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doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2010.03.034 J. Mol. Biol.

(2010) 398, 497–506

Available online at

Crystal Structures of Human HMG-CoA Synthase

Isoforms Provide Insights into Inherited Ketogenesis
Disorders and Inhibitor Design
Naeem Shafqat 1 , Andrew Turnbull 1 , Johannes Zschocke 2 ,
Udo Oppermann 1,3 ⁎ and Wyatt W. Yue 1 ⁎
Structural Genomics 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (CoA) synthase (HMGCS)
Consortium, University of catalyzes the condensation of acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA into 3-
Oxford, Oxford OX3 7DU, UK hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA. It is ubiquitous across the phylogenetic tree
2 and is broadly classified into three classes. The prokaryotic isoform is
Divisions of Human Genetics essential in Gram-positive bacteria for isoprenoid synthesis via the
and Clinical Genetics, Medical mevalonate pathway. The eukaryotic cytosolic isoform also participates in
University Innsbruck, the mevalonate pathway but its end product is cholesterol. Mammals also
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria contain a mitochondrial isoform; its deficiency results in an inherited
Botnar Research Centre, disorder of ketone body formation. Here, we report high-resolution crystal
Oxford Biomedical Research structures of the human cytosolic (hHMGCS1) and mitochondrial
Unit, Oxford, OX3 7LD, UK (hHMGCS2) isoforms in binary product complexes. Our data represent
the first structures solved for human HMGCS and the mitochondrial
Received 25 January 2010; isoform, allowing for the first time structural comparison among the three
received in revised form isoforms. This serves as a starting point for the development of isoform-
16 March 2010; specific inhibitors that have potential cholesterol-reducing and antibiotic
accepted 18 March 2010 applications. In addition, missense mutations that cause mitochondrial
Available online HMGCS deficiency have been mapped onto the hHMGCS2 structure to
25 March 2010 rationalize the structural basis for the disease pathology.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: mevalonate; ketone bodies; HMG-CoA; condensation; mitochon-
Edited by G. Schulz drial HMGCS deficiency

Introduction to form HMG-CoA and CoA. 2,3 The enzyme

belongs to the family of acyl-condensing enzymes
The compartmentalization mechanism of an that include thiolases, β-keto-acyl carrier protein
enzymatic activity into different cellular locations synthases, and polyketide synthases. While eubac-
is common in eukaryotes.1 In many cases, isozymes teria and lower eukaryotes encode a single cyto-
catalyzing the same chemical reaction are encoded solic HMGCS, two isoforms are found in higher
by multiple homologous genes localized in differ- eukaryotes: the cytosolic HMGCS1 and mitochon-
ent subcellular locations and involved in diverse drial HMGCS2.
physiological functions. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglu- The two mammalian isoforms participate in
taryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) synthase (HMGCS; distinct metabolic pathways. Cytosolic HMGCS1 is
EC catalyzes the condensation of acetoa- under the control of the sterol regulatory binding
cetyl-CoA (AcAc-CoA) and acetyl-CoA (Ac-CoA) elements and catalyzes the first committed step in
the mevalonate pathway.4,5 The HMG-CoA pro-
duced is converted by HMG-CoA reductase into
mevalonate, a precursor for cholesterol synthesis.6
*Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: Therefore, HMGCS1 is a potential drug target for; regulating serum cholesterol level and for develop-
Abbreviations used: HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3- ing novel antibiotics against certain pathogenic
methylglutaryl coenzyme A; Ac-CoA, acetyl-CoA; AcAc- Gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Enterococcus, Staphylo-
CoA, acetoacetyl-CoA; HMGCS, HMG-CoA synthase; coccus, and Streptococcus spp.), which depend on the
saHMGCS, S. aureus HMGCS; efHMGCS, E. faecalis mevalonate pathway for survival.7 Mitochondrial
HMGCS; bjHMGCS, plant HMGCS from B. juncea. HMGCS2 is under the control of the peroxisome

0022-2836/$ - see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
498 Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2

Fig. 1. Crystal structure of human HMGCS mitochondrial isoform (hHMGCS2). (a) Proposed reaction mechanism of
HMGCS. The Cys–His–Glu catalytic triad is labeled. (b) Topology of hHMGCS2 forming two structural regions. The
upper region consists of the thiolase fold (cyan) and the eukaryotic-specific helical extension (magenta). The lower region
contains the HMGCS-specific fold (yellow). (c) Dimeric arrangement of HMGCS. The entrance to the active-site tunnel is
indicated by an arrow.

proliferator regulatory elements8 and is involved in final step (hydrolysis), the resultant enzyme–HMG-
hepatic ketogenesis.9 The HMG-CoA produced is CoA intermediate is hydrolyzed to release the
converted into ketone bodies, which are important product HMG-CoA and regenerate the reduced
fuels during periods of fasting and starvation. cysteine.
HMGCS2 deficiency (OMIM 600234) is an inherited HMGCS from all phyla can be broadly classified
metabolic disorder that causes hypoketotic hypogly- into the bacterial isoform, the eukaryotic cytosolic
caemia after prolonged fasting.10 To date, no muta- isoform, and the mammal-specific mitochondrial
tions have been identified in the human cytosolic isoform. The reported HMGCS structures from
HMGCS1. bacterial pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (saHMGCS)
HMGCS catalyzes a three-step ping-pong reaction and Enterococcus faecalis (efHMGCS)15,17–19 and of the
involving a conserved Cys-His-Glu catalytic triad cytosolic isoform from the plant Brassica juncea
and an acyl-enzyme intermediate (Fig. 1a).2,11–13 In (bjHMGCS) 14 have shown that despite limited
the first step (acylation), His264/301† is thought to sequence identity (Supplementary Fig. S1), they
act as a catalytic base or H-bond donor12,14–16 for the share the conserved thiolase fold20 and catalytic
nucleophilic Cys129/166, which attacks the carbonyl machinery. Nevertheless, structural information is
carbon of Ac-CoA (first substrate), thereby transfer- lacking for a mammalian orthologue. The catalytic
ring the acetyl group to the Cys Sγ atom and domains of mammalian HMGCS1 and HMGCS2
releasing the reduced CoA. In the second step share ∼60% sequence identity, although HMGCS1
(condensation), the methyl group of acetyl-Cys is has an ∼50-residue C-terminal extension of unknown
deprotonated by the general base Glu95/132 to form function, whereas HMGCS2 has an ∼ 40-residue
a carbanion, which attacks the distal (γ-) carbonyl of N-terminal extension encoding the mitochondrial
the incoming AcAc-CoA (second substrate).13 In the targeting sequence. We report the crystal structures
of the catalytic domains of human HMGCS1 and
HMGCS2 in distinct product complexes: hHMGCS1
bound with CoA (product of the first, acylation step),
† Residue numbering hereinafter denotes human and hHMGCS2 bound with HMG-CoA (product of
HMGCS1/HMGCS2. the second, condensation step).
Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2 499

Results and Discussion previous observations that HMGCS enzymes from

diverse species are dimeric in solution.21–23

Overall structure HMGCS–product complexes elucidate catalytic

We have determined the crystal structures of
hHMGCS1 and hHMGCS2 catalytic domains to a The catalytic domains of hHMGCS1/2 were
resolution of 2.00 and 1.70 Å, respectively (Table 1). co-crystallized with substrates to trap reaction inter-
The two structures share a near-identical topology mediates or products. The structure of hHMGCS1
(rmsd of 0.447 Å for all Cα atoms) and are described co-crystallized with Ac-CoA revealed a bound CoA
together as hHMGCS1/2 unless stated separately (by-product of the acylation step) and an acetylated-
otherwise. hHMGCS1/2 adopts a common architec- Cys129/166 adduct at the active site. On the contrary,
ture composed of ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ regions co-crystallizing hHMGCS2 with both Ac-CoA and
(Fig. 1b). The larger upper region features the thiolase AcAc-CoA resulted in trapping HMG-CoA (final
fold conserved among acyl-condensing enzymes, product of catalysis). The identification of bound
built upon a compact five-layered αβαβα core with a products at the active sites, as revealed by well-
2-fold internal symmetry.20 The smaller lower region defined electron density (Fig. 2a and b and Supple-
is unique among HMGCS enzymes and consists of mentary Fig. S2), suggests that our hHMGCS1/2
several α-helices and β-strands. The interface be- constructs are active in situ. However, the dissocia-
tween the upper and lower regions defines a tunnel tion of reaction products from the enzymes was
that forms the active site. The structures of prevented presumably by crystal-packing contacts
hHMGCS1/2 reveal a common homodimeric assem- involving the surface entrance of the active site.
bly where the active-site tunnels of the two mono- The active site of hHMGCS1/2 (Fig. 2a and b)
mers are oriented away from each other (Fig. 1c). This consists of an extended 15 Å-deep tunnel that
dimeric arrangement, similar to the reported bacte- accommodates the substrates Ac-CoA and AcAc-
rial and plant HMGCS structures, buries ∼15% of CoA. The nucleotide moiety of the substrates is
total molecular surface. The dimer interface consists exposed at the tunnel entrance, while the pan-
of conserved interactions and is consistent with tetheine moiety fits into a hydrophobic sleeve at the
tunnel interior and directs the CoA thiol toward a
catalytic pocket containing the invariant triad
Table 1. Summary of diffraction and refinement statistics Cys129/166, His264/301, and Glu95/132. The
architecture of the active site is highly similar to
hHMGCS1 hHMGCS2 the reported bacterial and plant structures (compare
Data collection a and b with c and d, Fig. 2). In hHMGCS1/2, the
Wavelength (Å) 0.9999 0.9998 products CoA and HMG-CoA are anchored to the
Space group P43212 P1 active site in a similar configuration, via electrostatic
a, b, c (Å) 92.76, 92.76, 65.41, 83.51, 101.44
235.53 and polar interactions conserved across different
α, β, γ (°) 90.00, 90.00, 90.00 100.00, 108.08, 96.30 phyla. These include Asp43/Glu80 interacting with
Resolution (Å)a 2.00–50.00 1.70–35.00 the adenine ring, as well as Lys46/83, Lys269/306,
(2.00–2.05) (1.70–1.84) and Lys273/310 with the 3′,5′-ADP phosphates
Rmerge 0.128 (0.722) 0.08 (0.38)
I/σI 10.7 (2.6) 12.7 (2.1)
(Supplementary Fig. S2). In addition, hHMGCS1/2
Completeness (%) 94.4 (99.7) 97.2 (95.9) contributes a nonconserved residue, Asn167/204
Redundancy 5.0 (6.1) 3.8 (3.9) (equivalent to Pro in bjHMGCS and Gly in
Refinement saHMGCS/efHMGCS), whose side-chain hydrogen
No. of reflections 66,668 212,827 bonds with the diphosphates. The pantetheine
Rwork/Rfree 0.159/0.202 0.163/0.188
No. of atoms moiety is tethered by van der Waals and nonpolar
Protein 7150 14,379 interactions from hydrophobic residues lining the
Ligand/ion 96 232 tunnel sleeve.
Water 751 1463 The complex of CoA with hHMGCS1 acetylated at
B-factors (Å2)
Main chain 29.7 16.8
Cys129/166 (Ac-Cys129/166) represents the state of
Side chain and water 33.3 23.5 the enzyme after the acylation step, prior to release
Ligands 36.7b 32.0c of the CoA by-product. Ac-Cys129/166 is confor-
rmsd. mationally locked by a hydrogen bond between its
Bond lengths (Å) 0.013 0.010 carbonyl oxygen and the backbone amide of
Bond angles (°) 1.345 1.440
Ramachandran plot Ser377/414 (Fig. 2a). This juxtaposes Ac-Cys129/
Favoured (%) 97.9 98.4 166 for an optimal attack on its C2 methyl carbon by
Allowed (%) 2.1 1.6 the carboxyl oxygen of the general base Glu95/132
Numbers in parentheses represent data in the highest-
(the C–O distance is 2.6 Å), resulting in proton
resolution shell. abstraction from Ac-Cys129/166 and generation of a
The averaged B-factors for the 3′,5′-ADP and pantetheine carbanion intermediate. At this stage, the enzyme is
moieties are 39 and 32 Å2. primed for the condensation reaction involving the
The averaged B-factors for the 3′,5′-ADP and pantetheine
+ HMG moieties are 46 and 20 Å2.
incoming second substrate AcAc-CoA and the
carbanion intermediate.
500 Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2

Fig. 2. hHMGCS1/2 active site. Stereo view of the catalytic pockets in (a) hHMGCS1 and (b) hHMGCS2, bound with
CoA and HMG-CoA, respectively. The unbiased Fo − Fc difference maps (contoured at 3.0σ) shown for the ligands were
computed with the PHENIX ‘kick map’ subroutine,24 using model phases with the respective ligand (CoA and HMG-
CoA) omitted. In hHMGCS1, the catalytic nucleophile Cys129/166 is acetylated (Ac-C129/166). For comparison, the
active sites of saHMGCS bound with AcAc-CoA (c) (PDB code 1XPK) and bjHMGCS bound with HMG-CoA (d) (PDB
code 2FA0) are shown. The protein chains are coloured in the same scheme as Fig. 1.

On the other hand, the complex of HMG-CoA with the previously reported HMG-CoA-bound
with hHMGCS2 represents the enzyme after the structures (Fig. 2d), which proposed a role for
condensation and hydrolysis steps (Fig. 2b). The these residues in positioning the HMG moiety of
HMG moiety of HMG-CoA occupies the catalytic the enzyme–HMG-CoA adduct in a proper orienta-
pocket such that its β-hydroxyl group hydrogen- tion for the hydrolytic release of HMG-CoA.18
bonds to His264/301 and Asn343/380, while the Although no water molecules were observed in the
terminal carboxyl interacts with Glu95/132 and the vicinity of the HMG moiety, the HMG carboxylate
backbone amide of Ser377/414. This is in agreement oxygen, at a short distance (2.3 Å) from the Glu95/
Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2 501

Fig. 3. Structural comparison of hHMGCS1 with bacterial and plant homologues. (a) Cα superposition of hHMGCS1
(blue) with plant bjHMGCS (pink; PDB code 2F82) and bacterial saHMGCS structures (yellow; PDB code 1TVZ),
highlighting two regions of structural difference. (b) Surface representation of active-site entrance of hHMGCS1, coloured
according to sequence conservation (magenta, most conserved; cyan, most variable). The bound CoA and residues that
exhibit sequence variation across the phyla are shown as sticks. The potential pocket for inhibitor binding is indicated by a
dotted circle. (c) Sequence alignment of the six nonconserved residues illustrated in (b). The HMGCS sequences are
extracted from human (hHMGCS1 and hHMGCS2), plant, [B. juncea (bjHMGCS)], and bacteria [S. aureus (saHMGCS) and
E. faecalis (efHMGCS)]. (d) Surface representation of active-site entrance of bjHMGCS from the enzyme–inhibitor complex
(PDB code 2F9A), where the helical subdomain is disordered. Superimposed on the enzyme surface are the bound CoA
molecule (red) from the hHMGCS1 structure and the helical subdomain (yellow) from the apo-bjHMGCS structure (PDB
code 2F82).

132 carboxylate oxygen, may represent the site of a hHMGCS1/2, inserted between helices α8 and α9
water molecule ideally positioned to undergo of bacterial orthologues (region 1 in Fig. 3a).15 This
deprotonation by Glu95/132 and nucleophilic at- consists of two α- and two 310-helices and forms a
tack on the enzyme–HMG-CoA adduct. periphery ‘arm’ close to the entrance of the active-site
tunnel. This helical subdomain is present in the
Exploiting structural differences across the phyla previously determined bjHMGCS structure14 and is
conserved only among eukaryotes (Supplementary
Our data provide a first structural glimpse of the Fig. S1). However, sequence conservation within the
mammalian isoforms, which resemble the reported subdomain is low between bjHMGCS and
saHMGCS/efHMGCS (rmsd 2.2 Å) and bjHMGCS hHMGCS1/2 (27% identity; Supplementary Fig. S1)
(rmsd 1.2 Å) structures, but display significant and there are significant backbone differences (rmsd
differences in two regions (Fig. 3a). The most 1.85 Å). A second region of structural difference
distinguishing feature from bacterial HMGCS is a (region 2 in Fig. 3a) is the surface loop connecting
∼ 40-residue subdomain in the upper region of helix α7 and strand β12 of the upper region, which
502 Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2

exhibits diversity in both sequence and length across the structure. Therefore, further structure determi-
the fungi, metazoan, and plant kingdoms. The nation of enzyme–inhibitor complexes for both
hHMGCS1/2 loop is more extended due to an human and plant HMGCS will help the next
insertion of 5 and 11 residues relative to the plant generation of inhibitor development.
and bacterial sequences, respectively.
Our data, together with previous structures,14,15,17–19 Structural basis of HMGCS2 deficiency
complete the structural coverage for each of the
three HMGCS classes from human to plant to To establish a structural basis for mitochondrial
bacteria. This enables cross-species structural com- HMGCS2 deficiency, a metabolic disorder in ketone
parison to identify nonconserved regions that aid bodies formation, we have mapped the causative
the development of isoform-specific inhibitors, for mutations on the hHMGCS2 structure. Two non-
example, targeting the bacterial isoform for use as sense and 15 missense mutations have been identi-
antibiotics, or the eukaryotic cytosolic isoform for fied in the hmgcs2 gene of HMGCS2-deficient
use as cholesterol-lowering drugs. While there is patients (Table 2).25,27–29 The nonsense mutation is
strict sequence conservation at the bottom of the expected to result in nontranslation due to non-
active-site tunnel, our analysis highlights a number sense-mediated decay. On a protein level, it may
of nonconserved residues at the active-site entrance lead to a premature termination at Lys387/Arg424
of hHMGCS1 (Fig. 3b), which can potentially with an 84-residue C-terminal truncation, which
modulate different chemical properties on the encompasses the hHMGCS2 lower region and forms
pharmacophores. part of the active site. This mutation, when
The first group of residues (Asn167/204, Ile222/ translated, would likely generate a protein fragment
259, and Lys219/256) occupies gatekeeper positions with a misformed active site and devoid of activity.
at the tunnel entrance. Asn167/204 is hydrogen- The 15 missense mutations are distributed across
bonded to the CoA diphosphates (Fig. 2), an the entire hHMGCS2 polypeptide, with a majority in
interaction not present in bjHMGCS (Asn is replaced the upper region (Supplementary Fig. S3). The first
by Pro) or saHMGCS/efHMGCS (Asn is replaced by group of mutations affects amino acids in the
Gly) (Fig. 3c). Ile222/259 interacts with the substrate protein core or conformationally restricted areas.
pantotheine moiety via van der Waals and hydro- The side chains of Ile19/56, Leu229/266, Leu270/
phobic interactions and is replaced by polar residues Met307, and Ile370/407 are positioned within the
in bjHMGCS (Gln) and saHMGCS/efHMGCS (Lys hydrophobic core in close proximity (b 4 Å) to
and Asn). Lys219/256 is conserved in bjHMGCS, nonpolar residues. Introduction of I19/56N, L229/
but is substituted with the less bulky Ala in 266S, L270/M307T, and I370/407T mutations will
saHMGCS and Pro in efHMGCS. unfavourably place polar side chains into a highly
The second group of residues (Phe311/Thr348, hydrophobic region. Val17/54, Gly132/169,
Leu270/Met307 and Tyr267/Phe304) forms a hy- Gly175/212, and Gly351/388 are tightly packed in
drophobic pocket (circled in Fig. 3b) near the tunnel the thiolase fold. Mutations to bulky or charged
entrance that is not occupied by reaction substrates. residues (V17/54M, G132/169D, G175/212R, and
The upper ridge of this pocket is formed by the side G351/388R) might result in steric and electrostatic
chain of Phe311/Thr348 from the eukaryotic-specif- clashes. Thr196/233 is located in the core β-sheet of
ic helical subdomain. This residue is replaced by the the thiolase-fold, and its side-chain hydroxyl group
hydrophilic Thr in hHMGCS2 and Gln in bjHMGCS, contributes a hydrogen bond to Thr382/Ser419 on
and is absent in the bacterial structures. The floor of the neighbouring β-strand. The T196/233A muta-
this pocket is formed by Leu270/Met307 and tion would remove this interaction and potentially
Tyr267/Phe304, which are moderately conserved destabilize the fold.
across species both in sequence and polarity A second group of mutations involves the substi-
(Fig. 3c). This pocket can therefore be exploited to tution of arginine and lysine residues near the
bind substituent groups from inhibitor scaffolds to dimeric interface (R151/188H, K206/243E, R463/
improve selectivity and potency. Structure-based 500H, and R468/505Q). However, their side chains
drug design efforts have been reported for are not involved in intermolecule hydrogen bonds.
bjHMGCS, where binding of the polyketide inhib- The positively charged side chains of Lys206/243,
itor F-244 resulted in backbone displacement of helix Arg463/500, and Arg468/505 contribute a salt
α7 close to the equivalent hydrophobic pocket.14 A bridge each with the acidic residues Glu95/132,
similar conformational rearrangement could occur Asp459/496, and Glu78/115, respectively. On the
in the human enzymes on binding the inhibitor. other hand, Arg151/188 is involved in charge
Interestingly, F-244 was bound with its acyl tail neutralization with a cluster of acidic residues
protruding into the hydrophobic pocket of the (Asp85/122, Asp119/156, Asp149/186, and
bjHMGCS–inhibitor structure [Protein Data Bank Asn117/154). Therefore, substitution of the strongly
PDB code 2F9A] (Fig. 3d). However, interpretation positive charges (Arg/Lys side chain) with a weakly
of its binding mode was hindered because part of positive charge (His side chain) or negative charge
the acyl tail was disordered.14 Furthermore, much of (Gln/Glu side chain) will compromise the charge-
the helical subdomain (contributing to the upper neutralization effect.
ridge of the hydrophobic pocket in hHMGCS1/2; Y130/167C is the only reported mutation at
yellow helices in Fig. 3d) was also not modelled in the active site. The Cβ atom of Tyr130/167 is
Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2 503

Table 2. Summary of clinical mutations for hHMGCS2 deficiency

Alignmenta Consequence of mutation
Mutations hHMGCS1 bjHMGCS efHMGCS Protein stability Enzyme activity Predicted structural effectsb Reference
V54M V17 V I n.r. n.r. Steric and electrostatic clash
I56N I19 I I n.r. n.r. Protein misfold
Y167C Y130 Y Y n.r. n.r. Dimerization?
G169D G132 G A n.r. n.r. Steric and electrostatic clash
F174L F137 L Q Labile 104-fold decreased Steric clash 27
R188H R151 R K n.r. n.r. Change point charges
G212R G175 A G n.r. Not active Steric and electrostatic clash
T233A T196 S M n.r. n.r. Protein misfold
K243E K206 K R n.r. n.r. Change point charges
L266S L229 L F n.r. n.r. Protein misfold
M307T L270 L M n.r. n.r. Protein misfold
G388R G351 A L n.r. n.r. Steric and electrostatic clash
I407T I370 V I n.r. n.r. Protein misfold
R500H R463 R R n.r. Not active Change point charges
R505Q R468 K — n.r. n.r. Change point charges 26

Y84X Y47 Y F n.a. n.a. Premature termination
R424X K387 R E n.a. n.a. Premature termination
n.r. not reported; n.a. not applicable because truncated protein is predicted to be nonfunctional.
Equivalent residues in hHMGCS1, bjHMGCS, and efHMGCS based on sequence alignment.
This study.
Unpublished mutations; patient samples provided by O. Elpeleg (I56N), M. Leichsenring (T233A, K243E), and P. Clayton (Y84X).
Enzymatic characterization of the hHMGCS2 F174L mutation was performed on an hHMGCS1 construct with the analogous
mutation, due to the observed in vitro instability of the hHMGCS2 protein. For all mutations, functional effects were proven by finding
typical fasting intolerance and pathognomonic metabolic profiles in patients with homozygous and compound heterozygous mutant

approximately b5 Å from the thiol group of the toward the dimeric interface, packing against Ile123/
preceding residue, the catalytic nucleophile Cys129/ 160′ (∼ 4 Å), and forms a water-mediated hydrogen
166. The Y130/167C mutation would place two thiol bond with the Gly122/159 amide nitrogen of the
groups in close proximity. Inspection of the structure dimeric partner (Fig. 4a).
shows that formation of a vicinal disulfide bond is The F137/174L mutation, which reduced catalytic
stereochemically unfavourable and seems unlikely. efficiency by 10,000-fold,29 also resides in helix α6
However, the mutation may affect dimerization, that accommodates the nucleophile Cys129/166. In
since the Tyr130/167 side-chain hydroxyl points hHMGCS2, Phe137/174 forms stacking interactions

Fig. 4. Structural basis of HMGCS2 deficiency. (a) A close-up view showing the local environment of Tyr130/167 in
hHMGCS2 at the dimer interface between two subunits (coloured cyan and grey). The water-mediated hydrogen bond is
shown in dashed lines. (b) Local environment of Phe137/174 in hHMGCS2 (backbone and side chains coloured cyan),
superimposed with the equivalent region in bjHMGCS (backbone and side chains coloured pink). In bjHMGCS, a Leu
residue is in the place of Phe137/174 in hHMGCS2.
504 Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2

with an invariant Arg194/231 from the neighbour- Crystals were grown by the vapour-diffusion method.
ing “R228GLR231” loop (interplanar distance between For hHMGCS1, protein was preincubated with 5 mM Ac-
Arg194/231 and Phe137/174 side chains is ∼ 3.8 Å) CoA prior to crystallization. Sitting drops containing
(Fig. 4b). Intriguingly, wild-type HMGCS from 50 nL of protein and 100 nL of reservoir solution [0.1 M
Bis-Tris (pH 6.5), 25% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG)
lower eukaryotes such as B. juncea and Caenorhabditis
3350, 0.2 M ammonium sulfate] were equilibrated at 4 °C.
elegans have Leu in place of Phe.30 Superposition of For hHMGCS2, protein was preincubated with 5 mM Ac-
the hHMGCS2 and bjHMGCS structures shows that CoA and 5 mM AcAc-CoA prior to crystallization. Sitting
the Cα position of Arg194/231 in hHMGCS2 is drops containing 100 nL of protein and 50 nL of reservoir
displaced by 2.5 Å toward helix α6 compared to the solution [0.2 M ammonium sulfate, 0.1 M Bis-Tris (pH 6.5),
bjHMGCS counterpart, due to steric hindrance by 25% (w/v) PEG 3350] were equilibrated at 20 °C. Crystals
Tyr236/273 on the other side of the RGLR loop (in were cryoprotected using 25% glycerol and flash-cooled in
bjHMGCS Tyr is replaced by the less bulky Leu). This liquid nitrogen. Diffraction data were collected at the SLS
displacement of Arg194/231 in hHMGCS2 means beamline X10S and processed with the CCP4 program
that a F137/174L mutation in the human enzyme suite.31
would induce steric clash with Arg194/231 (by
reducing the interplanar distance to ∼ 3.0 Å). To Structure determination
avoid this, the mutant protein could either displace
Arg194/231 away, which is unlikely due to the hHMGCS1 crystallized in the tetragonal space group
limited space with the opposing Tyr236/273, or P43212 with one dimer in the asymmetric unit (rmsd
more likely cause a displacement of helix α6, which between subunits, ∼ 0.10 Å). The structure was solved by
may force the Cys129/166 nucleophile away from its molecular replacement using the program PHASER32 and
native conformation for catalysis. the B. juncea structure (PDB code 2F82) as search model.
Automated model building was performed with ARP/
To conclude, we report here the first structure wARP,33 followed by iterative cycles of restrained
determination of mammalian HMGCS. Our struc- refinement with medium NCS restraints and model
tures provide snapshots along the reaction path and building using COOT34 and REFMAC5.35 Difference
confirm the roles of conserved active-site residues in Fourier map revealed well-defined electron density for
the catalytic mechanism of the human enzymes. They CoA in both subunits of the asymmetric unit, where they
also reveal nonconserved regions near the active site, were modelled unambiguously.
which may facilitate the development of species- hHMGCS2 crystallized in the primitive space group P1
specific and isoform-specific inhibitors. In addition, with two dimers in the asymmetric unit (rmsd between
the hHMGCS2 structure provides a framework to subunits, ∼ 0.07 Å). The structure was solved by molecular
rationalize human mutations found in patients replacement using the refined hHMGCS1 structure as
search model. Automated model building was performed
suffering from mitochondrial HMGCS2 deficiency. with ARP/wARP,33 followed by iterative cycles of
restrained refinement with medium NCS restraints and
model building using COOT34 and PHENIX.36 Difference
Fourier map revealed well-defined electron density for
Materials and Methods HMG-CoA in all four subunits of the asymmetric unit,
where they were modelled unambiguously. TLS refine-
Expression, purification, and crystallization ment was applied to the final hHMGCS1/2 models with
TLS groups recommended by the TLS server‡. Figures
were prepared with PYMOL§. The CONSURF server37
DNA fragments encoding hHMGCS1 (aa 16–507;
was used to compute sequence conservation across
GenBank entry 39930537) or hHMGCS2 (aa 51–508;
HMGCS sequences. Structure-based sequence alignment
GenBank entry 5031751) were subcloned into the
was performed with SEQUOIA.38
pNIC28-Bsa4 and pNH-TrxT vectors, respectively, which
incorporate an N-terminal tobacco etch virus (TEV)-
cleavable hexahistidine (His6)-tag (pNIC28-Bsa4) 'or a PDB accession numbers
His6-thioredoxin tag (pNH-TrxT). The corresponding
plasmid was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)- Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been
R3, cultured in 1 L of Terrific Broth at 37 °C to OD600 ∼ 1.5, deposited in the PDB with the accession numbers 2P8U
and induced with 0.5 mM IPTG overnight at 18 °C. (hHMGCS1) and 2WYA (hHMGCS2).
Harvested cells were homogenized in buffer A [50 mM
Hepes (pH 7.5), 500 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 20 mM
imidazole] and centrifuged. The supernatant was applied
to Ni-Sepharose resin preequilibrated with buffer A and
eluted with buffer B (buffer A + 230 mM imidazole). The
eluant was applied to a Superdex S200 column preequili- Acknowledgements
brated with buffer GF [10 mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 500 mM
NaCl, 5% (w/v) glycerol, 0.5 mM tris(2-carboxyethyl) We are grateful to the SGC crystallography group
phosphine (TCEP)]. To remove fusion tag, purified protein for synchrotron data collection and the biotechnol-
was treated with His-tagged TEV protease overnight at ogy group for construct cloning. We greatly appre-
4 °C and passed over Ni-Sepharose resin equilibrated with ciate sharing of unpublished data and permission to
buffer GF. Protein was concentrated to 15 mg/ml
(hHMGCS1) and 12 mg/ml (hHMGCS2). The final protein
yield was 6 mg (hHMGCS1) and 4 mg (hHMGCS2) per ‡
litre of culture. §
Crystal Structures of Human HMGCS1 and HMGCS2 505

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