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Mills Berry School

By Grade 9 Students
Captain: Ryuk Shrestha
Table of Contents
I. Introduction …………………………………….
II. Event details …………………………………...
 Date, Time and Location ………………..
 Decoration ………………………………..
 Sequence of Events …………………….
 Entertainment ……………………………
 Seating Arrangements ………………….
 Invitations and Programs ………………
III. Fundraising activities …………………………
 Fundraising methods ……………………
IV. Budget and Cost analysis ……………………
 Cost Determination ………………………
 Estimated Budget Table ………………...
 Cost Analysis Graph …………………….
V. Conclusion ……………………………………..
 Summary …………………………………
 Personal Benefits ………………………..
VI. Appendices …………………………………….
 Sample Invitation ………………………...

We, Grade 9 students, would like to congratulate all

grade 10 students on passing SEE with flying colors. To
celebrate this event, we have organized a convocation
program which will consist of many entertainment
activities for the grade 10 students and their parents to
enjoy. The activities will contain performances from
grade 9 students. Grade 9 students are also the host of
this convocation program.

Event Details
Date: 29th April, 2024
Time: 11:00am
Location: Pragya Bhawan, Kamaladi

The convocation program will be held in a decorated
auditorium. The auditorium will be decorated by different
materials such as balloons, flowers, ribbons,
congratulation stickers/messages and glitter.
Furthermore, the names and pictures of the graduating
batch with be displayed in a large chart paper and
pasted to one of the walls. Through the projector,

Sequence of Events:
Timing Events
11:00 – 11:10 am Arriving Time
11:10 – 11:15 am Welcoming Speech by
11:15 – 11:30 am Ganesh Stotram,
Saraswati Bandana,
National Anthem and
School Song
11:30 – 12:00 pm Distribution of
Graduation Awards and
Certificates / Photo
12:00 – 12:15 pm Motivational Speech by
Principal, Chairman,
Vice Head and Special
12:15 – 1:00 pm Grade 9 Performances
1:00 – 1:15 pm Subject Teacher’s
Feedbacks and
1:15 – 1:30 pm Student’s Sharing
1:30 – 2:00 pm Distribution of Snacks
and Departure

Different entertainment will be provided to the grade 10
students and their parents. The performances will be
done by 9 students. Dance performance will be
performances will be provided by students from dance
club and art club. Dances will be both traditional and

Music performances will be done by students from

music club. The music performances will consist of
group singing and solo singing. We can think of it as a
band performance.

Short drama of 15 minutes will be provided by students

from drama club.

There are around 200 – 250 seats in the auditorium.
Until the awarding ceremony, the students and parents
will have to sit separately. After the awarding ceremony,
the students can sit with their family members or chose
to stay with their friends.

Invitations and Programs:

We will send invitations via Viber with the help of the
school. We will also distribute invitation card to them.
We are pleased to inform you that special guests have
been invited to this program. Notably, members of the
Tokha local government, including the mayor and vice –

Fundraising activities
For fundraising, we will collect funds from the students
of grade 9 themselves. After the cost is decided, some
portion of the cost will be divided equally among the
students. Special conditions, such as financial problems,
will be acknowledged though an application letter.
Furthermore, the school will also contribute majorly to
the funds. We request the school to fund 20% of the
estimated cost. We have convinced “My Second
Teacher” and “Khalti” to sponsor our program. They will
each contribute to fund 20% of the estimated cost.

Budget and Cost analysis

Cost Determination:
1. Venue
 Rent: Rs. 50,000
 Setup and Cleaning: Rs. 10,000
2. Food Items:
 Tea = Rs. 6,000
 Biscuits = Rs. 1,100
 Mo: Mo = Rs. 9,000
 French Fry = Rs. 2,800
 Meat = Rs. 4,000
 Paneer = Rs. 1,500
 Water Bottle: Rs. 3,000
3. Decorations:
 Flowers = Rs. 15,000
 Balloons = Rs. 9,000
 Chart Papers = Rs. 2,500
4. Clothes:
 Rent for Graduation Attire = Rs. 1,68,000
5. Printed Materials:
 Certificates: Rs. 9,000
 Invitations: Rs. 4,000
6. Audio/Visual Equipment:
 Photography/Videography: Rs. 30,000
 Sound System: Rs. 25,000
 Projection: Rs. 15,000
Estimated Cost = Rs. 3,64,900
Estimated Budget Table
Particulars Estimated Cost Budget Allocated
1. Venue Rs. 60,000 Rs. 70,000
2. Food Items Rs. 27,400 Rs. 30,000
3. Decorations Rs. 26,500 Rs. 30,000
4. Clothes Rs. 1,68,000 Rs. 2,00,000
5. Printed Rs. 13,000 Rs. 15,000
6. Audio/Visual Rs. 70,000 Rs. 80,000
Total Estimated Cost: Rs. 3,64,900
Total Budget Allocated: Rs. 3,95,000
 Rs. 30,100 is extra budget in case the cost differs
to the data we collected. After the cost for all
particulars are cleared and still some budget is
remaining, we will be using them for miscellaneous
items that will make the program even better.

Cost Analysis Graph:

Certain graphs are shown on the next page to analyze
the cost and budget:
Cost Vs Budget
Printed Materials



Food Items

0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

Budget Allocation Estimated Cost

Estimated Cost

Venue Food Items

Decorations Clothes
Printed Materials Audio/Visual Equipment

Budget Allocation
e s s s ls t
nu m on he ia en
e Ite ra
ti l ot er pm
od co
C at ui
Fo M q
De te
rin i su

The total estimated cost is Rs. 3,64,900 and the total

budget is Rs. 3,95,000. Based on our sources of
funding, school will fund 20% of the estimated cost
which is Rs. 72,980. Additionally, the sponsors
combined will fund 40% of the estimated cost which is
Rs. 1,45,960. Finally, the remaining 40% of the
estimated cost will be funded by the students. The
number of students in grade 9 is 90. Hence, each
student will fund Rs. 1,621. The remaining Rs. 30,100
extra budgets will also be funded by the students which
means additional Rs. 334 will be asked for by the
students. The total funds from students will be Rs.

Fundraising Sources Funds Raised

1. School Side Rs. 72,980
2. Sponsors Rs. 1,45,960
3. Student Side Rs. 1,955
In summary, grade 9 students have rigorously planned
this ambitious convocation program for Grade 10 SEE
Aspirants to celebrate and award their success and end
of a journey. All the aspects of a convocation program
including venue selection, food items, decoration, etc.
have been carefully researched on. Possible fundraising
activities have also been taken into consideration. We
hope that this convocation program will never be
forgotten by the Grade 10 SEE Aspirants.

Personal Benefits:
It is clear that grade 10 students will benefit from this
program. Along with them, grade 9 students will also be
personally benefited by this program. Grade 9 students
will develop event hosting skills, event organizing skills,
public speaking skills and capacity to perform public
performances. We will also develop budgeting skills and
teamwork or cooperation.
Sample Invitation:

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