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Personality Options ☑ Options ☑

1. Your kid belongs to… Introvert Extrovert

2. When your kid with friends… Like to stay alone Like to social

3. When your kid comes to social… Slow person Social person

4. When your kid is doing things… Passive Initiative

5. Your kid opts to… Static activities Dynamic activities

5. Your kid is interested in… Love reading Love playing games

Kid’s Habits Scores

1. You kid is having mood on…
Always calm 0 Depends on the mood 1 Hot-tempered 2
2. Your kid always speaks…
Softly 0 Normal 1 Loudly 2
3. When your kid is playing games…
Always sit on the seat 0 Sometimes walk around 1 Stand up anytime 2
4. When your kid comes to homework doing…
Concentrate 0 Sometimes daydream 1 Always get distracted 2
5. Can your kid follow the rules and instrcutions…
Always follow the rules 0 Forgetful 1 Disobey the rules 2
6. Can your kid express him/herself simply and clearly …
Well expression 0 Normal 1 Unable to express well 2
7. When your kid is doing something…
Being careful 0 Being forgetful 1 Being careless 2
8. When your kid is playing with friends, he/she will opt to…
Passive and quiet 0 Mingle with friends 1 Talkative and initiative 2
9. When your kid comes to a conversation…
A good listener 0 Will point out opinions 1 Interrupt the others 2
10. When the kid is boring, he/she will opt to…
Reading 0 Waiting for the arrangement 1 Playing around 2
Total scores



性格 选项 ☑ 选项 ☑
1. 孩子的个性属于… 内向 外向
2. 孩子对于社交朋友… 喜欢独自一人 喜欢交友
3. 当孩子融入社交圈子,他/她属于… 慢热 快熟
4. 当孩子做事时… 被动做事 自动自发
5. 孩子的活动取向… 静态活动 动态活动
5. 孩子的兴趣属于… 喜欢阅读 喜欢玩game

孩子的小习惯 分数
1. 孩子的心情属于…
心情平稳 0 时好时坏 1 容易发脾气 2
2. 孩子平时说话是…
温柔说话 0 普通表达 1 大声说话 2
3. 孩子的平时学习或玩游戏时…
可以坐着很久 0 有时会走动 1 随时会站起来 2
4. 孩子的平时学习或做功课时…
十分专心 0 有时发呆 1 经常分心 2
5. 孩子是否可以遵循指示...
非常遵守规则 0 偶尔忘记 1 不遵守规则/犯规 2
6. 孩子在表达自我时,是否可以正确简单地传达…
自我表达能力好 0 有时会不清楚 1 无法正确表达 2
7. 孩子做事时,性格属于…
小心谨慎 0 有时会忘记 1 粗心大意 2
8. 孩子与朋友在一块时,会属于…
安静被动 0 有时会主动发言 1 多话有主见 2
9. 孩子与别人交谈时,会…
专心聆听他人说话 0 有时会发表意见 1 会插嘴打断别人 2
10. 当孩子无聊的时候,他/她会选择…
阅读打发时间 0 发呆、等人安排 1 玩手中的东西 2

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