English Phonology Practice Exercises

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● The Bear and the Bee — UK English accent (TheFableCottage.com)

As you have been working with Assimilation, this will be useful not only to practise your hearing skills but also
to apply the theory you've already seen.

Firstly, you're going to hear the audio 🗣️(as many times as you wish) and you will transcribe only the words
in which you hear the following sounds: /s/ and /z/

Then, you will take a look at your transcription and explain if there's any case of Assimilation.

For instance:

Alice's /'ælɪsɪz/

➡️This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in the realisation of the genitive
morpheme which is realised as an extra syllable /ɪz/ as the previous sound /s/ is sibilant.

➡️ Or Snoopy /'snu:pi:/
No case of Assimilation there 🫣
● Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (3/5) Movie CLIP - The Three Brothers (2010) HD
(Listen up to 1:16)

You're supposed to do the same with this next audio. But, instead of transcribing and analysing all
cases of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice, you only have to transcribe those words that
are the realisation of the preterite morpheme. At least two examples of each way that it can be
realised. And if you happen to find any special case, also transcribe it.

● 10.Television.m4a

Here you have another activity in case you have doubts with these sounds! 😁
First, you're going to hear the audio.Then, you're are going to transcribe only the words that contain
the sound /ʒ/.

● 11.Chas Jazz.m4a

Now, you're going to do the same but in this case only the words with the sound /dʒ/ ⬇️

● The Bear and the Bee — UK English accent (TheFableCottage.com)

- Realisations of the plural morpheme in nouns
1. Bears /beəz/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in
the realisation of the plural morpheme which is realised as a voiced sound /z/ as
the previous sound /eə/ is a voiced (non-sibilant) sound.

2. Pieces /pi:sɪz/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in

the realisation of the plural morpheme which is realised as an extra syllable /ɪz/
as the previous sound /s/ is a sibilant.
Other cases: thousands, arms, legs, hands
- Realisations of the third person singular morpheme
1. Looks /lʊks/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in
the realisation of the third person singular morpheme which is realised as a
voiceless sound /s/ as the previous sound /k/ is a voiceless (non-sibilant) sound.
2. Goes /gəʊz/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in
the realisation of the third person singular morpheme which is realised as a
voiced sound /z/ as the previous sound /əʊ/ is a voiced (non-sibilant) sound.
3. Smashes /smæʃɪz/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of
Voice in the realisation of the third person singular morpheme which is realised
as an extra syllable /ɪz/ as the previous sound /ʃ/ is a sibilant.

Other cases: knows, says, sees, smells, sticks, flies, stings, growls, tries, swings, gets,
yells, hears, runs, cries, counts, slams.

- Realisations of the weakest forms of “is” and “has”

1. It’s /ɪts/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in the
realisation of the weakest forms of is which is realised by a voiceless sound /s/
as the previous sound /t/ is a voiceless (non-sibilant) sound.
2. Here’s /hɪəz/: This is a case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice in
the realisation of the weakest forms of is which is realised by a voiced sound /z/
as the previous sound /ɪə/ is a voiced (non-sibilant) sound.

- No case of Established Progressive Assimilation of Voice

1. Mister /ˈmɪs.tə/
2. Missus /ˈmɪs.ɪz/
3. His /hɪz/
4. This /ðɪs/
Other examples: forest, some, stronger, nose, stick, fast, squash, smash, strange,
sound, chase, especially, shut, voice, lost, always
● Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (3/5) Movie CLIP - The Three Brothers (2010) HD
- Realisation of the preterite morpheme
1. Reached /ri:tʃt/ - blocked /blɒkt/: This is a case of Established Progressive
Assimilation of Voice in the realisation of the preterite morpheme which is
realised as a voiceless sound /t/ because the verbs ends in a voiceless sound,
other than /t/ .
2. Waved /weɪvd/ - earned /ɜ:nd/: This is a case of Established Progressive
Assimilation of Voice in the realisation of the preterite morpheme which is
realised as a voiced sound /d/ because the verbs ends in a voiced sound, other
than /d/

3. Pretended /prɪtendɪd/ - decided /dɪ'saɪdɪd/:This is a case of Established

Progressive Assimilation of Voice in the realisation of the preterite morpheme
which is realised as an extra syllable /ɪd/ because the verb ends in /d/
Special case: Learned (it is functioning as an adjective) /lɜ:nɪd/: This is a case of -ed
adjectives that are not realised by means of assimilation

● 10. Television
- /ɪkˈspləʊ.ʒən/ /ɪˈrəʊ.ʒən/ /kənˈkluː.ʒən/ /kənˈfjuː.ʒən/ /ˈtel.ɪ.vɪʒ.ən/ /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/ /rɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ /prɪˈsɪʒ.ən/

● 11. Chas Jazz

- /dʒæz/ /əˈreɪndʒ/ /ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ/ /dʒəˈpæn/ /dʒʌst/ /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ /ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ/ /ˌdʒʌm.bəʊdʒetset/ /dʒeɪmstaʊn/

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