Understanding Climate Factors and Impacts in Abuyog, Leyte: A Correlational and Trend Analysis (2010-2020)

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Understanding Climate Factors and Impacts in Abuyog, Leyte: A Correlational and Trend

Analysis (2010-2020)

Ama, Nathan Andrie C.

Manuscript for Weather and Climate Analysis in Abuyog, Leyte, Philippines
From Year 2010 up to Year 2020
Obtained from Global Weather and Climate Website


Weather and Climate This study presents a comprehensive analysis of climate trends in Abuyog and Leyte from 2010 to 2020,
Abuyog, Leyte revealing significant insights into the relationships between temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind
Climatic Factors speed, and other key variables. Through meticulous examination of annual variations and correlation
Trend Analysis analyses, this study elucidates the intricate dynamics of the local climate system without providing
Correlational prescriptive solutions. The findings underscore the importance of long-term data collection and analysis in
enhancing our understanding of climate variability and its potential impacts on agriculture, water resources,
and the residents of Abuyog and Leyte. Furthermore, this research highlights the interconnected nature of
climate factors and their implications for the environment and community well-being in Abuyog. By
identifying significant correlations and trends in climatic variables, this study contributes valuable
knowledge to the scientific community regarding regional climate change effects. Recommendations for
future research include expanding the scope of the study to investigate specific aspects of climate variability
and extending the analysis period to gain a more comprehensive understanding of evolving climate patterns
in the region. This study emphasizes the interconnected nature of climate variables and their implications
for the local environment and community well-being in Abuyog and Leyte. By highlighting the trends in
climatic factors and their potential impacts, this research contributes to the broader scientific discourse on
regional climate change impacts. Recommendations for future research include extending the study period
beyond 2020 and validating data sources to further enhance our understanding of climate variability in the
region. Overall, this research serves as a foundational resource to gain insights into evolving climate patterns,
relationships, and variability over the past few years.

This study aims to analyze the climate trends in Abuyog

NATURE AND IMPORTANCE from 2010 to 2020, using a dataset of temperature, dew
point, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. Through
this analysis, the study will provide valuable insights into
Climate change is a pressing global issue, with far- the historical climate dynamics of Abuyog, helping to
reaching consequences for the environment, human interpret the implications of observed trends. Leyte is
health, and the economy. The Philippines, an archipelago characterized by rugged and mountainous terrain with a
in Southeast Asia, is highly vulnerable to climate-related torrential rainfall pattern. This includes understanding
hazards, including rising temperatures, changing potential impacts on agriculture, water resources, and
precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of disaster preparedness. By determining the implications of
extreme weather events. According to USAID GOV these climate trends, the research will assist local
(2022), the country is situated in the ‘Pacific Typhoon policymakers and community leaders in making
belt’ where it experiences an average of 20 typhoons per informed decisions to address climate-related challenges.
year, of which seven to 9 make landfall. It also lies in the Although the data is historical, the insights gained will be
‘Pacific ring of fire’ where it is exposed to earthquakes essential for planning future strategies to mitigate adverse
and volcanic eruptions, Abuyog, a municipality in Leyte, effects and enhance resilience against climate-related
Philippines, is no exception. Additionally, according to hazards, ensuring sustainable development and improved
the website of Phil Atlas, Abuyog is a coastal quality of life for the residents of Abuyog.
municipality in the province of Leyte. The municipality
has a land area of 688.25 square kilometers or 265.73
The main goal of this study is to determine the
square miles which constitutes 10.86% of Leyte's total
correlations, trends, and implications of various climate
area. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census
factors in Abuyog from 2010 to 2020. By analyzing a
was 61,216.
comprehensive dataset that includes temperature, dew
point, humidity, wind speed and precipitation, the study

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
aims to identify significant patterns and relationships H₀: There is no significant relationship between the
between these variables. Understanding these climate factors from 2010-2020.
correlations and trends is crucial for assessing how
climate factors have evolved over the past decade and H₁: There is a significant relationship between the climate
what these changes imply for the local environment, factors from 2010-2020.
human health of fellow Abuyognons.
Climate change is a complex phenomenon
This study examines the climate trends in Abuyog, Leyte, driven primarily by human activities such as the burning
Philippines from 2010 to 2020. Specifically, this aims to: of fossil fuels, industrial processes, and changes in land
use. According to the website of Denchak (2019), These
1. Investigate the annual variations in temperature in activities increase the concentration of greenhouse gases
Abuyog from 2010 to 2020. Identify significant trends, like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, which
anomalies, and patterns over the decade. trap heat and contribute to the warming of the Earth's
climate system. The resulting changes in climate patterns
2. Conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify manifest in various ways, including shifts in temperature,
correlations between temperature, dew point, humidity, precipitation, humidity levels, and wind patterns. These
wind speed, sea level pressure, and precipitation. trends are not uniform globally, with regional and local
Evaluate how these factors interact and influence each variations often influenced by geographical factors,
other over the study period. ocean currents, and local land-use practices.

3. Conduct a trend analysis in determining the increase or Climate change is a complex and multifaceted
decrease of climate factors from 2010-2020. issue, driven by human activities such as burning fossil
fuels, deforestation, and land-use changes. The
4. Determine the implications of climate factors in Philippines is highly susceptible to climate-related
agriculture, water resources and human health and others. hazards, including typhoons, floods, and droughts.
Previous studies have shown that the country is
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY experiencing a warming trend, the Philippines, like most
parts of the world, have shown temperature increases.
Records from 1951 to 2010 (based on 1971 to 2000) show
The findings of the study would be beneficial to the
an average increase of 0.648°C in the last 60 years;
maximum day and night temperatures have increased by
0.36°C and 1.0°C, respectively (Prevention Web, 2021).
1. Scientific Knowledge: The findings contribute to the However, there is a lack of research on climate trends in
body of scientific knowledge on regional climate trends. Abuyog, particularly at the local level. Localized studies
By understanding the patterns and correlations between within the Philippines, particularly at the municipal level
temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed, sea level like in Abuyog, Leyte, are crucial for understanding how
pressure, and precipitation, researchers can deepen their these broader climate trends manifest on a smaller scale.
understanding of local climate systems. Such studies can elucidate localized temperature
variations, seasonal changes, and long-term climate
2. Educational Opportunity: For students, particularly patterns that may differ from national or regional
those studying environmental science, geography, or averages.
meteorology, this study provides a valuable learning
opportunity. It offers a practical example of how climate Research focusing on local climate trends in
data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted to understand places like Abuyog provides valuable insights into the
local climate trends. specific impacts of climate change on ecosystems,
agriculture, water resources, and community livelihoods
3. Future Researchers: Future researchers can use this and others. For instance, analyzing temperature trends
study as a foundational resource for further investigation can reveal shifts in local climate regimes, influencing
into climate dynamics in similar regions. It provides a growing seasons and agricultural practices, an example of
comprehensive dataset and analytical framework that can this study is the Implications of climate change for
be expanded upon to explore specific aspects of climate agricultural productivity in the early twenty-first century
variability. where concerning a wide range of processes through
which climate change could potentially impact global-
scale agricultural productivity, and presents projections
of changes in relevant meteorological, hydrological and
HYPOTHESIS plant physiological quantities from a climate model

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
ensemble to illustrate key areas of uncertainty (Gornall is characterized by a tropical climate with significant
et.al, 2010). Studying precipitation patterns helps in seasonal variations influenced by its geographical
understanding changes in water availability and the location near the Pacific Ocean. The municipality, which
frequency of extreme weather events, which are critical spans coastal areas and hilly terrains, experiences a range
for water resource management and flood preparedness, of climatic conditions that affect its agriculture, water
this has been proved by the website of Economic and resources, and local livelihoods. This study examines the
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2023) where climate factors in Abuyog over a decade, from 2010 to
climate changes also affect the amount and distribution of 2020, by analyzing data on temperature, dew point,
precipitation, which impacts water availability and humidity, wind speed, sea level pressure, and
quality – thus, affecting the timing and intensity of precipitation collected from the Global Weather and
snowmelt, flood and drought events, impacting water Climate website. Understanding these climate trends is
availability for agriculture, energy production, and crucial for the community, as it provides insights into how
human consumption. Moreover, investigating humidity climatic changes are influencing local environmental and
levels and wind patterns contributes to understanding socio-economic conditions.
local microclimates and their implications for human
comfort, air quality, and energy demand. DATA COLLECTION

The purpose of this study is to determine the This study involves gathering comprehensive
relationships and trends of the climate factors such as climate data from the reliable website, spanning the
temperature, dew point, humidity, precipitation and wind period from 2010 to 2020. The primary climate variables
speed. By filling the research gaps at the local level, of interest include temperature, dew point, humidity,
studies on climate trends in municipalities like Abuyog wind speed, sea level pressure, and precipitation.
Leyte contribute to a more comprehensive understanding Historical records will be sourced from Global Weather
of climate change impacts across diverse geographic and and Climate website, ensuring data accuracy and
socio-economic contexts. consistency. The data is collected on June 10, 2024,
recorded and analyzed by the researcher. Moreover, the
RESEARCH DESIGN data will be systematically compiled into a structured
database, allowing for detailed temporal analysis.
The research design employed in this study is Monthly and annual averages will be calculated to
both longitudinal and correlational, aiming to capture seasonal and long-term trends. This robust data
comprehensively analyze climate trends in Abuyog, collection process is critical for providing an accurate
Leyte, Philippines from 2010 to 2020. By utilizing a depiction of climate trends in Abuyog, Leyte, and
longitudinal approach, the study examines changes in key supporting the study's objectives of trend identification
climate variables—temperature, dew point, humidity, and correlation analysis.
wind speed, sea level pressure, and precipitation—over a
decade, providing insights into temporal trends and DATA ANALYSIS
patterns. Concurrently, the correlational aspect of the
research design focuses on identifying and analyzing the The climate data for Abuyog, Leyte, spanning
relationships between these climate variables, assessing from 2010 to 2020, was sourced from the Global Weather
how they influence each other over time. Historical and Climate Website, encompassing variables such as
climate data will be collected from Global Weather and temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation, dew point,
Climate website, ensuring a robust dataset for analysis. and wind speed. The collected data was analyzed using
Statistical techniques, including trend analysis and the statistical software including Jamovi and Microsoft
correlation analysis, will be applied to explore the Excel. To determine the annual variations, the bar graph
temporal evolution and interdependencies of the climate is used for the yearly variations of the climatic factors in
variables. This dual approach enables a comprehensive Abuyog, Leyte. Moreover, to explore the relationships
understanding of local climate dynamics, offering between these climate variables, a Correlation Matrix test
valuable information for developing targeted adaptation in Jamovi was conducted, revealing the strength and
strategies and contributing to the broader scientific direction of correlations among the variables.
discourse on regional climate change impacts. Additionally, to identify trends over the study period,
Linear Regression Trend Analysis in Microsoft Excel was
LOCALE OF THE STUDY employed. This analysis provided insights into the long-
term changes in each climate variable, highlighting
This research studied the climate factors of Abuyog significant trends and patterns that have emerged over the
Leyte, Philippines from 2010-2020. Abuyog, a decade. These analytical methods facilitated a
municipality located in the province of Leyte, comprehensive understanding of the climate dynamics in
Philippines, serves as the focal point for this climate trend Abuyog, informing future research and implications of
analysis. Situated in the Eastern Visayas region, Abuyog these climatic factors.

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS to 2019, there was a sharp decrease in dew point, reaching
23.25°C in 2019. This decline in dew point suggests a
This chapter presents the results and discussion, significant decrease in atmospheric moisture, potentially
interpretation based on the data. The indicators used in leading to a drier climate and less precipitation during this
using the appropriate tests are the variable used, the type period. The dew point saw a slight increase in 2020,
of data, and the objectives. The annual variations of the reaching 23.62°C. This increase in dew point indicates a
climate factors were analyzed using bar graphs. slight rise in atmospheric moisture, potentially leading to
Moreover, various tests will be used to test the significant an increase in precipitation and a more humid climate.
correlation of the variables such correlation matrix in However, the dew point in 2020 was still relatively low
Jamovi, the linear regression trend analysis used the compared to the peak in 2017, suggesting a relatively dry
Microsoft Excel scatterplot and analyzed by the trendline climate.
including the slope, intercept and the R^2 value.
Furthermore, the graph of figure 4 shows the
ANNUAL VARIATION OF THE CLIMATE annual humidity of Abuyog Leyte from 2010 to 2020,
FACTORS providing a comprehensive overview of the humidity
trends over the past decade. The humidity was highest in
2010 and 2011, with a remarkable 85.9% reading,
Figure 2 graph shows the annual temperature indicating a relatively humid environment during these
variations of Abuyog Leyte from 2010-2-020. In the first years. This High humidity levels leads to the
year of the period, 2010, the temperature was recorded at development of dense, towering cumulonimbus clouds,
28.36°C, which is relatively high compared to other which are often associated with thunderstorms, warm air
years. However, the temperature experienced a slight and heavy precipitation (Vackerglobal, 2023). However,
decrease in 2011, dropping to a low of 27.99°C. This the humidity began to decrease in 2012, dropping to
decline in temperature was short-lived, as the temperature 83.38%, and continued to decline in 2013, reaching
began to rise again in 2012, reaching 28.44°C. The 82.92%. This downward trend suggests that the
temperature continued to increase in 2013 with 28.59°C environment became less humid over these two years.
and decreases again in the year 2014 with 28.45°Cs, with The humidity then experienced a slight increase in 2014,
readings of 28.45°C and 28.59°C, respectively. This trend rising to 83.67%, which could be indicative of changes in
suggests a gradual warming of the environment during weather patterns or other environmental factors. From
this period. However, the temperature peaked in 2015 at 2015 through 2017, the humidity dropped to a low point,
29.34°C, indicating a slight increase from the previous reaching 76.21% in 2015 and 77.33% in 2017. This
year. The year 2016 witnessed the highest temperature significant decline in humidity levels may have been
reading of the decade, with a remarkable 29.6°C. This caused by a combination of factors such as changes in
significant increase in temperature could be attributed to atmospheric pressure, temperature fluctuations, or shifts
various factors, including climate change, climate change in precipitation patterns. In 2018, the humidity increased
caused by human activities, or natural phenomena slightly to 77.65%, which could be a sign of a gradual
(Giovetti, 2022). The temperature remained relatively recovery from the previous low humidity levels. From
high in 2017 and 2018 with a reading of 29.49°C. The 2018 to 2020, the humidity increased steadily, ending at
downward trend continued in 2019, with a temperature 82.63% in 2020. This upward trend suggests that the
reading of 27.67°C, and further decreased in 2020, environment became increasingly humid over these two
reaching 27.5°C. This decline in temperature could be years, potentially due to changes in weather patterns,
indicative of a natural cooling process or a response to increased precipitation, or other climatic factors.
environmental conservation efforts.
In addition, the figure 5 shows the annual wind
Moreover, figure 3 graph shows the annual dew speed variations of Abuyog Leyte from 2010 to 2020,
point variations in Abuyog Leyte from 2010 to 2020. The providing a comprehensive overview of the wind speed
dew point was highest in 2010 at 24.55°C, indicating a patterns over the past decade. The wind speed increased
relatively high level of atmospheric moisture during that from 6.23 kph in 2010 to 8.46 kph in 2011, indicating a
year. This could have resulted in a more humid climate, significant rise of approximately 2.23 kph within a year.
potentially leading to an increase in precipitation and This upward trend continued in 2012, with the wind speed
discomfort for individuals sensitive to humidity. The dew reaching 10.1 kph, marking a notable increase of 1.64 kph
point then gradually decreased until 2015, reaching the from the previous year. However, the wind speed began
lowest point of 23. 67°C.After 2015, the dew point to decrease slightly in 2013, dropping to 9.52 kph, and
increased again, reaching a peak of 24.13°C in 2017. This further increased to 9.6 kph in 2014. This decline may be
increase in dew point indicates a rise in atmospheric attributed to various environmental factors, such as
moisture, potentially leading to an increase in changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature. Despite
precipitation and a more humid climate. The high dew this decrease, the wind speed remained relatively high,
point in 2017 may have resulted in a more uncomfortable still above the 9 kph mark.
climate for individuals sensitive to humidity. From 2017

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
The wind speed experienced a significant surge in 2015, The table 1 shows the significant correlation
reaching 11.05 kph, which is the highest recorded wind between temperature and dew point. Based on the
speed in the entire decade. This increase may be due to findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s
extreme weather conditions or changes in global wind r=0.307) indicating that higher dew point is associated
patterns. The wind speed remained relatively high in with higher temperatures. The p-value is (p=0.359) and is
2016, at 10.89 kph, indicating a slight decrease of 0.16 greater than the significance level of 0.05 meaning that
kph from the previous year. However, the wind speed the correlation is not statistically significant. This means
began to decline steadily from 2017 onwards. It that the relationship between the temperature and dew
decreased to 10 kph in 2017, followed by a further point may be due to chance and a true relationship. In
decrease to 9.98 kph in 2018. This downward trend other words, the temperature and dew point do not appear
continued in 2019, with the wind speed dropping to 8.34 to be strongly related. According to the website of
kph, marking a significant decrease of 1.64 kph from the Britannica (2024), Temperature, measure of hotness or
previous year. The wind speed reached its lowest point in coldness expressed in terms of any of several arbitrary
2020, at 7.94 kph, indicating a decline of 0.4 kph from scales and indicating the direction in which heat energy
the previous year. will spontaneously flow. Moreover, Donegan (2022)
explains that dew point is the temperature to which the air
Additionally, figure 6 graph shows the annual must be cooled for it to become saturated. Once the air
precipitation variations in millimeters from 2010 to 2020 temperature and dew point meet, the air becomes
of Abuyog Leyte Philippines. The variations in saturated and the relative humidity reaches 100% creating
precipitation in the said city have been fluctuating over more moisture in the air, once the dew point exceeds 60
the years, with a general upward trend. The lowest degrees, there’s a lot of water vapor in the air, which is
variation was in 2016, with 1.68 mm, which is what gives the air that muggy feel. However, high
significantly lower than the average precipitation for the temperatures and high dew points can lead to heat-related
decade. This could be attributed to a drought or a dry spell illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, it can
during that year. On the other hand, the highest variation also have devastating effects on agricultural productivity.
in Abuyog Leyte was in year 2020, with 10.45 mm, which Many crops are sensitive to high temperatures and
is more than five times the lowest variation. This could humidity, which can lead to reduced yields, lower quality
be due to extreme weather conditions such as heavy crops, and increased pest and disease pressure.
rainfall or storms. Additionally, according to the website
of United States Environmental Protection Agency CORRELATIONAL MATRIX
(2023), the higher precipitation can have potential CLIMATE
impacts such as crop damage, soil erosion, and an R P- Significance Decision
increase in flood risk due to heavy rains (see the River value of Ho
Flooding indicator)—which in turn can lead to injuries, Temperature-
-O.762 0.006 Significant Rejected
drownings, and other flooding-related effects on health. Humidity
The years 2011 and 2012 had relatively low precipitation, Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
with 3.1 mm and 2.43 mm respectively and continued to Table 2: Significant correlation between temperature and
decrease in 2013, with 1.85 mm, but it was still lower than humidity
the average. The years 2014 and 2015 had a slight
decrease in precipitation, with 2.74 mm and 1.75 mm The table 2 above shows the significant
respectively. The year 2016 had a slight decrease in correlation between temperature and humidity. Based on
precipitation, with 1.68 mm, but it was still lower than the the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s r=-
average. The years 2017 and 2018 had a significant 0.762) indicating that there is a strong negative
decrease in precipitation, with 0.65 mm respectively. correlation between the variables, and this means that as
From the year 2019, the precipitation increases into 6.47 temperature increases the humidity tends to decrease. The
mm from the previous year. p-value is (p=0.006) which is statistically significant,
since it is less than or lower than 0.05, we can conclude
TEST OF SIGNIFICANT CORRELATION that the observed correlation is unlikely to be due to
chance. This means that the correlation is likely to be a
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX real effect. According to the website of Byju’s (2024), the
CLIMATE relation between humidity and temperature is inversely
R P- Significance Decision proportional. If temperature increases, it will reduce
value of Ho relative humidity; thus, the air will become drier. When
0.307 0.359
Non- Fail to the temperature decreases, the air will become wetter;
Dew Point Significant reject therefore, the relative humidity will increase. In addition,
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 as global temperatures continue to rise, the frequency and
Table 1: Significant correlation between temperature and dew severity of droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires are likely

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
to increase, leading to more frequent and prolonged it is less than or lower than 0.05, we can reject the null
periods of low humidity. hypothesis of getting a strong negative correlation.
Therefore, we conclude that the observed correlation is
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX not due to chance. This means that the correlation is likely
CLIMATE to be a real effect. Furthermore, as global temperatures
R P- Significance Decision continue to rise, many regions are experiencing changes
value of Ho in precipitation patterns. One of the most significant
Temperature- implications of temperature increases is a decrease in
0.708 0.015 Significant Rejected
Wind speed precipitation, leading to droughts and water scarcity.
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 3: Significant correlation between temperature and wind CORRELATIONAL MATRIX
R P- Significance Decision of
value Ho
The table 3 above shows the significant
correlation between temperature and humidity. Based on Dewpoint- Non- Fail to
0.346 0.297
Humidity Significant reject
the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s
r=0.708) indicating that there is a strong positive Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
correlation between the variables, and this means that Table 5: Significant correlation between dewpoint and humidity
higher wind speed is associated with higher temperatures.
The p-value is (p=0.015) which is statistically significant, The table 5 above shows the significant
so we can reject the null hypothesis therefore we can correlation between dew point and humidity. Based on
conclude that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s
there is a significant linear relationship between r=0.346) indicating a moderate positive correlation
temperature and wind speed, also we can be confident between the variables. This means that as dew point
that the observed correlation is not due to chance. The increases, humidity tends to increase as well but not
larger the temperature difference, the stronger the extremely strong. However, the correlation is not
resulting winds will be. Temperature gradients between extremely strong, but it's not weak either. A correlation
water and land can also cause local atmospheric coefficient of 0.346 suggests that about 12% of the
circulations which affect winds (Tahmo, 2020). The variation in humidity can be explained by the variation in
combination of rising temperatures and high wind speeds dew point (since r^2 = 0.346^2 = 0.12). A p-value of
can have significant implications for various aspects of 0.297 means that there's about a 29.7% chance that the
society such as wildfire making them more difficult to relationship we see is just random and not real. The
control, strong winds can cause significant damage to results is true since most studies proved that the
buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. Rising relationship between dew point and humidity is
temperatures can also cause materials to expand and statistically significant and widely accepted. Studies have
contract, leading to structural weaknesses and increasing consistently shown a strong linear correlation between
the risk of collapse. high winds can cause power lines to the two parameters, indicating that as the dew point
break, leading to widespread power outages, agricultural temperature increases, the relative humidity also
losses, and disruptions to transportation and commerce increases. According to the study of Elemo (2021), while
can all contribute to significant economic losses. Dew point shows the moisture level in the air, Relative
humidity reveals the percentage of the degree of
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX saturation of the air. This leads to the conclusion that: the
CLIMATE higher the dew point, the more moisture in the air and vice
R P- Significance Decision versa. The closer the dew point is to the actual air
value of Ho temperature, the more humid the air becomes. However,
-O.739 0.009 Significant Rejected
as global temperatures continue to rise, many regions are
Precipitation experiencing changes in humidity and dew point
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 temperatures. An increase in dew point temperatures can
Table 4: Significant correlation between temperature and lead to higher humidity levels, which can have significant
precipitation implications for various aspects of society, high humidity
and dew point temperatures can make the air feel hotter
The table 4 above shows the significant than it is, high humidity can exacerbate air quality issues
correlation between temperature and precipitation. Based by allowing pollutants to remain suspended in the air for
on the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s longer periods. Increased humidity can create ideal
r=-0.739) indicating that there is a strong negative conditions for mold and mildew growth, leading to
correlation between the variables, and this means that as property damage and health issues and increased
temperature increases the precipitation tends to decrease. humidity can lead to increased atmospheric water vapor,
The p-value is (p=0.009) is statistically significant, since which can trap more heat and accelerate warming.

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX water droplets that can lead to the development of fog,
CLIMATE frost, clouds, or even precipitation.
R P- Significance Decision of
value Ho
Non- Fail to CLIMATE
Wind -0.203 0.549 R P- Significance Decision of
Significant reject FACTORS
speed value Ho
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 Dewpoint-
Table 6: Significant correlation between dew point and wind Wind -0.738 0.009 Significant Rejected
speed speed
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
The table 6 above shows the significant Table 8: Significant correlation between humidity and wind speed
correlation between dew point and wind speed. Based on
the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s r=- The table 8 above shows the significant
0.203) indicating a weak negative correlation between the correlation between humidity and wind speed. Based on
variables. This means that as dew point increases, wind the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s r=-
speed tends to decrease but the relationship is weak. A p- 0.738) indicating a strong negative correlation between
value of (p=0.549) indicates that there is a 54.9% chance the variables. This also means that as humidity increases,
of observing a correlation coefficient of -0.203, if there is wind speed tends to decrease. The p-value is (p=0.009) is
no correlation between dew point and wind speed. Since statistically significant, since it is less than or lower than
the p-value is greater than the typical significance level 0.05, and we can reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we
of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, conclude that the observed correlation has occurred not
we can conclude that there is no statistically significant by chance and is likely a real effect. This means that the
relationship between the variables. This is because, dew data provides strong evidence against the null hypothesis,
point depends on relative humidity that is it is a measure suggesting that there is a statistically significant
of the actual amount of water vapor (moisture) in the air, relationship between the increase of humidity and the
regardless of the air's temperature (Mukherjee, 2022). decrease of wind speed. According to the study of Ravi
(2005), higher wind speeds are associated with lower
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX humidity values and lower wind speeds are associated
CLIMATE with higher humidity values. As the atmosphere warms
R P- Significance Decision of due to climate change, humidity levels are on the rise,
value Ho leading to a corresponding decrease in wind speed.
Dewpoint- Furthermore, this phenomenon has far-reaching
Wind -0.699 0.017 Significant Rejected implications for various aspects of our lives. For instance,
speed high humidity and low wind speeds can lead to stagnant
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 weather patterns, resulting in prolonged heatwaves,
Table 7: Significant correlation between dew point and increased risk of flooding, and reduced air quality.
precipitation Furthermore, agricultural productivity is affected, as low
wind speeds reduce evapotranspiration, leading to
The table 7 above shows the significant increased humidity and reduced crop growth. The
correlation between dew point and precipitation. Based combination of high humidity and low wind speeds also
on the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s increases energy consumption, as people rely more
r=-0.699) indicating a strong negative correlation heavily on-air conditioning to cool their homes and
between the variables. This also means that as dew point workplaces, ultimately contributing to higher greenhouse
increases, wind speed tends to decrease. The p-value is gas emissions. Additionally, human health is impacted, as
(p=0.017) is statistically significant, since it is less than high humidity and low wind speeds exacerbate heat-
or lower than 0.05, and we can reject the null hypothesis. related illnesses, particularly for vulnerable populations
Therefore, we conclude that the observed correlation has
occurred not by chance and is likely a real effect. This CORRELATIONAL MATRIX
means that the data provides strong evidence against the CLIMATE
null hypothesis, suggesting that there is a statistically R P- Significance Decision of
significant relationship between the increase of dew point value Ho
and the decrease of precipitation. According to the Dewpoint-
Non- Fail to
website of University of Illinois (2010), dew point Wind 0.168 0.622
Significant reject
temperature is NEVER GREATER than the air speed
temperature. Therefore, if the air cools, moisture must be Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
removed from the air, and this is accomplished through Table 9: Significant correlation between humidity and
condensation. This process results in the formation of tiny precipitation

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
The table 9 above shows the significant correlation impact on the society and environment in the coastal area
between humidity and precipitation. Based on the than in the inland area. This may be because there is a
findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s dependency between precipitation and wind in the coastal
r=0.168) indicating a weak positive correlation between area. The study also indicated that precipitation and wind
the variables. This also means that as humidity increases, speed show strong dependence possibly due to land–
precipitation tends to increase as well. The p-value ocean interactions over coastal areas. Moreover,
(p=0.622) is telling us the probability of observing this according to Back et.al (2005), at high-column relative
relationship (or a stronger one) by chance, if there was no humidities (conditions under which deep convection is
real relationship between the variables. In this case, the likely to occur), faster winds are associated with
p-value is high (p=0.622), which means that it's likely that substantially more precipitation.
the observed relationship is due to chance, and we cannot
confidently say that changes in humidity are associated LINEAR REGRESSION TREND ANALYSIS OF
with changes in precipitation. This is because the CLIMATIC FACTORS IN ABUYOG, LEYTE
correlation between humidity and precipitation is not FROM 2010-2020
consistently found across different regions. In some
areas, such as Jakarta, relative humidity and precipitation The figure 2 shows the linear regression
have decreased, whereas in other areas, such as China, analysis of dew point data from 2010 to 2020 yielded the
temperature and the humidex have been on the uptrend. equation Temperature (°C) y=0.0047x+19.104, where x
In some cases, the study in Thailand found that trend represents years. The slope coefficient of 0.0047
analysis has been used to examine the direction of climate indicates a statistically significant decreasing trend in
parameters, providing insights into the changing dew point, predicting an increase of approximately
parameters that could be presented in annual and seasonal 0.0047°C per year. When the dew point in 2010 is 0 then
patterns (Kliengchuay et.al, 2024). the predicted value starting from 2010 is approximately
19.104°C. The R² value of 0.0004 suggests that only
CORRELATIONAL MATRIX 0.04% of the variability in dew point can be explained by
CLIMATE the linear trend with years, while the remaining 99.06%
R P- Significance Decision of
FACTORS is influenced by other factors including Ocean Currents
value Ho
and Proximity to Water Bodies (The Philippines is an
Dewpoint- archipelago, and Abuyog's proximity to the ocean
Non- Fail to
Wind 0.443 0.173 moderates temperatures, leading to less extreme heat due
Significant reject
speed to the cooling effect of the sea and variations in sea
Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 temperatures, influenced by phenomena such as El Niño
Table 10: Significant correlation between wind speed and and La Niña, can affect the local climate and
precipitation temperatures), The seasonal monsoon winds significantly
influence temperature and weather patterns. The
The table 10 above shows the significant Northeast Monsoon (Amihan) brings cooler air from
correlation between wind speed and precipitation. Based November to February, while the Southwest Monsoon
on the findings, the correlation coefficient is (Pearson’s (Habagat) can increase temperatures and humidity from
r=0.443) indicating a moderate positive correlation May to October. Seasonal Variations (The region
between the variables. This also means that as wind speed experiences distinct wet (June to November) and dry
increases, precipitation tends to increase as well. A (December to May) seasons, which influence temperature
correlation coefficient of 0.443 suggests that about 20% pattern, dry season is characterized by higher
of the variation in precipitation can be explained by the temperatures and less cloud cover.
variation in wind speed (since r^2 = 0.443^2 = 0.20). A
p-value of 0.173 means that there's about a 17.3% chance However, figure 3 shows the linear regression
that the relationship we see is just random and due to analysis of dew point data from 2010 to 2020 yielded the
chance. Since the p-value is greater than the typical equation Dew point (°C) y=−0.0752x+175.47, where x
significance level of 0.05, we would fail to reject the null represents years. The slope coefficient of −0.0752
hypothesis. This means that we do not have sufficient indicates a statistically significant decreasing trend in
evidence to conclude that there is a statistically dew point, predicting a decrease of approximately
significant relationship between changes in precipitation 0.0752°C per year. When the dew point in 2010 is 0 then
and wind speed. The results may be true because some the predicted value starting from 2010 is approximately
studies found that the increases in both wind speed and 175.47°C. The R² value of 0.5164 suggests that 51.64%
precipitation can be closely linked, particularly in coastal of the variability in dew point can be explained by the
and humid regions where the convergence feedback linear trend with years, while the remaining 48.36% is
between the two can amplify precipitation. Additionally, influenced by other factors including temperatures
the study of Qi et.al (2023), the joint occurrence of strong (higher temperatures generally allow air to hold more
wind and strong precipitation will have a more serious moisture, affecting the dew point), proximity to water

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
bodies since Abuyog is near Leyte Gulf, weather patterns indicates a statistically significant increase in
(Monsoonal influences can bring moist air, affecting the precipitation over the decade. The slope coefficient
dew point, particularly during the wet season), Tropical indicates a statistically significant increasing trend,
cyclones and storms can bring significant changes in dew suggesting precipitation is predicted to increase by
point due to the influx of moist air and others. Further approximately 0.5885 millimeter per year. The model’s
investigation is necessary to obtain a better trend analysis R² value of 0.403 suggesting that 40.3% of the variability
by additional climatic factors. in precipitation can be explained by the linear
relationship with years. Factors include geographical
Furthermore, figure 4 shows the linear factors topography (Abuyog's terrain, including its
regression analysis of humidity data from 2010 to 2020 proximity to the Leyte Gulf and nearby mountain ranges,
yielded the equation Humidity (%) y=−0.6579x+1406.9, can influence precipitation patterns through orographic
where x represents years. The slope coefficient of lift, where moist air is forced to rise over mountains,
−0.6579 indicates a statistically significant decreasing leading to increased rainfall on the windward side),
trend in humidity, predicting a decrease of approximately Atmospheric conditions like (High and low-pressure
0.6579% per year. When the humidity in 2010 is 0 then systems can influence precipitation. Low-pressure
the predicted value starting from 2010 is approximately systems often bring stormy weather and higher
1406.9%. The R² value of 0.3459 suggests that 34.59% of precipitation, while high-pressure systems are associated
the variability in humidity can be explained by the linear with dry and clear conditions, Cyclones and storms since
trend with years, while the remaining 65.41% is the Philippines is frequently affected by tropical
influenced by other factors including temperature, oceans cyclones, which can bring intense and heavy rainfall over
(Abuyog is close to the Leyte Gulf, which significantly short periods.), Seasonal Variations like wet and dry
influences local humidity levels due to the constant seasons. Future research should focus on refining models
evaporation of water from the sea), Vegetation (Abuyog to incorporate these factors and improve predictions of
has areas with dense tropical vegetation, which precipitation variability.
contributes to higher humidity levels through the process
of transpiration, where plants release moisture into the CONCLUSION
air), weather patterns(The Southwest Monsoon (Habagat)
brings moist air from the ocean, leading to higher The analysis of climate trends in Abuyog, Leyte from
humidity levels during the rainy season),Global Climate 2010 to 2020 has unveiled valuable insights into the local
Patterns(El Niño and La Niña). climate dynamics, emphasizing the importance of
comprehending the relationships between temperature,
Moreover, figure 5 shows the linear regression precipitation, humidity, and other key variables. The
analysis of wind speed data from 2010 to 2020 yielded findings underscore the significance of long-term data
the equation Wind Speed (kph) y=0.0905x−173.17, collection and analysis in identifying trends and patterns
where x represents years. The slope coefficient indicates that can enhance our understanding of climate variability
a statistically significant increasing trend, this also means and its potential impacts on agriculture, water resources,
that wind speed is predicted to increase by approximately and disaster preparedness in Abuyog. The correlation
0.0905 kph per year. However, the model's R² value of analysis conducted in this study has shed light on the
0.0446 indicates limited explanatory power, with only complex interactions among climate factors, providing a
4.46% of wind speed variability explained by the linear basis for further research and discussions on the
relationship with years, this maybe because wind speed implications of these relationships for the local
can be influenced by a multitude of factors, including environment and community well-being.
local geographical factors (such as topography, proximity
to the Leyte Gulf and coastal effects where coastal areas Moreover, the results of this research offer a
often experience higher wind speeds compared to inland foundational understanding of the climate trends in
regions.), atmospheric conditions including pressure Abuyog, Leyte, without aiming to provide specific
systems and tropical cyclones, global climate patterns solutions. By recognizing the correlations and trends
such as El Niño and La Niña, monsoonal influences, identified through the analysis, stakeholders can gain
seasonal variations, oceanic factors, human activities, insights into the evolving climate patterns and their
atmospheric composition, and the impacts of climate potential implications for various sectors. This study
change .Future research should explore additional local contributes to the broader scientific discourse on regional
factors to better understand wind speed dynamics in climate change impacts and underscores the importance
Abuyog, Leyte. of continued monitoring and research efforts to track
changes and assess risks in Abuyog, Leyte. The
Lastly, figure 6 shows the linear regression comprehensive analysis of climate data, coupled with the
analysis of precipitation data from 2010 to 2020 yielded identification of significant correlations, provides a basis
the equation Precipitation (mm)=0.5885−1182.1, where x for informed decision-making and future research
represents years. The positive slope coefficient (0.5885)

Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
endeavors to determine the climate variability in the Byju’s (2024). Relative Humidity.
region evolving over the past years and for future years.
RECOMMENDATION humidity/#:~:text=The%20relation%20betwee
Based on the research conducted on climate trends in
Abuyog, Leyte from 2010 to 2020, the following become%20drier.
recommendations are suggested to enhance the study and
its implications: Denchak, M. (2019). Greenhouse Effect 101.
1. Extended Study Period: Consider extending the study
period beyond 2020 to provide a more comprehensive effect-101#whatis
analysis of climate trends in Abuyog. Additional years of
data can offer a more robust understanding of long-term Donegan, B. (2022). Dew point vs. humidity: Which one
patterns and variations, contributing to a more thorough
assessment of climate dynamics in the region. is a better measure of how muggy the air
feels?. https://www.foxweather.com/learn/dew-
2. Validation of Data: Ensure the accuracy and reliability
of the data collected from the Global Weather and
Climate website by cross-referencing it with other in-air
reputable sources. Validating the data can strengthen the
credibility of the study's findings and enhance the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
accuracy of the analysis of climate trends in Abuyog.
Pacific (2023). Weather, Climate and Water
3. In-depth Correlation Analysis: Conduct a more across Generations – What does this mean.
detailed correlation analysis to explore the relationships
between climate variables in greater depth. By delving
into the interconnections among temperature, climate-and-water-across-generations-what-
precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and other factors, a
more nuanced understanding of the local climate system
in Abuyog can be achieved.
Elemo, E. (2021). Relationship between Relative
4. Future Research Scope: Consider expanding the Humidity and Dew Point.
research scope to investigate specific aspects of climate
variability, such as the impact of climate change on https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation
agriculture, water resources, or disaster preparedness in .aspx?paperid=114141
Abuyog. Exploring focused research areas can provide
valuable insights into the implications of climate trends Giovetti, O. (2022). The human activities that cause
for key sectors.
climate change, and the human necessities
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Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com
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Author Tel.No.:09278481071
Email Address: nathanandrieama@gmail.com

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