Natural Gas Supply Network and Properties

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Natural Gas Supply Network and

A brief overview of the production, transportation, storage, distribution,
and utilization of natural gas

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that consists mainly of methane and other hydrocarbons. It is formed
from the decay of organic matter over millions of years under high pressure and temperature.
Natural gas is a versatile and clean energy source that can be used for heating, cooking,
electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes. Natural gas also serves as a
feedstock for the production of chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, and other products.

Natural Gas Supply Network

The natural gas supply network consists of several stages that involve the extraction, processing,
transportation, storage, and distribution of natural gas. The main steps are:

 Production: Natural gas is produced from underground reservoirs or wells, either onshore
or offshore. The gas may be associated with oil or non-associated. The production rate
depends on the reservoir characteristics, the well design, and the market demand.
 Purification: Natural gas contains impurities such as water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, nitrogen, and other gases that need to be removed before it can be transported or
used. The purification process involves the separation, dehydration, sweetening, and
fractionation of natural gas. The impurities may be recovered and sold as by-products or
disposed of safely.
 Compression: Natural gas is compressed to increase its pressure and reduce its volume,
making it easier and more efficient to transport. The compression is done by using
compressors that are powered by gas turbines, electric motors, or engines. The
compression ratio depends on the pipeline specifications, the distance, and the elevation
 Transportation: Natural gas is transported from the production sites to the consumption
centers by using pipelines, trucks, ships, or trains. Pipelines are the most common and
economical mode of transportation, but they require high capital investment and
maintenance. Trucks, ships, and trains are used for smaller volumes or remote locations,
but they have higher operating costs and environmental impacts.
 Storage: Natural gas is stored to balance the supply and demand fluctuations, to ensure
the reliability and security of the supply, and to take advantage of the price differences.
Natural gas can be stored in underground facilities such as depleted reservoirs, salt
caverns, or aquifers, or in above-ground facilities such as tanks or vessels. Natural gas
can be stored in its gaseous form or in its liquid form (liquefied natural gas or LNG).
 Distribution: Natural gas is distributed from the storage facilities or the transmission
pipelines to the end-users by using distribution pipelines, which are smaller and operate
at lower pressures. The distribution network consists of mains, service lines, meters,
regulators, and valves. The distribution companies are responsible for the safety and
quality of the natural gas delivered to the customers.
 Utilization: Natural gas is utilized for various purposes, such as residential, commercial,
industrial, and power generation. Natural gas can be burned directly in appliances,
boilers, furnaces, or turbines, or it can be converted into other forms of energy, such as
electricity, hydrogen, or synthetic fuels. Natural gas can also be converted into chemicals,
such as methanol, ammonia, or ethylene, by using various processes, such as steam
reforming, partial oxidation, or Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

Natural Gas Combustion Properties

The combustion of natural gas is a chemical reaction that involves the oxidation of methane and
other hydrocarbons with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, water, and heat. The combustion
properties of natural gas depend on its composition, pressure, temperature, and air-fuel ratio.
Some of the important combustion properties are:

 Calorific value: The calorific value of natural gas is the amount of heat released per unit
mass or volume of natural gas when it is burned completely. The calorific value can be
expressed in terms of higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV),
depending on whether the water produced is in liquid or vapor form. The calorific value
of natural gas varies depending on its composition, but it is typically around 38-40
MJ/m3 (HHV) or 34-36 MJ/m3 (LHV).
 Wobbe index: The Wobbe index of natural gas is a measure of its interchangeability with
other gases, based on the energy output per unit flow rate at constant pressure. The
Wobbe index is calculated by dividing the calorific value by the square root of the
specific gravity of natural gas. The Wobbe index of natural gas ranges from 45 to 55
MJ/m3, depending on its composition and pressure.
 Flame speed: The flame speed of natural gas is the velocity at which the flame front
propagates through the gas mixture during combustion. The flame speed depends on the
composition, pressure, temperature, and turbulence of the gas mixture, as well as the
geometry and configuration of the burner. The flame speed of natural gas is typically
around 0.4 m/s at atmospheric pressure and stoichiometric conditions.
 Flammability range: The flammability range of natural gas is the range of air-fuel ratios
within which the gas mixture can be ignited and sustain combustion. The flammability
range is determined by the lower flammability limit (LFL) and the upper flammability
limit (UFL) of natural gas. The LFL is the minimum concentration of natural gas in air
that can be ignited, and the UFL is the maximum concentration of natural gas in air that
can be ignited. The flammability range of natural gas is around 5-15% by volume in air at
atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

Natural Gas Liquefaction Properties

The liquefaction of natural gas is a process that involves the cooling and compressing of natural
gas to reduce its volume and increase its density, making it easier and more economical to
transport and store. The liquefaction properties of natural gas depend on its composition,
pressure, temperature, and refrigerant. Some of the important liquefaction properties are:

 Methane volume reduction: The methane volume reduction of natural gas is the ratio of
the volume of natural gas in its gaseous form to the volume of natural gas in its liquid
form. The methane volume reduction indicates the efficiency of the liquefaction process
and the storage capacity of the LNG tanks. The methane volume reduction of natural gas
is around 600-700, depending on the composition and pressure of natural gas and the
temperature of LNG.
 LNG density: The LNG density of natural gas is the mass per unit volume of natural gas
in its liquid form. The LNG density affects the storage and transportation costs and the
energy content of LNG. The LNG density of natural gas varies depending on the
composition and temperature of natural gas and LNG, but it is typically around 450-470
 LNG viscosity: The LNG viscosity of natural gas is the measure of the resistance of
natural gas in its liquid form to flow. The LNG viscosity affects the pumping and piping
requirements and the heat transfer efficiency of LNG. The LNG viscosity of natural gas
depends on the composition and temperature of natural gas and LNG, but it is usually
around 0.1-0.2 mPa.s.
 LNG heat capacity: The LNG heat capacity of natural gas is the amount of heat required
to raise the temperature of a unit mass of natural gas in its liquid form by one degree. The
LNG heat capacity affects the energy consumption and the refrigeration load of the
liquefaction process. The LNG heat capacity of natural gas depends on the composition
and temperature of natural gas and LNG, but it is generally around 2.5-3.0 kJ/kg.K.

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