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Lab Exam #1 Study Guide

Biol. 2714
Covering Labs 1-9

For all Labs.

Reread all exercises/labs.
Know all boldface terms from the labs.
Know main purpose (objective) for each lab.
Review all skills and techniques taught in each lab.
Reread lab reports so you can notice significant patterns in the data when applicable.

Ex. #1
Know all parts of the microscope and purpose of each.
Know all of the objective lenses names and magnifications.
Know domain and kingdom for all organisms we viewed.
Know basic characteristics of each domain.

Ex. #2
Review the two wet-mount styles that were taught in this lab and the specific purpose or benefit
of each.
How were we able to discern true motility from Brownian Movement?

Ex. #3
Review the two basic styles of media learned in this lab and purpose of each.
Review the terms used to describe colonies growth patterns on plated media.
Review the terms used to describe bacterial growth patterns in broth media.

Ex. #4
Review the purpose of an inoculating loop and inoculating needle.
Review the purpose of the three types of tubed media used in this lab and how each is inoculated.
Review what incinerators and Bunsen burners are used for, how they are used and how they are
ignited/turned on.
Review the steps of aseptic technique and aseptic transfer learned in this lab and the importance
of each step.
How do we determine if growth has occurred on/in each type of media?
How do we determine if an organism is positive for motility and which type(s) of media can be
used to do this?
How would a microbiologist be able to tell if the media was contaminated?

Ex. #5
What is a smear?
Review the steps of smear making.
What is the purpose of fixation?
What are the two methods of fixation?
What is simple staining and how is it performed?
Review basic and acidic dyes.
What bacterial characteristics might be ascertained by the simple staining technique?
Review the organisms that were used in this lab and their characteristics.
Review your sketches from this lab.

Ex. #6
Review the steps of negative stain preparation.
What are the purposes of negative staining?
Know the characteristics of bacteria used in this lab.
Review your sketches from this lab.

Ex. #7
Review the steps of Gram staining.
What is the purpose or role of each step in the process?
What is the appearance of G+/G- and what does that tell us about the properties of the bacteria?
Review the characteristics of each bacteria used in this lab.
Review your sketches from this lab.

Ex. #8
What is acid-fast staining and why might we perform this technique?
Review the steps of acid-fast staining.
What is the appearance of positive and negative acid-fast bacteria?
Review the characteristics of each bacteria used in this lab.

Ex. #9
Review the purposes of endospore staining, capsule staining and flagella staining.
Revie the steps of each staining technique.
Review how to determine if each is positive or negative.
Review the characteristics of each bacteria used in this lab.
Review your sketches from this lab.

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