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Technical and System Requirements for Advanced Distribution Automation

Technical Report

Technical and System Requirements for Advanced Distribution Automation


Final Report, June 2004

EPRI Project Manager F. Goodman

EPRI 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 USA 800.313.3774 650.855.2121



Requests for copies of this report should be directed to EPRI Orders and Conferences, 1355 Willow Way, Suite 278, Concord, CA 94520, (800) 313-3774, press 2 or internally x5379, (925) 609-9169, (925) 609-1310 (fax). Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright 2004 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

This report was prepared by EPRI PEAC Corporation 942 Corridor Park Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37932 Principal Investigators M. McGranaghan W. Roettger Enernex Corporation 144-E Market Place Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37922 Principal Investigators E. Gunther J. King EPRI 3412 Hillview Ave. Palo, Alto, CA 94304 Principal Investigator F. Goodman This report describes research sponsored by EPRI. The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Technical and System Requirements for Advanced Distribution Automation, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2004. 1010915.



Traditional distribution systems were designed to perform one function: distribute electrical energy to end-users. Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) is a concept for a fully controllable and flexible distribution system that will facilitate the exchange of both electrical energy and information between participants and system components. This report presents background information on distribution automation technologies and develops a roadmap to achieve the ADA systems required for future power delivery systems. Background ADA will be a revolutionary approach to managing and controlling distribution systems. It will achieve a fully controllable and automated distribution system, resulting in tremendous gains in system reliability, power quality, and efficiency. There are two critical components to the concept of ADA: an open communication architecture to facilitate the system monitoring and control functions of ADA and a redeveloped electrical architecture to enable an interoperable network of intelligent electronic devices. These two elements, working synergistically, will comprise the distribution system of the future. Objectives To describe the vision for ADA and characterize its benefits for the power system of the future; to determine the system and technology requirements for realizing this ADA vision over the next 20 years; to identify research needed to develop ADA; to define EPRIs role in developing the technology. Approach The project team reviewed existing distribution automation programs and research initiatives from North American and international utilities, manufacturers, and research organizations. They consulted EPRI advisors, industry experts, literature, research organizations, and standards working group members, such as those involved in writing IEC and IEEE standards, to characterize the needs of the future system. The team reviewed research initiatives currently planned by EPRI and other research organizations relating to these needs and identified areas in which research could be coordinated. In cooperation with EPRI advisors and the EPRI project manager, the team developed preliminary timetables and estimates of research budget requirements for the various project areas.

Results The report outlines the current state of the art in distribution automation and develops a requirements definition for ADA. Significant development in a number of technology areas will be required to achieve the objectives and the vision of ADA. This report provides a roadmap for these development efforts, organized into five main research areas: 1. Distribution system topologies 2. Communication and information systems 3. Advanced technologies such as power electronics 4. Sensors and monitoring systems 5. Advanced protection and control systems The report also addresses economic issues and evaluates the value proposition for ADA based on four categories of benefits: 1. The value of reliability and power quality 2. Improved operations and asset management 3. Reduced loses 4. Overall system energy management, reliability, and security EPRI Perspective The electric power distribution system faces a whole series of challenges and opportunities: aging systems, availability of improved distribution system technologies, demand for higher reliability, customer outage intolerance, industry restructuring, need for improved customer service options, and management of distributed generation. These forces set the stage for fundamental change in distribution system infrastructure. Recognizing the costs and benefits of this change and its importance to the nations security and economic well-being, EPRI created the ADA Program to help the industry develop a more economical and effective distribution system. This report identifies the research needed to realize the ADA vision and explores ways in which stakeholders can collaborate to further the development process. Keywords Distribution automation Substation automation Distributed energy resources Distribution communication systems Power electronics

Advanced distribution automation Feeder automation Distributed generation and storage Intelligent electronic devices Power quality and reliability


Project Overview Traditional distribution systems were designed to perform one functiondistribute electrical energy to end-users. Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) is a concept for a fully controllable and flexible distribution system that will facilitate the exchange of electrical energy AND information between participants and system components. The lines between supplier and consumer will blur because many of participants will assume both roles and will need to switch effortlessly between these roles, possibly several times a day. The exchange of data and information will facilitate the supplying or using of electrical energy based on dynamic rather than static prices. ADA is distinct from traditional distribution automation (DA). Traditional DA has been principally concerned with automated control of basic distribution circuit switching functions. ADA is concerned with complete automation of all the controllable equipment and functions in the distribution system to improve strategic operation of the system. The various components are made interoperable in ADA, and the communication and control capabilities are put in place to operate the system. The result is added functionality and better performance, reliability, and cost, relative to todays system operations. In total, ADA will be a revolutionary change to distribution system infrastructure, as opposed to simple incremental improvements to DA. However, this revolutionary change will occur in an evolutionary manner due to the tremendous investment in legacy systems and the rate of technological progress. There are two critical components to the concept of ADA: 1. An open communication architecture to facilitate the system monitoring and control functions of ADA 2. A redeveloped power system from an electrical architecture standpoint to enable an interoperable network of components. These two elements are synergistic and inter-related with each other and together they comprise the distribution system of the future. In the EPRI Electricity Technology Roadmap for the Power Delivery System and Electricity Markets of the Future, Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) is described as the Heart of the Smart Power Delivery System. Automation will play a central role in providing the enhanced levels of Security, Quality, Reliability, and Availability (SQRA) that must be characteristic of future power delivery systems. vii

This report presents background information on distribution automation technologies and develops a roadmap to achieve the ADA systems required for the future power delivery systems. Project Objectives Specific objectives of the research include: Describe the vision for ADA and characterize the benefits for the power system of the future Determine the system and technology requirements for realizing this ADA vision over the next 20 years. Identify existing work within EPRI and elsewhere that will contribute to meeting these requirements. Identify key gaps that are the basis for development initiatives for future R&D programs. Recommend the future roles for EPRI in developing the technology to meet the ADA requirements in a manner that complements work going on elsewhere.

Project Results In order to accomplish these objectives, the report outlines the current state-of-the-art in distribution automation and develops a requirements definition for the ADA system of the future. This definition of requirements for the system is needed to guide and coordinate the body of interrelated programs that will evolve ADA. Additionally, this vision of the physical possibilities and realities of what can and cannot be achieved in ADA will serve as a basis for the business models that make sense for the distribution business in the future. Significant development in a number of technology areas is required to achieve the objectives and the vision of ADA. This report explores some of the important areas where additional development is needed after reviewing important technologies that are already available and under development. Priorities for future development are identified and an overall roadmap for achieving the vision is presented. Some of the important areas where development is required include: Assist utility migration to open systems for automation equipment. Provide guidelines for utility specification of automation equipment to meet immediate needs and also provide a migration path to fully automated systems. Develop and refine device models for specific application areas. Implement open systems in real world environments and capture lessons learned and necessary refinements. Contribute to the development of key open standards specifications. Develop flexible electric distribution system topologies, including advanced configurations and capabilities, such as two-way power flow, intentional islanding, microgrids, dc ring buses, and looped secondaries.


Develop key electrical and power-electronic components that enable the flexible electric architecture and are cornerstones of ADA (such as the intelligent universal transformer and new solid-state switchgear). Develop and implement intelligent monitoring systems to identify possible equipment and system problems, characterize causes of disturbances, evaluate interface issues with end users and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), and utilize open communication architecture for integration with the overall automation systems. Develop new approaches for fast simulation and modeling and predicting system performance in real time (including contingency analysis for future conditions based on the existing conditions), using information from advanced monitoring systems and improved electrical models of the system (including end user systems and DER systems). Develop tools to assist utilities in developing specifications for components of ADA, facilitating integration with the overall ADA implementation over time.

The ADA Value Proposition The first task in the ADA research initiative will be to establish the value proposition that will drive the next generations of product and standards development leading to the completely automated and flexible system. The value proposition for ADA will have to consider four (4) categories of benefits that will be extremely important for the power system of the future: 1. The value of reliability and quality. Outages and disturbances cost over $100B per year at the present time. Improving system reliability and quality will have tremendous advantages for end user productivity and result in benefits for the entire economy. Systems must be structured to allocate the costs and benefits for the investments in improved reliability but the opportunity is tremendous. 2. Improved operations and asset management. This is currently the biggest driver for substation and distribution automation. The systems result in direct savings in investments and operation of the delivery system. Improved asset management, reduced manpower requirements to operate the system, faster response and clearing of faults all have tremendous benefits. The ADA system will take these benefits to another level with advanced diagnostics, local intelligence, and integrated operation of DER and customer systems to benefit the entire power system. 3. Reduced losses. ADA will result in continuous optimizing of system performance, resulting in the most efficient delivery system possible. This will take into account reconfiguration options, integrated voltage and var management using conventional and advanced technologies, advanced power electronics, and integrated operation of customer systems and DER (with real-time pricing systems for incentives to be part of the system optimization). 4. Overall system energy management, reliability, and security. ADA systems will be integrated with wide area energy management systems for overall optimization of generation mixes, system demand, power flows, and system security. The flexibility added with DER and customer load management is tremendous. ix

The ADA Development Roadmap Achieving these benefits requires a coordinated development effort involving a number of important initiatives. In this report, we divide the initiatives into five categories and an overview of the important milestones in the development effort is provided in the illustration below. The specific project areas that are recommended to make up the overall ADA initiative are described and important research areas for coordination are identified. This roadmap for ADA should become a living document. Efforts should be continued to track ongoing research that is leading to ADA. A workshop is recommended to help focus the development of the value proposition and provide additional direction for the roadmap from a broad cross-section of key stakeholders in ADA.

Figure 1 Important milestones divided into five categories for ADA development efforts.

The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions received from various engineers that provided material, reviewed drafts, and answered questions as part of developing this document. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Robert HuberWe Energies Ray LitwinNortheast Utilities Bruce HirschBaltimore Gas & Electric Les BarrettCity Public Service (San Antonio) Chuck WallisAlabama Power (Southern Company) Brian SmithMidAmerican Power Emil TurekLincoln Electric Dave GordonAmerican Electric Power Bob YingerSouthern California Edison Russ McNultyNew York State Electric & Gas Frederic GorgetteElectricite de France



1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1 Background ...........................................................................................................................1-1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................1-1 Approach ...............................................................................................................................1-2 Organization of the Report ....................................................................................................1-3 2 VISION FOR ADVANCED DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION ..................................................2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Flexible Electrical Architecture.....................................................................................2-2 Open, Standardized Communication Architecture.......................................................2-2 The Power Exchange System of the Future..............................................................2-3 New Distribution System Technologies .......................................................................2-4 Electrical and Electronic Technologies ...............................................................2-5 Communications, Computing, and Information Technologies.............................2-5

2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6 2.7

Synergy........................................................................................................................2-6 International Focus ......................................................................................................2-7 Development Steps .....................................................................................................2-7

3 ADA FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Communication and Control Infrastructure ..................................................................3-1 Automation of All Controllable Equipment and Functions............................................3-2 Application of Advanced Technologies ........................................................................3-5 Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) ....................................................3-5 Modeling and Real-Time Simulation Systems .............................................................3-8

4 EXAMPLE DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION SYSTEMS ........................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 Peer-to-Peer Communications.....................................................................................4-1 Application of Automatic Circuit Reclosers ..................................................................4-5 Sweden Automatic Load Restoration Example............................................................4-6


4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

Distribution Vision 2010 (DV 2010)..............................................................................4-8 Southern California Edison Circuit of the Future........................................................4-10 Georgia PowerDistribution Voltage and Reactive Power Control ..........................4-11 Nevada Power Company (Capacitor Switching and DG) ..........................................4-13 Electricit de France (EdF)DA with Multi-Platform Capability ................................4-15 Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Example ...........................................................4-16 EdF SILIERE Project .....................................................................................4-18 DISPOWER European Project.......................................................................4-18 MICROGRIDS European project ...................................................................4-19

4.10 European Projects for DER and DA integration.........................................................4-17 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3

4.11 Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) Substation Integration Project .......................4-19 4.12 Advanced Sensor Applications - Vattenfall ................................................................4-21 4.13 Con Edison - Urban Underground Low-cost Sensor Technology ..............................4-21 4.14 BC Hydro - Power Electronics Technology Application .............................................4-24 4.15 MidAmerican Energy CompanyCost/Benefit Analysis of Substation Automation ..........................................................................................................................4-26 4.16 EdF NextGen Project .................................................................................................4-29 4.17 DOE GridWise Alliance..............................................................................................4-31 4.17.1 Architecture vs. Design vs. Standards ...........................................................4-32

5 TECHNOLOGIES FOR ADA IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................5-1 5.1 Technologies for Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Systems ...........................5-1 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) .................................................................5-1 Control and Management of Distributed Energy Resources (DER)....................5-2 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED).....................................................................5-4 Standardized Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT).................................5-5 Advanced Sensor Technologies and Systems....................................................5-9 Advanced Switchgear Technologies .................................................................5-12 Distribution Power Electronics Technologies ....................................................5-13 Monitoring Technologies With Intelligent Applications ......................................5-23 Communications Architecture for ADA..............................................................5-25 Object Modeling ................................................................................................5-38 Information Models for DER Technologies .......................................................5-44 Other Existing Information Models ....................................................................5-48 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4

Technologies for Communication, Computing, and Information Systems .................5-25


5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3

Object Models Not Yet Defined.........................................................................5-48 Advanced Communication Media and Related Systems for ADA.....................5-49 Database and Data Collection Systems for End User System Information ......5-49 Database and Data Collection for Real-time State Estimation Systems...........5-49 Distributed Processing Systems for System Management and Control............5-50 Advanced Distribution Automation Applications................................................5-51 System Fault Management, Reliability Management, and Restoration ............5-53 Adaptive Protection Systems ............................................................................5-56

Overall System Management and Control Technologies...........................................5-50

5.3.4 Load Management and Real-Time Pricing Systems (Demand Response Systems).........................................................................................................................5-57 5.3.5 Asset Management and Work Management System Integration......................5-60

6 FUTURE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES ..........................................................6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Urban Networks ...........................................................................................................6-2 Suburban Systems ......................................................................................................6-3 Rural Systems .............................................................................................................6-5 Special Configurations .................................................................................................6-5 Microgrids............................................................................................................6-5 DC Distribution Systems and DC Microgrids ......................................................6-7 Custom Power Parks ..........................................................................................6-7

6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3

7 STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................7-1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Basic Characteristics ...................................................................................................7-1 Technologies ...............................................................................................................7-1 Functions .....................................................................................................................7-2 Communications ..........................................................................................................7-3 Scalability ............................................................................................................7-3 Reliability.............................................................................................................7-3 Federation ...........................................................................................................7-4 Interoperability.....................................................................................................7-4 Adaptability..........................................................................................................7-4 Securability..........................................................................................................7-4 Implementation Issues and Costs .......................................................................7-4

7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 7.4.7


8 ADA DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP ........................................................................................8-1 8.1 System Topologies ......................................................................................................8-2 8.2 Communications Infrastructure ....................................................................................8-2 8.2.1 Communications Media.......................................................................................8-7 8.2.2 Communication Protocols ...................................................................................8-7 8.2.3 Object Modeling and Database Schemas...........................................................8-7 8.2.4 Consumer Systems Interface..............................................................................8-8 8.2.5 Federated Services .............................................................................................8-8 8.3 Sensors and Intelligent Monitoring Systems................................................................8-9 8.4 Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT)..............................................................8-10 8.5 Industry Standards.....................................................................................................8-11 8.6 Intelligent Equipment (Continuous Two-Way Communications)................................8-12 8.7 Adaptable Dynamic Protective Philosophy (ADPP) ...................................................8-12 8.8 New Power Electronics-Based Components .............................................................8-13 8.9 Advanced Computing and Control Systems ..............................................................8-13 8.10 Evolution Path for ADAResearch and Development Projects ...........................8-14 8.10.1 System Topologies (Configuration, Protection, Control)................................8-15 8.10.2 Communications Architecture and Information Model Development .............8-16 8.10.3 Technologies .................................................................................................8-17 8.10.4 Sensors and Monitoring .................................................................................8-19 8.10.5 Advanced Distribution System Controls.........................................................8-20 8.11 Opportunities for New Technology Demonstrations..............................................8-24 8.12 Coordination With Other Research .......................................................................8-25 8.13 Next Steps.............................................................................................................8-25 9 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................9-1 9.1 Documents...................................................................................................................9-1 9.2 Web Sites ....................................................................................................................9-3 10 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS .....................................................................10-1 A APPENDIX AADA FUNCTION LISTING FROM IECSA PROJECT................................. A-1 B APPENDIX BDESCRIPTIONS OF RELATED RESEARCH PROJECTS AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................... B-1 B.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. B-1 B.2 Reference Grid ........................................................................................................... B-2 B.3 Project Descriptions .................................................................................................... B-6 B.4 Standards Descriptions............................................................................................. B-26


Figure 2-1 Conceptual view of ADA and the distribution system of the future ...........................2-4 Figure 2-2 The flexible electrical architecture and open communication architecture empower eachother to provide a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts in ADA................................................................................................................................2-6 Figure 2-3 The basic steps for achieving the ADA vision ..........................................................2-8 Figure 3-1 Substation automation functional diagram ...............................................................3-4 Figure 3-2 Adaptable island or microgrid concept ...................................................................3-7 Figure 4-1 Distribution feeder protection scheme ......................................................................4-2 Figure 4-2 Web-based communication loop control ..................................................................4-3 Figure 4-3 Typical application of reclosers and sectionalizers...................................................4-5 Figure 4-4 Remote switching of distribution feeders ..................................................................4-7 Figure 4-5 Variation of SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI for different levels of automation ...................4-8 Figure 4-6 Concept for demonstration of DV2010 functions with advanced concepts for the future shown.................................................................................................................4-9 Figure 4-7 Typical switched capacitor bankGeorgia Power .................................................4-12 Figure 4-8 Feeder voltage profile before and after capacitor switching (no DG) .....................4-14 Figure 4-9 Feeder voltage profile before and after capacitor switching (2 MW of DG) ............4-15 Figure 4-10 Software application control architecture..............................................................4-16 Figure 4-11 OPPD Substation 912 simplified system diagram ................................................4-20 Figure 4-12 Example of primary monitoring sensors with wireless communications ...............4-21 Figure 4-13 Underground sensor installation concept .............................................................4-22 Figure 4-14 Typical Real time display for Harlem network ......................................................4-23 Figure 4-15 Typical daily load profile display for Harlem network............................................4-23 Figure 4-16 66-kV line loading and 66-kV bus voltage (at end of line) ....................................4-25 Figure 4-17 D-VAR regulation response and resulting voltage profile .....................................4-25 Figure 4-18 Business case methodology.................................................................................4-27 Figure 4-19 Conceptual diagram illustrating typical system configuration for European distribution systems..........................................................................................................4-29 Figure 4-20 Conceptual diagram illustrating the integration of DER technologies on the MV and LV systems .........................................................................................................4-30 Figure 4-21 Communication and control system that must be implemented to facilitate integration of DR technologies .........................................................................................4-30


Figure 4-22 The role of intelligent communication and control systems in the automated system of the future..........................................................................................................4-31 Figure 4-23 OLE for Process Control (OPC) architecture........................................................4-33 Figure 4-24 E-business ebXML reference architecture ...........................................................4-34 Figure 4-25 Moving from architecture towards implementation ...............................................4-35 Figure 5-1 Structure and functionality of the decentralized energy management system DEMS.................................................................................................................................5-3 Figure 5-2 Modular concept of stochastic energy source access management ........................5-4 Figure 5-3 Example of substation IED .......................................................................................5-5 Figure 5-4 Example of a UIT-like interface (Kohler PD-100) ...................................................5-7 Figure 5-5 Inverter module for UIT-like device ........................................................................5-7 Figure 5-6 UIT (next generation) interconnect design ...............................................................5-8 Figure 5-7 Underground sensor control and communication architecture .................................5-9 Figure 5-8 Printed circuit board Rogowski Coil........................................................................5-11 Figure 5-9 Rogowski Coil integrated signals compared to the laboratory CT (high power tests at 25kA RMS, 66kA peak) .......................................................................................5-12 Figure 5-10 Schematic diagram of an SVC .............................................................................5-13 Figure 5-11 Schematic diagram of a basic STATCOM ............................................................5-14 Figure 5-12 Voltage variation with change in source reactance for SVC and STATCOM .......5-15 Figure 5-13 Basic configuration of DVR...................................................................................5-16 Figure 5-14 Basic configuration of a transfer switch ................................................................5-17 Figure 5-15 Structure of the STS Scheme...............................................................................5-18 Figure 5-16 Illustration of fault current limiting application.......................................................5-20 Figure 5-17 Power schematic of a single-phase electronic transformer employing a high frequency AC link stage ...................................................................................................5-21 Figure 5-18 Solid state power conversion using high-frequency AC transformer isolation (ABB design) ....................................................................................................................5-22 Figure 5-19 Effect of tree trimming on the high frequency noise current measured on a distribution feeder circuit (tree trimming on October 23) ..................................................5-23 Figure 5-20 Example of using a substation monitoring system for automatic fault location (courtesy of Carolina Power & Light) ...............................................................................5-24 Figure 5-21 Example of using a substation monitoring system for automatic fault locationmapping the possible fault locations onto a feeder GIS map (courtesy of Carolina Power & Light) ...................................................................................................5-25 Figure 5-22 Overview of GID and its underlying technologies .................................................5-35 Figure 5-23 Distribution management system with IEC 61968 compliant interface architecture ......................................................................................................................5-36 Figure 5-24 Illustration of the Common Information Model (CIM) and the IEC 61968 interface to standardize the information interface for a wide variety of applications, including ADA applications (from IEC 61968). .................................................................5-37 Figure 5-25 ACSI Server (conceptual).....................................................................................5-42


Figure 5-26 Information flows between ADA applications .......................................................5-52 Figure 5-27 Three recloser loop scheme .................................................................................5-54 Figure 5-28 Peer-Peer broadcasting configuration ..................................................................5-54 Figure 5-29 Peer-Peer implementation model diagram ...........................................................5-55 Figure 5-30 Sample trip and close logic for Peer-Peer scheme...............................................5-56 Figure 5-31 Energy market price profile (maximum daily price) - Seattle area, 1998-1999.....5-57 Figure 5-32 Hourly energy market price profile - Seattle area, peak day ................................5-58 Figure 5-33 Annual savings from a standard CP pricing program ...........................................5-59 Figure 6-1 A secondary network configuration that would allow local microgrids and twoway power flows to incorporate flexible integration of DER ...............................................6-3 Figure 6-2 Basic architecture of suburban system configuration - The autoloop configuration will be the predecessor of future configurations that integrate DER technologies and solid state switches to facilitate flexibility in reconfiguring system in real time..........................................................................................................................6-4 Figure 6-3 Illustration of distribution architecture and control that allows separation into multiple microgrids based on topology, specific system conditions, local generation, etc. .....................................................................................................................................6-6 Figure 6-4 Illustration of different locations where alternative microgrid concepts could apply in an ADA system .....................................................................................................6-7 Figure 8-1 Examples of parameters and information requirements for distribution control (from CEIDS DER/ADA project).........................................................................................8-3 Figure 8-2 IEC TC 57 Reference Architecture ...........................................................................8-4 Figure 8-3 Roadmap for development of a universal interconnection technology for DER .....8-11 Figure 8-4 Different parts of the ADA research initiative..........................................................8-14 Figure 8-5 Important initial projects for the ADA research initiative .........................................8-23 Figure 8-6 Illustration of important milestones and general flow of development in the ADA initiative....................................................................................................................8-26 Figure A-1 CEIDS IECSA collaboration web site..................................................................... A-1


Table 3-1 Benefits and Liabilities of DER ..................................................................................3-6 Table 4-1 Recloser-sectionalizer protection scheme operation .................................................4-2 Table 4-2 Comparison of a traditional protection scheme with the peer-to-peer system ...........4-4 Table 4-3 Comparison of a traditional protection scheme with the peer-to-peer system .........4-14 Table 4-4 Opportunity matrix (SA function vs. business drivers) .............................................4-28 Table 4-5 Matrix of economic benefits as a function of substation automation functions ........4-28 Table 5-1 Summary of communication system development activities....................................5-28 Table 5-2 Logical nodes being considered for IEC standards for DER information models ....5-46


In the EPRI Electricity Technology Roadmap for the Power Delivery System and Electricity Markets of the Future [1], Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) is described as the Heart of the Smart Power Delivery System. Automation will play a central role in providing the enhanced levels of Security, Quality, Reliability, and Availability (SQRA) that must be characteristic of future power delivery systems. Of course, automation means different things to different people. To a consumer, automation may mean receiving hourly electricity price signals, which can automatically adjust home thermostat settings via a smart consumer portal. To a distribution system operator, automation may mean automatic islanding of a distribution feeder with local distributed energy resources in an emergency. To a power system operator, automation means a self-healing, self-optimizing smart power delivery system that automatically anticipates and quickly responds to disturbances to minimize their impact, minimizing or eliminating power disruptions altogether. This smart power delivery system will also enable a revolution in consumer services via sophisticated retail markets. Through a two-way consumer portal that could replace todays electric meter, consumers will tie into this smart power delivery system. This will allow price signals, decisions, communications, and network intelligence to efficiently flow back and forth between consumer and service provider in real time. The resulting fully functioning retail marketplace will offer consumers a wide range of services, including premium power options, real-time power quality monitoring, home automation services, and much more. This report presents background information on distribution automation technologies and develops a roadmap to achieve the ADA systems required for the future power delivery systems.

Specific objectives of the research are summarized here. Describe the vision for ADA and characterize the benefits for the power system of the future Determine the system and technology requirements for realizing this ADA vision over the next 20 years Identify existing work within EPRI and elsewhere that will contribute to meeting these requirements 1-1


Identify key gaps that are the basis for development initiatives for future R&D programs Recommend the future roles for EPRI in developing the technology to meet the ADA requirements in a manner that complements work going on elsewhere

There has been no foundation study to develop a vision for ADA, its benefits, and the physical characteristics of the distribution system of the future. This definition of requirements for the system is needed to guide and coordinate the body of interrelated programs that will evolve ADA. Additionally, this vision of the physical possibilities and realities of what can and cannot be achieved in ADA will serve as a basis for the business models that make sense for the distribution business in the future. This project defines the system and technology requirements for the distribution system of the future based on a review of the current situation and the most realistic expectations and timeline for assimilation of new technologies over the next 20 years. Significant development in a number of technology areas is required to achieve the objectives and the vision of ADA. This report explores some of the important areas where additional development is needed after reviewing important technologies that are already available and under development. Priorities for future development are identified and an overall roadmap for achieving the vision is presented. Some of the important areas where development is required are listed here: Assist utility migration to open systems for automation equipment. Provide guidelines for utility specification of automation equipment to meet immediate needs and also provide a migration path to fully automated systems. Develop and refine device models for specific application areas. Implement open systems in real world environments and capture lessons learned and necessary refinements. Contribute to the development of key open standards specifications. Develop flexible electric distribution system topologies, including advanced configurations and capabilities, such as two-way power flow, intentional islanding, microgrids, dc ring buses, and looped secondaries. Develop key electrical and power-electronic components that enable the flexible electric architecture and are cornerstones of ADA (such as the intelligent universal transformer and new solid-state switchgear). Develop and implement intelligent monitoring systems to identify possible equipment and system problems, characterize causes of disturbances, evaluate interface issues with end users and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), and utilize open communication architecture for integration with the overall automation systems.



Develop new approaches for fast simulation and modeling and predicting system performance in the real time (including contingency analysis for future conditions based on the existing conditions), using information from advanced monitoring systems and improved electrical models of the system (including end user systems and DER systems). Develop tools to assist utilities in developing specifications for components of ADA, facilitating integration with the overall ADA implementation over time.

Organization of the Report

This report is organized into 8 sections: Section 2 provides the vision for ADA and its role in the power system of the future. The critical and complementary roles of an open communications system architecture and new electrical system topologies are described. The roles of new technologies, such as power electronics technologies, are also described. Section 3 develops the functional requirements for ADA. These are developed in three major categories: communication and control systems, integration of distributed energy resources, and modeling and control system requirements. Section 4 provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in distribution automation systems by looking at typical examples of automation systems that are being used and implemented today. Important research initiatives are described and an international perspective is used. Section 5 describes important technologies that are needed for implementation of ADA systems. These include equipment technologies (including distributed energy resources), protection systems, monitoring and sensor technologies, and communication technologies. Section 6 focuses on future electric system topologies and architectures. Requirements are defined for different types of systems: urban networks, suburban systems, rural systems, and special systems (such as custom power parks). Section 7 is a requirements summary for ADA systems. The requirements are defined as basic characteristics, technologies, functions, and communications. Section 8 provides the R&D roadmap for the ADA development. The roadmap is structured into five main research areas: 1. System topologies 2. Communications infrastructure 3. New technologies (power electronics, etc.) 4. Sensors and intelligent monitoring systems 5. Advanced distribution controls This section provides a detailed research plan with initial cost estimates for the research initiatives identified. 1-3

Traditional distribution systems were designed to perform one functiondistribute electrical energy to end-users while ADA systems will facilitate the exchange of electrical energy AND information between participants and system components. The lines between supplier and consumer will blur because many of participants will assume both roles and will need to switch effortlessly between these roles, possibly several times a day. The exchange of data and information will facilitate the supplying or using of electrical energy based on dynamic rather than static prices. ADA is distinct from traditional distribution automation (DA). Traditional DA has been principally concerned with automated control of basic distribution circuit switching functions. ADA is concerned with complete automation of all the controllable equipment and functions in the distribution system to improve strategic operation of the system. The various components are made interoperable in ADA, and the communication and control capabilities are put in place to operate the system. The result is added functionality and better performance, reliability, and cost, relative to todays system operations. In total, ADA will be a revolutionary change to distribution system infrastructure, as opposed to simple incremental improvements to DA. However, this revolutionary change will occur in an evolutionary manner due to the tremendous investment in legacy systems and the rate of technological progress. Neither the future nor ADA is optional. ADA will happen to meet the growing and changing role of electricity in our society. The availability and the need to use distributed generation resources, the impact of electrical/hybrid vehicles, the growing importance of electrical reliability along with economic pressures resulting from the globalization of world economies and/or the diminishing stockpile of natural resources are all drivers behind this change. The transition to the ADA system is already underway and several examples are presented in this report. There are two critical components to the concept of ADA: 1. An open communication architecture to facilitate the system monitoring and control functions of ADA. 2. A redeveloped power system from an electrical architecture standpoint to enable an interoperable network of components. These two elements are synergistic and inter-related with each other and together they comprise the distribution system of the future. These elements are described briefly here along with technologies that are required to make them a reality. They are explored in more detail with examples and identification of research requirements to make them a reality in subsequent sections of this report. 2-1

Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation


Flexible Electrical Architecture

ADA is the cornerstone for evolving the distribution system of the future. ADA will be based on new technologies, such as the intelligent universal transformer (a multi-functional powerelectronic device to replace distribution transformers) and sophisticated and interactive use of smart sectionalizing, switched capacitors, sag correctors, voltage regulators, multi-function distributed generation, load management devices, new sensors, power-electronic controls, and others. ADA will also be based on advanced system configuration concepts such as intentional islanding (including microgrids), looped secondaries, and dc ring buses. A flexible electrical architecture is needed that will allow interoperability of a multitude of controllable electrical and electronic devices within the distribution system in an organized strategic manner that provides improved functionality, performance, reliability, and power quality from the system. The flexible electrical architecture must provide the basis for easily integrating the new electrical and electronic technologies from an electrical system design standpoint. The various devices must be enabled by the architecture to provide the maximum functionalities within their limits. For example, power electronic devices may provide VARS, sag correction, switching and other power quality functions. Also, the flexible electrical architecture must enable the advanced system configuration concepts noted earlier. The legacy infrastructure must be evolved in an orderly way over time to enable this distribution system of the future. The future electrical infrastructure should enable interoperability of the new technologies in a way that provides options for strategically operating the system to improve performance and reliability through automated use of the technologies, either individually or in combinations. ADA is revolutionary in nature, as opposed to simple incremental improvements to what has been traditionally called distribution automation. In ADA, a top-down view of the system is needed in which the role of each technology being integrated is considered in terms of the system benefits it can provide and its interactions with the other new distribution technologies that are simultaneously being woven into the distribution system of the future. These technologies become components of a larger system with intelligent supervisory control. Strategic operation of the system will involve real-time trade-offs, such as getting voltage support from a distributed generator when a capacitor bank is out of service. The strategic possibilities are endless. The electrical architecture will be a complex and flexible network of interactive devices. A complex communication network will in turn, operate this electrical system.


Open, Standardized Communication Architecture

An open, standardized communication architecture is needed to achieve the requisite central and local control by which the flexible electrical system described above will be strategically operated using predetermined algorithms. In general, the communication architecture will be comprised of two major elements, object models and protocols. An object model is a detailed data template for the information exchange needed for monitoring and controlling a device within the architecture of a power distribution 2-2

Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation

system (or other system). The object model makes the device recognizable and controllable (i.e., interoperable) to the power system. This is analogous to hooking up remote devices to a computer. The remote devices are interrogated by the operating system of the computer and an interoperable interface is established. The other principal component of the communications architecture is the communication protocols. Protocols are the rules for transfer of the data within the communication system. For example, the protocols are the rules for taking the information from the DER (as represented in its object model) and transferring it to a SCADA or other device. None of this gets into communication media such as microwaves, radio, PLC, fiber optics, or other physical media. The architecture is just the structured way of handling a lot of information, regardless of which media are chosen. However, in implementing ADA, judicious choices must also be made of communications media. The architecture can be proprietary or open. There are many proprietary architectures. The principal open architecture is UCA, which is being standardized via such documents such as IEC 61850 and others. Consensus standards are evolved and agreed upon by stakeholder communities to get consistent practice to the benefit of all. The agreed upon consensus standards for open communication architecture should, over time, become the dominant architecture. Proprietary architectures will then wane in importance. Adopters of the open architecture approach benefit because they can easily integrate new technologies, if they have been suitably conformed for interoperability. In some respects, the job is never done in evolving the open architecture, because as new device types are invented and developed, consensus standards are needed for their object models to make them interoperable with the open architecture.


The Power Exchange System of the Future

Ultimately, the distribution system is expected to evolve into a power exchange medium that is capable of collecting power and transferring it elsewhere, as well as distributing it. Hence, looking into the future, it will be more appropriate to think of as a power exchange system rather than a distribution system. Therefore, ADA is, in reality, reinventing the distribution system into something new. Figure 2-1 presents a conceptual view.


Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation

Figure 2-1 Conceptual view of ADA and the distribution system of the future

ADA has one other challenging and interesting aspect. Both the electrical and communication architectures described above for the distribution arena are really subsystems of the overall power system, including generation, transmission, sub-transmission, distribution, and customer electric systems. Hence, ADA must be interoperable with the broader context of the power system. Examples where this broader concept is important include: Distribution system acting as a generator (power supplier) for the overall system as a result of local distributed generation that exceeds local loads. Reactive power control for the overall system coordinated with the reactive power devices and capabilities of the local distribution system. Power quality control for local loads coordinated with characteristics of the supplying transmission system (e.g. control of voltage sags caused by transmission faults and control of transient overvoltages caused by transmission operations, such as capacitor switching). Local load control and energy conservation measures implementation to support requirements for the overall system (e.g. load reduction to support system contingencies coordinated with local loads and distributed resources).


New Distribution System Technologies

New technologies are becoming available that will shape the distribution system of the future. Some of these have recently become available and others are in the final stages of development. Still others are not yet known, but will emerge over the next 20 years. The new technologies that 2-4

Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation

will shape ADA come from both the electrical (and electronic) equipment sector and from the information technology sector. Some technologies that will be important for the overall ADA implementation and are evaluated in this report include the following: 2.4.1 Electrical and Electronic Technologies Distributed energy resources (distributed generation and storage) New sensor technologies that will allow collection of electrical and performance information from devices and components throughout the system Monitoring and analysis technologies for identifying system and equipment problems before actual failures (e.g. distribution fault anticipator, capacitor problem identification, regulator problem identification, etc.) Power quality enhancement technologies for the distribution system (e.g. DVR, Statcom) Solid state breakers and switches for fast fault clearing, system reconfiguration, and transient-free switching (e.g. capacitors) Load management technologies (end user systems that must be coordinated with ADA) Power quality enhancement technologies for end user facilities that should be coordinated with ADA Advanced metering capabilities that will allow intelligent applications to be coordinated with detailed characteristics of end user systems Advanced electrical system configurations, such as intentional islanding (including microgrids), dc ring buses, looped secondary systems, and advanced distribution networks Automatic switching systems to reconfigure the system for disturbances (e.g. faults), load conditions, DER conditions, quality and reliability requirements, etc. Intelligent universal transformer (a multi-functional, solid-state replacement for distribution transformers)

2.4.2 Communications, Computing, and Information Technologies Open, standardized communication architecture Advanced, secure communication media (including wireless, PLC, satellite, etc.) Open information exchange model for work process management Consumer Portal (to be described later) Sensing and monitoring devices implementing features of new communications architecture and with integrated intelligent applications that become an integral part of overall system control schemes


Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation

Real time state estimation and predictive systems (including fault simulation modeling) to continuously assess the overall state of the distribution system and predict future conditions, providing the basis for system optimization Advanced control systems to optimize performance of the entire distribution system for efficiency, asset management, reliability, quality, and security Load management and real time pricing systems that integrate with end user and DER systems to optimize overall system performance and efficiency Asset management and work management systems that integrate with intelligent monitoring systems, customer information systems, and forecasting tools to optimize investments and maintenance based on the specific requirements of individual systems

Collectively, these technologies are the tools that are available to create ADA.



The two families of technologies summarized above together form the basis for the ADA system of the future. The advances in electrical and electronic technologies enable the flexible electrical architecture and associated functions, but they are only achievable with the advanced communication and information technologies to supervise them. The two families are completely inter-related, as illustrated in Figure 2-2.

Flexible Electrical Architecture

Open Communication Architecture

Figure 2-2 The flexible electrical architecture and open communication architecture empower eachother to provide a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts In ADA


Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation

In ADA, more sophisticated control concepts will be used. As the distribution system becomes more widely monitored via advances in sensor and monitoring technologies, and the system has more microprocessor-controlled components (e.g., the intelligent universal transformer or new load management devices), these components can be used for strategic operating advantage. To do so will require a more sophisticated control system. First, the system must be based on the interoperability of all of its parts. This means migration to an open communication architecture. Second, local distribution control via distributed computing will be used. The local distribution control concept will involve using a central control center at the distribution system level for coordination with control at the transmission level. This is necessary for overall power flow supervision and coordination of DER dispatch at the distribution level with central generation at the transmission level, as well as for coordinating volt/VAR management. (DER can be a source of VARs, as well as kWs.) The central distribution control center would also supervise the distributed control capabilities that are dispersed throughout the distribution system. These include microprocessors embedded in intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) throughout the distribution system and other local control agents.


International Focus

The technologies and systems for ADA must have an international focus. There are many differences in distribution system designs and operations around the world. However, the basic equipment and requirements are the same. Future electrical system architectures and open communication system architectures (especially the standards defining these systems) must result in technologies that can be applied throughout the world. This will greatly enhance the speed of development and implementation of these technologies and eliminate the need for expensive duplication of research efforts across different systems.


Development Steps

The overall flow of development to achieve the ADA system of the future is illustrated in Figure 2-3. The focus of this report is on the last stepdefining the requirements for future work and a roadmap for this work. However, a review of existing technologies and systems is required before any attempt at a definition of future work is possible. Therefore, the next chapters review some existing distribution automation technologies and specific implementations. Then this state-of-the-art information is used to identify important gaps that must be filled in order for the ADA vision to be realized. Filling these gaps is the basis for the future development priorities.


Vision for Advanced Distribution Automation


Requirements Definition
Flexible electrical architecture requirements

Future Work

New technologies

Technology development

ADA functions


Systems development

Past and current work

Open communication architecture requirements

Standards development

Figure 2-3 The basic steps for achieving the ADA vision


ADA will consist of many individual functions and applications (see Appendix A). These functions incorporate many new systems, equipment, and applications that will be part of the overall ADA system. Five important functional requirements can be defined for the overall system. 1. Communication and control infrastructure allowing integration of all distribution equipment and end user technologies into the ADA system 2. Automation of all controllable distribution equipment and functions 3. Application of advanced technologies (e.g. power electronics) where appropriate for advanced control and system performance enhancement 4. Integration of distributed generation and storage resources 5. Modeling and real-time simulation systems to optimize performance (via predictive control) and response to disturbances at all times


Communication and Control Infrastructure

Neither distribution automation nor ADA is possible without widespread communication between the controllable devices and one or more control unit(s). At times the control unit may be a central processor and at other times it may be another controllable device as in peer-peer communication. Adding communication links to individual distribution components is becoming more prevalent, in part due to the reduction in communication costs. The communication costs have come down due to new technology developments and increased competition. Economic analysis is more likely to show that the cost of adding communication links is offset by the resulting improvement in system reliability and improved O&M efficiencies. Reference 17 indicates that distribution automation communications media can be placed into the following three major categories: 1. Power Line Carrier 2. Landlines 3. Wireless 3-1

ADA Functional Requirements

Power line carrier systems have been most successful in automatic meter reading (AMR) and load control applications. For distribution applications, power line carrier suffers from the open circuit problem. In other words, communication is lost with devices on the far side of an open circuit. This severely restricts the usefulness of power line carrier systems for applications involving reclosers, switches, sectionalizers, and outage detection. Landline communication options include telephone and fiber optics. Leased telephone lines are often brought into substations for SCADA-RTU communications. For distribution automation, telephone lines are not often used because of the costs associated with installation of the phone line, the dielectric isolation equipment, and the monthly cost. Fiber optics is a very technically attractive solution, offering comparatively unlimited bandwidth. Its dielectric and EMI/RFI noise immunity characteristics make it an ideal fit for the high-voltage operating environment. Singlemode fiber is a very practical solution for transmission applications. Unfortunately, the installed cost per drop for single-mode fiber is still too high for most distribution applications. Wireless solutions have shown the greatest potential for automating distribution networks because they communicate virtually anywhere at a very low cost. Companies exploring wireless solutions have two choices; install a private (owner operated) wireless network or utilize an existing infrastructure of a public network. Private wireless networks allow utilities to have more control over their communications system but requires a significant up-front investment in infrastructure as well as the on-going maintenance costs. Utilizing an existing public network, for example, the public cellular network, allows a utility to forgo upfront infrastructure as well as most of the on-going maintenance costs. These cost saving must be weighed against the fact that the network is not captive to the utility. With security features like secure socket layers (SSL), 128-bit encryption, and frame relays, the security risks of using a public network are becoming negligible. ADA systems will also incorporate communication and control functions that integrate with end use technologies for implementation of demand response and real time pricing systems. These systems will help optimize the performance of individual distribution systems as well as provide the means to better match generation resources with load characteristics. Work on the consumer portal is defining the requirements for the communications and control systems that go across the customer meter. Regardless of the technologies employed, the communications architecture must allow for plug and play implementation of technologies that are required for ADA systems to be economically deployed. Information models, object models, and protocols must be standardized so that systems with a variety of components can be integrated and expanded in a modular fashion.


Automation of All Controllable Equipment and Functions

The functionality of ADA could be explained as the deployment of substation and feeder operating functions and applications ranging from SCADA and alarm processing to integrated volt/var control in order to optimize the management of capital assets and enhance operation and maintenance (O&M) efficiencies with minimal human intervention. The automation process will 3-2

ADA Functional Requirements

also be accompanied by an integration phase in which equipment and information will be consolidated. The integration of protection, control, and data acquisition functions into a minimal number of platforms will reduce capital and operating costs, reduce panel and control room space, and eliminate redundant equipment and databases. The automation and functionality of the system will evolve to a very complete and comprehensive scheme. The system will be given more data along with more switching and corrective action responsibilities. The security and integrity of the automation system will also be enhanced with dispersed control, more redundancy and more sophisticated fail safe strategies. The continual addition of IEDs to the distribution system, either through attrition or new construction, will ensure that more data is available and more distribution components will be controllable through automation. The integration of distributed energy resources will add new challenges since power or current may be flowing in any direction. This will result in reclosers being replaced or modified with bi-directional reclosers, which in turn will require a more sophisticated control and automation scheme. In order to fully exploit the full vision of ADA, it will be required to automate more controls. For example, human operator response time will not be sufficient to perform the switching necessary in order to create self sustaining islands subsequent to system disturbances. Figure 3-1 (Reference 18) depicts the substation automation functional architecture as well as the various data paths that exist between the distribution equipment and the overall utility enterprise system. The operational data flows to the SCADA system while the non-operational data flows to the data warehouse and a data path providing remote access to the IEDs exists. It should be noted that many of the IEDs associated with the ADA vision will not physically exist at the substation but will be out on the feeders.


ADA Functional Requirements

Figure 3-1 Substation automation functional diagram

Future ADA systems will extend the control out onto the distribution system and even into customer facilities in order to optimize the performance and response of the overall system.


ADA Functional Requirements


Application of Advanced Technologies

Optimizing the performance and the response of the distribution system in the future will take advantage of advances in power electronics technology. Important advantages of power electronics technology applications will include: Faster, transient-free switching for better response to disturbances and system reconfiguration. Continuous voltage and var control, as well as control of harmonic distortion Ride through systems for improved power quality and reliability for customers that require this level of service

Important technologies to realize these benefits include: Static compensators for voltage and var control Active filters for harmonic control Series compensators for ride through support and voltage control Energy storage systems with power electronics to optimize performance and the system interface Intelligent universal transformer (IUT) for complete management of the customer interface Solid state switches for fast, transient free switching and system reconfiguration

Many of these power electronic technologies may be integrated with distributed resources or end-use devices. However, their controls must be integrated with the overall ADA system.


Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

The distribution system will need to transition from a single function (energy delivery) system to a multi-function (energy exchange) system in order to fulfill the ADA vision. Automation and control functionality will need to be increased and this functionality will be integrated with distributed resources throughout the distribution system. A major functional goal of the ADA vision is to seamlessly integrate small power generation and storage devices throughout the system. This integration process will ideally maximize the benefits of DER while minimizing some of the potential liabilities. The development of a flexible electrical architecture as well as the development of an open communication architecture are both critical to achieving this goal. The following table outlines some of the more common benefits and liabilities of DER. The long list and importance of the benefits justifies the effort required to advance the successful integration of these devices.


ADA Functional Requirements Table 3-1 Benefits and Liabilities of DER Potential Benefits of DER Improved energy efficiency reduced system losses reduced need for transmission and distribution expansions more diversified environmentally friendly power sources higher power quality and reliability potential additional volt/VAR capabilities Potential Liabilities of DER Personnel safety Added system complexity Higher percentage of generating sources being dependent on meteorological conditions

The electrical architecture (and, in some cases, the natural gas infrastructure) will need to be able to accommodate a wide variety of different types and sizes of DER devices. There is a broad range of energy sources and generation technologies that can be used as DER. The most common generation technologies include: Gas combustion turbine-generators Gas combustion microturbines with alternators-inverters Gas to hydrogen fed fuel cells and electronic inverters Gas and oil fired reciprocating engine-generators Wind-driven turbines with induction generators or alternators-inverters Solar photovoltaic cells and inverters Solar thermal-electric power plants Hydroelectric micro- and small-scale power plants Geo-thermal driven steam turbine-generators

In addition to these technologies, there are energy-storage technologies that are also classified as DER. These include battery energy-storage systems, flywheel energy-storage systems, superconductive magnetic energy storage (SMES), super-capacitor (ultra-capacitor) energy-storage technologies, and other types of energy storage. A storage technology functions like a generator during dispatch of power from the storage medium, and so it basically has all of the characteristics of a generator during that period of time; it has the characteristic of a load during recharge periods. The electrical architecture will also need to be able to accommodate both the presence and absence of these resources which may come and go several times a day depending upon the availability of renewable resources, economic dispatch or other considerations. This means that 3-6

ADA Functional Requirements

MW, MVAR and voltage demands of the system as well as the associated equipment ratings are going to have to be continuously balanced against a very diversified and fluid set of resources. The development of standardized interconnection systems for DER resources will facilitate the rapid introduction of additional DER resources onto the system. These systems must be integrated with the overall distribution automation system as part of system performance management. In order to maximize some of the reliability and power quality benefits associated with DER, the electrical architecture will also need to be able to break apart into microgrids or self sustaining islands, during certain power system disturbances. Figure 3-2 demonstrates the different levels at which DER can be deployed as well as how different self sustaining islands may be formed during power system disturbances. In general, irrespective of standardizing the interconnection systems, the distribution electrical system design must be modified to accommodate increasing penetration of DER.

Figure 3-2 Adaptable island or microgrid concept

In order to facilitate the integration and real-time dispatch of DER, a secure real-time communications and control infrastructure must be provided. It will be necessary to have coordinated protection and control of these resources so the needs of the system can be balanced against the availability of the resources. In order to minimize the incremental burden on system operators, much of the control and automation of these resources will have to be automated. Security and redundancy of the communication system will be critical to offsetting the added complexity associated with the integration of these resources. DER technology is changing rapidly, with new requirements, new vendors, and new capabilities. Therefore, it is critical to use a standard communications protocol that will ensure that these disparate devices can communicate in a well-known manner. In addition, the standard communication protocol must incorporate self-defining capabilities using object-oriented technology, so that each implementation of a new type of device and each deployment of additional devices (which may eventually number in the thousands) can occur rapidly and with 3-7

ADA Functional Requirements

minimal cost. The Utility Communications Architecture (UCA) meets the need for a standard, self-defining, object-oriented communications protocol. All major distribution automation and substation automation field devices are becoming compliant with the UCA standard, as defined by the 1999 IEEE UCA Technical Reports and by the IEC standardization work-in-progress. The integration of DER resources will also require new industry standards development as well as coordination with industry, state, and local government organizations to accelerate regulatory policies, codes, permitting and siting.


Modeling and Real-Time Simulation Systems

Control of all equipment and even customer systems will require an extensive real-time system model and information system along with supporting simulation tools to continually optimize system performance. The first requirement is a system information model that facilitates the wide variety of applications that will have to operate on this model. The information model must take into account future as well as existing technologies that are part of the distribution system. Important elements include: Substation equipment Protection systems Distribution system topology with line and cable characteristics Distribution switchgear and characteristics (including solid state switches) Var control and voltage control technologies (regulators, series compensators, shunt capacitors, shunt compensators) Transformers (substation and customer) Intelligent universal transformers with full functionality in the future Distributed generation and storage devices with controls and protection systems End use technologies, load characteristics Demand response and real time pricing systems and components GIS systems

Important applications that must become real-time capabilities for the ADA system include: 3-8 Load flows, voltage profiles, var flows, etc. Harmonic distortion level calculations and simulations System loss simulations to optimize topology and equipment controls Price response simulations as part of demand management and system performance optimization Fault location

ADA Functional Requirements

Optimized restoration following fault conditions System restoration following major outages, including coordination with end user and DR systems

All of these systems require extensive data collection and management systems to match the system representations with real-time conditions. These functions will require faster simulation and state-estimation systems for the distribution systems. These systems will also be required to continually predict future conditions on the distribution system to develop optimization approaches for the system performance.


The objective of this section is to review some existing distribution automation technologies and to describe some specific real world implementations. Each case study is designed to illustrate a specific technology or system design concept that will be critical to the implementation of the ADA vision. The case studies describe the state-of-the-art technology applications and designs. They form the basis for the evolutionary path to the fully functional ADA system of the future. A key contribution of these examples is to illustrate possible migration paths or strategies that can be used to transition the existing power distribution network into that described by the ADA vision. The importance of industry standards to this process is also highlighted.


Peer-to-Peer Communications

Reference 11 describes the positive impact that peer-to-peer communication can have on traditional distribution protection systems (recloser, sectionalizers). A protection scheme based on microprocessor relays, equipped with Internet communication capabilities, is shown to eliminate undesired losses of un-faulted load, reduce outage duration as well as reduce thermal and mechanical stress resulting from successive re-energizations under fault conditions. A peer-to-peer communication system enables distribution relays to share information with others connected to the TCP/IP communication network without having a master device. Every relay is able to ask from, and send to, the network un-requested information. Thus, any relay can master the re-configuration of the distribution system itself after a contingency occurs. The system can be programmed to isolate every possible fault after a certain number of reclosing operations as well as to reenergize un-faulted loads. As a result, the traditional protection system is transformed into an adaptive protection system that is able to reconfigure itself to successfully face contingency conditions. A traditional recloser protection scheme has the disadvantage that it exposes system components to large thermal and mechanical forces every time the recloser closes into a fault. If a recloser is set for three re-closing operations and the fault is permanent (non auto-extinguishing), the system will have to carry the fault current four times before the fault is permanently cleared and all these duties are imposed on the system components in a very short period of time. Furthermore, the voltage drop caused by the fault might affect the quality of service to other customer connected to the same distribution substation.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The use of sectionalizers, as shown in Figure 4-1 and Table 4-1 have the potential to improve this situation somewhat, depending on where the fault occurs.

Figure 4-1 Distribution feeder protection scheme Table 4-1 Recloser-sectionalizer protection scheme operation

In brief, the traditional recloser-sectionalizer distribution scheme increases the performance of the distribution system by allowing permanent faults to be cleared without shutting down the whole feeder. The major negative effect of this approach is the increment on thermal and mechanical stress put on the distribution feeder due to several application of the fault current in a relatively short period of time. Reference 12 describes a peerpeer communication scheme based on the TCP/IP protocol. Figure 4-2 shows the architecture of the proposed system. The scheme must be implemented with a fallback operation procedure for those times when communication is not available. This fallback operation procedure operates similar to the traditional non-communication reclosersectionalizer scheme.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-2 Web-based communication loop control

The PCD device in the above figure refers to the ABB PCD2000. The PCD2000 and SCD units combine monitoring, control, switching and communication in one package. The access to the TCP/IP protocol was accomplished by using low cost Java Application Control Engines. Every PCD/SCD 2000 unit was tied to a Java based control device through a Modbus serial communication link using RS-232 port. Specifically, Jace-501/502 Java based control devices made by Tridium were used. The Jace-501/502 units manage the serial communication with the PCD/SCD control units as well as the TCP/IP access. The Jace-501/502 also runs the fault location, fault isolation and system restoration algorithms. The PCD2000 and SCD2000s includes a register (40819) that provided an event counter during fault occurrence. The 40819 counter registers provide key information for fault location tasks. Comparing the event counter of successive PCD/SCD2000, it is possible to determine the location of the fault without having to wait for several reclosing operations. There is enough data to initiate the proper sectionalization process before the first reclosing operation; the system always allows one reclosing operation in order to avoid operating for a non-permanent fault. Devices are constantly posting in the network their event counter (40819) and status registers (open/close). Furthermore, they are constantly reading from the network event counter and status of all devices in the power distribution network. Having this information enables them to 4-3

Example Distribution Automation Systems

evaluate the system condition. When a fault occurs anywhere in the distribution system, the recloser starts its sequence of operations. Thus, event counter registers increase with every reclosing operation only in devices that see the fault current. The fault location is accomplished by comparing 40819 register of successive devices. If a device sees the current but its down stream fellow does not, the fault is between them. Once the fault was located, the closest device masters the reconfiguration of the network. It generates and sends open/close/lock commands to other devices according to the operating philosophy described above. Table 4-2 summarizes the obtained results. It shows a comparison in terms of the number of reclosing operations, unfaulted load losses, and recovery time for several contingences between the traditional protection system and Peer-to-Peer Communication-Based protection system applied to distribution networks.
Table 4-2 Comparison of a traditional protection scheme with the peer-to-peer system


Example Distribution Automation Systems


Application of Automatic Circuit Reclosers

Reclosers and sectionalizers have long been a part of the distribution network infrastructure and a typical application of these devices is shown below in Figure 4-3. A recloser is like a circuit breaker (capable of interrupting fault current) but it is also designed to be able to close into a fault. The recloser will detect a fault and open for a pre-programmed time, before closing again automatically. This cycle can be repeated 3 times with lockout typically on the fourth trip. A sectionalizer on the other hand is a switch (not capable of interrupting fault current). It is used in conjunction with an upstream recloser or circuit breaker. The sectionalizer counts the interruptions created by the recloser during the fault sequence and then on a preset count of trips, during the dead time of the up stream recloser, it opens and isolates the potentially faulty network section.

Figure 4-3 Typical application of reclosers and sectionalizers

Recent advances in recloser technology include the use of vacuum interrupters as opposed to an oil interrupting medium and the use of electronic timing devices as opposed to hydraulic oil timing. These advances, coupled with advances in communication capabilities, allow much greater flexibility in the setting of the current-time trip characteristic of these devices and it also allows the trip characteristics to be changed remotely based upon weather, seasonal or other considerations. The increased communication capabilities also allow the recloser to automatically notify control room operators of a loss of supply and thereby reduce the time required to take corrective action. Improved flexibility in the setting of the current-time trip characteristic allows for greater coordination with both upstream and downstream devices. This improved coordination also improves system reliability by minimizing the number of loads interrupted. 4-5

Example Distribution Automation Systems

Reference 8 describes an example in New South Wales, Australia where the new capabilities of the automatic circuit reclosers were leveraged into significant financial savings for the utility by minimizing lost revenue and repair costs. In a period of 5 years, Great Southern Energy of NSW Australia installed approximately 300 remote controlled electronic reclosers in order to reduce fire risk and outage time. Prior to the installation of these reclosers, the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires killed 75 people, 268,000 head of livestock and destroyed 2000 homes. A large portion of the damage was due to wires clashing. The new reclosers were able to clear faults within their protection zone within 1 second, which significantly reduced the risk of bushfire. Remotely controlled electronic reclosers are now being successfully employed by the industry and the feature set for this technology seems adequate for widespread application. Improvements resulting from R&D will help improve the economics and help standardize the communication protocols.


Sweden Automatic Load Restoration Example

In the event of a system failure, automated restoration can rapidly recover the load, which has been disconnected by automatically transferring the load to another part of the system. Presently, load restoration is normally done manually. This example, as described in Reference 10, addresses the important issue of how load recovery using auto-sectionalizing and auto-reclosing affects customer load point indices and the system reliability. Power distribution systems are usually composed of many radial feeders. Each feeder is divided into load sections with sectionalizing switches and has connections to other feeders via normally open switches. These normally open tie line switches (normally open points) play an important role in the service restoration. In the event of a system failure, the open points can be closed and the loads that have been disconnected can be transferred to support feeders via the tie switches. This load recovery procedure can have a marked effect on the reliability indices of a load point, because loads that would otherwise have been left disconnected until repair had been completed can now be transferred to another part of the system. This concept is demonstrated in the following figure showing how the system responds before (A) during (B) and after (C) a fault.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-4 Remote switching of distribution feeders

As automation is introduced to power distribution systems, fault location, isolation/ sectionalizing and reclosing can be achieved sequentially and automatically. When these actions operate correctly, the time needed for system reconfiguration and load recovery can be reduced dramatically. Therefore, automating the network reconfiguration and service recovery has become an important function of distribution automation. Significant reductions in reliability indices System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) can be achieved as the operating time for sectionalizers and tie breakers are reduced from the manual switching times (typically 1 hour) to about 2 minutes. The reduction in SAIDI and CAIDI for different levels of automation (more and more sectionalizers on feeder equipped with automation) is depicted in Figure 4-5.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-5 Variation of SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI for different levels of automation


Distribution Vision 2010 (DV 2010)

The DV2010 consortium was initiated by We Energies in 2000 to look beyond existing technologies and provide a path to the automation of distribution systems in the future. DV2010 focuses specifically on improving customer reliability through communication and automated operation of protection equipment on the distribution circuits. It takes the peer-peer communications technologies described above another step forward to enhance the reliability and performance of the distribution system. Demonstrations are currently being designed at We Energies and BC Hydro to illustrate the operation and benefits of a new primary network design tied to multiple source buses and using directional overcurrent protection, distribution automation, high speed communications, and automated real-time system analysis to reduce annual outage times experienced by customers by a factor of 10. Specific objectives of the pilot projects include: Demonstrate enhanced high-speed communication-based distribution protection schemes to provide reliable and secure fault isolation on complex branching network feeder designs within 3-5 cycles. Demonstrate instant reconfiguration of the system once a fault has been isolated.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Demonstrate management of the system configuration in real time with high speed communication and integration with an Energy Management System. Demonstrate real time voltage monitoring and control.

The research includes a number of important developments and deliverables that will be demonstrated as part of the project (as described by Bob Huber in presentations to the EPRI Distribution Advisors): PeerCommTM Communications System (Cooper Industries)allows continuous communication between reclosers for fast isolation of faults Enhancements to the Cooper Form 6 Recloser Control with enhanced overcurrent protection functions Reverse Vacuum Fault Interruptor (RVFI)supplies a reduced cost high speed transfer capability. DA Master from NovaTechdistribution system automatic reconfiguration controller. Real time distribution system analyzer for wide area voltage control and system operation management. New fault locating algorithmsUniversity of Wisconsin.

Figure 4-6 Concept for demonstration of DV2010 functions with advanced concepts for the future shown


Example Distribution Automation Systems


Southern California Edison Circuit of the Future

Southern California Edison (SCE) has identified a need to come up with new ideas to build more reliable and efficient distribution circuits. Bob Yinger from SCE described to a meeting of the Consortium for Electrical Infrastructure for a Digital Economy (CEIDS) a unique approach for addressing the problem of coming up with new approaches for the design of automated distribution systems (2003 meeting of the advisors to the Distributed Energy Resources/Advanced Distribution Automation project). The vision for the next generation distribution grid at SCE mirrors the ADA vision presented in this report. Some components of the future grid, as envisioned by SCE: Maintenance Free Equipment No moving parts Smart Equipment and Structures Remote analysis, high speed comm, video Distributed control - Localized intelligence Unmanned Switching Centers Remote operations Real-Time Analysis available at the Desktop Integration Distributed Generation/ Storage Single Black Box Hub in Substation Merge distribution and substation automation

The project has identified one distribution substation that will be the basis of a demonstration project. The specific characteristics of the automation system to be demonstrated will be the result of a competition of four regional distribution engineering design teams. They will each take into account common design requirements: 220/ 66/ 12 kV substation to be online in 2005 Use intelligent relaying devices Extensive monitoring Circuit breakers Transformers Getaway temperature All monitoring & control interconnected with fiber Ethernet (today Modbus, future IEC 61850) Substation controller for automation functions and forward data to SCADA Non SCADA data forwarded to data historian for later access and analysis


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The functional designs proposed by these teams will be evaluated in three functional areas: 1. Safety a. Identify and clear all faults quickly b. Eliminate risk of contact for humans and wildlife c. Minimize short circuit duty while maintaining voltage regulation d. Equipment has safe failure modes and low environmental consequences e. Design poles and vaults with inherent safety 2. Reliability a. Minimize the frequency of interruptions b. Minimize the number of customers affected by event c. Minimize the duration of interruptions d. Minimize power quality incidents 3. Cost a. Increase field equipment life b. Minimize need for operator intervention c. Maximize utilization of feeder/ grid while minimizing losses d. Minimize maintenance expense SCE is organizing a panel of judges to evaluate these proposals and then will select the best for moving to the next stage of a detailed design and implementation. This approach has the advantage of direct involvement of the engineers that will have to design, implement, and operate the system.


Georgia PowerDistribution Voltage and Reactive Power Control

The Georgia Power Distribution Efficiency Program (DEP), as described in Reference 9, brought together several new technologies in order to achieve the fundamental goal of shaving peak demand by 200 MW without affecting energy sales at non-peak times when energy was plentiful. The DEP surpassed its goals when it reduced the 2001 peak demand by 264 MW. The project not 4-11

Example Distribution Automation Systems

only deferred the need for generating capacity, but it has also helped relieve stress on the distribution system and substations during seasonal peaks. Net savings were estimated at $24.1 million over 15 years. The fundamental engineering principal involved the controlled lowering of the voltage magnitude at the distribution level in order to lower electrical power demand. The objectives were achieved through remote control of voltage regulators, along with a large number of capacitor banks with voltage-sensing controls. A total of 354 feeders in 171 substations were involved. An important requirement for the success of this project was to flatten the voltage profile along the length of a feeder. This was necessary in order to keep the voltage levels acceptable at the end of the feeder when the voltage was reduced at the substation. Flattening the voltage profile was accomplished by installing switched capacitor banks all along the line. The banks installed were smaller than had been customary, and there are more of them per feeder. For example, a circuit which previously had two or three 1200 kvar banks might after DEP have four to six 600 kvar or 900 kvar banks. These banks correct the feeders power factor to near 100%. The capacitor controls are voltage sensing, and their settings are coordinated to ensure that they come on in the proper sequence. They are not remote-controlled, but some of them are monitored by the SCADA system. A typical switched capacitor bank installation is shown in Figure 4-7. The white radio antenna (lower right) transmits the capacitor status back to the SCADA system.

Figure 4-7 Typical switched capacitor bankGeorgia Power


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The voltage-sensing controls are digital electronic devices instead of the older analog style. A significant number are equipped for remote control through the SCADA system, which has now expanded beyond the substation fence out onto the distribution lines. On switched banks, Georgia Power changed in 2001 from oil switches to vacuum switches, which are expected to require less maintenance. Prior to DEP, Georgia Power had SCADA installed in most of its substations, but voltage regulators were not monitored or controlled remotely. For DEP, voltage regulators and load tap changers were retrofitted with electronic controls, which were then connected to the SCADA system. Programmers set up software commands that would let distribution operators lower the voltage simultaneously on large groups of feeders by executing simple commands. This came to be known as pushing the big red button, and it only takes two commands to lower the voltage on all of the DEP feeders. This example demonstrates the positive impact that automation of all controllable equipment can have on the power system. The transition to digital electronic controls enables this type of complete control while developments with universal communication protocols will make the implementation much more seamless.


Nevada Power Company (Capacitor Switching and DG)

Distributed generation (DG) will naturally impact the voltage profile of the feeder and that will have a direct effect on the adequacy of any existing capacitor control schemes. The impact on the feeder voltage will be different for different types of DG because they have different reactive power contribution characteristics. For example, inverter-based generators are often designed to operate at unity power factor while conventional synchronous machines can both supply and absorb reactive power. Finally, induction generators used in wind and Stirling engine systems can only operate at a lagging power factor (i.e., absorb reactive power while generating real power). These various reactive power characteristics along with the voltage control characteristics of the DG will influence how much of an impact the DG will have on the feeder voltage profile. Also there is typically no set schedule for when a DG is going to be available (particularly those based on renewable resources) so a successful capacitor control scheme is going to have to accommodate the variable nature associated with the impact that DG can have on feeder voltages. Table 4-3 quantifies the different types of capacitor control schemes that are in common use today and identifies a qualitative assessment of that schemes inherent ability to accommodate DG. It should be noted that even a scheme with poor inherent capabilities may be able to be successfully tuned in order to accommodate a specific DG / feeder situation.


Example Distribution Automation Systems Table 4-3 Comparison of a traditional protection scheme with the peer-to-peer system Capacitor Control Scheme Characteristics Inherent Ability to accommodate DG Poor


Capacitor on and off based on time of day (battery backup for clock required). A good scheme for predictable feeder characteristics. Capacitor on and off based on ambient temperature. A good scheme for predictable feeder characteristics. Capacitor on and off based on voltage magnitude (sometimes combined with other inputstime, temp) Capacitor on and off based on VAR flows Multiple inputs and optimum capacitor switching algorithms (optimize voltage profile while minimizing number of switching events).

Temperature Voltage VAR Intelligent Control / SCADARadio controlled

Poor Average Average Good

Reference 22 quantifies how a typical feeder voltage profile is impacted by the switching of capacitors on during the day (time control schemeFigure 4-8) and how that profile can be adversely affected by the presence of DG (2 MW at Node 7 - Figure 4-9).

Figure 4-8 Feeder voltage profile before and after capacitor switching (no DG)


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-9 Feeder voltage profile before and after capacitor switching (2 MW of DG)

The incorporation of DG or DER into a feeder circuit will require a review and most likely a resetting of any existing capacitor switching controls. Intelligent capacitor controls (using several input signals) and / or radio controlled capacitor switching by operators are inherently better suited to dealing with the dynamic and less predictable voltage profiles that result when DG is incorporated into the feeder circuit.


Electricit de France (EdF)DA With Multi-Platform Capability

A distribution network remote-control system, designed by EDF Research, is described in detail in Reference 20. The system was derived in part from its predecessor and one of the major goals of the new system was to allow the reduction in the number of control centers from 100 to 35. The remote control system is currently required to manage and control 120 source substations and 8000 remote-controlled devices. Major technical challenges included: Increase in data volume (due in part to the consolidation of control centers) Changing data and data requirements Different computer platforms being used.

In order to have an open system and one that supported multi-platform capability, the design is centered on a software bus based on CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) as shown in Figure 4-10. The changing data requirements was handled by utilizing an object oriented data server with data marked by a version number and the configuration tool that goes with it. 4-15

Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-10 Software application control architecture

Since 1998 the new system has been successfully installed in 16 of the control centers and a new installation is scheduled every six weeks. A key ingredient of the project success was utilizing one control center as an experimental workbench where operators assisted in the experiments and made necessary comments.


Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Example

This example, which is documented completely in Reference 7, describes the successful integration of a 200 kW Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) into an existing power distribution network. The PAFC fuel cell consists of electrodes made of carbon paper coated with finely dispersed platinum catalyst. This catalyst strips electrons off the hydrogen-rich fuel at the anode, which are then carried by liquid phosphoric acid electrolyte supported by a silicon carbide matrix to the cathode. PAFC fuel cells are an improvement on earlier fuel cell designs in that they are more tolerant of impurities, particularly CO2, in both the fuel and oxidant (air) streams. In addition, the fuel cells 200 degree C operating temperature results in steam production sufficient for space and water-heating applicationswhen so used, the systems fuel efficiency can reach 80%. Nonetheless, the fuel efficiency of the PAFC is relatively low in single-cycle designs (only 37-42%), external fuel reforming is required, and material costs are high. Systems can be constructed at costs of roughly $4000/kW. The facility, OCM BOCES (the Onondaga, Cortland, Madison Board of Cooperative Educational Services), is a state entity that supports, through its regional information center, more than 50 school districts. OCM BOCES serves more than 100,000 students at 52 locations in upstate New York. The 200 kW fuel cell system powers the regional information center and in addition to supplying 75-100% of the facilitys power needs, steam emitted from the unit is used for heating throughout four zones of the facility providing more than 700,000 Btu per hour of usable heat for 4-16

Example Distribution Automation Systems

the 29,000 square-foot building. The system was installed in January, 1997 and the organization is currently evaluating a second system due to the positive results experienced with their existing system. The system will save more than 40,000 pounds of air pollution and 2 million pounds of potential greenhouse gases during each year of operation. The serious ramifications of power disruptions were the primary driver for evaluating and implementing this particular system. Power outages and small interruptions caused serious damage to occur to the facilitys mainframe resulting in significant downtime for the system. Bringing the system back up was time consuming and expensive, while also disrupting the educational process. Finding a source of reliable high-quality power; therefore, was of primary concern. As an educational facility, reducing the ecological impact of their power choice by utilizing a clean source of power was important to the organization. The low emissions associated with fuel cells; therefore, fit their overall philosophy. Cost reduction wasnt a driver, but cost was a concern. Project costs totaled $800,000 with grants received from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and $200,000 provided by the U.S. Department of Defense Climate Change Project. The system was installed and is maintained by Niagara Mohawk Energy. The fuel cell system has operated for more than 22,000 hours and has eliminated brownouts, weather-related power failures, and other power interruptions. The facility is interconnected with Niagara Mohawk. There is no net metering arrangement in place, but this is not a concern for OCM BOCES at this time because they use all of the power produced by the fuel cell. OCM BOCES purchased and installed static switches that automatically and seamlessly switch over to the grid in the event that the fuel cell system is down. Many of the interconnection hurdles that affect typical DER installations were most likely avoided in this case because the utility (Niagara Mohawk) installed and maintains this fuel cell. Many of the typical economic hurdles were lowered or diminished in this case because of the grants. Future DER projects, particularly those that might put economic pressure on the local utility, will probably not be able to count on such full support from the local utility, however advances in the Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT), along with advances in industry interconnection standards and laws that encourage DER, should reduce the interconnection hurdles. Overcoming the economic hurdles are going to require a combination of technological advances resulting from increased R&D efforts and full exploitation of the energy utilization factor as demonstrated by combined heat and power (CHP) projects.

4.10 European Projects for DER and DA integration

There are a number of important projects under way with funding from various utilities and organizations in Europe that are demonstrating important aspects of integrating distributed generation and distributed resources with distribution automation. These research projects are designed to overcome specific constraints associated with DR integration:


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Short circuit currents and protection system settings Voltage profiles (both steady state and dynamic due to variable loads) Quality of supply characteristics (harmonics, voltage dips, flicker, etc.) Response of DG to system disturbances Grid planning and operation with DG Unpredictable energy production and variable characteristics of energy production Ancillary services (var control, voltage control, etc.)

Some of the important efforts are mentioned briefly here. The reader is directed to appropriate web sites for up to date information on these projects that are ongoing. 4.10.1 EdF SILIERE Project This project is evaluating innovative solutions for the integration of wind farms into power systems. DC vs AC links for connection of offshore wind farms Wind farm integration with weak systems and island systems Impacts and behavior of different WTG technologies Solutions for temporary grid capacity limitations and network congestions Combination of wind farms with energy storage systems Library of WTG Models for Eurostag software (dynamics and stability studies)

4.10.2 DISPOWER European Project This project evaluates special concerns associated with high penetration levels of DG technologies on distribution systems. It includes 37 partners and 11 European countries. Information can be found at Problem analysisnew concepts and strategies Development of new tools, systems, and services Grid planning and operation tools Internet information services PoMSOperation and PQ management system for LV Network with integrated DG, storage systems, etc.

Laboratory validation and tests


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Implementation and demonstration National grids Island systems Pilot installations

Synthesis of results

4.10.3 MICROGRIDS European project This project evaluates large-scale integration of very small DG systems (micro-generation) into LV grids. It evaluates the operation of these systems in either an islanded mode or connected to the main grid. Control strategies, communication requirements, and functional requirements of the systems are being evaluated. The project involves 14 partners and 11 countries. More information can be found at The concepts will be demonstrated on example systems in Greece, Portugal, and Guadeloupe.

4.11 Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) Substation Integration Project

The OPPD Substation Integration project (Reference 6) specifies an integrated approach for control, metering, and data collection using IEDs as shown below in Figure 4-11. One of the goals of this project was to get the important substation data into a database and make it available at a corporate level. UCA was specified for the IED protocols in the substation as well as the protocol to communicate the substation information to the EMS (Energy Management System). The substation personal computer collects all data and appropriately displays it or passes it on to the EMS or the corporate data warehouse. Fault summary phase or distance to fault information is now being passed on to system operators and engineers.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-11 OPPD Substation 912 simplified system diagram

Several areas within the substation were not changed. Protection schemes remained hardwired with breaker tripping either direct or by a lockout relay. Although equipment control within the substation now is done normally through the HMI (Human Machine Interface), control switches were installed for emergency backup in case the SI system is non-operational. IEDs for this project were selected based on their ability to do their primary intended function, such as to protect or monitor, not on their ability to communicate or integrate. The system supports the proprietary SI LAN for non-UCA IEDs and the Ethernet LAN for UCA devices and data warehouse connection. The desirable future configuration is one that is scalable to UCA IEDs because of UCAs beneficial aspects. The two main benefits associated with the substation integration project included improved safety (switching is done from the HMI) and reduced or shortened outages (due to better information availability). The main challenge involved training employees to operate and maintain new types of equipment.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

4.12 Advanced Sensor Applications - Vattenfall

Vattenfall is evaluating the application of new wireless sensor technology for distribution system monitoring [Reference 33]. This type of technology is required for many ADA applications and functions. Figure 4-12 shows the sensors that are being used. The sensors include a built-in GPS module to provide accurate location information. They get their power directly from the line and they communicate via radio with a nearby receiver, eliminating the need for physical connections primary circuits being monitored.

Figure 4-12 Example of primary monitoring sensors with wireless communications

4.13 Con Edison - Urban Underground Low-cost Sensor Technology

In order to be able to respond to power distribution problems rapidly and avoid power outages, utilities need the means to monitor, in real time, the condition of their power distribution grids. Equipment needed to perform this monitoring is available, and is being used in limited locations, but it is too expensive to be widely used by the utilities across their distribution power lines. As described in Reference 27, Con Edison participated in a pilot project employing new prototypes for low cost current and voltage sensors. In 1997 Con Edison installed 28 low cost sensors and 3 gateway collectors in the Harlem area. The sensors provided the following real time data: RMS Voltage, each of three phases RMS Current, each of three phases and neutral Current Harmonic Analysis Direction of Flow


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The sensors communicated with the gateway collectors via CEBus power line carrier and the collectors communicated with the control station via CDPD (cellular digital packet data) and the control station made the data available via the Internet. The basic installation concept is shown below in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13 Underground sensor installation concept

The sensors / monitor stations shown in Figure 4-13 are sometimes referred to as smart sensors because they consist not only of the primary sensing element but they also can filter and process the data and then communicate this information back to the gateway collectors. The key design characteristics for the pilot project were: Processing of data and analysis of line conditions at the sensor. Communications are to be incorporated in the sensor. Low power requirements (preferably self-powered) No interruptions of service for installationeasy installation with low cost. Compact and low weighteasily attached to manhole walls. Low costallows many sensor locations.

The sensors can report real time data on a scheduled basis, when polled or on an exception basis (threshold limits exceeded). Figure 4-14 shows a typical real time display as viewed on a web browser.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-14 Typical Real time display for Harlem network

A typical daily trend plot (RMS voltage and current) for one of the monitors on the Harlem network is shown below in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15 Typical daily load profile display for Harlem network


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The Harlem network of low cost sensors has been in operation since 1997. Future versions of the sensor and collector stations are anticipated to have the following capabilities: RMS voltage, each of three phases (2% accuracy) RMS current, each of three phases and neutral (3% accuracy) Phase angle, 4 quadrant (2 degree accuracy) Current THD, each of the three phases and neutral (2% accuracy) Current 2nd and 3rd harmonic, each of the three phases and neutral (2%) Internal temperatures (2 degree C) Current impulse, each of the three phases and neutral Voltage THD, 2nd, 3rd harmonic for each of the three phases (2%)

4.14 BC Hydro - Power Electronics Technology Application

Reference 21 describes BC Hydros experience using a small STATCOM device in order to address utility voltage problems. FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) devices such as Static Compensators (STATCOMs) have been used previously to solve utility voltage problems. Generally these have been on large-scale installations on interconnected systems providing economies of scale benefits for the utilities. Recent developments and availability of smaller capacity, modular STATCOMs have proved to be just as useful for utilities in addressing a wider array of problems on both transmission and distribution systems. In this case an 8 MVA D-VAR device was procured in order to solve a variety of transmission related problems for a long radial fed substation serving a mix of residential and commercial customers. The addition of this device provided a means to defer costly transmission reinforcement until the year 2009 when the thermal limit of the existing line is expected to be exceeded. The 63-km long 66-kV transmission line has a large processing load at the end of the line and the quality of the power supply has historically been an issue. During extreme winter peak loading, the 66-kV voltages could decline below 0.9pu. The relatively weak supply also impacted on the maximum motor size that could be started at the industrial customer site. Figure 4-16 shows the large daily load variations for this line along with the corresponding voltage profile. The D-VAR device, located near the end of the 66 kV line, provides sufficient dynamic reactive capability to address transient events including faults, motor starting, etc. while also regulating the bus voltage within specified limits during periods of heavy loading. The D-VAR device contains multiple voltage-source IGBT converters capable of delivering fast and effectively controlled near instantaneous injection of reactive power into the transmission system. The selected device also has an instantaneous overload capability of 2.3x rated capacity for one second. For system events that do not require full overload discharge, the overload can be sustained for a much longer period of time. If needed, the device is also capable of up to 8 MVAR of leading or lagging reactive injection continuously to assist the post-fault system for as long as necessary. 4-24

Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figures 4-16 and 4-17 show the daily bus voltage profile (near the end of the line) and D-VAR output current during the course of a winter day (worst case). The D-VAR output is plotted as a percentage of full steady state rating. It can be seen that the D-VAR unit maintains the voltage within prescribed limits.

Figure 4-16 66-kV line loading and 66-kV bus voltage (at end of line)

Figure 4-17 D-VAR regulation response and resulting voltage profile


Example Distribution Automation Systems

The D-VAR device effectively regulates the 66-kV bus voltage within the required range during slow voltage variations due to normal changes in load and also responds to severe disturbances very quickly. This application shows that small STATCOM devices have a significant role to play in addressing a wide range of transmission and distribution problems. Power electronics technologies such as STATCOMs will have to be integrated into the overall ADA concept.

4.15 MidAmerican Energy CompanyCost/Benefit Analysis of Substation Automation

Reference 19 provides details on an integrated approach for implementing substation automation (SA) systems so that the wealth of information available in IEDs could be fully exploited in a cost effective manner. The overall objective of the study was to determine what additional functionality changes, if any, to MidAmericans current standard approach to substation monitoring and control architecture are economically justified. The two major tasks associated with accomplishing the objective were: 1. Identify additional SA functions that produce significant operational benefits 2. Determine the economic justification for implementing some or all of these functions using benefit-cost analysis The business case methodology employed by MidAmerican is shown below in Figure 4-18.


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Figure 4-18 Business case methodology

One of the most important results of the management interviews was a list of business drivers to be addressed in the SA business case. MidAmericans key business drivers pertaining to SA are: Reliability and quality of service Customer loyalty Cost of service Deliverance of information to the enterprise Proactive response to industry developments

A list of candidate SA functions was derived from the results of the interviews. These candidates are the SA functions that appear to provide solutions to MidAmericans business problems and needs. The list of candidate functions and their relationship to the key business drives is depicted below in the Table 4-4.


Example Distribution Automation Systems Table 4-4 Opportunity matrix (SA function vs. business drivers)

A benefit-cost analysis was then performed to determine which of the candidate SA functions identified during the information-exchange process is economically justified. The candidates believed to be most economically suitable for MidAmerican and their corresponding benefits are tabulated below.
Table 4-5 Matrix of economic benefits as a function of substation automation functions
SA Function Online Equipment Condition Monitoring Anticipated Benefit Fewer routine inspections (transformers, circuit breakers), Fewer catastrophic failures (15% reduction in circuit breakers and 20% reduction in substation transformers), Equipment life extension (1 year for breakers and transformers) Gain additional capacity from existing equipment during peak load periods. This, in turn, will allow MidAmerican to defer capital expenditures and, in some extreme cases, can help avoid load shedding This application function will enable MidAmerican to change normal feeder protective-relay settings to fuse-saving settings under conditions (such as storms) when numerous momentary faults are likely to occur. Fuse saving will prevent feeder branch line fuses from blowing for momentary faults, thus avoiding unnecessary extended outages for some customers at the expense of numerous momentary outages for all customers on the feeder. Having more convenient access to the power system disturbance data contained in IEDs (relay targets, fault location and magnitude, etc.) will assist field crews in investigating and locating the fault and thereby reduce both investigation time and feeder patrol time. This reduces the average customer outage duration, which in turn results in a significant reliability improvement benefit. This SA system candidate function will enable MidAmerican to automatically restore power to customers whose service has been interrupted due to a high-voltage supply-line or substation transformer failure (no high side circuit breakers). A significant reliability improvement benefit can be attributed to this SA system candidate function.

Dynamic Equipment Ratings

Adaptive Relay Settings

Power System Disturbance Data

Automatic Load Restoration


Example Distribution Automation Systems

4.16 EdF NextGen Project

The NextGen project was proposed to the European Community with the following main goal: Create a radically new vision for the future EU electrical power supply (Distribution and Generation) in a competitive market environment, in which the driving forces are: Distributed intelligence and ICTs, Distributed energy resources (DER).

The project was not funded in the last round of funding from the European Community but the ideas developed provide valuable input to the overall roadmap for development of the fully functional ADA system of the future and EdF is interested in partnership opportunities to move forward with this concept. Figure 4-19 illustrates the overall system configuration for typical European systems today. Figure 4-20 illustrates the integration of new DR technologies to the MV and LV systems. Figure 4-21 illustrates the communication and control system (ICT) that must be implemented to manage this integration. There is another layer of communication and control that must be implemented for market operation functions. The overall concept is illustrated in Figure 4-22.
The system as it is today
TSO Operation centre

ion Substat

Substat ion

DSO Operation centre

Substat ion

Figure 4-19 Conceptual diagram illustrating typical system configuration for European distribution systems


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Penetration of DER on MV and LV systems

TSO Operation centre

ion Substat

Substat ion

DSO Operation centre

Aggregator or ESP Operation centre

Substat ion

Figure 4-20 Conceptual diagram illustrating the integration of DER technologies on the MV and LV systems
DSO - ICT infrastructure for grid operation (scalable, reliable, flexible and low cost)
TSO Operation centre

ion Substat

Substat ion

DSO Operation centre

Aggregator or ESP Operation centre

Substat ion

Figure 4-21 Communication and control system that must be implemented to facilitate integration of DR technologies


Example Distribution Automation Systems

Next Grid
Voltage and frequency control, Protection of the dist. equipment, Operation of the dist. system,

New Decentralized Players

Market Forecasting and Scheduling, Bidding, real time, Trading and award processing, Clearing, metering and settlement, New services like ancillary services.


Next Market Places

Remote control of the DER units, Optimization of generation, Load leveling, Maintenance, Billing, and payment of the cust. and generators,

Figure 4-22 The role of intelligent communication and control systems in the automated system of the future

4.17 DOE GridWise Alliance

This alliance is comprised of Alstom, Battelle, IBM, PJM, RockPort Capital Partners, Sempra Energy, UAI, and E2I (at the time of this writingnew partners are joining the alliance all the time). The concept is to provide a focus for development and demonstration of stronger, more strategic and innovative science-based solutions to federal agencies and power generation and distribution organizations. The alliances mission is to lead the transformation of the U.S. electric system into the information age including generation to delivery, down to customer appliances and equipment. This transformation would empower consumers through direct participation in energy markets and benefit market participants by offering solutions that cross the enterprise and regulatory boundaries. Additionally, the integration of information technologies into the grid is expected to enhance security and reliability by creating a flexible and adaptive system. Individually, the alliance partners have invented different technologies and approaches that could be leveraged by the alliance. GridWise is a concept of how advanced communications, information and controls technology can transform the nations energy systemacross the spectrum of large scale, central generation to common consumer appliances and equipmentinto a collaborative network, rich in the exchange of decision making information and an abundance of market-based opportunities. At the foundation of the GridWise initiative is a commonly held understanding that the information age will significantly impact the traditional ways in which energy is managed in our society today. The change is inevitable; however, the speed and effectiveness of change can be 4-31

Example Distribution Automation Systems

enhanced with coordinated forethought to the way it becomes realized over time. The architectural aspects of GridWise provide a reference vision and guidelines for stakeholder communication and decision making. The GridWise vision covers a wide spectrum of interactions related to the electric power industry. It focuses beyond individual organizations areas of responsibility to promote crossparty transactions that benefit the system as a whole. It sees continued evolution of todays control structures, processes, and organizational boundaries and imagines an electric infrastructure that more fully integrates with the operation of the economy in general. The actual nature of the future operational structure of electric energy in our economy is the product of a series of choices to which we each contribute, but cannot fully control. In an open economic environment, businesses strive for efficiency and quick response to changing conditions as driven by their clients freedom of choice. Good economic policy encourages competition and protects social choice; it does not prescribe what we choose or how we choose. This right is articulated, agreed upon, and maintained in laws and rules of engagement. At its most effective, these rules identify abstract concepts through which the spirit of the law can be applied to the widest number of actual circumstances. As with good social law and rules of engagement, so should the GridWise architecture identify abstract concepts and describe a philosophy of inter-system operation that preserves the freedom to innovate, design, implement, and maintain each organizations portion of the system for which they are responsible. Critical to the success and longevity of this philosophy is that it reflects the shared beliefs and values of the constituency to which it applies. To stimulate interest and initiate engagement with those who believe they have the background, architectural skills, and conviction to contribute to this undertaking, this information provides a provocative set of philosophical tenets and illustrative examples related to the nature of the GridWise architecture under consideration. As such, the following material should be taken as suggestive, not prescriptive. 4.17.1 Architecture vs. Design vs. Standards The architecture describes the philosophy and structural patterns that frame the technical and economic designs, demonstrations, implementations, and standards related to the GridWise vision. The architecture is abstract. It does not prescribe specific designs or methods for implementation; however, it expresses a common language for conceptual understanding and a set of high level tenets and requirements within which designs and implementations must conform. It organizes concepts for ease of communication and clarity; however, this organization does not necessarily transfer directly to specific designs. Take the reference model for OPC (OLE for Process Control) industrial SCADA consortium. The OPC group created a framework from which industry standards for systems integration could be derived. The high level architecture specifies a component reference model and certain requirements (such as the use of Microsoft DCOM specification for component connectivity). Figure 4-23 shows overly simplified aspects of the framework. Industrial systems consist of 4-32

Example Distribution Automation Systems

servos with local controllers that are integrated into plant controllers that coordinate activity throughout a shop floor. The servo controllers reveal OPC interfaces that allow a plant controller to query information about the status of the device (points with attributes of value, quality, and timestamp) and issue commands. Servo components register in standard OLE mechanisms to aid in integration. They support an introspective interface that allows the plant controller to understand what information the servo component has to offer. OPC can integrate several servos and also work in a hierarchical control arrangement with other OPC servers. Underlying this framework is a master/slave relationship where the component serves the plant controllers OPC Server, and the server provides information to the OPC clients. Such an operational philosophy is an important part of the OPC architecture and permeates the interface standards.

Figure 4-23 OLE for Process Control (OPC) architecture


Example Distribution Automation Systems

In contrast to this industrial process control architecture, collaborative approaches are emerging for electronic business integration. ebXML is an example of such a framework, see Figure 4-24.

Figure 4-24 E-business ebXML reference architecture

In a B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customer) situation, the interaction is more peer to peer than master to slave. A requirement of the architecture is that transacting parties have the ability to hide their internal business processes. Also, since each organization has its own procedures for doing business, the architecture allows external business processes to be defined and stored in a registry available to potential partners. If you are Partner B and you want to do business with Partner A, then you can obtain Partner As business service specification, negotiate a collaboration contract with the company, and set up business integration using the business service specification. Both OPC and ebXML go further in their specifications to facilitate interoperation for their development communities, but the level of concern for the GridWise Architecture Board is the reference model and framework that point out the places where specification and standardization can be most beneficial. The GridWise vision does not stipulate a shared design specification to which all functioning components of our complex energy system must adhere. From a requirements point of view, the specification of each component must be flexible and changeable, because the components may be owned and managed by independent entities. Given the autonomous nature of these independent entities, this system of systems is less specifiable than a federated enterprise system of subsystems. It is more like a society of components, reflecting an economic paradigm based on contracts and transactions. It must have the flexibility that businesses have to interact with each other; but to effectively approach the GridWise vision it must exhibit smoother mechanisms for configuration (collaboration, discovery, and initialization) and interoperation. 4-34

Example Distribution Automation Systems

Though more abstract than a design, the GridWise architecture must layout some fundamental rules to which specific designs and resulting implementations must conform. Creating a commonly held architecture for our scope of applications will reveal prime areas for standardization, while avoiding duplicative and inconsistent nomenclature and philosophical approaches that are not sufficiently flexible or scalable to meet the general system requirements. An objective of the architecture reference material is to identify areas for standardization that facilitate significant levels of interoperation between system components; but it does not specify standards. Rather, an architecture reference helps the work of existing or emerging standards organizations to create standards that promote interoperation. The Architecture Board supports these standards making groups through interpretation and guidance so that attention is placed on the areas where the least amount of agreement provides the greatest leverage to interoperability. Figure 4-25 depicts the position of the GridWise Architecture Board and associated standards work in relation to designs and implementation. To be complete, one must consider that the experience gained from existing designs, implementations, and standards greatly influences the architecture. Above all, this percolating process is about developing mindshare to make significant change achievable.

Figure 4-25 Moving from architecture towards implementation


This section describes important technologies that are required to achieve the ADA vision. The current state-of-the-art for these technologies is described along with development needs. The discussion is divided into two basic categories of technologies that will be required: 1. Distribution equipment and architecture technologies 2. Information and communication architecture technologies The list of technologies discussed in this section is not meant to be all-inclusive. It provides a cross-section of the important technologies that are required for ADA in order to help identify development requirements.


Technologies for Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Systems

5.1.1 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Distributed energy resources are a major driver behind the ADA vision and refers broadly to the use of on-site generators that can operate independently of a central-station power plant. DER may be owned by either a consumer or supplier of electricity and can operate either independently or interconnected with the grid. Renewable energy technologies can be considered a subset of DER fueled by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, or biomass power. Fuel cells, powered by natural gas will also be an important form of DER in the future. A not so obvious source of potential DER in the future will be the electrical vehicle. The ability to use renewable energy sources and/or deliver more of the energy in a useful form to the consumer is one of the main advantages of DER. The ADA vision will need to be able to recognize and accommodate the different purposes for the individual DER (base-load, emergency, cogeneration, premium power) as well as the four different interconnection options shown below: 1. No Interconnection - Complete Isolated Operation 2. Isolated DR - Automatic Transfer to EPS 3. Parallel DR Operation - No Power Export 4. Parallel DR Operation with Power Export 5-1

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The use of decentralized distributed resources is expected to make the overall electric power system more flexible and secure. Such resources also promise to lower the cost of electricity, make electrical generation cleaner and more efficient, reduce transmission and distribution line loss and congestion, and improve power reliability and quality, among other benefits. It is important to recognize when developing the ADA vision that DER can have many functions besides kWh production. Some forms of DER, like a conventional gas turbine or diesel generator, are native to or best suited for Alternating Current (AC) power production while others like fuel cells and solar are native to Direct Current (DC) power production. Both forms of DER power production offer unique challenges to both the existing distribution system and the ADA vision. Some of those challenges are: unintentional islanding, changes in radial feeder power flow, reverse power flow in distribution networks, loss of effective voltage regulation, ferroresonance voltage swings, harmonic injection and distortions, voltage fluctuation and flicker, and overcurrent-protective device coordination. Some of the technologies like bi-directional reclosers, smart sectionalizers, power conditioners and advanced relaying schemes are used to address these challenges. In addition to defining some of the technological requirements for the ADA system, DER is also central to the overall system design and operational concepts like microgrids which extend the DER concept to encompass several DER resources linked together. Finally the interconnection of DERs with the EPS will require the development and refinement of industry standards and laws. 5.1.2 Control and Management of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Recent studies have predicted that by the year 2010, distributed generation will account for up to 25% of all new generation (Reference 13). Many countries have set targets aimed at increasing the share of renewable energy sources being used to generate electricity and have also emphasized the need for increasing the efficiency of power generation by utilizing the cogeneration of heat and electrical power. Advances in the control and management of these resources will be required in order to maximize the benefits of the DER. The current engineering practice for DER/Utility interconnected systems is to revert the utility systems to its original configuration with all interconnected DG units de-energized whenever an unexpected disturbance occurs in the system. Since most distribution systems comprise radial feeders, this practice leads to the discontinuation of the supply for all the downstream customers. Reference 14 describes a system where programmable logic controllers (PLCs) can be used to implement a control strategy whereby DER can still supply loads during utility disturbances (i.e. intentional islanding). Advances in this area of DER control can result in improved system reliability. Another control issue associated with some types of DER is associated with their power outputs being dependent on meteorological conditions (wind generators, photovoltaics, etc.). The importance of this issue naturally increases as the proportion of these devices increase in relation to more conventional power sources. Reference 15 describes the use of a decentralized energy management system (DEMS) that prepares and manages the optimized schedule for the 5-2

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dispersed generation, storage and power exchange units in accordance with the weather and the load forecast. The functional diagram for the DEMS is shown in Figure 5-1. When the DEMS is used online, its control output is connected to all units participating in the energy management process via commu nicatio n links.

Figure 5-1 Structure and functionality of the decentralized energy management system DEMS

A more modular approach to this control problem is presented in Reference 16. In this case, the meteorological dependent power output devices are coupled with both long- and short-term storage devices in order to create a virtual power plant. This virtual power plant is connected to the grid via a power electronic converter as shown in Figure 5-2.


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Figure 5-2 Modular concept of stochastic energy source access management

The grid interface module shown in Figure 5-2 comprises a power electronic converter and a transformer. The power electronic converter is a switch-mode DC-AC voltage sourced inverter, and a pulse width modulated switching scheme is used. This approach allows both the active power output Pg and the reactive power output Qg to be controlled much like a conventional power plant. 5.1.3 Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) One of the most important components that is going to make ADA a reality is the Intelligent Electronic Device. An IED is any device incorporating one or more processors with the capability to receive or send data/control from or to an external source (e.g., electronic multifunction meters, digital relays, controllers). An example of a relay IED is shown below. In this context, we are using the term IED to refer to the communications and control capability that could be added to virtually any device in a substation or on the distribution system. For instance, a transformer could be an IED with an interface that provided communication about load, temperature, voltage, etc.


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Figure 5-3 Example of substation IED

All electric utilities are implementing IEDs in their substations. The next step that needs to be accomplished is the successful integration of the IED into the overall distribution system. In this case integration refers to the consolidation of protection, control, and data acquisition functions into a minimal number of platforms in order to reduce capital and operating costs, reduce panel and control room space, and eliminate redundant equipment and databases. 5.1.4 Standardized Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT) An interconnection system is the equipment that makes up the physical link between DER and the Area Electric Power System (Area EPS), which is usually the local electric distribution system. The complexity of the interconnection system depends on the level of interaction required between the DER, the customer loads, and the Area EPS. Typically, complete systems that allow a DER unit to parallel with the grid include the following components, which may or may not be modular: Exciter control system for the generators Synchronizer for the reliable transfer of power between the generators and the grid Automatic transfer switch control Import/export control Protective relay functions including over/under frequency and voltage at the interconnection points, directional real and reactive power flow, and phase-to-phase current balance 5-5

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Metering or net metering, depending on the tariff Remote communications capabilities to accommodate control from remote control centers (e.g., direct transfer trip, in some cases)

Different applications of DER require different levels of interconnection complexity, and most interconnection today is still performed on a site- and DER unit-specific basis. This greatly increases the cost compared with what it would be if the interconnection system were standardized. Beyond this, the lack of standardization of interconnection systems can be confusing for DER users and deter them from interconnecting with the grid. For these reasons, there has been substantial interest in developing a Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT). Development of a UIT would define a standard architecture for functions to be included in the interconnection system. This standard architecture would allow both DER manufacturers and end-users to easily integrate their power systems with the area EPS. A Universal Interconnection Technology would include at least the following functions: Power conversion Power conditioning and quality Protection functions Synchronization DER (both generation and/or storage) and load controls Communications Metering Dispatch

Other useful features could include the ability to provide ancillary services to the distribution system and the ability to communicate back to the utility the status of the distribution system. There currently exists UIT-like or generation 1 versions of UIT devices on the market. Two types of UIT-like systems in use are traditional non-inverter-based pre-engineered systems that allow for synchronization and parallel operation with the grid (Kohler PD-100) and inverterbased UIT-like systems for prime movers with DC or high frequency AC output (Advanced Energy System, Ballard EcoStar). A diagram of the Kohler PD-100 is shown in Figure 5-4. The inverter-based UIT-like systems are designed for use with prime movers with DC or high frequency AC output (i.e., photovoltaics systems, wind, fuel cells, and microturbines). These technologies are expected to increase their share of total power produced in the United States and abroad, setting the stage for inverter-based UIT-like systems to interface DC power sources with the grid. Microturbines, which produce high-frequency AC, are well suited for use with inverter based UITs because their rectified output (i.e., DC) can be directly fed to the inverter, which then converts it to 60-Hz AC. The basic building blocks for a universal inverter module are shown in Figure 5-5. 5-6

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Figure 5-4 Example of a UIT-like interface (Kohler PD-100)

Figure 5-5 Inverter module for UIT-like device


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The next generation of UIT development will be similar to what is depicted in Figure 5-6. The key characteristics of this next generation are: The interconnect is a standalone box interfacing the DG and grid. It is technology neutral and can be used for different DG devices. There are two major modules in the interconnect box. One is power-carrying devices (PCD), and the other is intelligent electronic devices (IED). The interfaces between these two modules should be normalized to allow for plug-and-play. There are four types of interfaces, as marked in the figure: (I1) power interface to link DG and grid; (I2) measurement interface to obtain voltage, current, and others status; (I3) control signal interface to send/receive I/O status and controls; and (I4) communication interface for the interconnect to communicate with DG and the grid.

Figure 5-6 UIT (next generation) interconnect design

A separate hardware-based interconnection technology may never be standardized because each DER manufacturer tends to build the interface into the distributed resource technology. It will be most important that the communication interfaces to these interfaces be standardized for integration with ADA systems. These standards must address all aspects of the distributed resource (including protection functions) so that it can be used to help optimize the distribution system performance. 5-8

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5.1.5 Advanced Sensor Technologies and Systems Smart Sensors Advanced / smart sensors are needed to collect data from around the distribution system. The major challenge is collecting information about the voltages and currents throughout the primary distribution system. Much of the monitoring information needed for ADA will be obtained from embedded monitoring capability within equipment on the system (reclosers, transformers, customer revenue meters, etc.). Even devices like fuses and arresters may get embedded monitoring capability with appropriate sensor technology. Wireless systems and powerline carrier have the potential to solve many of the communication issues associated with collecting data from this network of sensors. Much of the required information may be able to be derived from monitoring of secondary locations, in combination with advanced state estimation systems. However, it is likely that sensors to monitor performance on the primary system will also be needed to optimize system performance. This is especially true for advanced protection functions and fault location. Smart sensors can integrate communications and control functions in order to optimize system performance. They can also be powered from the line and typically incorporate advanced communication technologies. The sensor control and communication architecture for a system that monitored the underground distribution system in Harlem, NY is shown in below in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7 Underground sensor control and communication architecture


Technologies for ADA Implementation

The system and architecture shown above allows high sampling rate with accurate waveform measurement for many inputs. As reported in reference 27, the voltage and current waveforms are picked up and processed and the following values are calculated and reported by the smart sensor: Voltage (phase-neutral, three phases) reported in Volts RMS Current (three phases and neutral) reported in Amps RMS Temperature (of the monitor station) reported in degrees C. Instantaneous current (three phase and neutral). Pulses of 20,000 amps lasting less than 0.5 microseconds are accurately measured. Power factor (three phases) Harmonic distortion (three phases and neutral) Reactive power (three phases) reported in VAR Real Power (three phases) reported in Watts Voltage (phase to phase, three combinations)

The smart sensor monitors the line continuously and reports at scheduled intervals, on demand or when threshold limits have been exceeded. For the Con Edison system described previously, the smart sensors transmit data to their respective collector stations via a Power Line Carrier (PLC) modem using CEBus transmission protocol. Transmissions between the collector station and the utility control station are DNP v3.0 using whatever wireless WAN is the most effective in the area of operation. These WANs utilize existing infrastructures and include systems like: CDPD, PCS digital data and GSM digital data. The network in Harlem, NY used CDPD. Rogowski Coils (RC) Rogowski coils (RCs) were first introduced in 1912 to measure magnetic fields. At that time, they could not be used for current measurements because coil output voltage and power were not sufficient to drive the measuring equipment burden. However, with todays microprocessorbased equipment, RCs are more suitable for such applications. Current transformers (CTs) have been traditionally used for protection and measurement applications in part because of their ability to produce the high power output needed by electromechanical equipment. Microprocessorbased equipment makes high power CT output unnecessary and opens the door for other measurement techniques such as RCs, which have many advantages over conventional CTs. As explained in reference 28, traditional RCs consist of a wire wound on a non-magnetic core. The coil is then placed around conductors whose currents are to be measured. The output voltage is proportional to the rate of change of measured current and to obtain measured current, the coil output voltages must be integrated. In order to prevent influence of nearby conductors carrying high currents, RCs must be designed with two wire loops connected in electrically opposite directions. This approach cancels electromagnetic fields coming from outside the coil loop. A recently patented RC design consists of two wound coils implemented on a pair of printed circuit boards located next to each other as shown in Figure 5-8. 5-10

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Figure 5-8 Printed circuit board Rogowski Coil

The RC output voltage is in the millivolt to several-volt range and can reliably drive digital devices designed to accept low power signals. Integration of the signals can be performed in the relay (by using analog circuitry or digital signal processing techniques) or immediately at the coil. Connections to relays can be by wires or through fiber optic cables. Technical committees worldwide are actively working on standardizing low power current and voltage sensor output levels as well as interfaces between sensors, relays, and IEDs (IEEE C37.92 and IEC 61850-9-1 and 9-2). The RC shown in Figure 5-8 (Reference 29) has the following characteristics: Measurement accuracy reaching 0.1% Wide measurement range (the same coil can measure currents from 1 to over 100,000 A) Frequency response linear up to 700 kHz Short-circuit withstand is unlimited with the window type design Galvanically isolated from the primary conductors (similar to current transformers) Can be encapsulated and located around bushings or cables, avoiding the need for high insulation.


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RCs can also be of the split-core design and still maintain their accuracy as shown below in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9 Rogowski Coil integrated signals compared to the laboratory CT (high power tests at 25kA RMS, 66kA peak)

5.1.6 Advanced Switchgear Technologies The DV2010 project is evaluating vacuum switch technology that can provide bi-directional switching for circuit reconfiguration much faster than present technologies. This type of technology is also coupled with sensors and communications to provide intelligent switching of primary distribution systems to optimize performance and provide fast reconfiguration for reliability improvement. There are many examples of adding intelligence and communications to switchgear technologies to advance the state-of-the-art towards completely automated systems. Future developments will implement standard object models for these devices so that they can be easily integrated into automation systems. The next generation of development will take advantage of solid state switching technology with similar intelligence and communications (see next section). 5-12

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5.1.7 Distribution Power Electronics Technologies Power electronics is one of the fastest changing enabling infrastructure technologies in electrical engineering. Power electronics-based transmission and distribution controllers are the key elements for transforming systems from being a passive to an active system, i.e., flexible, controllable and securely utilizable up to its thermal capacity. The initial application of power electronics-based controllers was based on the use of silicon thyristors (or silicon control rectifiers) to switch or control physical components, e.g., reactors or capacitor banks. With the advent of high power gate turn-off thyristors and transistor devices (GTO, IGBT,) a new generation of power electronic equipment, the Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM), shows great promise for application in power systems. The physical components of capacitors and reactors are not required with a DSTATCOM device. The details of various devices utilizing power electronic technologies are discussed below: SVC (Static Var Compensator) Figure 5-10 shows a schematic diagram of a static var compensator (SVC). An SVC is an active device that can provide continuous control of reactive compensation. The compensator normally includes a thyristors controlled reactor (TCR), thyristor-switched capacitors (TSCs) and harmonic filters. It might also include mechanically switched shunt capacitors (MSCs), and then the term static var system is used. The harmonic filters (for the TCR-produced harmonics) are capacitive at fundamental frequency. The TCR is typically larger than the TSC blocks so that continuous control is realized. Other possibilities are fixed capacitors (FCs), and thyristor switched reactors (TSRs). Usually a dedicated transformer is used, with the compensator equipment at medium voltage. The transmission side voltage is controlled, and the Mvar ratings are referred to the transmission side. The rating of an SVC can be optimized to meet the required demand. Also the rating can be symmetric or asymmetric with respect to inductive and capacitive reactive power.

Figure 5-10 Schematic diagram of an SVC


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The SVC is routinely used for steady state voltage support. The SVCs serve the purpose of continuously maintaining a smooth voltage level throughout the variations of the daily load pattern. SVCs can also be used to support a system limited by post contingency voltage instability or unacceptable voltage levels; in such a case a large amount of quickly controllable reactive power is needed, typically for a short amount of time. Similarly the SVCs can be used to correct temporary overvoltages by imposing reactive power demands with the TCR. STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) The voltage-sourced converter (VSC) is the basic electronic part of a STATCOM, which converts the dc voltage into a three-phase set of output voltages with desired amplitude, frequency, and phase. Figure 5-11 shows the simplest implementation of a STATCOM

Figure 5-11 Schematic diagram of a basic STATCOM

There are different methods to realize a voltage-sourced converter for power utility application. Based on harmonics and loss considerations, pulse width modulation (PWM) or multiple converters are typically used. Note that a static compensator used at the distribution level is usually referred to as a DSTATCOM but we will use the more general term STATCOM in this discussion. Any VSC such as a STATCOM with PWM has two independent parameters it can control. These are: 1. The magnitude of the fundamental frequency component of the ac voltage. 2. The phase angle of the fundamental frequency component of the ac voltage.


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Inherently, STATCOMs have a symmetrical rating with respect to inductive and capacitive reactive power. Reference 23 compares the performance and cost of STATCOMS and SVCs. Figure 5-12 (Reference 23) shows the receiving end voltage profiles for a simple two bus system with a fixed power flow for the case with no support, SVC support and STATCOM support.

Figure 5-12 Voltage variation with change in source reactance for SVC and STATCOM

In this example, SVCs and STATCOMs regulate the load voltage up to a value about Xs=0.25 p.u. Above this level, both compensators hit the limit. SVCs work as a shunt capacitor and STATCOMs work as a constant current source. It is seen that if the SSC decreases to one-third of the nominal value (for example, outage of parallel lines), STATCOMs have slightly better performance. Experience suggests that the investment cost of SVCs is today substantially lower than of comparable STATCOMs. As STATCOMs provide improved performance, it will be the choice in the cases where this can be justified, such as flicker compensation at large electrical arc furnaces or in combination with active power transfer (back-to-back DC schemes). When comparing SVCs with STATCOMs, it is tempting to assume that the latter will fit within a much smaller footprint, as the passive reactive elements (air core reactors and high voltage capacitor banks) are replaced with semiconductor assemblies. It should be noted however that this smaller footprint assumption might not always be true. The main reason for this is that the voltage sourced converter concepts applied in STATCOMs to date have been built with several (even as many as eight) inverter bridges in parallel. This design philosophy implies many current paths, high fault currents and complex magnetic interfaces between the converters and the grid. All in all, not all STATCOMs come out as downsized compared to SVCs. Also the higher losses in the STATCOM will require substantially larger cooling equipment. However, as the STATCOM technology evolves, including the use of very compact inverter assemblies with series connected semiconductor devices, and with pulse width modulation, there is a definite potential for downsizing. 5-15

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It is likely that both STATCOM and SVC technology will play an important role in automated distribution system management for some time to come. DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a device that can protect downline loads against the most common type of disturbances, i.e., voltage sags and swells related to remote system faults. In some cases, these disturbances can lead to a complete shutdown of an entire production line with severe economic consequences to the affected enterprise. The economic impact can be particularly severe for high tech industries like semi-conductor manufacturing facilities or any facility that is operating at full capacity (i.e. no way to make up lost production). A DVR compensates for these voltage excursions, provided that the facility is not completely disconnected from the supply network through breaker trips. The DVR described in reference 24 compensates sags with a duration of up to 600 milliseconds on a 22.5 MVA load (22kV feeder). Single and three phase voltage sags of 50 percent and 35 percent, respectively can be compensated. The basic idea of the DVR (Figure 5-13) is to inject a dynamically controlled voltage, VG(t), generated by a forced-commutated converter in series with the bus voltage by means of a booster transformer (see Figure 5-13). The momentary amplitudes of the three injected phase voltages are controlled in such a manner to eliminate any detrimental effects of a bus fault to the load voltage, VL. This means that any differential voltages caused by transient disturbances in the ac feeder will be compensated for by an appropriate voltage generated by the converter and injected on the medium voltage level through the booster transformer T1.

Figure 5-13 Basic configuration of DVR


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Although a high-power, medium voltage facility level protection may be adequate for some applications (as described in Reference 24), it is not for others. There, a load level protection scheme (i.e. protecting only the limiting componentstypically controls) is more suitable. The cost of the solution is going to go up with size so several small solutions at key points within the facility may be economically superior to protecting the entire facility. The most economical application of DVR technology is typically inside the facility at critical loads. There may be opportunities for custom power applications for critical customers where DVRs are justified on the MV system. In either case, operation of the DVR should be integrated with the overall system control. Static Transfer Switch (STS) Transfer switches (TS) have been used in the industry for many decades for protecting loads from interruptions. The TS contains two or more switches that allow transferring a load from a preferred feeder to an alternate feeder as shown in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14 Basic configuration of a transfer switch


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Due to the nature of the electromechanical switches used in the mechanical transfer switches (MTS), a seamless transfer is not obtainable. Typical transfer times can range from about 100 milliseconds up to approximately ten seconds. To protect sensitive loads against sags and interruptions, a similar system based on solid-state devices can be used. As described in Reference 25, the Static Transfer Switch consists of two three-phase static switches, each constituted in turn by two anti-parallel thyristors per phase (Figure 5-15). Normally, the static switch on the primary source is fired regularly, while the other one is off. In the event of a voltage disturbance, the STS is used to transfer the load from the preferred source to an alternative healthy source. This results in a very effective way of mitigating the effects of both interruptions and voltage sags by limiting their duration as seen by the load. A requirement is that a secondary in-feed, be independent from the main source (e.g. a feeder to another substation), must be available. Therefore, this solution is particularly attractive for installations that already have an MTS, where upgrading to an STS does not require major changes in the layout of the distribution system. Formerly available only for low voltages, STS systems are now available for operating voltages up to 35 kV and load ratings of 35 MVA, which makes them suitable for high-power industrial applications.

Figure 5-15 Structure of the STS Scheme

Note, however, that the STS cannot protect against sags originating in the transmission system, which will also affect the alternative supply. Yet, a significant improvement can be achieved in the performance of the industrial system against faults at distribution level, which normally cause long duration sags and short interruptions. The load will still see a disturbance during the interval in which the transfer takes place. The transfer must be completed so quickly that the duration of the resulting disturbance at the load terminals is short enough not to cause equipment trips.


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Other Solid State Switch Applications An economical solid state switch will have many other applications on the distribution system for performance improvement. Fast fault clearing (solid state breaker), transient-free capacitor switching, and applications for DER integration may all be important. Solid State Current Limiter (SSCL) When power delivery networks are expanded or new generation is added, fault levels can increase beyond the capabilities of the existing equipment, leaving circuit breakers and other substation components in an over-duty condition. Upgrades of the affected equipment are expensive and require extended outages. Other solutions have a negative impact on system performance. For example splitting the substation bus to reduce the fault current ultimately reduces the reliability of the system. Less expensive solutions such as current limiting reactors produce voltage drops, energy loss and even system instability. An alternative approach, as shown in Figure 5-16 is to use a Fault Current Limiter (FCL) to reduce the available fault current to a lower safer level so the existing switchgear can still protect the grid. In the past, the only commercially available active FCL for medium voltage was the explosive fuse type. Advances in semi- and superconductor materials have made it possible to develop several different methods of active FCL devices for the medium voltage range (SSCL and SCFCL).


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Figure 5-16 Illustration of fault current limiting application

SSCLs provide instantaneous (sub-cycle) current limiting by rapidly inserting an energy absorbing resistor into the circuit. This current limiting capability improves fault isolation and network protection and helps resolve critical situations that may otherwise cause voltage sags, swells and power outages. Neither the SSCL or the SCFCL are currently commercially available but it is a significant research area that is likely to result in commercial products that can be incorporated as part of ADA systems. Intelligent Universal Transformer (IUT) A key new ADA technology is the intelligent universal transformer. This device replaces conventional distribution transformers with a power electronics-based system that not only steps voltage like traditional transformers, but also adds the following:


Technologies for ADA Implementation

Consumer service benefits (e.g., DC or multiple-frequency AC service options, conversion of single-phase to three-phase service, and power quality enhancement functionalities, such as harmonic filtering and voltage sag correction) System operational benefits (e.g., standardization of design, elimination of oil dielectrics, reduced weight and size, and electrical sensors and interoperability to act as a smart multifunctional node in ADA).

As described in Reference 26, an IUT design typically includes a high frequency transformer to provide the voltage transformation and isolation as shown in Figure 5-17. Because the transformer voltage contains only high-frequency AC components (typically a few kHz), the resulting core size is small as compared to that which is designed for 60-Hz operations.

Figure 5-17 Power schematic of a single-phase electronic transformer employing a high frequency AC link stage

For the topology shown above, the low frequency, input, sine-wave voltage (60Hz) is first converted to a high frequency AC link by the primary side converter, which is then magnetically coupled to the secondary side. The isolated high-frequency voltage is unfolded into a low frequency (60Hz) waveform by the secondary side power converters. This operation requires both the primary and secondary side static converters to operate synchronously, which is accomplished by modulating the switches by high-frequency square wave with 50% duty ratio. This is necessary because the transformer is purely an energy-transformation device and instantaneous power across the two-port input terminals is equal to that across the two output terminals. This particular design does not provide any benefits in terms of power-factor improvement.


Technologies for ADA Implementation

The functionality of the IUT is improved if DC links or transition stages are added to the design as shown in Figure 5-18. With this type of design the primary side current is sinusoidal and unity power factor is maintained irrespective of the load power factor or wave shape, or input voltage wave shape. The secondary side voltages are sinusoidal irrespective of the input-voltage wave shape or output-current wave shape. The IUT module shown in Figure 5-18 could be a single module in a multi-module system where the primary sides are connected in series and the secondaries are connected in parallel. This type of arrangement would allow standard distribution transformer voltage ratings to be obtained with low voltage power electronics. The secondary DC bus is an excellent point to add energy storage, if desired. Another advantage of this design is that if the input source voltage fluctuates because of power system transient or other load effects, the universal transformer will maintain constant output voltage because it has the energy buffer. This design could also provide DC output as well as 400 Hz output.

Figure 5-18 Solid state power conversion using high-frequency AC transformer isolation (ABB design)

The major conceptual problem with the design shown above is that it does not allow a bidirection power flow path. The input stage is a diode bridge and the secondary also has a rectifier circuit. Thus by the conventional definition, the design is a solid-state power conversion device but it does not technically qualify as a transformer because it does not allow bi-directional flow. Another concern or design consideration with this type of device is the potential electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems because all stages are switched at high frequencies. The bi-direction power flow issue is addressed in the design by replacing the diode bridge and secondary rectifier circuit with inverter bridges. The major drawback to this type of modification is the extra cost. The basic concept of the IUT offers great promise however there is still about 5 years of product development and field-testing to be done before this becomes a commercially viable product. Currently the price of an IUT would be 5-10 times that of a conventional transformer however advances in high voltage IGBT technology has the potential to greatly reduce the price and improve the reliability of the device. 5-22

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5.1.8 Monitoring Technologies With Intelligent Applications Monitoring systems will incorporate advanced intelligence to perform many functions that can be integrated with ADA Fault location Incipient fault detection (e.g. DFA system) Equipment problem identification (e.g. capacitors, transformers, regulators, etc.) End user system characteristics and possible problems Performance of protection systems Harmonic resonance conditions

There is significant research underway to develop these applications and initial systems are currently being demonstrated. The EPRI Distribution Fault Anticipator (DFA) project has a number of monitoring systems deployed at host utilities to demonstrate the identification of incipient faults that can have high low magnitude, high frequency characteristics. Figure 5-19 shows the change in the high frequency noise currents that resulted from tree trimming on an overhead feeder circuit.
100 Primary RMS Milliamps 75 50 25 0 Aug 2000

Sep 2000

Oct 2000

Nov 2000

Dec 2000

Figure 5-19 Effect of tree trimming on the high frequency noise current measured on a distribution feeder circuit (tree trimming on October 23)


Technologies for ADA Implementation

These intelligent applications will be implemented as functions within standard PQ and substation monitoring systems. Progress Energy/Carolina Power & Light, for instance, already monitors every feeder circuit on their system at the substations. The currents measured are used to identify fault locations (Figures 5-20 and 5-21) and many other fault characteristics. In the future, these capabilities will be integrated with fast simulation systems and overall ADA systems.

Figure 5-20 Example of using a substation monitoring system for automatic fault location (courtesy of Carolina Power & Light)


Technologies for ADA Implementation

Yellow indicates 1390-1410 LG Fault

T4 53 0B 0 6 T4 53 0


Figure 5-21 Example of using a substation monitoring system for automatic fault locationmapping the possible fault locations onto a feeder GIS map (courtesy of Carolina Power & Light)

5.2 Technologies for Communication, Computing, and Information Systems

5.2.1 Communications Architecture for ADA This section discusses the issues that must be addressed to develop an architecture for ADA. These issues are consistent and with those being considered for the Integrated Electric Communication System Architecture (IECSA) project under the CEIDS initiative (Consortium for Electric Infrastructure for the Digital Society). Most of this section draws heavily and directly from the IECSA effort. The term architecture in this report refers to a description of a system and its parts, a description of how the parts work typically from an external point of view, and the way in which the parts cooperate to meet business requirements. An architecture design is more focused on the operation of the utility communication system as a whole and less with any specific deployment. In general, a higher-level view of all the parts will provide the opportunity to find commonality across systems that more focused efforts might otherwise miss. We need to be concerned not only with the interoperability of parts, but also with how the system as a whole can meet generic requirements for reliability, security, and economic feasibility. Construction of a communications architecture for ADA will include consideration of the development of new infrastructure (such as that needed for coordinating feeder reconfiguration and distributed resource operation), as well as greater integration of existing infrastructure (such as improving end-to-end reliability and disaster recovery).


Technologies for ADA Implementation

There are a variety of technologies relevant to ADA communications architecture, including: Architectural/Security Frameworks such as Web Services, the Object Management Groups CORBA, or SunSofts Java Enterprise Edition. Information Models such as the IEC TC 57 WG 13s Common Information Model or IEC TC 57 WG 10-12s Logical Nodes in IEC 61850an evolution of EPRIs Utility Communication Architecture (UCA) Generic Object Models for Substation and Feeder Equipment (GOMSFE). Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and other application component interfaces such as the IEC TC 57 WG 13s Generic Interface Definition (GID) or IEC TC 57 WG 1012s Abstract Service Communication Interface (ASCI). Communication Protocols such as RS 232, Ethernet, or TCP/IP. System and Network Management standards such as SNMP. Security technologies, such as TLS and PKI.

In general, utility communications has evolved by adopting technologies originally developed for general computing, but at a rate from five to fifteen years behind their use in office networks. This delay has been necessary in order to assure the safety and reliability of these technologies for use in the mission-critical utility industry. In the meantime, the utility industry has been forced to develop many communications technologies unique to this industry. The utility-specific communications technologies described in this document evolved in an environment consisting of: Extremely low bandwidth Low computing power Need for environmental hardening Originally, little wireless communication Noisy physical links Need for low cost due because the business case for automation was unproven

These protocols and technologies therefore became very efficient and very reliable, though missing many of the features of their business computing counterparts. Only in the last five to ten years has there been enough bandwidth and processing power available in the utility industry to start adopting business communications technologies without modification. In a large part, the evolution of the utility communications network has been driven by organizational needs: Cost concerns driving the need for integrated multi-functional devices and asset management Downsizing forcing the merging of protection and SCADA departments Deregulation requiring interconnection with neighboring utilities and other organizations Customer demand for services pushing the integration of utility automation with corporate Information Technology (IT) functions.


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Table 5-1 illustrates these trends. As with any history, there is a danger in generalization, and there are many exceptions to the categorizations given here. However, this table should serve as a context for the technology descriptions in the rest of this document. There are two primary architecture activities that have been evolving over the past several years that are potentially applicable to an ADA communications architectureUCA / IEC 61850 and IEC 61970/61968. The ADA communications architecture will require end user and device oriented communications as well as control center, operations support and eCommerce (RTP, demand response, distributed resources interoperability) oriented communications. UCA and 61850 are more focused on the former while 61970 and 61968 are more focused on the later. The following sections describe both of these key groups of standards.


Technologies for ADA Implementation Table 5-1 Summary of communication system development activities
Phase Approx. Dates Up to 1985 Typical System Characteristics and Goals Many proprietary systems Often a single vendor per system Basic data collection Adapted from industrial automation Work begins on common protocols More multivendor systems Protocol conversion Improved utilization of bandwidth Still hierarchical Multiple and redundant masters Redundant links Linking together of EMS systems Typical Topology Typical Media Typical Devices Typical Protocol Features Often text-based Poll/Response Data not timestamped Scaled integers, BCD Loss of data between polls (Multiple Change Detect) Timestamped data Report-by-Exception Spontaneous Reporting Some use of floating-point Meta-data File Transfer Broadcasting IEC 60870-5101, 103 DNP3 Serial TASE.2 Example Protocols Modbus SEL L&G 8979 WISP Conitel 2020


Hierarchical tree Single master Isolated substations

Bell 202 MultiDrop Modems RS232, RS485 Dial-up Trunked Radio Power-line carrier Less than 1200bps Leased Lines Packet Radio 9600 to 19200 bps Some proprietary LANs Satellite time synchronization

8-bit CPUs Generalized Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) Programmable Logic Controllers Discrete Meters and Sensors 16 and 32-bit CPUs Data Concentrators Introduction of specialized IEDs Digital Relays

Standards Development Begins



Technologies for ADA Implementation


Approx. Dates 1995 to present

Typical System Characteristics and Goals Introduction of standardized LANs in substations Merging of protection and SCADA networks

Typical Topology

Typical Media

Typical Devices

Typical Protocol Features Development of common object models Multicasting Self-Description

Example Protocols TCP/IP FTP Telnet HTTP DNP3 WAN/LAN IEC 60870-5104 UCA 2.0

LANs and WANs

Flat LANs accessed by serial links Some peer-topeer within substation Joining substations via WAN

Ethernet SpreadSpectrum Radio CDPD SONET multiplexers Frame Relay Megabit rates Digital cellular IP Radios Wireless Ethernet Gigabit backbones

Routers IEDs perform multiple functions, e.g. metering, protection, control in one box Web-based substation GUIs Hardened routers and switches Security gateways Equipment monitoring devices linked into network Hand-held GUIs

Integration into Business

2000 to present

Merging automation and business networks Line blurring between EMS and SCADA masters Corporate IT departments involved Asset management

Widespread peer-to-peer Linking of utility WAN to corporate network Interconnectio n of utilities Use of Internet Extension of network to customer premises

Publish/subscribe Back to text-based protocols again! Standardized metadata Common configuration languages Encryption and authentication



Technologies for ADA Implementation

History of UCA and IEC 61850 The history of the Utility Communications Architecture (UCA) development effort affects many of the technologies discussed in this document. This section provides a brief summary. UCA 1.0 was developed by a multi-organizational team led by Andersen Consulting that was sponsored by the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) in much the same way as the IECSA project. The goal was to produce a common set of protocol suites that would eliminate the hundreds of redundant proprietary protocols that dominated the utility industry at the time. The resulting EPRI report specified existing standard protocol profiles. At that time, the concept of abstract modeling of services and objects was not yet recognized as important. For power system operations, few standards existed that could meet the requirements and the constraints of power system monitoring and control operations. One standard, the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), was determined to meet most needs, and was therefore selected as a key protocol for UCA 1.0 profiles. Thus, the profiles chosen were all based around MMS and the ISO standard networking protocol suite. UCA 1.0 was hailed as a worthwhile effort, but few vendors or utilities adopted it, largely because it did not provide sufficient detail to implement in an interoperable manner, and because it did not include the Internet Protocol suite, which most organizations were using. UCA 2.0 was launched, again by EPRI, to address the deficiencies of UCA 1.0. This time it was done in conjunction with the MMS Forum, which had been instrumental in developing the very successful Inter-Control Center Protocol (ICCP). ICCP became IEC 60870-6, the Telecontrol Application Service Element 2 (TASE.2) that is supported by most Energy Management Systems today. This time a wider spectrum of vendors and utilities was involved, and the charter for the project involved not just profiles, but services, and a common object model. It was also recognized that an Internet profile would be necessary. UCA 2.0 produced a number of pilot projects, including its use for distribution automation at City Public Service of San Antonio, where most of the initial object modeling was developed. However, it did not gather significant momentum for Substation Automation until American Electric Power (AEP) became involved and began to jointly host project meetings with EPRI. AEP's influence brought major relay and other IED vendors to the table, and the standardized object modeling for substation devices progressed well. As UCA 2.0 began to take shape, the question of how it would be standardized arose, and by which organization. EPRI therefore worked with the IEEE to form Standards Coordinating Committee (SCC) 36 to link together all the IEEE committees that would be affected by UCA, including not only electric, but also the gas and water industries. The UCA documents would be published by SCC36 as Technical Report 1550, thus providing an interim document until full standardization of the UCA work could be accomplished. TR1550 was released in 1999, when the profiles, services, and object models were well defined for distribution automation, with much but not all work completed for substation automation. 5-30

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Since there was no precedent or procedure for taking a body of work from a private organization such as EPRI and developing an IEC standard, IEEE TR1550 was used as the vehicle to submit the UCA 2 work to the IEC TC57 WGs 10, 11, and 12, which had the charter to develop requirements for substations communication. The UCA work was quickly taken up with the aim of making it an international standard as IEC 61850. IEC TC57 combined the requirements definitions that had been produced with the profiles, services, and object models from UCA, and began to refine them into an International Standard. This process brought a wider variety of vendors and utilities into the process, and the resulting IEC 61850 standard therefore better reflects worldwide utility requirements. IEC 61850 also includes specifications for a corresponding Substation Configuration Language (IEC 61850-6), for Sampled Measured Values (IEC 61850-9), and for standardized test procedures (IEC 61850-10). IEC 61850 describes the objects associated with physical power system devices, such as protective relays, breakers, and capacitor controllers. It also specifies the building blocks and the methodology for developing new object models, for instance, those for wind turbines and other DER devices. The International UCA Users Group, a replacement for the original MMS Forum, has continued to support the development and maintenance of UCA 2.0, focusing primarily at the moment on providing input to the IEC 61850 effort. History of IEC 61970 and IEC 61968 Many of the information technologies described in this report are related to the IEC 61970 and IEC 61968 standards, which themselves are interrelated and based on more generic information technologies. This section discusses the history and relationships between these technologies. The IEC 61970 series of standards define a set of technologies oriented towards integration of control center applications. The IEC 61968 series of standards define a set of standard information exchanges between distribution-related business functions. IEC 61970 is based to a large extent upon the work of the EPRI Control Center API (CCAPI) research project (RP-3654-1). The principle objectives of the EPRI CCAPI project are to: Reduce the cost and time needed to add new applications to an EMS or other system Protect the investment in existing applications that are working effectively Improve the capability to exchange information between disparate systems both within and external to the control center environment

The technical approach is to provide an integration framework for interconnecting existing applications/systems that is Based on a common architecture and information model Independent of the underlying technology


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The principal task of the IEC 61970 series of standards is to develop a set of guidelines and standards to facilitate (1) the integration of applications developed by different suppliers in the control center environment and (2) the exchange of information to systems external to the control center environment. The scope of these specifications includes other transmission systems as well as distribution and generation systems external to the control center that need to exchange real-time operational data with the control center. Therefore, another related goal of these standards is to enable the integration of existing legacy systems as well as new systems built to conform to these standards in these application domains. The two principle deliverables of the CCAPI project were the Common Information Model (CIM) and the Generic Interface Definition (GID). The CIM The objects represented in the CIM are abstract in nature and may be used in a wide variety of applications. The use of the CIM goes far beyond its application in an SCADA/EMS/DMS. This standard should be understood as a tool to enable integration in any domain where a common power system model is needed to facilitate interoperability and plug compatibility between applications and systems independent of any particular implementation. The draft IEC 61968 series of standards deals with system interfaces for distribution management systems. There is a great deal of similarity between these standards and those contained in these IEC 61970 standards, not only because of some overlap in scope, but because the IEC 61968 standards are also based on the CIM. The IEC 61968 standards build on the CIM Base contained in IEC 61970 wherever possible by extending it to include additional specializations of existing classes, but also adding entirely new sets of classes to model objects found in the distribution problem domain. Therefore, to comprehend the entire scope of the CIM, it is necessary to review both the IEC 61970 and IEC 61968 series of standards which deal with the CIM. The generic services used to operate on and access the CIM are based on existing international or industry standards to the maximum extent possible. In particular, these services are based on the standards discussed in the following two sections: 1. OPC 2. Standards from the Object Management Group (OMG) Access to the generic services is specified in the Generic Interface Definition (GID), which is described in the section that follows. OPC (Originally OLE for Process Control) OPC is an industry standard based on Microsoft's COM (component object model) and .Net technologies. OPC consists of a standard set of interfaces, properties, and methods for use in process-control and manufacturing-automation applications. The .Net/COM technologies define 5-32

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how individual software components can interact and share data. OPC provides a common interface for communicating with diverse process-control devices and applications, regardless of the controlling software or devices in the process. The organization that manages this standard is the OPC Foundation. The Foundation has over 300 members from around the world, including nearly all of the world's major providers of control systems, instrumentation, and process control systems including ABB, ALSTOM, GE and Siemens. Their charter is to develop an open and interoperable interface standard, based upon the functional requirements of Microsoft COM and .Net technology that fosters greater interoperability between automation/control applications, field systems/devices, and business/office applications. OPC specifies APIs for many types of functionality, but only certain parts of OPC are incorporated by reference in the IEC 61970 standard. Specific APIs incorporated in the generic services are as follows: 1. Data Access (DA) Custom Interface Specificationan OPC standard that defines several objects for reading and writing measurement data values with quality and time stamp. 2. Alarms and Events (AE) Custom Interface Specificationan OPC standard that defines the mechanisms for OPC Clients to be notified of the occurrence of specified events and alarm conditions. 3. Historical Data Access (HDA) Custom Interface Specification - an OPC standard that defines several objects for access a time series of data values as well as calculated data based on the time series. OMG (Object Management Group) The OMG was formed in 1989 to create a component-based software marketplace through the introduction of standardized object software. The consortium now comprises about 800 members worldwide, including virtually every large company in the computer industry and hundreds of smaller ones. The organization's charter includes the establishment of industry guidelines and detailed object management specifications to provide a common framework for application development. Conformance to these specifications is intended to make it possible to develop a heterogeneous computing environment across all major hardware platforms and operating systems. Implementations of OMG specifications can be found on many operating systems across the world today. OMG's series of specifications detail the necessary standard interfaces for Distributed Object Computing. Its Internet protocol IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) is being used as the infrastructure for technology companies like Netscape, Oracle, Sun, IBM and hundreds of others. OMG defines object management as software development that models the real world through representation of "objects." These objects are the encapsulation of the attributes, relationships and methods of software identifiable program components. A key benefit of an object-oriented 5-33

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system is its ability to expand in functionality by extending existing components and adding new objects to the system. Object management results in faster application development, easier maintenance, enormous scalability and reusable software. Originally, OMG specifications were required to be based on CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). However, the OMG now recognizes that middleware independence is important. As a consequence, OMGs foundation specification now is the multi-platform Model Driven Architecture (MDA). In the MDA, a specification starts out as a Platform-Independent Model (PIM) defined in UML; from it, MDA-based development tools produce platform-specific models and implementation definitions on multiple platforms. This allows MDA to support application portability and interoperability across a wide range of middleware platforms, and extends OMG's reach beyond CORBA to such platforms as Enterprise Javabeans (EJB), XML/SOAP (eXtensible Markup Language/Simple Object Access Protocol), .Net, and others. With this change, the normative parts of OMG standards will be UML and the rules for mapping to at least one specific target (called profiles), such as XML based Web Services, CORBA, Java, and.NET. The specific OMG specifications incorporated by reference in the IEC 61970 standards are those produced by the Utilities Domain Task Force (DTF), and include the following: DAF (Data Access Facility)Provides object-oriented, read-only access to metadata and instance. DAIS (Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems)Provides an API for efficient exchanging measurement and event data from an industrial process to a wide range of clients. HDAIS (Historical Data Acquisition from Industrial Systems)An emerging OMG specification that provides an API for efficient transfer of time series data from an industrial process (e.g., archive or weather forecasting application) to a wide range of clients.

DAIS and HDAIS extend OPC for the purpose of making OPC more compatible with the DAF and to incorporate an information model (e.g., the CIM). This extension allows OPC to be used unchanged as a compatible subset for Microsoft environments. Thus OPC Data Access and OPC Alarms and Events interfaces can be said to be the Microsoft COM specialization of DAIS. The GID (Generic Interface Definition) The GID provides a set of APIs to be used by software applications for accessing data and for exchanging information with other applications. It builds on existing interface standards to provide additional functionality and tailoring to meet the needs of applications dealing with utility operations. Because these APIs are application-independent, they are considered to be generic and common across applications (hence the name GID). By using the GID, the system integrator or software developer is able to create a variety of software components but avoid having to develop software conforming to multiple and potentially conflicting programming models.


Technologies for ADA Implementation

The GID development was sponsored by the EPRI Control Center Application Program Interface (CCAPI) project. The GID specification was obtained through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process adopted by the CCAPI Task Force. Interested parties were asked to submit a specification in response to a set of technical requirements provided by the CCAPI Task Force. The GID specification that is the subject of this technical report was thus obtained from the winning submittal. The Primary concept of the GID is that the then existing standard interfaces could be used generically as interfaces for all application categories. In practice, the term GID is used as an umbrella term to mean the generic interfaces defined in IEC 61970. The GID builds on existing API industry standards described above, specifically the OMG DAF, DAIS, and certain OPC APIs described above. Most significantly, the GID extends these standards by defining a additional concept called namespaces - a mechanism by which information models such as the CIM are presented via an OPC or DAIS interface. Figure 5-22 illustrates the components of the GID and how it uses the existing API industry standards.

Part 402 Base Services [GID Common Services]

Part 403 Generic Data Access (GDA) [DAF + GID CDA]

Part 404 Hi Speed Data Access (HSDA) [DAIS DA]

Part 405 Generic Eventing and Subscription (GES) [DAIS SE + GID P/S]

Part 407 Time Series Data Access (TSDA)










Figure 5-22 Overview of GID and its underlying technologies


Technologies for ADA Implementation

IEC 61968 The IEC 61968 standards are also concerned with defining standard information exchanges between distribution business functions, similar to the IEC 61970 standards, but do not attempt to define application program interfaces (i.e., services to be implemented by components). However, the IEC 61968 standards envision that the standard messages defined therein can be transferred over the APIs defined in these IEC 61970 standards.
Utility Control Center

Network Expansion Planning

Customer Inquiry

Distribution Automation Distribution Automation

Network Operation

IEC 61968 Compliant Interface Architecture

Meter Reading & Control

(ERP, Billing, Energy trading, other systems)

Utility Business Systems

Corporate LAN

Substation Protection, Substation Protection, Monitoring and Control Monitoring Control

Records & Asset Management

Maintenance & Construction

Operational Planning & Optimization

RTU Communications

Figure 5-23 Distribution management system with IEC 61968 compliant interface architecture

Figure 5-23 clarifies the scope of IEC 61968-1 graphically in terms of business functions and shows a Distribution Management System with IEC 61968 compliant interface architecture. As used in IEC 61968, a DMS consists of various distributed application components for the utility to manage electrical distribution networks. These capabilities include monitoring and control of equipment for power delivery, management processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management, demand-side management, outage management, work management, automated mapping and facilities management. Standards interfaces are to be defined for each class of applications identified in the Interface Reference Model (IRM). IEC 61968 recommends that system interfaces of a compliant utility inter-application infrastructure be defined using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The eXtensible Markup Language XML is a data format for structured document interchange particularly on the Internet. One of its primary uses is information exchange between different and potentially incompatible computer systems. XML is thus well suited to the domain of System Interfaces for Distribution Management. Where applicable, 61968 will define the information required for message payloads. Message Payloads will be formatted using XML with the intent that these payloads can be loaded on to messages of various messaging transports. 5-36

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Communication between application components of the IRM requires compatibility on two levels: 1. Message formats and protocols. 2. Message contents must be mutually understood, including application-level issues of message layout and semantics. An example of a typical utilitys implementation of IEC 61968 is provided in Figure 5-24 . In this example, the utility has used Interface Adapters as a means to integrate many of its legacy systems with other application systems that are IEC 61968 compliant. Note those legacy systems and IEC 61968 compliant systems both continue to use proprietary integration techniques among their internal applications; only information that needs to be exchanged among applications at the utility enterprise level is expected to use IEC 61968 middleware services. For purposes of this example, assume that the utilitys Outage Management System (OMS) already has the capability to issue controls to and gather device states from the Distribution Automation System (DAS). As it is working acceptably for the utility, this interface does not need to be changed. However, because other applications need to be notified when distribution devices change state, the DAS publishes state changes through middleware services. Another benefit of publishing events is that they can be recorded by an event history application in a data store; this data can then be used in the generation of various types of reports. As much of the information exchanged among these systems is useful for management decision support, a data warehouse application has also been connected to the IEC 61968 middleware services so that it may receive published information.
= IEC 61968 Compliant Interface

Trans Wires Model


Dist Wires Model


Information Exchange Model

Planning Systems
Interface Adapter


Outage Management

Distribution Automation

Customer Info. System

Interface Adapter

Interface Adapter

IEC 61968 CompliantMiddlewareServices

Event History Human Resources
Data Warehouse Work Management

GIS Financial

Figure 5-24 Illustration of the Common Information Model (CIM) and the IEC 61968 interface to standardize the information interface for a wide variety of applications, including ADA applications (from IEC 61968).


Technologies for ADA Implementation

Of the technologies and standards described above, the IEC 61850 object modeling approach seems to be the most applicable when working from a distribution system equipment communication oriented analysis approach. The modeling concepts defined in IEC 61850 are universally applicable to any device that can sit on a network with an address and communicate. For this reason, we will provide an overview of 61850 object modeling followed by some notes on specific object models in the sections that follow. 5.2.2 Object Modeling Motivation for Developing Device Object Models The following discussion describes the role of object models within communication interfaces. The design of a new communication protocol can be viewed as reflecting four aspects: 1. The communications network configurations and media characteristics form the physical basis of the communications system (referred to in communication terminology as Layer 1 of the OSI reference model, and determine the fundamental capabilities that the communication protocol must have, such as routing ability, traffic management, speed ranges, and sizes of data blocks. The configuration basically defines where one can go. From an analogous point of view, this can be seen as equivalent to the network of turnpikes, freeways, highways, roads, streets, alleyways, dirt roads, railways, waterways, and hiking trails that make up the United States transportation system. The characteristics of these roads determine what type of traffic they will bear: tractor-trailers should not typically use alleyways and dirt roads; backpackers and cowboys on horses should avoid freeways. 2. The transport protocol profile determines the means for getting data from one location to another. In communication terminology, the transport profile defines which of the protocols in Layers 2 through 4 of the OSI reference model will be used. The transport profile basically answers the question of how to get from one place to another. As an analogy, the transport profile can be seen as the vehicle (car, truck, boat, train, horse) for getting from one location to another. A parcel delivery service could establish a combination of truck and train for getting overnight parcels delivered between two major cities. 3. The application protocol profile determines the characteristics for when the data will go and in what form the data will be in. In communication terminology, the application profile defines which of the protocols in Layers 5 through 7 of the OSI reference model will be used. As an analogy, the application profile can be seen as decisions by a manufacturer to send a product on Tuesday morning, packaged in wooden crates, for overnight delivery by a parcel delivery service.


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4. The object definitions determine the meaning of the data being sent. Object definitions basically answer the question of what the data means. Object models are groups of objects used to define all relevant aspects of the entity that is being modeled. These object models are not defined in the OSI reference model, and can therefore be viewed not as strictly part of communication protocols but more as part of data protocols. As an analogy, object definitions can be seen as the information on the product sent by the manufacturer: what the product is used for, its size and weight, its version number, its default factory settings, the associated manuals, etc. The object model is the entire group of objects describing the product. Object models are a relatively new concept in the field of communication protocols, and, in fact, go beyond the typical understanding of what a communication protocol covers. In the past, only the bits and bytes necessary for transmitting data between locations were standardized; no one considered standardizing the meanings of the data. Essentially, it was too complex an undertaking to develop models of devices before even the communications protocol infrastructures were developed. Therefore, until recently, most of the effort in developing communication protocols has focused on the first three aspects: namely the infrastructure and basic mechanisms for sending data between systems; very little effort went into defining what the data represented: after all, if you cant get the data there in the first place, it doesnt matter what it means. But now, many communication protocol standards do exist for the transport and application profiles, which can handle most network configurations. New profiles are usually just variations on existing profiles to handle specific situations. Therefore, the standardization efforts are increasingly on developing methods for determining what the data meansi.e. developing the data protocols. In the utility SCADA world, traditionally, data was separated into status points, analog point, and control commands, but no attempt was made to standardize the meaning of the data. However, during the development of UCA and 61850, the developers realized that it was equally if not more important to define the meaning of the data being exchanged, so that systems could start communicating without lengthy and often error-prone manual entry of data meanings on each side of a communications link. In the mean time, object-oriented technology has evolved to the point that it is now betterunderstood, more efficient, and very effective for describing data. Therefore, the developers of UCA and 61850 expanded from the original scope of defining only the communications profiles, to defining an object-modeling scheme for devices. Some of the key benefits of object-oriented device modeling include: 1. Self-Defining CapabilityIn traditional SCADA systems, the SCADA subsystem that is responsible for data acquisition and control (DAC subsystem) expects to retrieve groups of undefined status and analog points from remote devices, and therefore expects to define the data itself, and map it to the SCADA real-time database. However, in the object model, 5-39

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devices are self-describing. Each device, and each item of data within a device, has a standardized, well-known, unique name, thus making it understandable by any DAC subsystem. This self-defining capability leads to the following potential benefits: a. Rapid InstallationWhen a new device is connected to the communications network, the DAC subsystem can immediately establish connection, ask the device who it is, download the list of names of objects, and set up all reporting parameterswithout human intervention. b. Minimize Manual Intervention and Transcription ErrorsSince the devices are selfdescribing, no manual effort is needed to copy names or link database entries to data points in the field. c. Minimize Maintenance EffortsThe SCADA database can use the same names as in the remote devices, therefore eliminating the need for a Data Administrator to laboriously map all the data items. d. Plug and Play InstallationWhen a new type of device is connected, the DAC subsystem can automatically run a Wizard (a program supplied with the device to aid in installation) to request any device-type specific dataor even download it from the device. 2. InteroperabilityThe use of IEC 61850 as a standard communication protocol permits: a. Integration of Different Vendor EquipmentDifferent equipment from different vendors to be integrated over the same mainstream communications network. b. Second SourcingSimilar products from different vendors to be installed, thus assuring utilities of second sources. 3. Distributed ProcessingMultiple DAC subsystems can access the UCA devices over the communications network, thus permitting: a. Direct Access by (Authorized) ApplicationsOther systems and applications can establish their own direct communications with field devices, without having to go through the administrative and technical hassles of requesting data from the SCADA system. b. Off-loading of SCADA systemsThe SCADA system can remain dedicated to its task of monitoring and controlling the power system, and not be tied up with passing data to other systems and applications. c. SecurityIEC 61850 provides security, so no unauthorized applications can access information or issue controls.


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4. Enterprise-wide IntegrationSince IEC 61850 is object oriented, device objects can be exchanged through-out the enterprise: a. Conformance with Object Oriented TechnologyIEC 61850 objects can be exchanged among control center systems, and other enterprise systems, using state-of-the-art objectoriented technologies, including conformance with the Common Information Model (CIM). b. Conformance with Data Exchange Messaging TechnologyIEC 61850 conforms to the publish-subscribe concepts of integration bus technologies, such as CORBA, Enterprise Java Beans, and Microsofts COM. c. Conformance with Communication StandardsIEC 61850 utilizes standard communication profiles, thus ensuring long term support by utility and telecommunications vendors. IEC 61850 Device Modeling Constructs and Processes The IEC 61850 concept of communications consists, in its basic form, of the following: 1. A Logical Device (acting as Servers in Client-Server terminology), which provides data and responds to commands. This server contains one or more Logical Nodes for the devices being accessed. It can be a simple electronic controller linked to a single device, a more capable IED managing a single device but providing additional functionality, or a local server which manages multiple devices and supports many additional functions. Examples of the latter include substation automation master stations and DER management systems. 2. A Communications Network that provides network access to the Logical Device server. It may also include security measures in the form of firewalls, encryption devices, key management, role-based access measures, etc. In addition it may include network management capabilities. 3. One or more Data Acquisition and Control (DAC) subsystems, acting as Clients to the Logical Device servers and acting as Servers to other Users. Specifically, these DAC subsystems can provide mapping between IEC61850 objects and internal representations of this data, such as to a SCADA real-time database. These DAC subsystems can also provide the security and network management capabilities. 4. Multiple Users who need to access the information in the Logical Device servers and, as authorized, issue data updates and control commands to the Logical Device servers. These Users can be systems, applications, databases, and/or humans. Most Users will access the Logical Device servers via the DAC subsystem, but some may be IEC61850 Users with direct access to the Logical Devices. These Users could be vendors, maintenance personnel, or systems of the future that do not require data object mapping. Obviously appropriate security measures would still be required.


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Modeling of Information Exchange Simply having defined an information model to represent a real world device is not sufficient to actually use it. A standardized means of exchanging information between the outside world and the real device as represented by the information model is required. This is accomplished by defining a set of basic services that the communications interface uses to accomplish this information exchange between the outside world and various components of the real world device. These services are referred to as the Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI). The basic methodology of these services is described in detail in IEC 61850-7-1 and 61850-7-2. The following describes the services in the specific wind power plant context. Figure 5-25 graphically illustrates the various components of the ACSI models. This figure is used to provide a narrative description of how a typical device interacts with the outside world using these services.
Server Logical Device
Data on demand

nameplate, health

Logical Node Data

Data on demand

Logical Node
Data on demand

Data Data

Data Values

Subscribe values on values values on on change, event, change, event, change, event, periodic periodic periodic

Report Control Block

Data Data Set Set



Log Control Block


Time Synchronisation
bidirectional information exchange unidirectional information exchange

File Transfer

Figure 5-25 ACSI Server (conceptual)


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A physical device with a communications interface can be thought of as a server. It has an IP address and is accessible over a network by an external client. The server can accept a connection from one or more external clients, authenticate that connection, synchronize its clock with the client, and transfer files to and from the client. This server contains one or more logical devices, which contains one or more logical nodes that represent the basic building blocks (objects) that represent various functionality of the logical device. The Logical Node contains data that can be written to or read individually and in groups (Data Sets), responds to control inputs, provides solicited and unsolicited reports, and contains logs that can be queried. This representation is generic, but quite powerful in terms of the services it provides and can be used to represent any real world physical device with a communications interface. The Logical Node data is represented by named attributes that can have simple or complex types (a 32 bit integer or a complex structure variable made up of a collection of named simple and complex component types). In the first generation of power system communications, this data would have been represented as a linear, memory mapped address space with all data having the same type. In this model, this data is named and has whatever types are appropriate to represent the underlying data. The specific internal organization and implementation of the data storage and management scheme are independent of the outside world view. Services are provided to read and write the data in the Logical Node. Measured data and status information are normally read only. Control and configuration information are generally read and write. Services are provided to facilitate concepts such as select before operate for control applications. In addition to being able to read and write individually named data values, collections of data values (a Data Set) can be defined and given a name. Services are provided to create, delete, list, read and write Data Sets. This arbitrary grouping capability is very powerful in that it lets client applications define collections of data attributes that are commonly needed and retrieve them with a single read operation using a single name. Data Sets are the key to two other information exchange mechanisms in a Logical Nodereports and logs. Most physical devices have some kind of internal logging mechanism. These logs may contain periodic recordings of data values, recordings of data values when the value changed by some amount, exceeded a threshold, or some other triggering mechanism. Similarly, physical devices often have the means to send some kind of report directly to a subscribed client under circumstances similar to those just described for logging. In the ACSI models, the information that gets reported or logged is represented by a Data Set. This approach permits specifying the rules for logging and reporting to be defined in a more compact and efficient fashion. The rules for logging and reporting are defined in the Log Control Block (LCB) and Report Control Block (RCB) respectively. Each log has an associated LCB and each report has an associated RCB that defines the rules for what goes into the logs and reports. These rules determine which Data Set(s) are to be included and under what conditions. This approach provides a very powerful and flexible means of logging and reporting information.


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Logs are often a very important aspect of a physical device. The generation of these logs may be the core function of the physical device (a power quality monitor for example) or may be utilized for diagnostic information. Logs are time ordered collections of data grouped into defined Data Sets. Services are provided to permit an external client to retrieve information from the log either in whole or part. This is accomplished by providing the means to query the log with filters that specify a time range of interest and which named attributes are to be retrieved. Services are also provided to permit a client to subscribe to reports that have been defined in the device. These reports can be buffered so that if communications are temporarily disrupted, all of the reports are still sent to the client when communications are re-established. This overview illustrates the core information exchange capabilities of a physical device using the ACSI approach. For more detailed description of the ACSI the reader is referred to IEC 61850-7-1 and IEC 61850-7-2. 5.2.3 Information Models for DER Technologies The CEIDS DER/ADA information modeling project, the IEEE (P 1547.3), and the IEC (TC 57) are developing information modeling documents in order to provide a uniform communications basis for the monitoring and control of DER systems. These documents define DER-specific information, the mechanisms for information exchange, and the process for mapping to communication protocols. In this regard these documents define all details required to connect DER system components in a multi-vendor environment and to exchange the information made available by a component. This is done by definitions made in the documents or by reference to other commonly used standards. The DER system specific information models the crucial and common process data and metadata of a DER system. Process information is hierarchically structured and covers for example common process information found in the rotor, generator, converter, grid connection and the like. The data may be simple (value, timestamp, and quality) or more comprehensive (adding more meta data, for example engineering unit, scale, description, short hand reference, statistical and historical information of the process value). All information of a DER system defined in this standard is name taggedit defines a comprehensive name space. A concise meaning of each signal is given. The standardized DER system information can be easily extended by means of a name space extension rule. All process and meta data can be exchanged by corresponding services like get, set, publishsubscribe (report), logging, and control. Access to the meta-data (including configuration information with regard to the DER system information model and services and communication stacks) provides the so-called self-description of a device. The self-description could also be contained in an XML based configuration file. The references include commonly applied standards like XML, ISO 9506 (MMS), SOAP, OPC XML-DA, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3, and TCP/IP.


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Any proposed standards for DER information models will allow SCADA systems to communicate with DER controllers from multiple vendors. The standardized self-description (contained either in a XML file or retrieved online from a device) can be used to configure SCADA applications. The proposed standard can be applied to any DER system operation concept, i.e., both in individual and integrated operations. The DER system specific information excludes information associated with feeders and substations. Substation communication is covered within the IEC 61850 series of standards. Standardized DER information models will help facilitate putting an end to the communication difficulties arising from the wide variety of protocols, labels, semantics etc. thus offering the possibility to manage different DER systems independently of the vendor. They will enable components from different vendors to easily communicate with other components, at any location, at any time. Object-oriented data structures make the engineering and handling of huge amounts of information provided by DER systems less time-consuming and more efficient. Scalability, connectivity, and interoperability can be maximized to reduce cost and needed man power. The following table illustrates the logical nodes being considered for the IEC standards. Each logical node represents a specific function or aspect of the aggregate system and is given a name according to IEC 61850 naming conventions.


Technologies for ADA Implementation Table 5-2 Logical nodes being considered for IEC standards for DER information models Logical Node Description DER Device Characteristics DRCT DER Controller


DER Generator Characteristics and Control (units 0n)


DER Frequency Control: DFRC0-n = Generator Unit

{Multiple LNs} Prime Mover or Storage

DER Prime Mover or Storage Device Characteristics and Control (e.g. DIES, DFCL). This LN varies, depending upon the DER technology


DER Inverter Characteristics: DINV0-n = Inverter Unit. This LN varies, depending upon the need for an inverter


Fuel Systems for DER


Battery Systems for DER


Heating Systems combined with DER (e.g. CHP)

Electrical Power System Measurements MMSU{n} DER voltage, current, frequency, & var measurements: e.g. MMSU0 = DER Alternator; MMSU1 = local power; MMSU2 = utility power. This LN is similar to MMXU, but contains additional attributes related to statistics DER voltage, current, frequency, & var measurements without statistical information. Alternative to MMSU. (MMXN if single phase) Power System Harmonics (MHAN if single phase) DER Energy Meters: MMTR0 = Total generation; MMTR1 = Net generation; MMTR2 = Transferred to power system; MMTR{m} = submetering Transformers





Technologies for ADA Implementation Logical Node Description

Circuit Breakers XCBR{n} CSWI{n} DER Circuit Breakers: XCBR0 = Load Breaker; XCBR1 = Common Coupling Breaker; XCBR2 = Interface Point Breaker; XCBR3-n = DER Generator Unit Breakers

Protection Function PBRO{n} DER Protective Relaying base logical node: for PUVR, POVR, PTOC, PDPR, PFRQ DER Protective Relaying timing logical node: for PUVR, POVR, PTOC Reclosing relay for circuit breakers DER Rate of Change of Frequency Relaying


Pxxx {n}

Other protection functions (TBD)

Automatic Transfer Switch ATSC{n} SWIT{n} SDRV{n} AUTO{n} FIND{n} DER Automatic Transfer Switch Characteristics (TBD) DER Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) status DER ATS Control DER ATS Automatic Control Logic DER ATS Fault Indicator

Administrative Function DMIB{n} SNMP Management Information Base for DER Installations


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5.2.4 Other Existing Information Models Information models (also called object models to indicate that the information representation is for a specific object) have already been developed for many different types of devices and can be found in IEC 61850-7-4. Some of the available information models are noted below: Object Models for Electrical Power System Measurements MMXU3-Phase Electrical Measurements: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.7. MMXNSingle Phase Electrical Measurements: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.6. MHAI3-Phase Harmonics: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.3. MHANSingle Phase Harmonics: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.4. MMTR3-Phase Metering: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.5. MMXNSingle Phase Metering: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.6. MSTAMetering Statistics: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.10.9.

Object Models for Protection Equipment See the protection Logical Nodes defined in IEC61850-5 and IEC61850-7-4, Sections 5.4 and 5.5. Object Models for Switchgear XCBRCircuit Breaker: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.12.1. XSWICircuit Switch: See IEC61850-7-4, section 5.12.1. RREC RBRF RSYN CILO CPOW CSWI SIMG

5.2.5 Object Models Not Yet Defined Object models must also be developed for other elements of the distribution system, including new technologies that will become an integral part of future advanced systems. IUT (Intelligent Universal Transformer) Power conditioning technologies, such as DVR, statcom, etc.


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Other devices (capacitor controls, voltage regulators, etc.) Wind Power Plants(actually this work is in progress in IEC TC 88, 61400-25)

Object models will also be required to integrate end user systems into the overall system control. Object models will define the data exchange requirements for this integrated control. The CEIDS initiative is undertaking a project to define the Consumer Portal, which will effectively involve defining important object models for the consumer interface. The methodology developed in the CEIDS DER/ADA project will be applied to developing, validating, and standardizing these other types of object models. 5.2.6 Advanced Communication Media and Related Systems for ADA In addition to object modeling and communication protocols, various physical media will need to be applied to facilitate the ADA functionality. Media types include: Power Line Carrier Wireless systems (802.11b WiFi, Bluetooth, MAS Radio, microwave, pager, satellite, other) Physical infrastructure systems (fiber, cable, DSL, POTS, etc.) Other options (e.g. free space light wave)

Many of these media technologies are mature, but innovations in others such as power line carrier have potential application in ADA systems. The growth potential and economics of these technologies is not yet clear. 5.2.7 Database and Data Collection Systems for End User System Information Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is the remote collection of consumption data from customers' utility meters using telephony, radio frequency, power-line and satellite communications technologies. AMR provides water, gas and electric utility-service companies the opportunity to increase operational efficiency, improve customer service, reduce data-collection costs and quickly gather critical information that provides insight to company decision-makers. Future systems will expand this concept to collect more sophisticated information describing end user systems. This information will be used as part of advanced customer integration with ADA, including load management systems, power quality management, and real time pricing. 5.2.8 Database and Data Collection for Real-time State Estimation Systems Real-time state estimation systems will require a significant amount of high resolution measurements from strategically located sensors on the distribution system. This information must be made available to the systems that need it in real time, but the data must also be archived for some period of time to evaluate the operational effectiveness of those systems. 5-49

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A variety of systems exist today to support the storage of high resolution, high point count measurements and are generically referred to as historians. Products like OSISofts PI historian can store this kind of data in a very compact format and support very fast retrieval of that data for arbitrary queries. There are few systems available today to make high resolution data available in real-time to state-estimation functions that may be desirable to implement in the field as opposed to back in a centralized control center. Such applications will require the application of secure, peer-to-peer broadcast protocols and other mechanisms for quickly distributing this kind of data to multiple subscribing clients. 5.2.9 Distributed Processing Systems for System Management and Control Advanced architectures are needed to manage the distribution system. This will involve a combination of local controls (protection, problem identification, local control and management) with overall system control and optimization systems. Local control and autonomous operation of complex systems will require the application of several core technologies including: Embedded systems Intelligent agents Decentralized data management Parallel and distributed computing

These distributed processing systems have significant communication requirements that must be part of the overall communications architecture. Communications for distributed processing systems generally require a peer-to-peer model that presents significant challenges to network designers. Many of these systems also need very low latency data at high rates, which often necessitates the use of multicast technologies that further complicates the design and operation of a stable and deterministic network. Also, the proliferation of devices on the network with communications capability to support distributed processing concepts results in a network device addressing, configuration, management, and asset tracking problem.


Overall System Management and Control Technologies

The main goals of the management and control of the distribution system typically include the following: 1. Support normal operations through the collection and analysis of real time information in order to enhance safety, power quality, efficiency of operations, etc.


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2. Provide quality power to the customers in a safe and efficient manner 3. Manage unplanned outages by locating and isolating the fault and restoring power 4. Manage scheduled outages with minimal disruption to customers 5. Support market operations 6. Support routine disturbance maintenance 7. Support bulk power system operations 8. Support customer services by providing information on outages, power quality and other customer needs 9. Manage distributed resources 10. Support control center and corporate information needs by providing timely and accurate information Computer and communications technologies have advanced to the degree that meeting the above goals can best be achieved by applying these new and/or refined technologies to the management and control of the distribution system. 5.3.1 Advanced Distribution Automation Applications ADA applications support the automation of the distribution operations processes, including automated monitoring and automated control. These applications consist of software programs used in conjunction with field equipment, communications, and data from other systems to partially or completely automate the processes. These applications utilize a real-time power flow model as the basis for analyzing different aspects of the distribution power system. Since distribution power systems involve large numbers of power system devices, which are frequently changed or added to, these applications must rely on acquiring large amounts of data from other systems within the control center. As described in Reference 32, ADA applications typically consist of: Distribution Power Flow (DPF) Modelcomprised of a three-phase, unbalanced, topological model of the distribution power system, substation and feeder equipment models, load models, and distributed resource models. Distribution Operations Analysis - Acts as the user interface between users and the DPF function. Permits users to set up different scenarios, analyze different aspects of the distribution system, and receive only the results requested. Fault Location, Isolation and Service RestorationUses information from the field devices and trouble calls to locate faults (using the DPF), isolate the faults through breaker and/or automated switch actions, and restore service to unfaulted sections of feeders. 5-51

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Automatic Feeder ReconfigurationUses the DPF function to evaluate the optimal configuration of feeder sections, based on different selectable criteria. Volt/Var ControlUses the DPF function to calculate the voltages and vars along feeders and analyzes how different settings of equipment (LTC, regulators, capacitor banks) could be altered to meet specified criteria such as reduce load, increase efficiency, etc. Planned Outage Request StudyUses the DPF function to analyze the impact of the requested outage(s). Switching Order CreationUses the DPF to determine the sequence of switching orders needed to implement a planned outage. Switch PlacementAn off-line study application using the DPF function to help determine the optimal locations for automated switches along feeders. Calculation of Reliability StatisticsUses the results of the fault location, Isolation, and Reconfiguration function along with real-time measurements to determine various outage statistics such as CAIDI, SAIFI, etc.

The interrelationship of these ADA applications is illustrated in Figure 5-26 below.

Figure 5-26 Information flows between ADA applications


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The DPF determines the state of the distribution circuits for the following three modes of operation: 1. Real-Time DPF - Executes periodically and upon pre-specified changes in status or analog points so that it provides the operators and other ADA applications with estimates of kW, kvar, kV, amps and power losses. 2. Study DPFExecutes upon user demand and provides operators and engineers with estimates of kW, kvar, kV, amps, and power losses under hypothetical conditions. It is used to model what if scenarios. 3. Look-Ahead DPF - Executes either periodically or upon user demand for a specified lookahead time interval (typically on the order of a few hours). It is used to estimate future power system conditions based on expected loads, equipment outages, distributed generation production and other factors. The DPF, particularly when it is operating in the real time mode, needs to be able to quickly summarize and prioritize important system characteristics for the operators and/or other ADA applications. These characteristics, tabulated below, would typically be used alert the operators to the need for any required corrective actions. The most loaded segment with percent of rated capacity The lowest and the highest voltages The highest voltage imbalance Margins to the normal and emergency stability limits The dispatchable load availability The current and accumulated voltage quality index The current and accumulated power and energy losses The aggregated load to voltage dependencies at the substation bus for information support of transmission operations

ADA applications contain complex algorithms, require close coordination with each other as well as other applications and must respond to a wide variety of conditions from the power system. Therefore they must be integrated very tightly and tested very thoroughly, while remaining flexible enough to handle changing conditions. 5.3.2 System Fault Management, Reliability Management, and Restoration Historically, time graded coordination between protective devices has been used to optimize protection relay and recloser control operation in a distribution system. An example for a three recloser loop scheme (Reference 30) is described below.


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Figure 5-27 Three recloser loop scheme

A three-recloser loop scheme consists of three reclosers (devices 1B, 2B, and 3), which are coordinated with device 1A and 2A (Figure 5-27). The impact of an outage can be reduced to 50% of that which would occur on a radial feeder. When a fault occurs at F1, feeder recloser or breaker (1A) opens and locks out (typically after four reclosing attempts). The loop scheme (LS) control on recloser 1B senses loss of source-side voltage, and the LS control at tie recloser 3 senses voltage loss on its 1B side. Timers begin in both controls. The time delay (15 seconds) at recloser 1B expires first, opens and locks out. The time delay (18 seconds) at recloser 3 expires next, closes and restores service to the unfaulted feeder on section between 1B and 3. Traditionally controlled LS schemes significantly improve distribution system reliability and availability, however further improvement can be achieved when the different protective devices have the ability to exchange data between themselves. Reference 30 describes a peer-peer communication scheme that allows the protective devices to exchange any of three types of data (binary-status, short integers, and floating point numbers) with each other. Typical data that would be exchanged include: voltage and current values, device status (closed or open), reset status, lockout status, o/c protection status, and supervisory status.

Figure 5-28 Peer-Peer broadcasting configuration


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Figure 5-28 shows the basic broadcasting configuration for a peer-to-peer scheme. For this configuration, each device on the network shares its own data with every other device on the network. Each device allocates an array in memory that is populated with all of the data from the other devices. The integrity of the data packets are checked by each device and if the data is not good and/or if devices stop communicating, the system can revert to the traditional time delay mode of operation. The communication medium can be radio, fiber optic cables, or twisted pair copper wires. A system model for a peer-peer networking scheme is shown in Figure 5-29.

Figure 5-29 Peer-Peer implementation model diagram

For the case where a fault occurs between devices 1 and 2 a peer-peer scheme allows devices 1 and 2 to instantly open, device 8 transfers Load 6 to S3 and tie recloser 3 to close restoring power to the remaining loop. Device 1 recloses in normal fashion. If successful, the loop is automatically restored to normal. In this scheme there is no need to wait until Device 1 goes through all reclosing sequences even for temporary faults. In this way, impact (blinking) on the whole feeder is minimized and the time required to return power to the healthy part of the circuit is minimized.


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Another important advantage of the peer-peer communication scheme is the ability to automatically return the system to the normal system configuration after a disturbance. The trip and close logic diagram for device 4 is shown below in Figure 5-30.

Figure 5-30 Sample trip and close logic for Peer-Peer scheme

Closure of Device 4 is permitted only after Device 5s reclose logic successfully resets. In addition, Device 4 must locally detect proper source voltage and not have recently tripped open due to an over current fault. Peer-to-peer communication, either presently available in proprietary forms or with adopted standard protocols in the future, provides powerful automation capabilities. With minimal additional hardware investment and straightforward logical structures, a rapid system reconfiguration and restoration can be realized in a wide variety of power system topologies. 5.3.3 Adaptive Protection Systems A major requirement for ADA systems in the future will be adaptive protection systems. As the distribution systems are reconfigured for optimum performance and as distributed generation is integrated with the system operation, the required settings for protection equipment will change significantly. These settings must be managed in real time as the system configurations and operation change. Intelligent relays make remote reconfiguration of protection settings straightforward. The challenge is managing the information system of protection settings and the real time system information that determines the proper settings at any given moment in time.


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5.3.4 Load Management and Real-Time Pricing Systems (Demand Response Systems) Customers are not provided with incentives for efficient conservation and substitution of electricity during peak periods if they do not face prices that reflect the real-time cost of purchasing wholesale electricity experienced by their retail energy provider. Reference 31 describes the peak load management benefits that can be derived in the Seattle City Light system from coincident peak (CP) pricing. The idea behind CP pricing is to price power very high during peak hours and at a discount in all of the other hours of the year. Similar to TOU rates, CP pricing charges fixed prices during both the on-peak and off-peak periods, however, CP pricing differs from Time of Use (TOU) rates in that the highest price occurs coincident with either the energy price peak or the distribution load peak rather than a time period set in advance. The utility defines the number of hours per year (typically 100-200) that will be classified as on peak periods. The daily energy price volatility in the Seattle area for the 19981999 time period is depicted below in Figure 5-31.

Figure 5-31 Energy market price profile (maximum daily price) - Seattle area, 1998-1999

The hourly price volatility for a peak day in August 1998 is shown below in Figure 5-32. As Figures 5-31 and 5-32 indicate, market prices tend to be short-term oriented and can be highly volatile. Over the last several years prices in the super peak hours in the Midwest and Northeast have ranged between $2,000 per MWh and $7,000 per MWh. Prices above $75 per MWh typically occur in the top 100 to 200 hours per year.


Technologies for ADA Implementation

Figure 5-32 Hourly energy market price profile - Seattle area, peak day

Reference 31 concludes that CP pricing could be designed in a manner that would be costeffective for both the utility and their customers. Although CP pricing is applicable across all customer classes, the emphasis for Seattle City Light was the large commercial downtown network customers because that is the area that has experienced substantial load growth and is rapidly becoming distribution constrained. Curtailing peaks with pricing products has the potential to postpone the need to add physical capacity to support customers and can be very cost effective in this situation. In its purest sense, real-time pricing (RTP) provides for the price of electricity to vary by the hour. As a practical matter, this type of pricing can only be used by the most sophisticated of customers who have the means to automatically modify their load shape according to the varying RTP levels. From the customers standpoint, CP pricing is much simpler because there are just two fixed prices: on peak and off peak. The on peak pricing typically is in effect for 100-200 hours per year. The specific hours vary, but are identified by the utility, typically with day-ahead notice to the customer. By making the prices fixed, the utility retains some of the market pricing risks. A CP pricing system could be structured as either a mandatory or voluntary program and could be revenue neutral on either an individual customer or a customer class basis. A voluntary program that is revenue neutral on an individual customer basis is a carrot rather than a stick approach and assures that the customer has no gain or loss unless he changes his load shape (typically from the previous 12 months).


Technologies for ADA Implementation

Eight large customers in Seattle City Lights downtown district were evaluated and the following three peak shaving capabilities were identified: Peak energy conservation (3-12% MWh savings during peak) Customer generation on peak (1668% MWh savings during peak) Peak load shifting (cool storage16% MWh savings during peaksummer only)

A properly designed CP pricing program results in a win-win situation for the utility and customers. A standard pricing structure may have the utility savings on the order of 40%-70% of the customer savings while an aggressive plan assumes that a large portion of the utility benefit is passed back to the customer. A utility may opt for the aggressive plan in an area that is distribution constrained and therefore the utility would be able to forgo or postpone large capital expenditures. Anticipated results for the eight large Seattle customers for a standard pricing structure and assuming that all customers employed the Peak energy conservation technique are presented below in Figure 5-33. The customer savings presented in Figure 5-33 represent about 2% of the total customer annual electric bill.

Figure 5-33 Annual savings from a standard CP pricing program

ADA technology plays a key role in the ability to offer a CP pricing system. Automated meter reading, communication systems and load shaping technologies are all critical components to the CP pricing program. Hourly metering and Internet based communications are two of the enabling technologies that facilitate such programs. The overall low asset utilization of the utility industry is directly related to a lack of pricing signals that would motivate end-users to invest in commercially available load shaping technologies like thermal storage, on site generation and energy management systems. The airline, hotel and telecommunication industries have used such pricing techniques for years to 5-59

Technologies for ADA Implementation

improve their asset utilization and increase their profits. Whether the utility is regulated or unregulated, a properly designed CP pricing structure will ultimately change the customers load shapes. Once implemented, real time pricing can be adjusted to further optimize the performance of local distribution systems as well as match overall system load and generation levels. 5.3.5 Asset Management and Work Management System Integration The application of smart sensors for monitoring and data collection throughout the distribution system will provide a real-time information model of the entire distribution system that will have many advantages for asset management and work management. Important functions will include: Identification of equipment problems based on waveform signatures (predictive maintenance applications) Faster fault location and restoration (work crew communications and management integrated with automated fault location and system restoration schemes) Equipment lifetime assessments based on continuous monitoring and performance information System maintenance scheduling (e.g., tree trimming) based on continuous performance monitoring and calculation of reliability impacts


It is important to identify system architectures that are likely to be the basis for automated distribution systems in the future. These architectures will be a natural migration from existing architectures due to the huge investment and functionality of existing systems. There are also likely to be different architectures that are optimum for different types of systems (e.g. urban, suburban, rural, industrial, premium power parks, etc.). Selected categories of systems are identified here and the likely types of systems that will be prevalent for each of these categories is identified. The migration to these configurations is also described. The following categories are used for discussion of the system architectures: 1. Urban networks. These systems supply high density loads that may be a combination of commercial facilities, residential, and light industrial loads. They will typically be underground systems and may already be network configurations. 2. Suburban systems. These systems are characterized by moderate load density and a variety of load types. They may be a combination of overhead and underground systems with a general trend towards increasing the penetration of underground distribution. They are typically radial primary systems that may have open tie points between feeders. 3. Rural systems. These systems will typically be overhead, radial circuits that are less likely to have open tie points to other feeder circuits. They may be very long primary distribution systems (e.g. 20 miles and more). 4. Special systems. Special systems may supply premium power parks, office parks, or other special groups of loads. Special designs (e.g. microgrids) and technologies (e.g. custom power technologies) may be justified for these systems based on the needs of the end users supplied. There may be special contracts associated with the customers on these systems. Future system architectures must support two important requirements that may not be adequately supported with todays architectures: 1. Integration of end-user system control with the overall distribution system control. End user systems will have DER, power conditioning equipment, power factor correction equipment, and energy management systems. Control of all these technologies should be integrated with the distribution control to achieve optimum system performance and the desired level of reliability and quality.


Future Electrical System Architectures

2. Support of high levels of penetration of DER technologies. Distributed generation and storage will be applied at all levels of the system to improve system integrity, efficiency, and flexibility. Control of these technologies must be integrated with the overall system control and protection. The system architectures and control strategies must support this.


Urban Networks

These systems will be characterized by radial primary underground systems with secondary networks and/or spot networks. Some characteristics of suburban systems (looped primary feeders) may also be used to improve reliability and flexibility on systems that do not have complete secondary networks. The systems will be able to incorporate distributed resources in a flexible manner to further improve reliability (already very high) and system performance. Coordinated, distributed controls will be able to take advantage of distributed resources to optimize system performance and use the distributed resources to allow local operation (microgrids) in the event of major system problems (Figure 6-1). Important technology developments: Fault location technology for underground cable systems and systems to identify potential equipment problems prior to failure. Intelligent operation of network protectors taking advantage of integrated communication architecture and allowing two-way power flows for the integration of distributed resources. IUT that includes network protector functionality. It may be possible to include this protection through the operation of the power electronics, eliminating the need for additional network protector circuit breakers. Sensors and monitoring technology, along with communication infrastructure for monitoring the status of all components, system voltages and currents, fault location and identification, and equipment problems. State estimation system for primary and secondary network configurations that can optimize performance of the overall system, include volt/var management. This will improve voltage control and efficiency of the overall system operation. This has a requirement for accurate models and real time information about the secondary network conditions. Distributed control systems that optimize system performance taking advantage of end use technologies and distributed resources, while integrating with a master controller for the distribution systems. These systems will ultimately be able to reconfigure the system into local microgrids at the secondary level during major system disturbances or based on economic incentives.


Future Electrical System Architectures

Figure 6-1 A secondary network configuration that would allow local microgrids and two-way power flows to incorporate flexible integration of DER


Suburban Systems

These systems will be characterized by looped primary systems to achieve improved reliability for all end users and flexibility in optimizing the system performance. The switches between primary feeder circuits can be power electronic switches to improve switching times and flexibility in configuring the primary supply system for different conditions. Power electronic devices will also facilitate flexible connection and protection of DER technologies that are connected to the primary distribution systems. These technologies will be incorporated into the overall system control to optimize the system performance (e.g. losses and voltage control) in combination with coordinated control of end user facilities and the overall primary system configuration.


Future Electrical System Architectures

Smaller DER technologies will be incorporated at the secondary voltages and local secondary microgrids that can operate independent of the primary supply will be possible. Local control will match generation and load during isolated operation. The local control will be coordinated with overall system control to optimize system performance in normal conditions Figure 6-2).
Open Recloser
Automatic Closing device (recloser or switch)



Shaded area Shaded area is portion is portion picked up by picked up by auto-loop auto-loop
Figure 6-2 Basic architecture of suburban system configuration - The autoloop configuration will be the predecessor of future configurations that integrate DER technologies and solid state switches to facilitate flexibility in reconfiguring system in real time

Important technology developments: Lower cost solid state switches for operation throughout the distribution system. Fault location and incipient fault detection technology to improve system reliability and reduce time to repair faults. Power electronics and controls for interfacing DER technologies with the primary distribution system and coordinated controls to assure coordinated protection. Technology for protection and control of local microgrids that include local generation and/or storage but can also operate as part of the overall distribution system. IUT that supports interface to multiple end user facilities and can coordinate protection and control of the secondary system in combination with requirements on the overall distribution system. Sensors and monitoring technology, along with communication infrastructure, for continuous monitoring of overall system conditions and equipment conditions.


Future Electrical System Architectures

Real time state estimation system that continuously determines optimum system conditions, including integrated volt/var management. Distributed control systems that support reconfiguration, microgrids, etc.


Rural Systems

It may not always be possible to configure rural distribution systems in a looped configuration. However, the integration of DER technologies on these systems can be used to develop island systems and local microgrids, especially in locations where higher reliability is needed. The DER technologies can also be used to improve voltage control and efficiency on these systems. Important technology developments: Fault location and incipient fault detection technology to improve system reliability and reduce time to repair faults. Integrated control of DER technologies to improve performance of the overall distribution system. Control of local island systems and microgrids with DER technologies to improve reliability on selected portions of the distribution system. The protection of these local systems must be coordinated with overall system protection (adaptive protection systems). IUT that supports interface to multiple end user facilities and can coordinate protection and control of the secondary system in combination with requirements on the overall distribution system. IUT for conversion of single phase to three phase for three phase application on single phase lateral circuits. Sensors and monitoring technology, along with communication infrastructure, for continuous monitoring of overall system conditions and equipment conditions. Real time state estimation system that continuously determines optimum system conditions (including volt/var management)


Special Configurations

Special systems may be developed to supply local end users with special requirements. These special systems may include technologies such as DVRs, solid state switchgear, DER technologies, local microgrids, etc. to improve reliability and performance on a local portion of the system. 6.4.1 Microgrids Some aspect of the microgrid concept (i.e. intentional islanding parts of the system to operate them locally with DER) will definitely become part of the ADA system of the future. The concept allows for full integration of DER technologies and use of these technologies to improve 6-5

Future Electrical System Architectures

the overall reliability and efficiency of the system operation. The figures below illustrate the basic concept of microgrids and the different levels of the system where the concept can be applied. Note that the application of microgrids implies the implementation of many of the intermediate technologies already discussed: Complete system monitoring Real time simulation and performance assessment Adaptive protection systems Integrated power electronics equipment (may be the DER equipment itself) for voltage and var control in each microgrid Fast switching technologies, preferably solid state switches to allow many operations and reduce disturbances Distributed control systems to optimize system performance considering all configuration options Integration with end use system controls, such as smart appliances, process controls, local generation controls, power conditioning equipment, etc.
This unit acts as a master micro-grid controller when all four sub micro-grids are operating together
Sub-grid Controller

Sub-microgrid A Sub-microgrid B

Bulk Supply Connection (13.2 kV)

Master Isolating Switch Sub-microgrid D


Synchronizing Sectionalizing Switch

Sub-grid Controller

Sub-microgrid C

Sub-grid Controller

Sub-grid Controller

Figure 6-3 Illustration of distribution architecture and control that allows separation into multiple microgrids based on topology, specific system conditions, local generation, etc.


Future Electrical System Architectures

UPS Substation

Bulk supply connection (sub-transmission) Single Customer


Other Feeders


Figure 6-4 Illustration of different locations where alternative microgrid concepts could apply in an ADA system

6.4.2 DC Distribution Systems and DC Microgrids The concept of microgrids can be taken one step further and local systems could be supplied with dc instead of (or in combination with ac) distribution. Electronic equipment operates on dc and a local dc distribution system could improve efficiency and reliability of the supply. Many studies have investigated the technical and economic feasibility of these systems and none have been shown to be economic up to this point. Future systems with application of technologies like the IUT may improve the economics and feasibility of local dc distribution. 6.4.3 Custom Power Parks This is also a concept that has seen considerable research and many local demonstration projects. The concept is very sounddifferent customers have different reliability and quality requirements and, therefore, a local system with very high reliability and quality could be very beneficial for particular kinds of customers that have this requirement. Thus far, the economics of the technologies for premium power parks (power electronics technologies, primarily) and the logistics of attracting multiple customers willing to pay for the improved quality and reliability to a specific location have limited the interest in these parks. There will continue to be issues with the concept of high reliability and quality parks with differentiated pricing for some time. However, the concept of providing improved reliability and quality for individual customers through technologies on the primary system and integrated 6-7

Future Electrical System Architectures

communications with end user technologies will become even more attractive as the technologies continue to become more cost competitive. Applications of solid state transfer switches, intelligent universal transformers, and storage technologies will all be appropriate for customers with high reliability requirements. These local systems will be integrated and managed as part of the overall ADA system.


7.1 Basic Characteristics

The system of the future will include the following: Automated reconfiguration of systems that are looped on the primary with flexible configuration options (e.g. auto-loop systems). This includes flexible protective device coordination and optimized losses and voltage control. Upgraded designs of distribution systems to incorporated increased penetration of DER. Integration of microgrids with DER on a localized basis (e.g., secondary microgrids for a few customers). Integration of larger microgrids. Distributed controls with a combination of central and local intelligence to optimize system performance and response to disturbances. New technologies, such as advanced power electronics in new applications (e.g. IUT and DER interconnection technologies) to provide a combination power conversion and other ancillary benefits (power quality management, var control, etc.).

The system will be the result of continuous advancements in three different areas: 1. Flexible electrical system architecture (including integration of new IEDs, such as the IUT, DER, and other new electrical and electronic technologies) 2. Communication and control systems based on an open communication architecture and information exchange model 3. Real time state estimation tools to perform predictive simulations and to continuously optimize system performance (energy, demand, efficiency, reliability, quality) in real time



Distributed intelligence will be coordinated with a master control for distribution systems. The master controller will coordinate with transmission system controls and overall system-wide energy management systems. Examples of distributed intelligence applications that will become part of ADA systems include:


Statement of Requirements

Embedded systems computing in a wide variety of devices Sensor and monitoring technologies, such as networked sensor systems Smart protection devices (relays, reclosers, sectionalizers, solid state switches with controls) IUTs New volt/VAR (reactive power) management capabilities (including smart voltage regulators, capacitor controls, power electronics devices, etc.) Sag correctors, active and passive harmonic filters, statcoms, and other power quality enhancement devices Distribution fault anticipators and locators Multi-function DER Load management and other interactive end-use devices Consumer portal New voltage regulation devices



All of these systems will combine to perform a wide variety of functions that will enhance system performance, reliability, and power quality. These functional requirements include: Interactive voltage/VAR management involving multiple types of devices Smart sectionalizing and system reconfiguration with a combination of local controls and overall system control Intelligent monitoring that is integrated with asset management and system operations to identify equipment performance and operational problems. Multiple customer service options. Power quality options with custom power alternatives Control of local backup generation in combination with overall system control Local generation with microgrid options dc power supply

System power quality management (harmonics, flicker, unbalance, transients). Localized sensors integrated with overall monitoring system to continuously assess system performance. Real time state estimation systems to evaluate existing system performance, optimize steady state performance, and optimize response to disturbances. Fast simulation and modeling to predict system contingencies and take anticipatory action.


Statement of Requirements

Integrated operation of DER to improve system performance and reliability. DER integration with localized controls DER integration with microgrid capability for islanded operation Completely integrated control to optimize system performance and reliability

System control integrated with local controls for optimal energy management, including full implementation of real-time pricing systems that reflect energy costs and system operational constraints in real-time



The communications infrastructure will provide high bandwidth and secure access to all controllable devices and sensors on the distribution system, as well as access to local end-use systems through an appropriate consumer portal. Open architecture will be employed for interoperable implementation of intelligent devices and controls throughout the system. These devices will use standardized object models as part of this philosophy. General requirements for the communications architecture are described below. 7.4.1 Scalability Scalability refers to the ability of the technology to be scaled up if the number of applications or sites grows. Often scalability issues are addressed by creating a distributed systemthat is a system where computing resources are physically separated. 7.4.2 Reliability Reliability refers to the ability of a system to operate continuously over an extended period of time. To achieve this, the system must be constructed using robust technology and able to deal with failure gracefully. Any part of a distributed system can fail. Any ADA communications architecture must incorporate the ability to provide backup components and seamless failover. In as much as failure cannot be complete compensated for, its effect must be kept local and not allowed to affect the reliability of the system as a whole.


Statement of Requirements

7.4.3 Federation Federation refers to the ability to monitor and control assets autonomously owned and managed. This is a particularly important consideration when addressing the issue of interfacing with a wide variety of end user communication and control systems. 7.4.4 Interoperability Interoperability is the ability of the technology to interconnect different systems, technologies, and vendor implementations. Interoperability is, of course, the goal of communications standards in general. However, the sheer scope and variety of these in use across the entire industry will place particular challenges on the technologies chosen for the final architecture. 7.4.5 Adaptability Adaptability is the ability of the technology to support change and accommodate new information and business requirements. Currently, power utility communications systems are actually quite adaptable, but the means of adaptation is almost always a manual, labor-intensive (and capital-intensive) process. The technologies that will be successful in the new architecture will be those that can adapt quickly and automatically, with as little human intervention as possible. 7.4.6 Securability Securability is the ability of the technology to support secure communication, safe from attack from within or outside a utility. Some of the major forces affecting the development of utility communications technologies have been integration: integration of SCADA and protection departments, integration of automation departments into corporate IT domains, integration of entire utilities into a deregulated market, sharing automation information. ADA systems will also require integration with customer operations. With each level of integration comes another level of danger from attack. Successful utility communications technologies must therefore be secure. 7.4.7 Implementation Issues and Costs Along with the above requirements, the architecture and its constituent parts must enable rapid implementation at a reasonable cost. Without this requirement, it is unlikely that the architecture, however technologically sound, will ever be implemented.


The ADA development roadmap is designed to identify important research areas to facilitate progress towards the overall ADA vision and possible time frames for these research efforts. The roadmap identifies the important gaps in ongoing research and outlines a research program to address these gaps. An important part of these research projects should be demonstrations of incremental progress. Opportunities for demonstration projects to accomplish this objective are outlined. The strategic drivers for developing ADA include: Improve reliability and performance of distribution systems Reduce operating costs Enhance contingency responses Improve power quality Increase customer service options Prevent and mitigate outages Aid in outage recovery operations Support DER integration into distribution operations Make customer systems part of the system performance equation

These drivers were developed with EPRI member input at an ADA working group meeting. Each of these drivers has economic benefits for both the system and for the users. Improved service options, power quality improvement, and reliability improvement will primarily result in benefits for end users. Market structures for distributing the costs associated with achieving these benefits will need to be developed along with the technological implementation of the ADA systems. Much of the basic technology needed to achieve the ADA vision currently exists (power electronics, communication protocols, etc.), but a lot of R&D is still required in order to lower costs and integrate the new technology. Also, further enhancements in core technologies, like power semiconductors and power electronics, can improve the scope of possibilities for ADA. The development and refinement of industry standards will also be critical to the overall process.


ADA Development Roadmap


System Topologies

The optimum topologies for full ADA implementation will depend on a variety of characteristics of particular systems. Four main categories of systems were described and likely topologies that will be the most economic and provide the best performance were presented. Further research into the costs and benefits of alternative technologies as a function of requirements and characteristics needs to be performed. The roadmap can be refined based on the findings of these evaluations.


Communications Infrastructure

Laying out a communications technology roadmap to support the incremental development and deployment of advanced distribution automation functions involves several tasks: Identifying the core automation functions to be deployed Determining the communications system requirements to support these functions Determining the relative hardware cost of specific enabling components for these functions Determining the software and systems engineering costs for each function Determining dependencies between functions Identifying standards that enable efficient, interoperable function implementation Pilot project identification Business case/model development Legacy management

In general, we need to answer the following basic questionWhat information do we need to know at each point in the system to optimally control the distribution system? Answering this question specifically for each power system component involved in the ADA system leads us to a comprehensive set of requirements for data interchange and the key attributes associated with that interchange. Examples of these questions are shown in Figure 8-1, taken from the CEIDS DER/ADA project report on object models.


ADA Development Roadmap

What Do We Need to Know to Optimally Control Distribution?

Volt Violation? Congestion? T-D contract parameters Insufficient Reserve? Real-time Prices? Stage of Power Alert?

Load-to-voltage dependency? DER distribution factors? DER state, mode of operations, cost? N.O. Status, settings? Load? Harmonics? Voltage? Harmonics? Voltage imbalance?

R-T transfer capacity?


Voltage impact?

Distribution and Transmission Facility Parameters and Customer Data

Figure 8-1 Examples of parameters and information requirements for distribution control (from CEIDS DER/ADA project)

Detailed use cases for the core advanced distribution automation functions can be found in Appendix A but most of the functions share several attributes that indicate the direction that core R&D, standardization, and pilot projects need to be directed toward in the coming years. These attributes include: Peer-to-peer communications Highly configurable systems to permit interfacing with numerous communication media and foreign systems High availability, fast response, high accuracy, moderate to high bandwidth data quality Independent failure mode from power system infrastructure Significant database access and integration issuescommon schema High securityaccess control to control functions and data at rest and in transit, immunity to denial of service Low cost media Customer side system interface with equipment and humans Standardized object models for all system components Equipment addressability and management


ADA Development Roadmap

If support from the numerous stakeholders involved is to be obtained in addressing these tasks and attributes, the roadmap to full implementation of advanced distribution automation communications infrastructure needs to rely heavily on the international standardization process. IEC TC57 has developed a Reference Architecture of the TC57 standards developed specifically for the utility industry, as shown in Figure 8-2. This does not, of course, show de facto or nonutility specific standards currently in use by utilities, but it provides a good context for the following discussion.
Energy Market Participants Utility Customers Utility Service Providers Other Businesses Application To Application (A2A) and Business To Business (B2B) Communications

Inter-Application Messaging Middleware (specified in XML; mapped to appropriate protocols)

End-to-End Security Standards and Recommendations (work in progress)

61970 / 61968 Common Information Model (CIM) 61970 Component Interface Specification (CIS) SCADA Apps EMS Apps DMS Apps 61968 SIDMS for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Market Operation Apps Engineering & Maintenance Apps External IT Apps

Application Interfaces

Network, System, and Data Management (future)

61970 / 61968 Common Information Model (CIM) Data Acquisition and Control Front-End / Gateway / Proxy Server / Mapping Services / Role-based Access Control TC13 6205653/61/62 Meter Standards 60870-5 101 & 104 61850-7-3, 7-4 Object Models 61850-7-2 ACSI 61850-8-1 Mapping to MMS Communication Industry Standard Protocol Stacks (ISO/TCP/IP/Ethernet) XML Messaging (work in progress) 60870-6-802 Object Models 60870-6-503 App Services 60870-6-703 Protocols

Equipment And System Interfaces Specific Object Mappings Field Object Models

Specific Communication Services Mappings

61334 power line

Protocol Profiles

Telecontrol Communications Media and Services TC13 Field Devices 6205653/61/62 Customer Meters 60870-5 RTUs or Substation Systems 61850 IED Field Devices XML Messaging External Systems (e.g., Substations) 60870-6 TASE.2 Other Control Centers

WAN Communications Media and Services

61850 Substation Devices

External Systems (Symmetric client/server protocols)

IEDs, Relays, Meters, Switchgear, CTs, VTs Peer-to-Peer 61850 over Substation bus and Process bus

*Notes: 1) Solid colors correlate different parts of protocols within the architecture. 2) Non-solid patterns represent areas that are future work, or work in progress, or related work provided by another IEC TC.

Figure 8-2 IEC TC 57 Reference Architecture

Tremendous progress has been made to understand how to better organize, construct, and use technologies. However, this progress has often taken place in parallel efforts that either ignore or only partially understand each other. This has led to technologies that overlap, conflict, and do not interoperate. Therefore, some of the most important efforts now need to go into harmonization of different technologies so that they can, at worst, co-exist, and at best, fully interoperate.


ADA Development Roadmap

One such effort is the harmonization of the CIM and IEC 61850 object models. The CIM abstract objects were constructed as a model of the power system, so that CIM objects reflect their role within power system operations. On the other hand, the IEC 61850 abstract objects were constructed to model physical devices, such as circuit breakers, which contain significant amounts of data not directly relevant to their role within the power system (e.g. oil temperature, manufacturers name). After both efforts resulted in standards, it was determined that they were not truly interoperable without additional definitions, constructs, and guidelines on their implementation. This work is currently being undertaken by the IEC TC57 AdHoc WG07. Additional efforts are currently underway to extend the CIM to include market operations and to extend the IEC 61850 objects (as separate standards) to cover objects for Distributed Energy Resource devices. These include DER generator models and models for DER prime movers, such as wind turbines, reciprocating engines, fuel cells, and others in the future. These efforts are being coordinated and funded by EPRI and E2I, but will be submitted to the IEC for standardization. Support of and participation in the standardization process is critical to getting buy-in from all of the stakeholders involved in ADA. The bulk of qualified industry experts participates in these standards and related groups, but has limited time to participate purely on a voluntary basis. Direct funding of activities involving these experts is a very cost effective way to accelerate the standardization process and overcome some of the inertia often associated with the standards development process. Demonstration of various aspects of concepts and technologies being considered during the standardization process is also an important factor in the overall communications technology roadmap. Early adoption by equipment vendors will be significantly enhanced if they are involved in small scale, yet real-world demonstrations of hardware and software to help them gauge the market size and viability. These observations lead to the identification of five fundamental R&D tracks in the communications infrastructure roadmap: Communications Media Communication Protocols Object Modeling and Database Schemas Consumer Systems Interface Federated Services (security, addressing, network management, system performance assessment)

Each of these tracks must address the following issues: Basic R&D requirements What core research needs to be done in each track prior to moving to the standardization and pilot deployment stages? Identify which candidate technologies in this track are viable. 8-5

ADA Development Roadmap

Applicable standards utilization, development, and evolution What existing standards are applicable to this track? Where are their gaps, inconsistencies, or conflicts? How do the relevant standards need to evolve to facilitate implementation of the technology associated with each track?

Cost of implementation What are the present day economics of the technologies associated with each track? Are there ways to reduce cost and if so, what are the key assumptions necessary to achieve such cost reduction?

Legacy implications What role does legacy system support and interaction play in developing and implementing the technologies in each track? Is the legacy problem so severe that it effectively renders the candidate technology or ADA function unimplementable? How does one create an economic model that can be used to clearly indicate when legacy systems are costing more to maintain than replacement with new systems would cost?

Demonstration project opportunities and benefits Are there obvious pilot project opportunities for the technologies associated with each track? What kinds of pilot projects can be utilized to facilitate/accelerate standards development, vendor buy-in, customer buy-in, or regulatory agency buy-in? What is the mechanism of transferring lessons learned from pilot projects to the stakeholders?

Immunity/susceptibility/neutrality to technology evolution Power system equipment, systems, and infrastructures tend to (need to) have long lifetimes. How does the application of advanced technology that evolves at a pace faster than power system designers normally expect impact system maintainability, asset stability, reliability, and unexpected/forced equipment obsolescence?

Identification and mitigation of barriers to implementation What are the barriers to implementation of the technologies associated with each track? Barriers might include social, political, financial, legacy related, engineering complexity and other issues. How are these barriers mitigated, at what cost, and in what time frames?

Interaction and interdependency with ADA engineering issues (e.g. control strategies, system topologies, power system equipment, etc.) What is the relationship between communications technologies within and between each track? What is the relation ship between communication technologies and ADA engineering issues such as control strategies, system topology options, equipment selection, etc? Primarily, identify key technology interactions where one technology only becomes viable if another is assumed to be available and with specified constraints.


ADA Development Roadmap

The following sections describe each research track and put the issues listed above in context for that track. 8.2.1 Communications Media This track addresses the physical media necessary to support the various ADA functions. There are a variety of communications media available in the market today that are well established, standardized, field proven and robust requiring no additional base R&Dparticularly traditional wired (copper and fiber) communications media. Some base R&D may be appropriate however in the wireless, power line carrier, and ground wire carrier areas. These technologies are important because of another key issue - cost. A key constraint of implementing ADA is likely to be the cost of providing communications with the required quality attributes to each piece of power system equipment involved in implementing a particular function. Wireless and power line carrier technologies are more likely to be cost effective for devices deployed out on distribution feeders. 8.2.2 Communication Protocols At some point in the development and deployment of a particular ADA function, equipment and systems must communicate using one or more underlying communication protocols. At the application levels, specific protocols may be isolated through proper use of object-oriented design and abstraction but history has shown that the underlying protocol mappings can be the source of a multitude of implementation issues. These issues include practical versus theoretical interoperability between vendors, legacy interactions, and protocol religion. Communication protocols are generally highly standardized to facilitate interoperability and widespread adoption so once candidate technologies are identified, technology transfer, development, and codification of those technologies within standards bodies is highly desirable. Generally there exists a relatively small pool of experts qualified to participate in the process of standardizing a particular communications protocol. Mechanisms should be found to fund participation of those experts to minimize the time required to develop and publish a standard. Communication protocols are often difficult to visualize when they only exist on paper. Pilot projects and small demonstrations in the field and in the lab during the standards writing process can be very beneficial in accelerating development, identifying candidate solutions, and eliminating poor solutions more efficiently and early in the process. 8.2.3 Object Modeling and Database Schemas No matter what communication protocol is utilized at the transport layer, a standardized means of describing objects (object modeling) is required. In its simplest form, this can be thought of as standard names for standard things. In practice, object models must also define expected behaviors of objects under various conditions. Every object in the power system that needs to be 8-7

ADA Development Roadmap

involved in implementing ADA systems needs to have an object model defined. This research track is concerned with developing those object models following a consistent modeling approach. Related to object modeling is database schemas. If systems that depend upon databases are to interoperate, the schema for those databases need to be codified and consistent to facilitate easy integration of new applications and the merging of disparate systems. Core R&D may be required to evaluate database technologies, standardized database access APIs and underlying schemas to determine which approaches are most appropriate for specific function implementations. Database schemas are another area where religious and legacy barriers may come into play. 8.2.4 Consumer Systems Interface There are several ADA functions that involve interaction with customer side equipment, information systems, and humans. This includes implementation of customer side load control as part of an overall ADA control strategy, permitting the customer to determine the status of the system in abnormal situations, empowering the customer to participate in demand response programs related to the implementation of ADA functions, and other customer side empowerment opportunities. Core R&D resulting in the creation of detailed requirements specifications and use cases for the communications interface (hardware and software) between the load serving entity and the consumer may be a worthwhile aspect of this track. In fact, standardization of this interface is probably a requirement before high volume, low cost solutions to the consumer portal problem become available. Demonstrations of what a consumer portal might look like from a user interface point of view are required to communicate the concepts and capabilities of this new concept to stakeholders that are empowered to accelerate or stop the development of these systems. Core R&D in developing the business models associated with taking advantage of consumer systems interfaces are necessary to identify the best possible applications of the technology and accelerate its penetration into the market. 8.2.5 Federated Services A variety of globally available, system wide services are necessary to be able to practically implement and operate any communications infrastructure. These services are those that cut across many application domains and functions within those domains. Examples include security services, name resolution, device addressing, and network management.


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All of the other issues identified above need to be addressed in the various sub-components of federated services. These services actually form the core of the communications architecture and present the most significant departure from how utility communication systems have been implemented in the past. For this reason, they deserve the most attention to help ensure that they evolve to an efficient and effective infrastructure upon which to build systems. Of these federated services, security is a major component that adds significant complexity to every component in the communications architecture. It must be designed in from the start however, if a secure system is to be realized. The following comments relate to security. Core R&D is required to evaluate the impact security has on the engineering performance of power system devices when security is implemented. This is an important issue if vendors and customers are considering or being required to upgrade existing equipment to implement secure communication protocols and access control. Implementing cryptography, for example, may increase the processing requirements of an embedded system 30% or more. Standards participation is critical in this area. Consensus must be reached on how to secure the IEC 61850 family of protocols. Standardized means for securing legacy systems must also be addressed. Progressive, trial implementations need to be put in place to evaluate the impact of candidate methodologies and to permit evaluation of the resulting cryptographic security level of real world devices. Also, standards need to be established to identify mechanisms to implement role based authentication for authenticated users on objects and data at rest and in transit. The addition of security into a system can have significant cost impacts. These must be considered realistically and economic evaluation tools developed to help project managers and system designers accurately estimate the implementation costs of new systems that implement and utilize security services. Work on the communication technologies and associated services are critical to the overall ADA initiative. This is the reason for the initial effort in CEIDS around the IECSA project and object model definitions for ADA/DER. This is a high priority area for continued research because it enables many of the other ADA research areas and functions.


Sensors and Intelligent Monitoring Systems

There is considerable work under way for the implementation of intelligent monitoring systems at the substation level. The Carolina Power & Light example provided previously illustrates how intelligent applications can be integrated with system operations to improve system reliability and performance. The EPRI Distribution Fault Anticipator research initiative and Power Quality Reliability-Centered Maintenance projects are other examples of implementing intelligent monitoring applications.


ADA Development Roadmap

There is also work under way to develop intelligent sensors. This work focuses on adapting sensor technologies from other industries to power system applications. Sensor research will focus on new discrete low-cost sensor devices and new embedded sensors in other distribution equipment, and by a communication and data collection system to go with the sensors. The following approach is being planned: 1. Develop a list of what parameters need to be monitored and at what locations based on ADA requirements. 2. Determine types of sensor equipment and support equipment for the sensors are needed for the monitoring requirements defined in Step 1. 3. Assess the state of the art in sensor technology and the sensing capabilities of new and emerging distribution field equipment. For example, what sensing functions could the intelligent universal transformer and other power electronic equipment being deployed in the distribution system of the future provide? 4. Identify key technology gaps for the sensing and monitoring systems needed for ADA. Assess the technical and economic feasibility of a development project to fill the gaps. 5. Develop technical specifications, a cost estimate for development work, and schedule for the development phases of the project. For initial applications, first generation networked sensor and data collection system will use existing technology wherever possible. 6. If there is sufficient feasibility, proceed with laboratory development and field prototyping of a specific overall networked sensor and data collection system concept, including conforming the equipment to standardized open communication architecture with backwards compatibility with major legacy communication systems. 7. Develop specifications for the commercial products. Identify shortcomings and technology gaps that may be addressed in other project work and/or a second-generation family. It is expected that any equipment that is developed in follow-up phases will be major technology leaps involving fundamental new concepts. Adaptation of existing technology and other simple engineering exercises would be left to the private sector. With appropriate sensor networks, intelligent monitoring system applications can be expanded to include information from throughout the distribution system for more accurate assessment of system performance and equipment performance issues.


Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT)

As Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the associated hardware become more reliable and economically feasible, there will be a trend toward exploiting more of their features like coordinated protection and control. The interconnection must therefore evolve to reflect these progressively higher levels of functionality. This increase in functional capabilities provides a logical roadmap for the development of a universal interconnection system (or at least a universal interconnection object model specification, which is under development). Figure 8-4 shows this evolution in three generations. The development of a universal interconnection system uses a virtual test bed and a beta test site to validate each higher level of functionality. 8-10

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However, it is very possible that manufacturers will implement interconnection systems as part of actual DER technologies and that the standardized interconnection will consist of standardized object models, protection practices, and control protocols. This technology is a critical step to implementation of distributed controls for DER devices and operation of these devices in an islanded mode and within microgrids, while also operating within the overall distribution system.

Figure 8-3 Roadmap for development of a universal interconnection technology for DER


Industry Standards

Participation and support for the development of industry standards is a critical part of the effort required to achieve progress in the overall ADA vision. The vision requires that intelligent devices and local controls on the distribution system be interoperable. This requires careful implementation of standards for the device object models and definitions of the required functionality for each device and application. This is perhaps the most important need of the entire research portfolio.


ADA Development Roadmap

Industry standards and laws have already started to address many of the concerns and requirements associated with the ADA vision. These include: IEEE 1547 and other IEEE standards UL 1741 Standardized Large Generator Interconnection Final Rule Fact Sheet FERC Docket No. RM02-1-000, July 23, 2003 IEC TC57

However, implementation of guidelines for the functionality of individual applications and object models for a wide variety of intelligent devices are required. These standards must be coordinated on an international basis (IEC).


Intelligent Equipment (Continuous Two-Way Communications)

A wide variety of equipment (devices) on the distribution system must become intelligent as part of the ADA development. This includes transformers, var control devices, power quality management devices, monitoring equipment and sensors, protection devices, voltage regulation equipment, etc. The standards effort described above is a key part of this. The object models for all these devices muse be developed and standardized. The role of each of these devices must be specified in the overall control system requirements. Communication protocols that take advantage of the standardized object models must be specified. This level of interoperability will allow third part development of overall system controls that can interface with equipment throughout the distribution system.


Adaptable Dynamic Protective Philosophy (ADPP)

Designing a relaying scheme, particularly for distribution systems that can operate in a variety of configurations (radial, networked, microgrids) will require a system that is completely flexible and adaptable based on system conditions (and expected system conditions). The protection system must exhibit both dependability and security. Dependability is defined as the degree of certainty that a relay or relay system will operate correctly (IEEE C37.2). In other words, dependability indicates the ability of the protection system to perform correctly when required, whereas security is its ability to avoid unnecessary operation during normal day-to-day disturbances that occur outside the designated zone of operation. ADPP addresses the issue that the reconfigurable distribution system will change protection requirements whenever there is a disturbance or other condition that requires reconfiguration. For these situations, it will be necessary to change or adjust the relaying philosophy until the 8-12

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system returns to normal. The change to the philosophy, which would typically consist of changing the settings of certain relays, could be triggered automatically by the circuit reconfiguration or it could be adjusted based on expected conditions that are identified using predictive simulations. This concept must be taken to the next level for ADA. Protection systems must be continually adaptable for widely changing system conditions. These include load conditions, system topology changes, two way power flows, island and microgrid operation, etc. These are major changes to protection philosophies that require changes in mindsets for distribution protection engineers. The changes will occur gradually as the system topologies change and the communications infrastructures improve to support the requirement. The technology for implementing ADPP requires a robust communication system and standard protocols for identifying system conditions and the required response of the protection system. Currently, protection configurations are changed very seldom, primarily for security and safety reasons. The robustness of communication and control systems must be assured before the protection functions will be completely integrated.


New Power Electronics-Based Components

Power electronics technologies will play an increasingly important role in the ADA vision. Previous developments of solid state switches, Distribution Voltage Restorers (DVRs), and Distribution Static Compenstors (DSTATCOMs) provide an excellent base for implementation of next generation technologies. Important development efforts will include: Solid state switchgear Intelligent Universal Transformer (IUT) Voltage control and reactive power control technologies that are integrated with other applications (DER, end user devices, IUT)


Advanced Computing and Control Systems

The overall computing and control system architecture must tie all of the developments together to actually achieve the benefits of ADA. Major advancements in these systems will be required to optimize system performance in the steady state, respond to disturbances to improve reliability and quality, and perform continuous simulations to predict contingencies and initiate actions to avoid problems. Important development areas for these computing and control systems include: Distributed computing (intelligent network agents and embedded systems) New control systems with real time state estimation (simulation tools) Load flows and stability simulations for distribution systemsmany new models required (controls, IEDs, smart devices) Optimize voltage control and energy efficiency of overall system Reliability and quality assessments on real time basis 8-13

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Fast simulation and modeling to anticipate disturbances, equipment problems, and customer conditions and take control actions to prevent problems and optimize the response to conditions identified.

8.10 Evolution Path for ADAResearch and Development Projects

Figure 8-5 (end of this section) lists a range of important projects that are required to facilitate the ADA vision. Initial cost estimates for the projects are indicated. Note that these estimated costs are very preliminary and can be considered educated guesses on the part of the project investigators. As the projects themselves are defined in more detail with specific scoping studies, the overall budgets for the individual research efforts will be refined accordingly. The individual projects and coordination requirements for the projects are described briefly in this section. These projects build on and coordinate with other research work under way around the world and the cost estimates assume a high level of coordination with other research efforts. The cost estimates also assume that the majority of costs associated with demonstrations, hardware implementations, and software products, are the responsibility of the host utilities and the commercial entities developing and implementing the products. These project summaries describe components of a new research initiative to develop the overall ADA concept. Coordination with other research initiatives (both US and international) is indicated. The different components of the research initiative are illustrated in Figure 8-4 and described in the following sections.
System Topologies (Configuration, protection, control)

Communication architecture and information model development

New technologies (power electronics, IUT, etc.)


Sensors and monitoring systems (intelligent monitoring)

Advanced distribution controls (coordinated distributed intelligence)

Figure 8-4 Different parts of the ADA research initiative


ADA Development Roadmap

8.10.1 System Topologies (Configuration, Protection, Control) Feeder and Network Evolution to Support ADA This project will evaluate preferred system topologies, protection strategies, and control strategies for implementation of advanced distribution automation functions and capabilities. It will build on the roadmap plans with detailed evaluation of alternative system configurations, identification of costs and benefits of the alternatives, and development of recommendations for preferred system approaches for ADA implementation. It is a multi-year effort that must coordinate with the development of actual technologies (power electronics, switchgear, sensors, monitoring, and control applications) and communications infrastructures. Advanced System Reconfiguration Capabilities One of the important concepts in the early migration to the full ADA system implementation is the ability for smart and fast reconfiguration of distribution systems. This results in faster restoration for system faults and the ability to reconfigure for more efficient and reliable operation of the system. The project will look at reconfiguration options for both radial and networked systems. Technology requirements and control system requirements will be determined. There are many projects under way involving system reconfiguration management for response to outages and improved system performance. The DV 2010 initiative is one example. Future projects should build on previous research and pull together the requirements for system reconfiguration technologies and systems to reduce the costs of these systems and allow third party development of advanced controls to optimize performance. Distribution System Protection with ADA Existing distribution protection systems involve fixed settings for coordination between devices on the system. These settings can be changed remotely in many advanced devices (intelligent relays, reclosers, and sectionalizers) but systems to adjust these settings continuously in coordination with system topology changes, changing load characteristics, DER applications, and the dynamics of inrush characteristics following disturbances and outages have not been developed. These are all needed for the adaptable protection systems in the ADA concept. The project will build on commercially available equipment to define adaptable protection systems to meet the needs of the ADA system with DER integration and flexible system configurations. Support for Local Islanding with DER Achieving the most benefit from local generation systems requires the capability to operate in an islanded mode with smooth transitions from operation as part of the overall distribution system. These capabilities can be used to avoid outages or to aid in outage recovery for islandable parts of the system. Other operating contingencies might also be resolvable by islanding (e.g., voltage control and system stability concerns during heavy load periods). This project will develop and test an initial adaptable distribution system islanding building block concept, and will set the 8-15

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stage for subsequent development of more sophisticated concepts. An adaptable microgrid design will be developed that is safe, secure, and compatible with different system types, locations, and voltage levels and with different types of distributed generation and storage. DER integration and evaluation of microgrid concepts is the topic of considerable research throughout the world, especially Europe. The MicroGrids consortium is an excellent example. It is critical that the technologies and control systems developed by applicable throughout the world to achieve the economies that are needed. New projects to develop support systems and technologies for local islanding and microgrids operation should be coordinated closely with existing research efforts throughout the world. Other important projects for coordination and building on are SILIERE (EdF) for Wind Integration and the DISPOWER initiative in Europe (see discussions). 8.10.2 Communications Architecture and Information Model Development Distribution SCADA Systems with Open Communications Architecture This project will implement a small-scale distribution SCADA system on an operational distribution system at a host utility using equipment that supports an open architecture communications protocol such as IEC 61850. The objective will be to demonstrate connectivity, interoperability, and practical application of a small number of devices. Lessons learned from the demonstration will be fed back to participating vendors throughout the project and to a wider vendor audience upon successful completion of the project. Communication and Information Object Models for ADA Technologies No matter what form a future open architecture utility communications system takes on, object models are required of all power system devices that have the capability of communicating with the outside world. These object models can be documented using a variety of formatsIEC 61850 style tables, XML Schema and UML are popular options. This project will determine a universal format for documenting object models that is easily translatable into other formats without loss of information. The project will then attempt to create a comprehensive list of devices that need object models and this list will be prioritized. The project team will determine and document the method of prioritization. Finally, the project will spawn off one or more subprojects to begin developing these highest priority object models. Close coordination with standards organizations is critical to obtain and maintain industry buy-in and participation in the development process. Guidelines and Tools for Implementing Open Architecture Distribution Control Systems This project will perform the basic research necessary to translate current and on-going research in advanced distribution system control methodologies into rules of the road for implementing these new technologies. Methods for simulating the behavior of these control systems and their interaction with the power system will be developed. The creation of simple simulators to try out various approaches will be encouraged. 8-16

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Integrating Legacy Systems into New Control Systems with Open Architecture One of the biggest barriers to implementing any new technology in the electric utility infrastructure is the need to ensure that existing infrastructure can continue to function and interoperate with newer parts of the system. Business decision tools need to be made available to enable managers and executives to quickly evaluate the economics of replacing legacy systems versus installing gateway equipment or just leaving the system alone. This project will develop guidelines and tools that can be used to perform this evaluation for various aspects of distribution automation systems. In addition, the viability of a commercial market for protocol conversion devices will be determined. Concepts such as a legacy system universal translator will be explored that might help facilitate the transition of existing systems to an open architecture. Communication Architecture and Implementation Guidelines for Completely Distributed Control Systems with Security and Reliability Requirements Fundamental research into the application of modern distributed control theory to power system operation and control on the distribution system will be performed. Methodologies for calculating the stability of such control systems will be developed. Guidelines for when distributed control may or may not be a good candidate for a particular application will be developed as a screening tool. Communication Architecture and Implementation Guidelines for Consumer Portal and Integration with System Controls and Databases Specific design recommendations based on open architecture recommendations from projects like IECSA will be documented for use with Consumer Portal projects. Vendors will be reluctant to implement low cost, Consumer Portal enabling hardware and software until specific standards and design guidelines exist to ensure multi-vendor interoperability. In addition, specific database schemas, communications protocols, and object modeling guidelines need to be identified from the universe of possibilities laid out in the architecture to facilitate early adoption of the technology and future interoperability with systems deployed at a later date. 8.10.3 Technologies Solid State Switchgear Many of the capabilities of the ADA concept require fast switching (system reconfiguration, local island operation, microgrids, etc.). These switching operations will ultimately be best performed with solid state switches due to the number of switching operations involved and the need to perform the switching operations with minimal disturbance. Solid state switches can also improve capacitor switching, provide fast fault clearing, and limit fault currents. Solid state switchgear technology is continually under development and this will continue with many manufacturers, universities, and research organizations. Coordinating research projects should continually assess the state of the art in solid state switchgear, define requirements for the various applications where it is most applicable, identify important economic benefits of the applications, and provide guidelines for implementation. 8-17

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New Power Electronics Technologies New power electronic components for volt/VAR management, DER interconnection, microgrid operation, system reconfiguring, and other functions in advanced distribution automation (ADA) will be developed. A building block approach, similar to that of FACTS, will be used. The new equipment will be based on the latest trends in core power-electronic technologies. For example, new generations of power semiconductor devices will be used in designing the systems. This project complements all other ADA system projects by providing the components that will be needed to realize many of the overall ADA system concepts. Most of these power electronics technologies will be developed by manufacturers, rather than through EPRI research projects. However, EPRI and other research organizations can have a very important influence on these technology developments to assure that they are compatible with ADA system concepts and will integrate with overall system controls. When key technologies are not being developed in a timely manner by manufacturers, EPRI can step in and mobilize a collaborative effort to foster the needed development. ADA system development will define the needs and requirements for these technologies (communication requirements, integration requirements, performance requirements), as well as illustrate the economic benefits of implementing these technologies as part of the overall system design. Advanced Technologies for Flexible Power Quality and Reliability Managing the quality and reliability of the power supplied to end users can be enhanced with local application of advanced power electronics technologies. Custom power technology development (e.g. DVR, DSTATCOM) has been under way for a number of years and many example applications exist, illustrating the benefits that can be achieved. The economics of these technologies have not resulted in widespread application. The next generation of power electronic controllers may make these technologies more economically attractive, especially for local power quality and reliability requirements of some types of end users. The project should track developments in power electronic technologies, identify applications for quality and reliability management that can be economically attractive, and define the requirements for implementation of systems in these applications. Again, when key technologies are not being developed in a timely manner by manufacturers, EPRI can step in and mobilize a collaborative effort to foster the needed development. The project should coordinate with implementation of power electronics technologies in local devices that can perform these functions. This includes power electronics controllers for DER integration, the IUT, and power electronics for end user equipment (e.g., adjustable speed drives). IUT The IUT is a power-electronic replacement for conventional distribution transformers. It is envisioned as being ultimately available in all distribution voltage ranges. The added customer service functionality of the IUT includes, as examples: dc service, 400 Hz ac service, conversion of single-phase to three-phase service, and power quality enhancement functionalities, such as 8-18

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harmonic filtering and voltage sag correction. The additional operational benefits expected from the IUT include, as examples: standardization of design, elimination of oil dielectrics, reduced weight and size, and interoperability to act as a sensor and smart multifunctional node in advanced distribution automation. The Intelligent Universal Transformer has the potential to be a critical building block in the overall ADA concept. It provides the power electronics controller functionality for coordinated power quality management and voltage control. It provides the control functionality to coordinate local system operation with the overall supply system controls. It provides adaptable protection functionality to allow islanded and microgrid operation, as well as flexible controls for coordination during normal system operation, taking into account reconfiguration needs. Ongoing development of the IUT concept and technology should continue in a coordinated manner with the overall ADA concept requirements in mind. A laboratory bench model of the IUT is planned for initiation in 2004. The feasibility assessment (1001698) indicated that all these benefits could be realized only with an all-solid-state (power electronic) design that completely eliminates major traditional transformers from system design. It is noted that the power electronic system development will be carried out in parallel with the needed power semiconductor work, by using existing high-current power semiconductors and substituting the low-current devices later, when they become available. As the feasibility assessment showed, the low-current devices are needed to make the IUTs advanced powerelectronic system economically viable. As currently envisioned, the new power semiconductors that are needed will be obtained by working with vendors to evolve the needed devices with sample evaluation work funded by EPRI Strategic Science & Technology. It is believed that EPRI will not need to fund the semiconductor device development. 8.10.4 Sensors and Monitoring Intelligent Substation Monitoring Intelligent substation monitoring efforts are already under way. Examples include the Distribution Fault Anticipator (DFA) and intelligent applications being applied in conventional PQ monitoring systems (PQRCM - EPRI Program 3). Asset management systems are also employing intelligent monitoring systems. Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) are already standard in substations and these can be integrated with substation monitoring systems to provide more complete information about substation conditions without expensive investments in additional monitors. These devices include smart relays, reclosers, Digital Fault Recorders (DFRs) that are already being used in substations, capacitor bank controllers, voltage regulators, etc. Research should focus on standardizing applications and development of standard interfaces for IEDs to allow convenient integration with monitoring systems. These efforts lead to very convenient demonstrations that can have very fast paybacks. Carolina Power & Light has demonstrated the value of these systems to improving reliability and reducing operating costs. 8-19

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Advanced Sensor Development and Implementation Low-cost sensors with integrated communication capability are required to realize the ADA vision. They are required for continuous assessment of the distribution system performance in real-time state estimation systems and for feedback on proper operation of control functions with distributed control equipment throughout the system. They will provide critical information about performance in local microgrids as well as performance of the overall distribution system. Many new technologies are under development that may be appropriate for sensor applications on power systems. Research projects should track these developments and demonstrate performance, both in the laboratory and on actual systems, to assess the potential for widespread application. Projects should consolidate the performance and application requirements for sensor technologies needed for ADA functions so that researchers around the world have a target to develop towards with the various technologies. The communication technologies are particularly important and should be the topic of specific research to develop appropriate object models and performance requirements for different applications. 8.10.5 Advanced Distribution System Controls Substation Control System Development Substation automation is already widespread and many different substation control systems are available. These systems use many different proprietary communication technologies but can be integrated with other systems with appropriate gateways. Research projects should identify the requirements for the substation controller of the future, taking into account the distributed control system functionality of the ADA system. Interface and coordination requirements for the substation control system will be substantial. The research should identify appropriate migration paths from todays substation control technologies to the integrated controls that will be used in the future ADA systems. Improved Response to Outages Major power system outages may be prevented or mitigated and recovery processes may be accelerated via intelligent operating capabilities that are designed into the system. For example, smart sectionalizing, intentional islanding of parts of the system (e.g., using microgrids), use of back-up equipment, and emergency use of distributed generation may help in this regard. Suitable power system design configurations and associated electrical components and monitoring and control capabilities are needed to realize this sophistication in the power system of the future. Initial research in this area should focus on requirements definition for this function and integration requirements with other systems for outage management. Subsequent steps will specify individual technologies and controls that are applicable for the outage response function, in coordination with all other ADA system benefits and requirements.


ADA Development Roadmap

Volt/Var Management Systems The management of voltage profiles and var flows (losses) will be both more flexible and more complicated in the ADA system of the future. This project will develop the control strategy and an adaptable control technology that can be widely used for volt/var management in future power systems, including the control of multiple types of var sources (such as static var compensators, capacitor banks, intelligent universal transformers, and distributed generation). The new control technology will allow utilities to extract more value from the increasing variety of reactive power management equipment that will be available on their systems in the future. The use of equipment on the distribution system for automated volt/var management functions at both the transmission and distribution levels must be considered. Power Quality Management Systems New power electronic technologies, power electronics integrated with DER controllers, the IUT, and even customer systems provide a wide variety of opportunities for managing and controlling the power quality on the supply system. Some of these systems allow the implementation of flexible systems that can offer improved reliability and power quality for selected customers. Control systems and strategies are required to take advantage of these new technologies. The control systems must be coordinated and strategies for optimizing the performance must be developed. Fast Simulation and Modeling for Distribution Systems Continuous performance assessment and optimization of the distribution system requires a monitoring and simulation capability that can provide state estimation for the entire distribution system in real time (for analysis of existing conditions and predicting future conditions), including voltage profiles, load characteristics, var flows, harmonic distortion conditions, and even dynamic performance with distributed resources. Fast simulation tools integrated with distributed monitoring and communication systems will provide this capability. The simulation tool will have immediate applicability in current distribution operations, and it will be a key tool to aid in migration to ADA and the distribution system of the future. In particular, the simulation capability will allow rapid iterative simulation in response to changing operating conditions to enable automated system actions to prevent problems (predictive mode) and to maintain optimum system performance as conditions change (reactive mode). More quantitative detail on the benefits will be developed in the requirements definition and feasibility phase of the project. Advanced Management of System Performance and Efficiency New technologies (IUT, DER interface equipment, advanced controllers, and even end use devices) will provide significant opportunities to improve the system performance and the efficiency of operation, resulting in considerable cost savings for operating the distribution system. Distributed control systems coordinated with a master controller will be required to take advantage of these advanced technologies in a variety of different system configurations. The emphasis of this effort should be on loss reduction, voltage performance management, and reliability management using fast simulation modeling and analysis tools. The systems developed should be appropriate for both network and radial systems and should support the topologies specified for ADA implementation.


ADA Development Roadmap

Adaptable Distributed Control Systems A flexible and adaptable hierarchical control capability, using distributed intelligence throughout the distribution system, will be developed to support maximum flexibility and functionality in the distribution electrical system, while being compatible with both open communication architecture standards and legacy architectures. The control system technology will enable the strategic, economic and reliable operation of distribution systems with embedded distributed generation and other new intelligent electronic devices and with ADA system reconfiguring options. The distribution control system will also be capable of coordination with systems controlling transmission operations and will interface with end-use control systems at the Consumer Portal.


ADA Development Roadmap

Figure 8-5 Important initial projects for the ADA research initiative


ADA Development Roadmap

8.11 Opportunities for New Technology Demonstrations

Some likely candidates for new technology demonstrations are listed here. IUT and other new power electronic technologies Advanced sensors Communication technologies PLC Wireless Others

Monitoring equipment interfaced to sensors and communication technologies Microprocessor-controlled components with communications Open architecture communicationsintegration of components that support the open architecture, especially for demonstration of the object models. Local control functions (distributed computing and intelligent agents) Substation level control functions to integrate components and optimize performance DER with local controls and communications for coordination Integration of DER functions (multi-function) into central control with communications for optimized system performance Customer level systems with intelligent controls and communications for coordination Integration of control functions with customer level systems (e.g. harmonic control, load management, voltage control, var control, etc.)e.g. intelligent universal transformer Fast simulation and modeling tools (data management, advanced algorithms, specific applications, state estimation, system modeling techniques) Integration of substation level controls with transmission system and overall system controls

Each research initiative should include a component of the research for demonstration of important elements of the technology being developed. Demonstrations can take many different forms and it is a critical part of the research effort to demonstrate the viability and value of the development. Examples of demonstration approaches include: Verification of results with simulations of system performance and characteristics Laboratory demonstrations (e.g. communication protocols, object model implementation, interfacing of different technologies and control systems) Limited field demonstrations (application of local controls or intelligent devices on a distribution system, new sensors and monitoring technologies, communications system implementation, interfacing with selected customer systems). Large scale demonstrations (demonstration of many functions interacting on an overall distribution system with integrated controls, real time state estimation systems, etc.)


ADA Development Roadmap

8.12 Coordination With Other Research

Many existing research projects are included in the background description. The brief project descriptions for the recommended ADA initiative roadmap identify important research efforts for coordination as well. A much broader cross section of standards and research efforts is summarized in Appendix B.

8.13 Next Steps

The next efforts in the development will be establishing the value propositions for ADA using these different categories of benefits. The value propositions will lead to more widespread acceptance of the need for a completely automated system. The components of the research effort and the many research initiatives for coordination described in this report provide the foundation for a roadmap that will lead to the completely automated and flexible distribution system. A summary of some of the important milestones in the overall roadmap is provided in Figure 8-6.


ADA Development Roadmap

Figure 8-6 Illustration of important milestones and general flow of development in the ADA initiative


9.1 Documents

1. EPRI Technical Report 1003973, Investigation of the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Micro-Grid Based Power Systems, InterimReport, December 2001 2. 1547-2003 IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems 2003 3. DR Interconnection Issues: Standards, Technologies and Impacts on the Business Deal, E.J. Honton, PEAC Workshop on DR for TVA Distributors, September 10, 2002 4. Universal Interconnection Technology (UIT) Workshop Proceedings" (PDF 3.2 MB). July 25-26, 2002, Chicago, Illinois 5. EPRI Report 1000419, Engineering Guide for Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage Into Power Distribution Systems, December 2000 6. Substation Integration Pilot Project, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, March-April 2003. Tim Nissen and Doug Peterchuck , Omaha Public Power District 7. Distributed Generation Case Studies, Energy Info Source, December 2001 8. Economic Optimisation of an Australian Rural Electricity Network Using Automatic Circuit Reclosers with Remote Monitoring & Control, Leith A. Elder and Brian OSullivan 9. Distribution Voltage and Reactive Power Control at Georgia Power Company, Lee E. Welch, Senior Member, IEEE, Presented at IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference 2003 10. Impact of Automatic Service Restoration on the Reliability of Power Distribution Systems, Ying He, Goran Andersson and Ron N. Allan, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 11. Distribution Load RestorationA Case Study White River Valley Electric Coop, 12. Internet Peer-to-Peer Communication Based Distribution Loop Control System, Juancarlo Depablos, May 6, 2003, Virginia Tech Polytechnic Institute 13. T. Ackermann, G. Andersson and L. Soder Distributed Generation: A definition Electric Power System Research, Vol. 57, 2001 pp. 195-204. 9-1


14. Intention Islanding of Distributed Generation for Reliability Enhancement, Y.G.Hegazy, Member, IEEE and A.Y.Chikhani, Senior Member, IEEE. Presented at the CIGRE/IEEEPES International Symposium, October 2003, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 15. The impact of dispersed power generation in distribution systems, B. M. Buchholz and C. Boese, Presented at the CIGRE/IEEE-PES International Symposium, October 2003, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 16. Hybrid Plant of Renewable Stochastic Source and Multi-Level Storage for Emission-Free Deterministic Power Generation, Kai Strunz, E. Kristina Brock, Presented at the CIGRE/IEEE-PES International Symposium, October 2003, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 17. Wireless Technologies for Distribution Automation, Scott Schoenherr, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas. 18. Substation Automation - IED Integration and Availability of Information, John D. McDonald, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, March / April 2003 19. Plan Ahead for Substation Automation, Steve Haacke, Sam Border, Dehn Stevens, and Bob Uluski, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, March / April 2003 20. THE SITR/INPACT PROJECT: SOME CONCLUSIONS, Andr MAIZENER, BRETTEVILLE Olivier, BUSSIERE Jacques, WINE Jean-Marc, Presented at C I R E D 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Barcelona, 12-15 May 2003. 21. BC Hydro Experience Using A Small STATCOM to Address Utility Voltage Problems 22. Need to Revise Switched Capacitor Controls on Feeders with Distributed Generation, Philip Brady, Chensong Dai, Y. Baghzouz, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas 23. Benefits of SVC and STATCOM for Electric Utility Application, M. Noroozian and C.W. Taylor, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas 24. EXPERIENCE WITH A DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORER FOR A CRITICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY, Roger Affolter and Bill Connell, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas. 25. A Summary of the Draft IEEE P1409 Custom Power Application Guide, D. Daniel Sabin and Ambra Sannino, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas. 26. Feasibility Assessment for Intelligent Universal Transformer, F. Goodman, et al, EPRI Technical Report 1001698, December 2002 27. Low Cost Current/Voltage/Power Factor Measurement Sensor: Phases I, II and III, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1006870 9-2


28. Split-Core PCB Rogowski Coil Designs and Applications for Protective Relaying, Ljubomir A. Kojovic, Presented at the 2003 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference in Dallas Texas 29. Coiled for Protection, Ljubomir A. Kojovic, Martin T. Bishop and Veselin Skendzic, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, May/June 2003 30. Advanced Distribution System Automation, Ljubomir A. Kojovic, Timothy R. Day 31. Retail Market Based Pricing: Three Cases, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2001.1006022 32. Network and System Management for Distribution Automation, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002.1001701 33. A Maintenance Free Monitoring Solution for Medium Voltage Overhead Networks, S. Lindgren and B. OSullivan, CIRED 2003, Session 2, Paper No. 82, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2003.


Web Sites

1. - European consortium working on the interconnection of small, modular generation sources to low voltage distribution systems defining a new type of power system, the MicroGrid 2. 3. - Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionGeneration Interconnection Activities 4. 5. www.dispower.orgDispower research project into high penetration levels of DG 6. automatic meter reading international See Appendix B for additional web site references related to individual standards development activities and research initiatives.


ADA Advanced Distribution Automation -complete automation of all the controllable equipment and functions in the distribution system - two major components - a flexible electrical (and electronic) architecture and a communication and control system based on an open, standardized communications architecture. Hence, looking into the future, it will be more appropriate to think of it as a power exchange system, rather than a distribution system. Automatic Meter Reading Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (USDOE is a sponsor) Combined Heat and Power Comprised of two major elements, object models and protocols. An object model is a detailed data template for the information exchange needed for monitoring and controlling a device. Protocols are the rules for transfer of the data Coincident Peak Pricing Distribution Fault Anticipator Decentralized Energy Management Distribution Efficiency Program (Georgia Power ) Distributed Energy Resources (Generation and/or Storage) Distributed Generation (used interchangeably with DER) Distribution Static Compensator Distribution Voltage Restorer

AMR CERTS CHP Communication architecture



Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

EPS FACTS FTU HMI Intentional Islanding (including microgrids) IED IUT

Electrical Power System Flexible AC Transmission System Feeder Terminal Unit Human- Machine Interface As an example, a section of the system may be intentionally islanded in an emergency to operate off its local distributed generation, with sag correctors and other power electronic controls Intelligent Electronic Device Intelligent Universal Transformer (a multi-functional powerelectronic device to replace distribution transformers)This is a current EPRI project - 1001698, Feasibility Assessment for Intelligent Universal Transformer A microgrid is a power system with distributed resources serving one or more customers that can operate as an independent electrical island from the bulk power system. Microgrids may range in size from a tiny residential application involving the islanding of a single house up to small-city-size islands with 100 MW of total load. Microgrids may operate fulltime independently from the bulk power system (and are never connected). Or, they may operate part-time in tandem with the bulk supply system during normal conditions but disconnect and operate as an independent island in the event of a bulk-supply failure or emergency. Network Interface Module Programmable Logic Controller (versatile modular microprocessor units with signaling, control and communication capabilities) Public Utility District- (distribution company) Unit capable of interrupting a fault and automatically closing again. See Circuit Breaker Rogowski Coil



PUD Recloser RC


Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

RTP RTU SA Sectionalizer SI Smart Sectionalizing SQRA STATCOM STS SVC UCA

Real Time Pricing Remote Terminal Unit Substation automation See Load Break Switch Substation integration EPRI project - 1001696, Smart Feeder Development Security, Quality, Reliability, and Availability Static Synchronous Compensator Static Transfer Switch Static var compensator The principal open communications architecture is UCA, which is being standardized via such documents such as IEC 61850 and others. Utility communication architecture Universal Interconnection Technology, Defines a standard architecture for interconnection of DER system functions



The Consortium for the Electric Infrastructure to Support the Digital Society (CEIDS) is conducting a fundamental research project to define the communication architecture for the electrical infrastructure of the futurethe Integrated Electrical Communication System Architecture (IECSA). This research project started with defining all the important functions on the power system that will make use of the communication infrastructure and then defined the important requirements of all these functions. Functions for automation of distribution systems are an important part of this function list. The functions defined that are related to ADA are listed here. Updated information from the IECSA project can be found at the following web site: (Figure A-1).

Figure A-1 CEIDS IECSA collaboration web site


Appendix AADA Function Listing from IECSA Project

Distribution Operation Modeling and Analysis (DOMA) Modeling transmission/sub-transmission system immediately adjacent to distribution circuits Modeling distribution circuit connectivity Modeling distribution circuit connectivity Modeling distribution nodal loads Modeling distribution circuit facilities Distribution power flow Evaluation of transfer capacity Power quality analysis Loss analysis Fault analysis Evaluation of operating conditions

Substation & Feeder SCADA Fault Location, Isolation & Service Restoration (FLISR) DA indicates the faults cleared by monitored protective devices DA determines the faulted sections based on SCADA status and analog data DA determines the fault-clearing non-monitored protective device based on trouble call inputs DA generates switching orders for fault isolation, service restoration, and return to normal (taking into account the availability of remotely controlled switching devices, feeder paralleling, and cold-load pickup) Operators executes recommended by DA switching orders by using SCADA Operator authorizes the DA application to execute switching orders in closed-loop mode DA considers creation of islands supported by DER for service restoration

Feeder Reconfiguration & Transformer Balancing (FRTB) Service restoration Overload elimination Load balancing Transmission facilities overload Loss minimization Voltage balancing Reliability improvement


Appendix AADA Function Listing from IECSA Project

Transformer Life Extension Recloser/Breaker Monitoring & Control Optimal Volt/VAR Control (capacitors, regulators, DER, SVCs, DSTATCOMs) Power quality improvement Overload elimination/reduction Load management Transmission operation support in accordance with T&D contracts Loss minimization in distribution and transmission

Control of Transformer LTC Distribution System Monitoring and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Real time power system modeling and analysis of distribution operations Update topology model Update facilities model Update load model Update relevant transmission model Update and analyze real-time operating conditions using distribution power flow/state estimation Update system capacity based on real-time equipment monitoring data Issue alarming/warning messages to the operator Generate distribution operation reports and logs

Relay protection re-coordination Contingency analysis Distribution power flow and state estimation Load, energy, and DER forecasting Planned outage management Monitoring contractual operating parameters Asset management A-3

Appendix AADA Function Listing from IECSA Project

Demand response RTP interface Pre-arming of Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) Coordination of emergency actions Coordination of restorative actions Intelligent Alarm Processing





The objective of this section is to create map between the identified research tracks from the R&D roadmap and research and standards related activities throughout the industry and government. This map has taken the form of grid that shows research and industry standards that apply to the roadmap tracks and attributes identified in this report. In the grid, each research project or relevant standard is referenced through an index that guides the reader to a summary of that work in sections following the grid. The grid is divided vertically in a hierarchical fashion, with ADA functions identified in the IECSA project at the highest level, then characteristics or attributes of those research areas. There is duplication at the lowest level of the hierarchy but as the individual area share characteristics. The items in the grid uniquely relate to the characteristics for the ADA function referenced. Section B.3 contains a set of articles that describe various research projects and reports covering topics related to ADA. Each article is numbered sequentially with a prefix of R to differentiate that article from the Standards references in Section B.4. The articles in Section B.4 describe various standards and standards groups that relate to DER and Demand Response. The standards are organized by the overall standard number and then by working group or subordinate documents. Grid references with only the overall standard number imply that the entire or substantially all of the body of the standard applies to the item in the grid. When one or more of the sub-sections of the standard apply in a more specific way, the reference is shown as a dotted reference, say 1.1, etc. Finally, the entries in the grid are color coded to indicate the degree of relevance for each item. The key can be found at the bottom of the grid.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards


Reference Grid


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards


Project Descriptions

Article #R1 Title: Utility System Integration Issues and Integration of DER into Building Control Systems Organization: DOE/EERE/DER Partner NiSource Contact: Pat Hoffman Email: Status Unknown A leading proponent of utility use of distributed generation, NiSource Energy Technologies Inc., supplies power and distribution services throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. NiSource will work with subsidiary utilities to identify the system integration and implementation issues for distributed generation and to develop and test potential solutions to these issues. The long-term goal is to design ways to extend distributed generation into the physical design and controls of a building itself. This work will provide data to identify the range of issues for integrated distributed generation to determine solutions to for a range of power users from small industry to residences Article #R2 Organization: DOE Title: Communications and Control Program DOE Program Contact: Eric Lightner Website: Status: Research In progress Communications and Control (C&C) is a new program within the DER that is chartered to provide enabling communications and control technologies to optimize the off- and on-grid operations of distributed energy components, subsystems, and systems. As a new program, the C&C sets out to establish an industry/government partnership to jointly pursue research, development, demonstration, and deployment of emerging technologies to address needs and opportunities relating to communications and control of integrated DER systems. Through these enabling communication and control technologies, various DER hardware and software components can be aggregated into an integrated operation with scalability to meet individual B-6

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

user, facility, and utility requirements. Further, the enhanced information flow and system control capabilities will allow practice of demand-side management. When this demand management is combined with an increased supply from aggregated capacities of DER systems, true values and benefits of DER can be fully realized to meet the nation's power generation, transmission, and distribution challenges. Article #R3 Organization: DOE DER C&C Title: Distributed Intelligent Agents for Decision Making at Local DER Levels Contact: Gerald L. Gibson Website: Status: Ongoing, Stage 1 SBIR contract The benefits of integrating Distributed Energy Resources (DER) into the U.S. electric power system are well documented. Unfortunately, electric utilities view DER as potentially disruptive to existing grid protection systems, and the increased use of DER would be hampered by the centralized control infrastructure currently in place. A new control and communication approach is needed for the full benefits of DER to be realized. Intelligent software agents could provide the needed communications, controls, and prognostics/diagnostics. However, to gain acceptance in the electric industry, intelligent agents must be shown to be stable and capable of responding to common system disturbances. This project will lay the groundwork for a hierarchy of intelligent power system agents that will enable DER to be more fully integrated into the U.S. power system. Feasibility will be demonstrated by developing and testing DER agents that respond to DER level disturbances, thereby facilitating acceptance within the power industry. Phase I will develop the high level requirements for a basic hierarchy of intelligent agents to coordinate the operation of the electric grid system by communicating and collaborating with one another. The DER level agents, operating at the bottom-most level of the hierarchy, will be further specified and minimal agents will be developed and tested. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by awardee: Intelligent software agents could be utilized in a variety of applications throughout the energy industry. Agents operating within the distribution and transmission systems could minimize the risk of terrorist attack. Article #R4 Organization: DOE DER C&C Title: Distributed Intelligent Agents for Decision Making at Local Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Levels Contact: David A. Cohen Email: Website: Status: Ongoing, Stage 1 SBIR contract This project will develop an adaptive, intelligent-agent-based information system to provide realtime, two-way communication and decision making between nodes in a distributed energy resources (DER) system. The design will consist of a collection of reusable intelligent agents that will interoperate within the many interfaces and devices on the power delivery infrastructure. The agents will provide not only analysis and response to electrical grid contingencies but also coordination with power electronics and grid protection schemes to enhance grid reliability. B-7

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Phase I will assess key system issues (software user needs, intelligent agent structure, objectoriented design, overall software system architecture, data models, communications requirements, decision logic, analytics, and business rules development), resulting in a detailed software development plan. This plan will be used in Phase II to create a commercialized version of the software, which will be tested in a real environment with actual DER devices connected to a major U.S. electrical system. Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by awardee: The DER intelligent information system should provide a mechanism to increase grid reliability and grid stability; enhance the ability of security agencies to respond to emergencies and contingencies; and unify the requirements of energy end users, energy system operators, and energy providers. Article #R5 Organization: E2I/CEIDS Title: Open Communications Architecture for Distributed Energy Resources in Distribution Automation Program Director: Frank Goodman Email: Website: Status: Ongoing Distributed Energy Resources Integration is subpart of larger advances in Distributed Automation. Changes to the electrical system and communication system are needed in order to improve the power delivery system. Individual equipment types, such as DER, must be made interoperable with overall infrastructure. This project addresses one key piece of such interoperability, namely object models for DER devices. Project Goals Improve the strategic value of DER in a system context Create the ability to use DER as a valuable resource in DA Enable interoperability of DER with a variety of other new distribution system and customer equipment Provide improved quality of service to end users (cost, reliability, power quality)

Project Objectives Develop, validate and pilot test DER device communication object models that will enable the strategic use of DER in DA for functions such as Routine energy supply, peaking capacity, voltage regulation, power factor control Emergency power supply, harmonic suppression, and disaster recovery operations (e.g., intentional islanding) Promulgate the object models as industry standards Coordinate with other related work, identify gaps and implement plans for filling the gap


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R6 Organization: E2I/CEIDS Title: Integrated Energy and Communications System Architecture (IECSA) Project Manager: Peter Sanza Website: Status: Research In progress The scope of the IECSA spans the entire power industry. The Integrated Energy and Communications System Architecture will form the foundation for a digital society. This architecture will enable new levels of automation, open new vertical markets, and provide new ways for business to reach the customer. It will include advancements in existing power systems as well as future power system operation scenarios. Concepts such as a "self-healing grid" that is self-aware and better able to respond to fault conditions will be incorporated, among other scenarios of how grid operations can be improved through distributed computing technologies. The IECSA project has set forth the following high-level objectives in defining an Enterprise Architecture: Develop a complete set of systems requirements and architecture documents to support industry-wide enterprise architecture for the self-healing grid and integrated consumer communications interface. Contribute project results as appropriate to relevant Standards Development Organizations (SDO's) and industry consortia to effectively move the development of key open standards forward to develop a robust industry infrastructure. Apply Systems Engineering to the development of the architecture including but not limited to: the elicitation and management of system requirements, analysis of requirements and development of proposed architectural designs, evaluation of architectural designs and the use of standardized industry notation for documentation of architectural views. Identify the potential for infrastructure sharing and synergy between power engineering operations and other application domains.

Article #R7 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.001 Develop SCADA Master Design with Open Systems (056142) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: This work provides a foundation for open standards development into field equipment and will offer the potential for easier maintenance and lower life cycle costs than existing legacy protocols. This project will apply the latest emerging open system standards to design and develop a SCADA master design for distribution automation. It will enable intelligent and smart feeders as well as other field equipment to support a variety of automation and monitoring applications. Designs will be based on the latest advancements in open data communications including industry architectures and international standards. This development will allow equipment from different vendors to interoperate while also being secure and scalable for larger equipment deployment. B-9

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Description: This work will focus on SCADA master designs that can integrate intelligent feeder equipment to support a wide variety of power engineering functions such as automated fault response, improved voltage and reactive power management, automated feeder switching, load balancing and reduction of system losses. It represents the initial development of a distribution management system based on open systems design. Particular importance is given to the application of emerging international open standards for communication with corporate systems to more widely integrate field data with other corporate and operating systems. Designs for the master station will apply systems engineering methods for requirements capture and designs. The project will also integrate available industry architectures for advanced utility automation. System designs will be developed and initially tested and refined in simulations that will cover both power engineering and data network communications simulations. Delivery Approach: The work will result in a series of technical reports covering the following areas: requirements for feeder automation will be defined, leading to design of specific equipment. These designs will specify the design of the data and the device models for open system communications. Simulation results will be used to refine designs as necessary. Successful simulation results will lead to the development of designs for real field equipment and workstation prototypes. Laboratory testing success will lead to field trials within utility systems. Open system specifications will be contributed to industry consortia and standards development organizations as appropriate to ensure that device designs and accompanying industry standards are consistent. Completion Criteria and Duration: This is a multi-year project. The initial project year will have delivered a report on requirements, simulations, and data and device object models (1002156). The work in 2004 will deliver a report on the prototype designs and devices, including laboratory testing. The project will be complete upon presentation of the feeder demonstrations in 2005 as sponsor-specific supplemental projects. Deliverables Report on Prototype Equipment Designs, Simulation and Lab Testing Technical Update (1002157), 12/31/04

Future Year Deliverables 2005Technical Report on Equipment Field Testing 2005Contributions to Industry Standards, as appropriate.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R8 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.002 Future Use of Legacy Systems (058575) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Energy companies will have the means to evaluate the mid- to long-term value of their current investment in SCADA and Distribution Automation technology. Comprehensive evaluation of existing automation will provide the basis for development of sound strategy to ensure invested capital in older distribution automation and SCADA systems are effectively integrated as the energy companies acquire lower-cost, modern, open-based automation. Description: Energy companies have been installing a variety of SCADA and Distribution Automation technology for decades. This equipment is presently in use, serving useful functions and represents a significant sunk investment. Many of these systems are built on proprietary technology or open systems that have limitations for supporting future utility needs. These systems can typically fall short when it comes to massive deployment and scaling of devices, greater levels of integration with new applications, administrative and security management and more widespread integration across the utility enterprise. Energy companies need to improve ways to migrate this installed legacy technology to more capable automation technology built upon open systems. One of the key decisions that must be made is to determine what legacy technology can be migrated to meet future needs or whether a given technology is inherently limited and should only be used for its life-cycle and supplanted by new technology. Delivery Approach: The project will assess existing energy company automation protocols and standards to identify those legacy systems that are presently in use and characterize strengths and limitations with regard to meeting future industry needs. It will also identify those legacy technologies that are candidates for developing integration strategies to future systems, and identify strategies by which legacy technology may be migrated to a mid-term future and a longer-term future. In addition, it will develop an assessment guideline that will allow energy companies to characterize the strengths and weaknesses of their own systems for supporting future automation needs. The assessment guideline should help companies understand if their existing technology can be migrated or if it should be left alone and ultimately supplanted by future technology. This project should develop contributions to standards organizations as appropriate to assist in the development of future migration for legacy technologies. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be complete upon publication of the legacy systems assessment guideline and completion of an application workshop in 2004. Deliverables Technical Report: Legacy Automation Technology Migration for Future Automation

Needs Technical Report (1008570), 12/31/04 Application Workshop: Legacy Automation System Assessment Guideline Conference/Workshop (E215315), 12/31/04 B-11

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R9 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.003 Feeder and Network Evolution for the Distribution System of the Future (058576) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Develop a power system engineering road map for evolution of the distribution system of the future via an orderly transition over time from legacy power system infrastructure; complements (but does not duplicate) the communication infrastructure work that is under way in other projects by advancing the associated power system engineering and electrical infrastructure. Description: The distribution system of the future will use Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) and new technologies, such as the intelligent universal transformer and sophisticated and interactive use of switched capacitors, sag correctors, voltage regulators, multi-function distributed generators, load management devices, and others. The legacy distribution system infrastructure must evolve in an orderly way over time to enable this distribution system of the future. The future electrical infrastructure should enable interoperability of the new distribution technologies in a way that provides new options to system operators for improving system performance and reliability through automated use of new distribution technologies, either individually or in combinations. This project examines what the overall electrical architecture of future distribution systems will look like and what roles and functions ADA and new distribution technologies will provide. The requirements for electrical integration of ADA and the new distribution technologies into distribution systems will be identified. A roadmap will be developed for transitioning from todays legacy electrical system designs to the system of the future. For example, as protection coordination or other components come due from normal replacement, what new components could be used in their place that eliminate incongruities with new distribution equipment? Development of key components that are identified will be done in follow-up phases. Sponsor approval and funding authorization will be sought prior to commencing the component development work. Delivery Approach: 1. Examine the electrical limitations of typical radial and network feeders to assimilate ADA and new distribution technologies (e.g., limitations on reverse power flow, action of line drop compensators and protection coordination, etc.). 2. Prepare a road map document that defines the distribution system of the future, including incremental actions to support infrastructure evolution (e.g., identify situations where new specific component types are needed to support advancement; identify steps that may be taken in the normal course of equipment replacement to reduce electrical limitations). 3. Prepare a set of recommendations relative to new equipment needs for possible development in follow-up projects.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Completion Criteria and Duration: The initial phase of the project will be complete upon publication of the roadmap document in 2004. New components will be developed in future years based on the results of the roadmap. Deliverables Roadmap Document: Transitioning the Legacy Electrical Distribution System to the Power Distribution System of the Future Technical Report (1008571), 12/31/04

Future Year Deliverables New protection, control, switchgear, sensors, or other electrical components may be developed in accordance with the roadmap document produced in 2004.

Article #R10 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.004 Distribution Fault Anticipator (DFA Phase II) (SP0766) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Provides energy companies with sufficient information and lead-time to repair or replace distribution components before a failure occurs. The product to be developed through this project will allow the companies to greatly reduce outages related to tree contacts and contaminated insulators. These two causes account for 25% of outages on overhead systems. Description: This project builds on the development and field-testing of the prototype DFA reported in 2003 (1002153). This work aims to develop a new generation of equipment that maximizes the operating life of equipment by anticipating likely failure with optimum replacement timing. This technology allows energy companies to greatly reduce the occurrence of service interruptions and lower system maintenance costs. In a related Tailored Collaboration project, 14 prototype fault anticipators are being installed on 70 circuits to monitor and collect field data where the cause could be determined. This project will use the event data collected to develop algorithms for predicting future events. Delivery Approach: Data collected from the prototype fault-anticipator field tests will be analyzed and used to create predictive algorithms capable of identifying the cause of the event observed. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be complete upon publication of the final report covering development of the prototype fault anticipator, collection of field test results and the development of algorithms that predict and identify the cause of events. This will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2004.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Deliverable Distribution Fault Anticipator (DFA Phase III): Report summarizing event recognition/detection results Technical Report (1001688), 12/31/04

Article #R11 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.005 Improved Capacitor Technology and Automation (051712) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: New capacitor technology will significantly reduce costs, improve system performance and reliability, and make aesthetic improvements to distribution capacitors and capacitor banks. Technology-driven solutions will be provided for distribution capacitor issues, such as nuisance fuse operations, grounding and lightning protection, capacitor automation, and padmount capacitor aesthetics. The project will provide improved capacitor technology and better utilization of existing capacitor assets. Description: This project will significantly improve distribution capacitors and capacitor-bank technology, based on direction and priorities indicated in the 2002 scoping assessment (1001691). That assessment identified seven follow-up activities, which were ranked by project sponsors according to two attributes: importance and urgency. The top-ranked follow-up activities were as follows: 1) solutions to nuisance fuse operations; 2) distribution feeder capacitors for transmission system VAR support and voltage stability; 3) grounding and lightning protection for capacitor controllers; 4) development of low-profile padmount capacitor; and tied for 4) application guide for feeder capacitor automation. The first two activities will be performed in 2003-2004. The other three items will be performed in 20042006. Delivery Approach: The nuisance fuse tripping work will include: 1) literature review; 2) Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) simulations to identify problem-prone circuit configurations; 3) evaluating effects of harmonics, loading and other issues on fusing; 4) field tests, if indicated as necessary in the simulations; and 5) recommendation for solutions. The work on using feeder capacitors for transmission support will include: 1) power flow simulations to determine how to optimally place and size capacitors and 2) identification of the control, communication, and centralized information infrastructure most appropriate for gathering information from many capacitor banks and interfacing with SCADA and other information systems. The grounding and lightning protection work will involve processes similar to the nuisance fuse work, but aimed at a different problem. The lowprofile padmount capacitor work will involve a three-year development program. The capacitor automation application guide will address infrastructure requirements and cost/benefit evaluations.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

These activities will be completed according to the schedule below. Additional follow-up activities may be identified as they emerge. In the fall of 2004, a major workshop will be held for project sponsors to transfer results from the fusing and transmission support activities, to provide interim results on the other three activities, and to develop an updated activity plan for work beyond these initial five activities. Throughout the entire project, sponsor input will be used to guide funding allocations between the activities and to aid in key project activity decisions. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be completed with the delivery of the products described below. Deliverables Solutions for Fusing and Transmission Support Activities Technical Report (1008572), 9/30/04 Grounding/Lightning, Low-Profile Padmount, and Automation Application Guide Technical Update (1008573), 12/31/04 Improved Capacitor Technology: Workshop to transfer results of first two activities, discuss interim status and plans for completion of other three activities, and update the multiyear project plan for future years Conference/Workshop (E215316), 10/31/04

Future Year Deliverables 2005Grounding/Lightning: Final reports on grounding/lightning and automation application guide activities. 2005Padmount Capacitor: Technical update on padmount capacitor development activity. 2006Padmount Capacitor: Final report on padmount capacitor development activity. 2006Padmount Capacitor: Padmount capacitor product ready for commercialization by vendor/partner.

Article #R12 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.006 Intelligent Universal Transformer (051716) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Provides an advanced power-electronic system replacement for conventional distribution transformers, which is called the intelligent universal transformer (IUT). The IUT not only will step voltage (the function of traditional transformers), but also will provide the capability for increased customer service options and significant system operating benefits. The IUT would make possible a scalable, configurable, programmable, transformable, and multifunctional approach to serving the customer.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Description: The intelligent universal transformer will be a state-of-the-art power electronic system and not a transformer device in the traditional sense. It will, however, replace conventional distribution transformers with a power electronic system that not only steps voltage as traditional transformers do, but also adds customer service benefits (e.g., dc service, conversion of single-phase to three-phase service, and power quality enhancement functionalities, such as harmonic filtering and voltage sag correction) and system operational benefits (standardization of design, elimination of oil dielectrics, reduced weight and size, and interoperability to act as a sensor and smart multifunctional node in advanced distribution automation). In short, it is a revolutionary device that will open new frontiers in the power delivery business. The 2002 feasibility assessment (1001698) indicated that all these benefits can be realized only with an all-solid-state (power electronic) design that completely eliminates major transformers from the overall design. Delivery Approach: The product development will build on the 2002 feasibility study (1001698). Work in 2003 will include proof-of-concept design analysis to identify a suitable circuit topology, specify components, simulate performance, verify basic functions, estimate cost and performance, and determine the packaging and thermal management requirements (1002159). A specification will be written for the product development work, and the product will then be developed in 2004-2007, as follows: a detailed product design will be prepared, a laboratory bench model will be developed and tested (2004-2005), field prototypes will be developed and tested, and the product design will be refined and finalized for commercial readiness (2006-2007). It is anticipated that EPRI SS&T funding will be obtained early in the program to aid in funding the fundamental research to develop the needed core technologies. When the product development work begins, vendor cost sharing will be sought. During the prototype testing later in the program, Tailored Collaboration or direct cofunding will be sought. It should be noted that the power electronic system development will be carried out in parallel with the power semiconductor development, by using existing high-current power semiconductors and substituting the low-current devices later, when they become available. As the feasibility assessment showed, the low-current devices are needed to make the system economics viable. Completion Criteria and Duration: This is a multi-year project that will be complete upon delivery of the IUT product and commercialization plan in 2007. Deliverables Intelligent Universal Transformer Technical Update (1008574), 12/31/04

Future Year Deliverables 2005Detailed Design Work and Bench Model Testing. 2006Prototype Development and Testing. 2007Intelligent Universal Transformer: Containing the final results of the field prototype testing and functionality verification, final power electronic system design, controller design (hardware and software), package design, specifications for a commercial product and a commercialization plan. This constitutes delivery of the IUT product.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R13 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.007 Improve Capabilities for Automated Power System Response to Major Outages (058577) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Power system configurations, electrical components, and monitoring and control equipment will be identified and developed to enable energy companies to increase their automated system response to outage problems. Less outage time and reduced outage magnitudes will result. Some outages may be avoided altogether. These benefits, in turn, will reduce outage costs and will improve customer relations. Description: When a major power system outage occurs, or is imminent due to damage as may be attributable to disasters, the outage may be prevented or mitigated and recovery processes may be accelerated via intelligent operating capabilities that are designed into the system. For example, smart sectionalizing, intentional islanding of parts of the system (e.g., using microgrids), use of back-up equipment, and emergency use of distributed generation may help in this regard. Suitable power system design configurations and associated electrical components and monitoring and control capabilities are needed to realize this sophistication in the power system of the future. This project is targeted at improving the electrical infrastructure to enable increased use of automation in recovery operations. The electrical infrastructure improvements will consist of suitable power system design configurations (as will be described by guidelines and best practices) and new sensors and electrical and control equipment that may be needed. Suitable communication architecture and infrastructure are also needed, but they are covered in other projects. Although this project focuses on electrical infrastructure for improved outage recovery automation, its results will be a driver for other project activity on communication infrastructure. Delivery Approach: This project will be completed in phases. Phase 1 will assess the current state of automated response to outage problems and identify areas in which significant gains could be made via well-targeted R&D programs over a 3-5 year period. The work will identify what can realistically be accomplished in this short time frame to improve automated response to outages and what infrastructure is needed. Longer-term prospects for subsequent projects also will be noted. Specific technology will be developed in Phase 2 for the short-term horizon (3-5 years), followed by prototype testing and commercialization in Phase 3. The results of the scoping phase will be reviewed with the sponsors, and Phase 2 will not be started without approval and funding authorization from the sponsors. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be complete upon publication of guidelines and best practices for system configurations for automated response and commercialization of equipment and system technology, as specified in Phase 1.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Deliverables Scoping study and plan for work on guidelines and best practices for system configurations for automated outage response and development of electrical system architecture and associated equipment Technical Report (1008575), 12/31/04

Future Year Deliverables 2005-2007Future products will be developed in accordance with the findings of the scoping phase.

These products will include: (1) guidelines and best practices for electric power system design changes needed to improve the capability for automated response to system outages, and (2) new sensors and electrical and control equipment needed to improve automated power system response to major outages. Article #R14 Organization: EPRI/Distribution Automation Title: P124.008 Reliable Priority-Access Communication Infrastructure for Major Outage Recovery Operations (055807) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Provides energy companies with maximum control of operations and restoration efforts in recovery from major outages. The objective of this project is to evaluate the Pacific Mobile Emergency Radio System (PACMERS) as a candidate for a secure, unified wireless system for communications among stakeholders during recovery operations from major outages. PACMERS will replace multiple systems now required for these communications. It will allow energy companies to have continuous and secure communication links to key stakeholders (police, fire, media, and others) and to mutual aid partners. Description: This project did not receive sufficient interest to go forward. It is left in this listing for reference purposes and in case the interest in the project is revived. Energy companies require reliable, dedicated communication channels with interoperability between mutual assistance companies, law enforcement, National Guard, local, state and federal government, and other authorized emergency response entities to effectively meet the needs of the community and restore service during major emergencies. This project establishes a collaborative effort with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to evolve the needed communication infrastructure, based on an existing system, PACMERS, evolved in the military. PACMERS will be tested in regional pilot programs with utility partners. Recommendations will be made at the conclusion of the pilot projects as to whether the system should be more widely adopted and what the steps would be. B-18

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R15 Organization: EPRI/Metering, Measurement and Customer Integration Title: P125.001 Develop a Reference ANSI C12 Metering Implementation (058580) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Energy companies will be enabled to make multi-vendor procurements, gain competitive pricing advantages, and avoid single-vendor lock-in from proprietary metering equipment by developing and stabilizing the ANSI C12 open standards. Metering equipment, even though technically built to the ANSI standards documents, still may not interoperate without a reference standard to guide vendors, since there are a variety of potential options in the ANSI standards and some ambiguities. Description: Metering communications based on an open (nonproprietary) standard is the best way to ensure multivendor procurements, competitive pricing, and meter reading systems that can be independent of proprietary equipment. Significant progress toward development of an open standard for metering communications has been completed under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards C12 committee. The C12 committee documents have reached the point where verification of the standard for advanced communicating meters is necessary to validate the details and to define how to specifically apply the standard in real world equipment. This work will also assist in identifying any gaps or remaining ambiguities in the standard. The necessary details for independently developed interoperable equipment can only be finally worked out through implementations of the standards. Delivery Approach: The project will define the requirements for a reference implementation based on the work from ANSI C12 standards committees. It will also develop a design for a prototype meter and master station based on the requirements. In addition, it will construct a prototype meter and a client master station based on the reference implementation design for key functions under development within ANSI C12.19 (Meter Tables) and C12.22. The reference implementations can be developed into standards contributions and used as the basis for prototype meters. This work would include implementations of proposed security technologies now being proposed for meters. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project is complete when the reference specification has been constructed in prototype equipment and tested, and appropriate contributions are forwarded to the ANSI C12 Standards Committees in 2004. Deliverables Technical Report: Requirements and Design of a Reference Implementation for ANSI C12 based meters Technical Report (1008577), 12/31/04 Technical Report: Reference Implementation Meter and Master Station Construction and Testing Technical Report (1008578), 12/31/04 Contributions to ANSI Standards Committees, as appropriate Technical Update (1008579), 12/31/04 B-19

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R16 Organization: EPRI/Metering, Measurement and Customer Integration Title: P125.002 Integrate Metering and Common Carrier Communications Technology (058581) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: This project identifies technical strategies that enable energy companies to use lowcost communications technologies for customer communications based on open systems. Using common carrier communications can enable the electric industry to make use of available and emerging technology from the telecommunications industries. This work will help energy companies develop strategies to appropriately use these emerging infrastructures, building on the past work of open systems development for metering and other energy company support functions. Description: Common carrier communications technologies offer the opportunity for using shared infrastructures for metering and customer interface communications. Several issues need to be resolved such as quality of service, security, and technical interoperation with these systems. Research is necessary to determine the best approach to integrate this infrastructure with components such as revenue metering and customer gateways that are now in development. Delivery Approach: An investigation will be made to identify the issues related to operating energy company customer communications over common carriers such as telephone, cellular and other technologies. Alternatives to resolve the issues will be identified and recommendations made for using widely available communications technologies for energy company equipment communications. The need for any open standards development to effectively integrate energy company equipment with common carrier will be assessed and recommendations made for future work in this area. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be complete upon investigation of the communications technologies that can be applied to energy company data and revenue quality communications with remote and customer-sited equipment. The assessment will identify appropriate use of energy company-customer metering communications using common carrier wide-area communications. Deliverables Technical Report: Integrating Metering and Utility-Customer Communications with Common Carrier Communications Technical Report (1008580), 12/31/04


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R17 Organization: EPRI/Metering, Measurement and Customer Integration Title: P125.003 Develop Commercial and Industrial Communication Portal Infrastructure (058582) Website: Status: Research in 2004 Benefits: Enables the development of customer gateways and building automation equipment that is interoperable with standardized energy industry communications. Develops an open systems infrastructure so many vendors can build compatible and interoperable products for the energy and building automation industries. Description: The effectiveness of advanced metering and Real Time Pricing is not achieved through metering alone. The customers must have an effective way of automatically responding to dynamic prices that can vary by the hour. A customer communication gateway enables RTP and other communications to be sent to a customers building energy control system where actions can be taken by the customers system. This level of communication requires the integration of energy company wide-area network communications with the customers inbuilding networks, effectively integrating two independently developing open system environments. Open systems standards are developing independently for the energy industry and the commercial building automation industries. However, these two developing infrastructures can be logically integrated through the use of common object definitions and device models. This integration avoids incompatibilities as the two industries develop open standards. This is a key element to achieving infrastructures that support a wide variety of vendors that could develop products to serve both industries. This development would also eliminate a major roadblock to the effective response to real-time prices: the lack of compatible and interoperable equipment. Delivery Approach: Develop approaches to align technical initiatives and standards in key areas: IEC 61850 (Utilities), ANSI C12 (Metering), and ASHRAE SPC 135 (Commercial/Industrial customer networks). Work will build upon prior work to implement metering, with customer communication gateways based on open standards from the building and energy industries. The project will expand the implementation prototype equipment from prior EPRI integration work. Completion Criteria and Duration: This project will be complete upon development of the infrastructure specifications necessary to integrate the energy company communications with customer in-building networks; implementation and testing of the integration of a prototype meter, customer gateway and utility master station equipment; refinement, development and contributions to the open standards necessary to achieve interoperability between energy company and customer networks that support key functions such as security and real-time pricing.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Deliverables Technical Report: Development of a Commercial Industrial Communication Gateway Based on IEC 61850 and ASHRAE 135 Specifications Technical Report (1008581), 12/31/04 Contributions to Industry Standards, as appropriate Technical Update (1008582), 12/31/04

Article #R18 Organization: LBNL Title: Integration of Distributed Energy Resources The CERTS MicroGrid Concept Contact: Joseph Eto Email Website: Status: April 2002 Evolutionary changes in the regulatory and operational climate of traditional electric utilities and the emergence of smaller generating systems such as microturbines have opened new opportunities for on-site power generation by electricity users. In this context, distributed energy resources (DER) - small power generators typically located at users sites where the energy (both electric and thermal) they generate is used - have emerged as a promising option to meet growing customer needs for electric power with an emphasis on reliability and power quality. The portfolio of DER includes generators, energy storage, load control, and, for certain classes of systems, advanced power electronic interfaces between the generators and the bulk power provider. This white paper proposes that the significant potential of smaller DER to meet customers and utilities needs can be best captured by organizing these resources into MicroGrids. The Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) MicroGrid concept assumes an aggregation of loads and microsources operating as a single system providing both power and heat. The majority of the microsources must be power electronic based to provide the required flexibility to insure operation as a single aggregated system. This control flexibility allows the CERTS MicroGrid to present itself to the bulk power system as a single controlled unit that meets local needs for reliability and security. The CERTS MicroGrid represents an entirely new approach to integrating DER. Traditional approaches for integrating DER focus on the impacts on grid performance of one, two, or a relatively small number of microsources. An example of the traditional approach to DER is found in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Draft Standard P1547 for Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems. This standard focuses on ensuring that interconnected generators will shut down automatically if problems arise on the grid. By contrast, the CERTS MicroGrid would be designed to seamlessly separate or island from the grid and, reconnecting to the grid once they are resolved.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R19 Organization: NREL Title: Development of Innovative Distributed Power Interconnection and Control Systems NREL Technical Monitor: Thomas Basso Email: Website: Status: Report Issued November 2002 This report covers the first year's work performed by the Gas Technology Institute and Encorp Inc. under subcontract to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The objective of this threeyear contract is to develop innovative grid interconnection and control systems. This supports the advancement of distributed generation in the marketplace by making installations more costeffective and compatible across the electric power and energy management systems. Specifically, the goals are: 1) To develop and demonstrate cost-effective distributed power grid interconnection products and software and communication solutions applicable to improving the economics of a broad range of distributed power systems, including existing, emerging, and other power generation technologies. 2) To enhance the features and capabilities of distributed power products to integrate, interact, and provide operational benefits to the electric power and advanced energy management systems. This includes features and capabilities for participating in resource planning, the provision of ancillary services, and energy management. Specific topics of this report include the development of an advanced controller, a power sensing board, expanded communication capabilities, a revenue-grade meter interface, and a case study of an interconnection distributed power system application that is a model for demonstrating the functionalities of the design of the advanced controller. Article #R20 Organization: NREL Title: Development, Demonstration, and Field Testing of Enterprise-Wide Distributed Generation Energy Management System NREL Technical Monitor: Holly Thomas Email: Website: Status: Progress Report Issued April 2003 This report, submitted by RealEnergy (RE), is in fulfillment of deliverable D-1.4 of subcontract NAD-1-30605-11, the Annual Technical Progress Report. It is a description of REs evolving command and control system, called the Distributed Energy Information System (DEIS). This report is divided into six tasks. The first five describe the DEIS; the sixth describes REs regulatory and contractual obligations. Task 1: Define Information and Communications Requirements Task 2: Develop Command and Control Algorithms for Optimal Dispatch Task 3: Develop Codes and Modules for Optimal Dispatch Algorithms Task 4: Test Codes Using Simulated Data Task 5: Install and Test Energy Management Software Task 6: Contractual and Regulatory Issues

Each task represents one chapter in this annual technical progress report. B-23

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R21 Organization: NREL Title: Distributed Energy Neural Network Integration System NREL Technical Monitor: Holly Thomas Email: Website: Status: Research In progress This report describes the work of Orion Engineering Corp. to develop a DER household controller module and demonstrate the ability of a group of these controllers to operate through an intelligent, neighborhood controller. The controllers will provide a smart, technologically advanced, simple, efficient, and economic solution for aggregating a community of small distributed generators into a larger single, virtual generator capable of selling power or other services to a utility, independent system operator (ISO), or other entity in a coordinated manner. Article #R22 Organization: NREL Title: Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection Systems: Technology Review and Research Needs NREL Technical Monitor: Thomas Basso Email: Website: Status: Report Issued September 2002 Interconnecting distributed energy resources (DER) to the electric utility grid (or Area Electric Power System, Area EPS) involves system engineering, safety, and reliability considerations. This report documents US DOE Distribution and Interconnection R&D (formerly Distributed Power Program) activities, furthering the development and safe and reliable integration of DER interconnected with our nation's electric power systems. The key to that is system integration and technology development of the interconnection devices that perform the functions necessary to maintain the safety, power quality, and reliability of the EPS when DER are connected to it. Article #R23 Organization: NREL Title: Enterprise-Wide Distributed Generation Energy Management System NREL Technical Monitor: Holly Thomas Email: Website: Status: Ongoing To apply distributed generation (DG) across an enterprise or as a virtual utility for reliable and economic power generation, effective tools for management and control are required. The goal of this project is to develop and perfect a system to monitor and control DG for optimal performance and operation. This work examines design and operational issues, communications standards, and experience with regulatory and market barriers while implementing this business approach.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R24 Organization: NREL/DEER Title: Integrating Distributed Generation with Electric Power NREL Technical Monitor: Ben Kroposki Email: Website: Status: Ongoing To make large-scale system integration feasible for distributed generators (DGs), a costeffective, mass-produced universal interconnection (UI) system must be developed. General Electric (GE) is examining the technical issues associated with interconnecting DG with the electric grid to develop a UI system to facilitate DG interconnection. The GE approach is to: Develop a virtual simulation test bed (VTB) for DGs and their interface to a utility, incorporating models of the DG, its loads, and the affected EPS components Conduct case studies to evaluate the DG effect on EPS power quality, protection, reliability, and stability Determine the effect to the utility network of increased DG penetration relative to existing network hardware, such as reclosers, and the ability to respond to faults Develop, build, and test an interface for safe and reliable DG interconnection.

Article #R25 Organization: PNNL Title: Advanced Communications/Controls for Integrated Energy System Operations DOE Program Contact: Eric Lightner Principal Investigator: Steve Hauser Status: Research In progress In FY02, PNNL with input from a broad range of industry will conduct a study of potential benefits of developing and deploying technology enabling universal communications and control among energy generating, distributing, and consuming equipment. The study will identify the primary potential benefits, such as better fuel utilization, lower capital investment costs for energy system expansion, reduced spinning reserve requirements, and more stable energy prices. It will then quantify the more significant of these potential benefits by conducting engineering and economic analyses estimating the range of their impacts.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Article #R26 Organization: PNNL Title: GRIDWISE Contact: Staci Maloof Email: Status: Research In progress This program, called GridWiseTM, draws upon new technologies enabling collaboration among generators, the grid and customer loads to collectively increase the stability and costeffectiveness of the power system beyond what is possible today. The project foresees solutions that involve adapting and influencing information, and control technology approaches to deliver a reliable energy infrastructure that's in step with the information revolution in the nation's economy in general. Major corporations like IBM, Alstom, PJM Interconnect and Sempra have created an alliance to jointly define this vision for the smart grid of the future with DOE's Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution. As part of GridWiseTM, PNNL engineers are designing smart chips that would be fitted onto household appliances and would continually monitor fluctuations in the power grid. When the grid is under high periods of stress, a grid-friendly appliance would identify these fluctuations and, within milliseconds, automatically shut down for a short period of time to give the grid operators time to stabilize the system. It could even turn on momentarily to absorb excess power from fluctuations during a crisis.


Standards Descriptions

The articles in this section describe various standards and standards groups that relate to DER and Demand Response. The standards are organized by the overall standard number and then by working group or subordinate documents. Grid references with only the overall standard number imply that the entire or substantially all of the body of the standard applies to the item in the grid. When one or more of the sub-sections of the standard apply in a more specific way, the reference is shown as a dotted reference, say 1.1, etc. Standard Reference #S1 ANSI C-12 Electric Metering Standard Reference #S1.1 ANSI C12.10-1997 American National Standard for Watthour Meters This standard covers the physical aspects of both detachable and bottom-connected watthour meters and associated registers. These include ratings, internal wiring arrangements, pertinent dimensions, markings, and other general specifications.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S1.2 ANSI C12.18-1996 Protocol Specification for ANSI Type 2 Optical Port Details the criteria required for communications with an electric power metering device by another device via an optical port. It also provides details for a complete implementation of an OSI 7-layer model. Standard Reference #S1.3 ANSI C12.19-1997, IEEE Std 1377-1997 Utility Industry End Device Data Tables Abstract: Functionally related utility application data elements, grouped into a single data structure for transport are described. Data may be utilized peer-to-peer or upstream to readers or billing systems by being carried by one lower layered protocol to another stack of lower layered protocol. The data structure does not change from end device to the user of the data. Standard Reference #S1.4 ANSI C12.21-1999 Protocol Specification for Telephone Modem Communication The standard details the criteria required for communications between an electric power metering device and a utility host via a modem connected to the switched telephone network. The utility host could be a laptop computer, a master station system, an electric power metering device, or some other electronic communications device. The standard does not specify implementation requirements of the telephone switch network to the modem, nor does it include definitions for the establishment of the communication channel. Standard Reference #S1.5 ANSI C12.22-200x Protocol Specification for Interfacing to Data Communications Networks This working draft for a standard extends C12.18 and C12.19 to support data network communications at the meter. The work is currently advancing under the joint involvement of NEMA/ANSI, AMRA/IEEE and Measurement Canada. This document defines interfaces between ANSI C12.19 compliant devices and network protocols. Standard Reference #S1.6 ANSI C12.23-200x COMPLIANCE TESTING FOR STANDARD PROTOCOLS AND TABLES (C12.18, C12.19, C12.21, C12.22) This document is a collection of compliance test procedures that aim to validate the implementation correctness of ANSI C12.19-1997/IEEE-1377 devices that communicate using ANSI C12.18-1996 Standard communication protocol ANSI Std C12.21-1999, Protocol Specification for Telephone Modem Communications, and ANSI Std C12.22-200x, Protocol Specification for Interfacing to Data Communication Networks.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2001, BACnet ISO 16484-5 and as European standard EN/ISO 16484-5 Contact: Claire Ramspeck Email: Website: A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks The purpose of this standard is to define data communication services and protocols for computer equipment used for monitoring and control of HVAC&R and other building systems and to define, in addition, an abstract, object-oriented representation of information communicated between such equipment, thereby facilitating the application and use of digital control technology in buildings. Standard Reference #S3 ANSI/IEEE C37.1-200x Standard for SCADA and Automation Systems Contact: John D. McDonald Email: Website: Rewrite is in progress. This standard applies to systems used for monitoring, switching, and controlling electric apparatus in unattended or attended stations, generating stations, and power utilization and conversion facilities. It does not apply to equipment designed for the automatic protection of power system apparatus or for switching of communication circuits. The requirements of this standard are in addition to those contained in standards related to the individual devices (e.g., switchgear). This is a significant revision of IEEE Std C37.1-1994. This revision reflects current technology that is generally being provided to meet the requirements of utilities today. Originally, this standard was a section of ANSI 37.2, which also contained device function numbers. ANSI C37.2-1970 was revised into two standards: IEEE C37.1-1979, Standard Definition, Specification, and Analysis of Manual, Automatic, and Supervisory Station Control and Data Acquisition, and IEEE Std C37.2-1979, Electric Power System Device Numbers. Standard Reference #S4 C37.111-1999 IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE) for Power Systems Contact: Bob Ryan, Website: Purpose: Provide a common format for the data files and exchange medium needed for the interchange of various types of fault, test, or simulation data is defined. Sources of transient data are described, and the case of diskettes as an exchange medium is recommended. Issues of sampling rates, filters, and sample rate conversions for transient data being exchanged are discussed. Files for data exchange are specified, as is the organization of the data. A sample file is given. B-28

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S5 IEC TC-57 Power System Control and Associated Communication Web site: IEC TC-57 Website Chairman: Monsieur Thierry LEFEBVRE Email: Scope: To prepare international standards for power system control equipment and systems including EMS (Energy Management Systems), SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), distribution automation, teleprotection, and associated communications such as power line carrier, used in the planning, operation and maintenance of electric power systems. Power systems control comprises control within control centres, RTU's (Remote Terminal Units) and substations including telecontrol and interfaces to equipment, systems and databases outside the scope of TC 57. Note 1: Standards prepared by other technical committees of the IEC and organizations such as ITU and ISO shall be used where applicable. Note 2: Although the work of TC 57 is chiefly concerned with standards for electric power systems, these standards may also be useful for application by the relevant bodies to other geographical widespread processes. Note 3: Whereas standards related to measuring and protection relays and to the control and monitoring equipment used with these systems are treated by TC 95, TC 57 deals with the interface to the control systems and the transmission aspects for teleprotection systems. Whereas standards related to equipment for electrical measurement and load control are treated by TC 13, TC 57 deals with the interface of equipment for interconnection lines and industrial consumers and producers requiring energy management type interfaces to the control system. Standard Reference #S5.1 WG 3: Telecontrol protocols IEC TC57 Working Group 3 was one of the first organizations formed with the goal of developing a common protocol for the utility industry. It initially focused on producing an extremely reliable data link layer protocol for slow serial links. This data link layer was designed to be used in either balanced point-to-point links or unbalanced multi-drop links, with several levels of reliability. A number of specifications have been produced under IEC 60870-5: 60870-5-1 Transmission Frame Formats 60870-5-2 Link Transmission Procedures 60870-5-3 General Structure of Application Data 60870-5-4 Definition and Coding of Application Information Elements 60870-5-5 Basic Application Functions 60870-5-101 Telecontrol (referred to as SCADA in North America) 60870-5-102 Load Profiling (energy measurement through accumulators) 60870-5-103 Protection Equipment (monitoring and control of relays) 60870-5-104 Telecontrol over TCP/IP B-29

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Although the 60870-5 companion standards can technically be used within a substation, TC57 has designated IEC 61850 (Working Groups 10, 11 and 12) as the primary standard within substations, while 60870-5 is to be used for telecontrol (to remote sites) only. Standard Reference #S5.2 WG 7: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations The Telecontrol Application Service Elements 1 and 2 (TASE.1 and TASE.2) protocols allow for data exchange over Wide Area Networks (WANs) between a utility control center and other control centers, other utilities, power plants and substations. 60870-6-503 Services and Protocol - This part of IEC 60870 defines a mechanism for exchanging time-critical data between control centers. In addition, it provides support for device control, general messaging and control of programs at a remote control center. It defines a standardized method of using the ISO 9506 Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) services to implement the exchange of data. The definition of TASE.2 consists of three documents. This part of IEC 60870 defines the TASE.2 application modeling and service definitions. Standard Reference #S5.3 WG 9: Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems This working group is responsible for two IEC standards: IEC 61334-4-41, 1996-03, Distributed Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems Part 4: Data Communication Protocols; Section 4: Application Protocol; Clause 1: Distribution Line Message Specification (DLMS) IEC 61334-6 (2000-06), Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 6: A-XDR encoding rule Standard Reference #S5.4 WG 10: Communication standards for substations: Functional architecture and general requirements Standard Reference #S5.5 WG 11: Communication standards for substations: Communications within and between unit and station levels Standard Reference #S5.6 WG 12: Communications standards for substations: Communication within and between process and unit level Working Groups 10, 11 and 12 were formed to focus on communications within substations, as opposed to distributed Telecontrol, which was the focus of Working Group 3, or communications between control centers, as in Working Group 7. Communications within the substation was divided into three levels: station, process, and unit. Initially each Working Group handled a different part of the architecture, but in later years they formed joint task forces to address mutual issues. These working groups have produced the 61850 standards:


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

61850-1 Introduction and Overview 61850-2 Glossary 61850-3 General Requirements 61850-4 System and Product Management 61850-5 Communications Requirements 61850-7-1 Principles and Models 61850-7-2 Abstract Communications Service Interface 61850-7-3 Common Data Classes (Object Models) 61850-7-4 Compatible Logical Node Classes and Data Classes (Object Models) 61850-8 Protocol Mapping 61850-9 Sampled Measured Values 61850-10 Certification Test Procedures IEC Technical Committee 57, Working Groups 10, 11 and 12, administers IEC 61850. Globally, IEC 61850 provides: Standardized information models for things like circuit breakers, transformers, and so forth; Information exchange methods to access the data of the information models, report sequences-of-events (SoE), log historical data, control devices, sampled value distribution, fast peer-to-peer process data exchange, etc.; A unified system configuration language (XML based) and device online self-description.

It does this for the following applications: protection and control; integration of innovative sensor and switch technologies; metering, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA); remote monitoring and fault diagnosis; automated dispatch and control; asset management; condition monitoring and diagnosis.

Standard Reference #S5.7 WG 13: Energy management system application program interface (EMS - API) To produce standard interface specifications for "plug-in" applications for an electric utility power control center Energy Management System (EMS) or other system performing the same or similar functions. A "plug-in" application is defined to be software that may be installed on a system with minimal effort and no modification of source code. This standard facilitates installation of the same application program on different platforms by reducing the efforts currently required.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S5.8 WG 14: System interfaces for distribution management (SIDM) Identify and establish requirements for standard interfaces of a Distribution Management System (DMS) based on an interface architecture. The standard is the first in a series of standards that, taken as a whole, define interfaces for the major elements of Distribution Management Systems. Subsequent standards will be developed in accordance with the interfaces defined in this task Standard Reference #S5.9 WG 15: Data and communication security Working Group 15 is tasked with making recommendations and standards for securing the other protocols developed within TC57. While the Working Groups in charge of those protocols control the specifications, WG15 is the source of technical leadership for security. WG15 also has scope to deal with protocols, like DNP3, that have been derived from the TC57 protocols. Standard Reference #S5.10 WG 16: Deregulated energy market communications Standard Reference #S6 IEC WG-88/PT 61400-25 Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants Contact: Mr. P.B. SIMPSON Email: Website: IEC TC-88 Website To prepare international standards for wind turbines that convert wind energy into electrical energy. These standards address design requirements, engineering integrity, measurement techniques and test procedures. Their purpose is to provide a basis for design, quality assurance and certification. The standards are concerned with all subsystems of wind turbines, such as mechanical and internal electrical systems, support structures and control and protection systems. They are intended to be used together with appropriate IEC/ISO standards. Standard Reference #S7 IEEE 1379-2000 Recommended Practice for Data Communications Between Remote Terminal Units and Intelligent Electronic Devices in a Substation Contact: John T Tengdin, Website: Purpose: This document recommends a particular subset of DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-101 for RTU to IED communications. The intent of this recommended practice was to give guidance to utilities that were having difficulty choosing between the many protocols available. In addition to specifying a recommended subset, it provides a comparison of the protocols and recommends methods for utilities to expand on the recommended subset as needed. It was updated in 2000 to include the LAN versions of these protocols. Besides its usefulness as a recommendation, IEEE 1379 is significant because it constitutes recognition of DNP3, which is otherwise a de facto standard only, by a standards organization.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S8 IEEE 1159.3 - Recommended Practice for the Transfer of Power Quality Data Contact: Scott Peele Email: Website: Scope: Develop a recommended practice for a file format suitable for exchanging power quality related measurement and simulation data in a vendor independent manner. Appropriate definitions and event categories to be developed by other task forces under SC22 and The Working Group on Power Quality Monitoring. Purpose: A variety of simulation, measurement and analysis tools for power quality engineers are now available from many vendors. Generally, they data created, measured, and analyzed by these tools are incompatible between vendors. The proposed file format will provide a common ground that all vendors could export to, import from to allow the end user maximum flexibility in choice of tool and vendor. Standard Reference #S9 IEEE 1390-1995 IEEE Standard for Utility Telemetry Service Architecture for Switched Telephone Network 1995 Contact: Paul Aubin, Website: This standard describes a utility telemetry service architecture operated over the telephone network. The architecture described is a basic transport architecture capable of supporting many different applications. The text is described in terms of a utility meter reading application, but any enhanced service provider (ESP) communication can be transported. Telemetry calls may be initiated by either the utility/service provider (outbound) or the telemetry interface unit (TIU)/CPE (inbound) on the end user's premise. Standard Reference #S9.1 IEEE 1390.2-1999 Standard for Utility Telemetry Service - Telemetry Interface Unit (TIU) to Telephone Network 1999 The telephone network interface to a telemetry interface unit operating under the utility telemetry service architecture is described. The interface is described in terms of a utility meter reading application, but any enhanced service provider communication can be transported. Telemetry calls may be initiated by either the utility/enhanced service provider (outbound) or the telemetry Interface unit/customer premise equipment (inbound) on the end users premise. Standard Reference #9.2 IEEE 1390.3-1999 Standard for Automatic Meter Reading via Telephone - Network to Utility Controller 1999 The telephone network interface to a utility controller operating under the utility telemetry service architecture is described. The interface is described in terms of a utility meter reading application but any enhanced service provider communication can be transported. Telemetry calls may be initiated by either the utility/service provider (outbound) or the telemetry interface unit (TIU)/ CPE (inbound) on the end users premises. B-33

Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S10 IEEE 1547 - Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Contact: Richard DeBlasio, Email: Website: This document provides a uniform standard for interconnection of distributed resources with electric power systems. It provides requirements relevant to the performance, operation, testing, safety considerations, and maintenance of the interconnection Standard Reference #S10.1 IEEE P1547.1 Draft Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Scope: This standard specifies the type, production, and commissioning tests that shall be performed to demonstrate that the interconnection functions and equipment of a distributed resource (DR) conform to IEEE Standard P1547. Purpose: Interconnection equipment that connects distributed resources (DR) to an electric power system (EPS) must meet the requirements specified in IEEE Standard P1547. Standardized test procedures are necessary to establish and verify compliance with those requirements. These test procedures must provide both repeatable results, independent of test location, and flexibility to accommodate a variety of DR technologies Standard Reference #S10.2 IEEE P1547.2 Draft Application Guide for IEEE P1547 Draft Standard For Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Scope: This guide provides technical background and application details to support the understanding of IEEE P1547, Draft Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Purpose: This document facilitates the use of IEEE P1547 by characterizing the various forms of distributed resource technologies and the associated interconnection issues. Additionally, the background and rationale of the technical requirements are discussed in terms of the operation of the distributed resource interconnection with the electric power system. Presented in the document are technical descriptions and schematics, applications guidance and interconnection examples to enhance the use of IEEE P1547. Standard Reference #S10.3 IEEE P1547.3 Draft Guide For Monitoring, Information Exchange, and Control of Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems Scope: This document provides guidelines for monitoring, information exchange, and control for distributed resources (DR) interconnected with electric power systems (EPS). Purpose: This document facilitates the interoperability of a one or more distributed resources interconnected with electric power systems. It describes functionality, parameters and methodologies for monitoring, information exchange and control for the interconnected B-34

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distributed resources with or associated with electric power systems. Distributed resources include systems in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics, wind turbines, microturbines, other distributed generators, and distributed energy storage systems Standard Reference #S11 IEEE 1588 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems Contact: Kang Lee, NIST, Website: The objective of IEEE 1588 is defined in the 'Scope' section of the Project Authorization Request approved by the Standard Board of the IEEE as follows. "This standard defines a protocol enabling precise synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems implemented with technologies such as network communication, local computing and distributed objects. The protocol will be applicable to systems communicating by local area networks supporting multicast messaging including but not limited to Ethernet. The protocol will enable heterogeneous systems that include clocks of various inherent precision, resolution and stability to synchronize. The protocol will support system-wide synchronization accuracy in the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock computing resources. The default behavior of the protocol will allow simple systems to be installed and operated without requiring the administrative attention of users." Standard Reference #S12 IEEE P1451.5 Draft Standard for A Smart Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators Contact: Kang Lee, NIST, Website: Scope: This project will establish a standard for wireless communication methods and data format for transducers (sensors and actuators). The standard will define a TEDS based on the IEEE 1451 concept, and protocols to access TEDS and transducer data. It will adopt necessary wireless interfaces and protocols to facilitate the use of technically differentiated, existing wireless technology solutions. It will not specify transducer design, signal conditioning, wireless system physical design or use, or use of TEDS. Purpose: Many companies are developing various wireless communication interfaces and protocols for sensors. An openly defined wireless transducer communication standard, that can accommodate various existing wireless technologies, will reduce risk for users, transducer manufacturers, and system integrators. It will enhance the acceptance of the wireless technology for transducers connectivity.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

Standard Reference #S13 OPC FoundationOPC Contact: Michael Bryant Email: Website: OPC is an industry standard based on Microsoft's COM (component object model) and .Net technologies. OPC (originally OLE for Process Control) consists of a standard set of interfaces, properties, and methods for use in process-control and manufacturing-automation applications. The .Net/COM technologies define how individual software components can interact and share data. OPC provides a common interface for communicating with diverse process-control devices and applications, regardless of the controlling software or devices in the process. Some portions of the OPC specification are being incorporated into IEC 61970, Energy Management System Application Program Interface, parts of which are in ballot now. Current and emerging OPC Specifications include: OPC Data Access Used to move real-time data from PLCs, DCSs, and other control devices to HMIs and other display clients. The Data Access 3 specification is now a Release Candidate. It leverages earlier versions while improving the browsing capabilities and incorporating XML-DA Schema. OPC Alarms & Events Provides alarm and event notifications on demand (in contrast to the continuous data flow of Data Access). These include process alarms, operator actions, informational messages, and tracking/auditing messages. OPC Batch This spec carries the OPC philosophy to the specialized needs of batch processes. It provides interfaces for the exchange of equipment capabilities (corresponding to the S88.01 Physical Model) and current operating conditions. OPC Data exchange This specification takes us from client/server to server-to-server with communication across Ethernet fieldbus networks. This provides multi-vendor interoperability! And, oh by the way, adds remote configuration, diagnostic and monitoring/management services. OPC Historical Data Access Where OPC Data Access provides access to real-time, continually changing data, OPC Historical Data Access provides access to data already stored. From a simple serial data logging system to a complex SCADA system, historical archives can be retrieved in a uniform manner.


Appendix BDescriptions of Related Research Projects and Standards

OPC Security All the OPC servers provide information that is valuable to the enterprise and if improperly updated, could have significant consequences to plant processes. OPC Security specifies how to control client access to these servers in order to protect this sensitive information and to guard against unauthorized modification of process parameters. OPC XML-DA Provides flexible, consistent rules and formats for exposing plant floor data using XML, leveraging the work done by Microsoft and others on SOAP and Web Services. OPC Complex Data A companion specification to Data Access and XML-DA that allows servers to expose and describe more complicated data types such as binary structures and XML documents. OPC Commands A Working Group has been formed to develop a new set of interfaces that allow OPC clients and servers to identify, send and monitor control commands which execute on a device.


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