General Studies (Test-1) Explanation-1

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Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
General Studies (Paper-3)
Indian Constitution
1. What is the preamble of the Indian Constitution? (In 130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is a concise statement outlining the
fundamental values, objectives, and aspirations of the Indian Republic. It declares India as a
sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic, committed to justice, liberty, equality,
and fraternity. It emphasizes the ideals of unity and integrity of the nation, and it strives to
secure for all its citizens justice, social, economic, and political; liberty of thought,
expression, belief, faith, and worship; equality of status and opportunity; and to promote
among them all fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of
the nation. The Preamble serves as the guiding spirit and moral compass for the governance
and development of India.

2. Provide the gist of the below articles in 50 words or less. [4 Mark]

(a) Article 17: Abolition of Untouchability - Prohibits untouchability and its practice in any

(b) Article 18: Abolition of Titles - Forbids the state from conferring any titles except
military and academic distinctions.

(c) Article 19: Protection of Certain Rights Regarding Freedom of Speech, etc. - Guarantees
certain freedoms including speech, assembly, association, and movement.

(d) Article 20: Protection in respect of Conviction for Offences - Ensures protection against
double jeopardy and self-incrimination.

(e) Article 21: Protection of Life and Personal Liberty - Ensures the right to life and personal
liberty, except by procedure established by law.

3. Write the countries where we borrowed these. [4 Mark]

(a) Method of election of president: Irish Constitution.
(b) Federalism: Government of India act 1935
(c) Removal of judges: United States.
(d) Joint sitting of the houses: Australian Constitution.

4. Describe the following amendments in 50 words or less. [4 Mark]

(a) Amendment 61: Enacted in 1989, it lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years for all
elections in India.

(b) Amendment 73: Passed in 1992, it introduced provisions for constitutional status to the
Panchayati Raj institutions, empowering local self-governance in rural areas.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
(c) Amendment 44: The 44th amendment act removed the fundamental right to property
from the list of fundamental rights and established them as legal rights.

(d) Amendment 36: Made Sikkim a State.

5. Elucidate any two powers of the President. (in 50 words) [4 Mark]

(a) Administrative power: The President appoints the Prime Minister, Chief Justice of
India, Governors, and other high officials, as well as presides over the appointment of
various constitutional posts, ambassadors, and international treaties.

(b) Emergency power: During national emergencies, the President can declare three types of
emergencies - national, state, or financial, granting extensive executive authority.

(c) Pardoning power: The President of India holds the authority to grant pardons, reprieves,
respites, or remissions of punishment to individuals convicted of certain offenses under
the Constitution. This power allows the President to mitigate or suspend sentences,
providing relief or mercy in deserving cases, based on recommendations and legal advice.

Indian Economics, Indian & World Geography

6. Name any four-policy initiative / programs in the poverty alleviation started by
government of Odisha? [2 Mark]
Ans: Ony write the scheme name. Explanation is given only for understanding
(i) Mission Shakti: It focuses on enhancing women's socio-economic status and reducing
(ii) Mukhyamantri Kalakar Sahayata Yojana:. It aims to support traditional art forms and
artisans by offering them financial aid for sustenance and promoting their work.
(iii) Madhu Babu Pension Yojana: This is a social security scheme that provides financial
assistance to elderly, widows, and disabled individuals in the state
Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM): OLM is aimed at enhancing livelihood opportunities for
the rural poor, particularly women and marginalized communities.

7. What is maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate in Odisha? [1 Mark]
i. Maternal mortality rate-119/1 lakh child birth
ii. Infant mortality rate-36/1 lakh child birth

8. What is the employment percentage in agriculture, manufacturing, and service sector in

the state of Odisha? [2 Mark]
Ans- Agriculture- 55%
Service -24.9%


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
9. As per livestock census 2019 which district livestock number is highest in Odisha?
Ans: Mayurbhanj (Around 37 Lakh) [1 Mark]

10. What is largest import to Odisha in value terms? [1 Mark]

Ans: Petrolium And Petrolium Products

11. According to recent Niti Ayog report what is total poverty rate in Odisha? [1 Mark]
Ans: 15.68%

12. What is national income and what are its components? (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
(i) National income is the total value of all goods and services produced within a
country's borders over a specific period, usually a year.
(ii) It serves as a crucial indicator of a nation's economic performance and standard of
(iii) The components of national income include:
 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of all goods and services
produced within the country, including consumption, investment, government
spending, and net exports.
 Gross National Income (GNI): The total income earned by a country's
residents, including income earned domestically and abroad, minus income
earned by foreign residents within the country.
 Net National Income (NNI): GNI minus depreciation or the loss of value of
capital goods over time.

13. What is industrialization and what is industrial scenario in Odisha? (130 words or less)
Ans: [4 Mark]
Industrialization refers to the process of economic development through the establishment and
growth of industries, leading to increased production, employment opportunities, and
technological advancement within a region or country.
(i) In Odisha, the industrial scenario has witnessed significant growth and diversification
in recent years.
(ii) The state boasts a rich mineral resource base, including coal, iron ore, bauxite, and
chromite, attracting investments in sectors like steel, aluminum, and power
(iii) The establishment of industrial estates and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has
further facilitated industrial growth.
(iv) Additionally, initiatives like the Make in Odisha Conclave aim to attract domestic and
foreign investments across various sectors, including manufacturing, electronics, and
food processing.
However, challenges such as infrastructure constraints and environmental concerns persist,
requiring concerted efforts from the government and stakeholders to sustain and enhance the
industrial momentum in Odisha.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
14. What is current repo rate and reverse repo rate set by RBI? [2 Mark]
Ans: Repo Rate-6.50%
Reverse Repo Rate-3.35%

15. What is right to education and what are education schemes of Government of Odisha?
(130 words or less) [4 Mark]
 The Right to Education (RTE) is a fundamental right in India ensuring free and
compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14.
 It aims to provide equitable access to quality education, regardless of socio-economic
 In Odisha, the government has introduced various education schemes to enhance
educational outcomes.
 Some notable initiatives include the Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya (OAV) scheme,
establishing model schools to provide quality education in rural areas.
 The Mid-Day Meal Scheme ensures nutrition and encourages school attendance.
 Additionally, the Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) aims to promote
technical education.
 Mo School Abhiyan encourages alumni and other stakeholders to contribute to school
 Samagra Sikhya combines three schemes: Sarva Sikhya Abhiyan (SSA), Rastriya
Madhyamik Sikhya Abhiyan (RMSA) and Teacher Education (TE).
 The “Kalinga Sikhya Sathi Yojana (KSSY)’ is an Educational Loan Scheme by the
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha.
These schemes collectively strive to improve literacy rates, enhance educational
infrastructure, and foster holistic development among students in Odisha.

16. Describe the schemes and strategy by Government of India for doubling farmers’
income? (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: The Government of India has implemented several schemes and strategies aimed at
doubling farmers' income. These include initiatives like:
(i) The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan)- Providing direct income
support to small and marginal farmers.
(ii) The Soil Health Card Scheme- Ensuring balanced use of fertilizers.
(iii) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana- Offering crop insurance to mitigate risks.
(iv) Additionally, National Agriculture Market (eNAM)- Facilitates electronic trading to
ensure fair prices for agricultural produce.
(v) Initiatives like the Kisan Credit Card scheme provide easy access to credit.
Investments in rural infrastructure, irrigation facilities.
(vi) Technology adoptions are also prioritized to enhance productivity and reduce post-
harvest losses.
These concerted efforts aim to empower farmers, improve their livelihoods, and ultimately
double their income.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
17. What is Atmosphere and what are the different Layers of the Atmosphere? [4 Mark]
Ans: An atmosphere is a blanket of gases that surrounds Earth. It is held near the surface of
the planet by Earth’s gravitational attraction. Argon, oxygen and nitrogen from the three main
constituents of the atmosphere.
The Earth's atmosphere has five major layers, from lowest to highest:
(i) Troposphere: The lowest layer, containing most of the Earth's weather. Temperature
decreases with altitude. Present up to 12-15 km above mean sea level.
(ii) Stratosphere: Extends from 14 to 50 Km above the Earth's .Temperature increases
with height. The stratosphere contains the ozone layer, which protects us from the
sun’s harmful Ultra Violet rays.
(iii) Mesosphere: Extends from about 50 to 85 km above the Earth's surface. Temperature
decreases with height.
(iv) Thermosphere: It is located between about 80 and 700 kilometers above Earth’s
surface, whose lowest part contains the ionosphere. It is both cloud- and water-
(v) Exosphere: It is located between about 700 and 10,000 kilometers above Earth’s
surface, the exosphere is the highest layer of Earth’s atmosphere and, at its top,
merges with the solar wind.

18. What is demographic dividend? [2 Mark]

Ans: It is the potential for economic gains when the share of the working-age population (15
years – 64 years) is higher than the non-working age group.
Demographic dividend occurs when the proportion of working people in the total population
is high because this indicates that more people have the potential to be productive and
contribute to growth of the economy.

19. What do the following agricultural revolution associated with? [2 Mark]

Sl. No Revolution Agricultural product

1. Purple Revolution The Lavender flower
2. Golden fibre Revolution Jute
3. Yellow Revolution Oil Seeds
4. Round Revolution Potato

20. What is the Source of the following rivers? [2 Mark]

Sl. No: Rivers Source

1. Yamuna Yamunotri Glacier
2. Sutlej Mansarover lake
3. Narmada Amarkantak Plateau
4. Godavari Trimbaka Plateau


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
Indian History, Odisha History
21. Answer following questions in one or two words. [8 Mark]
(i) When was the ancient city of Kalinga, located in present-day Odisha, conquered
by Emperor Ashoka?
Ans: 261 BCE

(ii) Who was the founder of the Eastern Ganga dynasty, which ruled over Odisha
from the 11th to the 15th century?
Ans: Anantavarman Chodaganga

(iii) The Lingaraja Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is situated in which city of
Ans: Bhubaneswar

(iv) Who was the 16th-century poet-saint from Odisha, known for his devotional
songs dedicated to Lord Jagannath?
Ans: Jayadeva

(v) The Battle of Barabati was fought in the 13th century between which two
Ans: Kalinga and Gajapati

(vi) Which Odisha king is credited with the construction of the Sun Temple at
Ans: Narasimhadeva I

(vii) Who was the first woman Chief Minister of Odisha?

Ans: Nandini Satpathy

(viii) The famous Rath Yatra festival, or Chariot Festival, of Lord Jagannath is
celebrated in which city of Odisha?
Ans: Puri

(ix) Who was the founder of the Bhaumakara dynasty that ruled over parts of
Odisha during the 8th and 9th centuries?
Ans: Soma

(x) Which British administrator is credited with the discovery of the rock edicts of
Ashoka at Dhauli in Odisha?
Ans: Alexander Cunningham

(xi) The famous 20th-century Odissi dancer, Kelucharan Mohapatra, was honoured
with which prestigious award?
Ans: Padma Bhushan


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
(xii) Which ancient university in Odisha was a renowned center of Buddhist learning
and attracted scholars from all over Asia?
Ans: Pushpagiri University

(xiii) Who was the British Governor-General of India during the Revolt of 1857?
Ans: Lord Canning

(xiv) The Treaty of Bassein, signed in 1802, marked the beginning of British
paramountcy in which Indian state?
Ans: Marathas

(xv) Which historical figure from Odisha led a significant rebellion against the
British East India Company in the mid-19th century?
Ans: Veer Surendra Sai

(xvi) The Kalinga Architecture is known for its distinct style, characterized by the use
of which building material?
Ans: Laterite

22. Give one example of temple architecture styles of Odisha. [1.5 Mark]
(i) Rekha deula- Lingaraj Temple
(ii) Pidha deula – Konark Sun Temple
(iii) Khakhara deula- Baitala Deula

23. What are the names of Pancha Sakhas in medieval Odisha? [2.5 Mark]
Ans: Achyutānanda Das, Ananta Das, Jasovanta Das, Jagannātha Das and Balarāma Das

24. Discuss the role of Subhas Chandra Bose in the Indian freedom struggle.( 130 words or
less) [4 Mark]
Ans: Subhas Chandra Bose played a pivotal role in the Indian freedom struggle, advocating
for aggressive measures to achieve independence from British rule. He was elected as the
president of the Indian National Congress in 1938 and 1939, advocating for complete
independence ("Poorna Swaraj") from British rule. Bose's leadership extended beyond the
Congress; he founded the Forward Bloc and organized the Indian National Army (INA) to
wage armed resistance against the British. His establishment of the Azad Hind Government in
exile and the INA's role in the Southeast Asian theater during World War II demonstrated his
commitment to liberating India from colonialism. Despite differing approaches, Bose's
tireless efforts inspired millions and left an indelible mark on the Indian freedom struggle.

25. Write a short note on any one of the following. (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
(a) Gopabandhu Das:
Gopabandhu Das, a revered figure in Odisha's history, was a prominent freedom fighter,
social reformer, and poet. Born in 1877, he dedicated his life to serving the people of
Odisha and advocating for their rights. Gopabandhu Das played a crucial role in the
formation of the Utkal Sammilani in 1903, which aimed to unite Odias and address socio-
political issues. He also championed causes such as education, women's rights, and rural
Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
development. Gopabandhu Das's humanitarian efforts during the devastating famine of
1936 earned him widespread admiration. His contributions to literature, particularly
through his poetry and essays, continue to inspire generations. Gopabandhu Das's legacy
remains etched in the hearts of Odias, symbolizing the spirit of selflessness and
dedication to the welfare of society.

(b) Madhusudan Das:

Madhusudan Das often referred to as Utkal Gaurav (Pride of Odisha), was a prominent
figure in Odisha's history. Born in 1848, he was a visionary leader, lawyer, and freedom
fighter who played a pivotal role in the socio-political renaissance of Odisha.
Madhusudan Das dedicated his life to the upliftment of his people, advocating for
education, social reforms, and linguistic pride. He was instrumental in the formation of
the Utkal Sammilani in 1903, which became a platform for Odia cultural and linguistic
movements. Das's efforts led to the establishment of the modern Odisha state in 1936. His
legacy continues to inspire generations, symbolizing the spirit of Odia identity, resilience,
and progress.

(c) Rama Devi:

Rama Devi Choudhury was a prominent Indian freedom fighter and social reformer from
Odisha. She played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement and the
upliftment of women in society. Rama Devi actively participated in various nonviolent
protests and civil disobedience movements against British colonial rule. She was also a
vocal advocate for women's rights and education. Rama Devi established the first
women's organization in Odisha, named "Utkal Mahila Samaj," to empower women and
address social issues. Her efforts led to the establishment of Rama Devi Women's College
in Bhubaneswar, which continues to provide quality education to women. Rama Devi's
legacy as a freedom fighter and social reformer remains a source of inspiration for
generations, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of women in India's struggle for
independence and societal progress.
Write short note on Inchudi salt satyagraha in Odisha (130 words or less)
Ans: The Inchudi Salt Satyagraha was a significant episode in the Indian freedom struggle
that unfolded in the coastal town of Inchudi in Odisha during the Civil Disobedience
Movement. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, this satyagraha aimed to defy the British salt laws and
assert the right of Indians to produce and sell salt freely. In March 1930, as part of the
nationwide campaign, local residents, led by prominent leaders like Harekrushna Mahatab
and Acharya Harihar, marched to the Inchudi beach and initiated the illegal production of salt.
Despite facing repression from British authorities, including arrests and police violence, the
satyagrahis remained steadfast in their commitment to nonviolent resistance. The Inchudi Salt
Satyagraha symbolized the unity, courage, and determination of the people of Odisha in their
struggle against colonial oppression.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
26. Write a short note on different causes of 1857 revolt.( 130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: The Revolt of 1857, also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857 or the First War of
Independence, was a significant uprising against British colonial rule in India. Here are the
key causes of the revolt:
(i) Sepoy Mutiny: The immediate cause was the introduction of the Enfield rifle
cartridges greased with animal fat, which offended the religious sentiments of Hindu
and Muslim sepoys.
(ii) Economic Exploitation: The policies of land revenue, taxation, and the imposition of
heavy tariffs led to economic hardships among Indian peasants and artisans.
(iii) Social and Religious Discontent: British policies such as the Doctrine of Lapse,
interference in cultural practices, and the abolition of traditional rulers caused
resentment among Indian communities.
(iv) Political Grievances: Discontent among princely states due to annexation policies,
lack of representation in administration, and discriminatory treatment fueled the
Influence of Nationalism: Growing nationalism and awareness among Indian intellectuals and
leaders, coupled with the inspiration from past revolts, contributed to the uprising.

Write a short note on the significance of the formation of the Utkal Sammilani in
Ans: The formation of Utkal Sammilani, or the Utkal Union Conference, in modern Odisha
history marked a pivotal moment in the socio-political landscape of the region. Established in
1903 by Utkal Gaurav Madhusudan Das, Utkal Sammilani aimed to advocate for the
unification of Odia-speaking regions scattered across different princely states under British
rule. This organization played a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and identity among
the people of Odisha, transcending regional divisions and promoting cultural pride. The Utkal
Sammilani provided a platform for intellectuals, activists, and social reformers to address
issues of regional autonomy, education, and socio-economic development. Its formation laid
the foundation for the eventual formation of a separate province of Odisha in 1936, fulfilling
the aspirations of the Odia-speaking populace for self-governance and representation.

General Issues on Environment & Climate Change

27. National Ambient Air Quality standards established by Central pollution Control board
lists which of the following as Air Pollutants. [3 Mark]

Sl. No. Matters Pollutants/ Non pollutants

1. Ozone (O3) Pollutants
2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) Non- Pollutants
3. Ammonia (NH3) Pollutants
4. Particulate Matter (PM) Pollutants
5. Argon (Ar) Non- Pollutants
6. Lead (Pb) Pollutants


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
28. Write the head quarters of the following environmental organisations. [3 Mark]

Sl. No. Organisations Head quarter (country)

1. UNFCCC Bonn, Germany
2. IUCN Gland, Switzerland
3. UNEP Nairobi, Kenya
4. WMO Geneva, Switzerland
5. ISA Guru gram, India
6. IMO London, England

29. Name four initiatives taken up by Central Government for Conservation of water.
[2 Mark]
Sl. No. Name of Mission
1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Scheme (MN REgA)
2. Atal Bhujal Yojana
3. Pradhan mantri sinchayee Yojana (PM KSY)
4. AMRUT Yojana

30. India targets to create by how much additional Carbon Sink in terms of tonnes of CO₂
equivalent Part of Nationally Determined Contribution? [1 Mark]
Ans: 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes.

31. According to IMD Cloudburst is a rain event if ____ rainfall is received at a Station in 1
hour. [1 Mark]
Ans: 10 cm

32. Compressed Biogas is a mixture of __________, _________ and small amount of

Hydrogen sulphide, Nitrogen & oxygen. [1 Mark]
Ans: Methane, Carbon Dioxide

33. By how much percentage the following components are present in MD 15 fuel Developed
by IOCL & Indian Railways. [2 Mark]

Sl. No. Components Percentage

1 Methanol 15%
2 Mineral Diesel 71%
3 Coupler Additives 14%

34. By How much percentage wind energy contributes to India’s energy Basket? [1 Mark]
Ans: 10.3%

35. Fill in the blanks [6 Mark]

(i) Acid rain refers to any form of precipitation when oxides of ____ react with water
and oxygen to form acids and fall to the ground from the atmosphere forms of rain,
snow or hail.
Ans: Sulphur or Nitrogen


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-1 Date-03.04.2024
(ii) _________cause less air and noise pollution as compared to traditional firecrackers
which were first designed by the National Environmental and Engineering Research
Institute (NEERI), under the aegis of the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) in 2018. Presently the three brands of green crackers are available
for purchase are_____.
Ans: Green Crackers, SWAS- Safe Water Releaser, STAR- Safe Thermitte Cracker &
SAFAL- Safe Minimal Aluminium

(iii) _____________has released the Dynamic Ground Water Resource Assessment

Report for the entire country for the year 2023 to determine the prevailing status of
groundwater resources and the impact of ongoing groundwater management
Ans: The Union Minister of Jal Shakti

(iv) “_________” launched by The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA)
Under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) in
partnership with the National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) To provide a
platform for inclusion of women in water governance.
Ans: “Jal DIwali”- Women for Water, Water for Women Campaign

(v) The Miyawaki method is known for creation of mini________ in urban areas.
Ans: Forest

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Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418

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