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The Reviews Are in: A

Report on User Acceptance


Workday Project
State of Oregon – DAS – CHRO Enterprise Projects: 1177 Center St NE, Salem, OR 97301
User Acceptance Testing Report - 1


Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................2

Successes ...................................................................................................................................................2
Opportunities ..............................................................................................................................................2
The Reviews Are in: A Report on User Acceptance Testing..............................................................3
Core UAT ......................................................................................................................................................7
Absence .......................................................................................................................................................8
Position Budget .........................................................................................................................................9
Recruitment ...............................................................................................................................................10
Safety ..........................................................................................................................................................11
Talent ..........................................................................................................................................................12
Appendix I: Document History .................................................................................................................13
User Acceptance Testing Report - 2

Executive Summary
In the summer of 2018, the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Team conducted User
Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the new HRIS system: Workday®. UAT consisted of a five-day Core
Session and five one-day, function-specific sessions.* The Core Session covered a variety of
functions occurring throughout the lifecycle of an employee in Workday®, from new hire to
separation and many areas in between. The five function-specific sessions covered: Absence,
Position Budget (Part 1), Recruitment, Safety, and Talent. In order to test the user experience in a
free-form, natural manner, UAT sessions were structured with minimal instructions and guidance
as needed. Overall, 98% of participants rated UAT positively, with 60% giving it the top rating of

 When asked what they liked most about Workday®, participants most often reported that
they liked how easy it was to use. Additionally, participants liked that the system unified
agencies and departments by connecting processes and standards.
 When asked what the best part of UAT was, participants most often reported the best part
was being able to see how the system works. This was followed closely by the related
response of the best part being the hands-on opportunity.
 Across UAT, when asked if they had anything else to communicate, participants had only
positive comments to make about the HRIS team. For example, one participant said “I
super appreciate the access we have to the team. All are very responsive.”
 For the Core UAT, respondents overwhelmingly indicated they liked the training video.
Specifically, 93% of participants rated the video “Very Good” and 7% rated it “Excellent.”

 When asked what should be improved in Workday®, participants provided a wide variety of
responses. Thematically, the majority of responses requested more clarity in instructions
and terminology, with two respondents suggesting quick guides. This theme again emerged
when participants were asked what could be improved about UAT; participants most often
responded UAT would benefit from clearer instructions.
 Two respondents out of seven indicated that Workday® was not intuitive. Both of these
respondents were in the Position Budget session. Otherwise, in all other sessions,
participants overwhelmingly found Workday® very easy to use.

*Note: Function-specific UAT sessions are still occurring. The initial five function-specific sessions were held
in addition to Core UAT in order to allow for a broader audience to participate as subject matter experts in
particular areas of functionality. Upcoming additional sessions include Position Budgeting Part 2 and Data &
Reporting. To ensure position budgeting functionality requirements are met, Position Budgeting Part 2 will
be conducted much like Core UAT. This document will be updated as the data for these sessions becomes
User Acceptance Testing Report - 3

The Reviews Are in: A Report on User Acceptance Testing

At the end of the UAT session, participants in both the Core UAT and function-specific
UAT sessions responded to 10 questions: five closed-response and five open-response.
The five closed-response items were:
How would you rate the number of steps, and
amount of time, to complete business processes
and/or transactions compared to the current
- How the majority of
method?, How would you rate Workday's ease of
learning?, How would you rate Workday's ease of participants rated UAT.
use?, How would you rate the job aides provided
during UAT?, and Rate your overall experience participating in User Acceptance Testing.
Possible responses were Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, and Excellent. Additionally,
participants in the Core UAT responded to an additional closed-response item, How would
you rate the sample training video? Results for the five closed-response items and the
additional Core UAT response item are included below. The five open-response items are
detailed later in this report in their respective section.

Rate your overall experience participating in User

Acceptance Testing.


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses
User Acceptance Testing Report - 4

How would you rate the number of steps, and amount of

time, to complete business processes and/or transactions
compared to the current method?


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses

How would you rate Workday's ease of learning?


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses
User Acceptance Testing Report - 5

How would you rate Workday's ease of use?


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses

How would you rate the job aides provided during UAT?


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses
User Acceptance Testing Report - 6

Core UAT Only: How would you rate the sample training


Very Good




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Responses
User Acceptance Testing Report - 7

Core UAT
The Core UAT session was held over five days and covered foundational Human
Resource functions. These foundational functions included creating non-budgeted
positions, recruiting for positions, hiring, requesting an absence, requesting a
compensation change, conducting disciplinary actions, etc. These functions were
performed using multiple roles, such as HR partner, agency recruiter, appointing authority,
etc. Twenty employees representing over 25 State of Oregon agencies participated in the
session. Seventeen of these individuals responded to the open-ended items on the UAT
survey. These items along with a general discussion of their responses are detailed below.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o Five respondents indicated self-service ability. Four respondents indicated ease
of use. Two respondents indicated the unified system. One respondent indicated
the online access. One respondent indicated more information. One respondent
indicated onboarding capabilities. One respondent indicated the possibilities.
One respondent indicated modernization.
 What would you most like to improve in Workday®?
o Five respondents indicated there were too many steps. Two respondents
indicated concern over roles. Two respondents were unsure. One respondent
indicated grievance tracking. One respondent indicated clearer overview of the
process. One respondent indicated seasonal worker service breaks. One
respondent indicated more customization. One respondent indicated better job
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o Eight respondents indicated being able to see how the system works. Five
respondents indicated the hands-on opportunity. Two respondents indicated
getting to learn from individuals in other agencies. One respondent indicated
learning. One respondent indicated the upcoming consistency between
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o Seven respondents indicated clearer instructions. Two respondents indicated a
larger variety of activities. Two respondents indicated clearer job aides. Two
respondents indicated nothing. One respondent indicated the implementation of
UAT was rocky. One respondent
indicated the length of the sessions. “I am very excited about this
application. All the changes will
 Anything else you’d like to share?
be worth it in the end!”
o Nine respondents that answered gave
kudos to the project team. Two - Alida McNew
respondents indicated optimism for Department of Fish and Wildlife
implementation. One respondent
indicated toning down the ease of use. One respondent indicated to emphasize
the enterprise-wide change. One respondent indicated the need for clear
User Acceptance Testing Report - 8

The Absence UAT session was a daylong session and covered requesting an absence,
approving an absence request, requesting family medical leave, and managing and
approving the absence process as an absence partner. Fifteen employees from across
State of Oregon agencies participated in the session. Seven of these individuals
responded to the open-ended items on the UAT survey. These items along with a general
discussion of their responses are detailed below.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o Two respondents indicated self-service ability. One respondent indicated more
information. One respondent indicated ease of use. One respondent indicated
real-time efficiency. One respondent indicated the online access. One
respondent indicated the hands-on experience.
 What would you most like to improve in Workday®?
o Two respondents indicated improvements in the FMLA/OFLA process. One
respondent indicated too many steps in the approval process. One respondent
wanted quick guides for the more basic tasks. One respondent only indicated
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o Three respondents indicated the hands-on opportunity. Two respondents
indicated ease of use. One respondent indicated being able to see how the
system works. One respondent indicated the expert-facilitated, step-by-step
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o Two respondents indicated a larger variety of activities. One respondent
indicated a Workday® dictionary. One respondent indicated that the audience
have the same level of foundational knowledge for the topic. One respondent
indicated they wanted to test their real-life role. One respondent indicated
parking could be improved.
 Anything else you’d like to share?
o All four respondents that answered “I super appreciate the access we have
gave kudos to the project team. to the team. All are very responsive.”
- Margo Hammonds Department
of Corrections
User Acceptance Testing Report - 9

Position Budget
The first Position Budget UAT was a half-day session and covered basic Workday®
navigation, reviewing position budget data, and creating, editing, and abolishing positions.
Eleven employees from across State of Oregon agencies participated in the session. For
some of these employees, this was their first time having hands-on experience with the
new system. Eight of these individuals responded to the open-ended items on the UAT
survey. These items along with a general discussion of their responses are detailed below.
Part 2 is planned for August and will go far more in-depth into the budget configuration for
both the centralized (DAS budget staff) and agency users.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o Two respondents indicated the online access. One respondent indicated the
transparency. One respondent indicated more information. One respondent
indicated the possibilities. One respondent indicated the ease of use. One
respondent indicated the unified system.
 What would you most like to improve in Workday®?
o Three respondents indicated more instructions. Two respondents indicated it
was not intuitive. One respondent indicated too many approval steps. One
respondent was unsure.
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o Three respondents indicated the “It was great to actually get into the
hands-on opportunity. Two system and work within it, it truly
respondents indicated being able to enables us to get a better feel for
see how the system works. One what the future holds, and that
respondent indicated the future is looking bright.”
requirement of approval from
multiple sources. One respondent - Patrick Sevigny
indicated the change to a modern, Department of Administrative
visual-based system. One Services
respondent indicated the trainers.
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o Two respondents indicated clearer overview of the process. Two respondents
indicated clearer instructions. One respondent was unsure. One respondent
indicated continued refinement of UAT and related products.
 Anything else you’d like to share?
o Five respondents gave kudos to the project team. One respondent indicated
optimism for implementation.
User Acceptance Testing Report - 10

The Recruitment UAT session was a daylong session and covered creating questions and
questionnaires, adding mandatory priority list candidates, the standard recruiting process
(create requisition through ready for hire), and direct appointments. Thirteen employees
from across State of Oregon agencies participated in the session. Ten of these individuals
responded to the open-ended items on the UAT survey. These items along with a general
discussion of their responses are detailed below.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o Five respondents indicated ease of use. Three respondents indicated the unified
system. One respondent indicated the
electronic access.
“It’s a one stop shop…”
 What would you most like to improve in
- Linda Ray
Judicial Department
o Two respondents indicated they were
unsure. Two respondents indicated inbox functionality. Two respondents
indicated self-scheduling. One respondent indicated clearer terminology and
there were too many steps. One respondent indicated Veterans Preference point
transparency and filtering to find candidates.
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o Two respondents indicated being able to see how the system works. Three
respondents indicated the hands-on opportunity. One respondent indicated
getting information. One respondent indicated seeing Workday® from multiple
roles. One respondent indicated the best part was the trainers and job aids. One
respondent indicated having real data with which to work. One respondent
indicated learning.
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o One respondent indicated a more individualized approach with regard to pacing.
One respondent indicated more opportunities for feedback and a larger variety
of activities. One respondent indicated having others participate in UAT. One
respondent indicated they wanted to test their real-life role. One respondent
indicated the implementation of UAT was rocky. One respondent indicated the
role-taking was confusing.
 Anything else you’d like to share?
o Four respondents indicated nothing to share at this time. One respondent gave
kudos to the project team. One respondent indicated optimism for
User Acceptance Testing Report - 11

The Safety UAT session was a half-day session and covered the safety business process,
including creating an incident report from an employee role, incident investigation from a
manager’s role, and completion of the incident from a Human Resource role. Seven
employees from across State of Oregon agencies participated in the session. Three of
these individuals responded to the open-ended items on the UAT survey.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o One respondent indicated it should replace the current manual data entry. One
respondent indicated ease of use. One respondent indicated unsure.
 What would you most like to improve in Workday®?
o One respondent indicated they would like changes that they had been informed
were not happening. One respondent answered nothing.
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o One respondent indicated the hands-on opportunity. One respondent indicated
being able to see how the system works.
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o One respondent indicated partnering people up so each only performs in one
role. One respondent indicated clearer instructions.
 Anything else you’d like to share?
o Two respondents gave kudos to the project team. One respondent indicated
more similar trainings will be needed before launch.
User Acceptance Testing Report - 12

The Talent UAT was a daylong session and covered performance reviews, individual
development plans, performance improvement plans, disciplinary actions, adding goals,
and career pathing. Fifteen employees from across State of Oregon agencies participated
in the session. Three of these individuals responded to the open-ended items on the UAT
survey. These items along with a general discussion of their responses are detailed below.
 What do you like most about Workday®?
o Two respondents indicated the unified system. One respondent indicated
 What would you most like to improve in Workday®?
o Two respondents answered nothing. One respondent indicated they would
prefer enhanced urgency for the inbox, such as more frequent refreshing and
 What has been the best part of UAT?
o Two respondents indicated being able to see how the system works. One
respondent indicated they enjoyed specific functionality around performance
management and succession planning.
 What could be improved for future UAT?
o One respondent indicated a larger variety of activities. One respondent indicated
the implementation of UAT was rocky – mismatch between screenshots and the
user view in Workday®. One respondent indicated they would have like to have
seen more of the basic functionality.
 Anything else you’d like to share?
o Two respondents gave kudos to the project team.
User Acceptance Testing Report - 13

Appendix I: Document History

Description Reviewed by Date Outcome
1st draft
Revisions suggested;
1.0 (written by Twyla Lawson 7/27/18
template changed
Nicole Jones)
Twyla Lawson,
2.0 2nd draft Joyce Martinez, 7/31/18 Revisions suggested
and Rocky Clark
3.0 3rd draft Twyla Lawson 8/7/18 Report delivered

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