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I hereby acknowledge receipt and agree to abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the

Trainee Pass
/ I understand that if I lost my access card, I will be penalized RM50 to obtain a new

/ One (1) set of headset No: _______________________

I understand that if I lost or damage the Headset loan to me, RM 150 will be deducted
from my salary.

/ One (1) set of Locker Key (if applicable)

I understand that if I misplaced /lost or damage the locker key given to me, I will be
penalized RM5 for a replacement key each.

/ Do’s and Don’ts of TM ONE

/ Panel & Blacklisted Clinics (Refer Website:

/ Office Manual

Lost Laptop/Desktops/Mouse (If applicable)

/ I understand that if I misplaced/lost or damage the notebook (laptop) entrusted to me, I
am liable to repay TM ONE RM5000 being the cost of the notebook. Each lost of
mouse will be chargeable at RM50 each.

Acknowledge Receipt by:


Full Name:Aznil bin Azmi

Position: Customer sevice

I hereby declare that I have been briefed on the below topics during my Induction Day by _______________________,
on the and hereby have understood and have a clear understanding on all the topics briefed on me.

No. TOPIC PRESENTED Yes No Remarks (if ‘No’)

1. Company & Organization /

 Company Overview /

2. Employment
 Your Role /

 Career Growth /

 Terms Of Offered /

3. Salary Administration /

 Deduction Of Salary /

 Absent Without Leave (AWOL) /

 Shift Allowance /

 Languege Allowance /

 Transport Allowance /

 Pay For Performance (PFP) /

 Pay For Performance Qualifier (PFP) /

 Medical Reimbursement /

 Travel Reimbursement /

 Employment Provident Fund (EPF) /


 Overtime /
4. Leave /

 Annual leave /

 Maternity Leave /

 Paternity leave /

 Marriage Leave /

 Compassionate Leave /

 Unpaid Leave /

 Sick leave (Hospitalization & Non Hospitalization) /

5. Work Ethic /

 Code Of Conduct (Gross & Non Gross) /

 Misconduct lead To Immediate Termination /

 Dress Code /

 Do’s & Don’ts /

 Work Ethic Lead To Dismissal /

 Information Technology Code Of Conduct /

6. Safety /

Candidate Name & Signature

( Aznil bin Azmi )

I understand and voluntarily consent to the collection and processing of my personal data –
potentially including sensitive personal data such as physical or mental health information,
political opinions, religious beliefs, and/ or information relating to the commission or alleged
commission of offenses – provided by myself in the application, or obtained through reference
or background checks, for the purpose of employment with TM ONE. I authorize TM ONE or
any party as appointed by TM ONE to showcase my profile, based on my personal data as
submitted, to the client(s) of TM ONE. I further consent to TM ONE transferring my relevant data
to TM ONE offices or to any projects under TM ONE account.

I understand that, under the 2010 Personal Data Protection Act, if, at any time, I wish to access
my personal data held by TM ONE, withdraw my consent to it being processed, or correct any
error found within this data, that I may do so in writing directly to TM ONE.
I acknowledge and accept the above terms and condition.

Aznil bin Azmi ______________________

16/4/2024 _____________________
Date Signature
Information Technology Policies and Code of Conduct

VADS provides its employee with access to computer equipment, including hardware, software and
peripherals necessary to do their jobs

All employees must comply with this Code of Conduct. Violation of this code may result in disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.

In this document, ‘employee’ means any employee of VADS, any employee of leasing agency engaged
by VADS or any other agent or contractor providing services to VADS.

In this document ‘computer’, ‘computer systems’, ‘network’ and any related technical expression is a
reference to such apparatus or service whether owned by VADS or supplied by any either third party.

In this document ‘Confidentially Agreement’ means any such agreement made between VADS and an
employee’s whether it is a separate agreement or whether it is incorporated in an employee’s contract of
service, local workplace agreement or contract for service.

In this document, ‘customer’ means any member of the public who uses a service provided by VADS on
behalf of a client.

1.0 Conducts
Employees must not use computer systems and equipment in such a way or for a propose that would
reflect adversely on VADS.
The Confidentially Agreement covering VADS, and our client’s procedures systems and information must
also be observed.

2.0 Offensive Conduct

Employees shall not display, send via email or other electronic exchange, download or use the computer
systems in any way which could defame, offend, humiliate or embarrass any person on the basis of their
sex, age marital status, race, disability, sexual preference or transgender status. The viewing of
pornography via any medium will not be tolerated under any circumstances and could result in immediate

3.0 Network Access

Employees are given passwords to access the computer systems. Employees must not disclose their
personal password to anyone else or allow anyone to use a terminal that has been logged on under their
ID. Employees are to report any potential compromise of their password to the Operations Director or
Human Capital department.

IT Policies & Code Of Conduct | July 2015 2

Please also be reminded that activities as per below mentioned below are prohibited when staffs are
accessing the system;

a) Unauthorized Profile
b) Misused on system access
c) Data security of customers
d) Do not share any of your personnel/company ID to anyone
e) Access thru secure VPN only at Contact Centre
f) To execute unauthorized transaction
g) Designated system ID and Password are full responsible and self-control by employee

4.0 Privacy
Employees shall respect the privacy of their colleagues, client and customers
Access to the computer system is only to be used for the employee’s appropriate job function.
It’s forbidden to access, read, copy or distributes any matter held in the computer system that pertains to
another employee, client or customer often than as required to undertake an appropriate job function.

5.0 Unauthorized Software

No employees shall introduce, install or utilize software on a workstation, laptop or other computing
device that has not been approved by VADS.
Periodic audits may be conducted on workstations, laptops or other computing devices to assure that the
contents of this policy are adhered to. The company reserves the right to monitor the contents of any
business computer for legitimate business reasons.
Employees may only use software on Local Area Networks or on multiple machines according to the
software licensing agreement. The company prohibits the illegal duplication of software and its related

6.0 Electronic Mail

The e-mail system is to be used for approved company business and communications only. Personal use
of the company’s e-mail is not permitted. The company’s E-mail system is not to be used in anyway,
which is disruptive, offensive to others or harmful to employee morale.

Since all e-mail messages are the company’s records, any messages sent or received by the employee
may, if the need arises, be accessed and read by the company’s corporate officers or other designated

Once sent, an E-mail message is not to be read by, forwarded to, deleted by or otherwise deleted by
employees other than those to whom the e-mail is addressed, unless it is done so for a legitimate
business reason.

E-mail messages should be true and accurate. It is prohibited to make false or misleading statements in
E-mail, or to malign the person or character of any person, group or organization, especially the
company, its customers or its employees.

The transmission of indecent, obscene, profane, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive language,
photographs, drawings, cartoons or caricatures is prohibited.
E-mail may not be used to intimidate, threaten or harass anyone. Transmission of E-mail containing
ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or otherwise discriminatory statements is not permitted.

IT Policies & Code Of Conduct | July 2015 3

E-mail is not to be used to solicit others for commercial ventures, religious or political cases, outside
organizations or any other non-job related reasons. E-mail may not be used to transmit gossip, chain
letters, or any other information which is not of a legitimate business nature.

7.0 Internet
The authority to use the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) is to be granted to employees who can
benefit from the professional use of commercial or financial services available on the Internet.

Internet connection in the organization is given to employees to provide them access to information which
may be useful to their nature of work.

However, the company does not encourage such internet accessibility to be abuse by employees for their
personal gains and interest. Any employees found abusing the internet rights for such purposes, such
access may be withdrawn from the employees without prior notice.

The Department Manager is responsible for requesting direct access to the Internet/WWW for employees
in his/her department by approving an Internet Authorization Request Form. The Division Head will review
and forward approved requests to the IT Department. The IT Department will then provide an
Internet/WWW access solution.

The company reserves the right to withdraw Internet/WWW access privileges for any employee if:

a. The employee’s use of the Internet is detrimental to normal business activities due to overuse,
b. The employee is accessing non-business-related sites. The IT Department will monitor
Internet/WWW use and make the appropriate Department Manager aware of any suspected

Unauthorized access of the Internet/WWW within the company’s offices is prohibited. An unauthorized
access is defined as a connection not provided by the IT Division for the specific purpose of accessing
the Internet/WWW, or obtaining Internet/WWW access without being granted the proper authority.

8.0 Disciplinary Action

Violation of the Information Technology Policies will result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

I have read and understood the above IT policies and code of conduct and will adhere to the said

Name :

Signature : Aznil bin Azmi

Date :
Witnessed by HR:

Name of HR :

Signature :

Date :
Form No. : DOC-WI-PDO-001-B
Revision No : 1.2
Date : 15 MAR 2018


1. Nama : ____________________________________________________________
Aznil bin Azmi

2. Jantina : ____________________________________________________________

3. No K/P (Lama & Baru) : ____________________________________________________________


4. Tarikh Lahir / Tempat : ____________________________________________________________


5. Alamat Tetap : ____________________________________________________________

D-25-04, Mesahill Residence, Persiaran Ilmu, 71800 Nilai Negeri Sembilan

6. Alamat Surat Menyurat : ____________________________________________________________


7. Tarikh Mula Berkhidmat : ________________Jawatan_____________________________________

1/4/2024 Customer Service

8. Jawatan Terkini / Tarikh Lantikan :____________________________________________________________

9. No. Anggota : ____________________________________________________________

10. Kelulusan Tertinggi / Institusi : __ _____________________________________________________


11. No EPF / SOSCO : ____________________________________________________________

12. Nama Bank / Caw : ____________________________________________________________

Cimb Bank

13. No Akaun Bank & : ____________________________________________________________


14. No. Tel Pejabat/ Rumah : (P)___________________________ (R)___________________________

15. No. Handphone : ____________________________________________________________


16. Status ____________________________________________________________


17. Nama Suami/Isteri : ____________________________________________________________

18. Alamat / No Tel : ____________________________________________________________


19. Nama Ibu : ___________________________________________________________

Dalam Masa Kecemasan

1. Nama Dihubungi : ____________________________________________________________

2. No. Tel. / Handphone : ____________________________________________________________

3. Pertalian : ____________________________________________________________

4. Alamat kediaman : ____________________________________________________________

: ____________________________________________________________

Tandatangan Anggota : ___________________________

Tarikh : ___________________________

Nota: Sila maklumkan sebarang perubahan dari masa ke semasa jika ada perubahan.
DO’s & DON’Ts


1. To dress in an office attire suit during morning and evening shift. In the event the midnight
shift ends at 9.00 am, they are also required to wear proper attire during this hours.

2. To wear name tags or employee pass at all times.

3. To raise concern to ONLY Team Leaders and Operational Managers and not to the floor.

4. To be updated with latest information on every start of shifts.

5. To be briefed on concern form the previous shifts.

6. To start on all PC application when seated at the workstation before shift starts.

7. To be ready to accept all calls at least 5 minutes before shift starts.

8. To use all office equipments with care.


1. Not to smoke at the stairways or in the office areas.

2. Colored drinks are not allowed at the workstation. They may do so at the dry or wet pantry.

3. No items to be placed/left under the workstation table.

4. No handbags or bags are allowed on the workstation table, all to be kept in the locker.

5. No personal belongings for example jacket/sweaters to be left on seats after shift hours.

6. Agents are not allowed to hold conversation within workstation, to respect others who are on
hold with the customers.

7. No posters or pictures or notices to be pasted on the wall, all should be on the board

8. No eating at the workstation.

9. Agents are not allowed to remove any of the items available in the office areas.

10. Agents are not allowed to curse any customers even when customers are being put on hold
or on mute.
11. Agents are not allowed to enter office floors unless required to.
What to do in case you are absent
Item Customer Service Rep Team Leaders (TL) Operations Manager (OM) HR
When reporting for work, TL to
Non Adherence To call TL minimum 1 hour before start of shift to HR to note down and follow up and check
inform OM and HR on CSRs
Action inform intent to see a Doctor against attendance report
request to see Doctor
1 Show-cause letter will be issued to
Show-cause letter will be issued to explain
explain reasons for not doing so.
Non Adherence reasons for not doing so. After 3 show-cause
After 3 show-causes, disciplinary HR to issue show-cause for any non-adherence
Action letter, disciplinary action which may include
action which may include
termination will take place.
termination will take place.
To inform HR no less than 4 hours To inform HR less than 4 hours
To call TL and inform them he/she is going on MC HR to record medical leave and follow up on
Medical Leave after the start of the shift of staff after the start of the shift of staff
no less than 3 hours after start shift. medical cert
going MC going MC
2 Show-cause letter will be issued to Show-cause letter will be issued to
Show-cause letter will be issued to explain
explain reasons for not doing so. explain reasons for not doing so.
Non Adherence reasons for not doing so. After 3 show-cause
After 3 show-causes, disciplinary After 3 show-cause, disciplinary HR to issue show-cause for any non-adherence
Action letter, disciplinary action which may include
action which may include action which may include
termination will take place.
termination will take place. termination will take place.

Upon returning to work, to present Upon returning to work, to present HR to check on validity of illness from clinics
Upon returning to work, to present MC cert to HR
Medical Certificate MC cert to HR within 48 hours for MC cert to HR within 48 hours for and validity of MC. In The falsification to issue
within 48 hours for verification
verification verification show-cause letter asking for an explanation

3 Show-cause letter will be issued to explain Show-cause letter will be issued to Show-cause letter will be issued to
reasons for not doing so. After 3 show-cause explain reasons for not doing so. explain reasons for not doing so. HR to issue show-cause for any non-adherence
Non Adherence
letter, disciplinary action which may include After 3 show-cause letter, After 3 show-cause letter, to regard non submission of medical cert as NO
termination will take place. To regard non- disciplinary action which may disciplinary action which may PAY LEAVE
submission of medical cert as NO PAY LEAVE include termination will take place. include termination will take place.

All time off will be

deducted from All time off will be deducted from salary, shift All time off will be deducted from salary, shift
salary, shift allowance etc allowance etc
allowance etc
All NCNS will be deducted from All NCNS will be deducted from
All NCNS will be deducted from salary To deduct from salary
salary salary
5 No call no show
2 days continuous NCNS will result in self 2 days continuous NCNS will result 2 days continuous NCNS will result 2 days continuous NCNS will result in self
termination in self termination in self termination termination

HR to take note and deduct from annual leave

To call TL minimum 1 hour before start of shift to
TL to inform OM & HR or no pay leave if, annual leave have been
inform intent to go on Emergency Leave
Emergency leave
(EL) Only 2 days EL p.a is permitted. EL
Only 2 days EL p.a is permitted. EL will be
will be deducted from annual leave.
deducted from annual leave. If exhausted, regard
If exhausted, regard as no pay
as no pay leave

Show-cause letter will be issued to

Show-cause letter will be issued to explain
explain reasons for not doing so.
Non Adherence reasons for not doing so. After 3 show-cause
After 3 show-cause letter, HR to issue show-cause for any non-adherence
Action letter, disciplinary action which may include
disciplinary action which may
termination will take place.
include termination will take place.
Guideline to download VADS Panel & Blacklisted Clinics

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