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The Text: retrospective glee.

The moment where bliss is at its peak

is over in a flash, and hardly exists at all. Everything else
A recent survey has examined the well-trodden is expectation or memory.
ground of the relationship between pleasure and Composers have always known this simple, basic
money. Many studies have examined this, from any truth: pleasure is half anticipation and half blissful
number of starting points, often concluding, in the recollection, and hardly at all about the fulfilment of the
oldest of old cliché, that money can’t buy you happiness promise. The great musical statements of ecstasy, such
or, in more sophisticated terms, that happiness and as Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde or Schubert’s first Suleika
pleasure often reside, not in riches in absolute terms, song, are literally all half crescendo and half languid
but in being richer than the people who happen to live recall. We look forward to pleasure; we look back on it.
to your left or your right. Other studies have claimed The moment of pleasure itself is over in a flash, and
that comparison with the wealth of others leads to a often rather questionable.
‘set-up for disappointment’ and that a good attitude is The hairband and geegaw emporium Claire’s
all that matters. Accessories has a thoughtful, rather philosophical slogan
This most recent study inquired into the well- to tempt its young consumers. It sells itself under the
being of 136.000 people worldwide and compared it to strapline ‘where getting ready is half the fun’. That is
levels of income. It found, overall, that feelings of honest and truthful. A group of 14-year-old girls in their
security and general satisfaction did increase with party best is nowhere near as successful an enterprise of
financial status. Money, however, could not lift its pleasure as exactly the same girls putting on and trying
possessors to the next level, and was unable to provide out and discussing their hopes for the party in advance;
enjoyment or pleasure on its own. The survey published not as successful either as talking it over the next day.
in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, The party itself, from the beginning of time, has
examined large numbers of people from almost every consisted of a lot of standing around and gawping and
culture on Earth, and found much the same thing. The giggling, and someone crying in the lavatory.
stereotype of the rich man who finds life savourless and So any notion of fulfilled pleasure which insists
without pleasure was not invented simply to keep the on the moment of bliss is doomed to failure. Mr. Bloom
poor happy with their lot. and the researchers of the Journal of Personality and
Paul Bloom addresses the same issue in his book Social Psychology were clearly happiest when
How Pleasure Works. According to Bloom, at the point undertaking their research, during which time they were
when people get the thing they really want, they enter a looking forward to coming to a conclusion. And now
state of perfect pleasure. Both Bloom’s book and the they can sit back and start to say ‘Yes, when I concluded
enormous survey concentrate on the status and on the my theory of pleasure and satisfaction…’ Even for
moment of getting possession of something we want. philosophers of pleasure, another ancient and well-
Are we satisfied and filled with pleasure when we get handled cliché about travel and life is true: getting there
what we want? Bloom, looking at eager consumers, really is half the pleasure.
would say ’yes’; the survey tends to say ‘not necessarily’.
In my view, it’s rare that we can actually pin down the Source: Kenny, N. & Newbrook, J. (2014). Cambridge
specific moment when the feeling of pleasure is at its English Advanced Practice Tests Plus 2. Pearson
clearest. Education Limited
Take the teenager determined to buy the latest
must-have gadget, a woman setting to get a new
Gloating: malicious (ill will) satisfaction
handbag, or a prosperous businessman who wants to
Redolent: noticeably odorous
add to his collection of Japanese netsuke. The setting Glee: great merriment
with the happy intention of spending; the entering of Bliss: a state of extreme happiness
the shop; the examination of the wares; the long Crescendo: (of music) a gradual increase in loudness
decision; the handing over of money; the moment when Languid: lacking spirit or liveliness
the ownership of the goods is transferred; the gloating Geegaw: Cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
at home; the moment when the object is displayed to Emporium: a department store
others. All these steps form a process in enjoyment, but Gawping: Looking with amazement
Giggling: laugh nervously
almost all of them are redolent with anticipation or with
University of Gabés, ISAMT Module: Language (Rdg Comp+Wtg+Gr)
Epreuve : Anglais
Department of Education Level: 1st Year
Exam session: May 2023/2nd Semester Academic year: 2022-23/ Duration: 2 hs

Full Name: ……………………………………………………. Group Nbr : ………..

 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A/ State what the main idea of the text is. (1 mark)

B/ Tick the right option and then justify your answer with detail(s) from the text. (3 marks)

1. The writer says that previous studies of happiness have differed on:
A.  whether having more money than others makes people happy.
B.  why people compare their financial situation to that of others.
C.  what makes people believe that money brings happiness.
D.  how important it is for people to think that they are happy.


2. According to the writer, the most recent survey:

A.  confirmed a common belief about wealth and happiness.
B.  produced results that may surprise some people.
C.  provided more accurate information than many other surveys.
D.  found that there was no connection between money and happiness.

Justification: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
C/ According to the writer, it is impossible to identify a fixed moment of delight. Justify your answer with a detail
from the text. (1 mark)

D/ According to the writer, happiness is a momentary feeling that lies between two states. What are these two
states? (1 mark)

E/ Find this expression in paragraph 1: “a set-up for disappointment”. Now tick the meaning that is relevant to the
context in the text. (1 mark)

a.  A state of disappointment because of considering external factors for our happiness

b.  A situation that is likely to result in disillusionment because of unrealistic expectations
c.  A feeling of dissatisfaction because of the connection between our expectations and reality

WRITING: (4 Marks)
Bearing in mind the guidelines you had in class on how to write a narrative paragraph, write on ONE of the
following prompts. (I apologize if you did not experience one of the prompts. If so, please be imaginative).

1. Write a narrative paragraph about a time when you witnessed an act of kindness.
2. Write a narrative paragraph about a time when you overcame a fear or phobia and how it affected you.
3. Write a narrative paragraph about the time when your lover/beloved came back after a long breakup.

Assessment Criteria
Style: 1.5 mark Language: 1 mark Cohesion: 0.5 mark Mechanics: 1 mark

GRAMMAR (9 Marks)
1. Read the following sentences and tick (  ) those which express LOGICAL DEDUCTION. The modal verbs are in
bold. (0.25 mark each)

a. You can borrow the car; I don't need it.

b. He can't still be at the office, it's after 9 o'clock.
c. I can't hear you very well, the line's bad.
d. That won't be the postman at the door, he's been already.
e. Will you give me a hand with this? It's so heavy.
f. John's awful. He simply won’t admit that he's made a mistake!
g. What' s that scratching noise?
Don't worry. It'll be the cat trying to get in.
h. He'll be at the airport by now.
i. No, you may not leave before the end.
j. We may be in for a rough crossing, there's a storm coming.
k. He might change his mind, if we keep on at him.
l. You mustn't give up yet, try just once more.
m. He always looks so exhausted; he must have a very demanding job.
n. If you hurry up, we could be there by 6 o'clock.
o. You should drive more slowly round there, it's a dangerous corner.
p. You should have no trouble passing, it's your best subject.

2. When you have identified those sentences that express deduction, group them according to whether they
express certainty, probability, or possibility. (0.25 mark each)

Certainty probability possibility

- … -… - … -… - … -…
- … -… - … -… - … -…
- … -… - … -… - … -…
- … -… - … -… - … -…
-… -… - … -… - … -…

3. Which of the verbs or phrases can fill the gap correctly? Circle the correct option in each set. (0.5 each)

A. I ………… be able to help you.

 won’t – can’t – might
B. Did you …………. keep it secret?
 could – manage to - able to
C. You ………..  be exhausted after such a long journey.
 must – can – had better
D. The book is optional. Our teacher said that we ………. read
 mustn’t – don’t need to – aren’t supposed to
it if we don’t want to.
 mustn’t – shouldn’t – can’t
E. You ………..  worry so much. You will make yourself ill.

4. Think of somebody you know, and somebody you once knew and say what characteristic behaviors or habits
and things they are/were true of him/her. (0.5 each)




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