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Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
General Studies (Paper-3)
Indian Constitution
1. Describe about any 4 salient features of Indian Constitution. (In 130 words or less)
[4 Mark]
Ans: The Indian Constitution, adopted in 1950, exhibits several distinctive features:
(i) Lengthy and Detailed: It is one of the longest and most detailed constitutions
globally, encompassing a wide array of provisions covering various aspects of
governance, rights, and duties.
(ii) Federal System with Unitary Bias: It establishes a federal structure with a strong
emphasis on a unitary form of government. While powers are distributed between the
central and state governments, the center holds significant authority, especially during
(iii) Parliamentary Democracy: India follows a parliamentary system of government,
wherein the executive is accountable to the legislature. The Prime Minister, as the
head of government, is typically the leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha
(Lower House).
(iv) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles: The Constitution guarantees
fundamental rights to citizens, ensuring individual liberties, while also outlining
directive principles of state policy, guiding the government in promoting social
justice and welfare.

2. Provide the gist of the below articles in 50 words or less. [4 Mark]

(a) Article 39 (A): Ensures equal justice and free legal aid for all citizens, promoting social

(b) Article 51: Mandates fostering international peace and security.

(c) Article 25: Guarantees freedom of religion, allowing individuals to profess, practice, and
propagate religion.

(d) Article 43(A): aims to ensure fair wages and decent working conditions for workers.

3. Write the countries where we borrowed these. [4 Mark]

(a) Concurrent List: Australia
(b) Office of the Governor: Govt. of India act 1935
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP): Ireland
(d) Impeachment of President: The United States of America

4. Describe the following Schedules in 50 words or less. [4 Mark]

(a) 7th Schedule: Delineates the division of powers between the Union and states.

(b) 10th Schedule: Outlines the disqualification of members on grounds of defection.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
(c) 8th Schedule: Enumerates the list of recognized languages.

(d) 1st Schedule: Includes details regarding the states and union territories of India, along
with their territorial jurisdictions.

5. Write differences between public bill and private bill in 130 words or less. [4 Mark]

Ans: Difference between public bills vs. private bill:

(i) Introduction: Public bills are introduced by a minister, while private bills are introduced
by any Member of Parliament other than a minister.
(ii) Policy Reflection: Public bills reflect government policies, typically those of the ruling
party, whereas private bills reflect the stance of the opposition party on public matters.
(iii) Approval Chance: Public bills have a greater chance of approval by Parliament
compared to private bills.
(iv) Implications of Rejection: Rejection of a public bill may signify a lack of confidence in
the government, while rejection of a private bill has no implications on government
(v) Notice Requirement: Public bills require seven days' notice for introduction, while
private bills require one month's notice.
(vi) Drafting Responsibility: Public bills are drafted by the concerned department with
consultation from the law department, whereas the drafting of private bills is the
responsibility of the concerned member.

Indian Economics, Indian & World Geography

6. What is current bank rate decided by the RBI? [1 Mark]
Ans: 7.75%

7. How many five years plan were formulated in India post-independence? [1 Mark]
Ans- 12

8. Who decides the inflation rate in India? [1 Mark]

Ans- Government of India

9. What is the current rate of unemployment in Odisha according to Odisha budget 2023-
24? [1 Mark]
Ans: 6%

10. Which district have lowest rate of poverty in Odisha? [1 Mark]

Ans: Puri (3.6%)

11. What is the rank of Odisha in the following mineral production? [2 Mark]
(i) Coal-3rd 2nd
(ii) Chromite-1st


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
(iii) Mika-3rd
(iv) Bauxite- 1st

12. What is climate smart agriculture describe how it is useful in enhancing farmer’s
vulnerability to climate change? (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) refers to agricultural practices that sustainably
increase productivity, resilience, and adaptation to climate change while also reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. It encompasses a range of techniques and technologies aimed at
optimizing resource use, improving crop yields, and mitigating climate-related risks. CSA is
useful in enhancing farmers' vulnerability to climate change in several ways:
(i) Resilience: CSA practices such as crop diversification, water management, and soil
conservation enhance the resilience of farming systems to climate variability and
extremes, reducing the negative impacts of droughts, floods, and heat waves.
(ii) Adaptation: By adopting climate-resilient crop varieties, implementing improved
irrigation methods, and adopting agro-forestry practices, farmers can adapt to
changing climatic conditions, ensuring stable agricultural production.
(iii) Sustainability: CSA promotes sustainable agricultural practices that conserve natural
resources, such as soil and water, thereby safeguarding the environment and ensuring
long-term agricultural productivity.
(iv) Income stability: Tthrough improved productivity and reduced crop losses; CSA
helps farmers maintain stable incomes, even in the face of climate-related challenges,
ultimately enhancing their livelihoods and food security.

13. What are the major cropping patterns in Odisha? (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: Major Cropping patterns in Odisha:
(i) Rice cultivation: Rice is the primary crop grown in Odisha and occupies the largest
area under cultivation. Both irrigated and rain-fed rice cultivation methods are
(ii) Pulses and Oilseeds: Pulses like red gram, black gram, and green gram, along with
oilseeds such as groundnut and mustard, are cultivated as important secondary crops.
(iii) Cash crops: Cash crops like sugarcane, jute, and cotton are grown in certain regions,
contributing significantly to the agricultural economy.
(iv) Horticulture: fruit cultivation, including mangoes, bananas, and citrus fruits, as well
as vegetable cultivation, is gaining prominence in the state.
These cropping patterns reflect the agricultural diversity of Odisha and contribute to its
overall agricultural output.

14. Describe important schemes of wages and self employment in Government of Odisha?
(130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: Important schemes of wages and self employment in Government of Odisha:
(i) Government of Odisha aimed at wage and self-employment by “Integrated Rural
Development Programe (IRDP)." under this initiative, the government provides skill
development training and financial assistance to rural youth for self-employment


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
(ii) "Mukhya-mantri Swasthya Seva Mission" focuses on creating employment opportunities
in the healthcare sector by recruiting paramedics, nurses, and other healthcare workers.
(iii) "Odisha State Employment Mission" facilitates skill development programs and job
placements for unemployed youth across various sectors.
(iv) " Mukhya-mantri Swarojgar Yojana " offers financial assistance and support services to
encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment among marginalized communities.
These schemes collectively aim to enhance livelihood opportunities and reduce
unemployment in Odisha.

15. What are the components of budget? Write with examples. (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: The Indian annual budget comprises various components that outline the Government's
revenue, expenditure, and fiscal policies for the upcoming fiscal year. Some key components
(i) Revenue Receipts: These include tax revenue (direct and indirect taxes), non-tax
revenue (like dividends and interest), and grants.
(ii) Capital Receipts: This encompasses borrowings, disinvestment proceeds, and other
(iii) Revenue expenditure: Day-to-day expenses like salaries, subsidies, and interest
(iv) Capital Expenditure: Investments in infrastructure
(v) Fiscal Deficit: This represents the shortfall when total expenditure exceeds total
(vi) Allocation to Sectors: Funds allocated to different sectors like agriculture, education,
healthcare, defense, etc.
(vii) Policy Measures: The budget also includes policy initiatives, reforms, and targets set
by the government to stimulate economic growth and development

16. What are the factors influencing Indian monsoon? (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: The climate of India is described as the ‘Monsoon’ type. Factors Influencing Monsoon
(i) The differential heating and cooling of land and water creates a low pressure on the
landmass of India while the seas around experience comparatively high pressure.
(ii) The shift of the position of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in summer, over
the Ganga plain (this is the equatorial trough normally positioned about 5°N of the
equator. It is also known as the monsoon-trough during the monsoon season).
(iii) The presence of the high-pressure area, east of Madagascar, approximately at 20°S
over the Indian Ocean. The intensity and position of this high-pressure area affect the
Indian Monsoon.
(iv) The Tibetan plateau gets intensely heated during summer, which results in strong
vertical air currents and the formation of low pressure over the plateau at about 9 km
above sea level.
(v) The movement of the westerly jet stream to the north of the Himalayas and the
presence of the tropical easterly jet stream over the Indian peninsula during summer.
(vi) Tropical Easterly Jet (African Easterly Jet).


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
(vii) Southern Oscillation (SO): Normally when the tropical eastern south Pacific Ocean
experiences high pressure, the tropical eastern Indian Ocean experiences low

17. Which of the following are natural & manmade Lakes of India? [2 Mark]
(i) Vembanad Lake- Natural
(ii) Hirakud- Manmade
(iii) Chilika- Natural
(iv) Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar- Manmade

18. Arrange the varieties of coal in increasing order of their Carbon content: [2 Mark]
Coal Increasing Order (Maximum- 1st , Minimum-4th)
Bituminous 2nd
Anthracite 1st
Peat 4th
Lignite 3rd

19. List the following rocks as Sedimentary, Igneous or metamorphic: [2 Mark]

Sl. No Rock Type
1. Limestone Sedimentary
2. Granite Igneous
3. Slate Metamorphic
4. Shale Sedimentary

20. Iron content is present (percentage) in the following Ores respectively: [1 Mark]

Sl. No: Ore Iron content

1. Magnetite 70%
2. Haematite 50-60%

21. Name any two National Waterways in India. [2 Mark]

Ans: The two National waterways in India:
(i) NW-1: The Ganga River stretch between Allahbad and Haldia
(ii) NW-2: Stretch of Brahmaputra River between Sadiya and Dhubri

Indian History, Odisha History

22. Answer following questions in one or two words. [8 Mark]
(i) Who took away the image of Jina from Kalinga?
Ans: Mahapadmananda

(ii) Who was the founder of Sanatan Mahima Dharma or Mahima Religion in


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
Ans: Mahima Swami

(iii) Which is known as the peace pagoda of Odisha?

Ans: Dhauligiri

(iv) Who established the Gajapati Dynasty of Odisha?

Ans: Kapilendra Deva

(v) The Narendra tank in puri built by Kapilendra deva in the memory of :
Ans: Narendra Deva

(vi) The capital city of Bhaumakara’s was located on the bank of which river:
Ans: Baitarani

(vii) Who was the court poet of King Narasimha Deva?

Ans: Vidyadhar

(viii) The famous Sanskrit Drama PARSURAM VIJAYA was written:

Ans: Kapilendra Deva

(ix) Who was the first Muslim Ruler of Odisha?

Ans: Sulaiman Khan Karrani

(x) During which Dynasty Jayadeva s Gita Govinda was written?

Ans: Ganga Dynasty

(xi) Who built a Qadam-I-Rasool at cuttack Odisha?

Ans: Shujauddin Mohammed Khan

(xii) The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscription is:
Ans: Priyadasi

(xiii) Which rock is used to build the Konark Sun Temple?

Ans: Khondalite

(xiv) Who built the temple of Chandrasekhar on the Kapilasa hill in the Dhenkanal
Ans: Narsimhadev 1

(xv) Who was the last great Hindu King in the medieval times of Odisha?
Ans: Mukunda Dev

(xvi) Who built Khirochora Gopinath Temple in Odisha?

Ans: Narsingha Deva


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
23. Which king built the following temples? [1.5 Mark]
(i) Jagannath Temple-Chodaganga Deva
(ii) Konark Temple- Narsinhadeva 1
(iii) Lingaraj Temple- Jajati Keshari

24. Name 5 famous poet name of Odisha. [2.5 Mark]

Ans: Mayadhar Mansinha (1905-1973)
Radha Mohan Gadanayak (b. 1911)
Godavarish Mohapatra (1900-1938)
Ananta Patnaik (1910-1988)
Satchidananda Routray (b. 1919)

25. Discuss the role of Gopabandhu Das in Odisha Freedom Struggle. ( 130 words or less)
[4 Mark]
Ans: Gopabandhu Das Role:
(i) Gopabandhu Das was a prominent figure in Odisha's freedom struggle, renowned for
his commitment to social reform and political activism. He played a pivotal role in
mobilizing the masses against British rule and advocating for the rights of the people.
(ii) One notable example of his contribution is the Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920-
1922, where Das actively encouraged widespread nonviolent resistance against
British authority.
(iii) He organized protests, led marches, and spread nationalist ideals through his writings
and speeches.
(iv) Das also founded the Satyavadi School, which became a centre for nationalist
activities, nurturing future leaders of the freedom movement.
(v) His dedication and leadership inspired countless individuals to join the struggle for
independence, leaving a lasting legacy in Odisha's history of resistance against
colonial rule.

26. Write a short note on any one of the following. (130 words or less) [4 Mark]
(a) Na’anka Famine 1866-67:
(i) The Na'anka Famine of Odisha in 1866-67 stands as a stark reminder of the
catastrophic consequences of colonial negligence and economic policies. Within
eight years of British Crown rule, Odisha faced one of its worst calamities in
(ii) The famine, exacerbated by a laissez-faire economic approach, saw widespread
starvation and mortality, with approximately one in every ten Odias perishing.
(iii) Despite its devastating toll, the famine sparked a renewed sense of awareness and
responsibility among the people of Odisha.
(iv) It marked the beginning of a new consciousness towards self-regeneration and
development. The post-famine era saw efforts towards socio-educational reform
and resurgence in Odia identity and culture. Even British officials, like Sir
Stafford Northcote, acknowledged the failure of their administration in
addressing the crisis, recognizing it as a humiliation.
(v) The lessons learned from the Na'anka Famine underscored the importance of
proactive measures and policies to prevent such disasters in the future, prompting
Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
both the British government and the people of Odisha to strive for better
governance and resilience against future calamities.

(b) Non Cooperation Movement in Odisha:

The Non-Cooperation Movement surged through Odisha in March 1921, propelled by
Gandhi's visit which resonated deeply across society. It spurred diverse responses: youths
left education, eminent lawyers abandoned their profession, and notable figures like
Gopabandhu Choudhury, Lingaraj Misra, Surendra Nath Das, and Muhammed Hanif
resigned from government posts. Even Pandit Nilakantha Das relinquished his teaching
role at Calcutta University to join a national school. The movement gained momentum
with visits from leaders like Rajagopalachari, Motilal Nehru, and Subhash Chandra Bose
in 1922. Laxminarayan Misra, Mahabir Singh, Bhagirathi Patnaik, Ghanashyam
Panigrahi, Achyutananda Purohit, and others played pivotal roles, driving the movement
forward in Odisha.

(c) Praja Mandal Movement in Odisha:

The Praja Mandal movements in Odisha, starting in 1938, marked a significant struggle
for democratic rights against feudal exploitation and princely tyranny, alongside British
authority. Led by common people and their leaders, movements erupted in places like
Talcher, Dhenkanal, and Ranpur. In 1937, the Harekrushna Mahtab-led Inquiry
Committee recommended the cancellation of Sanads granted to ruling chiefs, advocating
for the merger of their territories with Odisha province. H.K. Mahatab made earnest
efforts toward this merger, even meeting the Cabinet Mission in April 1946. With
independence looming, the urgency to address the princely states' status grew. Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel's intervention in December 1947 facilitated the merger of all princely
states, except Mayurbhanj, with Odisha, effective from January 1, 1948, quelling unrest
and ensuring a unified administration.
Write short note on Mahameghavahana Kharavela. (130 words or less)
Aira Maharaja Mahameghavahana Kharavela was a preeminent monarch of ancient Kalinga,
renowned for his remarkable reign and military prowess. As the Yuvaraja at 15, he exhibited
proficiency in various subjects vital for royal duties. Ascending to the throne after nine years
as Crown Prince, Kharavela fortified his capital, Kalinganagari, and expanded his kingdom's
borders through successful military campaigns. Notably, he triumphed over the Satavahanas
in the south and Magadha in the north, symbolizing his dominance across India. Beyond his
conquests, Kharavela patronized the arts, fostering cultural festivities and architectural
endeavors. His reign marked a pinnacle for Kalinga, elevating it to an imperial stature.
Eventually, he embraced Jainism, ending his rule as a conqueror to champion religious
pursuits, leaving a lasting legacy of both military triumphs and spiritual devotion.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
27. Write a short on Mukunda Deva. ( 130 words or less) [4 Mark]
Ans: Mukunda deva:
Mukundadeva, a Hindu king from the Chalukya lineage, ascended to power in medieval
Odisha in 1559, marked by deceit and violence. In 1560, he faced an invasion by Sultan
Ghiyasuddin Jallal Shah of Bengal, whom he defeated and expelled from Odisha. However,
internal conflicts, wars, and subsequent invasions led to Odisha's downfall. In 1568, Suleiman
Karrani of Bengal conquered Odisha, marking the end of its independence after three
centuries of Hindu rule. This event, in 1568, is seen as a watershed moment in Odisha's
history, symbolizing the transition from a glorious past to a challenging era. Despite its
eventual subjugation, Odisha's legacy endured through its significant contributions to art,
architecture, religion, philosophy, and literature, reflecting its once vibrant political and
cultural stature.

Write a short on Swadeshi Movement.
The Swadeshi Movement, emerging in the early 20th century, marked a significant chapter in
India's quest for independence. Triggered by the proposed Bengal Partition in 1905, it aimed
to combat British imperialism through strategies like boycotts and promoting Indian
industries. The partition, a British tactic to suppress nationalist sentiment, faced vehement
opposition and led to the evolution of the Swadeshi movement. This movement encouraged
the purchase of locally made goods as a symbol of patriotism and self-reliance. Led by
prominent figures like Tilak, Pal, Rai, and Tagore, it mobilized various sections of society
and fostered a spirit of nationalism and economic empowerment. Despite facing challenges
and communal tensions, the movement left a lasting impact on India's economic and political
landscape, contributing to the revival of indigenous industries and the growth of nationalist

General Issues on Environment & Climate Change

28. Name two International Environmental Organizations and briefly describe their roles in
Global Environmental Conservation Efforts. [2 Mark]
Ans: Two international environmental organizations are the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
(i) UNEP coordinates global environmental activities, promotes sustainable
development, and provides guidance on environmental policy.
(ii) WWF focuses on conservation efforts, wildlife protection, and sustainable resource
management worldwide.

29. Fill in the blanks. [4 Mark]

(a) The abbreviation UNEP stands for United Nation Environment Programe.
(b) WWF focuses on wildlife conservation efforts.


Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418
Test-2 Date-17.04.2024
(c) The Montreal Protocol aims to protect the Ozone Layer Depletion.
(d) The Kyoto Protocol targets the reduction of Green House Gasses.

30. Where is the Headquarter of International Solar Alliance? [1 Mark]

Ans: Gurgaon, Haryana, India

31. Specify the below substances are Ozone Depleting Substance or not? [2 Mark]
 CO2- No
 CO- No
 Methane (CH4) – No
 ChloroFluro Carbon- Yes

32. Name four initiatives taken up by Central Government for Conservation of Soil? [4
Ans: National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
Soil Health Card Scheme (SHCS)
National Mission for Sustainable Development
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

33. Write full form of the following abbreviations. [3 Mark]

(i) WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund)
(ii) IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
(iii) EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
(iv) UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(v) CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
(vi) IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

34. What are 3 main elements of India’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)?
[3 Mark]
Ans: 3 main elements of India’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC):
(i) An emissions-intensity target of 45% below 2005 levels by 2030
(ii) A target of achieving 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-
fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030
(iii) Creation of a carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 GtCO2e through additional forest and tree cover
by 2030.

35. Which day is celebrated as World Wetland Day? [1 Mark]

Ans: 2nd February

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Where Brilliance Meets Preparation
Address: Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Phone no-+91-8144252418

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