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Post Questionnaire Graphs/ Results (After Production) 1. Did you expect the movie to be how it was?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

This bar chart shows that the movie came to the audience unexpectedly, showing that they didnt anticipate what they thought was going to happen as this movie was the type that you cant predict what will happen. Over 70% only had a thought of how it was going to be but it wasnt too an obvious thought. The other 30% that actually didnt expect what was going to happen, it probably could be because they anticipated a Thriller movie to be a typical Thriller movie but it turned out they werent right.
2. Did you enjoy the build to the climax?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

This bar chart shows that the majority of the audience enjoyed the climax, maybe because they were looking forward to it as the film does take a long time to build to it. They probably also enjoyed it because it is an original but different idea, the movie, it is something unheard of almost unique but can be compared to other movies in the same genre. The interest in Thriller genres may also be a reason why they enjoyed the

climax, as it provides a sense of positivity of negativity, either way it is anticipated and the outcome can be either way.

3. Would you feel that this film could be classed as a Supernatural thriller, after watching
the film?

Yes No

This pie chart shows that the majority of those interviewed classed is naturally as a Supernatural thriller. The reasons being, because of the different and strange things going on in the film, every now and then there was something that would send enigmas to a mind creating that sense of wanting to know more, as the end of the film came, it seemed that more people understood what the pure genre of the film was. Those who didnt know that the film was a Supernatural Thriller may have been close as there are definitely some other types such as Psychological Thrillers that are similar to this and so this may have been their confusion. To know that a lot of people understood that it was supernatural means that we presented it to be what it is and we did it well, because of all the different elements in it, sounds shots etc.

4. Do you feel that you could watch the film again but this time in a Cinema?









This shows that 98% of those interviewed would watch it over, maybe to get to grips with whats going on inside the film or to seek a better thrill and enjoyment out of it by watching it a second time. Also, it could mean that they were very intrigued by the movie because of the fact that it is a Thriller and they are usually supposed to scare people, they got scared and so they seek the thrill to watch it again. 5. The end is the climax of our film; as a viewer did you think the ending was good?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

88% of the public I interviewed thought the ending was good on the basis of it being a Supernatural Thriller and it not being predictable what will happen in the end. This shows that people seek thrill and enjoyment and if they have a good time and watch a film with a good ending, that they are thoroughly satisfied with the film. This shows to us that we have the skills to get the public interested and even more interested when it comes to the main scenes as movies like these leave the public wanting more.

6. Do you feel the ending was predictable?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

Even though the majority of those I interviewed thought the ending was going to be how it was, it may be that they thought that something bad will happen but it was a

vague thought because it didnt state exactly what will happen. This tells us that we can create an atmosphere leaving the public to think that they know what will happen and then give them a surprise as they may have been wrong, which, as the chart shows, over 30% were.

7. Do you feel the setting created a creepy atmosphere?














This shows that over 80% of the public liked the setting because it created a realistic atmosphere, the sense that it is creepy and weird to be in a school where there are terrible unexpected activities occurring. This goes to prove that the setting was fixed with the Genre thriller because it was relevantly shown that the atmosphere was sinister, eerie and supernatural, which was the main theme of our Genre.

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