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1 Life Skills  Desirable or required abilities/talents/expertise/aptitudes/capacity that a person may develop through
social interaction, formal/informal/semi-formal learning situations enabling one to optimally/effectively
participate in everyday life contexts (social/economic/academic/occupational) in ways that enhance
one’s quality of life/making life meaningful or reasonable to live.
2 Healthy lifestyle choices
 The ability to consciously take control of one’s health by making decisions to adopt or follow
good/positive/enabling/healthy life related habits/ways of living etc.

 Decision to identify important things to do with one’s current social,

environmental/religious/cultural/occupational/educational etc. life with an aim of improving on it thereby
making your life meaningful/better/reasonable etc.

 Making decisions/choices that may improve one’s physical, social, psychological, religious, cultural and
emotional life, thus putting you on a positive growth-path.
3 Stressors
 Any event/situation/condition/external stimulus that may threaten one’s general wellbeing
(psychological/physical/emotional/cognitive/social/occupational etc.) in either positive (pushing
you to do something worthwhile) or negative (frustrating you from doing what you could do under normal

 A chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event that causes
discomfort to an organism leading to inability to effectively do certain things.

4 Physical stressor
 This refers to trauma (injury, infection, surgery), intense physical labor/over-exertion, environmental
pollution (pesticides, herbicides, toxins, heavy metals, inadequate light, radiation, noise, electromagnetic
fields), illness (viral, bacterial, or fungal agents), fatigue, inadequate oxygen supply, hypoglycemia (low
blood sugar), hormonal and/or biochemical imbalances, dietary stress (nutritional deficiencies, food
allergies and sensitivities, unhealthy eating habits), dehydration, substance abuse, dental challenges,
and musculoskeletal misalignments/imbalances that human beings may experience/encounter.

 Physical stressors are directed against the human body.

Psychological stressor  Stress brought about by psychological factors e.g. (resentments, fears, frustration, sadness, anger,
grief/bereavement), cognitive stress (information overload, accelerated sense of time, worry),

 Come about as a result of negative thoughts arising from what one experiences in his/her social milieu
or where one finds himself/herself impairing an individual’s ability to function/operate normally.
Emotional stressor  Stress brought about by negative emotions e.g. guilt, shame, jealousy, resistance, attachments, self-
criticism, self-loathing, unworkable perfectionism, anxiety, panic attacks, not feeling like yourself, not
feeling like things are real, and a sense of being out of control/not being in control), and perceptual
stress (beliefs, roles, stories, attitudes, world view).
Social stressor  Stress brought about by relationships/marriage difficulties (partner, siblings, children, family, employer,
co-workers, employer), lack of social support, lack of resources for adequate survival, loss of
employment/investments/savings, loss of loved ones, bankruptcy, home foreclosure, and isolation.
8 Environmental stressor
 Stress brought about by changes in the environment, e.g. drought, flooding, global warming.
9 Abuse  Treatment of others in a prejudicial/cruel/inhumane/demeaning/violent manner based on negative
perceptions/attitudes/ideologies/religious or cultural beliefs/worldviews/orientations/preferences etc. that
certain people have developed towards others.

 Deliberate misuse of objects/plants/environment/people etc. leading to harm/destruction etc. of that

which is involved.
 Using profane language when speaking to other people/using derogatory language when you interact or
refer to others because of differences in terms of socio-economic status/type of work that others are
doing/gender/sex/cultural or religious beliefs etc.
 Forcing others to do certain things against their wishes.
10 Vocation  An occupation for which a person feels drawn to or has a strong impulse/calling/aptitude to follow.
 A type of work that a person feels suited to doing and tor which time and energy will be expended in its
 It is about the belief that one has about one’s abilities to pursue a certain career in line with the nature
and type of skills/values and attitudes that are required in that job situation.
11 Vocational stress  The pressure (emotional/psychological/physical) that workers may experience as a result of a lack of
required knowledge/abilities/skills/acumen to perform certain activities in the workplace.
12 Life crisis (Singular)  A crucial or decisive point or situation (unstable and difficult), involving an impending/apparent
Life Crises (Plural) change/danger that could threaten the life of an individual or normal ways in which people had lived their
 An emotionally draining event or traumatic experience directed to a person in ways that threaten
established ways of living.
 Life threatening events/situations/occurrences that abruptly disrupt people’s lives leading them to
question the very foundation of their existence.
13 Personality  Combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.
 Host of characteristics/qualities/set of behaviours, cognition and emotional patterns that evolve from
biological and environmental factors.
14 Social pressure  Pressure from one’s peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them/ Influence that is exerted
on a person or group by another person or group.
 Coercion/influence/persuasion exerted to an individual by friends/relatives/family/school mates etc. to do
things that one is not prepared to do/to behave in a manner not compatible to one’s wishes, plans etc.
15 Stress  pressure or tension exerted on a person.
 a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
 the body's response to physical, mental, or emotional pressure.
16 Signs of stress  These are physical, emotional, behavioural, cognitive/intellectual/mental characteristics that emerge or
become observable when a person is under tremendous pressure disturbing his/her normal way of doing
17 Symptoms of stress  On the other hand, symptoms of stress constitute the feeling that person may have as a result of being
plunged in a stressful situation. That could include feeling anxious, listless, generalised negativity, loss of
interests in pleasurable activities, inability to think clearly, inability to complete tasks etc.
18 Positive stress (Eustress)  This is a feeling of intense pressure when one is about to do certain things enabling you to actually
perform as expected or beyond people’s expectations. Or, intense feelings when you about to do
something you can handle. For example, stage fright, taking an examination, attendance of interviews
etc. when you are actually prepared to do it.
19 Negative stress  This a feeling of intense pressure when one is to do something ending up not being able to perform as
(Distress) expected/required. For example, fear of public speaking leading to inability to do it all.
 A condition of negative emotional feeling that a person cannot handle.
20 Chronic stress  Stress that goes on for long periods of time
21 Stress management  Are particular steps, mechanisms, strategies, and ways etc. that a person feeling extreme emotional
pressure/strain uses or considers to deal with the adverse effects of stress or to deal with stressors in
his/her life. .
 Refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of
stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.
22 Conflict  a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one
23 Conflict resolution skills  Those skills that enable a person to successfully resolve conflict.
 These are methods, techniques and or processes that are involved in initiating or facilitating a peaceful
end to conflict. This could come in different ways including collaboration, avoidance, competing,
compromising, accommodating etc.
24 Accommodating  Giving in to the wishes or demands of another is being cooperative, but not assertive. Yes, it appears
that the person is being gracious should their argument be incorrect, but when a person gives in just to
keep the peace, it isn’t necessarily helpful. Similar to “avoiding”, it doesn’t always lead to a satisfactory
resolution to an issue, and leaves the door open for more assertive members of the group to take
25 Conflict avoidance  Conflict avoidance: This is when people seek to withdraw from or ignore any conflict, usually because
feeling uncomfortable about the confrontation outweighs any possible reward from resolving it. The
problem is that this strategy doesn’t really resolve the issue because there is a lack of contribution to the
26 Competing  Competing: People who are overly assertive rather than cooperative enter into conflict resolution with the
intention of winning. There is an assumption that one person wins and the other loses, pushing out any
chance of seeing a different perspective. As a result, this is not usually a good strategy for resolving
conflicts within a group.
27 Collaboration  Collaboration: A collaborative person is cooperative and assertive at the same time, allowing each
member of the group to contribute and then resolving the issues by establishing a shared solution that all
can support
28 Compromising  Compromising: The concept is that each member of the group gives up something so that no member
gets everything. This is perceived as the best outcome, working to a compromise that is fair although,
often, no one is completely happy with the final resolution.
29 Inter-personal conflict  This is a strife, misunderstanding, dispute etc. that may arise between two or more people in pursuance
of the same thing. For example, conflict emanating from friends pressurising you to go out partying
against the wishes of your parents.
 A conflict that involves other people
30 Intra-personal conflict  This is a strife, misunderstanding, dispute etc. that may arise from within an individual when certain
things are to be done. For example, a conflict between wanting to complete a task and watching a
 A conflict that occurs within a person
31 Initiating, building  Starting, reinforcing and maintaining or forming supportive relationships with honesty, openness and
sustaining positive trust.
32 Detrimental relationships  Detrimental relationship is the very kind of harmful relationship that can be hurting and quite one sided.
Various factors contribute to detrimental relationships, e.g.:
o Lack of self esteem
o Lack of social interaction
 Detrimental relationships are characterised by:
o Passive aggressive behaviour. ...

o Volatility. ...
o "Jokes" that aren't really jokes. ...
o Walking on eggshells. ...
o You feel like you have to ask permission. ...
o Constant exhaustion. ...
o Becoming isolated
33 Understanding others  A process involving the ability of one person developing a genuine sense of knowledge about the needs,
feelings, ambitions, aspirations, challenges etc. that others are experiencing and acting in ways that
compliments their feelings.
 A process involving the ability of one person developing some kind of appreciation and
acknowledgement of the feelings, views, aspirations, struggles etc. of others.
34 Communicating feelings  This is the ability to successfully express, convey, show etc. your true emotional state about something
or others’ views, behaviours, thoughts etc.
 Making your position known about something or peoples’ behaviours, views, attitudes etc.
35 Beliefs  Certain set of values, standards, norms, philosophy of life, worldviews, convictions etc. that people
develop based on how they relate to something/based on how they were raised to relate to certain things
in their living environment/ deity etc. which may determine the manner in which they eventually approach
life in general.
36 Attitudes  The manner in which people relate to certain things or feel about certain things in their lives. It could
either be positive or negative, depending on their values, experiences, views, perspectives, feelings etc.
about something.
 A way of thinking or feeling about someone or something that shows in the manner people behave or
relate to something/someone.
37 Effective communication  The ability to successfully send or receive verbal or non-verbal message in ways that makes it easier for
the recipient to understand the meaning thereof.
38 Values  Those qualities that a person identifies with and are considered very important to a person’s life.
 These are set of ideals, beliefs, attitudes, standards etc. that a person embraces and they inform how
that individual or group of people conduct (s)/ behave (s) in relation to others, worldly things, health, life,
work, occupation, etc.
39 Acceptance of  Holding oneself accountable for duties/responsibilities/obligations that accompany a specific role or
responsibilities position.
Not a concept but a phrase.
40 Growth and change  This refers to physical, emotional, economic, social development etc. that a person goes through as
he/she moves from one phase of life to another. For example, growing from childhood to puberty brings
about physical, emotional, social, psychological changes/development to a persons’ life. As you grow,
there are changes that come with it.
41 Post-school destination  This is where an individual may go after completion of a phase/milestone at school and it includes
universities, colleges and or workplaces.
42 Positive aspects of  These are good developments that come after a person has done certain improvements or has made
change progress or has abandoned certain inclinations/habits in the manner he/she lives his/her life. This could
be benefits that may come after one has changed negative habits in one’s life. For example, living a
healthier life after quitting smoking or finding yourself in a better position after exploring new
opportunities in your life.
 The benefits that accrue/attained by abandoning previously held ways of doing things in favour of new or
current methods/approaches.
43 Negative aspects of  These are uncomfortable or unwanted outcomes of altering certain tendencies/way of doing
change things/attempting new things in life or undesirable outcomes emanating from making progress that shifts
the manner in which you lead your life. For example, being promoted to a job you know nothing about
leading to feelings of stress or even sicknesses.
44 Life cycle  The stages in a person’s life characterised by developmental milestones ranging from being born
through childhood, adolescence, adulthood, to death, ultimately. These milestones have their inherent
roles, challenges and expectations from an individual, determined largely by societal standards.
45 Traditional practices  These are cultural practices reflective of the long held unique values, beliefs, customs, etc. of a given
group of people in certain communities spanning generations. Rituals/beliefs associated with specific
life stages.
46 Personal lifestyle plan  This is a deliberate written or non-written plan about how you want or commit to live a meaningful life by
considering your physical, psychological, emotional, social, occupational etc. aspects of your life.
47 Quality of life  The degree to which you are healthy (physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically/mentally),
comfortable, free spirited and able to happily engage or participate in life events in ways that further
enhance your personal life and that of others.
 Standards of health, comfort and happiness experienced by an individual with one’s life and
48 Personal fitness  The desired level of physical, mental, emotional, psychological, social etc. health reached by a person
who engages in activities that seek to support his/her general health/wellbeing.
 The stage that a person who pursues/executes clear/compatible health related goals reaches and is
symptomized by his ability to function effectively and efficiently in daily activities.
49 Health goals  These are specific, attainable, measurable, realistic and time bound general health/wellness plan that an
individual sets out in relation to physical, emotional, social, mental, psychological etc., health/wellbeing.
 It is merely about doing things that could put your life on top form physically, emotionally, spiritually,
psychologically, socially etc.
1 Frequency of participation  How often one participates in physical activity over a specific time frame.
2 Movement performance  Evaluating one’s physical performance, against specified norms/criteria.
 Evaluating the extent to which your body moves in line with set criteria.
3 Safety issues  Precautions taken to ensure safety before, during and after physical education sessions.
4 Cortisol  A hormone produced by fear, results in anxiety
5 Adrenalin  A hormone that prepares the body to react physically to a threat

1 Study Skills  The learning skills that an individual develops over a period of time enabling him/her to efficiently
confront/approach a learning task. For example, how to listen when a learning content is presented, how
to take notes, how to paraphrase/summarise learnt content, when and how to administer assessment,
how to arrange the content for easy recall (mnemonics) etc.
 Strategies and techniques that enable one to make the most efficient use of time, resources and
academic potential for achievement of learning goals.
2 Study styles  These are preferred ways of learning and it varies from an individual to the other. For example, we have
visual, auditory/aural, social, solitary, logical, verbal, Kinaesthetic etc. learning styles.
3 Study method  This is a process in which learning material, time-table for studying, needed stationary and the learning
environment are subjected to systematic and critical scrutiny to enable the learning process to happen
 These are the approaches or considerations that a learner may take into account when studying is to
happen efficiently. It includes the availability of a place to study, study material, stationary, time-table for
studying, etc.
4 Study strategy  It is a way that a learner may use to approach a specific task in the light of its perceived
 It is the appropriate application of learning styles, study styles, methods etc. to tackle a learning task at a
given point in time.
 This is the broad approach that an individual has grown to adopt considering one’s learning styles, study
skills and study methods for efficient management of the learning process leading to the attainment of
learning goals.
 In simpler terms, it is the general approach that an individual has, over a long period of time, adopted
towards approaching learning.
5 Study plan  It is a program that a learner my develop for usage in studying all the subjects at school by prioritising
certain topics in those subjects and making provision for assessment, breaks, pleasurable activities,
completion of homework, when to sleep, time-table to be used during the studying process etc. Note that
a study plan is not a study timetable. However, the time-table forms part of the study plan.
6 Process of assessment  These are the various steps that a person who intends to administer assessment may consider in the
formulation of the assessment activity. It may include determining the purpose of assessment, identifying
aspects or content for assessment, working out the nature and type of questions to be used in that
assessment, enabling you to eventually test what you initially set out to assess.
 These are series of activities/steps designed/undertaken to measure learning competence in a specific
period. It may start by -
7 Examination writing skills  This refers to how the learner prepares for an examination (before, during and after) in terms of how to
study and manage exam stress, what food to eat, how and when to exercise, what and how to read
subject matter, how to read questions and the meaning of the action words, how to present answers in
line with the mark allocation and within the specified time frame etc.
 The different ways that the learner may employ when taking an examination.
8 National Senior  It is the certificate awarded to a learner after fulfilling the requirements of the 12 years period of

Certificate learning/schooling determined by the National Qualification Framework (NQF) in South Africa.
 It is an exit examination written after minimum 12 years of formal schooling in South Africa
9 Technical vocation  TVET Colleges focus on vocational and occupational education and training with aim of preparing
education and training students to become functional workers in a skilled trade.
TVET college  As part of the Higher Education system, TVET Colleges accept students who've completed Grade 9, 10,
11 or 12 at high school level. University post-graduates can also enrol for courses at TVET Colleges for
more practical exposure.
 A big benefit of attending a TVET college is the high focus on the employability of students where part of
the curriculum requires the students to complete experiential training (internships and apprenticeships)
which helps build up experience on your CV.

10 Career Portfolio  A career portfolio goes beyond a resume and a cover letter to show a prospective employer your work
experience, skills, accomplishments, and more. Portfolios include information about who you are, what
contributions have you made in your career development, what experiences do you have, and examples
of your work and achievements.
1 Commitment to a decision  Deliberate act of weighing up pros and cons of a decision and undertake to follow it.
2 Unemployment  Inability to get a job, though one either has the qualifications or meets the job requirements and is
actively searching for one.
3 Innovative solutions  Creative and legal ways of doing something. For example, innovative ways of counteracting
unemployment refer to creative/new/never explored ways of eliminating unemployment. Volunteering
may not be regarded as an innovative way of counteracting unemployment because it is the established
and known way of dealing with unemployment. However, people may utilise unique and different ways of
volunteering and that may be regarded as an innovative way.
4 Counteracting  An attempt that individuals, government, business, CBOs etc. make to create job opportunities in order
unemployment to eliminate joblessness.
5 Volunteering/volunteerism  Unpaid work that provides services to the community/business/CBO/government etc.
 This is work that individuals who do not necessarily expect payment do in certain companies,
government institutions, CBOs etc. It, however, increases one’s opportunities for employment when a
vacancy is available. Companies usually consider volunteers for filling of vacancies, depending on how
the volunteer conducted himself/herself.
6 Part-time jobs  These are jobs in which an employee is required to work fewer hours per week than it is usually the case
with fulltime employment.
 Short-term employment.
7 Community work  These are jobs that an individual would do to serve the needs of the community without expecting any
 Doing something to benefit one’s community.
8 Entrepreneurship  Starting a business/enterprise by identifying opportunities in your community for profit.
9 Informal jobs  Any work that one performs merely to provide for income to pay for living expenses without entering into
a contract or formally being employed.
 Work in which an employer hires an employee without an established working agreement/contract etc.
10 SARS tax obligation  Registering and paying taxes according to legislation.
11 Corruption  Dishonesty, misuse of public power and money, for private benefit.
12 Fraud  Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
 Benefiting financially by being dishonest in business transactions.
13 National Benchmark Test  These are a set of tests that measure your academic, i.e. Academic and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) test
(NBT) & the Mathematics (MAT) test relative to the university course of interest at tertiary institutions.
14 Embezzlement  It is a form of crime in which a person or entity misappropriates the assets entrusted to them
15 Cronyism  The appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their
16 Nepotism  The practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving
them jobs, promotion etc. in the workplace.
17 Bribery  The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or
other person, in charge of a public or legal duty.

1 Responsible Citizenship  It is about doing what is right and expected of you as a citizen of a country. For example, taking part in
community work, participating in elections, holding authorities accountable for their actions, keeping
government on check, attendance of community initiatives, keeping the environment clean, respect for
law and authorities etc.
2. Discrimination  Unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially, on grounds of race, age,
sex, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, socio-economic factors etc.
3 Human Rights  These are the rights that all human beings should enjoy by virtue of them being human beings.
 These are the rights contained in various bills to promote humanness, for example, right to dignity, right
to a name, a right to respected, a right to life etc.
4 Bill of Rights  A formal documented declaration encapsulated/enshrined in Chapter 2 of the South African
Constitution that guarantees both the exercise and enjoyment of the 25 specific human rights in the
5 Human Right Violations  An act of disregarding basic human rights when interacting with people and such cases may be
referred to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).
6 Campaigns  These are series of operations/actions intended to raise awareness about
something/program/initiative/occurrence/plans happening in a specific area.
7 Events  These are important occasions/activities/projects that come into being for important reasons in a
community. For example, there are calendar events showcased in the commemoration of the Youth
day, human rights day, earth day etc.
8 Electronic Media  Media that use electronics for the access and distribution of content, for example, radio, television and
9 Print Media  Media that produce newspapers, magazines and or any other content carried on paper.
10 Social media footprint  These are recorded and shared traces of text, photos, videos, likes/dislikes, emoji and or comments
that are posted, as private messages on internet.
 This is a digital record of everything that a person shares or comments about on internet.
11 Cyber wellness  It is an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace.
 Cautious/responsible behaviour emitted when one uses or consumes material paraded in the
12 Cyber bullying  The act of using electronic communication/media to humiliate/embarrass/slander/smear/defame etc. a
person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
13 Cyber savvy  An act of being able to use the digital space in ways that does not expose you to unscrupulous users.
14 Freedom of Expression  Right to express your ideas and opinions freely and be mindful of other peoples freedoms.
15 Limitations  Being restricted to exercise your freedom of expression fully
 The rights in the Bill of Rights may be limited only in terms of law of general application to the extent
that the limitation is reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human
dignity, equality, etc.
16 Critical Analysis of Media  To analyse the media and evaluate their balance and fairness in reporting about issues.
17 Coverage of Sport  Content that covers different codes of sports by media.
18 Sport Personalities  People that participate in different codes of sports e.g coach, soccer and netball players, etc.
19 Recreational Activities  Activities that are meant for enjoyment, satisfaction, pleasure and amusement to individuals
20 Ideologies  Set of beliefs that affect one’s outlook on the world i.e. principles
21 Beliefs  These are generally accepted opinions/views/values about the reasons for the existence of certain
things and how one should relate to them.
 Accepted views/opinions/values that the existence of someone or something is true without proof.
22 Belief systems  A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality.
This could be in the form of religion, political affiliation, philosophy, or spirituality, among many other
things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced by a number of different factors.
23 World Views  General standpoint/side from which people see and interpret life/world.
 A glass prism through which a person views, relates and interprets daily life/world issues.
24 Long Term Engagement  Being involved with someone or something for a very long time, probably for 3 or more years.
25 Indigenous Games  A host of traditional games for people of all ages

26 Non-traditional sports  These are current or prevalent sports activities that are mostly publicised and most people know of.
They include soccer, rugby, tennis, etc.


1 Community Responsibility  The responsibility of individuals in a community to ensure clean and healthy living environments.
Responsibility comes in various ways, for example, avoidance of littering and dumping, spilling of used
oil etc.
2 Laws  These are statutes/bills/orders/acts/rules etc. whose purpose is to decree/declare how people should
live/behave in a given community/country/society/organisation etc.
3 Regulations  The details necessary tor informed implementation of the law in a country. Unlike the law, regulations
inform the processes to be followed when a certain piece of legislation is to be implemented.
4 Rules  Procedures that have to be followed or legal ways of doing things
5 Community Services  Services provided by the different levels of government to community, for example, water, sanitation,
waste removal, houses etc.
6 Intervention programmes  Programmes that are considered and implemented in order to address a particular and urgent problem
in a community, for example, vaccination for COVID-19, rollout of ARVs to HIV positive community
members etc.
7 Educational programmes  Variety of community empowerment programmes that seek to teach people/community members about
issues that affect them, for example, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19 pandemic, Tuberculosis, obesity, high blood
pressure, crime etc.
8 Personal Mission  A written or non – written expression that states an individual’s purpose, values, interests, aim or goal
Statement which informs or directs their actions, behaviour and plans in life.
9 Personal Views  One’s opinions/knowledge/feelings/ideas/interpretation of what one considers to be important or how
something is or should be.
10 Impact of Vision  The manner in which your future plans/aspirations/goals influence your general behaviour in relation to
others in your community and what you want in life.
11 Impact study  This is research/evaluative study done on a certain environmental topic/intended action/past actions to
determine what effects doing certain things would have on the environment. Thus, evaluation of impact
studies requires, among other things, scrutiny of available environmental impact reports to determine
future actions.
1 Lifestyle diseases  Any medical disorder or condition thought to be produced or exacerbated by aspects of a person's
lifestyle, such as diet and level of physical activity and it includes atherosclerosis/heart
diseases/obesity, type 2 diabetes and diseases associated with smoking ,alcohol and drug abuse
 Lifestyle diseases • It is diseases caused by the way you live your life. Lifestyle diseases are the result
of an unhealthy lifestyle. Factors contributing are the types and amount of food we eat, lack of exercise
and smoking. Genetic factors also often play a role. • Lifestyle diseases include diseases like
Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, chronic liver disease, Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity,
osteoporosis etc. • Unsafe sexual behaviour like not using condom correctly, increases the risk of HIV
and Aids and STI’s

2. Lifestyle diseases as a  Lifestyle diseases as a result of poverty and gender imbalance • Cancer: cervical cancer is caused
result of poverty and by human papillomavirus which is the most common STI, risk factors includes smoking, having multiple
gender imbalance sexual partners, and early sexual contact • Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is very
common due to high levels of stressful events in people’s lives. A poor diet plays a huge role and lack
of exercise. Normal BP is more than 12080 and less than 140/90 • Tuberculosis: leading cause of death
in South Africa, common in overcrowded poverty-stricken communities

 Lifestyle diseases as a result of poverty and gender imbalance • Diseases of the heart: studies
show that people from poor environments are more likely to experience heart diseases than those from
rich environments Disadvantaged people are more likely to smoke and be obese because they have
less access to a healthier diet i.e., fruits and vegetables • STIs: Rape and sexual abuse are most
popular in disadvantaged communities. Women in abusive relationships cannot negotiate use of
condoms when having sex. Women in disadvantaged communities resort to commercial sex in order to
put food on the table.

3 Cancer  Diseases caused by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body with a potential to
spread all over the body.
4 Hypertension  This is a condition that develops when the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood
vessels, is consistently too high due to obstruction of those vessels caused by fatty substances etc.
5 Tuberculosis  A contagious infection caused by bacteria that mainly affects the lungs but can also affect any other
organ including bone, brain and spine.

 Infectious bacterial disease characterised by the growth of nodules (lumps) in the tissues especially the
6 Diabetes  A chronic disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired,
resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and
 Chronic disease that affects glucose levels in the blood.
7 Action plan  This is a document that lists what steps (goals, purpose, resources, time etc.) must be taken in order to
achieve a specific goal.
8 Long term effects of  These are benefits that one could get after participating in different sports and recreational activities for
Participation a longer period of time.
9 Physical Effect  The level of muscular endurance, strength, cardiovascular fitness, body composition, flexibility, agility,
advanced eye-hand coordination etc. that a person may achieve after engagement in physical activities
for a longer period of time.
10 Mental Effect  The level of mental alertness/speed attained after prolonged participation in physical activities.
11 Social Effect  The level at which your social life improves as a result of participation in physical activities, as sports
have the inherent benefit of unifying the community/improving social cohesion.
12 Emotional Effect  The level of emotional growth and maturity that one may attain after prolonged engagement in physical
activities, as physical activities have the potential to stimulate chemicals in the brain that may make one
to feel happy and relaxed/feel good about him/herself and enabling them to cope better with stress and
negative feelings.
13 Value-Added Benefits  Regular physical activities do not only help with your general physical, emotional, mental, spiritual,
psychological and social health, but they also assist you in the fight against life style diseases
14 Relaxation and Recreation  The state of being free from tension and anxiety and includes activities that people may do to relax,
have fun, and enjoy/pastime.
15 Physical, mental, social  Well-being encompasses many different elements. This includes positive emotions, such as
and emotional well-being happiness, joy, contentment, excitement, wonder, and calmness. It also includes good physical
health and positive, meaningful social relationships and connections. The latter is what constitutes
social well-being.

16 Physical well-being  Physical well-being consists of the ability to perform physical activities and carry out social
roles that are not hindered by physical limitations and experiences of bodily pain, and biological health
17 Mental well-being  Your mental wellbeing is about your thoughts and feelings and how you cope with the ups and
downs of everyday life. It's not the same thing as mental health, although the two can influence each
 Our mental wellbeing is often affected by big life events that we have little or no control over such as
bereavement, illness or redundancy.
 In these situations, it's about how we respond - our behaviours and habits - that will determine the
impact on our mental wellbeing. For example, do we tend to reach out for support or withdraw? Do we
assume the worst or remain open to new opportunities?
18 Social well-being  Social well-being can be defined as the sharing, developing, and sustaining of meaningful
relationships with others. This allows you to feel authentic and valued, and provides a sense of
connectedness and belonging.
19 Emotional well-being  Emotional well-being is “the ability to practice stress-management techniques, be resilient, and
generate the emotions that lead to good feelings.”
20 Gender  Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and
cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of
identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female
21 Gender imbalances  The proportion of males to females in a given population, usually expressed as the number of males
per 100 females.
22 Substance abuse  The use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or alcohol for purposes
other than those for which they are meant to be used, or in excessive amounts. Substance abuse may
lead to social, physical, emotional, and job-related problems.
23 Unsafe sexual behaviour  The activity/behaviour that will increase the probability that a person will engaging in sexual activity with
another person without using protection or may become pregnant because of not using preventative
measures , or may make a partner pregnant. It can mean two similar things: the behaviour itself, or the
description of the partner's behaviour. The behaviour could lead to unprotected intercourse.
24 Ill-health  Ill-health: state of being unwell physically, mentally, psychologically and even socially. e.g., stress,
sickness … according to WHO • Accidents: unexpected events normally caused by lack of knowledge,
skills and unsafe behaviours. e.g., car accidents, burning a house etc • Crisis: times of extreme difficulty
due to accidents, ill-health, disasters and other life changing events. e.g., when parents divorce,
children may be devastated and this may lead to stress •
25 Disasters  Disaster: an event/occurrence that may lead to a great damage of human life. human activities that may
lead to disasters include cutting down of trees which may lead to floods, terrorist attacks etc.
26 Factors that may cause ill-  Factors that may cause ill-health: Psychological factors • People with low self-esteem may turn to
health : - Psychological alcohol or other substances to feel better • This could lead to risky sexual behaviour which may
factors increase chances of contracting STIs or causing accidents that may lead to injury or death • Others may
be unable to suggest using condoms for fear of rejection • Others eat to feel better which may lead to
sickness and eating disorders
27 Factors that may cause ill-  Factors that may cause ill-health - Social factors • Poor living conditions and poverty, people have
health - Social factors limited or no access to proper sanitation, infrastructure or health care • People may be unemployed and
unable to afford their living, which leaves them frustrated and may lead to violence and crime • Women
resort to commercial sex to support their families which may demoralise them and lead to STIs • Living
in dirty surroundings and badly maintained houses increase accidents

28 Factors that may cause ill-  Factors that may cause ill-health : Religious factors • Recently people have been made to eat and
health drink harmful substances in order to get blessings from God and because of their trust in their religious
- Religious factors leaders they did, this may cause ill-health • Some people do not believe in western medicine, they only
believe prayer will heal them, this may put their lives in excessive danger • Terrorist attacks are usually
performed by religious extremists who kill others and even themselves for the god they serve.

29 Factors that cause ill-  Factors that may cause ill-health: Cultural practices. For example, wife inheritance: a widow is
health: forced to marry her late husband’s brother and this may lead to unfaithfulness in the marriage, resulting
- Cultural practices in STIs. This may also result in forced sex as the woman may not be willing to engage in sexual
intercourse with the brother • Circumcision: this is a common African practice which may help reduce
the risk of catching STIs, however, if not properly done by a professional may lead to infections •
Genital mutilation: a process of removing parts or all female genitals. This is to ensure that girls are
still virgins when they get married and stay faithful when they get married.
30 - Different knowledge  Your perspective is the way you see something. Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through"
perspectives or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking.
 Thus, different knowledge perspectives deal with the varied ways in which people view certain things in
life. Surely, the differences depend, inter alia, on cultural/religious/societal etc. beliefs/predispositions


1 Job Contract  Oral or written, express or implied, agreement specifying terms and conditions under which a person
consents to perform certain duties as directed and controlled by an employer in return for an agreed
upon wage or salary.
2 Employee Rights  The rights that an employee has which include the right to be treated fairly, in a morally acceptable way,
or legal way and accommodative of the right to a fair wage, safe working conditions and reasonable
time off.
3 Employer rights  The rights that are accorded to the employer according to the LRA.

4 Worker obligations  An act or course of action that morally or legally binds a person to perform certain duties or act in a
certain way in the workplace/at work.
5 Conditions of Service  These are the standards that bind both the employer and employee to certain operational norms or
codes whose intention is to control, manage and inform the nature of the working environment and
must be adhered to by both the employer and employee.
6 Labour Laws  The body of law that governs the employer-employee relationship, including individual employment
contracts etc.
7 Labour Relations Act  This is Act NO. 55 of 1995 which aims to promote economic development, social justice, labour peace
and democracy in the workplace.
8 Employments Equity Act  This is Act NO. 55 of 1998 which seeks to promote the achievement of equity in the workplace by
advancing equal opportunity and fair treatment in the employment practices through elimination of
unfair discrimination and implementation of affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages
experienced by designated groups so that there is equitable representation in all occupational
categories and levels in the workforce.
9 Basic Conditions of  This is Act NO. 75 of 1997 whose intention is to give effect to the right to fair labour practices impacting
Employment on working hours per week/month/annum, the different types of leaves employees are entitled to,
overtime, meal breaks etc. in the workplace.
10 Equity  The quality of being fair and impartial.
11 Principles of Equity  These are set of principles which dictates fair treatment of all employees in the workplace by favouring
employment of people from designated groups (gender, colour, race or other personal differences.) for
purposes of reversing the negative effects of exclusionary laws.
12 Redress  To remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation)
13 Affirmative action  Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking
to include particular groups based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which
they are underrepresented such as education and employment
14 Principles of Redress  These are set of practices/principles used to refer to the range of appropriate responses that can be
provided to individuals or groups of people that have been detrimentally affected by maladministration
or injustices of the past, or who are likely to suffer detriment at some time in the future if previous or on-
going maladministration, injustices are not rectified with the aim to reach a fair and reasonable
15 Recruitment Process  The process of finding or hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization)
for a job opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner. The recruitment process includes analyzing the
requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and
integrating the new employee to the organization.
16 General Recruitment  A general direction in which something tends to move. For example, employment trends in the era of
Trends the 4th IR have changed as digital employment opportunities have overtaken traditional careers.
17 General Recruitment  These are common and established ways in which employment is done at the given moment.
18 Trade Unions  An organized association of workers/employers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to
protect and further their rights and interests of their members in a workplace.
19 Trade union roles  The main role of trade unions is negotiation and representation of their members within the ambit of
the Labour Relations Act. The union is expected to determine the members' grievances and relay the
grievance to the employer. Often there is a difference between what the workers want and what
employers offer. ... Many unions also offer courses for their members.
20 Trade union rights  These are set of rights/privileges/recourses that workers in a workplace may have or exercise in the
performance of their duties.
Here are some of the rights that trade unions have:
o the right to access the workplace to talk to union members.
 the right to stop orders.
 the right to membership stop orders.
 the right to leave for trade union officials.
 the right to access to information.
 the right to appoint shop stewards.
21 Trade union  The main role of trade unions is negotiation and representation of their members on issues related to
responsibilities their employment in the workplace. The union is expected to determine the members' grievances and
relay the grievance to the employer. ... Union representatives negotiate on behalf of members to find a
solution for these differences.
22 Organised Labour  An association of workers united as a single, representative entity for the purpose of improving the
workers' economic status and working conditions through collective bargaining with employers.
23 Ethics  Moral principles/values that govern/regulate a person's general behaviour and they often characterise a
person’s moral standing. Ethics may include aspects such as being considerate of others, respect,
humility, empathy, etc.
24 Work Ethics  A value based on good conduct, hard work, punctuality, respect, dedication and diligence in the world
of work.
25 Societal Expectations  Refers to the general standards/norms of behaviour that individuals who live within a society are
expected to uphold/live by.
26 Value of Work  These are the benefits that come as a result of one being employed enabling an individual to earn an
Meaningfulness of work income to satisfy their daily needs.


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