Consumer Behaviour

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Unit IV: /-

Consumer Involvement: Role of Consumer Involvement; Customer Satisfaction; -

Consumer behaviour- interdisciplinary approach

1. Consumer Involvement


Consumer involvement refers to the degree of interest and personal importance a consumer
places on a product or service. It influences how much effort the consumer puts into making a
purchase decision.


- When buying a car:

- High involvement: extensive research and comparison of different models.

- Buying a loaf of bread:

- Low involvement: routine purchase with minimal thought.

2. Role of Consumer Involvement


The role of consumer involvement affects how consumers process information and make
purchasing decisions.

*Points to consider:*

- High involvement:

- Leads to careful and detailed decision-making.

- Low involvement:

- Results in quicker, habitual decisions.


- Buying a house:
- High involvement: considering factors like location, price, and size.

- Buying toothpaste:

- Low involvement: decision based on brand familiarity or price.

3. Consumer Satisfaction


Consumer satisfaction measures how well a product or service meets or exceeds the
expectations of the consumer.

*Points to consider:*

- Importance:

- Crucial for building brand loyalty.

- Encourages repeat business.


- If a smartphone performs well beyond expectations:

- High satisfaction: leads to positive reviews and repeat purchases.

- If it fails to meet basic expectations:

- Low satisfaction: might lead to negative reviews or returns.

4. Consumer Behaviour - Interdisciplinary Approach


This approach to consumer behavior incorporates insights from various fields such as
psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics to understand why consumers make the
decisions they do.

*Fields contributing to understanding consumer behavior:*

- Psychology:

- Consumer perceptions and attitudes.

- Sociology:

- Impact of social groups and culture.

- Anthropology:

- Cultural influences on behavior.

- Economics:

- Economic factors affecting consumer choices.


- Psychological insights:

- Explain how consumer attitudes influence buying behavior.

- Sociological factors:

- Explain the impact of social groups and culture on choices.

Here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to consumer involvement, the role of
consumer involvement, consumer satisfaction, and the interdisciplinary approach to consumer
behavior, with duplicates removed:

Consumer Involvement

1. *Consumer involvement refers to:*

a. The number of times a consumer buys a product.

b. The degree of interest a consumer places on a product or service.

c. The price a consumer is willing to pay for a product.

d. The frequency of a consumer’s purchases.

*Answer: b*

2. *High consumer involvement typically occurs when:*

a. The product is cheap and frequently bought.

b. The product is expensive and infrequently purchased.

c. The product is a basic necessity.

d. The consumer is brand loyal.

*Answer: b*

3. *Which of the following is an example of a low involvement purchase?*

a. Buying a house

b. Buying a car

c. Buying a loaf of bread

d. Buying a computer

*Answer: c*

4. *What influences consumer involvement?*

a. Price

b. Personal interest

c. Brand reputation

d. All of the above

*Answer: d*

5. *High involvement decisions usually involve:*

a. Routine purchases

b. Impulse buying

c. Extensive research and comparison

d. Minimal effort

*Answer: c*

6. *Consumer involvement can be categorized into:*

a. High and low involvement

b. Product and service involvement

c. Brand and price involvement

d. None of the above

*Answer: a*

7. *Which of the following best describes a high involvement purchase?*

a. Buying toothpaste

b. Buying a new phone

c. Buying a bottle of water

d. Buying a pack of gum

*Answer: b*

8. *Low involvement purchases are often:*

a. Associated with high risk

b. Made with little thought

c. Subject to detailed research

d. Very expensive

*Answer: b*

9. *A high involvement product is likely to be:*

a. Low cost

b. Frequently purchased

c. Associated with significant risk

d. Purchased out of habit

*Answer: c*

10. *Which of the following does not typically affect consumer involvement?*

a. Price

b. Social status

c. Brand name

d. Product availability
*Answer: d*

Role of Consumer Involvement

11. *High consumer involvement leads to:*

a. Quicker decisions

b. Careful and detailed decision-making

c. Habitual purchasing

d. Lower product knowledge

*Answer: b*

12. *Low consumer involvement results in:*

a. Extensive decision-making

b. Routine, habitual decisions

c. Increased product research

d. Higher levels of consumer satisfaction

*Answer: b*

13. *In high involvement purchases, consumers are likely to:*

a. Ignore advertisements

b. Be influenced by price alone

c. Seek out detailed information

d. Make impulse buys

*Answer: c*

14. *In low involvement situations, consumers typically:*

a. Spend a lot of time researching

b. Seek advice from friends and family

c. Make quick decisions

d. Compare multiple brands

*Answer: c*

15. *High involvement decisions are associated with:*

a. Low personal relevance

b. High personal relevance

c. Minimal personal interest

d. None of the above

*Answer: b*

16. *Which is a characteristic of low involvement purchases?*

a. High perceived risk

b. High personal relevance

c. Habitual decision-making

d. Extensive problem-solving

*Answer: c*

17. *High involvement purchases are typically:*

a. Routine and habitual

b. Impulsive

c. Associated with low cost

d. Deliberative and thoughtful

*Answer: d*

18. *Consumer involvement is important because it affects:*

a. The speed of the purchase decision

b. The thoroughness of the information search

c. The criteria used in the decision

d. All of the above

*Answer: d*

19. *Involvement levels can be influenced by:*

a. The consumer’s personal interest in the product

b. The social visibility of the purchase

c. The perceived risk of the purchase

d. All of the above

*Answer: d*

20. *When a consumer is highly involved in a purchase, they are more likely to:*

a. Rely on heuristics

b. Skip the evaluation process

c. Conduct a thorough evaluation of alternatives

d. Make an impulse purchase

*Answer: c*

Consumer Satisfaction

21. *Consumer satisfaction measures:*

a. How well a product is marketed

b. The consumer’s expectations compared to the actual performance of the product

c. The number of times a consumer buys a product

d. The price a consumer pays for a product

*Answer: b*

22. *High consumer satisfaction leads to:*

a. Decreased brand loyalty

b. Increased brand loyalty

c. Fewer repeat purchases

d. Negative word-of-mouth

*Answer: b*

23. *Low consumer satisfaction often results in:*

a. Positive reviews

b. Repeat purchases

c. Negative reviews or returns

d. High brand loyalty

*Answer: c*

24. *Which factor is crucial for building brand loyalty?*

a. Low prices

b. High consumer satisfaction

c. Frequent advertisements

d. Wide product range

*Answer: b*

25. *Consumer satisfaction is typically influenced by:*

a. Product quality

b. Service quality

c. Value for money

d. All of the above

*Answer: d*

26. *Which of the following would likely result in high consumer satisfaction?*

a. A product that meets expectations

b. A product that exceeds expectations

c. A product that falls short of expectations

d. A product that is priced very high

*Answer: b*

27. *A dissatisfied consumer is likely to:*

a. Become loyal to the brand

b. Recommend the product to others

c. Leave negative reviews or switch brands

d. Purchase more products from the same brand

*Answer: c*

28. *Consumer satisfaction can lead to:*

a. Decreased market share

b. Increased repeat business

c. Lower product quality

d. Higher prices

*Answer: b*

29. *To enhance consumer satisfaction, companies should focus on:*

a. Reducing costs

b. Improving product quality and service

c. Increasing advertising

d. Decreasing prices

*Answer: b*

30. *Which of the following best describes consumer satisfaction?*

a. The amount a consumer is willing to pay

b. The consumer’s comparison of expected and actual product performance

c. The frequency of a consumer’s purchases

d. The effectiveness of a product’s marketing campaign

*Answer: b*
Consumer Behavior - Interdisciplinary Approach

31. *Consumer behavior is studied using an interdisciplinary approach that includes:*

a. Marketing alone

b. Only psychological insights

c. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics

d. Only economic factors

*Answer: c*

32. *Psychology contributes to understanding consumer behavior by studying:*

a. Cultural influences

b. Social groups

c. Economic trends

d. Consumer perceptions and attitudes

*Answer: d*

33. *Sociology helps in understanding consumer behavior by examining:*

a. Individual decision-making processes

b. Economic factors

c. The impact of social groups and culture

d. Consumer personality traits

*Answer: c*

34. *Anthropology’s contribution to consumer behavior involves:*

a. Analyzing economic factors

b. Studying consumer perceptions

c. Understanding cultural influences on behavior

d. Examining personal interest in products

*Answer: c*

35. *Economic factors affect consumer behavior by:*

a. Influencing social groups

b. Determining cultural norms

c. Affecting consumer choices based on price and income

d. Shaping consumer attitudes

*Answer: c*

36. *Which of the following fields examines the impact of social groups on consumer behavior?*

a. Psychology

b. Sociology

c. Anthropology

d. Economics

*Answer: b*

37. *Consumer perceptions and attitudes are primarily studied in which field?*

a. Sociology

b. Anthropology

c. Psychology

d. Economics

*Answer: c*

38. *Cultural influences on consumer behavior are studied in:*

a. Psychology

b. Sociology

c. Anthropology

d. Economics

*Answer: c*
39. *Economics contributes to consumer behavior studies by focusing on:*

a. Social influences

b. Cultural norms

c. Consumer choice under budget constraints

d. Psychological motivations

*Answer: c*

41. *In the context of consumer involvement, "perceived risk" refers to:*

a. The financial cost of a product

b. The social consequences of a purchase

c. The potential negative outcomes associated with a purchase decision

d. The time taken to make a decision

*Answer: c*

42. *A consumer is likely to experience high involvement when purchasing:*

a. A familiar, low-cost product

b. A new, expensive, and infrequently bought product

c. A frequently purchased household item

d. An impulse buy at the checkout counter

*Answer: b*

Additional Role of Consumer Involvement

43. *Consumers with low involvement in a product category are more likely to:*

a. Conduct extensive research

b. Base their decisions on brand loyalty

c. Make decisions based on habit or convenience

d. Spend considerable time comparing options

*Answer: c*

44. *Which of the following scenarios indicates high involvement?*

a. Choosing a fast-food restaurant for lunch

b. Selecting a new insurance policy

c. Picking a new brand of cereal

d. Buying a movie ticket

*Answer: b*

Additional Consumer Satisfaction

45. *Consumer satisfaction is crucial because it:*

a. Directly impacts a company’s profitability

b. Is only important for new customers

c. Does not affect future purchasing behavior

d. Is unrelated to customer loyalty

*Answer: a*

46. *A company's effort to enhance customer satisfaction should focus primarily on:*

a. Lowering prices across the board

b. Understanding and exceeding customer expectations

c. Reducing the variety of products offered

d. Increasing advertising expenditure

*Answer: b*

47. *If a product underperforms compared to expectations, the result is usually:*

a. High consumer satisfaction

b. Low consumer satisfaction

c. Increased word-of-mouth referrals

d. High brand loyalty

*Answer: b*

Additional Consumer Behavior - Interdisciplinary Approach

48. *Understanding consumer behavior through psychology involves studying:*

a. Consumer's buying power

b. Consumer personality, motivations, and attitudes

c. Economic downturns

d. Cultural heritage

*Answer: b*

49. *Sociology’s contribution to consumer behavior can help marketers:*

a. Identify individual preferences

b. Develop macroeconomic policies

c. Understand the influence of social networks and groups

d. Analyze brain activity during purchases

*Answer: c*

50. *Which of the following statements best describes the interdisciplinary approach to consumer

a. It focuses solely on economic factors.

b. It integrates perspectives from multiple fields to provide a comprehensive understanding of

consumer actions.

c. It ignores cultural influences.

d. It is limited to studying consumer purchasing power.

*Answer: b*

Combined Concepts
51. *High involvement and high satisfaction are most likely to lead to:*

a. Indifference towards the brand

b. Strong brand loyalty and repeat purchases

c. Minimal customer feedback

d. Lower expectations for future purchases

*Answer: b*

52. *Which interdisciplinary field is most concerned with the impact of cultural norms on
consumer behavior?*

a. Economics

b. Psychology

c. Anthropology

d. Sociology

*Answer: c*

Application of Concepts

53. *Marketers aiming to increase consumer involvement in their product should:*

a. Lower the price of the product

b. Emphasize the personal relevance and benefits of the product

c. Reduce the number of available options

d. Focus solely on the functional aspects of the product

*Answer: b*

54. *Consumer satisfaction is most effectively measured by:*

a. Analyzing sales figures

b. Conducting customer surveys and feedback

c. Observing competitor performance

d. Tracking advertisement reach

*Answer: b*
55. *A consumer's decision-making process for a high involvement purchase is likely to involve:*

a. Automatic responses and minimal thought

b. Heuristic processing and short cuts

c. Extensive problem solving and thorough information search

d. Relying solely on brand loyalty

*Answer: c*

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