies the math
with less than three or four times that amount ? ematical theory of the subject, and the electro-mag
From the report of the commissioner of education, netic theory of light loses the dim haze due to dis
I learn that such a change is taking place; that tance,
the and becomes his constant companion, the tel
tendency towards large institutions is increasing, egraph-instrument becomes to him a toy, and his
and that it is principally in the west and south-westeffort to discover something new becomes research
that the multiplication of small institutions with inbigpure science.
names is to be feared most, and that the east isIt al- is useless to attempt to advan
most ready for the great coming university. one has mastered the science: he must step to the
The total wealth of the four hundred colleges front
andbefore his blows can tell in the strife. Further-
universities in 1880 was about $40,000,000 in more, build-I do not believe anybody can be thorough in
ings, and $43,000,000 in productive funds. This any department of science, without wishing to ad-
would be sufficient for one great university ofvance $10,-it. In the study of what is known, in the
000,000, four of $5,000,000, and twenty-six colleges reading of the scientific journals, and the discussions
of $2,000,000 each. But such an idea can of course therein contained of the current scientific questions,
never be carried out. Government appropriations one would obtain an impulse to work, even though it
did not before exist. And the same spirit which
are out of the question, because no political trickery
must be allowed around the ideal institution. prompted him to seek what was already known,
In the year 1880 the private bequests to all schools would make him wish to know the unknown. And
and colleges amounted to about $5,500,000; and, I may say that I never met a case of thorough knowl-
although there was one bequest of $1,250,000, yet the edge in my own science, except in the case of well-
amount does not appear to be phenomenal. It wouldknown investigators. I have met men who talked
thus seem that the total amount was about five mil- well, and I have sometimes asked myself why they
lion dollars in one year, of which more than half did notis do something; but further knowledge of
given to so-called colleges and universities. It their would character has shown me the superficiality of
be very difficult to regulate these bequests sotheir thatknowledge. I am no longer a believer in men
they might be concentrated sufficiently to produce who ancould do something if they would, or would do
immediate result. But the figures show that gener- something if they had a chance. They are impostors.
osity is a prominent feature of the American people, If the true spirit is there, it will show itself in spite
and that the needs of the country only have to be
of circumstances.
appreciated to have the funds forthcoming. We As I remarked before, the investigator in pure
must make the need of research and of pure science science is usually a professor. He must teach as
felt in the country. We must live such lives of pure well as investigate. It is a question which has been
devotion to our science, that all shall see that we ask discussed in late years, as to whether these two func-
for money, not that we may live in indolent ease tions would better be combined in the same individual,
at the expense of charity, but that we may work or separated. It seems to be the opinion of most, that
for that which has advanced'and will advance the a certain amount of teaching is conducive, rather
world more than any other subject, both intellectu- than otherwise, to the spirit of research. I myself
ally and physically. We must live such lives think
as that
to this is true, and I should myself not like
neutralize the influence of those who.in high to give
placesup my daily lecture. But one must not be
have degraded their profession, or have given overburdened.
them- I suppose that the true solution, in
selves over to ease, and do nothing for the science many cases, would be found in the multiplication of
which they represent. Let us do what we can with assistants, not only for the work of teaching but of
the present means at our disposal. There is not one research. Some men are gifted with more ideas than
of us who is situated in the position best adapted to they can work out with their own hands, and the
bring out all his powers, and to allow him to do most world is losing much by not supplying them with
for his science. All have their difficulties, and I do extra hands. Life is short: old age comes quickly,
not think that circumstances will ever radically and the amount one pair of hands can do is very
change a man. If a man has the instinct of research limited. What sort of shop- would that be, or what
in him, it will always show itself in some form. But sort of factory, where one man had to do all the work
circumstances may direct it into new paths, or may with his own hands ? It is a fact in nature, which no
foster it so that what would otherwise have died as a democracy can change, that men are not equal, - that
bud now blossoms and ripens into the perfect fruit. some have brains, and some hands. And no idle

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248 SCIENCE. [VOL. t., No. 29.

talk about equality can eVet subvert the But order ofalways
it cannot the be so, and the time has even
universe. now arrived when such a grand laboratory should be
I know of no institution in this country where as- founded. Shall our country take the lead in this mat-
sistants are supplied to aid directly in research. Yet ter, or shall we wait for foreign countries to go be-
why should it not be so? And even the absence of fore ? They will be built in the future, but when and
assistant professors and assistants of all kinds, to aid how is the question.
in teaching, is very noticeable, and must be remedied Several institutions are now putting up laboratories
before we can expect much. for physics. They are mostly for teaching, and we
There are many physical problems, especially those can expect only a comparatively small amount of
requiring exact measurements, which cannot be work from most of them. But they show progress;
carried out by one man, and can only be success- and, if the progress be as quick in this direction as in
fully attacked by the most elaborate apparatus, and others, we should be able to see a great change before
with a full corps of assistants. Such are Regnault's the end of our lives.
experiments on the fundamental laws of gases and As stated before, men are influenced by the sym-
vapors, made thirty or forty years ago by aid from the pathy of those with whom they come in contact. It
French government, and which are the standards tois impossible to immediately change public opinion
this day. Although these experiments were made in our favor; and, indeed, we must always seek to
with a view to the practical calculation of the steam- lead it, and not be guided by it. For pure science is
engine, yet they were carried out in such a broad the pioneer who must not hover about cities and
spirit that they have been of the greatest theoretical civilized countries, but must strike into unknown
use. Again, what would astronomy have done with-forests, and climb the hitherto inaccessible mountains
out the endowments of observatories? By their which lead to and command a view of the promised
means, that science has become the most perfect ofland, - the land which science promises us in the
all branches of physics, as it should be from its sim- future; which shall not only flow with milk and honey,
plicity. There is no doubt, in my mind, that similarbut shall give us a better and more glorious idea of
institutions for other branches of physics, or, better, this wonderful universe. We nmust create a public
to include the whole of physics, would be equally suc-opinion in our favor, but it need not at first be the
cessful. A large and perfectly equipped physical general public. We must be contented to stand aside,
laboratory with its large revenues, its corps of pro-and see the honors of the world for a time given to
fessors and assistants, and its machine-shop for theour inferiors; and must be better contented with the
construction of new apparatus, would be able to ad-approval of our own consciences, and of the very few
vance our science quite as much as endowed ob- who are capable of judging our work, than of the
servatories have astronomy. But such a laboratory whole world beside. Let us look to the other physi-
should not be founded rashly. The value will de- cists, not in our own town, not in our own country,
pend entirely on the physicist at its head, who has to but in the whole world, for the words of praise which
devise the plan, and to start it into practical work-are to encourage us, or the words of blame which are
ing. Such a man will always be rare, and cannot to stimulate us to renewed effort. For what to us is
always be obtained. After one had been successfully the praise of the ignorant? Let us join together in
started, others could follow; for imitation requires the bonds of our scientific societies, and encourage
little brains. each other, as we are now doing, in the pursuit of
One could not be certain of getting the proper man our favorite study; knowing that the world will some
every time, but the means of appointment should time be recognize our services, and knowing, also, that
most carefully studied so as to secure a good average. we constitute the most important element in human
There can be no doubt that the appointment should progress.
rest with a scientific body capable of judging the high-But danger is also near, even in our societies.
est work of each candidate. When the average tone of the society is low, when the
Should any popular element enter, the person highest honors are given to the mediocre, when third-
class men are held up as examples, and when trifling
chosen would be either of the literary-scientific order,
or the dabbler on the outskirts who presents hisinventions
small are magnified into scientific discoveries,
discoveries in the most theatrical manner. What is then the influence of such societies is prejudicial. A
required is a man of depth, who has such an insightyoung scientist attending the meetings of such a so-
into physical science that he can tell when blows will ciety soon gets perverted ideas. To his mind, a mole-
best tell for its advancement. hill is a mountain, and the mountain a molehill. The
Such a grand laboratory as I describe does not exist small inventor or the local celebrity rises to a greater
in the world, at present, for the study of physics. But height, in his mind, than the great leader of science
no trouble has ever been found in obtaining means to in some foreign land. He gauges himself by the
endow astronomical science. Everybody can appre- molehill, and is satisfied with his stature; not knowing
ciate, to some extent, the value of an observatory; as that he is but an atom in comparison with the moun-
astronomy is the simplest of scientific subjects, and tain, until, perhaps, in old age, when it is too late.
has very quickly reached a position where elaborate But, if the size of the mountain had been seen at
instruments and costly computations are necessary to first, the young scientist would at least have been
further advance. The whole domain of physics is stimulated
so in his endeavor to grow.
wide that workers have hitherto found enough to do. We cannot all be men of genius; but we can, at

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AUGUST 24, 1883.] SCIE 'NCE. 249

least, point them out to those around to the

us. We may young s
not be able to benefit science much ourselves; but
physicist, mod
we can have high ideals on the subject, and instil to
and become
them into those with whom we come in contact. For to which he cal
the good of ourselves, forthe good of our country, academy co
for the good to the world, it is incumbent on us to
transactions excites each one to his highest effort.
form a true estimate of the worth and standingTheofAmerican academy of sciences in Boston is
persons and things, and to set before our own perhaps minds our nearest representation of this class of
all that is great and good and noble, all that is academies,most but its limitation of membership to the
important for scientific advance, above the mean Stateand
deprives it of its national character.
low and unimportant. But there is another matter which influences the
It is very often said, that a man has a right growth to his of our science.
opinion. This might be true for a man on a desert As it is necessary for us still to look abroad for our
island, whose error would influence only himself. highest inspiration in pure science, and as science is
But when he opens his lips to instruct others, or noteven
an affair of one town or one country, but of the
when he signifies his opinions by his daily life, whole
thenworld, it becomes us all to read the current
he is directly responsible for all his errors of judg-of science and the great transactions of for-
ment or fact. He has no right to think a molehill as
eign societies, as well as those of our own countries.
big as a mountain, nor to teacli it, any more than Thesehegreat transactions and journals should be in
has to thilk the world flat, and teach that it is so. the library of every institution of learning in the
The facts and laws of our science have not equal country, where science is taught. How can teachers
importance, neither have the men who cultivate the and professors be expected to know what has been
science achieved equal results. One thing is greater discovered in the past, or is being discovered now, if
than another, and we have no right to neglect the these are not provided ? Has any institution a right
order. Thus shall our minds be guided aright, and to mentally starve the teachers whom it employs, or
our efforts be toward that which is the highest. the students who come to it? There can be but
Then shall we see that no physicist of the first one answer to this; and an institution calling itsel
class has ever existed in this country, that we must university, and not having the current scientific jo
look to other countries for our leaders in that sub- nals upon its table or the transactions of societies
ject, and that the few excellent workers in our upon coun-
its library-shelves, is certainly not doing its best
try must receive many accessions from without to cultivate
before all that is best in this world.
they can constitute an American science, or do their We call this a free country, and yet it is the only
share in the world's work. one where there is a direct tax upon the pursuit of
But let me return to the subject of scientific socie-The low state of pure science in our coun-
ties. Here American science lias its hardest problem try may possibly be attributed to the youth of the
to contend with. There are very many local societies country; but a direct tax, to prevent the growth of
dignified by high-sounding names, each having its
our country in that subject, cannot be looked upon as
local celebrity, to whom the privilege of describing other than a deep disgrace. I refer to the duty upon
some crab with an extra claw, which he foundforeign in his books and periodicals. In our science, no
morning ramble, is inestimable. And there arebooks some above elementary ones have ever been pub-
academies of science, situated at our seats of learning, lished, or are likely to be published, in this country;
which are doing good work in their locality. But and yet every teacher in physics must have them, not
distances are so great that it is difficult to collect men only in the college library, but on his own shelves,
together at any one point. The American associa- and must pay the government of this country to
tion, which we are now attending, is not a scientific allow him to use a portion of his small salary to buy
academy, and does not profess to be more than a gath- that which is to do good to the whole country. All
ering of all who are interested in science, to read freedom of intercourse which is necessary to foster
papers and enjoy social intercourse. The National our growing science is thus broken off; and that which
academy of sciences contains eminent men from the might, in time, relieve our country of its mediocrity,
whole country, but then it is only for the purpose of in the bud by our government, which is most
is nipped
advising the government freely on scientific matters. liberal when appealed to directly on scientific sub-
It has no building, it has no library; and it publishesjects.
nothing except the information which it freely One giveswould think that books in foreign languages
to the government, which does nothing for itmight in re- be admitted free; but to please the half-dozen
turn. It has not had much effect directly on Amer- or so workmen who reprint German books,l not
ican science; but the liberality of the government scientific,
in our free intercourse with that country is
the way of scientific expeditions, publications, cutetc.,
off. Our scientific associations and societies must
is at least partly due to its influence, and in this make themselves heard in this matter, and show those
way it has done much good. But it in no way takes in authority how the matter stands.
the place of the great Royal society, or the great acad- In conclusion, let me say once more, that I do not
emies of science at Paris, Berlin, Vienna, St. Peters- believe that our country is to remain long in its
burgh, Munich, 'and, indeed, all the European capitalspresent position. The science of physics, in whose
and large cities. Tlese, by their publications, give applications bur country glories, is to arise among us,

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20 S CIE NCE. [VoL. II., No. 29.

and make us
PAPERS respected
Such a prophecy may seem
which does not yet do e
Determination of the relation between the im-
port a physical journal.
which we advance in this country: we see cities perial yard and the metre of the archives.
springing up in a night, and other wonders performed BY WILLIAM A. ROGERS OF CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
at an unprecedented rate. And now we see physical THrs paper was a continuation of one upon the
laboratories being built, we see a great demand for same subject presented at the Montreal meeting.
thoroughly trained physicists, who have not shirked The mean result of the determinations up to that
their mathematics, both as professors and in so-called time was as follows: Imperial yard + 3.37015 inches
practical life; and perhaps we have the feeling, com- = Metre des archives.
mon to all true Americans, that our country is going The writer stated at that time, that he should not
forward to a glorious future, when we shall lead the like to be held to a very strict account with regard to
world in the strife for intellectual prizes as we now the last decimal figure, or even the last two decimal
do in the strife for wealth. figures, on account of the difficulty of 'obtaining the
But if this is to be so, we must not aim low. The requisite data.
problems of the uliverse cannot be solved without Since the meeting last year, additional data have
labor: they cannot be attacked without the proper been obtained. In February of the present year, a
intellectual as well as physical tools; and no physicist
combined yard and mretre was received from Paris.
need expect to go far without his mathematics. No The yard was compared with the imperial yard, in
one expects a horse to win in a great and long race 1880, by Mr. Chaney, the warden of the imperial
who has not been properly trained; and it would standards.
be During the interval between 1880 and
folly to attempt to win with one, however pure February his of the present year, this metre has received
blood and high his pedigree, without it. The prob- repeated comparisons with the metre of the Inter-
lems we solve are more difficult than any race: thenational bureau, under the direction of Dr. Pernet.
highest intellect cannot hope to succeed without prop- According to his report, this metre is 310 mikrons
er preparation. The great prizes are reserved for too the short at 00 centigrade; for the same temperature,
greatest efforts of the greatest intellects, who have the yard was found by Mr. Chaney to be 20.7 mikrons
kept their mental eye bright and flesh hard by con- too short.
stant exercise. Apparatus can be bought with money,Comparing the metre and the yard upon this bar
talents may come to us at birth; but our mental tools,with the bronze yard and metre described at Mont-
our mathematics, our experimental ability, our knowl- real, and combining the results with those previously
edge of what others have done before us, all havefound, to the relation was found as follows: Imperial
be obtained by work. The time is almost past, even yard + 3.37039 inches - Metre des archives.
in our own country, when third-rate men can find a
place as teachers, because they are unlfit for every thing
The magnetophone, or the modification of the
else. We wish to see brains and learning, combined
magnetic field by the rotation of a perfo-
with energy and immense working-power, in the pro- rated metallic disk.1
fessor's chair; but, above all, we wish to see that high BY PROF. H. S. CARHART OF EVANSTON, ILL.
and chivalrous spirit which causes one to pursue his
idea in spite of all difficulties, to work at the problems TIlE experiments of Bell, Preece, and others, on
of nature with the approval of his own conscience, the radiaphone, suggested the possibility of interrupt
and not of men before him. Let him fit himself for ilg, or at least periodically modifying, the lines of
the struggle with all the weapons which mathemat-force proceeding from the poles oft a magnet, by
ics and the experience of those gone before him means of a disk of sheet-iron, perforated with a serie
can furnish, and let him enter the arena with the of equidistant holes, and rotated so that the hole
fixed and stern purpose to conquer. Let him not should pass directly in front of the magnetic pole
be contented to stand back with the crowd of medi- It is well known that the armature placed on the
ocrity, but let hibm press forward for a front place in poles of a permanent magnet diminishes the strength
the strife. of the external field of force by furnishing superior
The whole universe is before us to study. The facilities for the formation of polarized chains of
greatest labor of the greatest minds has only given particles from pole to pole. This is the case even
us a few pearls; and yet the limitless ocean, withwhen its the armature does not touch the poles, but is
hidden depths filled with diamonds and precious in close proximity to them.
stones, is before us. The problem of the universe is If a piece of sheet-iron be placed over the poles
yet unsolved, and the mystery involved in one sin- of a magnet without touching, and magnetic curves
gle atom yet eludes us. The field of research only be developed on paper above the iron, they will be
opens wider and wider as we advance, and our found to exhibit less intense and less sharply defined
minds are lost in wonder and astonishment at the magnetic action than when the sheet-iron is removed.
grandeur and beauty unfolded before us. Shall we If, however, a small hole be drilled directly over each
help in this grand work, or not? Shall our country magnetic pole, the screening action of the sheet-iron
is modified in much the same way as when a hole is
do its share, or shall it still live in the almshouse of
the world ? 1 This paper will shortly be published in SCIENCE in full.

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