Ghost Town News v2n7 October 1942

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A Western Magazine, Puhlished at

fro.u Knotf's Berry Plaee"

Ghost Town Village Buena Park!! {;alif.

Volume 2
Number 7 BUENA PARK, OCTOBER, 1942

helped to keep many entertained while

they waited for dinner. Now Ghost Town
has grown into quite a place and attracts
visitors from all over. There is no admis­
sion charge and all are welcome. I am of
the opinion that in days to come we can
make it a real monument to the courage
and valor of our early pioneers and hope
that it may become an inspiration for the
youth of our land. Actually Ghost Town
has just gotten started, although on some
days as many as ten thousand folks visit
it. Many additional buildings and attrac­
tions will 'be added just as soon as condi­
tions will permit.
"Why do you publish Ghost Town
News?" a good many have asked. While
the first number was gotten out more than
a year ago as a souvenir to tell folks
about our place and to give them a glimpse
of the old ghost towns of the west. the
idea of a western magazine caught on and
the encouragement received made it seem
feasible to get out a regular illustrated
question. as you can well understand. is magazine picturing for all the old west
The Ghost Town News a pretty large order. So many factors and the new. With this issue, Ghost
Western Magazine have entered into what success we have Town News begins its second year of
had and I don't believe credit can be given regular publication. Six issues each year.
anyone factor. What is important is that one every other month-and at only fifty
Published bi-monthly at Knott', Berry Place, Buena
Park, California. Single copies 10 cent.. Annual we feel that we have just gotten a good cents per year. Each issue contains 15 or
subscription (six i.sue.) 50 cent•• Two year. (12 start. We want to build this place into more feature articles and many illustra­
i•• ue.) One DolIar. Postage paid anywhere in the an institution that will be a credit to all tions and down here on the farm we think
U.S. A. .
of California and have plans ready right readers get big value for the dime they
NICHOLS FIELD WILSON • • • • Editor now for many developments that can be pay for a copy. Early subscribers are
Address all communications and make all remit­
started when the war is won. We need already renewing their subscription and
tance. payable to Ghost Town News, Buena Park, more dining room space. more kitchen that indicates their satisfaction. Some folks
California. space and 'more equipment and we want think it a nice souvenir to send back east
to build a Buffalo Steak House in Ghost to friends and send a list of names to have
Vol. 2 OCTOBER, 1942 No. 7 Town and a little theatre. All of these a subscription furnished with their com­
Copytight 1942
"Ians must. of necessity. await the day of pliments, All subscriptions received during
Victory. the next 30 days will be given a copy of
AN EDITORIAL When I try to analyze the reason for the 36-page illustrated Souvenir Edition
our continued growth I am always inclined and a copy of the four-color picture of
By WALTER KNOTT to give a lot of credit to our personal the oil painting "Courage." I am very
As all my friends know, I am a fanner interest in every detail of the business and proud of this picture and would like to
-a grower of berries--and not a writer. to our attention to the little things, I be­ see a copy on the walls of every kitchen
Many letters come to me from all over lieve that almost every business has some and workshop in the land for it seems to
the country from folks who want to know hidden profits in little overlooked things. me an appropriate thought in these trou­
about the things we do down here on the As an illustration I point to the picture blous times.
farm and I would like to help each one below of one of our daughters. Elizabeth . I should like to again say that all, old
who is earnestly and sihcerely attempting (Toni), and the artichoke business. We and young, are invited to visit Ghost Town
to establish a successful business in our have three acres in artichokes here on the and there is no admission charge, To
country of free enterprise. farm and the yield is satisfactory and the those who are interested but can't come
First I would like to say that Knott's profit too, but one day our daughter who down as often as they like perhaps Ghost
Berry Place is owned outright by Mrs. has an eye for beautiful flowers, suggested Town News, our magazine, will be of
Knott, myself and our four children, Rus­ that it was a shame to allow these lovely interest and it will be a pleasure to add
sell, Virginia, Elizabeth (Toni). and Mar­ blossoms to go to waste. "Let me place your name to our family of subscribers.
ian. No one else owns any part of it and them on sale for only a nickel apiece.
the business, nor any part of it, has ever Dad," she said, "for many people will Elizabeth (Toni) and an artichoke blossom.

been offered for sale. It is not for sale. appreciate an opportunity to get such BIOBsoms add $100.00 per year per

Knott's Berry Place is our home, our busi­ beautiful flowers for purposes of decora­ acre to vegetable growing.

ness, the place where our heart is and the tion at such a low price."
place where we pursue our hobbies and We placed them on sale and soon they
enjoy the work we have grown up with, were selling at the rate of $8 to $10 a
Our business is growing. In July of this day. That was more than two years ago
year we broke all records for any single and each season we display and sell these
month in the number of dinners served, blossoms. This season we sold more than
August was even bigger than July. Un­ $350 worth of blossoms from this three­
fortunately we haven't the facilities for acre patch of artichokes. More than a
serving as many as we could. and this hundred dollars per acre net profit-addi­
season all of us have had to work excep­ tional profits-from our artichokes. Many
tionally hard in an endeavor to serve our others could do the same thing. In one ot
patrons. With the scarcity of labor our our nursery catalogs we ,advised chicken
employees, many of whom have served for ranchers to plant a few rows of rhubarb
years. have found their work very heavy. which, in this section. is marketable all
You may be sure that the fine work of through the year. Sell the rhubarb. we
this body of loyal men and women is told them, and feed the leaves which grow
greatly appreciated. Many of ,them are profusely, to the chickens-a fine green
almost members of the family and take as food for them. Yes, it's the little things
. much pride in our success as we do. that count.
"How did you go about building up a "Why did you build Ghost Town?" is a
business where you serve more than 5.000 question frequently asked. Ghost Town
dinners Sunday after Sunday?" is a ques­ really was started as a hobby and it proved
tion asked the other day. To answer that to be of great interest to our visitors and

The Wizard of the Pockets

From the beginning of the gold era of he was never called aught else. Now. his his operations to include vein outcrops
California the supernatural in some form exploits having attained half-legendary with a liking for partly decomposed string­
has ever played a considerable role in the sta tus. it is still Pike Bell. ers. A piece of loose quartz (float. miners
quest for that cunningly-hid treasure. Even call jt) was a challenge to him to find its
Marshall, the Jason of the Golden Fleece, Pike Bell was of that innumerable com­
pany who did their first mining at Old higher-up source. In a ravine, he would
as here exemplified, had a certain flair for estimate the point where washed gold
what was termed spiritualism; but whether Hangtown ( present Placerville), and the
time was mid-summer, '51. The job was would naturally settle. Such methods are.
or not he sought direct application thereof of course. used more or less by all experi­
is a question hidden beneath his own shoveling gold-bearing gravel into a rocker
perhaps long-tom. As it chanced. the occa­ enced prospectors.
sional savage heat of the foothills was that But Pike Bell went further. He would
In any event, during the weeks follow­ day hitting a high mark. A half-shift. prob­ dig in the most unfavorable places, and
ing his historic find, the report grew that ably six or seven hours. was enough for more often than otherwise with success.
the mill race episode in which. Marshall Pike. Roundly, he swore that he did not One of his exploits out of many was to
figured was mere pretense-that it was in want a fortune that bad. Then and there pay a discouraged prospector twenty dol­
reality a search for gold directed by the he resigned. saying he would look around lars for a lode on Bald Mountain. a few
"spirits." It booted nothing that the dis­ a bit on his own account. From thence miles out of Auburn. after a merely casual
coverer was to deny such imputation, vio­ on to the end of his life Bell was his own glance into the seven-foot hole which had
lently and decisively; a large element of boss. been dug. But before the seller was out
the newly-created miner clan still believed. of sight, Pike was in that hole and digging.
Moreover, they sought by spying, cajolery, Within a few weeks he had recovered
eVen threats, to extort his supposed secret . $167,000 in gold.
from him-to profit by some supernatural
power which he was presumed to possess. By the end of the ·6O's. his fortune
Out of such C;(cumstances was to enierge secure. Pike Bell boarded one of the early
the taciturn, resentful James Wilson Mar­ Central Pacific trains, eastbound. to pay a
shall to impose himself something of a pall visit to his old home in Missouri. Across
upon the new State for beyond a quarter his breast he wore an immense watch
of a century. chain, fashioned by goldsmiths, from his
own nuggets. Beyond doubt. the natives
But the belief that the supernatural de­ were duly impressed. A buxom Missouri
creed success or failure in mining ven­ girl admired the chain and its wearer so
tures was not confined to the pioneering fervently that a romance developed. Pike
days. It manifested itself in lode and chan­ returned to Auburn with his bride and
nel projects, and still does. atop that same Bald Mountain built a
Several authentic accounts have come to spreading country home with. notably
me of claims being located. shafts or tun­ broad porches.
nels driven. devious drifts run, with no Significance attaches to those wide
more of tangible basis than dreams or the porches. One was always secluded from
fancied word of "the spirits." In fact when, the sun and from visitors. Pike caused to
in the course of reopening projects. a prac­ be built for his exclusive use two ample
tical and understanding miner comes upon armchairs of the old saloon type. During
old workings of particular irregularity and his occasional moods, it was his custom
weirdness he quickly senses the reason to sit in one and place his feet in the
therefor-the occult in some form has other. There he would repose for hours.
toiled there. perhaps days. Family members, at his
I am convinced that. first and last. many orders. kept away. To his wife he would
hundreds of thousands of dollars has been explain, briefly. that he was reviewing in
expended in the development of gold and his mind ground over which he had
silver mines with no more tangible promise "Pike" A, O. Bell with Massive Watch
of rewards than those afforded by dreams. Chain fashioned hom his
But in due course a change would come
visions. or other unrealities. own gold nuggets.
over the half-comatose Pike Bell. Then
But exists another side to the picture. all was action. His shouts for the hired
Call it intuition. hunches. sklll in reading man. who knew his moods. could be heard
the rocks. or just plain luck. as you will­ With no knowledge of geology. miner­ all over the premises.
the fact remains that finds have been made alogy, formations or even the primeval
folk~lore of gold mining, Pike Bell set forth "Hitch-up! Hitch-up!" he would com­
and fortunes realized in the most unlikely mand, imperiously. "We're goin' mining."
of places. and not through chance or acci­ as a pocket-hunter. and from that first day
was successful-so amazingly successful The retainer. expecting such call and hav­
dent. This phenomenon applies more par­ ing all in readiness. would quickly put
ticularly to the quests of the so-called that ere his death. some forty years later.
he was accredited with recovering in ex­ team to a stout buckboard containing a.
pocket-hunter. the persistent roamer of the few light mining tools.
wilds who seems able to uncover nuggets cess of a million dollars in virgin gold.
where his fellow seekers· can scarcely find Strangely, the greater number of his takes Bell would take the reins and drive
I. colors. came from unpromising or abandoned loca­ straight to an obViously pre-cietermined lo­
! tions. His field was portions of Placer,
r Perhaps the most notable exponent of the cation; perhaps close by. more likely miles
Eldorado and Nevada counties, with the distant. There he would indicate where
art of pocket-hunting in the northern mines town of Auburn centering his activities. digging should start.
was A. 0. Bell. What follows is a brief
account of the Missouri immigrant who Scores tried to fathom Pike Bell's meth­ Soon, in the large majority of cases. qold
came to be known as the "Wizard of the ods. He was watched. imitated, implored would be found.
Pockets." to disclose how it could be that virtually
wherever he chose to drive his pick or Bell's vein and channel mining was of
EXPLOITS OF PIKE BELL employ men to dig, there gold in commer­ the type known as "gophering." shallow
cial quantities was found. But Pike merely workings. When asked why he did not
Being from Missouri (no matter what shook his head. "I don't know myself," follow his leads to greater depth his answer
county) the nickname, "Pike." had been
fastened upon A. O. Bell long before his he would say; "it jist kinda comes to me." invariably was­
party reached the Sierra. and thereafter As the placers waned. Bell expanded "I want no shaft I can't jump out of."

A T on of Gold - Gold; Always Gold: Yellow Gold!

Across from me sits a thin-faced, steel­

(The Klondike Nugget. The Ii...t newspaper
which was published in Dawson in 1898 in­
spired Russell A. Bankson to author the book,
Gold, gold, gold! eyed, young-old man whose forehead is
creased with deep wrinkles but whose hair
is untouched with silver.
The Klondike Nugget, printed by Caxton Far across the Sound a thin smudge of "Allen:' he introduces himself crisply.
Printers ($2.50). A fast-moving, authentic, black smoke wedged into the horizon.
dramatic story of the Klondike gold rush and "Eugene C. Allen."
the exciting eareer of founder and editor "She's coming!" the cry went up. "And these?"-indicating the volumes.
Eugene C. Allen. Here i. the lirst chapter Larger loomed the steamer. Its siren "The only existing flIes of a newspaper
and you'll enjoy every page and the 21 ilIus­ sent forth a greeting to the restless, milling
trations.-Editor. which played an important part in the
throngs. Klondike gold stampede of '98,"
"Where's the gold! Let's see the gold!"
Down from Pioneer Place came a detail Turning back the cover of the first vol­
A TON OF GOLD of marching men armed with rifles. ume, I read: "The Klondike Nugget. Vol.
Four little words flashed over the tele­ "Make way for the Wells-Fargo I, No. 1. June 16, 1898. Dawson, North­
graph wires electrified a world on July 17, guards!" The cry rumbled the length of west Territory. Price 50 cents,"
1897. the docks. "The Wells-Fargo guards are Headlines spring at me: "Latest News
They inoculated the red blood of Amer~ coming to meet the Portland!" From the War," "Whiskey Shortage in
ica with a mad, lustful gold fever-a fever An aisle opened; the guards took their Dawson." "Stampede on Hunker," "Scows
which is quenchless, driving its victims places at the dock's edge. The smoke Wrecked in White Horse," "Tragedy of
forever on, into the face of death-to death rolled black from grimy funnels, and an­ the North."
itself. other throbbing bellow set all the air to My eyes leap from column to column.
"A ton of goldl" vibrating. I become engrossed. I am lost in a world
On July 13, 1897, the tugboat Sea Lion, The famous old boat was jockeying for of tense, dramatic romance filled with the
under the command of Captain C. W. a position at the dock. Faces showed along mad lust of man for the yellow metal
Sprague, slipped her moorings at Seattle, the deck railing now. known as gold. I tum yellowed pages
Washington, and steamed quietly up the "The gold miners from the Klondike!" drawn .from a hand press in another cen­
Sound, into the Strait of Juan de Fuca, "A ton of gold!" tury than ours.
where for two days she lay waiting off The mob nearly stampeded then. push­
Cape Flattery. Gold! Always gold! Yellow gold! Gold!
There were few to see her depart; even ing closer and closer--<:Iamoring to see Gold! Gold! Gold!
fewe;' who knew what her mission might the ton of gold. I delve into tragedy, comedy. bitter
be--<lr that she carried newspaper report­ Clanging bells! Rattling chains! Hoarse hatred, joyous happiness, drinking in the
ers from a Seattle daily, the Post-Intelli­ shoutsl Wells~Fargo guards, with rifles first-hand. raw story of a wild, raw stam­
gencer. ready, formed on either side of the lowered pede-the last great gold stampede the
Late in the afternoon of July 16, the gangplank. Over the crowd, over the whole world has known.
patience of those aboard the Sea. Lion was Seattle waterfront, fell a breathless silence.
It is the story of a harsh country that
rewarded with sight of the incoming coast Bearded, roughly-dressed men started moulded human souls, weeding out the
steamer, Portland, plowing through the marching single file down the gangplank, weaklings-driving them back or sapping
swells of the Strait on her regular run between the rows of guards. the life from them-Ieavinq only the strong
from St. Michael's, Alaska. Hailing the A powerfully built Klondiker, whose and courageous to carryon.
ocean vessel, the master of the tugboat broad shoulders sagged under the weight
of two buckskin sacks which he balanced It is all there-the whole story-locked
asked and was granted permission to board. within the sombre black covers of these
Shortly thereafter several of the news­ by hooking calloused thumbs into the draw­
strings, headed the line of prospectors. two thin volumes which lie before me-a
papermen left the Portland, returning to vital, accurate, clear record.
the tug, which churned the water in a Behind him carne another, and then an­
race back to Port Townsend and the tele­ other and another-a long procession of The striking of a match in the silence
graph wires. heavy-booted. horny-fisted, weather-beaten of my study startles me. brings my mind
"A ton of gold!" sourdoughs out of the north-each laden spinning back out of the past, to common­
That was the keynote of stories splashed with sack or box of gold. The gangplank place. present-day surroundings-back to
over the first page of the Post-I ntelligencer trembled under their steady. stumbling the young-old man who sits across from
in a special edition the next morning; the advance. me.
theme of the news centering about the frail "A ton of gold!" His piercing blue eyes are watching my
little steamer, Portland. corning into port Some of the buckskin sacks were larger face above the Harne of the match held in
from St. Michael's, Alaska, with a ton of than others; some carried two. three. even his fingers as he lights his pipe.
gold aboard, and with a passenger list of four sacks. And a few strained under the "I beg pardon!" I say contritely. "I had
bearded, roughly-dressed prospectors who weight of wooden boxes filled with the forgotten you were here, Mr. Allen. And
carried their gold in buckskin sacks and precious yellow metal. how carne you into possession of these
wooden boxes. They came from the north The crowds surged nearer. the cheers invaluable records?"
-a land deSignated as the "Klondike," rang louder. The guards marched with
which lay within the shadow of the Arctic their rifles on their shoulders; the pros­ "Mine by right of creation," my guest
Circle-from an interior region which two pectors from the Klondike slouched alonq smiles back at me. I founded, managed
days before had gripped the attention of between them, straight to the Wells-Fargo and edited the 'Klondike Nugget',"
the world with the arrival of another gold­ offices, where each in tum was to weigh The Klondike Nugget! The Voice of
laden ship, the Excels~or, of San Francisco. in his gold that soon would be on its way the Arctic! The farthest north newspaper!
The Portland was nosing down Puget to the mint at San Francisco. The throbbing pulse of the world's greatest
Sound toward Seattle with a ton of gold But the throngs had seen the ton of gold goll;! stampede which surpassed in all ways
aboard! and the world had heard about it. It was that great trek into California in '49!
Clerks forgot to wait on customers; cus­ real! And here in my study sits the genius
tomers forgot to make their purchases; who, in the face of almost unsurmountable
heads of firms forgot their business; house­ EUGENE C. ALLEN
obstacles, created this famed newspaper!
wives forgot their dusting. Industry In his book, The Klondike Nugget,
author Bankson not only gives you a vivid "Want advice," he says jerkily, "Is there
stopped. The population of Seattle moved a story in these files? I mean a story that's
en masse to the waterfront where the . authentic picture of the Klondike but also
the career of Eugene C. Allen, founder, real 'and different from anything that ever
Portland was to tie up between eight and carne out of the Klondike?"
nine o'clock in the morning. editor and publisher of Klondike's great
Those people wanted to see that ton of newspaper and if that chapter doesn't cause The glow in my face, the sparkle in my
gold. They wanted to see the men who you to want the whole story the follOWing eyes is his answer. '
were bringing it out of the frozen north­ from Mr. Bankson's preface to the book So here is told. not the story of a stam­
the Klondike. They wanted to hear about surely will. pede, but the story of a great stampeder
it, to dream about it, to catch the gold Before me on my desk are spread two who wrote a sparkling, brilliant chapter into
fever, to rush up there into the unfriendly small newspaper volumes bound in plain the history of the far northland-Eugene C.
land and scoop up the gold for themselves. ,black leather. Allen!

Adolph Sutro

A man with vision-they called By CARL T. NUNAN

styled garden perched high above
him a dreamer and jeered at the historic Cliff House. To trek
"Sutro's Tunnel." He WiOuldn't
take no tor an answer and per-' its graveled roadways. hemmed
sisted until by sheer torce, cour­ with palm and pepper trees-to
age and determination .he made enjoy its formal terraces-its cozy
that dream come true. arbors-its green lawns and rare
flowers. To wander. happily. along
The memory of a man whose life
exemplified the highest ideals of the tiny footpaths of the 20~acre
American citizenship is the inspira­ estate and marvel at the white
tion for this story. The man­ statues. modeled from mythological
Adolph Sutro, who emigrated from and historical characters, or to
his home in Aix~la~Chapelle, Ger­ stand on the concrete parapet over­
many, when the country was wildly looking the broad Pacific. whereon
excited over the discovery of gold. are mounted small cannon. which.
Despite the fact that he possessed though never having fired a shot.
little more than a thorough knowl­
edge of minerology when he ar~ bristle with authority-there to rap­
rivet;! in San Francisco, November ture at the view unfolded to thei~
21, 1851, at the age of 21. he was gaze-the Cliff House directly be­
destined to build - an independent low-the shimmering sea stretching
empire on the edge of our sun~ far to the west-to the south. miles
down sea. of sandy beach and just beyond the
Sutro's first nine years on the Cliff House the famed Seal Rocks
Pacific Coast were spent as a trad~ with their phocine population of
er. With the discovery of the more than 400 stellar sea lions.
great Comstock lode, in 1859, he
went to Virginia City and looked Adolph Sutro is gone-but his
over the prospect. The young memory lives on. for. during his
Adolph noting that the fabulous
Comstock lode was located on Mt. life in his adopted country. Amer­
Davidson, which sloped toward the ica. he brought but honor to the
Carson River Valley, and also that state-by his deeds he wrote im,:
the ore was beinp recovered from perishably his epitaph on the tablet
perpendicular shafts. realized that
the mines sooner or later would be of time. Charity loved him for the
in difficulty-that operations would kindness of his heart-schools
reach a depth where water would claimed him as their patron-art.
flood in and that the costs of min­ Sketch by Von Tnteben
as its supporter-and the people
ing would exceed the value of the Adolph Sutro whom he loved and served. as their
ore recovered. champion.
Then was born the idea that was
to build for him an imperial fortune-a at one time owned one-twelfth of the area It might be interesting to note that the
tunnel which would serve to drain off the of San Francisco city and county. Six private. public and business letters of this
water. ventilate the shafts and would per­ children blessed his marriage--two sons great man are now in the possession of
mit operation of the ore veins from below and four daughters. At the height of his the Bancroft Library over on the campus
-a means of ingress and egress and effect~ career he was elected Mayor of San Fran­ of the University of California. The mate­
ing a tremendous savinq in costs. Althoullh cisco by a greater vote than the combined rial contained in them will no doubt prove
Sutro's idea was roundly approved by en~ total of his four opponents.-and against exceedingly valuable to the historian who
gineers he was doomed to disappointment the opposition of every daily newspaper. will one day weave a delightful biography
after disappointment before he was able to political organizations and corporations. He of Adolph Sutro who during his life con­
get financial backing-a search that led foullht and championed for the five-cent tributed richly to the historic romance of
from San Francisco to New York and streetcar fare to the beach with free trans­ California.
finally to Europe. Undaunted, he finally fers-he was a thorough-going democrat.
succeeded in getting the backing he re~
When he died. August 8. 1898. his will
quired and in October of 1869. began work
on the bore-a tunnel 10 feet high. 12 feet gave the famous Sutro Heillhfs gardens to
the city as a park. with the proviso that Many a pioneer got his start

wide and five miles long was driven to a with a grubstake and equip­

depth of 1850 feet below the surface. It his daughter. Dr. Emma Merritt. was to
live there in the old Sutro home until her ment like this.

took ten years to complete and cost

$6500.000. death. She passed away recently and the
Ilardens are now owned by the City of
The project was a complete success and
Sutro waxed rich. But Sutro was a builder. San Francisco.
not an exploiter. He sold his interest in Strange as it may seem. Sutro Heights.
the mines to his associates and retired to
San Francisco, arriving at a time when with its ancient gardens. where the one­
San Franciscans were dubious over the time Mayor of San Francisco lived, is as
future of their city. But Sutro expressed charming and alluring a place. today. as
his faith in San Francisco by purchasing it was more than a half-century ago. when
thousands of acres of land. including Sutro ladies in black lace and tiny bonnets and
Heights. and the Cliff House. He built gentlemen in bowler hats and button shoes
Sutro Baths. largest in the world. and drove far across the city's sand dunes to
planted Sutro forest. He is reputed to have spend the day within the quiet Italian-

been truthfully said that no

The memorable Franciscan other play had been so con­
Mission Play. a pageant of early stantly and so universally
California history which became praised by people of every faith.
something of a state institution Perhaps no other play has had
when it ran for twenty-one con­ so vast a record of "repeaters"
secutive years in San Gabriel. is as the Mission Play. No other
still remembered with deep in­ play has been so well beloved
terest by many people. For dur­ by those who have portrayed it
ing those years it had been wit­ on the stage. And no one would
nessed by a total attendance of know it more sincerely than
over 2.000.000 persons of all John Steven McGroarty. He
faiths both in this country and saw some of them come to it
from abroad. The Mission Play as children and grow up to
has had two or three brief re­ manhood and womanhood in its
vivals since that time. service. It was one of the larg­
The Mission Play in 1933. est and one of the most highly
the last year the Play was regu­ perfected dramatic organizations
larly staged. after so many years in existence.
of transcendant presentation. The San Gabriel Mission.
had become an historic institu­ with which the Mission Play
tion known throughout the civi­ was closely associated for so
lized world. and with only one many years. was founded by
other dramatic production-the the Franciscans in the year 1771
Passion Play at Oberammergau A.D. Its historical ministry
-to compete with its universal
renown. The people of every Photo by Dick Whittington serves as a noteworthy example
nation and creed owe an im­ San Gabriel Mission of what was achieved in the
other Missions along the coast.
measurable debt of gratitude to
John Steven McGroarty, the
author, for his memorable writ-
The Historic Mission Play Here at San Gabriel Mission
was enjoyed unusual prosperity.
ings of the divinely commis­ and its friendly sheltedng build­
sioned Fray Junipero Serra and By BERT MOREHOUSE ings served as an abode for the
his Franciscan co-workers, men exhausted trail-breakers from the
sent of God. to build the Missions and ices under the Fathers assigned to these east. The Mission owned more than 30,000
Christianize the primitive peoples in what stations. cattle, which roamed the neighborhood. and
was then a wilderness in California. To recall to mind the years when the 2000 to 3000 cattle were prepared for food
Today a statue of Fray Junipero Serra, Mission Play was a notable attraction for at a time.
Franciscan Founder of the California Cath­ tourists, will bring back to many readers The Mission was also a place of indus­
olic Missions, occupies an honored place of this magazine the often repeated ad­ try. The Indian women were taught all
in the National Statuary Hall at Wash­ monition of that time that "You have not the homemaking arts of that day. The
ington. The statue of Fray Junipero Serra seen California until you have seen the
was wrouaht by the noted Ettore Cadorin Missions and the Mission Play." Many Mission employed over 100 Indian women
of Santa Barbara. It occupies a niche in persons will also recall that some of the in spinning; also many Indian blacksmiths
the Hall of Fame which had long been most eminent artists of the drama had taken worked on the implements used at San
waiting the arrival of the statue of the the leading roles in the Mission Play. One Gabriel Mission. The streams were filled
illustrious Californian by adoption. was Mr. R. D. MacLean. who with im­ with fish. and game was plentifuL
Produced for the first time on the eve­ perishable success interpreted the role of San Gabriel Mission. as the religious
ning of April 29. 1912. the Mission Play, Fray Junipero Serra. before the Play closed
~eadquarters. also served as the community
through the years of its notable staging. in 1933.
center. Indeed. it was renowned for its
has been declared by historians to be one Other familiar figures who will be reccrg­ hospitality to the overland travelers. It
of the most authentic sources of material nized by those who saw the Mission Play
was here that their first contact with civili~
for und~,standing of the founding of the in the old days will include Juan and
California Missions, and also for a work Juanita. who appeared in every perform­ zaion was had after the exhaustion experi­
that gave a sympathetic understanding of ance of the twenty-one-year run. and Ruth­ enced in crossing the desert until almost
the habits. customs and characteristics of ellen Miller, prima donna. And as often the nineteenth century. For in the old davs
the people of that time. as the Mission Play was enacted under San Gabriel was not only a Mission, but
Exactly 3169 performances of the Mis­ the sympathetic supervision of Mr. Mc­ an Indian village with the huts of the neo­
sion Play were given during those twenty­ Groarty, it continued to maintain the high­ phytes lining the streets under the Mission
one years. Perhaps no other drama of est standards of art in the personnel of its walls.
either ancient or modern times has equaled performers.
this record. Indeed, the Mission Play brought into The founding of the California Missions
its dramatic action the human entities that was a splendid piece of pioneer Catholic
The MiSSion Play was in three acts. As
Mr. McGroarty has stated. the first act go to make up the glamorous story that it service of immortal import. And in these
depicted the heroic struggles and sacrifices told. Even the Indians in the Play were tragic times, if the Mission Play could be
of the Spanish pioneers to gain a foothold real Indians-descendants of the aborigines revived and sta~ed again in all of its ro­
in California when they founded that who were converted to ChristiEinity and mantic and religious beauty under the
mighty chain of Franciscan Missions be­ lifted to the white man's stature of civili~ capable direction of its author, John Steven
tween San Diego and Sonoma. at intervals zation through the devoted. self~sacrificing
and loving effortS of the Franciscan Mis­ McGroarty, it would prove to be of spirit­
of about thirty miles. or what was then a ual benefit to the nation.
day's travel. The second act described the sion Fathers. The singers, dancers and
Missions in their glory. when California musicians were "incomparable artists in
was the happiest land in all the world. their own line. and whose work was an ~'I_.t-I~I-ft-'_-*l-f_I-~f~ __ .t

inheritance of the ancestry that came from I ­

when the Indians had risen to the stature
of white men under the spiritual guidance Spain up through Mexico over a century i Let's help preserve I
of godlv men, and when peace and glad­ and a half ago to colonize California and - the Spirit of the Mission Fathers I
ness held the heart of California in a warm
embrace. The third act, Mr. McGroarty
to make it in their day the happiest of all
countries." !
The Ghost Town News would like
to hear from its readers regarding a
f f
said, told the sad but exquisitely beautiful Among the thousands who attended the revival of the mission play. Write
l>tory of the Missions in ruins. This· is not Mission Play were many world-famous : us your view and comment. These

true of all of them. The Mission of San people who expressed their impressions of letters will be reprinted in a future
Gabriel, near which the Mission Play was the Play with spontaneous enthusiasm. edition aQd mailed to Mr. McGroarty.
staged for so many years, along with sev­ which might have seemed a bit over-done
eral other Missions still hold regular serv- were it not for their high standing. It has L -_ _H_'_ _ _ ~_..J


The light is dimmed but the search gozs on.

Nearly forty years ago I visited Search­ dime had brought him more than a hundred in the politics of Lincoln County. Later
light. Nevada-my first visit to a boominq dollars-probably less than the rest of us Lincoln County was divided. the southern
gold town-when Searchlight was some tossed away. part in which Searchlight is located now
seven years old and enjoying all the thrills The meal finished. Charlie and Bert being Clark County.
of a wild western mining camp where gold guided us to the principal mines and we Today Searchlight is a ghost town and
ore was coming up from the bowels of the were allowed to go down a 1500-foot shaft only a few persons live there. Top man
earth and stamp mills were converting the in the famous Quartette where walls of the is Bert Calkins. the man that gave me my
ore into bricks of the solid metal. It was most beautifull" colored rock--copper first glimpse of a wild western' gold camp
a tyoical western mining town where mil­ formation with the high grade gold visible in the boom days. Failing health made it
lions of dollars were being produced: where -met our excited view-Picture Rock, and necessary for Bert to retire from active
mining claims brought fabulous prices and I have never seen better specimens. The business in Los Angeles and San Fran­
men dreamed and struggled for wealth--a Quartette produced millions but because of cisco several years ago. He retired to­
town where saloons were open day and water scarcity built its stamp mill seventeen you've guessed it-Searchlight! For years.
night. roulette wheels and gambling of all miles awav on the river. Water hauled in previously. Bert had made frequent trips
kinds thrived and women entertainers to Searchlight by wagon sold at $5 per to this famed desert gold camp. He owned
helped. to increase the saloon keepers' take. barrel (whiskey barrels). Later the ·Quar­ many properties there, grubstaked many
Most business. the buying and selling of tette developed water and built additional prospectors and. truth to tell, Searchlight
claims. the hirinq of men. the grub stakinq stamp mills on the' property. was his hobby. Whether he actually made
of prospectors. the organization of corpora­ If water at $5 per barrel seems expensive money out of his mining adventures. I
tions, the deals with promoters. the hiring what do you think of a single quart bottle (hn't know, but mutual friends tell me that
of lawyers and about every sort of a deal of whiskey that brought a fortune? No. "Bert went back to Searchlight and found
was consummated at the bar or one of the the prospector that traded his claim for a more than gold. He found health and find­
tables in a saloon. quart of whiskey didn't know he was ing it had too much sense to leave. Todav
Charlie Vanina owned the principal throwing away the fortune but the men he is a happy man busy every day-and.
saloon in Searchlight in 1905 and here we that traded for the claims and developed I believe. still getting a thrill out of staking
climbed out of the team driven wagon. the mine named the company after that an occasional prospector in the quest for
tired. thirsty and hungry. one fine morning bottle and the "Cyrus Noble" became another find."
after a 25-mile drive across the desert known as one of the great mines of
from the nearest railway station. It was Nevada. Searchlight is about 3600 feet above sea
about ten o' clock in the morning when we level with a dry climate ideal for those
entered Charlie's place of business and with weak lungs. It is a desert spot that
while we found plenty of room at the bar. is made attractive by the riot of lovely
two roulette wheels were busy. card games desert Howers in season while the surround­
were in progress, slot machines were bark­ ing hills are well-wooded with yucca,
ing. a phonograph was wheeZing and girls greasewood and Joshua trees with many
in short dresses (not as short as those on rare varieties of cactus.
our streets today but to many a novelty) It's a ghost town now-but it is the
smiled invitingly. Our first act was to home of a grand person, A. C. (Bert)
order a round of drinks for the spirit of Calkins. and he is not the only one that
adventure was in our blood and most of loves it and has faith in the future finds
the previous night on the train from Los to be made in this district. For more than
Angeles was spent in swapping stories and a third of a century a couple of oldtimers
thrilling to the adventurous holiday we who believed in Searchlight have remained
were on. there leasing one property after another
lt was a merry group and 1, for one. in their persistent search for the yellow
have never forgotten the exchange of wit metal. One of these men is in his 82nd
and jest-the real exhilarating let-down year and the other is past 80. It is only
and get-together meeting of as lively a in the past five years that their persistent
bunch of fellows as ever traveled together. efforts have met with success. From leased
The trip was suggested by A. C. (Bert qround worked by themselves egch has
Calkins) founder of The Calkins Company, cleaned up more than a hundred. and fifty
pioneer California assay outfit, who had thousand dollars during these late years of
extensive interest in Searchlight; Harry J. their life.
Newton, editor of the Denver Daily Min­ Dead? No. Searchlight is just slumber­
ing Record and brilliant journalist; O. B. ing for many believe it will awaken to
Steen. mining engineer. famed for his ac­ I again startle the world with rich finds.
complishments in the mining world from A. C. (Bert) Calkins. Top Man Many of the old buildings still stand and
Alaska to Mexico. and Hubert T. Morrow. of Searchlight that saloon which saw such activity during
a young lawyer already giving promise of the regime of Charlie Vanina is one of the
his present recognition as one of the great Searchlight was booming. Stamp mills landmarks.
lawyers of the Pacific Coast. With the were turning out bricks of gold bullion. You'll enjoy a visit to Searchlight and
exception of Morrow. I was the youngest Leasers were finding riches. Prospectors. you will find it of interest from a rom'lolltic
member of the party and thoroughly en­ frequently grub-staked by Charlie Vanina. and early pioneer day slant. You'll enjoy
joyed the personal experiences and anec­ discovered new finds. Gambling was li­ the fine desert climate and if you seek
dotes of these men of the world. although censed and here was a typical live throb­ gold maybe you might just possibly have
I am not sure that any single one con­ bing, rip-roaring gold camp where men the right searchlight with which to discover
tributed more to our enjoyment than the fought for fortune and independence. it. One thing is certain. you'll .find good
young lawyer who could not be accused of Searchlight was discovered in 1897 by health. Surely no better recommendation
ever lacking in wit and words. G. F. (Fred) Colton. who located the first of a health resort than the living examples
Charlie Vanina was introduced by Bert claim. picked up a piece of "Hoat"' and of men past eighty who are stiJIable with
and ordered food while we consumed our remarked that "there was gold there alright pick and shovel to dig out a fortune in
drink and began trying our luck at rou­ but it would probably take a searchliqht gold.
lette. Only Editor Newton hesitated about to find it." He named the claim Search­ It's nearly forty years since my first
. gambling but finally ventured a single dime light and that became the name of the visit to Searchlight-and I am looking for­
on the number 13 which was the winning town which once boasted of more than ward with great pleasure to a return trip
number and he continued playing until that 900 registered voters, and cut a real figure -soon. very soon. I hope.

: ..' .:;:. -J' '- A,;f _,~:', •




There is a custom in California of

naming big trees for big people. and
travelers may meet a lot of famous
people in a sort of Who's Hew.
In many cases the trees will outlast
the fame of the people. but in some in­
stances the people will be remembered
long after the tree has been hewn into
The ,other day a ,rugged redwood
tree. 14 feet through the waistline. and
260 feet tall. was named for Irvin S.
Cobb. author. actor. humorist. oratqr.
In North Dyerville Flats. near Bull
Creek Flats, they selected a tree ad­
joining the tree dedicated last year to
Cobb's 'famous lifelong friend, Samuel
G. Blythe. The Cobb tree is also near
the Founders Tree, highest tree in the
world-364 feet.
The Redwood Empire Association,
Rotary Club convention, and Bohemian
Club joined with the State Park Com­
mission in loading Irvin Cobb on the
tree. A year ago Cobb had spoken at
the dedication of the Blythe tree. and
Sam Blythe itched to return the favor
in person, but was prevented by illness.
Meanwhile from this distance we can
speculate as to the appropriateness of
naming a tree for Cobb, teller of tall
stories, near the tallest of all trees. The
tree is large at the base and has ample
girth. Possibly the tree is getting a little
thin at the top. and the tree is un­
doubtedly older than Cobb. The tree
probably goes back to the dawn of the
Christian era, but some of Cobb's stories
were in vogue when Egypt celebrated
,the laying of the cornerstone of the
Pyramid of Giza.
The Cobb tree is sturdy. full of sap,
ha; a heavy bark, and is pickled with
a natural preservative which keeps it
going on and on.

-Pacific Rural Press.


Beauty and Action in Weaverville


(Note: This descriptive and int~resting story

of Weaverville is from the book, A Golden
Hiflhway, by the well-known author, Mr. C.
B. Glasscock, published by the Babbs-Merrill
o,mpany, of Indianapolis. To all those inter­
ested in stories of the great gold rush we rec­
ommend the reading of this book. Mr. Glass­
cock is also author of The Big Bonanza, Gold
in Thl!11l Hills, and Lucky Baldwin. All these
books are highly prized by thooe interested in
California and the West.-Editor.)

Bavarian Stairways-Great Battle of the

Chinese-Gun-Play and Justice-Residents
of Old and T.oda.y-Back to the Mother
The pilgrim to Weaverville might, with­
out knowing, pass Five Cent Gulch and
Ten Cent Gulch, which cross the main
street. but he could never fail to be
charmed by the quiet beauty of the old
town. its fine old trees, its riotous Howers
You'll never thoroughly appreciate California until you
in cottage yards. its surrounding hills. its visit the: Redwoods. Eureka, We:ave:rvnIe and Redding.
architecture. He could never pass the
spiral stairways. They date back to the cestral homes beside the Yangtse-Kiang. by eye-witnesses, including Isaac Cox.
'50s as definitely as do the iron shutters in erected frames of planks, between which whose Annals of Trinity County were
a score of ruined camps. they poured and tamped wet clay and boul­ published in 1858. and Franklin A. Buck.
ders until walls arose impervious to fire. whose letters written at the scene were
These spiral stairways and Lola Montez published many years later. It was an epic
were Bavaria's contribution of beauty to These they painted with waterproofing.
Roofs of slabs were covered with earth. battle.
the gold-rush. The Montez has long been
The buildings have defied Hood and fire Precisely what caused it is still a mys­
dust. but the stairways have survived. At tery. One account says it was a revival of
one time. I am told. there were seven of for eighty years. and promise to stand for
another eighty. a political feud between rebel and imperial­
these graceful Hights upon the.main street ist parties in China, one being known as
of Weaverville. and two in the once-great They are still in use as stores. in which the Canton and the other as the Hongkong
Columbia which we shall visit later. To­ polite Chinese merchants wait efficiently party. Another attributes it to a quarrel
day there are only two left in Weaver­ upon resident and traveler alike. Chinese in a Chinese gambling house. A third says
Ville. and none elsewhere. have always played a part in Weaverville. it was due to a tong murder. No matter.
Eighty years ago they staged a battle here It was a great day in the history of Wea­
below Five Cent Gulch. which is a high­
light in the history of the camp. The injured tong challenged the other to
open combat. The challenge was promptly
In Memorial Hall may be found some of accepted. and the day of battle set, some
the tree-pronged spears and Gargantuan weeks in advance. Immediately the two
scythe-like swords used upon that historic armies began to organize, drill and arm
occasion. Incidentally, in the same mu­ themselves. The Cantons. also known as
seum, to give a shuddering thrill to the the Ah You party, promptly placed an or­
rising generation which is likely to put der with John Carr for one hundred iron
wild Indian stories in the category of fairy spears to be mounted on long poles, at one
dollar and a half each. An hour later the
tales, is a scalp with lank black hair. It chief of the Honqkongs or Young Wo tong
was taken from the head of the Indian offered to order two hundred spears if Carr
who killed Joseph Drinkwater on the Van would quit making them for the Cantons.
Big Trees Dusen River in 1868. There also. is one Carr agreed. In another hour the Cantons
of the first three fire engines brought around were back with a bid of two dollars and
the Horn in 1850, a mate to the one we a half and an order for three hundred addi­
And W~verville has other architectural tional weapons if Carr would stop work on
forms of interest to the wayfarer and the have already seen at North San Juan.
the Hongkong arsenaL Again Carr agreed.
student. Its Chinese Joss House dates back The Chinese battle implements are most Business in all the blacksmith shops
only to 1861. but it carries us back to the illuminatinq. They suggest that those Chi­ boomed. The forqes glowed day and night.
days when the Chinese were of importance nese must have wanted to get as far away Tin and sheet-iron shields, bombs and
here. Two Chinese buildings on Main from their adversaries as possible. Perhaps swords were turned out with the enthus­
Street are less spectacular. but older. hav­ they knew that the Roman short sword iasm of a munition factory in 1917. Squirt­
ing been built to withstand such fires as shed more blood per soldier than any im­ guns of nauseous content were manufac­
destroyed the first Joss House. As out­ plement of war ever invented. and they tured by the Chinese, two-thirds of a cen­
standing examples of a form of architec­ wanted nothing like it. tury before Germany launched its poison­
ture dating back for centuries. they must ous gas attack upon the Western Front.
John Carr, of Peoria. Illinois, who start­ Tin hats were donned two-thirds of a cen­
claim attention. ed the first blacksmith shop in Weaver­ tury before they were made standard
Weaverville. like all the original gold ville in February. 1851. made most of the equipment in the World War.
camps, was built first of frame and canvas. Chinese weapons, and has left us an illum­ Word sped through the mountains. Min­
Fires quickly swept it away. Its Chinese inating account of the battle in which they ers at Shasta, French Gulch, Whiskeytown,
, residents. harking back to memories of an­ were used. Other accounts have been left Sawyer's Bar, Yreka. Big Bar and ~score

of minor camps. hiked over the long debt. Houghton thereupon made the
trails to Weaverville to see the bat­ property over to the woman, and re­
tle. The Chinese armies. with red opened. The sheriff holding this to
and black streamers flying. lined up be fraud. went to dispossess the cou­
on opposite sides of Five Cent ple. Houghton told the woman to
Gulch. and shouted all the insults "shoot his head off."
known to the most ancient civiliza­ Eliza displayed frontier character­
tion upon the earth. istics but a lack of skill by firing
Two thousand white men stood upon the sheriff and missing her
back upon higher ground and cheered mark. Thereupon Houghton himself
them on. Gongs sounded. horns blared fired, and struck the sheriff in the
Sheriff William M. Lowe intervened groin. The posse decamped forth­
to stop the massacre. But the min­ with, leaving the wounded sheriff
ers gave the sheriff what would now and the man and woman to fight it
be adequately described as the razz­ out in the barmom. A dozen or more
berry, and called for blood. shots were fired. When the noise
The Chinese wavered. The min­ ceased, Houghton and the woman
ers egged them on with rocks and lay dead, riddled with bullets, and
yells. One young Swede named the wounded sheriff staggered up to
Main Street, Weavervi1le the court-house alone.
John Malmberg empti~d his pis~ol
into the hesitant warriors. WhIte Nor were these the only violent
men started a charge from the Hong­ deaths in and around Weaverville.
kong side of the gulch. while others Uncle Joe Sturdivant, John W. Car­
bombarded the Young Woes from ter and Jerry Whitmore, who ran a
the rear with stones. The battle was pack-train from Shasta to Trinity
on. Screams and gunshots filled the River diggings. tracked three thieves
air. The dust and smoke of battle who had stolen forty-five mules from
swept over Weaverville. and the Uncle Joe's corral. caught up with
Cantons broke and fled in panic. The them in the Sacramento Valley after
war for which a month's preparation several days' pursuit, opened fire,
had been made was over in two min­ and killed all three. They then
utes. stripped scalps and whiskers from
With all the smoke and fury of the dead men. brought the trophies
battle. the terrifying swords and back to Weaverville and nailed
three-pronged spears. the popping them to the gates of the corral as a
pistols and hissing squirt-guns. the warning to others.
tin hats and shields and flaunting When "Old Man" Anderson.
banners. the -end was anti-climax. Weaverville's local butcher, was
murdered -by Indians while driving
Only seven men were killed and cattle from Stuart's Fork to Weaver­
twenty wounded. And among the ville, Sheriff Dixon organized a posse
dead was one white man, the young of seventy men, trailed the Indians
Swede Malmberg. who had fired into to their rancheria near Hayfork, sur­
the hesitant armies to promote the rounded the camp and killed one
battle. Weaverville went back to its Joss House at Weaverville hundred and fifty-three Indians. Only
mining and its trade. three papooses escaped the slaughter.
Weaverville was a camp of action. That was in May. 1852.
It shed blood or tears with equal Yes, Weaverville was tough. Isaac
freedom, or joked and danced with Cox, who was there, has left other
equal gusto. stories of its toughness. couched in
When Michael Grant murdered a language indicative of the psychol­
man named Holt in 1852. a lynch ogy of leading citizens of a hell­
court promptly convicted him. and roarin' gold camp.
then revealed its freedom fmm mob "In 1854," Cox narrates, "one EI­
passion hy allowing him ten days to zaser kept the Miner's Hotel. A
produce new evidence. When he Frenchman from Yreka came and
failed. they hanged him. In contrast stayed in his house. quarreled with
when a man named Colton after a him about the shelling out for a pie.
night's debauch accused his partner and got him to proceed against him
of stealing his poke containing elev­ with a club; upon which he (the
en hundred dollars in gold. a mob Yreka man) got disgusted, went
immediately trimmed up a tree to down to Fred Walter's pig-sty, and
lynch the accused man. Only the there was pleased to die of the blow.
arrival of a packer with Colton's Elzaser was taken up mobly, tried
poke picked up on a trail. prevented courtly. and acquitted judicially; and
the murder. the story is now told."
When Mrs. Walton, mining with In the meantime WeavervilIe was
her husband at Big Bar on the Trin­ prospering. Two express companies
ity in 1850. saw her husband robbed in the spring of 1852 were receiving
of five hundred dollars and his pants thirty thousand dollars' worth of gold
by Indians, she stepped out with a each week. The Wells Fargo Com­
Colt's revolver, killed four of the pany. having attained a monopoly
savages, and ran the others off her of the express business in 1856. re­
claim. Weaverville respected her. ported that gold shipments had in­
but failed to patronize the cake shop creased to fifty thousand dollars a
which she started later. and she dis­ week. The town supported two the­
appeared. aters. Lotta Crabtree played there
Weaverville's pioneer women were in 1855.
not to be trifled with. One, Eliza Nor was entertainment limited to
Hardenburg or Vanderburg, was as­ gambling, gun-play and the crude
sociated with a man named Hough­ theatrical productions of the time.
ton or Horton in the management of Weaverville had other social pas­
a saloon and hotel called the Ameri­ times. When John Carr started his
can House. The place was closed by first hlacksmith shop in Weaverville
Sheriff Dixon on an attachment for in February of 1851. there were only
half a dozen tents and shacks in the promptly by the building of another.
camp. Town lots were valueless. the structure which still stands at
Anyone squatted where he chose. the head of Main Street. where the
Shortly thereafter Carr traveled east road turns to the right up Sydney
by way of the Isthmus to visit his Gulch. That was built in 1858, and
parents, and when he returned to now is one of the oldest court-houses
Weaverville six months later, the in use in the state.
camp had grown to a town of some In '54: Weaverville was becoming
two thousand persons, twenty-foot a little snooty. Local society had
lots were selling at eight hundred conferred upon itself a capital S. A
dollars, and sawmills were working Mrs. Edwards from New Orleans
day and night to supply lumber for planned a ball which should denne
new buildings. the lines of high Society once and
Best of all, Carr "brought the for all. Out of the thirty women
largest delegation of ladies that had who constituted the entire female
yet arrived at one time to become population of the town, the self­
permanent settlers." They were Mrs. elected social dictator selected eigh­
Levi Reynolds, Mrs. Thomas Carr teen whom she considered suffiCient­
and Mrs. John Carr. The streets ly superior to attend. An account of
were full of people, all men, anxious Cells in the Old Shasta Courthouse the festivities written by Franklin A.
to get a look at the new arrivals. Buck, one of the beaus of the ball.
With such a start, Weaverville glows with delight over the oppor­
society could! hardly fail to advance tunity to circulate among ladies
in social charm. John Carr tells of wearing silks and satins and white
the first grand ball of Christmas Eve, kid gloves, amid an aura of perfume
1852, for which tickets were sold at suitable to the occasion.
ten dollars each. "More boiled shirts 'vVeaverville thrived and starved
were worn that night than ever be­ by turns through its nrst few years.
fore on one occasion at WeaverviIle. Hydrau1ic mining had been started
One fellow would buy a 'rig'; he on the Mother Lode with rich re­
would dance a while in it and then turns, and mines of Trinity saw their
lend it to some other fellow for a possibilities. Iron pipes and nozzles,
while. who would use it for an hour however, were difficult and expensive
or so and then pass it around, and to bring in, and there was a general
in that way the 'store clothes' were demand for wagon roads. Franchises
kept well occupied. Boots were used for toll roads were granted, and their
in the same way." construction followed swiftly,
Weaverville needed such relaxa­ Court House and Jail at Shasta The first such highway was com­
tion. That winter of '52 was a bad pleted from Shasta to Weaverville in
one. Snow packed five feet deep in 1858, having been surveyed, graded
the streets, transportation over the trails counter, and stripped it of its burden, John 1 and opened in eight months. It cost less
from Shasta was completely cut off for a P. Jones grinned comfortably up at them than forty thousand dollars, less than one
time. Flour went to sixty-two dollars for from his blankets, beneath this substantial thousand dollars a mile. The California
a fifty-pound sack, and later could not be shelter. The fear of the rescuers changed toll roads of the '50s were a monument to
obtained at any price. Potatoes sold for to anger. As heartily as they had dug, they the energy, skill and economic effiCiency of
fifty cents a pound. Fortunately for the now cursed the young clerk. "Why didn't their builders. In contrast. the road over
life of the community. Comstock and Mar­ you yell back to us? We thought you were \,hich we speed from Shasta to Weaver­
tin. livery-stable keepers, had laid a large dead," ville today probably cost thirty times as
stock of barley. This they sold at forty much. and required three times as long to
cents a pound. The citizens ground it up Jones grinned. 'Tm too smart for that. [mild. even with the modern adVantages of
Look at all the snow you have shoveled steam shovels, power-scrapers and so
in their coffee mills, and some of them off these goods. and the stuff you have
lived for six weeks on barley mush, barley rorth. In justice. I must admit that it is a
bread and barley pancakes. cleared up for me. If I had let you know better road.
I was not hurt, you would not have dUll
That was the winter in which John P. me out. and then I would have had all the But the toll roads brought improved hy­
Jones first revealed the characteristics work to do myself." draulic equipment. and put the Weaverville
which were to raise a monument to his district on the map as a permanent gold
honor in the Palisades Park of Santa Mon­ Even Weaverville couldn't do much producer. The La Grange Mine, one of
ica overshadowing the homes of Marion with a man like that. Continuing to use the largest hydraulic operations in the
Davies. Jesse Lasky, Norma Shearer, and his brains rather than his hands, Jones de­ world. is still working within ten minutes'
their associates of eighty-odd years later. veloped into one of the leading practical ride of Weaverville.
mining engineers of the deep mines on the It is all a very commercial proposition,
A Weaverville merchant named Fare­ Mother Lode in the next ten years, moved not in keeping with the mood in which a
well had hired John P. to take care of his to Virginia City shortly after the Com­ devout pilgrim should enjoy the old town.
store while he went out before the snows stock rush, took the management of the I like better the informal meetings with the
to buy new stock. When the snow reached fam0us Crown Point mine, became an out­ townsfolk. At the little restaurant below
a depth of two or three feet, neillhbors f.tandmg hero in the terrible tragedy of 'he New York Hotel, where my traveling
warned Jones that he had better shovel it the Crown Point and Yellow Jacket Mine companion and I are served with such
off the roof or the store would collapse. fires, made millions with Alvinza Hayward slewed chicken and light dumplings as even
Jones replied that he had been hired to in the Crown Point Bonanza. was elected her discriminating taste admits to be excel­
tend the store, not to shovel snow. to the United States Senate, promoted var­ ,ent, we overhear the little waitress telling
The snow continued to fall. On a Sun­ ious great projects for the development of a bandy-legged, drawling-voiced cowboy of
day morning the walls buckled and the the West. and died, full of years and hon­ all automobile ride to a dance at Hayfork
roof crashed in. Jones was known to have ors amid the greatest of all his promotions, on the previous night-a nde which even
been sleeping in the store. Fellow towns­ the seashore city of Santa Monica. her youth admits to have been hair-raising,
men rushed to dig him out before he smoth­ She is not going to ride with that driver
After that severe winter. Weaverville again.
ered. Working in shifts, they shouted settled to production. Diggings which pro­
words of encouragement. Not a sound duced ten dollars to the pan were discov­ "No," the cowboy drawls, "I wouldn't.
came from within the ruins. They redou­ ered at Canyon Creek, and-to the amaze­ The Lurd gets tired takin' care of folks
bled their efforts. The man must be dead ment of the miners-on top of the hilI like that."
or unconscious. Gasping with effort, the above the town. Ditch companies were The young woman comes over to chat
rescuers dug away. The broken timbers formed to bring in water to work the dry pleasantly with us. We notice that she
and the snow were cleared from the small diggings. A court-house and jail were has a very slight limp, and suggest that
stock of mocenes. built. When the court-house was burned she must be weary.
When at last they came to the buried two or three years later, it was followed (Continued on page 12)

"Oh, no." She smiles cheerfully. "I shot without even waiting for our self-intro-­
when we bid the town farewell. I hate to
off the big toe of that foot by accident. duction. Judge Bartlett has the manner of
leave Weaverville,
I favor it a little, but it doesn't really bother all that is best in Weaverville. He was

me. Can I get you some more chicken born nearby. seventy-five years ago, and
But we must retum to Placerville. where
gravy, or anything?" has served the cause of justice in his coun­
days ago we turned northward upon the
ty for half a century. He is the best living
trail of the Argonauts. We must take up
"Thank you, no. But you might tell us there the southern branch of that historic
where Judge James W. Bartlett lives." . authority on its history. He warms to our

interest when our mission and identity are

trail. It leads to El Dorado, Amador City.
"Right down the street there, on this explained. Sutter Creek. Jackson. San Andreas, An­
side, in a little cottage. Everybody knows gels Camp, Sonora. Columbia. Coulterville.
the Judge. Anybody will point out the Hornitos. Mariposa, and other seats of ac­
Stories of the old days. substantiated by
house. About three blocks." complishment. tragedy and comedy. too
the book-lined background of his living
numerous to name but never too numerous
So Memory and I stroll in the twilight room. come forth with an enthusiasm that
to enjoy.
to where a group of children are at play no younger man without inspiration of a
in a grass-grown yard. When we stop to long life of activity centered here could It is a day's ride back to Placerville.
make inquiry they abandon their game. equal. It is an evening of delight. Judge Let's go.
Bartlett Is the perfect voice of his fine old
"Does Judge Bartlett live here?"
"Right in that house." They point. "But "A Golden Highway," by C. B.
he ~in't home. We saw him go out. We'll Such is the cordiality, the spirit, of Wea­ Glasscock. has recently been reprinted
find 'him for you." They scatter sWiftly verville. It broods above the deserted by Blue Ribbon Books. Garden City.
into neighboring houses, and in a moment street as we stroll at midnight to our com­ L. I.. and a copy of the book may be
a straight old man comes through the yard. fortable quarters in the old hotel. It lulls obtained from your book dealer.
and invites us cordially into his home. us to sleep. It is with us in the morning


LUTHER BURBANK ing in practically every corner of the land This old timer can also remember the
Wilbur Hall in his book. "Partners of and myriads of them abroad with honors, fame of a bartender in Deadwood who'
Nature." tells of Luther Burbank's early aegrees. acknowledgments. and the friend­ never gave any change over the bar. no
ship and admiration of men and women matter how big the coin or gold nugget.
activity as a plant naturalist which made
everywhere. great and humble. Our friend couldn't recall whether this bar­
him famous: tender died from natural causes or not.
So his last years were filled almost with­
"He now bought a tract of four acres of
out a break. with contentment. peace and •
land on the country road. west of his first .•. with the work he loved and at which Ever read newspapers with 1850 date­
location. and with the greatest care and he was tireless.-South Pasadena R.eview. lines? Journalism then had a special flour­
heavy expense began to prepare it for the lsh-casual but eloquent. Our favorite dip­
work of his lifetime. . . . His fame as a ping gives a brief account of a Saturday
nurseryman was local. his fame as an ex­ THIS AND THAT night in Poker Flat: "Six fights came off
perimenter and plant-breeder spread very in this place on the 9th inst.; and the
Do you know that California faces the
slowly. In 1893 he published a catalogue. blood and hair lying round loose the fol~
loss of some of its greatest historical assets?
simole in appearance and modest in form, lOWing morning gave the town quite a
Each year finds some of the buildings in
that set horticulturists. botanists and nur­ business-like appearance."
Qur old historic towns being torn down and
servmen by the ears and that, at first.
replaced with modern "fronts." •
brought him scorching condemnation for Looking on the map the other day we
what the wiseacres said was his unthink­ Can anything be more short-Sighted? came across the name of a town, Red Dog.
able effrontery. What is the charm in these old towns that Curious, we asked an authority on such
annually attract thousands of tourists. Cali­ things. why that name? The town. he told
But presently it began to be known that
fornians and out-of-staters alike? The at­ us. was named after an early citizen there.
what, in that catalogue. Luther Burbank a drunkard with long red hair and a spe­
mosphere of the "old days" symbolized by
had called "New Creations in Plant Life," cial weakness for sleeping in the sun. Our
the old buildings! Owners of such build­
were bona fide and that he could prove historian. once we touched his vulnerable
ings owe it to the State to maintain the
every claim. exteriors as they are. as attractions for spot. became quite talkative and said Whis­
Slowly his name began to command re­ tourist dollars. Once gone. they can never ky Slide got its name from the fact that
spect; presently scientists and botanists. be replaced. on pay day. miners started celebrating by
seedsmen and nurserymen, were beginning
to make a path to his door; they were

Speaking of the gold rush days-an old­

sliding down a steep incline after purchas­
ing their "jackass brandy," The town of
followed soon by reporters, journalists. pho­ timer we met in Downieville gave us some Alph was once known as Hell-Out-For­
tographers, the curious, the garden-lovers. sidelights on how justice was dispensed. Noon City, and Omega was Delirium Tre­
the general public. Before the beginning Unhampered by formality. justice was mens.-G. B. in "Califomia/' magazine of
of this new century. Luther Burbank had quick in those days. but of questionable the Pacific.
become "good newspaper copy." in the efficiency. One incident concerned a gent •••
year that Santa Rosa and California joined who had stolen a pair of boots. He was Did You Know That .. , Never in the
in celebrating elaborately his "Golden ordered to return the boots and treat the history of the State of California has there
Anniversary" of achievement, he was one crowd. The party that followed got a been a motion placed on the books of the
of the best-known men on the whole earth. little wild and in the excitement the thief State for removal of the capitol from San
his plants and trees andflower$ were grow- stole the boots a second time and left town. Jose?


!~oke~. . upon a beautiful valley many

The Arrowhead (An Indian Legend)

days In length and width. Much green­

ness covered the earth. and many waters

Howed westward to the sea.

Here the Great Spirit stayed the Hight

By CORINNE KING WRIGHT of ~he arrow-head. Descending. it settled

agaInst the mountain-side, where, trans­

The mountains of California disclose Western world, there befell a great drought formed. It still :e~ains. a perpetual symbol

many freaks of Nature. To one acquainted in the land where for many,' many years of the Great SPlflt s goodness to his people.

with the legends by which the Indians ac­ their forefathers had dwelt. A great famine
count for the phenomena. his interest in followed; there was no ~ame for the braves.
them is greatly increased. no arass for the ponies. LIGHT DOWN STRANGER
One of the most interesting of these Many papooses had died of starvation; By ANITA PETTIBONE
legends relates the placing of the arrow­ warriors dropped by the wayside, too A new novel published by Farrar and

head on the face of the San Bernardino weary to continue the march in search of Rinehart. Inc .• New York. $2.50. This is

Mountains. better hunting grounds. the story of a boy. a girl and a horse with

The feature is prominently located di­ The chief was sorely troubled for his the scene set in Oregon and Washington

rectly north of the thriving City of San people. Territories just after the Civil War. A

Bernardino which the Mission Fathers At the close of one weary day. a halt good story that is as eXciting as any west­

named in memory of St. Bernard. was made near a growth of cactus plants, ern and with an authentic portrayal of

The imprint of the arrow-head is very The braves refreshed themselves with the the early raw life of the northwest pio­

large. and may be plainly discerned at a juicy fruit. The squaws were busy till neers.

distance of thirty or forty miles-a state­ nightfall rolling the tunas in the sand to The story begins when 18-year-old Will

ment which may seem doubtful to one un­ remove their little prickling spines, and Rench left his home ranch in Oregon for
storing them away for future consumption. Washington Territory to become a Mer~
familiar with the clear atmosphere of the
Many persons have tried to account for
Soon after the tepees were pitched the
Indians slept.
chant Prince. His mother gave him a Bi~
bl~ (·and a little talk on drink and women).

the arrow-head. It is not a marking seen
only from a certain position. distance or
light. but visible at all times, from any part
of the valley. It is even more clearly de­
lined to one standing at the base of the
The chief alone was wakeful; for hours
he sat with his chin between his knees,
thoughtfully watching a crimson
cloud in the west, It had faded not with
the day, but had grown brighter and bright­
HIS father had already given his son honor

cool judgment, good common sense and

courage. On the way. Will acquired Isaac

as he named the fine little Percheron quar~

ter horse which he broke. and, bareback,

mountain than to an observer miles away.
The theory that it is an indentation in
er, and gradually assumed the shape of an
rod~ on to Clagget. his destination.

Sixteen-~ear-old Lovina Scott, orphaned

and alone In the world arrived in Clagget
the mountainside is exploded when. on At last the flickering Hames of the camp­
coming within a few miles of the arrow­ fire died away. and the chief was left alone the same day after a long tramp follOWing
head. the opposite seems true. On still in great stillness and darkness, and naught the burial with her own hands of both fa­
nearer approach. the supposition that it is could be seen save the blood-red cloud in ther and mother whom the Indians had
an upheaval is proven to be false. for no the west. klled.
difference in the surface can be detected. On the breath of the west wind th~re Clagget. a town of eight hundred at that

Some account for it by the assertion that came the voice of the Great Spirit saying: time. was wild and wooly and the tale of

the shrubbery which covers the arrow-head "Be not cast down, 0 Chief! I will lead the goings on there with Anita Pettibone's

is of a different hue from that immediately your people to a great and fertile valley. clear honest and humorous word pictures
surrounding it-a statement which is true; Follow thou the Hight of yon arrow-head!" creates a real and thrilling tale of the early
yet when the snow falls and the strange The chieftain in great joy roused his ?ays. A boy and a girl who. as they grew
feature is completely covered with Nature's people that they might lose no time in Into manhood and womanhood displayed
ermine, the arrow-head is even more beau­ reaching the promised land. They traveled the stu.ff that conquerors are made of.
tiful and more clearly outlined than before. for many days over a far-reaching desert, You 11 enjoy Light Down, Stranger, ev­
The explanation of the Indians puts to keeping in the course of the heaven-sent ery page. every chapter, and you'll know
the blush all the cool reasoning of the arrow. that you have read a real western tale­
"pale face." The legend runs thus: Weary and footsore. but with buoyant and maybe you'll feel. as I do. that there
Many hundred years ago. long ere the hearts, the redman finally reached th~ must be in us of this generation some of
foot of the "pale face" had touched this Canaan of their hopes. The tired eyes the same "stuff" which made our great
west the thing we are glad to fight to pre­
serve, and while not a part of this novel
we are indebted to Anita Pettibone for the


Americans have been pretty proud of
being Americans for some time. I found
this in an old "Graham's Magazine" dated
1846: "The events which secured to this
'country a popular constitution as a pos­
session forever. made every American a
member of the most difficult. responsible
and dignified profession which the ability
of man can illustrate . . . the profession
of politics. By the fundamental law of our
government. we are all hereditary states­
men." Now. as one of these hereditary
statesmen, I say. "Having become aware
of himself as a member of this distingUished
company. the proud American hastens to
do all that he can to support and main­
tain his inheritance. It is our ancient boast
that money is no object. time and effort no
consideration. when the torch of liberty
needs more oil. If any faint heart fears to
save his money by buying a bond. let him
back up his purchase by buying another
and another, remembering that his secur­
ity is in direct ratio to the number of bonds
sold. Our will to win is no better than
our will to buy bonds."
California Violets

(Note: This little monologue, published in "The California Homeseeker" forty years
ago. portrays what we like to believe is an example of the sort of folks who have_grown
up here in California and are entitled to recognition in our department "We--of
California. " ,
feel where it joins. Mother calls it her They knows me, you see, I've done bus'~
Sunday patch; said she guessed the good ness on this road for two years, 'bout, an'
Lord wouldn't mind. You see, U's the only when I get think in' of things an' wonderin'
time I'm home. Sunday is, an' so its the if Mother's been com'table all day an' if I
only chance she has to mend my trousers. put ev'rythin' near 'nough to her hand, an'
An' that day she sits up 'most all day. if Rover's been careful an' hasn't barked
After I've pumped the water (vi'lets do too much, an' if she'll like the crab I'm
drink a lot), an' have done the chores, takin' home for her, an' thinkin' how she'll
then I put the board under Mother's shoul~ look so dainty like when she's eatin' it, I
ders an'push it very slowly down 'til it just forget, an' the conductor shouts out
reaches her waist, an' then I have to be Bloomtown! There! you see, he didn't for­
very careful when I prop that board up get. an' here we are.
with the short board at her head, you
know, an' she says it don't hurt much, an' The bank's rather steep. sir, an' there's
there she is. sittin' up in bed, an' lookin' a tangle of grass that might trip you, an'
so pleased. it's a little wet here, If you'll step on
those stones, you'll never know it's wet.
See that glen down there? There's where It's good for the flowers, though. See the
Yes, I've had a good sale today, sir. I've the Johnny~jump~ups live. In the mornin' flags, how they wade knee~deep in the
only one bunch left. Twenty bunches? Do 'fore the sun's up, you hurry an' get your water, Look like soldiers. don't they? with
you want 'em now? T'night? I'd like to vi'let basket ready, an' then you go 'long their white helmets and they so straight
take the contract. Yes, I grow 'em. Of that path. Those cunnin' little Johnnies, an' tall, just called to 'tention? An' see the
course I am-I'm gain' on eight. Well­ with their heads under their wings, don't General! Ain't he a buster? An' um! don't
I'd have to go out to my-sort er ranch, pay any 'tention to you, an' you pretend they smell sweet?
where I raise 'em, but I could get here in you're not lookin' at them, an' you go on,
an' the sun's so 'fraid you'll get there first If you don't mind I'll run on 'head.
that he hurries so fast that the poppIes on Mother ain't used to vis'tors, an' she might
No, sir, I don't think I could get home want me to get her best shawl out, Mother's
top of the hill think they're late, an open
again, but I could stay the night in town, very pretty, an' a most int'restin' talker.
their eyes so sudden that off pops their
You go out with me to get the vi'lets? I
nightcaps of green, an' when you get to Here. Rover! Rover'lI bring you up to
couldn't 'spect that. Yes, I've a family-I
the top, there they are laughin' at you the house.
have my mother,
'cause you didn't catch 'em 'sleep. Then
This is our car. sir. Pr'haps you'd ra~ Yes, that's my vi~let ranch, 'Taint very
you an' the sun look each other right in
ther sit inside. No? You'll see a pretty big, but it takes care of Mother an' me.
the face, an' when you turn 'round every~
country. thin's smilin', an' you feel fine, an' you Mother'lI be very glad to see you, sir,
Oh, I've been in California a long time! hurry, 'cause you've got to get to town Mother, this is the gentleman who's gain' to
Wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I with your vi'lets; but you go softly, even buy twenty bunches of vi'lets, Excuse me,
used to live in the South, other side er the though you are in such a hurry, an' you sir, would you please sit here? You see,
States, you know. No, I can't 'member just have to laugh right out, for those lazy Mother can't see you there, an' she don't
much 'bout it 'cept how I used to crawl little Johnnies, with their brown eyes wide very often turn her head. Mother likes to
up the hilI, back. of our home, smellin, open, wink at you an' nod their heads, to see you when she's talkin' to you, I'll go
'long 'til I caught the whiff I was after. let you know that they heard you go by, an' get the vi'lets.
(Sorter like a dog, wasn't it?) An' then for all they pretended to be asleep. Just smell 'em, sir. An' they're nice, long
I'd scratch the dead leaves 'part, an' just stems, an' I've put the extra bunch in.
No, Mother's not alone. Rover's there,
there, the dear little rosy 'butus would be
you know Rover's a very val'able dog, an' A contract, sir? To grow vi'lets? I'd have
smilin' up at me. I'd put my face down
he's very equinomical. He lives on go~ to hire help, I'm 'fraid. To supply the big
close an' smell an' smell, an' I'd pick one­
phers, an' that keeps 'em out of the vi'let market? That would take a hun'red bunches
for Mother, you know-an' cover 'em up
bed, too. a day, an' I'd have to buy more plants, an'
'gain 'cause they don't feel good with the
sun lookin' in their eyes; an' then scamper -I'm 'fraid I couldn't do it. You see, It's
Do you think I do? Mother used to teach
home. Yes. sir. we came here, an' father just like this: Mother an' me, we have all
school, you see, an' she says she's nobody
he dieG, an' some thin' happened to Mother we need, but plants cost a good deal an'
to teach now, but me, an' when I bring
an'-That's a pretty tree out there. we're princ'pled 'gainst gain' in debt, I'm
home er word she don't like, she looks
very sorry, If I'd only grown a little big~
Wish you'd let me pay the fare. Mother so sorry, you feel so bad you have to
ger pr'haps I'd find a way-Why, pr'haps
says I must always be businesslike, an' throw it away. She says I drop g's and d's
I could get a partner. Would you let me
you're takin' this trip for me--saves me an' that, but that I'll get over it as I
think it over for a day, sir?
com in' in again. No? Well, I'll put in an~ grow older, I'm pretty old now an' big,
other bunch-ten cents they are now, you When I pull down my jacket an' stand very You go in partnership with me? An' let
know. straight she says I'm like father, an' he me do the work, an' mother keep the
was a very big man. Isn't that a pretty 'counts?
How nice the' sun shines! Makes your
good wrist for a boy gain' on eight?
legs warm. don~t it? Pretty good patch on I-I-'scuse me--l got to-yes, Mother.
that knee. don't you think? See--you can't No, we don't have to tell the conductor. I'll come ba~~k.

Page 14

the desert." In the same place, they said,

were untold millions' worth of diamonds.
Asbury Harpending, Boy Wonder rubies. sapphires. and emeralds. Ralston
and all the biggest financiers of San Fran~
By MIRIAM ALLEN deFORD CISCO combined with the Rothschilds in
London to exploit this miraculous find-ali
of them in perfectly good faith. At Ral~
In 1856 a boy of seventeen arrived alone ston's plea Harpending came back to San
in San Francisco from Kentucky. He had Francisco to assist them. A further sample
already run away from home to join Wil~ of the gems was inspected in New York
liam Walker, the filibuster, in Nicaragua, b" the famous jeweler Tiffany. in the pres~
had been arrested, and had escaped. His ence of Horace Greeley and Generals
wise father realized that Asbury was not Geor\1e B. McClellan and B. F. Butler,
going to fit into the humdrum life of a and declared to be worth $150,000. The
small Kentucky town; he gave him his governing board took over Arnold's and
fare to California, five dollars in gold, and Slack's claims for $660,000, and capitalized
a revolver. The boy displayed his genius the company at ten million dollars. The
for money~making as soon as he reached celebrated engineer Henry Janin was taken
New Orleans; he spent his five dollars for blindfolded to a field where "even the ant­
oranges and bananas, sold them at fancy hills sparkled with diamond dust."
prices on board, and reached San Francis­ And then the United States sent geologist
co with $400 in his pocket. C1<irence King to the claim, in Wyoming,
He did not linger long. He soon disap~ to make a definitive final report. King
peared into Mexico, and four years later found the claim was all salted. There were
reappeared, not yet of age, but possessed diamonds in the crevices of rocks. in arti­
of a quarter of a million dollars in bank ficial anthills, even in the forks of trees,
and a gold mine worth millions more! He but not one in bedrock. Also, as he pointed
plunged at once into real estate operations out dryly, diamonds. rubies. emeralds. and
that "made San Francisco gasp." By 1863 sapphires do not appear in the same beds.
he was a multi-millionaire. He lost all that The incipient frenzy of speculation col~
fortune (he won and lost several others lapsed with a thud. Ralston repaid the
Later) when the United States government Asbury Harpending two million dollars already invested. Ar­
confiscated everything he had. nold was traced to Kentucky and obli\1ed
Harpending was a Confederate before dawn, together with Libby, and taken to to disgorge $150,000; he kept $300.000­
there was a Confederacy. a Rebel from Alcatraz. Libby promptly turned state's and opened a bank! Slack had disappeared.
the word go. First he organized a branch evidence -against them. "If I had known no one ever found out where.
of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a pro~ Libby's name was Lorenzo," said Harpen­ And Harpending. who had been per~
Sout)lern society of the time. and plotted ding sourly, "I would never have engaged suaded against his will by Ralston. who
to take over the state, found the Republic him. I have three times in mv life been had always been skeptical of the entire
of the Pacific, and hand that over to the cheated by men named Lorenzo." affair. was accused by the disappointed
seceding Southern states. This plan was Harpending was convicted of high trea­ speculators of having fraudulently engi­
nipped in the bud by Albert Sidney John­ son, his fortune confiscated. and he him~ neered the whole thing! The people whom
ston, who was then commander of the De~ self sentenced to ten years. He was sent to he was prosecuting in the "Emma Mine
partment of the Pacific of the United States serve his sentence in the San Francisco Scandal" led the attack. He was crushed.
Army. A loose-tongued Knight gave the County Jail-probably the only convicted He sold out all his California holdings and
affair away, and Johnston sent for Har­ traitor ever housed there! As a matter of went back to his old home in Kentucky.
pending, and informed him that if the con~ fact, the government acted with great com­ For the rest of his life he felt himself to
spiracy were not· dropped he would de­ mon sense in dealing with these young hot­ be under a cloud; in his old age he wrote a
fend the property of the United States heads. The informers were sent safely to sort of autobiography which he called "The
"with every resource at my command and China, the other two young men were re~ Great Diamond Hoax," in which pathetic­
with the last drop of my blood." Sensibly, leased. and Harpending himself had his sen­ ally he tried to vindicate and clear him~
Harpendlng decided to avoid bloodshed. tence commuted after only four months. self, long after everyone else had forgotten
With the outbreak of the Civil War, Soon after. he heard a false rumor that the story.
Johnston resigned and became one of the he was to be rearrested. He left Immedi­ The rest of Harpending's life was a
most noted of Confederate generals. ately and hid in the mountains of Tulare steady decline. He lost money in Wall
But HarpendiI;ig was not through. He County. There, with his usual Hair for Street, in silver mines in Colombia and
began to work on a still more daring en­ wealth. he discovered the immensely rich Hold mines in Mexico. He salvaged a little
terprise. Early in 1862 he slipped back to Kernville gold field, piled up a new for­ from the wreck and moved back to Cali­
Mexico, then somehow through the block~ tune of $800.000, and helped to found Kern fornia with his wife and three daughters.
ade to Richmond. He had himself commis­ County. When the war ended, and he dis­ He settled in Fruitvale. now a part of Oak~
sioned by Jefferson Davis as a Confeder­ covered he was not "wanted," he returned land, and lived there until 1918. Then he
ate Navy officer, though he had never to San Francisco. He was still not quite went to New York to be with one of his
been at sea except as a passenger. (That twenty~six. married daughters, and in 1923, at eighty­
was so that. in case of apprehension, he His next enterprise was to persuade Wil­ three, he died there. a neglected and for­
would be a prisoner of war and not a-pi­ liam C. Ralston. the financier. to back his gotten old man who once had engaged the
rate.) Then he ran the blockade again and proposal to cut Montgomery Street. then attention of the United States Government
returned to San Francisco. There he pro­ San Francisco's princiPal business street, and who had been perhaps the most color~
ceeded to charter a ship, outfit it ostensibly through south of Market Street. He built ful of the adventurers In high finance who
for trade with Mexico, and with two asso­ the Grand Hotel, which until Ralston built made the name of San Francisco echo
ciates, to lay plans to sail south. lie in the Palace was the greatest luxury hotel of around the world in the sixties and seven­
wait for the next Pacific Mail steamer, the city. superseding the Lick House, and ties of the last century.
seize it, and send its cargo of gold to the he built the $400,000 Harpendin\1 Block, For other stories of Asbury Harpending
Confederacy. which burned to the ground in 1871. He --of the time, for example, that he and
Unfortunately, though he was a com~ was closely assOCiated with Ralston in his Ralston abstracted money from the United
missioned naval officer, he could not sail a multifarious enterprises. In 1871 he went States Subtreasury and left there in eX­
ship. He had to hire a naVigator and a to London to expose the "Emma Mine change five tons of gold bullion to avoid
sailing master. The latter was Lorenzo Scandal," and so far as he knew had left 3 run on the Bank of California-see my
Libby, a Canadian. California for good. book, "They Were San Franciscans"
On the night of March 14, 1863, Har~ He was recalled by a cablegram from (Caxton Printers. Ltd., $3.50). It contains
pendinq, and his two associates, with twen­ Ralston which was so long it had cost a picture of Harpending as he was when
ty recruits, went on board their ship. They $11001 Two men, Philip Arnold and John he came to San Francisco at seventeen;
were to sail the next day. Instead, their Slack, had come to Ralston's Bank of Cali­ the accompanying illustration shows him at
navigator, William Law, betrayed them. fornia with some uncut diamonds, which his apogee of power and wealth. when he
The three young men were arrestt!d at they claimed to have found "somewhere in had acquired whiskers if not discretion!
-1816 -1840

Pomona, Los Angeles county, boasts a The wheels are of all makes, and one
unique reputation~that of averaging more dealer is authority for the statement, that
wheels, according to population, actually there is not a single make that is not rep­
in use by its citizens, than any other city resented. and the extensive establishments.
in the world.
The stranger, as he walks along the
main thoroughfare, is impelled by the
dealing exclUSively in wheels in Pomona.
vouch for the statement. And true it is
that one of the salesmen for a popular
The City
sight that greets his eyes, to enquire of make is now enjoying a vacation in Hono­ By NICHOLS
the nearest passer by, if the entire "League lulu. at his employer's expense, for sub­
of American Wheelmen" has assembled in mitting the largest order from Pomona. This article was published forty years
convention in that fair city, or if some en­ ever received from anyone locality. and now, again, Pomona bids fair to
thusiast with more mony than his wife and Last Saturday night. by actual count, and many other cities it isn't "Back to the
thusiast with more money than his wife there were lined up along the curb on
Geo. K. Whitney of San Francisco OWDll
and family could spend, had not presented one side of Second street within one
every citizen with a bicycle. block only-271 wheels-it being impos­ world and we are indebted to him for
Pomona is a town of six thousand sible for a pedestrian to step from the play at Tbe CIifI House, San Francisco,
(1902) inhabitants, male, female and Chi­ sidewalk into the road. without climbing
nese, and it is estimated some four thou­ over a wheel or two. The same condition
sand wheels are in use--certain it is that seemed to prevail in the other blocks. This
in whatever direction you look, you gaze is but an ordinary. commonplace occur­
upon dozens of wheels against building or rence. During the quietest time of the day,
rack, on the curb or stacked with others the writer counted 316 wheels in two
for lack of room to otherwise hang them blocks, idle and in use.
up. while the owner is about other busi­ During the Farmers' Club convention
ness. Equally true is it when the observer last month in Pomona. wheels were lined
strolls through the residence district. Here five deep along the entire front and side
the "Steeds of Norcisiui' recline in rack. of the convention hall-and the curb was
on the porches or may be seen protruding taking care of a like proportion.
a wheel from the rear of the house. Dash­ There are several good reasons why
ing around every comer. or closely pass­ Pomona, of all other cities, should lead
ing you as you cross the street, they dart in this respect, which it would do other
by, a silent procession of a century's con­ localities no harm to ponder over and
ception. In use by the letter carrier. and profit by.
messenger. and minister. and lawyer. the Of course climate comes into the reckon­
school girl and boy. and the unhappy pos­ ing, but all cities of Southern California
sessor of three hundred pounds of avoir­ boast of sunny skies and beautiful moon­
dupois. light nights.
The country for some distance is more FIRST ROWI Willard Stover, Walter Knott
FIRST PEDALER ON A PEDESTAL level than is the average California city, , Theo. Rice, Chas. Ratcliff, George Lorbeer, John
The oldest bicycle dates back to and consequently not so much exertion is . Weber, Pioche Cable, Robert Nesbit, Harold Bre
1816 (illustration above). In that year needed by those who are not very strong. hant, Tom Lavars.
Baron von Drais (German). devised a
vehicle composed of two tandem However, the secret lies in the Good SECOND ROW: Eme Nettle, Caro Adams,
wheels of equal size connected by a Roads. Pomona certainly can point with
perch on which the rider partly sat, Hazel Ercanbrack, Marie Crabbe, Katy Curry, X,
propelling it by thrusting with his feet pride to the clean. well-kept asphalt pave­
upon the ground and ~uiding it by a ment and the macadamized roads always
bar connected with the front whee!. in perfect condition. and free from ruts,
In 1891 a monument was erected in holes, and bumps. such as are only too
memory of the "Father of the Bi­
cycle," the expense of which was common in nearly every city. The roads
borne exclusively by cyclists. leading out from Pomona into the adja­
cent towns are all that could be desired.

Page 16
Wheeling over such roads is

f Wheels a pleasure, and the endorsement

of the Good Roads policy by
the thousands of Pomona's citi­
zens commends the same policy
to other cities. Among the rid.
California Homeseeker ers of Pomona are noted some
speedy men. and the frequent
as The City of Wheels. In Pomona
trials made each month have
and Buggy" but "Back to the Bicycle."
placed them in competition with
oollection of old bicycles in the the best riders of the country,
.ratJions. The original bicycles are on dis-­
the famed Seal Rocks. And we cannot close our ar­
ticle without a word about the
bicycle business of Pomona in
general. .. How's business 7"
"Good!" "Yes, we don't doubt
it." The repair man smiles
broadly, and gives you. the
"glad hand" with a merry twin­
kle in his eye, as a customer
passes in a punctured tire, And
the riding teacher, which all
first class establishments hire
for the benefit of purchasers,
has become such a valuable
member of the force that he is
demanded, from the first glimpse
of the sun's ray. till the ice
cream parlor threatens to close The Seal Rocks as seen from the win­
its doors at the "sand-man's" dows of the Cliff House Gift Shop are
bidding - and many is the shown in the background.
strange. but interesting story he
Booth. Eloisa McKim. Gertrude Pratton, J has to tell of his "mashes" and
lN~mdneQumhy.Ethd Tolan~
his smashes and the "I adore. you" girl needed than the dozen or so of wheels
THIRD ROW: Miss Casey, teacher; Laura S beside him, lined along the curb of the business place,
Amy Yates, Blanche Arum, X, Sam Shidds, and Pomona readily assumes its title of
But the great number of wheels on the
Floyd West. Walter Booth. Walter Tryer. X.
streets is no detriment to the locality. The "The City of Wheels."
continual rapidly moving conveyances,
whether on pleasure or business bent, cre­ The Highwheeler or "Ordinary" gradu­
ate a stir that is at once pleasing, and adds ally was forced to give way to the Safety
to the city that busy effect which most at­ until in 1888 the safety model was univer­
tracts the visitor. and prospective home­ sally adopted. Practically no Highwheelers
seeker. and no better advertisement is were built after that date.


Old..Fashioned, But Popular

Two School Teachers Discover Something So Old It Actually Was New, and They Put It Over.
The impulse to start a vegetable garden hollyhocks and petunias to geraniums and and were suggesting sweet Marjarum,
on a vacant lot in Manhattan Place, Los daisies. Finally cacti and succulents crowd~ Rosemary, thyme, torragon, chives, Yerba
Angeles during the Ilrst World War led ed their way in. Buena. garlic. sage. etc.. to add zest to
two kindergarten teachers to give up the The building boom of 1928 ushered in sundry table delicacies.
three R's-readin', .ritin' and .rithmetic, the Mediterranean type of home, which And again the McAfee girls met the
and go in for the three C's-cuttings, cul~ was wholly out of key with old-fashioned trend as it came up the walk.
tivation and customers, with such enthus~ flowers. What did the McAfee girls do Their "scented pathways" led to a back~
iasm that they have achieved success in a but trump right in with the answer to a yard garden plot containing thousands of
line of business almost universally monopo~ popular trend. Over the gate they raised plants, a breath or a whisper from which
Iized by men. a sign bearing the slogan: "Potted Plants would make victuals more appetizing and
Most anywhere you go in the West you for Patios," and it caught on. The lath­ perhaps more easily digested. Thus their
hear people speak of the McAfee Girls. and house was filled with primroses, azaleas. old-fashioned garden finally came to afford
their old~fashioned garden on North San geraniums. pelargoniums and a wide vari~ both food and flowers.
Gabriel Blvd., at the outskirts of San Ga~ ety of other blooming plants in attractive For a long time the girls nursed the
briel, Calif. Few know that Grace and pottery containers. idea that they wanted to take a flyer in
Ruth set out to be instructors, only to dis~ garden pottery. but the field seemed over­
cover that by joining forces and working People began dolling up their balconies. crowded. Finally they figured out a way
longer hours they could be their own outside stairways and patios with these to edge in. They employed an expert pot­
bosses and earn more than enough to meet dazzling splashes of color, and the old­ ter and started turning out custom~built
their every requirement. "And," declares fashioned garden was saved. That their pottery. Many people have brass or glazed
Ruth, "we have had a lot of fun doing answer to a devastating swing away from jardiniers or huge Chinese bowls, which
just that!" their basic idea was successful is indicated are not suitable for plant containers. but a
They had rather a tough time breaking by the fact that an order for patio plants pottery container can be built to fit inside
away from the kindergarten, because mo~ to landscape a single residence exceeded them and not show from the outside.
torists driving along the highway would $400.
A unique specialty which has been de­
see the "McAfee Nursery" sign in front Then came another architectural trend­ veloped is a tall gallon pottery container.
of their modest cottage and, upon reach~ . a switch to farmhouse type. Cape Cod and A gallon can containing a plant in bloom
ing home, would pick up the phone and Pennsylvania. All three types fitted snugly can be shipped inside such a container and
ask how much they charged for taking into the original scheme, and back came used for decorative purposes. When the
care of children. old-fashioned gardens, so the girls took on plant stops blooming it may be withdrawn
At about the time these girls discovered another acre or two and planted fields of and a blooming plant in another gallon
that they liked to work with plants along Howers. container may easily be substituted.
came someone and slapped a house on Constantly on the lookout for trends, "If they like to tinker with, plants, and
their vegetable garden lot, so what did they because fashions in Howers as well as in have the fortitude it requires women can
do but go to San Gabriel and buy a potato everything else are subject to change. they conduct such a business as well as men
patch encompassing one and one~half acres. picked up a cookbook and discovered that can," says Grace McAfee. "but they
That was in 1923. the vogue for herbs to flavor' foods was shouldn't attempt it unless they are glut~
"When our brother looked at the frame~ returning. First alders to biscuit-riddled tons for work and are willing to put in
work of our lath~house," says Grace. "he bridegrooms were once more advocating the long hours. If one cares for this sort of
insisted it was large enough for an agri­ use of scented geraniums of the nutmeg, thing, though, they can get a lot of enjoy­
cultural experiment station, but it has been rose and peppermint type to flavor jelly. ment and satisfaction out of it'"
filled a good part of the time."
Being from Indiana themselves. the Mc­
Afee sisters reached the perfectly obvious
conclusion that the majority of people in
Southern California are from states other
than California-chiefly the east and mid~
dle~west-and. not being attuned to trop~
ical and subtropical plantings. naturally
turned to old~fashioned posies.
Not only that, the girls observed that
youngsters. in growing up. to establish
homes of their own, seemed to have a
preference for the old~fashioned Howers­
perennials such as columbines. delphiniums.
hollyhocks, day lilies, phlox, coral bells
and scabiosa. to mention only a few. They
are partial to forget~me~nots, too.
The girls had only gotten nicely started
at San Gabriel with their sign "Old Fash­
ioned Garden" over the gate and double
hollyhocks flanking the driveway when
friendly women from all parts of Southern
California came. bearing their treasures in
that spirit of comradeship which charac~
terizes true plant-lovers-the desire to
share with someone else a plant or Hower
which is especially appealing. .
In this way the McAfee sisters soon
came into possession of a very great num~
bel' of things' that were actually so old
they were new to a couple of generations
of gardeners. One woman brought a .start
from a plant known as Sweet Mary, which A highly informal picture of the McAfee girls at the entrance to their old-fashioned
actually was brought to California in cov~ garden. If you don't think they have found health and normal living there look at their
ered~wagon days. This old-fashioned gar­ faces. Over the entrance to their lath-house a quaint ai1dI hacdy white rose which came
den business ran the whole gamut from all the way from Ireland. Gtace McAfee at left, Ruth at right.

He Fought and Won Freedom From


With all the women going into war At first. Bonebrake treated that sugges­ well as ever, but even better, because with
work. and war services. it might well hap­ tion much as Churchill would treat a peace tires going. and one thing and another,
pen that we men may have to put up a offer from Hitler. but in the end he sur­ people turned to home parties for enter­
fight for our own world. after the Four rendered, and ever since then his line has tainment. and such aprons chimed right in
Freedoms have been won. included c10ckspring Iife-of-the-party with the spirit of things.
aprons for the women-
In that case. Bart Bonebrake ought to Then the price of cloth went up. and it
be a full general. Only. the clockspring is gone! was not always obtainable, and the sup­
For Bart Bonebrake is the Los Angeles It disappeared before we got into the plies of elastic tape dwindled and disap­
fellow who started a war of his own, be­ war. when steel grew scarce. and for a peared, and he was-back to apron­
fore the big war got going. He fought for time Bonebrake thought his apron busi­ strings!
freedom from apron-strings. and won a ness was over for the duration. He was Never mind-he decorated his party
decisive victory. using a lot of clocks pring. and it disap­ aprons with snappier slogans, and more
But that was one war in which all the peared on priorities, and that looked like hilarious pictures. and as fast as the war
news could be told, and the truth is. that the end. tightened up materials, it also loosened the
the women pitched in and helped him win But he tried elastic tape to hold aprons party spirit, and made people find their
-but it's quite a story. on without strings. and kent his pictures fun around home, in the backyard, and
and slogans, and his line not only sold as want more aprons.
Bonebrake is a manufacturer of adver­
tising display material. From Coast to Coast, in the best stores,
He likes to putter in the kitchen. you will find Bart Bonebrake aprons,
sometimes in more than one department,
Whenever he went into the kitchen. to for they sell in the housewares, and with
stir things up, his wife made him wear an the linen, and in men's shops, and even
apron. and he hated it. He hated the with the sporting goods. They have be­
strings that tied around his chest. and come a regular "line," supplied to the
hated the ruffles and daintiness of his wife's stores through manufacturer's representa­
aprons. tives, and Bonebrake is one small busi­
Finally he revolted. and made an apron ness man who hasn't been counted out by
for himself, an honest-to-goodness man's war.
apron. of plain stout cloth. with no True. the war has diminished his origi­
flounces, or ruffles. not even apron-strings. nal business in advertising display mate­
For he invented an apron that had a rials, because with fewer things to sell,
strip of c10ckspring in the upper hem. man y retail. stores' are curtailing their' ad­
which automatically closed around his mid­ vertising. But the same processes, and
dle. and held it tight. and was so new equipment, used in making display cards
that when friends saw it they wanted one and posters, is adapted to ornamenting
too. and before long. he was a man's aprons.
apron manufacturer. with customers among Bart Bonebrake is so adaptable a fel­
the buyers for big stores all over the coun­ low that if it hadn't happened to be aprons,
try. it would have been something else.
When a man puts on an apron. gener­ For he liquidated a fine paying business
ally it is for a party. like a barbecue. so in automobile accessories to go away to
Bonebrake decorated his aprons with pic­ the last war. Coming out of college in
tures. and slogans. like "His Apron" and 1913, in Iowa, with a little capital given
''I'm the Chef," and that made them sell by his father. he chose auto accessories
all the better. as a line. not because he knew anything
Then the women stepped in, as they about them, but because in college he had
always do when a man gets something been f~~cinated by the study of s~lIing and
that he thinks he can really call his own, advertIsmg. In four years, agamst big,
From one merchandising front. a buyer shrewd competition, he multiplied Dad's
'phoned him one day. money by 18.
"SaY'"why don't you make an apron for Then, after the war. he got into adver­
women? tising in Chicago, building up a thriving
small agency, which specialized in doing a
"Don't know anything about women's good job on accounts the big agencies
aprons." Bonebrake answered. doggedly. "I lacked time to develop.
make men's aprons. and want to keep them And that eventually brought him to
that way," California, where in the depression years
"Well. brother. let me tell you some­ he looked for an agency job. and was told
thing. Do you know that three out of ev­ to go out and find some clients to start
ery four of your aprons we sell are with. If he had to find clients to land a
bought by women?" job-why not find some clients for himself?
And that's just what he did. and in his
"I know that a lot of women buy them soecial fieldl as a display material manu­
for their men." facturer, he was soon selling cards and !
"The heck they do!" snorted this buyer. posters to the very agencies who had ,I
"They buy them for themselves. Women promised to hfre him-if!
like that c10ckspring idea. They know a
good thing for the kitchen when they see
it. You get busy and bring out an apron
for the gals."
Bart Bonebrake, Los Angeles small manu­
facturer who is doing a Iitde bit of all
Yes, Bart Bonebrake would be doing
something-and if We really do have to
fight that war for our world. we men. he
might very well be our MacArthur.
{" J


Chain Litter

A story of high &nance, adventure and real agricultural education. including a course in porcine obstetrics.

the project, so that more pigs could be teen young ones being returned to the club
placed, to return still more pigs to the for placement. The committee has followed
Mr. Larson is Chairman of the Pub­ committee. to allow opportunity for more a policy of taking their two sows from the
licity committee of the Kiwanis Club boys and girls to benefit from the project. first litter only when the size of the litter
of Raymond. Washington. This ar­ would permit it without handicapping the
ticle was published in the January, And the youthful swine raisers have
benefitted from the work. They have. in
owner. For this reason the returns will
1940. issue of the Kiwanis Magazine . the first place. learned the fine art of rais­
vary a little, but on the whole the returns
which says: ing pure-bred pigs. Each youth. before re­
have been as predictable as the sum of
ceiving a sow. must agree to maintain the
two and two.
"Every month we delay publication high standards of feeding and care neces­
Sixteen young sows this fall mean thirty­
of Herb Larson's pig story a lot of sary for producing superior pigs. The
two next year to place, sixty-four the next
statistics have to be changed. The de­ swine must be pure bred. Geraldine was a
year. and so on, until the prospects would
scendants of Geraldine don't know registered Poland-China sow; the off-spring
make even the most ardent pig enthusiast
anything about space limitations, an­ must emulate the example set by their illus­
stop and ponder. The committee. however,
niversary issues. deadlines or press trious ancestor. has other plans. They know from the In.
time. Just as this article was being There are other benefits. Each partici­ quiries they have had that they would have
corrected a bulletin came in announc­ pant is responsible for the success of the no trouble finding homes for the offspring.
project as a whole. Pride of accomplish­ but they do realize that the project might
ing "twelve more blessed events." By grow to unmanageable proportions. So
the time this January issue gets to you ment, of the fine record made in the proj­
ect, has prompted each of the boys and they propose to place no more than twenty
the statistics will be wrong but the piQs. Those twenty will return forty to
idea will be sounder than ever. girls to do more than meet the minimum
requirements for participation. Each is the committee. Twenty will be sold at
constantly seeking more improved methods. auction, and twenty will be placed with
-The Editor. boys and girls. Proceeds from the sale will
originating ingenious devices to add effi­
ciency to .operation; each is building a solid be placed in the club's fund for services to
foundation for a life of constructive service underprivileged children. A yearly cash
Pigs may be just pigs to some folks. but and personal profit and pleasure. income will be assured for the underprivi­
to a group of high school boys and girls leged children's fund. and at the same time
in Pacific County. Washington. a prolific Raising pigs isn't just feeding them and twenty hays and girls will each be given a
sow named Geraldine is a symbol of high watching them grow. Project members chance to get a start in business. Thus,
adventure. rich experience and the kind of must keep account books. which are exam­ while the project itself will he limited. its
profits that can't be reduced to dollars and ined periodically. They must exhibit their field of service will be enlarged.
cents. For Geraldine is the great-grand­ pigs at the county fair. Last year several
prizes went to project members. They must The Perpetual Pig Project has. of course,
mother of the Raymond Kiwanis Club's
Perpetual Pig Project. an enterprise that Is take part in group demonstrations. and they . brought returns in material profits. An
are required to take part in at least five estimated one hundred pigs have been
brinqingto the youth of this county the raised for the market. Every owner can
thrills and privileges of individual initia­ trips. on judging practice in livestock. Thus
the project. built around pigs. has expand­ show an actual cash profit over and above
tive. of high standards and diligence in expenses for feed and other items. Then.
work. of life in the American way. ed to give each boy and girl valuable ex­
perience in many phases of farm manage­ too. the club is ahead financially. Ger­
It all started early in 1937. John Eager. ment. aldine cost thirty-five dollars. There has
Raymond postmaster and a member of the been no other expense to the club. With
. Kiwanis agricultural committee. was cast­ The primary objective of the Perpetual sixteen young sows in prospect this fall,
ing about for a worthwhile program of Pig Project is service to youth. A second­ the club's cash return could be in the neigh­
service. He recalled the value he had de­ ary purpose is to develop the swine indus­ borhood of two hundred dollars.
rived from an early experience in raising try in Pacific County. Here. too. the proj­
ect has proven its worth. Because the proj~ Geraldine has long since been reduced
pigs. Frank Jenne. a banker. and also a to pork chops and hacon. But her descend­
committee member. computed the porcine ect pigs are of pure bred, high grade stock,
farmers in the county are happy to buy ants, thoroughbreds that they are, carryon.
interest on one sow. compounded annually By the time her great-grandchildren are
and multiplied as only pigs can. to be an them. Interest in raising swine has been
stimulated. the hreed is being improved. ready to be led to the slaughter house.
unprecedented amount in service to the many younq Americans in Pacific County,
youth of the county. Rawson Coie. county and there is a resultant development in
Pacific County's swine industry. thanks to Geraldine, will have been as­
agricultural agent. was called in as con­ sisted in constructing a stronger base on
sultant. The committee bought Geraldine. All this, of course. would not be pos­ which to build a useful. wholesome. Ameri­
and the Kiwanis Club was in the pig busi­ sible without intelligent supervision. County can life.
ness. Agriculturist Coie has been on constant
The plan was sim"lle. Geraldine was sold duty, advising. helping to iron out prob­ SHADES OF GERALDINE
to a high school boy. The contract called lems. making sure that each individual proj­ We wrote Mr. Larson for permission to
for him to return to the committee five ect returns a full measure of valuable reprint this article and suggested that we
pure-bred sow pigs from Geraldine's nrSli: training to the boyar girl farmer. In the could also use a picture of Geraldine. Mr.
two litters. No cash was involved: the three years since the project was inaugurat­ Larson is no longer in Raymond. Washing­
five eight-week-old pigs were payment in ed, in no instance has it been necessary to ton. but our letter finally got to him and
full for Geraldine, cancel an agreement because of poor man­ . some interesting correspondence has devel­
aQement or failure to comply with provi­ oped. From his letter we quote:
From that start. what might be called a sions of the agreement.
chain-litter idea was carried forward. Ger­ "Shades of Geraldine and all her well­
aldine's five daughters were placed with To date. thirteen young sows have been bred descendants! Your letter, travelling
five young farmers. They each agreed to recovered by the Kiwanis committee and from Raymond to Seattle, and back to Cali­
return to the Kiwanis Club two pure-bred placed with eleven boys and two girls. One fornia again. to reach me in San Francisco
sow pigs eight weeks old from the first lit­ infant died. Of the other twelve, four. today. started me wondering just how that
ter farrowed by their sows. Their sows, which were from Geraldine's first litter, venerable sow and the project she gave
then. were paid for. and they were at lib­ paid for themselves in the fall of 1939, birth to-literally-have fared during
erty to dispose of the rest of their pigs as when their owners each returned two sows these months of readjustment. revised think­
they saw fit. The Kiwanis committee was to the committee. Those eight sows will ing, and replaced emphasis. Geraldine. of
interested only in assuring perpetuation of have litters this fall. with. presumably. six­ course, as a physical entity. has long since

ceased to elCist. but Geraldine as an idea. my whole~hearted agreement to reprint the bull's service. by a return of young stock.
a method of laying a strong foundation for article as you suggested. So far as the which would then be placed with an agree­
the society we want to maintain after this picture of Geraldine is concerned. I am ment similar to the pig project plan. A
war is over-that Geraldine. the motiva'; afraid that a "reasonably accurate faCSim­ long~time plan. but sound. I think. and car~
tion behind the perpetual pig project, will. ile" will be about as close as you will be rying interesting possibilities. in aid both
I hope, outlive the most murderous bomber able to come. I don't recall that there were material and spiritual to the boys, as well
or the most durable tank we are producing ever any pictures of the sow made. as in improvement of the county's stock.
today. I am particularly pleased that vou "Other interesting projects of a similar These projects have interested me particu­
want to print the ideas in the article "Chain nature were in the developmental stage be~ larly in their attempt to provide a future
Litter" now. It is certainly most impor~ fore I left Raymond. The club was con~ for a locality where lumbering has been
ant that, in addition to giving all our effort sidering buying a bull, with the object of the main source of support for many years.
to winning this war, we also keep remind~ encouraging improvement in the breed of and where now the bare acres are beginning
ing ourselves that there will be a peace to cattle in the county . .The local banker had to outnumber the forested acres of land.
follow, and that we will have need of such arranged for and purchased. through financ­ "Again, accept my appreCiation for your
constructive plans as that which Geraldine ing furnished by the bank he manages. a interest in the constructive idea a few com~
mothered. number of heifers-twelve. I think-which munity~minded men in Raymond originated.
"What has happened to the project since were given to farm boys in the locality. There are other stories. just as good and
I left Raymond. which was in May. 1941. These boys were to pay nothing for the better, there and in other similar communi­
I do not know. I do know that the plan heifers the first year. but. as they began ties in Washington. California, and in ev~
was to level off at a certain number of to produce--and that's where the Kiwanis ery other state in the union. I hope some
porkers. to sell the excess at that time. and bull was to come in-they would. with the day I can tell some of those stories. They
to add the money to the club's scholarship proceeds they realized. pay for the stock. represent a spirit in our country that we
fund. So far as I am concerned. you have They would also. when able. pay for the can't afford to lose sight of."

Presenting Sniffy!
The Glamour Girl of Rabbit-Land
If the next time you're walking down the Mrs. Watts is principal of the public school
street you should suddenly see a Huffy in the little town of Calexico, California.
white Angora rabbit, complete with pink He also learns that "Sniffy" was presented·
eyes and a jewelled red harness. sedately to her, in lieu of the traditional apple, by
10pinQ along at the end of a leash. with a a little boy pupil, some six years ago, That
dignified human being at the rear end of occasion was eVidently the beQinnlng of a
the leash. don't let it disturb you. You beautiful friendshio, for both the lady and
have not been drinking too much coffee. nor the bunny took to each other so sincerely
is there anything wrong with your eye­ that they have been inseparable compan­
sight. On the contrary, you have just had ions ever since.
the privilege of meeting "Sniffy" the little "Sniffy" is not only unusually beautiful
Marco Polo of the bunny world. but she has such perfect manners and in­
Although bqrely six years of age, "Snif­ nate sense of the proprieties that Mrs.
fy" has already traveled over 96,000 miles Watts has made a household pet of her
in this country, Mexico, and Canada. Mo"t and on their travels "Sniffy" is permitted
of this has been by. automobile, though to occupy hotel rooms. ride in elevators,
there have been occasional jaunts by train and scamper through the corridors as free­
and airplane as well. ly as any of the two-legged guests do. But
But being a globe-trotter is not "Sniffy's" in order to give her the requisite amount of
only distinction. What really got her into outdoor exercise Mrs. Watts purchased the
Ripley's "Believe It or Not" and John Hix' dog leash and harness, and it was this
"Strange As It Seems." is her aforemen­ which quickly led to columns of pub­
tioned habit of walking at the end of a licity, complete with photograuhs. in news­
dog leash. This still stops traffic in· com­ papers and magazines.
munities that haven't seen much of "Snif­ Since nothing succeeds like publicity, it's
fy," and in such case either one of two not surprising to learn that "Sniffy" has
things happens. The bewildered bystander appeared in news reels, has been guest of
either hurries home and decides to take honor on a national hook-up radio show,
the pledge without any further nonsense. and once stole all the spotlight from Mrs.
or. if made of sterner stuff, he courage­ Roosevelt at the White House Easter egg­
ously steps up and asks questions. rolling festivities. Definitely, "Sniffy" gets
When this happens he learns that "Snif­ around! .
fy's" owner is Mrs. Leo Watts, and that But much as she enjoys traveling. she
can settle down to domesticity as placidly
as anyone, if need be. When this occurs
she does not live in a kennel or outdoor Kathryn Watts and "Sniffy"
hutch. Instead, she has the entire run of
the house, and in exchange for this con­ such instances "Sniffy" comes quietly into
fidence has appointed herself official watch­ the room and gently nudges the caller with
dog of the Watts' household. She takes her soft little nose, by way of greeting.
her watching very seriously, sitting for "Sniffy" weighs eleven pounds, and judg­
long hours on the front or back porch, and ing from her waistline, does not approve
when a stranaer approaches she scurries of dieting. Her favorite foods are alfalfa.
indoors and thumps her hind feet violently lettuce. carrots, iced bananas. and bird~
on the floor. Mr. Watts says the sound is seed. She learned about bird-seed from a
similar to that of Central African war­ pair of parakeets that Mr. and Mrs. Watts
drums, only louder and funnier. All rab~ have at their ranch in Imperial Valley. An
bits do this when alarmed, he explains, but acquired taste, but what's the good of be­
"Sniffy" does this only when she is anxi­ ing a celebrity if you can't eat the things
ous about strangers. When visitors are old you like? "Sniffy's" entire career has been
Sniffy on her sixth birthday. The rabbit friends of the family she senses the differ­ unusual-judged by ordinary rabbits' stan­
dons in background are gifts from friends ence and they are permitted to approach dards-but she's enjoying every minute of
aIId admirers. without benefit of fanfare. Moreover, in it. thank you!

The Snake That Chased Me

"Pigs is pigs," and snakes is snakes, and shifting and readjusting semblance of the
all snakes is vicious; also slimy! Even letter "S." A perfect leverage from which
those little green ones, banished (or Ban­ to strike. .
sheed) from Ireland, which, until caught For long moments I stood gazing, in
red-handed and punished, I used to cache fascinated admiration at the graceful con­
and carry in the pocket of my calico dress. volutions of the (to me) beautiful crea­
That variety, possibly as a penalty for the ture; presently his attention seemed at­
wearing of the green, has now, I fear, be­ tracted to the deep shadow cast by my
come extinct. At any rate, the villain that long skirts; and without relaxing his vigi­
pursued me was, as the saying goes, "a lance. "lowering his proud crest" but still
gray horse of ,another color." sounding his warning rattle, he began a
Mrs. J. C. Davis
slow and orderly retreat toward that pre­
He was not a "Milk" or "Suction" snake,
sumably protective shade, Slowly, for The little snap shown above is from one
that well-known bosom friend and milker some distance, I retired; slowly he followed;
of contented cows; nor yet a "Hoop­ of our most interesting subscribers, a
until. despite mv angry remonstrances. my young lady in her ninety-nrst year, now
snake," a species which, although also ex­ brave "gentleman friend," having in the
tremely vicious; if and when cornered and living in San Bernardino. California. Your
meantime secured an armful of rocks, pro­ editor is greatly indebted to this grand wo~
attacked, is not so universally feared, as ceeded, from a safe distance, to bombard
owing to some strange reptilian inferiority man for her many letters of encourage~
the poor, helpless. writhing fellow-creature, ment and of genuine interest. I think every
complex, he shuns even the remote vicinity until the lovely diamond design in black
of the human race, on the approach of any reader of this paper will enjoy reading a
and gold was obliterated in blood and dust. recent letter by a cheerful, courageous. op­
member of which, taking either his head or Still brave and still cautious, he proceeded
his tail in his mouth-thus assuming the timistic western woman.
to remove the silenced and broken rattles;
form of the object from which he derives an authentic exhibit, to be accompanied by "Dear Mr. Wilson:
his name, he rolls swiftly away from there the harrowing recital of his rescue from Here's another 'share' of 'valuable' min­
and goes places. Possibly some member sudden death of the woman friend who fled ing stock-twenty-five shares, in fact­
of his tribal family, having overheard an in panic, relentlessly pursued by a murder­ which I have just discovered in prospect­
allusion to the primal curse concerning ous rattlesnake! ing on my claim, which I staked during
"serpents' heads and man's heels," chose the horse and buggy days! Am shipping
Reader dear, believer in snake stories.
the motto "Safety First" as slogan of the however preposterous, have you ever ex­ some still more valuable specimens to
clan. However that may be, all Hoop­ amined an uninjured, discarded snake-skin? other people, including Arthur Millier-the
snakes avoid personal contact with man, If so. did you observe the transparent enthusiastic admirer of Maynard Dixon. I
the super "Bruiser." "spectacles." a unit of the entire skin which, knew him. Dixon, when he was a mere
"No--no--no!" As our Mexican neigh­ until turned inside out, from mouth to tail, beginner and sent me sketches and wrote
bors say: The snake, that chased me was once fitted its wearer like the paper on the me grateful letters in return for publicity!
none of these; but an immense, overstuffed wal17 The discard, unhampered by poc­ I have known so many 'big shots' but of
Diamond-back Rattler. kets, hooks-and-eyes, zippers or buttons. all the crowd (now, so many having
always uncovered a new and glistening crossed the Big Divide-il0ne west) few
The day of our nrst meeting was about
coat of many colors and elaborate pattern; are left. One of the most charming and
as hot as they' make 'em on the old Mo­
jave. Contrary to the assertion of certain a finer suit than all your nine tailors ever talented of these. still very much alive. is
made for you, Little Man! Mrs. John Guerro, of Field. New Mexico,
The snake of my story. preparing for whose name and address you will please
the change. had taken his God-given "Place add to your list of 'subs' account of the
in the Sun," for a warming-up and loosen~ enclosed mining stock. And, by the way,
ing of the outer covering; his sight was this girl (Katherine Field Guerro) now'
partially obscured. (I t is frequently ,re­ wife of a Navajo Indian, was born a han~
dicapped cripple from infantile paralysis!
marked that snakes are "blind" during cer~ Still uses crutches. is not only a fine artist.
tain periods.) His handicapped condition. but rides the range, ropes and brands and
however, had not as yet deprived him of keeps the hogan spotless, and cares for her
the instinctive ability to give fair warning two interesting children. B'gosh! Mister
to intruders upon the privacy of his dress­ Wilson. it would take me a week to tell
ing room. that he still possessed the lethal you the things I know of this wonderful
weapons provided by nature, and in case New Mexican woman, raised on a desert
wise men from the East (east of the Mis­ of necessity should still be able to use stock-ranch, and forty miles from any­
sissippi). Friend Snake was indulging in them! where. She illustrates books; does calen­
a very torrid sun bath; absolutely straight dars for L. A. Stockvards, etc., etc. It will
Not like the human monster. Hitler. a
across our broad pathway he lay; to the pay you to get her for your magazine­
merciless aggressor, but as a brave defender
uninitiated observer, but a skeletonized even though you have to send a photogra­
of his own life and liberty. But that's an­
branch of buckhorn cactus; being protec­ pher, writer or what have you to Field,
other story the snake's story. (And who
tively somewhat similar in color and mark­ New Mexico (named Field for her father
ings. "Ah!" I exclaimed, "a string of ,would believe him?) Certainly not the "in­
telligent" jury of the peers of our own who was Puerticito).
beads!" and ignoring the frantic remon­ fiendish Murderer James (but recently exe­ Well, my dear, let me hear how much
strances of my companion, who also had cuted) . wall paper you still need. Maybe we can
recognized the identity of the "stick," I Who for (6) long years, by Heck! get Mlster Shicklegruber to paste it on
ran qUickly forward. On my near ap­ Had saved his worthless neck, your wall-when he gets tired of running
proach, swift as a lightning Hash, the crea­ Not because he had not forfeited his life; the Gestapo!
ture's enormous length was drawn into an But because in court, you know, How Darwin missed the 'missing link'
attitude of denant self-defense; not that At his trial-so long ago-­ No living man can now determine;
absurdly perfect "coil," so often misrepre­ They were shown the snake he forced But certainly he failed to think
sented in sketches; rather, a constantly to bite his wife! Of Shlcklegruber's 'yellow vermin'!

A deluxe job of an approved "mail wagon"

The Birth of Rural Free Delivery is shown here. It is interesting to note
that the lettering is done by hand. The
upholstering also shows much detailed
By ELEANOR KINDER WELCH handwork of the trimmer. Rubber tires
In this time of total war. it gives the service. the farmer. with no telephone. ra­ were not standard equipment, but rather
nation time to think back a little. While dio or automobile. found that a journey to the old steel tire.
some of us have lived through four wars. the nearest post office lost much valuable
and many of us have lived through World time. Yet this was his only source of gain­
War number one, still many more have not ing news of the market or. for that matter.
known war before. To the farmer Is al­ of receiving messages from relatives.
lotted the task of growina food for all. in Near the post office of Everton resided
this World War number two. Rural Free Milton Trusler. whose family had settled
Delivery service, taken for granted for into the White Water Valley before the
many years. is doing now. more than ever land had been surveyed.
before, a tremendous task. As streamlined In 1880, Mr. Trusler, an active member
automobiles pause at our rural mail boxes, of the Farmer's Grange in his locality; first
bringing news, packages, and confirming talked of the Rural Free Delivery service.
our hopes and fears. through the years, let Officers of the state Grange, meeting with
us go back more than half a century to the him in the Everton Grange Hall, were
story of the beginning of the rural free de­ quick to respond to the idea.
Sixty two years ago the Grange Hall They urged him to travel over the state,
southeast of Everton, Fayette County, In­ .outlining his idea. It is said that his origi~
diana, became the cradle of the nation's nal plan was practically the same as used
Rural Free Delivery. today in the service.
Beginning in 1818 and up to 1845, the It was Postmaster General Wanamaker
United States mail was brought to Fayette who in 1891 first officially placed the mat­
County. Indiana, on horseback or by stage­ ter of Rural Free Delivery before the Con­ It was June 30. 1880, sixty~two years
coach. In 1845 the first mail packet boat gress. The first bill was introduced in the ago, that this idea was conceived by Mr.
arrived in Connersville. county seat of Fay­ House of Representatives in 1892. but it Trusler. in Fayette County, Indiana. and
ette County. This boat was navigated on . met with defeat. After much delay, three even today with radio, telephone, automo­
the White Water Canal which threaded routes were started in West Virginia tn bile. rapid trains, and powerful planes
its way through a most picturesque coun~ 1896. Nine months later there were 82 within sight and hearing of the Fayette
tryside, from Cincinnati, Ohio. Mail routes from 43 post offices in 29 states. County farmer. and farmers over all of the
brought by horseback or stagecoach had Soon after the routes were opened up, a United States. it is the rural free delivery.
arrived weekly. Now. with the advent of law went into effect that a special "mail that is of the greatest service. It really
the water way. mail came daily. In 1862 wagon" must be used by each carrier. Of places a paper or parcel in his hand, and
the first mail came into the county seat by course. these were horsedrawn. and were on schedule. Themail must and does go
mail train. However. with all this added manufactured by carriage manufacturers. through.

FUN IS FUN ''I'm the original iron-jawed. brass­

mounted, copper-bellied. corpse-maker
Hies is the pastime of my idle moments, the
destruction of nationalities the serious busi­
Do you like tall tales? Do you like to from the wilds of Arkansas! Look at me! ness of my life! The boundless vastness of
read and get a laugh? Do you want rare I'm the man they call Sudden Death and
and oldtime Whoppin' Tall Tales? Then General Desolation! Sired by a hurricane, the great American desert is my enclosed
you'll get a kick and many hours of real dam'd by an earthquake, half-brother to property. and I bury my dead on my own
entertainment out of Ring-Tailed Roarers, the cholera, nearly related to the smallpox premises!"
a book of more than 300 pages edited by on the mother's side! Look at me! I take
V.L.O. Chittick and printed in grand style nineteen alligators and a bar'l of whiskey Here is a grand collection of the best­
by The Caxton Printers. ($350) The best for breakfast when I'm in robust health, and it is, like so many of the books pub­
collection you will find. Here is a sample: and a bushel of rattlesnakes and a dead lished by The Caxton Printers a volume
"Like Autolycus of The Winter's Tale body when I'm ailing! I split the ever­ you will treasure and want to keep. Fun is
the ring-tailed roarer, that pioneer crea­ lasting rocks with my glance, and I
quench the thunder when I speak! Whoop­ Fun and you can always find in Ring­
tion who enlivens the record of the Amer­ Tailed Roarers a chapter to drive away the
ican frontier, in both fact and fiction, oop! Stand back and give me room ac­
throughout the eighteen thirties and forties cording to my strength! Blood's my nat­ blues.
was, when of authentic horse~alligator ural drink. and the wails of the dying is
stock, "a tall fellow of his hands." He music to my ear! ..."
was an even taller fellow of his tongue. CURTAIN CALL
To which the second, after jumping into
When an impostor as to his breed he was White clouds send shadows raCing on
tall in respect of his tongue only. In other the air and cracking his heels together also.
words, the Westerner indubitably "touched responded with: the plain
with the airthquake," in accord with his "Whoo-oop! bow your neck and Where once the wagons rolled on
"all-fired" claims to fistic and other prow­ spread, for the kingdom of sorrow's a­ rumbling,
ess, would rather fight. than eat. But the coming! Hold me down to earth, for I feel Wind~hurried from the canyon drifts
loud-mouthed imitator of his ranting, or at
most besides, of his rampant pose, was a my powers a-working! Whoo-oop! Whoa­ the rain,
chicken-hearted braggart, known to every­ oop! I'm a child of sin. don't let me get Heat-lightning stabs the thunder's
body as just that and nothing else. would a start! Smoked glass, here. for all! Don't grumbling;

rather talk fight than fight. attempt to look at me with the naked eye,
Sun~washed, the western passes set

gentlemen! When I'm playful I use the

Of the latter type of roarer a faithful meridians of longitude and parallels of their snare

presentation is to be found in the pair of latitude for a seine, and drag the Atlantic Where once the trails to westward
raftsmen overheard by Huck Finn, in Mark
Twain's Life on the Mississippi. Readers Ocean for whales! I scratch my head with blended.
of that classic of early days on the Great lightning and purr myself to sleep with The whisp'ring sage still scents the
River will recall that the first of these thunder! When I'm cold I bile the Gulf of desert air-
sorry windbags, after jumping into the air Mexico and bathe in it; when I'm thirsty
I reach up and suck a cloud dry like a The scene still stands-
and cracking his heels together, which. with
neighing like a stallion or crowing like a sponge; when I range the earth hungry, But the play is ended.
game~ock. was the roarer's way of indi­ famine follows in my tracks! ... I'm the
cating that he was spoiling for trouble, man with a petrified heart and biler-iron Marshall.
shouted. "Whoo-oop," and then continued. bowels! The massacre of isolated commun-

''4:-:'''~._~'_'' ,,,-' -,~'~'.~"~.'~'~"

A Girl, A Dog, and

an Idea!
Although we've all read a good deal a unit durino the traning period, and the
about the "Seeing Eye, Inc.," and its re­ report card covers 15 suhjects, including
markable work in training guide-dogs for problems in human and canine psychology.
the blind, comparatively few of us know A score of 86% for both dog _and master
that right here in California there is a is required for oraduation.
similar dog-training school, and that it is
"Many persons feel that such complete
doing an even bigger, finer work.
devotion to his master may be a hardship
Without in any way disparaging the to the dog," explains Miss Hurst. "But this
work of the school at Morristown, New is not the case. The German Shepherd dog
Jersey. the little school out in Monrovia -which is the breed most suitable for this
may truthfully claim to be doing an even work-is naturally devoted and' his protec­
greater work because of the fact that it is tive instinct is inborn. Even in his un­
a strictly philanthropic. non-profit organ­ trained. 'natural' state he is always guard­
ization which gives its beautifully trained ing, whether it be his master's children, his
dogs to worthy, sightless persons wholly master's sheep. his master's house. or what
without charge! It is, incidentally. the only not. Such dogs are never so lonely or un­
school of Its kind in the world which oper­ happy as when they have nothing to guard
ates on this principle. or care for."
The story back of this remarkable proj­ "When first I tried to convince business
ect is the story of a great vision seen men that blind people could be given em­
through the sightless eyes of a young girl. ployment in their shops and factories they
The girl is attractive Hazel Hurst, for­ were incredulous," Miss Hurst goes on.
merly of Ogdensburg. N. Y .. but now so "Upon experimentation they were amazed
much a part of the town of her adoption to discover that such persons are some­
that its citizens recently re-named one of times better suited to certain types of work
its principal streets in her honor. than are normal persons. For example:
. Born with normal eyesight and blinded there are many kinds of work which re­
by accident when only three days old, Ha­ quire a keen sense of touch rather than
zel lived the otherwise normal life of any sight. Sorting the small springs and tiny
other child during the first years of her screws that go into typing maChines.
childhood. She played with other young­ Wrapping kodak film upon metal spools,
sters, helped her mother with household which must be done in a dark room and
Hazel Hurst depends almost exclUSively upon the sense
chores: and was encouraged to minimize
her tragic handicap as much as possible. by lack of funds. having no inHuential of touch. Packing candy, toilet articles,
She attended the parochial school in Og­ friends, the outlook would have discouraged and numerous other things. Today the
densburg and proved -an outstanding pupil the average person. But Hazel Hurst is Ford Motor Company and Remington.
from the very first day. The quality of not an average person. Bravely. accom­ Rand are this country's two largest em­
her intelligence may be gauged by the fact panied only by her faithful "Babe," she set ployers of sightless persons. with other
that she completed her four year hi!jh forth to raise the money her project would firms daily follOWing suit.
school course in 18 months. and graduated require. "Please emphasize the fact that my
as valedictorian. All of which is even A long lecture tour of the United States, Foundation is not just a dog trqining
more astonishing when we learn that when then Canada and Europe. was how it be­ school. Weare equally interested in the
she was 10 years old she fell and hurt her gan. Her lectures were all on the same larger task of training the blind for these
spine so badly that for the next seven years subject: the possibilities of the rehabilita­ above-mentioned tasks so that they may
she was confined to a wheel chair. tion of the blind. Apparently they were have the inestimable satisfaction of earn­
By the time she was able to walk again, given with such fervent faith, such poig­ ing their own living. No one should ever
at 17, she had attracted the attention of nant courage. that everyone who could pos­ nurse a feeling of futility or defeatism. and
Rotary International. which group ar­ sibly help her Was moved to do so, for to combat this we must give the sightless
ranged for her to attend Columbia Univer­ today the Hazel Hurst Foundation. Inc., not maudlin pity but understanding and
sity. A short time later the Rotary Club is completely equipped and paid for. Cost­ cooperation."
of her home town presented her with ing $28,000. there are five acres of land, a Supported wholly by voluntary contri­
"Babe." a fine young "Seeing Eye" dog­ group of one-storied buildings styled in butions. the school is incorporated under
and from that moment the whole course of the manner of Early California ranch the laws of the State of California and is
her life changed completely. With the fine houses, kennels housing the dogs, and an governed by an executive board of direc­
new freedom and confidence which com­ experienced teacher who trains the dogs tors among whose names w;e find such dis­
panionship with "Babe" brought to her. she and also the human students who apply for tinguished persons as Archbishop John J.
now discarded all previously made plans them. Cantwell. Dr. Rufus von Kleinsmid. Right
for her future and determined to find a The average dog requires three months' Rev. Mons. Thomas J. O'Dwyer. Dr. Rob­
way to bring this same freedom and con­ training, followed with another month's ert Millikan. Judge W. Turney Fox. Rabbi
fidence to other sightless. groping folk. work with the person to whom he is to Edgar F. Magnin. and many other noted
A beautiful. difficult wish. Handicapped be given. Student and dog are graded as personalities.

Drifts From The Desert

By October is my favorite month! It is the month during which I like
JUNE LeMERT PAXTON to cast aside the routine work and pleasures that I enjoy during the
rest of the year. To me, October's cordial days invite adventure.
adventure and freedom that are a part of my nomadic nature.
I like to get away from the desert highways. back up into the
unfrequented places where man has not, as yet, spoiled the natural
beauty of the country. I like to meet and talk with people who are
You hold me closely in your arms - -....._ - considered eccentric, or even a "little queer". These people frequently
Nor deign to let me free. have philosophies of life that profit me much if I practice them.
Or else perchance. some Hidden Power Around about the desert, one stilI finds pictographs and artifacts left by some
The which I cannot see early Indian tribe. Deep canyons that know nothing of the world's struggle for
Knows my longing for this place peace have a fascinating charm. And up in our own Little San Bernardino moun­
And draws my soul to thee. tains, what is more conducive to day-dreaming than to lie in the shade of a pine
tree? Here big buzzards sail back and forth and back again to make sure they are
As the pollen is blown afar by the wind.
not missing a good feast.
Or the scent of the sage on a damp. rainy day;
October days are full of zest. and send me on a roaming quest; a quest for
So wafts my idle thoughts astray.
new and untri~d ways. to dream about on saner days.
And I reap the sowing. be it drab or gay.
. ...

Eugenia Stone. author of BIG WHEELS ROLLING.

NEIGHBORS which Lois Johnson reviewed in our August issue. is a
grand-daughter and a daughter of California pioneers. More
I've city neighbors. good and kind, than that. she is a descendant of many generations of pio­
I love them and they love me; neering folk from the time when America was a-building
But in the busy rush and grind by pioneer hands and brains and the New W orId' s settlers
were battling with the red men and pushing farther and
We have no time to social be.
farther frpm the stormy Atlantic into the wilderness. West­
ward and still westward they came. from Carolina. from
I've desert neighbors, kind and good,
Maryland. from Virginia, from Kentucky, until at last. one
And we are friends-'tis understood. winter day, the "happy Marays," far-Hung foam of this
And oft our work we simply shun tide. found themselves in the little city of Sacramento.
And travel miles to visit one. California. .
Eugenia Stone
The little Kathy of the tale was the author's mother. She
I wonder if we shall not find. grew up. as small girls will. married and. the family trait
When we have left this world behind. still strong. pioneered with her young pioneer husband into Nevada. then at the
That. very much to our dismay, peak of its Comstock silver production. Eugenia Stone. the youngest of her chil­
We might have chosen "the better way". dren. in turn "pioneered" back into California. But now there are no more
westward frontiers to conquer, for the North is not the Golden West with its
glamor of setting suns; the broad Pacific swells between California and the
Islands. No covered wagon could go so far. swaying behind the broad backs of
In the early days the Mormons, they tell, its swimming oxen. Living in Pasadena, where the trail can wind no farther.
were seeking a peaceful place to dwell. Said Eugenia Stone solaces her inherited pioneering instinct by writing the tales of
a wierd shaped tree to the weary band, "This those days of the long ago when her mother shared as a child in the adven­
is the way to the promised land." Now the tures and hardships of the great trek.
good old leader agreed it was, so they called
the trees the Joshuas.
Thus. it is said. the Joshua tree received its
name. No doubt those Mormons were inspired
by the example of that great prophet. Joshua.
who led the children of Israel to their promised His Own Grandfather
land. Joshua is also the name of my father, an
early pioneer of the middle-west. It was for I married a widow with a grown daughter. My father fell in love with
him that I named this desert retreat "The my step-daughter and married her-thus becoming my son~in-Iaw. and
Joshuas". my step-daughter became my mother because she was my father's wife.

It is claimed that where one finds the Joshua My wife gave birth to a son who was. of course. my father's brother­
tree, he also finds health and peaceful sur­ in-law. and also my uncle. for he was the brother of my step-mother,
roundings. "The yucca brings good luck." and
the Joshua tree is a yucca of the lily family. My father's wife became the mother of a son who was. of course,
Perhaps one finds health because these quaintly my brother, and also my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter.
grotesque trees grow only in a very arid sec­
Accordingly. my wife was my grandmother because she was my
tion of the country, and at an altitude which
mother's mother-l was my wife's husband and grandchild at the same
is beneficial to the health of many people.
time ­ and as husband of a person's grandmother is his grandfather­
We Americans are still pioneering; still I AM MY OWN GRANDFATHER.
seeking and working for peace. May the hand -Mark Twain.
of God ever guide us, until hatred and strife
shall cease!


Time's A'Wastin'
Ruck~A~Chucky Gold
A colored man in trouble asked permis­
A true account of a rich CalifOl'wa gold discovery in the year 1940 as told sion to wire the governor, This is the way
in an editorial by "The Knave" in the Oakland Tribune, August 23, 1942. the message ran: "Dear Boss: Dese white
folks is got me in jail IIxin' to hang me
A modern gold story containing material ship-in which each of the 50 men who next Friday mornin: an' here it is We'ns­
had participated was an equal owner. Whe­ day already."
which may establish a legend for the old
fellows in the future is that of "Ruck-a­ ther he had recovered much gold or little,
Chucky, " It is a yarn of 1940. of honest he was to share in whatever recompense
came from their discovery and labors. In A man from the country recently asked
men who found qold and neglected formali­ time the aold reached the American Smelt­ a bookseller where the dime novel has
ties. and of efforts in their behalf extending inn and 'Rellnina Company, which asked gone to. The answer was that it has gone
through many officials and up to Congress rulinqs of the General Land Office as to to a dollar and a half.
and victory, As you may find it in the whether the title of the producers was
Proceedings of Congress, in the form of an valid,
address bv Representative Englebright. on The professor and his wife hesitated to
UP TO CONGRESS return to the same farm where they had
June 18 of this year (and I thank Edmund spent their vacation last summer. because
Kinyon for calling my attention to the The le~lal machinerv started to (lrind. the odor from the pigpen had been most
same) the yarn starts with Government The Land Office and attorney general unpleasant. In answer to their letter the
,authorization of some hydraulic control found objections as to the title and no one farmer wrote: "Come on out. There hain't
could find any law on the miners' side un~ been no hogs on the place sence you was
dams on the Yuba River, Bear Lake and til Enalebriaht went back to the unwritten
American forks, On the middle fork of the here last summer."
law of qold belonaing to the finders. He
American was a place called Ruck-a­ took a bill to Conqress and there cited the
Chucky. 10 miles from Auburn. Excava­ traditions of 95 years and (lave the storv Since the newspapers have lost so many
tions for the Ruck-a-Chucky structure were in full. Any suit for trespass a(lainst the men to the service,· some of the news arti­
under way in early 1940. when a hilge miners. he ar\lued, or anY confiscation of cles are fearfully and wonderfully written.
landslide debauched from the hiqher levels the gold they had dug wou ld set a prece­ One of the new reporters recently con­
to 1111 the proposed reservoir. Apparently dent and penalize the toil and fortitude of cluded a murder story as follows: "Fortun­
everv incidental miner anel nrospector in ately for the deceased, he had deposited all
the slide was not effectuated by the excava­ the West. In the end a Connress fornot
tion work. which was distant and still his money in the bank only the day before.
war worries for a while anti enacted the He lost practically nothing but his life."
slight. The site of the proposed dam was desired bill. The PresideI1t ·'"ned it. Here
covered by rock and earth, Work was is the text: "Be it Enacted: That no "1em­
halted. However. the contractors were ber of the association known as the Ruck·
a-Chuckv Mine Partnership or any of their The nervous speaker arose and said: "I
hopeful of being able to proceed within a haven't had a speech to prepare a moment.
few weeks. So the crew or workers lin­ agents and employees, or any other per­
sons, shall be held liable on account of the but just as I got up from my thought a
gered in the vicinity. Came a torrential extraction b.. them durinq the vear 1940 seat struck me."
rainstorm; follOWing which one of the idle of gold-bearing ore from Lot 19, Sect·o., 19,
workmen, a miner. wandering around. Township 13 north, Range 10 east. MDM,
made the discovery that the scraper had California, or adjacent lands. The Rock-a­ A customer at a roadside stand asked
exposed a narrow vein of quartz material­ Chucky Mine Partnershio and other per­ for coffee and doughnuts. He protested
and that it showed colors of gold. Pan­ sons shall be deemed to have obtained full because his coffee was served without a
title to such ore at the time of its extrac­ saucer. The waitress explained: "We
nings of the scraped fragments disclosed don't hand out saucers no more. A hill­
that they were rich in gold. The finder tion."
billy drifted in yesterday and drunk out o'
made no effort to conceal his discovery or Another curious factor is that that most his saucer, an' that ain't good fer trade.
to claim it exclUSively for himself. Instead unusual qold strike story was never told This here is a swell dump."
he told his approximately 50 associates; in any detail, although it did rate numerous
casual references in the newspaoers. Ap­
and speedily the idle workers were no parentlv it was not considered of more
longer idle. They set to and over a period than incidental importance. For one thinq. A kids' baseball team sponsored by a
of scarcely two days cleaned Up that poc­ the rather imposing value of the recovered local church had a big game coming up
ket discovery in true •4ger fashion. (lold was not stressed. Now it is beina and the pastor gave the team captain five
told for the first time and the key part of dollars with instructions to spend it for
POOLED INTERESTS Con\lressman Englebriaht in securinq the anything which would help win the game.
benefits-apparently $600 each for the 50 The captain was no fool. so he gave it
Divided into small groups. or working to the umpire.
singly, the opportunist workers, which in­ men-revealed.
cluded such names as J. W. Prescott, EI­
mer Milsap. A. B. Addington, Clyde Stock­
"The naked hills lie wanton to the breeze,
ton, Joseph Robinson. Harold .Meyers, A wise old Quaker once said that men
Swan Swanson, R. L. Levelesque. Tom "The fields are nude. the groves un­
were (luilty of three most astonishing fol­ frocked.
Plumb and numerous others, worked day lies. First is the climhin\1 of trees to shake
and night until the gleaming heart of that down the fruit. when if they would but "Bare are the shivering limbs of shameless
long-hidden lind had been exploited. The wait the fruit would fall of itself. Second trees,
largest group taken was by the Tom Plumb is the qoing to war to kill one another, "What wonder is it that the corn is
party . . . $8024.08. The Prescott party when if they would only wait they must shocked?"
also did exceedingly well. Other groups surely die naturally. Third is that they
and individuals ranged down to smaller. should run after women, when, if they do
but substantial sums. In all $30,000.00 in not do so the women will surely run after In the early days in Oklahoma most any
gold was recovered. But certain doubts them. man who had nerve enough could start a
beset those reincarnated miners of '49. bank. One retired banker who recently
Were they in reality entitled to that treas­ came to California to pick cotton, in tell­
ure? The lind was on Government land, In 'church last Sunday the minister ing of his experiences, said: "I had noth­
but they had staked no claims, erected no stepped up to the baptismal font and asked ing to do, so I rented an empty store and
monuments. In doubt. they consolidated those ·having children to be baptised to put up a sign "BANK." That afternoon
the gold into one package and deposited bring them to the chancel. A woman in a man dropped in and deposited $200. Next
it with the Assay Office of Ward and the fourth row gasped in dismay and whis­ day another man came in and deposited
Ward in Auburn. Then the miners did pered to her husband: "I just knew I had $300. By the third day my confidence in
another unprecedented thing-they formed forgotten something! Run home quickly the enterprise reached such a point that I
a pool-the Ruck-a-Chucky Mine Partner­ and fetch the baby." put in fifty dollars of my own money."

What's In A Name?

More people fail in the restaurant busi­ NATIONAL PUBLICITY

ness than almost any other. Why?
A very good restaurant in Los Angeles
Some folks starting with very little capi­ is not so well known as the owner would
tal build alongside the roadway or in some like. Recently the proprietor came to see
obscure spot an establishment that brings me and said: "Mr. Wilson, I understand
fame and fortune. How? that you do the publicity work for Knott's
The first question is more easily answered Berry Place and I have seen articles in
than the second and most any of us can 'Reader's Digest', 'Saturday Evening Post'
point to one reason why "The Greasy and scores of papers and magazines about
Spoon," "The Polson Ivy" or XYZ Cafe By NICHOLS FIELD WILSON that place and that publicity must be the
closed their doors. reason for its amazing success. I have
spent lots of money advertiSing but it has­
Maybe the name hasn't very much to the amount of aold in their bathtub. Ty­ n't paid and so now I want to go in for
do with the success of an eating place but rone Power and Errol Flynn were school publicity. If you can take on another ac­
ifs a factor that deserves a lot of consider­ boys. In Kansas City. Ginger Rogers was count I'd like to be the client,"
ation-and it's the many factors all har­ learning to dance along with her multipli­
moniously working together that makes cation tables. "I want to go in for publicity!" Just
success possible. like that. As if it could be done that way.
"Fifteen years ago, fllm executive Herb­ Inquiry elicited the fact that the restaurant
As a name for a restaurant, "The ert T. Somborn. on his way home from was good, but there was nothing out of
Greasy Spoon" is certain to create some work, dreamed of a tiny restaurant that the ordinary about the place. Certainly,
talk-some word-of-mouth advertising. But would serve the corned beef hash. the stew, nothing to justify a story or article in a
is it good advertiSing? To many people the pot roasts and pie of the calibre he re­ magazine with millions of readers.
the very name is repellant and the adver­ membered from his boyhood.
tiSing benefit, if any, is more than offset by I acknowledged that Knott's had been
" 'Such a restaurant: declared Mr. Som­ fortunate enough to secure much favorable
the prejudice that in many minds the name born, 'would be a great success, even if it
itself occasions. national publicity and said, "Yes, we have
was called something as peculiar as-well, been lucky enough to get some good pub­
How much nicer sounding is, "The Sil­ say the Brown Derby!' licity for Knott-but there was something
ver Spoon." As a matter of fact there is a "Mr. Somborn qegan his restaurant in upon which to base it." It wasn't my
chance for the use of that name by some just that way. It was a tiny hat-shaped services but the record of achievement that
enterprising person who would use as a bUilding on Wilshire Boulevard just out­ brought about this publicity. You I can't
card the name and address of the estab­ side the film colony. The food was sim­ buy good publicity like you buy advertis­
lishment with a tiny silver spoon in the ple-nothing fancy at all-but the ingredi­ ing space and you can't simply hire a pub­
upper left corner, Yes, it is possible and ents were selected and cooked with all the licity man and "go in for publicity:' All
practical. uncompromising care that the most con­ tales of super publicity men to the con­
Imagine the vast amount of word-of­ scientious mother would want for her own trary notwithstanding. As an example of
mouth advertising your card would bring family. good publicity the August, 1942, issue of
you with a solid silver spoon in the cor­ "He called this restaurant the Brown the splendid magazine Coronet had an ar­
ner-the' spoon is a "tiny," so small that Derby. ticle Oasis in Missouri, written by Wil­
in China 200 are enclosed in a single cherry liam O. Player, Jr., and I recommended its
pit which is sold as a souvenir. That card "With that simple, down-to-earth for­ reading by all in the business of serving
of The Silver Spoon bearing an actual mula, the Brown Derby became an over­ food. That was fine publicity for the own­
solid silver spoon on its face would prove night sensation, The tiny building bulged er of Mrs. McDonald's Tea Room and it is
an irresistible souvenir for your guests. and flowed over from morning to night. an article of real interest to the readers of
They wouldn't throw it away. Your pa­ "Two years later, the many film people the magazine. There was iii story to tell,
trons would retain it, talk about it and in Hollywood wanted a restaurant of their a good story, a human-interest story and
show it to their acquaintances. That's own in the neighborhood. A second Brown that it had. publicity value for Mrs. Mc­
word-of-mouth advertiSing and the idea Derby was opened on Vine Street in the Donald is secondary.
fits in with the name of a nice sounding very heart of the film colony. "To travel~wise Gourmets, Kansas City is
restaurant. just a suburb of Gallatin, Missouri. For
"A little later, a third Brown Derby res~ Gallatin, Missouri, is the horne of Mrs.
Of course this card could be used suc­ taurant made its appearance in Beverly
cessfully by a restaurant regardless of its Hills. By that time. the 'Del'bies' had be­ McDonald's Tea Room, in the opinion of
name and to any interested I'll be glad to come a family affair. One film star picked experts the most famous eating place in
answer inquiries. out the wallpaper for the Beverly Hills the Middle West and one of the 10 best
in the country," says Mr. Player and you
From time to time we will take these Brown Derby. Another loaned the chef a will want to read the entire article which
out-of-the-ordinary eating place names and chicken paprika recipe that had been a is concluded by Mr. Player's saying: "Be­
tell you about them. family secret for generations. The Brown sides good cooks, Mrs. McDonald believes
Derby bought corn from the ranch of a in having a corps of young, attractive wait­
The Brown Derby Restaurants are so famous actor and arranged for mountain
well known in Southern California that trout from the preserve of another. resses, dressed in pretty uniforms - but
any comment on our part is superfluous. preferably married and somewhat settled.
When they recently opened the Los Feliz "One of the greatest restaurant stories She has no trouble getting them, either: in
unit, a beautiful booklet was gotten out­ in history had started on its way. For the fact, she frequently receives letters from
one of the finest thinqs of its kind we Brown Derby had gained a shining reputa­ young women studying home economics
have seen in a long time, It tells the story tion not only among notables of the screen who want to come spend a while with
of one name and we quote the first two and theatre, world travelers, connoisseurs her, just for the experience."
pages: and the like-but its fame had penetrated But the real secret, of course, is Mrs.
to the people of little towns and villages McDonald's cooking. She can't impart
"WHEN HOLLYWOOD WAS such a secret in a mere interview-but
"And now the new member of the res­ here are a few of her observation:
VERY YOUNG •. , taurant family-the Los Feliz Brown Der­ "Ever since I started my place, I've
. . . The Brown Derby first began. Charles by-represents the ideas-and ideals---of had my mind made up to buy and serve
Chaplin and Mary Pickford were hailed as sixteen years' experience in restaurant op­ only the best of everything, and I've stayed
the king and queen of the silent 'flickers: eration. It combines the most modern with that determination, though it hasn't
Tom Mix startled the sleepy natives along methods in architecture and food presenta­ always been easy to do.
Hollywood boulevard in his cream colored tion with the tradition of quality that has
roadster with the doeskin upholstery. A existed since the opening day of the first "For example, when a recipe calls for
person's station in life was determined by Brown Derby:' cream, I use cream, not milk. In fact, I
\". ,


that's when the money's made. It's always Boulevard, Beverly Hills. The Brown Derby
put cream in mayonnaise dressing, in fruit restaurants have long been' internationally
salad. in scrambled eggs, and goodness better to start in a small way and work famous because of their popularity With
knows what else! up, than to start in a big way and fail. the celebrities of the motion picture world.
Put your individuality into your shop, And They are one of the star-marked places on
that goes for decorations, what you serve, the itinerary of Southern California visitors.
"Always have everything spotlessly However, the prestige of the Brown Derby
and the way you serve it. Don't try to do restaurants is primarily based on the qual­
clean. things like other people. Do them your ity of their food and service. The newest
way!" Brown Derby restaurant-the Los Feliz­
"Serve hot food hot, and cold food cold. also has a Car Cafe.
"Fix everything, even the simplest dish. And that's a good first lesson in how to CAROLINA PINES, Los Angeles. California.
as attractively as you qjn. be successful and when you go out and 7315 Melrose Ave. The rich tantalizing fla­
"acquire a record of achievement" national vor of the South permeates the food placed
"If you're running a shop, make up your publicity will come to you and add to your before you at this restaurant. The friendly
leisurely atmosphere is a welcome relief
mind to work on Sundays and holidays; success. from the hustle and bustle of modern living.
FARMER'S MARKET, Los Angeles. Callfor­
nla. North East corner of Fairfax and Third

Streets. In this huge market a great restau­
rant grew up surrounded by eighty odd
farm and food shops. Accidentally, one of
the world's largest restaurant businesses
Most readers of Ghost Town News have eaten the chicken dinner at KnoU's Berry grew here. It started by a woman buying
Place. In the old adobe building they have learned about "Other Good Places to Dine," a slice of ham baked on the grounds and
In this room are displayed the menus of hundreds of good places to eat and from time a hot roll. She sat down on a cherry crate
to ,time we make mention of some of these in the following columns. and ate lunch. Her example was followed
by others and the merchants who were sell­
Because of limited space. we cannot list every good place to eat in each Issue. That ing slices of baked ham began selllng
seems unnecessary anyway, for most people have a copy of ADVENTURES IN GOOD wedges of cake fresh from the oven and
EATING. by Duncan Hines. This is the Red Book that tells you where to eat. What the pies and serving on paper plates. Cherry
Blue :Book is to your social life the Red Book of Duncan Hines is to the inner man. We crates were replaced by a few tables and happy to display the menus of "Other Good Places to Dine," and we are always glad chairs. Little kitchens began opening for
to receive recommendations from the patrons of Knott's Beny Place and from the business serving chicken, meats of all kinds,
readers of Ghost Town News. trout and good things of every description.
In the following columns we will in every llIIIUe publicize as many Interesting good Now thousands of people travel to the
placell to eat as we have space for. This service is for the benefit of our readers and it Farmer's Market every day for lunch.
has proved of benefit to many of those listed who in turn have recommended Knott·s GOOD FELLOWS GROTTO. Los Ano-eles.
Berry Place and others listed herein to their patrons. In a lesser degree. it is the _ t California. 341 South Main St. A visit to
of mutual ADMmATION society which Duncan Hines has created among those fortunate interesting Main Street and a stop at Good
enough 10 be recommended by him. Fellows Grotto for a very delicious meal
will prove most fascinating. The oldest
ARIZONA ASSISTANCE LEAGUE TEA ROOM. Holly­ restaurant in So. California. Famous for
PAINTED DESERT INN. Holbrook. Arizona, wood. California. 5604 DeLongpre Ave. This fish food, steaks for 36 years.
2 miles North of Highway 66. While you Tea Room, located near movie studiOS, is a
may be able to 'see the Painted Desert else­ veritable paradise to the movie fan. The LA PALMA CAFETERIA. Los Angeles. Cali­
where, remember you'll get a closer view glamour of screen, society and radio per­ fornia. 615 S. Grand Ave. In a tropical
here--and good food! meates the atmosphere. Waitresses are vol­ patio filled with plants, gay colored um­
unteers from the ranks of debutantes and brellas and garden fUrniture, you will find
CAMELBACK INN. Phoenix, Arizona. On the service and cuisine under your host
Highways 60, 80 and 89. This inn, 11 miles professional women, and hostesses are the
wives of famous executives and famous ac­ Mr. Manspeaker all you could wish. Re­
N. E. of Phoenix, is a paradise for the win­ nowned for salads and pastrtes and huge
ter resort seeker. Here you can enjoy your tors. The food is good.
Bavarian creams. No liquor.
favorite sport and the beautiful surround­ COLONIAL INN. Hollywood. California.
ings. The home cooking is of excellent 1966 North Vermont Ave. Those who are MELODY LANE, Los Angeles. California.
quality. planning a visit to this little inn may an­ 5351 Wilshire Blvd. This restaurant Is oper­
SHEFFLER'S CAFE. Salome. Arizona. High­ ticipate good, appetizing food with that ated by the Pig'n Whistle Corporation. and
ways 60 and 70. A unique place to eat serv­ home-cooked flavor which is achieved only includes a cafe, cocktail room, and confec­
ing everything from the lowly hamburger by using the best and freshest ingredients. tionery. The reputation of this organization
to a double Porterhouse. Excellent modem IVAR HOUSE. Hollywood. California. 1737 has been built up through years of cour·
motel rooms will also be found here. Ivar Ave. Because of its hospitality and teous service and fine food. Their menus
chllrm, the Ivar House has become one of are comprehensive and their prices reason­
Arizona. 4 miles East on Alvernon Way. wood's most noted dining places. Slm­
This Lodge is a place delightfully different ood cooked With the greatest of care :1. W. ROBINSON'S TEA .ROOM. Los An­
from a guest ranch or a hotel. The atmos­ geles. California. 600 W. 7th st. This Tea
phere of a private home combined with MUSSO AND FRANKS GRILL. Hollywood, Room is located on the seventh floor of
luxury, chann, and restfulness make a stay Callfornia. 6667 Hollywood Blvd. Excellent Robinson's department store and is of the
here just what you would wish. cuisine and service at moderate prices. small, intimate variety. Salads are served
Dinner is a la carte. with sandwiches, and sandWich orders in­
SAN CARLOS CAFE. Tucson. Arizona. 158 clude little salads. There is a fashion show
N. Stone Ave. The largest restaurant in BUENA VISTA, Indio. California. Little tile every day from 12-2 p.m.
town, reasonable rates, and excellent food. roof bungalows with every comfort and
convenience and kitchenettes completely STEVENS NIKABOB. Loa Angeles. Califor­
CALIFORNIA outfitted with dishes and cooking utensils nia. 875 South Western Ave. Modem decor,
LAWRY'S, Beverly Hllis. California. 150 N. make a stay here very enjoyable. quiet atmosphere. an all-inClUSive menu
La Cienega Blvd. Roast beef and York­ HOTEL INDIO. IndiO. California. Highway and an accomplished chef make the Nikabob
shire pudding are the specialties of the a thoroughly charming and satisfactory
house. In cooking, the roasts are coated 99, "The friendly inn on the desert" is a place to dine.
With an inch layer of rock salt. Service most welcome stopping place for good food
from carts. and lodging for the night. 'LEVEN OAKS HOTEL, Monrovia, Califor­
SUK'S TAVERN. King Cl1y. California. nia. HighWay 66, 120 S. Myrtle Ave, A
RICHLORS. Beverly Hills. California. 156 N. Highway 101. An exceptionally fine eating comfortable, family hotel where good food,
La Cienega Blvd. This is a new restaurant place for so small a town. In very attrac­ well served, attractively furnished rooms
which specializes in Hamburger steaks of tive surroundings, Mr. Suk prepares and with excellent beds are offered guests. Rates
the very finest quality. Here guests dine in serves food that more than satisfies the reasonable.
an atmosphere that is smart and appealing hungry traveler.
with gracious service as a keynote. Prices STAGG'S OLD CORRAL. Moun1ain View,
reasonable. CHAMBERS LODGE. Lake Tahoe, Califor­ California. Bayshore Highway. 2 miles
BIG S'I1R LODGE. :Big Sur. California. High­ nia. Highway 89. Chambers Lodge occu­ north of Moffett Field. One of the most in­
way 1. Located in the beautiful Redwoods, pies one of the most beautiful sites on teresting stops between San Francisco and
you will find Big Sur Lodge a most delight­ Lake Tahoe. The modernly equipped cot­ Los Angeles. In addition to good food, here
ful spot for relaxation and enjoyment. Mr. tages, the velvety lawns and well-kept flow­ is where the Old West lives again. You see
Raymond Will see that you are served the .ers, and the quiet surroundings make this with what the great pioneers brought civi­
very best meals possible to find anywhere. lodge an ideal place to spend a summer lization to our great State. You see guns
They specialize in mountain trout dinners. vacation. In the dining room only the most used by Jesse James, "Wild Bill" Hickok,
carefully prepared meais are served. guns that licked the British, French, Indians
CARLSBAD HOTEL. Carlsbad. California. AMBASSADOR HOTEL, Los Angeles. Call­ and the Mexicans-everything that ever trod
Highway 101. "A luxurious seaside resort ho­ fomia. Certainly, no one need be told by upon us-over 2,000 guns that paved the
tel set in a floral wonderland." Inexpensive us to visit the Ambassador. Located in the trails West with lead.
rates, deluxe service, and good food. heart of the Wilshire District, this great
TAM 0' SHANTER INN. Glendale. Callfor­ hotel and its 22-acre park is a major South­ PLANTER'S DOCK. Oakland. California.
ma. 2980 Los Feliz Blvd. Their greatest 'ern California attraction, with hotel and Foot of Broadway, on pier. Not a fancy
feature is the hamburger-presented in so dining room accommodations seldom place, but it serves some mighty fine food,
many deluxe forms, that lowly food is lifted equalled and its Cocoanut Grove probably Unusual Chinese dishes are a specialty.
to a high place indeed. Prices are mod­ the best known night spot in all Western DINAH'S SHACK, Palo Alto. California.
erate. America. • Highway 101. 4269 El Camino Real. If you
VAN DE KAMP·S. Glendale and Pasadena., BROWN DERBY RESTAURANTS: 3377 Wil­ want to be sure of your dinner here, it is
California. The meals here are Simple, well shire Boulevard, Los Angeles; 1628 North a good idea to make reservations. Their
prepared, and appetizingly served, Prices Vine Street, Hollywood; 4500 Los Feliz specialties are southern fried chicken, corn­
are very reasonable. Boulevard, Los Angeles; 9537 Wilshire fed steaks, and baked Virginia ham.
HILLCREST DINING ROOM. Pasadena. CARSON INN, WillUs. Callfomia. Main St. the summer are among the most popular
CaUfomla. 3570 East Foothill Blvd. This es­ Situated on the Redwood Highway, this sports. but at any time of the year you can
tablishment was started in 1922 by Ray· place serves delicious home-cooked meals always be sure the meals will be "tops."
mond Summers, who then had only a route and offers comfortable rooms for the night. THE DORCHESTER HOUSE, Ocean Lake,
delivering milk and home-made ice cream. Their jams, jellies and pastries are prepared Oregon. Highway 101. A thoroughly mod­
From that small start we find an institution here. ern hotel where you realize the unexpected.
that is well worthy of the good name that HOTEL WOODLAND, Woodland, California. Overlooking the ocean. it is near the center
it now has. Highway 99W. The best hotel in this vi­ of a beautiful nine-mile beach. In the din­
VISTA DEL ARROYO HOTEL. Pasadena. cinity. Here importance is placed on good ing room you will find that "quality has no
California, 125 S. Grand Ave. In this lovely food. substitute."
hotel one may dine in elegance On such COLORADO HENRY THIELE·S. Portland. Oregon. 2305
things as chicken. roast beef, and delight­ W. Burnside. In the beautiful reSidential
ful smorgasbord suppers on Sunday. Prices BROADMOOR HOTEL. Colorado Springs,
Colorado. South of City. At this beautiful district of Portland you will find a delight­
may be a little high, but you'll get your
ful little restaur\lnt that serves wonderful
money's worth.
hotel, at the foot of Pike's Peak, you can
enjoy any of your favorite sports. Attrac­ food. Mr. Thiele has studied the culinary
MISSION INN. Rlveulde. Califomia. High­
tions of special interest include Will Rogers art in Europe under famous chefs and de­
ways 60, 395 and 18. Mission Inn is the pride Shrine of the Sun. and the. Garden of the lights in preparing unusual and unique
of Southern California and. in fact. the en­ Gods. Cuisine of the Broadmoor is known dishes.
tire West. Important personages and cul­ the world around. THE PANCAKE HOUSE, Portland, Oregon.
tured travelers from all over the world have 8600 S. W. Pacific Highway. You will be
been attracted to this hotel for many years GOLDEN LANTERN INN. Denver. Colorado.
1265 Broadway. This "Steak House of the served all the pancakes you can eat for
because of its charming setting in the gar­ 30c. Also sausages. etc.
den city of Riverside. and its true spirit of West" is something you won't find ·every
hospitality. Its superior accommodations day. so when you're in its vicinity, stop and TEXAS
and excellent food adds, in no small way. give yourself a real treat. THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL. Fort Worth,
to the popularity of this delightful inn. KREYER'S RESTAURANT. Denver, Colo­ Texas. As nice a hotel as you'll find any­
HART'S. Sacramento. California. 919 K rado. 410 17th St. This city restaurant serves where.
Street. Hart's is the oldest restaurant in a large variety of tasty dishes which in­ YE OLD COLLEGE INN. Houston, Texas.
Sacramento, in continuous operation for cludes the best of meats and vegetables. 6545 Main. Constant, painstaking kitchen
nearly twenty-nine years. Huge corn fed Popular prices. supervISIon. and personal overseeing of
Kansas steer beef sliced per your request BALDPATE INN. Estes Park. Colorado. every item purchased for daily consump­
right before your eyes. Highway 7. Located high on the beauti­ tion has made this inn a popular eating
MORGAN'S CAFETERIA, San Diego. Cali­ fully timbered slope of the "Twin Sisters." place.
fornia. 1049 6th St. Those who enjoy a at an elevation of 9,000 feet above sea level, THE BAKER HOTEL. Mineral Wells. Texas.
cafeteria will find this one of the best. At­ on one of the most popular park highways Highway 80. Besides being a well-equipped
tractive surroundings and good food. Not and at the very boundary of the Rocky modern hotel. it is a year-round health re­
cheap. Mountain National Park itself, Baldpate Inn sort. where amid the quiet and peace of
looks out over one of the most remarkable a country village health and pleasure seek­
CATHAY HOUSE. San Francisco. Califomia. vistas to be seen all¥Where. A wonderful ers find enjoyment. A Chef trained in Switz­
718 California St. If you haven't already place to spend a vacation I erland provides a good variety of well­
had the pleasure of meeting Johnny Kan cooked, excellent meals.
in. his interesting restaurant, put the Cathay THE CORNER CUPBOARD, Grand Lake,
House at the head of your list of stops in Colorado. Highway 34. An old rustic hotel MILAM CAFETERIA. San Antonio. Texas.
San FranCisco. A large glass kitchen win­ of mining days remodeled for a dining Travis and Soledad St. This beautiful air­
dow is conveniently placed so that you can room. Guests eat by candlelight at night, conditioned dining room serves southern
watch your food being prepared. and enjoy such things as chicken. trout. cooking at prices that suit.
steaks, etc.
fomla. The Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill mAHO PARRY LODGE, Kanab. Utah. Highway 89.
in San Francisco is one of the world-famous RICE'S RANCH, Hammell. Idaho. Highway When you are looking for a good place to
hotels that have given San Francisco its 30. Home made ice cream. churned butter­ spend a night or have a good meal, you'll
reputation for grand hotels and fine living. milk. angel and devils food cake. and fried not be disappointed if you try the Parry
With its majestic setting and view of the chicken are some of the attractions that Lodge. It lies in the canyon country and is
Golden Gate and Bay your visit here as a have brought travelers for seventeen years only 90 minutes drive to Grand Canyon,
guest enjoying fine accommodations. or as to the front door of this ranch. Better make Bryce Canyon. or Zion Can
a patron of the dining rooms will provide reservations. SUTTON·S. Provo, Utah. ways 50, 89
a thrilling appreciation of present-day San MEXICO and 91. An excellent cafe w a large se-
Francisco. HOTEL GENEVE.· Mexico City, Mexico. A lection of foods.
POST STREET CAFETERIA. San Francisco. modern hotel In a Spanish setting that is LYNN'S CAFE. Richfield. Utah. 10 N. Main.
California. 62 Post St. This is not the usual well·known for its quiet dignity and spa­ They feature home-cooking, home-made
type of cafeteria. Many flowers and a quiet cious comfort to the tourists of Mexico City. pies, biscuits. and pastry. Everything from
atmosphere add to the enjoyment of a de­ The surroundings are attractive and the a sandwich to a full dinner. Air-condi­
licious meal. food quite good. tioned.
DANIGER·S. Santa Ana. California. High­ SANBORN'S. Mexico City, MexIco. 6 Ma­ WASHINGTON
way 101. Second Floor of Santora Bldg. A dero St. This American owned establish­ HOTEL MONTICELLO,Longview. Waahlng­
very nice restaurant serving home-cooked ment, where people from the four corners ton. 99 and 830. When you are
pastries, sweetbreads and chicken dinners. of the globe dine. will fascinate you. Be in this stop and enjoy the gracious
A large menu with reasonable prices. sure to visit their various interesting shops charm of eautiful hotel, which is sur­
THE SAMARKAND HOTEL. Santa Barbara. while you are here. rounded by a lovely park of stately trees
Califomia. Highway 101. This beautiful GRAN HOTEL ANCIRA. Monterrey. MexIco. and colorful flowers.
hotel, also situated on the shores of the Pa­ Plaza. Hidalgo. In old Monterrey. comfort­ PACIFIC BEACH HOTEL, Pacific Beach,
cific, overlooks nothing in contributing to able accommodations may be found at the Washington. This beautiful hotel overlook­
the pleasure and comfort of the discriminat­ Gran Hotel Ancira. The food is good. Ing the ocean is located on the famed Olym­
ing traveler. pic Peninsula. Crab and trout fishing, surf
SANTA MARIA INN. Santa Maria. CaUfor­ MONTANA bathing and side trips to the Olympic
nia. Highway 101. This "Valley of the Gar­ TROUT VALLEY LODGE. Cabin City, Mon­ Mountains are some of the attractions that
dens" is a spot all nature lovers should tana. Highway 10. This Lodge offers modern draw many each year. Everyone who has
visit. The largest fiower gardens of the log cabins In pleasant surroundings. They been here has nothing but praise for the
world are to be found here. and an Inn that are furnished in gay colors with rustic fur­ meals.
will make your stay long to be remembered. niture. Fresh Rainbow Trout Steaks and HOME OF THE GREEN APPLE PIE, Se­
CHAT 'If CHEW CAFE, Sunland, California. Chicken Dinners with Home Baked Bread aUle, Wash Mrs. Smith is now on
8203 Foothill Blvd. A small unpretentious are featured in the dining room. her way to b her second millionth pie.
place specializing in steaks, chops. and tur­ HOTEL RAINBOW, Great Falls. Montana. The food is exc t and their hot apple
key at reasonable prices. The surroundings Highways 89 and 91. Here you'll find a large pie a la mode is something you'll remember
are pleasant and the food good. Open Tues­ selection of good food at very reasonable a long time.
day to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. prices. THE QUINAULT, Quinault. Washington.
VALERIE JEAN DATE SHOP. Thermal, Highway 101. This hotel. situatE!Q. on beau­
NEVADA tiful Lake Quinault, is a paradise hard to
Califomla. 12 miles below Indio. This SAL SAGEV HOTEL, Las Vegas. Nevada.
Oasis on the Desert, while not an eating equal. Their most interesting feature is an
Highways 93 and 66. A stay at this hotel Indian canoe trip, with an Indian guide, to
place, rates a visit. Home of dates with a will prove most interesting, as from it you
national mail order business. Originator of the waters of the PaCific Ocean. You can
can make short trips to such points of in­ also enjoy swimming. fishing. hiking, riding,
the Date Milkshake that folks drive miles terest as Boulder Dam, Death Valley and
to get. Interesting illustrated gift catalog boating and golf. The guest rooms are
many others. Serves very good meals. charming and clean and the dining room
mailed upon request. .
FORTUNE CLUB. Reno. Nevada. Highways serves very nice food.
THE NUT TREE, Vacaville. California. 40, 50, and 395, Corner Second and Center DAVENPORT HOTEL. Spokane, Washing­
Highway 40. Simple but delicious food Sts. If you want a very excellent lunch or ton. An exceptional hotel nationally known
served in pleasant surroundings. One of dinner we recommend the Fortune Club,
their special features is Boneless Chicken for its luxurious furnishings and excellent
said to be the most beautiful casino in the cuisine.
Tamales. West.
ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Volcano, California. WYOMING
Those who are interested in the ghost towns OREGON PIONEER HOTEL. Cheyenne. Wyoming.
of California will find the historical gold COLUMBIA GORGE HOTEL, Hood River. We recommend this hotel as a place where
center of the Mother Lode in Amador Coun­ Oregon. Highway 30. on Columbia River you will find "comfort without extrava­
ty, Volcano. extremely fascinating. This is highway. "A Hotel in a Garden," with gance."
a tip to the visitor of old Volcano: when Mount Adams to the north and Mount Hood ANN NEWELL'S, Sheridan. Wyoming. High.
here try a meal in the dining room of the to the south. You'll long remember this ways 87 and 14. Those taking this route to
St. George Hotel. or better still. stay all spot as one of the most magnificent si{:lhts Yellowstone will find Miss Newell's a wel­
night at this old inn. erected in the '70's you have ever been privileged to enjoy. come resting place. Simple, home-cooked
and just recently reconditioned. Skiing in the winter and fishing and golf in food is served.


Reader's and Writer's

Napoleon once told one of his field Juliette Laine who in answer
marshals: "When a. man renders me a
service 1 have not asked for, he is
to our query says:
greater than 1. For 1 am in his debt and I was born in Chicago. Ill.. longer ago
he remains the greater until 1 can re­ than I'll truthfully tell. In early 'teens went
pay it." to New York to study music. While there
did considerable singing in radio and as
One of our subscribers sent in the above :'This magazine interests me immediately-so soloist at the Strand and Capitol Theatres.
quotation and wrote: "Every visitor to
Ghost Town Village is indebted to WaI­
much SO that I want it regularly; so am enclosing
my subscription. I am delighted to find that it con­
tains considerable matter of real historical interest.
and that therefore it should do much to popularize
also held several good church positions.
Planned to go to Europe later. but uncer­
tain conditions there made such project
ter Knott for furnishing the world with the further study of our colorful past."
this composite picture of early western impossible. Had discovered that I could
earn money by writing articles on musical
days but some of us can't get to Ghost Dean of the Graduate School of topics for the Etude, Musical Courier, and
Town Village or at least not as often as the University of Southern California.
other musical journals. during my student
we'd like. I think that manv will agree years. When musical career folded I de­
HGHOST TOWN NEWS continues to be most inter­
with me that in giving us Ghost Town esting. I read it regularly and enjoy it thoroughly cided to devote myself exclUSively to writ­
as I do all the valid literature pertaining to the ing. and have been earning my living with
News Mr. Knott has done another thing Old West. Keep up the good work!"
just as great. The authentic word-pic­ -PHIL TOWNSEND HANNA, Editor it for the past fifteen vears. Have inter­
tures of the days of old. the :resurrected lYes/WilYs. viewed every musical celebrity from Ca­
photographs and the sketches that brlnq ruso and Paderewski to--Dorothy La­
"I want to compliment you as you should be mour! While I am most at home in mu­
back the recollection of the valorous days oompHmented each issue, for the very interesting,
worthwhile, and enlightening articles that appear in sic. I can occasionally write about other
of our early ancestors interest and enter­ the magazine. You are teaching us all incidents of things, and frequentlv do. Have done seri­
California history that we should know.
tain us and provide inspiration for youth. ous music criticism. Hollywood gossip col-
The stories of men and women of todav
Managing Director The
and our great institutions are chosen with Mission Inn, Riverside, Calif.
splendid vision. What Ghost Town Vil­
"I found the article by Johnny Kan on San
lage does for those who visit it so Ghost Francisco's Chinatown most interesting. Your maga­
Town News does for thousands all over zine is so wdl edited that I am SUre you must find
it great fun doing the job."
the land. Your magazine occupies a place -MARGARET ETTINGER
all its own and I predict that your family Hollywood. Calif.
of subscribers will grow by leaps and (II believe I read every word of the August issue
bounds." of GHOST TOWN NEWS and I enjoyed it tre­
And here are extracts from a dozen dif­ -CAMERON ROBERTSON
Pacific Coast Editor
ferent letters-all bouquets you'll note and Business IYuk.
the brickbats we hurl across the Atlantic
at Hitler. "I read the last issue of GHOST TOWN NEWS and
think it is great. I like the idea of old stories of
the West and the people that helped to build it up.
HI think "our magazine is very interesting and It is an inspiration to us of today. H
especially well done. I look forward to receiving
each issue.
-R. C. NICOLL. Proprietor
Valerie Jean Date Shop
AhuJa Life.
Thermal. Calif.

"August number of GHOST TOWN NEWS received "You certainly have a capacity for digging up
a,!d it. go~s without saying that I am much pleased interesting things for your "GUOST TOWN NEWS."
With Its Improved appearance. The paper is fast You have a paper in which I think any Californian
approaching real magazine status. Paul has cer­ should be interested,"
tainly made Lola Montez a real glamour girl at -C. M. BIGSBY, Publisher
last . • • the best picture of that noted character
Juliette Laine
Radio Life and President
I have seen anywhere." Compton Printing Company.
-E. G. KlNYON. Manag;ng Editor umns, film criticism and film star inter­
The Morning Union. HI can 1 t tell you how much I am enjoying- your views. Am writing a novel. and planning
GHOST TOWN NEWS. It's a clever idea and charm­ a romantic drama on the love-life of Rich­
"While spending the recent week·end at the Mis­ ingly worked out. I hope it "goes over" in a big
sion Inn, Riverside, I came across one of your April wav, and I shall' certainly call as much attention ard Wagner. Have just ghosted a book
issues which I enjoyed reading. The titlo of your to ~it as possible, whenever opportunity offers. on singing. in collaboration with Dr. Lazar
publication fits in nicely with the brief stories of -JULIETTE LAINE.
the past and a storehouse of information can be Samoiloff. the famous singing-teacher,
llieaned from our historic past; believe you have which will come out-we hope--in Sep­
It. Enclosed my check . . . "
If Ghost Town News interests you all tember ("The Singer's Handbook"). Have
San Francisco, Calif. credit is due the many good writers who two dogs, an overstuffed Cocker spaniel
contribute to its columns each issue. Among named "Betsey-Stop-That" and a poodle
"The August issue of the GHOST TOWN NEWS regular contributors whose work has been named' "Baby"; also two turtles. "Victor
arrived. Allow me to congratulate you on a splen­
did job-its educational, interesting, decidedly frequently commented upon are; Howard Mature" and "Betty Grable." Spend all
worthwhile and cleverly made up."
Kegley, James H. Collins. June LeMert my money on books which I never have
-CARL T. NUNAN time to read, and phonograph records
San Francisco, Calif. Paxton, Edmund G. Kinyon. Charles A.
which I rarely have time to play. An odd
Moore. Carl T. Nunan. John L. Dexter life, but a contented one. Secret ambition
" • . . there is enough good stuff in every issue and Miriam Allen deFord. Other good
to hold the readers interest. and your Magazine i. is to write a novel that the movies will
hound to grow, for you put into it what everyday writerS contribute from time to time and buy for a fabulous price--after which I
Americans like to read."
some new ones appear in this issue. and shall never again write another line! (I
Moore's Monthly. we introduce hate writing!)

HOOFS AND HORNS BOOMTOWN BUCCANEERS Miller, the man who brought her in. is
more favorably known as "Cow" Miller,
During the last few years the sport of By William Colt MacDonald and as "Cow" Miller Jet him be known
Rodeo has taken the country by storm. from nowon.
The spirit of the Old West has pervaded From the time Peaceful Jenkins rode into
all sections of the United States, and the Spanish Wells with Applejack Peters after "All hail to you. Mrs. Bovine! May your
in terest in its typical sport has increased a bank robbery and found the secret of a shadow never grow less and may your
in proportion. dead bandit in a mysterious deck of cards. society improve the people-internally. at
Down in Tucson, Arizona, in the heart least. Welcome you are and it is trusted
he lived a dangerous and hunted life, sev­ that your welcome will bring a stampede
of the "roping country", is published the
official and only magazine devoted to the eral times being caught in a trap from of your kind. for it is considered you are
sport of Rodeo as a whole. Hoofs and which he was able to escape only because a valuable addition to Dawson."
Horns-the name-is as wild as the broncs of his quick thinking and accurate marks­
and cow critters that feature in the arena. manship.

Hoofs and Horns contains news of ro­

deos all over the country and many items This exciting. lusty tale of boomtown
of interest about the cowboys and cowgirls days gives the reader plenty of thrills. If Some folks send in a list of
who contest and work in the shows. Be­ you enjoy shootin' there's more than the friends they think would like to
sides the rodeo news, there are always average amount of it in BOOMTOWN receive Ghost Town News-West­
stories that represent the West as It was ern Magazine. Each yearly sub­
and is. BUCCANEERS written by William Colt scription (six issues) costs only
A simple, folksy little magazine that MacDonald and published by Doubleday, Ilfty cen ts.
makes every reader feel that he "belongs." Doran and Company, Inc. This volume Five dollars pays for ten sub­
Odd as it may seem, this magazine that contains 271 pages and may be purchased scriptions and ten friends receive
deals with the most exciting and red­ at most bookstores for two dollars. this magazine for an entire year.
blooded sport in America, is edited by a
woman. Mrs. Ethel A. Hopkins ("Ma Thanks!
Hopkins" to the cowboys and readers) CONTENTED COW OWNER The benellts are many. More
who claims that she couldn't stick on a The arrival of the Ilrst cow in Klondike people learn about our great west
horse if it moved out of a walk unless she was reported in the columns of Klondike's and its attractions. Some of the
were securely tied on, nevertheless does a newspaper, The Klondike Nugget. and the reCipients like the magazine and
right good job of putting out the news of item reprinted in the book by the same become regular readers. And many
the rodeo game and its folks. name authored by Russell A. Bankson, pub­ folks receiving the magazine as a
Subscription price is $1.00 per year. two lished by the Caxton Printers of Caldwell. gift immediately send gift subscrip­
years for $1.50. in the United States; $1.25 Idaho. On July 2nd. 1898 The Nugget tions to some of their friends. It's
per year, two years $2.00 in Canada. said:
just like a chain letter deal.
Address Hoofs and Horns, Box 790.
"The Ilrst milk cow ever in Dawson ar­ Most folks are like that. Do
Tucson. Arizona. something nice for them and they
rived on Wednesday. She was not very
well pleased with her surroundings and want to do something nice for you
did not give much milk; but that Ilrst milk­ or their friends.
GHOST TOWN NEWS ing brought just $30 in Klondike gold dust. Maybe you can think of a
She will be treated to the best that Daw­ couple of friends that would enjoy
Number one is entirely ex­ son affords-flour and packing case hay­ reading this little magaZine - and
hausted. A few copies of numbers and is expected to do better as the days one dollar will send it to both for
2. 3, 1, 5 and 6 remain and will grow shorter. One hundred dollars a milk­ one year.
be sent postpaid upon receipt of ten ing is not too much to expect of her, as
cents per copy. she comes of good family and will not do GHOST TOWN -NEWS
GHOST TOWN NEWS anything to make her ancestors turn over
Buena Park. Calif. in their graves-or more properly speak­ Buena Park, California

ing. in the stomachs of their patrons. H. L.

---------~ ~-----~-----~ ......--..-------­

Here's Something nice for you - ALucky Binder for your Magazine

An ornament for any library A "lucky" Yucca Binder for your maga­
current issue of Ghost Town News for
$1.25-or with a two-year subscription, 12
desk or table. An ornament for any library or desk or issues, for $2.00.
table. The cover is plain and without printing.
Size about 10 inches by 12. Front and It will also serve as a binder for Time.
back just plain flexible Yucca. Holds a Newsweek or magazines of that size.
dozen or more copies of Ghost Town News This makes a handsome gift. A true
-Western Magazine. product of California and the desert.
The Ilrst inside cover contains the 1-color Fill out the blank below and start your
picture "Courage" depicting the wagon subscription. If already a subscriber you
train crossing the desert in 1868. will have an additional two-year subscrip­
Mailed postpaid anywhere in the U.s.A. tion. 12 numbers, added to your subscrip­
with a copy of the Souvenir Edition and tion.
I GHOST TOWN NEWS, Buena Park. California
Please send me the "lucky" Yucca Binder. with the 1-color picture "Courage,"
I the Souvenir edition, and current issue of Ghost Town News and enter my sub-
I scription for two years (12 issues). Remittance of $2.00 enclosed herewith. I
I Name...........................................................................................................................................
II Street........................................................................................................................................... II


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