Task 2

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Schools should focus on academic success and

passing examinations. Skills such as cookery,

dressmaking and woodworking should not be taught at
school as it is better to learn these from family.

To that extent do you agree or disagree?

Education is the integral part of our life.some

people belief that mostly education institutions
main focusing on their students to provide
academic success and passing
examination.Whereas,those teaching centres
give less preference to such activities likewise
cookery, dressmaking or woodworking because
it is better to learn these activities by families
or friends.Let’s discuss both sides and give my
viewpoint in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, few people say that academic

successs or passing exams is more important in
schools than other things.For example, it leads
to rise more depression into children minds as
well as it also increases more work for students
and more work also need more power.So,if they
will spend more time on other activities rather
than their education work .Due to this, they get
depressed as well as they can face several
problem related to their health because it
creates so many health issues.Moreover,
distraction is the big issue which will be rise by
doing other excercises .For instance, if students
spend their study time on these things because
of this they will distract from their education
and they will be fail from their exams and they
have to spend more money on their study to
give same exam again and again .So,it also
leads to lack of bank balance.

On the other hand, others believe that it’s good

to teach activities like cookery,dressmaking
and so on in the schools because according to
them, students will learn about more things and
by doing this they will become multi-
talented.However,if these courses teach by
schools or colleges in a proper
way.Then,children will learn better things in a
proper and correct way as compared to home or
from friends as well as they will get certificates
related to these courses.Apart from this, it also
rise to more opportunities for learners into
different professions like cook, dresser and
construction line so on.it creates more
opportunities as they can get jobs in different
business places and will learn so many things.

In the end, every coin has two sides as same

there is few drawbacks of this statement and
few benefits but I’m strongly disagree with this
argument because with my viewpoint its more
beneficial for all people as it creates more
opportunities for children and youngsters into
different field of work and business.

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