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Halo, My name is Fannya

Nice to see you all.

I agree that teachers that work too hard are the ones that burn out.” For three reasons. First, the
phrase “too hard” indicate that teachers work in overload. This condition will make them lack of
work time, lack of nap, and will lose themselves. So that teachers can easily provoke with small
thing. Second, maybe they work too hard because they do all the tasks by themselves. They think
they must be expert with all of speciality in language like grammar, reading, listening, and speaking.
They should not have to do so. They can build a network with others teacher in different speciality.
As the result, when having problem or something to ask they know to whom they should ask. Third,
working too hard can make you lose of yourself. You do not need to prepare the material until late
night, always thinking of your students all the time, and so on. Teachers need to take a time to
themselves. Doing hobby, go outside with family, and watching movies. It good to giving attention
to yourself first before giving attention to your students. I can conclude that working too hard can
make you burn out easily because it is over load, do all things by own, and it can lose yourself..

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