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CH(1) Phonetics

1) Voicing and have greater amounts of acoustic energy at

higher frequency
 The space b/w the vocal cords, which is
 _____________ is a sound with a greater
known as ________, assumes different
opening in the vocal tract than fricatives, and
configurations for sounds known as
thus do not create any friction
_________ and ___________
 __________ function like consonants, as they
 When the vocal cords are brought together, the
do not occupy the syllable nuclei and they
air passing through creates vibration, and the
always need a vowel to lean on
resulting sounds are ________
 Unlike consonant clusters, _________ are
2) Place of articulation
always behave like one unit and they are in
 ___________: these sounds are made by inseparable status
placing the tip or blade of the tongue between
 Both __________ and _________ are called
the upper and lower front teeth
continuants, because they let the airflow
 Alveolar: these sounds are produced when the continue in the production
tongue tip of blade goes against the ________
 Stops, fricatives, and affricates are produced
by a considerable amount of obstruction of the
 ___________: these sounds are produced with laryngeal airstream in the vocal tract. These
the front of the tongue articulating against the sounds are known as __________
hard palate
4) Vowels
 ___________: these sounds are produced with
 Vowels are characterized by the position of the
the blade of the tongue moving toward the
_________ and the ________
back of the alveolar ridge
 The voiced/voiceless distinction used for
 / / is the only consonant that has two places of
consonants is not relevant either, since vowels
articulation; labial, and velar
are usually __________
 The sounds like bilabials, labio-dentals,
 In English, / ____________ / are tense vowels,
interdentals, alveolars are produced in the
front part of the alveolar. These sounds are and /____________/ are lax vowels
known as ____________
 The diphthongs in English are / /, / / and / /
 ___________, ___________, ___________
and ___________ are called coronals

 Velars and further back articulations are called


3) Manner of Articulation

 ___________ is a sound that is made with a

small opening between the articulators,
allowing the air to escape

 /___________________ / are known as sibilants,

a subgroup of fricatives which are more intense

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