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Situation: As partners, you know each other for some time now.

At the moment, you want to

know about activities you do and don´t do every day. Ask each other questions about your
daily routines and answer each other´s questions. Tell about daily activities you do and don´t
Antonio: What is your daily routine Abigail?

Abigail: I get up at eight in the morning, I shower and brush my teeth, I take the bus at eight
thirty in the morning, I arrive at the university at nine fifteen in the morning, I leave the
university at eleven forty-five in the morning, I take the bus and get home at twelve-thirty, I
have lunch at one in the afternoon, I do my homework at four in the afternoon, I rest until
seven at night, then I bathe, have dinner and go to sleep at 10 at night. What I don't do is I
don't watch TV, I don't clean my room. What is your daily routine Antonio?

Antonio: I get up at six-thirty in the morning, I brush my teeth, I bathe and have breakfast at
seven-thirty in the morning, I leave my house at nine in the morning and I arrive at the
university at nine-thirty. half, I return to my house at twelve thirty, I have lunch at one in the
afternoon, I do my homework at four and at six I bathe, at night I have dinner at seven and go
to sleep at ten. I don't watch TV, I don't go out at night. What is your daily routine Steven?

Steven: My routine starts by getting up at 6 in the morning, then I brush, at 6:30 I have my
breakfast and then at 7 in the morning I leave for the city of Piura since my classes start at 9 in
the morning. , I leave at 12, then I go to the agency that will take me back to my house, arriving
around 2 in the afternoon, then I get home for lunch, rest and time and at 4 in the afternoon I
start to review the activities of the week that they have left at the university. At 7 at night I go
to dinner, then I watch some television and around 11 at night I go to sleep. I don't go out to
play soccer nor do I like to sleep too much.

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