Class Activate 03.11.2019

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Activate Methodlogy

SAP Activate methdology combines Guided Configuration includes SAP

1 Sap Activate methodology is the integration of

1 Methology of Deployment of S/4 HANA

2 Guided Configuration(SAP Best Practies)

SAP activate methodlogy fouses on an Agile /Lean approach where ASA

Guided Configuration offers a set of tools that faciliates updates and m

Older ASAP(waterfall) methodlogy is a sequencial model with developm

in Activate Methdlogy ( Agile), it uses a linier sequencal model that offe

Phases of Activate Methodlogy

1 Discover
2 Prepare 1 Prepare
3 Explore 2 Explore
4 Realize /Build 3 Realize /Build
5 Deployment 4 Deployment
6 Run 5 Sustain =Run

Each Phase may include key deleverables and each phase comprises a
SAP Activate offers Key deliverables , Ready to use guided configuratio
Each Phase further divided into Sprints, Each Sprint having own planni
Each Sprint(Specified period of planning) it contains time span from 3 t
Project will decided what is time span for each Sprint
Each Sprint contains 5 weeks
Sprint backlogs=====>Previous sprint undelevered items
Sprint backlogs carryforward to the next sprint

Project Team staff

StakeHolders ( Steering Committee) ======>going to discusss about pro
Business Owner (CFO )
Product Owner ====>Delivery Manager (PMO Team

Scrum Master ====> Team Leads

Scrum Team ====> Consultants and Core Team M
onfiguration includes SAP Best Practies and methodology that gives you the capability

Cloud Based ( Private or Public Cloud) or On premi

Private Cloud ===> Reserved servers only fo
Public Cloud====>Servers sharing by multipp
On Premises====> Your own servers setup in

ean approach where ASAP methodlogy was a Rigid /waterfall Approach

faciliates updates and modification to configurations. It is offered through Fiori appl

cial model with development separated inro predefined phases

equencal model that offers flexibility to meet changining project equirements as the

Explore Phase ===> 3months

Mutiple Sprints
Plan Each sprint wise===> Identi

each phase comprises a work stream , task and key deleveriables

use guided configuration an accelerators( Templates and documents)
Sprint having own planning (Sprint planning).
ntains time span from 3 to 6 weeks
or each Sprint
Example In my Current Rollout Project===> S
print undelevered items
he next sprint

ng to discusss about progress of project, discussing about escalation contents===> S

ery Manager (PMO Team) ====> Delevery manager , Pro

=====> Planning projects (Spr
=====> Each Module having One SCRUM Master==
ultants and Core Team Members ===> ( SAP Functional consultants , SME,SAP Techn
at gives you the capability to streamline your companyes build and run activities

Public Cloud) or On premises

Reserved servers only for your Company and no sharing servers ===> We have flexib
Servers sharing by multipple companies ===> Limitation of Technical developments ,
Your own servers setup in your company premises plus more flexibility to setup your

all Approach
offered through Fiori application under " Manage Your Solution"

roject equirements as they happen.

=> 3months 4
4Sprints Each Sprint ===> 3weeks
Each sprint wise===> Identify Tasks , Planning for Tasks and execution

rent Rollout Project===> Sprint1==>6weeks , Sprint2===>4 weeks , all other sprints c

escalation contents===> Streeting commite meeting monthly once

=> Delevery manager , Project Managers ( From both IT company and From Business
==> Planning projects (Sprints) , Monotoring and execution planning , Resolving any c
ving One SCRUM Master===> Representative for each module ====> Will plan his ow
nsultants , SME,SAP Technical consultants, From Business side--> Core team member
n activities

> We have flexibility to do our own configuration

developments , Configuration limitation etc
ty to setup your requirements
l other sprints consider 4 weeks

From Business side)

Resolving any conflits between IT and business side
Will plan his own module and involved in Project meetings
team members)
Project Approaches(Implementation)
in ECC in S/4
ASAP Methodology Activate Methodoloy alon

Project Approaches in S/4

Business Process===> PDD ( Process Design Document)
===>FSD ( Functional Specification Design Document
====> SIT ( System integration planning & Testing)
====> UAT ( User acceptance test)
=====> Cutover Activities
=====> Go live
=====> Production support

Sat Evening =====> 7PM to 10PM

e Methodoloy along with Agile approach

Design Document
ning & Testing)
Discover More Involved Project Management Activities
What resources are available before S/4 HANA Project starts
Define and agree scope of the project ====> Identifyin

Before starting projct to implement Project

Develop the stratigies and roadmap on implementation jo
Recommendation approaches to deploy S/4 HANA

No Role from Consultants

A Project starts
====> Identifying Modules , Countries , Companies , Interfaces with 3rd party syst

implementation jorney
y S/4 HANA =====> On premies implementation or Cloud Based Implemen
with 3rd party system

d Based Implementation ( Private cloud or Public Cloud) or CFIN( Central Finance Imp
ntral Finance Implementation)
1 Conduct Intial Planning and preparation
2 Define Project Goals
3 Scope and Objectiviies
4 Setup solution infrastructure ( server setup)

Infrastructure is set up (System setup) and selected SAP Best pr

Handover Project from Pre sales to Delevery Team.

Sales Team provides details of discussions during pre sale cycle.
Intial Preparation and projct prerequests worked upon====> Ex
Project Kick off meetings
Presentation on High level plan, Scope , Dates of important mile
Workshop schedules
Few Workshops ====> Grouped Multi
Few Workshops ====> Only specific M

Due to time lines====> We will condu

lected SAP Best practies are activated

ing pre sale cycle.

ked upon====> Example Sand Box , Activation of Best practices and Pre configuration

of important mile stones, Team details, Goverance Structure(Project Management )

==> Grouped Multiple Modules ====> High level Overview Module Presentation
==> Only specific Modules ====> Detailed specific Module Presentation

==> We will conduct Multiple parallel workshops within the specific Modules
Example :
Org Stucture=========> Invited all peoples
GL Master data ====> Only FI and CO team
Global Parameters ====> Only FI team
Ledgers ====> both FI and CO members
A/P ====> Separate team AP
A/R ====> Separate team A/R
A/A ====> Separate team A/A
Pre configuration

ct Management )

ule Presentation

c Modules
August September
wk34 wk35 wk36 wk37
Wed-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Tue
Sprint 1
Workshops to define the solution and use the SAP Best Practies Proces

1 Conduct solution validation Work shops

2 Validation and Identify FIT GAPS
3 Solution for FIT GAPS
4 Determine Configuration values
5 Identify Master data and Organisational Requirements
6 Data Cleaning
7 Preparation for Integration
8 Preparation of PDD( Process design document)
9 Preparation of FSD ( Functional specific design document)

Work Shops conductd

1 Solution validation work shops
2 Delta Design work shops

The purpose of explore phase is to analyse the std best practice to mee

Two Types of Work Shops conducted

1 Fit to Stanard
2 Delta Design for GAP ====> We will Identify Final GAP=
1 Fit to Stanard
Workshops includes the sytem demo of standard solutions.
Main aim is that to capture configuration values and identifies G

2 Delta Design for gAP

To Explore the GAP's furter, Prioritize them and Then Come Up
September October
wk37 wk38 wk39 wk40 wk41 wk42
Wed-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Tue Wed-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri
Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Break

nd use the SAP Best Practies Process

onal Requirements

cific design document)

on validation work shops ===> Identify GAPS

Design work shops ==> Solution Design

analyse the std best practice to meet business needs.

====> We will Identify Final GAP=====> Can be addressed either through workarou
m demo of standard solutions.
configuration values and identifies GAP's

Prioritize them and Then Come Up with a Backlog and a Sprint a Plan
ober November December
wk43 wk44 wk45 wk46 wk47 wk48 wk49
Mon-Fri Mon-Tue Wed-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Tue Wed-Fri Mon-Tue Wed-Fri Mon-Fri Tue-Fri
Sprint 3 Int Sprint Break Sprint 4

rough workaround solution or enhancement

wk50 wk51 wk52
Mon-Wed Thu-Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Fri
int 4 Break ramp down for Xmas holiday
Realize (Build phase)
January February March
wk01 wk02 wk03 wk04 wk05 wk06 wk07 wk08 wk09 wk10

Winter holiday /

offline work
Development Sprint 6: WRICEFs design, build, unit te
Finalize Sprint 5: complete global template (PDD's), configure , DEMO on
Realize phase preparations continue configuration and localizati
Explore organization structure, kick-off WRICEFs design Organizationa workshops
l Structures,
Discussion on
Critical Cross
Scrum Topics.


Finalize global template & Specifications
Solution configuration

Conversion build
Data TL1
Test preparation

Realize (Build phase)

Implementation is undertaken , tracking all work in SAP solution mana

1 Incrementl Configuration
Base Line Configuration ( Doing configuration with
Detailed Configuration ( Cross module configuratio
Interface with 3rd party systems
Enhancements / User exists
2 Test Solutions ===> Unit Testing
3 Conduct End to end testing (SIT(system integration testing ) Plan
4 Plan contents(Topics) and workshop schedules for Training
5 Train Super Key Users or Core Team Members
6 Obtation Business acceptance (UAT--->User acceptance test)) =
7 Plan Cutover activities
Project Team extend and configue system, Used the prioritised require
Build and configure occurs in shorter cycles, thereby ensuing validation

Note :
The below activities need to be performed
1 Actual Configuration
2 Technical Development
3 Unit ,Integration testing
4 Testing of the solution incremental Build Sprints.
It includes Extensive testing, Integration Testing, User Testing a

5 In this phase engages the business users extensively, Conduct s

This approach ensures effective solution adaption by business
Realize & T
March April May
wk11 wk12 wk13 wk14 wk15 wk16 wk17 wk18 wk19 wk20
INT4 / Easter holiday 15-
18.4 /
Sprint 6: WRICEFs design, build, unit testing, Sprint 7: WRICEFs design, build, unit testing, Configuration, WRICEF
Development, System Sprint 8: Finalize WRICEFs (workshops for
continue configuration and localization continue configuration and localization
DEMO on identified topics remaining open design, build, unit testing)
workshops workshops
based on readiness,
Discussion on Critical Cross
Scrum Topics

System build
Integration build

Data TL2
Test preparation
Training documenta

SAP solution manager or Separate Tool ( Jira tool or Solman or etc)

configuration with in module)

odule configuration===>Business Process Configuration) Example : FI integration with

ation testing ) Planning) ====> To be done by Consultants

s for Training

cceptance test)) ====> To be done By Business

prioritised requirements as defined within explore phase.
ensuing validations and feedback from the client.

ng, User Testing and preparation of data migration templates.

nsively, Conduct solution workshops walkthroughs of the build system and then fine
tion by business
Realize & Test 2022
May June July
wk21 wk22 wk23 wk24 wk25 wk26 wk27 wk28 wk29 wk30
Sprint 9: Finalize WRICEFs (workshops for , System
remaining open design, build, unit testing) DEMO on
topics based
on readiness,
Discussion on

Data TL3
System integration testing
Training documentation
Train the trainer

FI integration with MM , SD and CO Integration with FI , SD , MM , PP, Service Modu

em and then fine tunes further based on business feedback.
August September October
wk31 wk32 wk33 wk34 wk35 wk36 wk37 wk38 wk39 wk40

Cutover planning


PP, Service Module , Projects etc

Deploy 2022
October November December
wk41 wk42 wk43 wk44 wk45 wk46 wk47 wk48 wk49 wk50
wk51 wk52
Deploy =====> Perform activities in Production server-----> Production
1 Keep Production system readinies
2 Cutover plans and execution of Cutover Plans
Final preparations ensures the users, systems and data are prepared fo

1 Production environment is set up

2 Cutover activities performed
3 Production made live for business users to start using the system

SAP solution manager is used in the production cutover

1 Production environment is set up


Cutover actvities

Planning and execution for Keeping Production system readine

Below Activities Performed in Final preparation(Deploy Phase)
1 Transport Requests need to be moved from Source System(Dev
2 Cross verfy or validate the configuration settings of production s
3 Cutover Activities ====> Bringing master data and transaction d

4 Compare Production system Trail balance with Legacy System T

5 Compare key reports between Legacy system and SAP Productio

6 Signoff from the Business

1 Transport Requests need to be moved from Source System(Dev

2 Cutover Activities ====> Bringing master data and transaction d

Pre C

Cutover start date(15.11.2023)

CutOver Activities


What is procedure or method to upload Inhouse mfg product or any m

Approaches for those mat having price Control S

Option1 ( Followed in my Current Project)


Working File




Take Stock GL balance print then compare between SAP with NO

After uploading all accounts balances ===> difference of TB shou

Business requirement :
Business want to keep same stock value as per non SAP even fo


Note : Later stage they can decide std cost estimate running in S


Note : Later stage they can decide std cost estimate running in S

Recomandation : Better to use option1 ( Manual Standard Price

WIP value====> WIP values for incompleted producton order

Below approaches can be used to bring wip values from NON SA

Forward Method
Back Word Method
Back Word Method or dummy material code with value
Forward Method
Convert the those orders near to complete stage into stock virtu
In thise case these orders not required to bring into SAP as alre
No question of WIP
Few orders very near to close or complete

We will advice to the business===> Convert the production orde

In non SAP system itself

Back Word Method

Virtually add back components ( Consumed qty against orders)


In SAP====> Bring as normal stock upload

In SAP====>
Create Production orders on 31.12.2023
GI virtually to the production orders
Confirmation activites similar to on sap
WIP calculation
Settelement of Prd order as on 31.12.2023or 01.01.2024====> W

Approach3 = Approach5 ( Followed in my Current Project )



in SAP --> Create Prd Orders

Upload P&L Transactions
FB01/Upload tools
Mat Consumtion
Mat Consumtion

Run wip and setteled on 31.12.2023 or 01.01.2024 in SAP

Approach 4 Not Recomendable Approach
Dummy material code for each open prod order
Not recomendable approach

In this approach===>

RMX consumed
Order balance

Create dummy mat code like

in non sAP====> take virtually as a stock

in SAP====> bring as normal stock upload

Then create Production orders in sAP

GI virtually

Prd order bal

Settelement of WIP in SAP ==========>
Approach5 ( Followed in my Current Project )

In NON SAP--> WIP value

Need to Identify Exp for Open Prd Orders

Note :
TB cutoff date is 31.12.2023
In SAP==> which posting date to be updated
Posting date 31.12.2023 in SAP
IN SAP==>TB arived on 31.12.2023

majority of business prefer to use option1

Asset upload
Need to follow different strategy to upload asset

Please refer AA_CutoverActy and LTMC_AA

Break 5minutes (7.12AM)

Customer Balance Upload
Note :
Upload only open items of Invoices , Credit memo, SpGL transac

Upload templates or you can use migr

Customer Invoices
Ask the business to prepare and provide separate files for Customer in
FB70 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC
Customer Invoices
FB75 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC
CustomerCredit memo

F-29 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

SPGL transactions

F-28 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

Partial payments

Vendor Balance Upload

FB60 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

Vendor Invoices
FB01/F-02 with

Vendor Open Invoice Upload

Dr. Intial Balance Upload

Cr, Vendor X/Y

Vendor Credit memo

Dr.Vendor X/Y
Cr.Intial Balance Upload

Vendor SpgL transactions ( Advance payments or Deposits)

Dr.Vendor X/Y
Cr.Intial Balance Upload

Vendor Partial Payments

Dr.Vendor X/Y
Cr.Intial Balance Upload

Cash Balance Upload

To be done through Tcode :

Define separate business transaction for cash intial balance uplo


Bank Balance UPLOAD

each Bank wise====> BRS open items to be upload for Bank Cle
Prerequest :

Bank Account C/ANo3456

BRS for C/A no 3456

Balance as per Bank 31.12.2023
Che Issued but not presented

Che Deposited But not Cleared

Closing Balance as on 31.12.2023 as per Bank GL account in non


TB Bal=>80000

Main Bank GL Account

F-02/FB01 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC(Journal entries upload)
Dr. Main Bank GL
Cr.Intial Balance Upload
Out Going Payment GL

Dr.Intial Balance Upload

Cr.Out Going Payment GL

Incomming Payment GL

Dr. Bank Incomming Paymnt GL

Cr.Intial Balance Upload

For the BRS Purpose==> Update cheque no either in the reference field

P&L GL Balances ( Expences and Income)


Case2 :
P&L Items
Mat consumtion
Sales Domostic
Misc Sales

P&L Balance Upload===> Discuss with business==> wetherP&L items n

Inthis case upload P&L item period wise

GL as CE hence cost obj

Dr Salaries
Dr Rent
Dr Depreciation
Dr Power
Cr Intial Balance Upload

Create separate Cost center for take over balance ( CC==>ZY100

in case if business provided cost center wise details then they h


Sales Domostic
Misc Sales


Business need to provide data in this formate


Sales GL 20000
Sales GL 20000
Sales GL 20000
Sales GL 20000
Sales GL 20000
Sales GL 20000
Sales Export-Total

FI entry for sales GL bal upload

BS- Total Assets
Fixed Assets
Current Assets

Loans & Advances-Paid


Deferred Expenses
Sales Promotion

Need to discuss with business how business need to see general balan
Like Option1

Like Option1


Uploading Data line Item wise




Share Capital
Current Liabilities
Loans & Advances-Received



Dr. Intial Balance Upload

Cr. Share Capital
Cr. Accured Expenses
Cr. Interest payable
Cr. Rent payable
Cr. Salaries payable
Cr. Tax payable
Cr. Loans & Advances-Received

Upload of NON SAP TB into SAP completed

Take SAP TB and compare with NON SAP TB
All should match except Stock value difference for those materials hav

How many Intial Balance Upload GL( Take over balance GL accounts) re

Minimum 1 required
Better to have more like as below
BS Accounts without op item management

Note : characterstic of Intial balance upload GL accounts

BS Accounts

After uploading all balances , The balance available in intial Balance up


Need to discuss with business on intial balance upload differenc

Two Options
Need to post below manual JV
Dr 31001
Dr 31002
Dr 31003
Dr 31004
Cr 31005
Dr 31006
Cr 31007
Cr 11019

Set the block for posting for all Intial Balance Upload GL Accounts (FS0

Go Live 07.01.2024
Official===> He will post one entry then it becomes the live syst
From that day onwards===> All transaction posted in SAP and S

During cutover period transactions i.e from 01.01.2024 to 06.01.2024

Business will plan to minimise the transactions during the cutov

Normally business will have very limited transactions
We can propose either enter data entry manually in SAP or Up

Go live Production support

s in Production server-----> Production client
on of Cutover Plans
sers, systems and data are prepared for transition to productive utilisation.

s set up

business users to start using the system.

the production cutover

s set up

System setup ( Hardware setup----> Production server setup)===> Software in

Need to bring Config settings from Golden Clie

Cutover Activities Planning

1 Cutover period and when Go Live date
2 Cutover activities planning=====> Plan sequen
3 Declare Go Live
or Keeping Production system readiness for Live
nal preparation(Deploy Phase)
to be moved from Source System(Dev-Goldenclient) to Productio System
e configuration settings of production system by comparing between Dev system and
Bringing master data and transaction data from Legacy sytem to SAP system
1 Master data
2 Transaction data
3 Balances
em Trail balance with Legacy System Trail Balance
ween Legacy system and SAP Production System
1 Customer Op item
2 Vendor OP Items
3 GL Balances
4 Asset Balances
5 Stock Reports

to be moved from Source System(Dev-Goldenclient) to Productio System


Bringing master data and transaction data from Legacy sytem to SAP system
1 Master data
2 Transaction data
3 Balances
Master data
1 Prepare sequence of master data to be upload
FI Master Data
CO Master Data


MM Master Data (MM consultant)

PP Master Data (PP Consultant)

SD Module Master Data


Pre Cutover activities

Pre-cutover Period (15.11.2023 to31.12.2023)

Pre-cutover Period (15.11.2023 to31.12.2023)

15.12.2023 till 25.12.2023=======> Complete Std Cost estimate Process and

From 01.01.2024 till 06.1.2024


From 01.01.2024


After Uploading stock along with stock value ====> system calculates automa

CTM will provide upload file

CTM Prepare file

Take print stck value from SAP after uploading

upload Inhouse mfg product or any materials which having price control S

t having price Control S

Current Project)
Update Manual Standard Price as per your Legacy system price in Material M
Upload Stock Qty only
Stock Value = Upload Stock Qty X MM manual standard pric
in this case SAP Upload stock value matches w
Then after Golive , Run Standard Cost estimat

Run Standard Cost estimate and release Cost estimate on 01.01.2024

Upload Stock Qty only
Stock Value = Upload Stock Qty X MM standard price
in this case SAP Upload stock value matches o
It may slight differences between SAP and No

1 Ask CTM prepare file with below details

Qty Non SAP Price

100 10000
50 8000
50 4000
Total Stock Value

Upload File Formate should be as below


Not required to specify any value and price

In SAP Price Control S (Std Price)

100 10500
50 8200
50 4050
nt then compare between SAP with NON SAP===> Difference should be 62500 then i

nts balances ===> difference of TB should be 62500 between SAPand NON SAP
Based on business decision===> balance of intial balance upload difference tr

me stock value as per non SAP even for SAP also

Don't run Std Cost estimate
Maintain manual STD price as per non SAP price
Update the price into sap through MR21
Material Plant

Now all the materials having price similar to non sAP

Then Upload stock

Upload file should be
Plant Stock qty

n decide std cost estimate running in SAP

Maintin price control V intially even for Inhouse mfg products

Then upload stock qty along with Stock value====> It matches with NON SAP
Then change price control from V to S
n decide std cost estimate running in SAP

o use option1 ( Manual Standard Price )

leted producton order

used to bring wip values from NON SAP to SAP

normally production orders having different stages of producton

Example :
Few orders very near to close or complete
Few orders just started production
material code with value Few Orders in between production ( might be

near to complete stage into stock virtually in non SAP itself

s not required to bring into SAP as already converted into stock virtually


These prdoduction orders near to complete o

ness===> Convert the production orders into stock stage virtually ( Not physically)
Required input mat already issued in Legacy s
All these type of orders converted into stock

Prd order1
FGX -5PC @10000(Std)


MB1C/migo with 561 In SAP===> Intial stock upload

BSX Dr. Stock-FGX

BSX Dr. Stock-FGZ
GBB-BSA Cr. Intial Bal Upload

Few orders just started production

Few Orders in between production ( might be
nents ( Consumed qty against orders) into component stock for those orders takes lo

Prd Order10-FGX
Consumed 10kg X100 =1000
Consumed 50KgX150 =7500

Prd WIP 8500

Virtually add back components into component stock

ck upload
Dr. Stock-RMX
Dr. Stock-RMY
Cr.Intial Stock Upload

on 31.12.2023
tion orders
milar to on sap

as on 31.12.2023or 01.01.2024====> WIP Accounts

n my Current Project )
Prd Order10-FGX
Consumed 10kg X100 =1000
Consumed 50KgX150 =7500

Prd WIP 8500

Prd Order10-FGX

10061 1000
10062 7500

31.12.2023 or 01.01.2024 in SAP 8500

rod order

We will propose to create dummy mat code for each open order

Prd Order1FGX

ZFGX 1pc X10000=10000

ually as a stock
ZFGX 1pc
ZFGX-1 1pc

mal stock upload

rders in sAP
Prd Order1FGX
1PC X10000

P ==========>

rent Project )
Prd Order1
RMX 10000
RMY 12000
OH 50000


Mat Exp

Open Prd Orders

Create Open Prd Orders in SAP

FB01/FB50/Upload templates
Dr. Mat Consumtion 22000
Cr. Intial Bal Upload
Dr. OH GL (KB21N) 50000

in SAP, Order Balance 72000

Run WIP in SAP 72000
Settelement Of WIP Dr. WIP BS

date to be updated


se option1

strategy to upload asset

Acty and LTMC_AA

f Invoices , Credit memo, SpGL transactions , Partial payments

Upload templates or you can use migrate your data templates or LSMW or BDC
CustomerCredit memo
Upload templates
provide separate files for Customer invoices , separate file for customer credit memo
Upload template
FI entry
Dr. Customer
Cr. Intial Balance upload
Upload template

FI entry
Dr. Intial Balance upload
Cr. Customer
Upload template
Dr.Intial Balance Upload
Cr. Custmer
Upload template

Dr.Intial Balance Upload

Cr. Custmer

Upload template FB65

Vendor Credit memo
FB01/F-02 with LSMW or BDC/LTMC

Upload template FB60/FB01/F-02 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

Upload template FB65/FB01/F-02 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

ance payments or Deposits)
Upload template
SpG indicator

Upload template


transaction for cash intial balance upload ( intial balance take over GL account)

ZR1 ( Cash Business Transaction Take over GL(Intial bal upload)

Under Receipt Category ZR1

System post entry though cash Journal

Dr. Cash GL
Cr. Intial bal upload

open items to be upload for Bank Clearing GL account ( Bank Intermediate GL accou
BRS should be ready

Trial Balance as on 31.12.2023



Chno 1234 -10000

Ch no 3654 -35000
Chno 6521 -15000
Chno 6521 -20000

Chno 8744 10000

12.2023 as per Bank GL account in non SAP

Main GL
Out Going Payment
===> Incomming Payment
Bank Net Balance

BDC /LTMC(Journal entries upload)

F-02/FB01 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC(Journal entries upload)

Update (Upload ) Op item wise (BRS Items)
Op Item Ref(Ch No)
Chno 1234
Ch no 3654
Chno 6521
Chno 6521

F-02/FB01 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC(Journal entries upload)

Update (Upload ) Op item wise (BRS Items)
Op Item Ref(Ch No)
Chno 8744


cheque no either in the reference field or assignement field as per interpretation alo

es and Income)
Golive date is year beginning and Take over balance is year end date (31.12.2

Not required to upload P&L Balances ====> Only will upload Balance Sheet It
Non SAP Balances====> Net Profit /Loss consider part of BS General Reserv
Golive date is mid of the year (During the year ) and Take over balance durin
Need to Upload P&L Balances also into SAP
Need to ask business , Due you required period wise balance or Cumulative B

F-02/FB01 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC(Journal entries upload)

Jan-24 Feb-24
50000 55000
100000 120000
25000 30000
150000 140000

1500000 2000000
1200000 1500000
300000 400000

s with business==> wetherP&L items need break up period wise or not ?

iod wise
Jan Feb
Doc Date : 31.03.2024 Doc Date : 31.03.2024
Posting date :31.01.2024 Posting date :29.02.2024
1St file 2nd file

50000 55000
100000 120000
25000 30000
150000 140000
325000 345000

er for take over balance ( CC==>ZY1000)

This cost center not required to perform any further allocation
Block the cost center after intial balance upload
Providing P&L Expeniture GL balances cost center wise
ed cost center wise details then they have to provide
Amount CO assignement(CC)
3000 CC1
7000 CC2
20000 CC3
20000 CC4

Apr-23 May-23
1500000 2000000
1200000 1500000
300000 400000

Business required sales data in copa also

Then We need to discuss wth business and decide at what level data to be up
Example : Company code , Product , Plant , Profit center , business unit ,geo r
data in this formate
Amount Profit center

25000 R10
75000 R11
500000 R10
500000 R11
200000 R10
200000 R11

Dr. Intial Bal upload 3000000
Cr. Sales-Export 1500000
Cr.Sales-Domostic 1200000
Cr.Sales-Misc 300000

WIP(Work in Progress or Production in Process)
Advance payment-Vendors
Deposits to-Vendors
Bank Balances
Cash GL



ow business need to see general balance sheet balances for take overbalances into SA
Consolidate GL balance ( GL Balance)
Break up of the GL balances

Consolidate GL balance ( GL Balance)

Loans & Advances 3500000

Investment 2000000
Deferred Exp-R&D 1500000
Deferred Exp-Sales Promotion 5000000
Intial Balance Upload 12000000

Break up of the GL balances

Loans & Advances

Loans to Employees
Loans to Directors
Loans to subiadiary companies

Deferred Exp -R&D

R&D project1
R&D project2

Deferred Exp-Sales Promotion

New Poduct Promotion-fGZ
New Poduct Promotion-fGX66
Loans & Advances
Loans to Employees
Loans to Directors
Loans to subiadiary companies

Deferred Exp-R&D 1500000

Deferred Exp-Sales Promotion 5000000
Intial Balance Upload 6500000


Advances frm Customers
Deposits frm customers
Bank O/D ( bank GL) 5000000
Short term Loans (Bank GL) 2500000
Bank Balances (Bank GL)

Accured Expenses 500000

Interest payable 200000
Rent payable 100000
Salaries payable 300000
Tax payable 100000


alue difference for those materials havng std price

GL( Take over balance GL accounts) required

s below
em management
Intial Balance Upload for P&L
Intial Balance Upload for Stock Ext Materials
Intial Balance Upload for Stock Inhouse mfg
Intial Balance upload for A/R
Intial Balance upload for Vendors
Intial Balance upload for Assets
Intial Balance upload for Other BS Accounts

tial balance upload GL accounts

Not required Op Item management

NO Recon account type
Don't activate post autoatically
e balance available in intial Balance upload GL accounts

Intial Balance Upload for P&L

Intial Balance Upload for Stock Ext Materials
Intial Balance Upload for Stock Inhouse mfg
Intial Balance upload for A/R
Intial Balance upload for Vendors
Intial Balance upload for Assets
Intial Balance upload for Other BS Accounts
Total Initial Bal upload
ness on intial balance upload differences

W/O(write off ) intial balance differene to P&L Account (Gain or loss on reval
Keep the balance as it is
f-02 /FB01 / LTMC
Intial Balance Upload for P&L
Intial Balance Upload for Stock Ext Materials
Intial Balance Upload for Stock Inhouse mfg
Intial Balance upload for A/R
Intial Balance upload for Vendors
Intial Balance upload for Assets
Intial Balance upload for Other BS Accounts
Gain or loss on Revaluation of Inventory

ntial Balance Upload GL Accounts (FS00)

one entry then it becomes the live systems

==> All transaction posted in SAP and Switched off the Non SAP System

ns i.e from 01.01.2024 to 06.01.2024

Friday to Monday ( Saturday and Sunday is holiday) and only two working da
mise the transactions during the cutover period
ve very limited transactions
nter data entry manually in SAP or Upload the transactions through LSMW or BDC or
ve utilisation.

setup)===> Software instalation===> SAP System

ttings from Golden Client ( Dev client)
Plan Sequence of Transport request moved to Production Systems ( Relevan
then Transport request moved to Production System ( Basis Team)
Validate the configuration in Production system by respective Module Consul
Every module need to confirm the configuration moved correctly in the produ

en Go Live date
ing=====> Plan sequence of Cutover activities
Master data upload sequencely
Transaction data and balance upload
Compare SAP Trail balance with Legacy system TB
Data matches and get sign off from Business
ctio System
tween Dev system and Production system
o SAP system

ctio System

Need to prepara sequence of transports requests which need to be move to t

We need to validate or check weather Transport requests moved properly or
Check configuration settings in Production system
Better to compare between Prduction cl

o SAP system
aster data to be upload

GL accounts to be upload
Vendor Master data /BP
Customer Master Data / BP
Bank Master Data ( Bank key , House bank , Account id)
Asset Master ( Upload along with Balance or Without balance)

Cost Elemen Master Data

Primary CE in S/4 ===> Done along with GL , In ECC=
Secondary CE in S/4 ===> Done along with GL , In ECC=
Profit center Master
Cost center Master
Acty Type
SKF (stastical Key figures)
Cost Element Groups Import and export Functionality
Cost Center Groups Import and export Functionality
Acty Type Group Import and export Functionality
SKF Group Import and export Functionality
Acty Planning Standard template ===> You can upload
KP26 Assigne acty type to the cost center
Maintain 1hr or maintain plan acty rate if avalable for all the

Upload Material masters

MM Pricing Condition Records / Info Records
Work Centers
Dependency Data
1 ActyType
2 Assignement of acty type
BOM Dependency Data
1 Material Master
Routing Dependency Data
1 Material Master
2 Work Center
SD Pricing Condition Records

Cutover Period

Cutoff date(31.12.2023)
Which date balance bringing from Legacy system to SAP Syste
11.2023 to31.12.2023)

11.2023 to31.12.2023)

15.11.2023 to 22.11.2023 Configuration (All TR ) to be moved to Pr

23.11.2023 to 24.11.2023 Validation of configuration
25.11.2023 to 30.11.2023 All Master data to be completed
01.12.2023 to 02.12.2023 Complete Co Planing
1 Check possible to maintain

2 Maintain Acty Qty Plannin

3 Plan CC split if you mainta
4 Plan Acty Price calculation
5 Check and sign off from CT
Maintain Component sprice(MM price) for external Procurement Material
Use MM one of the Price field
MM Costing 1tab-Plan price field1
Ask the MM consultant upload Plan price 1 field for cost estim
MM need to maintain purchase info records
estimate Process and remove the errors
Then save and mark the c
We will release cost estim

Release the Cost estimate

Need to get Signed NON SAP TB fromBusiness
We will get TB Cutoff date 31.12.2023 ( TB cutoff bal as on 31.12.2023)

We need to upload non sap transactions and balances into SAP

CO consultant along with MM consultant , We will upload Stock
External Procurement Materials (Price Control V)
Inhouse Mfg Products ( Price Control S)
We will follow below process for External Procurement Mat if follows Moving
We will upload Stock qty along Stock value
Plant Material Qty
Y100 RMX 100 kg
Y100 RMY 500 kg
Tcode MIGO and Mov type 561

Dr. Stock GL 135000

Cr. Intial Bal Upload (Take over GL) 135000

tem calculates automatically moving average price

Qty Stock Value
RMX 100 kg 10000
RMY 500 kg 125000

Ask the separate file for Exernal Procurement and Inhouse Mfg

Mat Qty Stock value

RMX 100 kg 10000
RMY 500 kg 125000
Total Stock Value 135000
Total Excel file total(135000) sh
om SAP after uploading file then compare with non sap stock value
It should match between SAP and NON s

ice control S

em price in Material Master

M manual standard price

stock value matches with Non SAP Stock value
Standard Cost estimate

on 01.01.2024

M standard price
stock value matches or may not matched with Non SAP Stock value
s between SAP and Non SAP , Useually Business will accept this small difference +/-1

th below details

SAP Price Stock Value Stock Value Differences

Price /Unit in NON SAP in SAP
10500 1000000 1050000 50000
8200 400000 410000 10000
4050 200000 221000 20000
1600000 1662500 80000
Stock Value Fi entry
1050000 BSX Dr. Stock
410000 GBB-BSA Cr. Intial Bal Upload
should be 62500 then it is perfect


ce upload difference transferred to P&L account ( gain /loss on revaluation inventory

matches with NON SAP


o close or complete
production ( might be 60% Completed)

k virtually

Cutover cufoff date :31.12.2023

ers near to complete on 02.01.2024 or 03.01.2024

ally ( Not physically)
eady issued in Legacy system if any required
s converted into stock

Prd order2 Prd Order3

FGX-8PC @10000 FGZ-10PC @9000

Qty Std Price Stock value

13 10000 130000
10 9000 90000 ===>


production ( might be 60% Completed)
or those orders takes long time to complete the production

PRd Order11-FGX Prd Order 12-FGZ

5gX100=500 20kgX100=2000
100kgX150=15000 50KgX150=7500

15500 9500
Qty Price Value
35 100 3500
200 150 30000


PRd Order11-FGX Prd Order 12-FGZ

5gX100=500 20kgX100=2000
100kgX150=15000 50KgX150=7500

15500 9500

PRd Order11-FGX Prd Order 12-GL Total

500 2000 3500

15000 7500 30000

15500 9500 33500

pen order

Prd order2-FGX

ZFGX-1 =1pc X23000=23000

Price Stock value

10000 10000
23000 23000

Prd order2-FGX
Consume - ZFGX-1
1PC X 23000

Dr. WIP-BS 33000
23000 Cr. WIP-P&L 33000

Prd Order2 Prd Order3

15000 35000
20000 18000
20000 12000
55000 65000

1110000 Stock
82000 WIP

Ordr2 Order3

35000 53000

20000 12000

55000 65000
55000 65000

Posting date 01.01.2024
in SAP===>TB arived on 01.01.2024

s or LSMW or BDC
F-29 F-28 ===> Not required
SPGL transactiPartial payments

customer credit memo , separate file for spgl transactions

SpGL indcator A

F-48 F-53
SPGL transactiPartial payments



F-48/FB01/F-02 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

Adv payment or Deposits

F-53/FB01/F-02 with LSMW or BDC /LTMC

over GL account)

upload) Assigne take over GL

Amount===>15000( Cash balance)

15000 it also Updates Cash Journal (Cash book)


Intermediate GL account)
Example : Bank Outgoing Payment GL , Bank Incomming Payment GL
( Bank GL balance for C/A 3456)

===> Should post to Main Bank GL

====> Should post to Cheque issue GL(Outgoing payment GL)

====> Should post to Cheque deposit GL( incomming payment GL)


80000 SAP


per interpretation alogoritham

year end date (31.12.2023)

pload Balance Sheet Items

t of BS General Reserves
ake over balance during the year ( Example Golive date 05.04.2024
alance or Cumulative Balance Upload ???

Till Dec(TB as on 31.03.2024)



e or not ?

example :
Cost center ??? Case2 :Break amount Cost center Code wise
ZY1000 Line Item1 Salaries 15000 CC1
ZY1000 Line Item2 Salaries 7000 CC2
ZY1000 Line Item3 Salaries 10000 CC3
ZY1000 Line Item4 Salaries 18000 CC4

Till may

hat level data to be updated in the COPA

r , business unit ,geo region etc

Plant Product Profit center Business Unit
R200 RFGX1 R10
R201 RFGX1 R11
R200 RFGX2 R10
R201 RFGX2 R11
R200 RFGX3 R10
R201 RFGX3 R11

ke overbalances into SAP






Normally Uplod as a Consolidated FI JV ( Dr. Take over GL , Cr. Share Capital

Vendor Op Item Upload

Customer Open Item upload with sp GL indicator
Customer Open Item upload with sp GL indicator
BRS Process (BRS Open Items)
BRS Process (BRS Open Items)
BRS Process (BRS Open Items)
Option1 Upload Consolidated value
Option2 Individual Break up wise ( Recomendable approach)

Option1 Upload Consolidated value

Option2 Individual Break up wise ( Recomendable approach)

Sunday Morning Project class 6AM to 8AM ===> Discussion on Cutover activi
Sunday Evening 4.30PM to 9.30PM===> For Evening Co batch pending topics
-80000 difference due to Stock revaluation ( This amount should equa

t (Gain or loss on revaluation of inventory)

1500000 0

P System

nd only two working days Friday and Monday

ough LSMW or BDC or Upload templates

on Systems ( Relevant functional Consultants)
asis Team)
ctive Module Consultants
correctly in the production system
need to be move to the Production client
s moved properly or not
n system
etween Prduction client with Dev Golden client
in S/4 ,LTMC/Migrate your data

ong with GL , In ECC====> need to perform

ong with GL , In ECC====> need to perform Part of GL accounts Master data
Migrate Your Data
Migrate Your Data
Migrate Your Data
Migrate Your Data
===> You can upload
Migrate Your Data or KP26 itself having up
avalable for all the acty type with cobination of cost center
nement of acty type to the cost center (KP26)

rial Master

rial Master

Cutover activities

system to SAP System ( normally will consider last day of the Month)
Legacy System transactions Cutoff Date (31.12.2023)

Cutover Period ( 01.01.2024 to 07.01.2024

R ) to be moved to Prd System

e completed

possible to maintain CE planning ( Expenses )

Maintain CE planning if possible
ain Acty Qty Planning or Acty Price planning
CC split if you maintaintained CE planning and Acty qty planning
Acty Price calculation
and sign off from CTM for plan acty price
urement Material

an price field1
1 field for cost estimate purpose ( Users need to provide inpus i.e price)
save and mark the cost estimate .
ill release cost estimate on 1st January

Consultant need to show to the CTM how to execute cost estimate , How to r
Show at least one material how to resolve the cost estimate
Useually errors will get due to master data issues
Better to advice , CO CTM need to work along with PP CTM to resolve PP ma
CTM need to agree the Cost estimat price (STd price)
SAP STD price is less than my NON SAP price ( Difference arise morethan 20%
Need to advice the below process to validate price
1 Compare SAP BOM with NON SAP BOM an
2 Compare SAP Routing activities with Non S
3 Compare Components price between SAP
4 Compare Acty rate between SAP and NON
5 No acty price in non SAP then not possible
in suce case , increase or decrease acty pr
Like that need to keep on change aty price
Normally business will accept +/- 2 to 5%
6 Run the final cost estimte and save the cos
7 Download Std price and get sign off from t
8 Then Mark the cost estimate Don't release

Golive date 05.06.2023

on 31.12.2023)
Mat if follows Moving Average price

Stock Value

Mov avg price calculates automatically


file total(135000) should match with Legacy TB ===> First validate then upload into S
ween SAP and NON sAP for External procurement material

mall difference +/-1 to 2%

===> due to method of valuation differ

tial Bal Upload 1662500

evaluation inventory)
0PC @9000

Uploading stock from NON SAP to SAP

Payment GL
ayment GL)
ess Unit
L , Cr. Share Capital GL)


on on Cutover activities
batch pending topics===> COPA Market segment char / Topdown distribution
amount should equal to stock value difference between non SAP and SAP) ====> Ca
/Migrate your data In ECC , LSMW/BDC

rt of GL accounts Master data

r Data or KP26 itself having upload facility

Post Golive Activities

Go Live (07.01.2024)
of the Month)
Cutoff Date (31.12.2023)
( Stop the data entry to Legacy system)

od ( 01.01.2024 to 07.01.2024)


e inpus i.e price)

ecute cost estimate , How to resolve the cost estimate errors
cost estimate

with PP CTM to resolve PP master data

ifference arise morethan 20%)

ocess to validate price
P BOM with NON SAP BOM and rectifiy if any wrong values
P Routing activities with Non SAP Routing activities along with qty and rectify if any w
mponents price between SAP and NON SAP and rectify accordingly
y rate between SAP and NON SAP and rectify accordingly
e in non SAP then not possible to compare
, increase or decrease acty price and OH rates Then Re run cost estimate
ed to keep on change aty price or OH rates then try to bring Std price nearest to non
siness will accept +/- 2 to 5%
cost estimte and save the cost estimate
d price and get sign off from the CTM
he cost estimate Don't release cost estimate

rst validate then upload into SAP

Topdown distribution
n non SAP and SAP) ====> Can be treated as gain /loss on revaluation of inventory
and rectify if any wrong

ce nearest to non SAP price

tion of inventory
In S/4 HANA Takeover Assets Process

1 AS91/AS100



4 AB01L

Note :
Migrate Your data

Group Assets

Migrate Your data

ChangeCompany code Status===> Take over status ( Ongoing-other postings

Asset Take Over Transaction Types

Asset Data Transfer

Below are the sequence of AssetCutover Activities to be followed




Company Code Locked:
Same transaction code can be used to reopen or closed AA FY
Specify Offsetting Account for Legacy Data Transfer

Here we need specify the Default Takeover GL to upload asset Balances

Normal BS GL account without Opitem Management

Define Transaction Types for Transfer of Open Items
NO Action from Your END
AS91 Create Master Data for Legacy Asset
Time dependent Data
The asset 20000 0 is created

AS91 Upload Asset
FI Doc
FI Doc

AS03 or AW01N
or Migrate Your data ===> Creation of Take over assets
( Not possible to upload asset balances)
===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset take
===> It updates both to AA and FI
===> To Upload AUC Balances
===> It updates both to AA and FI
===> To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To upload
===> It updates both to AA and FI

Possible to upload both Takeover assets along

It update asset balance to bo

Creation of Grp assets

Creation of individual Assets and Link to Grp assets
===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset take
===> It updates both to AA and FI
===> To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To upload
Possible to upload both Takeover assets along
It update asset balance to bo
over status ( Ongoing-other postings allowed or Completed)
Takeover open items APC (AuC)
Takeover open down payments on AuC
Mid-Year Transfer of Accumulated Values
Year-End Transfer of Accumulated Values

Cutover Activities to be followed

FAA_CMP_DT Set Company Code Status

Define Offsetting account for Legacy data transfer

Intial Upload entry :


Create Takeover assets(AS91/AS100) or LTMC

====> It creates only Takeover assets and no
LTMC(Migrate your data )=====> Possible upl

Post Take over asset Balances

It post both to Asset Accounting and also FI ac

Dr. Asset GL
Cr. Dep reserve GL
Cr. Asset take over GL (Intial balance take over
ABLDT ===> To uploa

AB01L ===>

Company Code Status

====> Either 2

Set Company Code Status

Company code Status:
The following statuses are possible:

0 For Testing:
With this status, it is possib
1 Productive:
With this status, it is no lon
2 Deactivated:
It is not poss

e Locked: ===> Blocked Asset Accountng

it is no longer possible to make postings on fixed
Transfer Date : Asset Take Over date
Which date take over balance uploading into SAP
Example : Take over date : 01.01.2022
DEP posted till which period in

Legacy Data Transfer Status :

0 In Preparation
the system allow

1 On Going
It allow to perf
Not allowed re
We would reco
2 On Going (Othe
It allow to perf
in addition to t
We would reco

Document Type : Which doc type to be used

To post FI JV for Take over asset balance
Dr. asset
Cr. Dep reserve
Cr. Asset take Over GL ( Intial Balance Upload G
Supress Depreciation calculation :
If Indicator Not activated :
System calculates plan depreciation on real ba
it may impact performance while uploading m

If Indicator Activated:
I wouldn't calculate plan depreciation on real ti
Need to perform separately to calculate plan d

Comment for Segment : This field is available from version 2020

Giving text of the Legacy data transfer

o reopen or closed AA FY
keover GL to upload asset Balances
ccount without Opitem Management

r of Open Items
Your END
r Data for Legacy Asset
Possible to create only Takeover AA Mastr and not possible to upload asset b
Upload /Post Asset take over values
its appilicable only in S/4 HANA
Values updates /post to both FI and also AA
Asset 100000 1220
Asset Useful life in Years 10
In terms dep % 10
Dep Reserves
2019 10000
2020 10000
2021 10000
Acc dep Till Prev Year 30000 365.85
NBV as on 01.01.2022 70000 854
Accounting Principle
1000000 Y100
9800000000 Y101
r end asset take over balance)

nces ( To upload asset take over transactions during the year )

er assets along with Asset takeover balance

t balance to both FI and AA

to Grp assets
r end asset take overs)

nces ( To upload asset take over transactions during the year )

er assets along with Asset takeover balance
t balance to both FI and AA
====> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings allowed) or 1 On going
==> Doc Type( Take over postings): SA
===> Transfer Date ( Take over dat Which Date balance uploading int
ata transfer
===> Need to specify the Take Over GL ( Intial balance upload GL acco

Intial Balance Upload ( BS Normal GL account without Open item Managemen

r assets and not Possible to upload asset balances
==> Possible upload assets along with takeover asset balances

ng and also FI acconting ( Same universal document updates both to FI and AA)

lance take over GL)

===> To upload assets balances (Year end asset take over balance)
===> It updates both to AA and FI
To Upload AUC Balances
===> It updates both to AA and FI
To Update Mid yearAsset Balances ( To upload asset take over transactions d
===> It updates both to AA and FI

====> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings allowed) or 0 Completed

====> Either 2( OnGoing -other postings allowed) or 1 On going

==> Doc Type( Take over postings): SA
===> Transfer Date ( Take over date) :
tus, it is possible to reset master data and transaction data.

tus, it is no longer possible to reset master data and transaction data.

===> Deactivation of Asset Accounting
It is not possible to post any postings at all in Asset Accounting

stings on fixed asset accounts or changes to the asset master record in the co
ing into SAP
e : 01.01.2022
l which period in previous system : 8.2021 ( aug 2021) that means SAP calculates dep

In Preparation
the system allows incomplete Customizing settings for the legacy data transfer (for exa

On Going
It allow to perform Takeover assets and Take over asset balances
Not allowed regular asset creations and asset transactions
We would recommend to use for New Implementation Projects and not recomenda
On Going (Other Postings Allowed)
It allow to perform Takeover assets and Take over asset balances
in addition to take over assets , It allow perform regular asset creations and asset tra
We would recommend to use for SAP live Systems
Not possible to perform Take over assets
It allow perform regular asset creations and asset transactions
alance Upload GL)

ation on real basis while creating take over assets

ile uploading mass take over assets due to plan dep calculation on real time basis

ciation on real time basis while creating take over assets

calculate plan dep for take over assets through Tcode AFAR after upoading takeover
o upload asset balance through AS91
Usd Capitalisation datEUR USD
1250 Local GAP (Y2)
375 30000
875 70000
On going

e uploading into SAP

upload GL account)

em Management)

I and AA)
r transactions during the year )
cord in the company code.
calculates dep from period 9.2021 onwards ( We need to specify in FBLDT or FB01L

ransfer (for example, the document type for the posting of the legacy data transfer is allo

not recomendable for Live systems

ns and asset transactions

al time basis

ading takeover balance

n FBLDT or FB01L)

data transfer is allowed to be missing).

Creation of Takeover assets through Migrate Your Data

Step1 Migrate Your data

Step3 Migrate Your data
Step4 AW01N

Step1 Migrate Your data

Confirm and Save
AS03 Display Asset Master
Migrate Your Data

Down Load Template

Fill the data
Upload Template
AS03 Check the data
Check FI entry

Down Load Template

Go Live
Production Support

SAP solution manager is used to monitor and optimize the solution

Go Live 05.06.2022
Official===> He will post one entry then it becomes the live syst
From that day onwards===> All transaction posted in SAP and S

During cutover period transactions i.e from 01.06.2023 to 04.06.2023

Friday to Monday ( Saturday and Sunday is holiday) and

Business will plan to minimise the transactions during the cutov
Normally business will have very limited transactions
We can propose either enter data entry manually in SAP or Up

Sunday evening class 5PM to 10PM

Masterdata templates
Transaction data templates
omes the live systems
osted in SAP and Switched off the Non SAP System

23 to 04.06.2023

ay is holiday) and only two working days Friday and Monday

s during the cutover period

ually in SAP or Upload the transactions through LSMW or BDC

Production support after Go live

Normally below types of issues it may arise

1 User Training issues
2 Master data issues
3 Business process ( Transaction) issues
4 System errors If any
5 Printer error issue
6 Printing Layout issues
7 Interfaes issues
8 FICO Perd end supported atleast two periods

How many months will provide service to the business after Golive
Purel based on contract agreement====> Useually 2 months or
In case of FICO====>Useually will be minimum 2months

FICO consultant need to support MEC process and extracting of the rep

After 2months , FICO consultant will be rolled off

ess after Golive
eually 2 months or 1 Month
m 2months

xtracting of the reports

Master Data Templates
1 GL Master
2 Vendor Master/BP
3 Customer Master/BP
4 Asset Master
5 Cost Element master
6 Cost element Group
7 Cost center
8 Cost center Group
9 Activity Type
10 Activity Type Group
11 SKF
12 SKF Group
14 Profit center
15 Profit center Groups
Transaction data
1 GL Balance Upload
2 Vendor Invoice
3 Vendor Credit Memo
4 Vendor Special GL Transactions
5 Vedor Partial Payments
6 Customer Invoice
7 Customer Credit Memo
8 Custome Special GL Transactions
9 Customer Partial Payments
10 Asset balance Upload
Duration (h) (including
Status Process area / Module Course name hands-on exercises)

Cost Center Accounting

RTR (CO) 6
FI and CO Master Data
RTR (CO) 8
RTR (CO) Financial Planning 7
Inter/ Intra Company Proce
RTR (CO) 4
Inter/Intra Company Procu
RTR (CO) 5
Internal Order Accounting

RTR (CO) 7
Internal Order Accounting

RTR (CO) 7
Product Costing

RTR (CO) 9
Profitability Analysis
RTR (CO) 7

RTR (CO) Actual Costing 4

RTR (CO) Controlling Month End Process 5

Account Payable
RTR 6 (8?)
Account Payable

General Ledger
General Ledger

RTR General Ledger 4
RTR General Ledger 6
General Ledger
General Ledger

RTR General Ledger 8
RTR General Ledger 4
General Ledger
RTR General Ledger 6
Account Receivable

Asset Management


WIP RTR Bank Management

RTR 1.1 Bank Management 4-Jan
Prerequisite course
(if known) Course objective

1.Maintaince of Activity Type Price

2.Manul Repostings
Cost Center Accounting course 3.Allocation Cycle run
1.Creation Profit center, Cost center secondary cost
Controlling Master Data elements and activity types
Cost Centre Budgeting 1.Cost Center Budgeting
Intercompany End user Process from Procure to Invoice
Intercompany - Supply Chain and sales order to Billing

Intercompany - Procurement Intercompany End user Process from Procure to Invoice

1.Procure asset by PO
Cost Center Accounting course 2.Settlement of Internal Order with AUC asset
1.Internal order creation
Operating Expenses - Internal 2.Manul Postings with Internal Order
1.Execution of Standard Cost estimate
2.Mass Costing Run
3.Manual Price Maintaince
1.Analysis of Profitabilty
Margin Analysis 2.Manual Postings with Profitability segment Report
1.Execution of Actual costing
Actual costing Execution 2.Verifiying the actual costing reports

1.WIP and Variance Run

2.Settlement of Production Orders on Daily basis
3.Actual Costing execution
CO Month END Process 4.Product costing run
Supplier master data course;
Vendor Master data course After this course user is able to
Manual FI invoice in SAP
FI invoice from MIRO
Automatic payment run
User will be able to create GL master and would know the
GL master data course relevant inputs of GL

User will get to know about posting of GL memos, related

GL memo posting with approval approval flow and requestor/approver's role in the same
Standard reporting Standard reports output with relevant prompts inputs
Accrual/deferrals posting Accrual deferral postings and relationship with Basware
User will be able to know the Foreign exchnage revaluation
FX revaluation/actual postings postings and actual postings of difference.
Upload payroll entries/manual User is able to upload payroll entries and manual general
general entries entries upload also to be covered
Closing process (TBD)
Reporting (custom- TBD)
MR11 postings and business will decide that MR11 is part
GR IR postings/MR11 of GL or AP
Prepaid postings

After this course user is able to

Understand the revenue side document flow in SAP
Report and analyze customer open items
Familiar with basics of Billing and Credit memo process
Customer Master data course

> Asset master creation

>Asset acquisition
> Asset retirement
> Asset transfer
> Depreciation run
> Asset transaction reverse
> AUC cycle with WBS and IO
Understand the asset master data and posting process

GL master data After this course, User would be able to

Manage Bank Master data,
Learn how Electronic Bank Statement Processing is carried
out In SAP
Manually Re-process the bank statement in case of any
failures , Missing details in bank statement
Understand important checks for bank statement file
processing eporting for Bank Statement Processing
through FIORI apps
Understand different FIORI apps avaliable to use for Bank
Statement Reporting
Learn Re-processing of the bank statement
Training Course provider/
Training need responsi Primary Facilitato Backup reviewer( Material
Target group comments ble trainer(s) r trainer s) approver

Controlling Team

Controlling Team
Controlling Team
Procurment, Sales and
Controlling Team
Procurment, Sales and
Controlling Team

Procurement, Finance
and Controlling team

Controlling Team

Controlling Team

Controlling Team

Controlling Team

Controlling Team
Bank Accounting,
Treasury Key Users,
Key users responsible
for Electronic Bank
Statement and
incoming payments
Non valuated Mat
RM ( no valuation of stock)

During Purchase=================> cost bo

RMX (Non valuated) Without Accounting / costing vie
RMY (Non valuated) With Accounting / costing views
===========> cost booked to CO

counting / costing views 0

nting / costing views 0 error message as no price
Maintain inforecords or MM Pln1

Activate Bulk indicator
ecords or MM Pln1


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