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Fox industries

Deficiencies Recommendations
No approved suppliers There should be approved suppliers by BOD and
There is no approves suppliers by BOD and the that before purchasing quotations should be
supplier is being selected based on the lead time, received from all the approved suppliers and
that is who can dispatch the goods first and it should consider the entire purchase mix like
may be possible that materials are purchased at quality, quantity, price, lead time before
high rates or even poor quality can be purchased purchasing so that good quality at reasonable
and ultimately profitability can be reduced. rates can be purchased.
P.O.s are not sequentially pre-numbered All purchase orders should be sequentially pre-
The purchase orders are not sequentially pre- numbered and at the day end, it should be
numbered and without numbering it cannot be arranged serial wise so that all purchases can be
ensured whether the orders are complete or not ensured to meet the requirements.
and as a result it may be difficult to monitor In addition, completeness and accuracy of record
whether all orders have been fulfilled and can even be ensured.
chances of shortage of materials and stock out Company should also investigate for any missing
cost may be faced. orders.
In addition, accurate and complete track record
of purchases may not be maintained.

Authorization of purchases All the purchases should be authorized regardless

Purchases are being authorized if it exceeds 5000 of any amount and authorization responsibility
which means that below this amount, there is no should be given to the managers for the different
authorization and there are chances of claiming range of amounts so that all the purchases can be
fake or over stated amounts less than 5000 monitored and ensuring that purchases are being
fraudulently and company would be facing the made for the genuine business need.
Lack of application controls There should be the application control over the
The purchases ledger clerk is not applying any input of the invoices like control total, sequence
application control over the input of the invoices check so that accurate and complete invoices can
and without information processing control, it be input and maintaining the complete/accurate
may be not be ensured whether the invoices record and paying to the suppliers the right
input are accurate/complete and if wrong amount.
invoices are input then chances of paying wrong
amounts to the supplier leading to loss of
supplier goodwill.
Manual posting to G.L Processing of the purchases and payable records
The purchase day book automatically updates the should be automatic and that system of purchase
purchase ledger and there is a manual posting day book, purchase and general ledger should be
from purchase ledger to the general ledger and integrated and upon posting in the day book, all
due to the manual exercise, there are chances of ledger should be updated so that accurate and
errors like fail to post or posting twice or even in complete record keeping can be ensured of
the wrong head and the purchase and payable purchases and payables.
records may not complete/accurate.
Bank account reconciliation
Current accounts are reconciled every week but Saving accounts should also be reconciled weekly
the saving accounts are reconciled after two or if not possible then at least monthly and that
months and this is assumed to be the long time reconciliation should be reviewed by the
period and errors may not be spotted on time. responsible official.
In addition, employees may take the advantage Any errors should also be resolved on timely
of it and may commit fraud and loss to the basis for the purpose of accurate and complete
company. maintenance.
Delaying payments to suppliers Suppliers should be paid on time and also availing
To maximize the own cash flow, the company is the early settlement discount. However, in case
delaying the supplier payment as long as possible of any delay, it should be pre agreed with the
and made a policy of it and it may deteriorate the supplier so that relationship with them can be
relationship with the supplier and may not give ensured and ensuring the continuity of purchases
materials on credit in the future and also loss of of materials on credit in the future.
goodwill in the supplier market.
In addition, early settlement discounts can even
be lost.
FD is not reviewing the details Each and every detail like amount, invoices, time
The FD is having the total list of payments which etc. of individual supplier should be reviewed by
he review and authorize for the payments and the finance manager and then FD should conduct
not reviewing the detail of every supplier and a second review and authorize for the payment.
there are chances that amounts may be shuffled This is likely to assure that suppliers are being
in the list or may be wrong amount discounts to paid the correct amount on time.
the suppliers.

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