Form Tugas Studi Eksplorasi - Group 5

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1. Writers Identity (Group 5)

Alyana Aurellia Putri Arifadewi, NIM 4101422014,
Wahid Jauhari, NIM 4101422021, and
Fatya Azizah, NIM 4101422054.

2. Learning Outcomes and Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes :
Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan cara untuk menentukan luas permukaan dan volume
bangun ruang (prisma, tabung, bola, limas dan kerucut) dan menyelesaikan masalah yang
1. Students can find a way to determine the surface area of ​spatial figures (prisms,
pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones) correctly through contextual problem analysis.
2. Students can explain how to determine the volume of spatial figures (prisms,
pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones) correctly through group discussion activities.
3. Through group project activities, students can calculate the surface area of ​spatial
figures (prisms, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones) accurately.
4. Through group project activities, students can calculate the volume of spatial figures
(prisms, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones) accurately.
5. Students can solve contextual problems related to surface area and volume of spatial
figures (prisms, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones) correctly, through exercise

3. Learning Model
The learning model that will be applied together with ethnomathematics in Semarang Old
Town through game media is the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) learning model. The
use of the CBL learning model can also allow students to apply their thinking in real-life
problems so that it can help them find ways to present and solve mathematical problems
(Yoosomboon & Wannapiroon, 2015). Based on research by Lestari, et al. (2023), it is
proven that CBL is effective in improving students' mathematical literacy skills There are
three stages in the CBL learning model by Nichols (2016), namely, engage, investigate,
and act. The following table is a description of the syntax of the CBL model and its
implementation in ethnomathematics.

Phase Syntax Description

Engage Big idea Students are given a big idea that can be explored
in the replica of Semarang Old Town (in the form
of several building objects such as Gereja
Blenduk, Rumah Pompa, and other objects that
have been found in the exploration stage).
Essential question Students are given important questions related to
the material of building space on building objects
in Semarang Old Town that come from big ideas.
Challenge Students are given a challenge related to the
material of building space that will be solved by
Investigate Guiding questions Students are given guiding questions from the
building objects in the buildings in Semarang Old
Guiding activities Students are provided with guiding activities and
/ resource resource guides related to the material of building
space in buildings in Semarang Old Town to
answer guiding questions.
Analysis Through guided activities, students analyze the
answers to the questions they have been given.
Act Solution The solution concept is derived from the findings
that have been made during the analysis stage.
Evaluation Students work from the challenges given is
assessed by the teacher. And assessment of
students learning outcomes

Table 1. The description of the syntax of the CBL model and its implementation in
4. Description of Cultures Studied
Kota Lama, also known as Semarang Old Town, is a complex of Dutch trading centers in
Semarang during the 19th-20th centuries. The Old Town area also has the nickname "Little
Netherland" or miniature Netherlands due to its location which is separated from the
outside area by a canal that surrounds it. Therefore, the buildings in the Old Town have
architecture that strongly reflects the strong Dutch culture. Here are some of the
architectures that can be found in the Old Town.
1. Protestant Church in Western Indonesia Immanuel Semarang also known as the
Gereja Blenduk, is the oldest church in Semarang, located in the center of the Old
Town, and is the center of worship and the spread of Christianity. The church was first
built in 1753, has a basic shape of an octagonal prism and a bronze-plated dome on
top. As well as other parts such as the supporting pillars and the small roof of the
church apply the concept of geometry in it.
Image 1. The side view of Gereja Blenduk

Image 2. Front side of Gereja Blenduk

2. Kantoor van de Nederlandsch-Indische Levensverzekering en Lijfrente

Maatschappij (NILLMIJ), is a building of the Dutch East Indies Life Insurance and
Pension Company as the largest insurance center in that era. It has a shape like two
cuboid combined and a dome-like shape and is located right in front of the Gereja
Blenduk, making NILLMIJ a magnificent object to be explored.
Image 4. Kantoor van de Nederlandsch-Indische Levensverzekering en Lijfrente
Maatschappij (NILLMIJ)

3. Heerenstraat or Toko Marba, is a well-known tourist attraction in the Old Town. Toko
Marba is a two-floor grocery store that is strategically located near two major
landmarks, Gereja Blenduk and Kantoor van de Nederlandsch-Indische, as well as a
crossroads that connects many other places. Its unique shape is like a block with
intersections and the red brick color is very iconic.

Image 5. Heerenstraat

4. Suari Park Clock, is a unique clock located in the second-hand and antique trading
center, Suari Park. The clock has a black color with gold ornaments on the sides to
show the symbol of luxury in that era. The clock has a cube shape with all four sides
equipped with analog clocks that allow visitors to view it from all sides.
Image 6. Suari Park Clock

5. Rumah Pompa Semarang Old Town, is a new building built by the Old Town Area
Management Agency (BP2KL) and located at the Southwest Gate of the Old Town.
As the name suggests, this building has the main function to suck up water when the
Old Town area is experiencing a flood disaster. The entire building is composed of
bricks and has a combined form of blocks, prisms, and cubes throughout the building.

Image 7. Rumah Pompa Semarang Old Town

6. Dodecahedron or 12-sided dice. It is an object located in front of the Old Town
Museum that has a 12-sided shape with each side in the form of a triangle. This object
has a unique motif, colored white, and purple for the lights around the museum.

Image 8. 12-sided dice

5. Learning Materials
Based on the learning outcomes in section 2, the scope of material on the exploration of
the Old City of Semarang will include the surface area and volume of space. Here are some
formulations that will be used during learning.
1. Surface Area Formulas

Image 9. The Table Surface Area Formulas

2. Volume Formulas

Image 10. The Table Volume Formulas


As enrichment material, students can also learn about the combination and intersection
of the surface area and volume of a 3-dimensional shape.

6. Mathematics Problems
Problems 1 Solutions

Pay attention to this gereja blenduk Given :

building! ● Dome diameter (𝑑) = 7𝑚
1 1 7
● 2
𝑑 = radius (𝑟) = 2
×7 = 2
● Painting price each 7𝑚 = Rp.130.000

Asked : What is the total cost of painting the dome

of the church?

Answer :
We can clearly see that the figure of the church
dome is hemispherical (half sphere). And we want
to find the surface area of half the sphere to get the
surface area that should be painted.
Repainting will be carried out on 2
Surface area of sphere = 4π𝑟
the dome of the Gereja Blenduk, if
7 2
it is known that the diameter of the = 4 7
( )( ) 2
dome is 7m, and painting services
for each area of 7m2 a wall are
valued at Rp.130,000, what is the
total cost incurred for painting the
= 4 ( )( )

dome of the church? = 22×7

= 154𝑚
154 2
Surface area of half sphere = 2
= 77𝑚

Because we have the painting price for every

2 2 2
7𝑚 , then we divide 77𝑚 by 7𝑚 , so the Total
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 = 7
×130. 000 = 11×130. 000
= 1. 430. 000

So, the total cost of painting the church dome is

Rp. 1.430.00

Problems 2 Solutions

The Gereja Blenduk building has a Given :

gate with 4 pillars made of cement ● Radius of pillar = 𝑟 = 70𝑐𝑚
in the shape of an elongated tube. ● Height of pillar = 𝑡 = 6𝑚 = 600𝑐𝑚
The radius of the pole finger is ● the number of pillars = 4
70𝑐𝑚 and the height 6𝑚. How
many liters of cement is used in Asked : how many liters of cement are used in the
the process of building the four process of building the 4 pillars?
poles? Answer :
The shape of the pillar is a tube, so we have to
find the volume of the tube
𝑉𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒 = π𝑟 𝑡 = ( )(70) (600)

= ( )(70)(70)(600)

= 22×10×70×600
= 9. 240. 000 𝑐𝑚
We know that 1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 1 𝑑𝑚 , so we have to
convert the result to 𝑑𝑚
3 9.240.000 3
9. 240. 000 𝑐𝑚 = 1000
= 9. 240 𝑑𝑚
= 9. 240 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒r
We have given that the number of pillar are 4, so :
9. 240 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 × 4 = 36. 960 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟
So, the total cement used in the construction of
pillars in the blendug church is 36. 960 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟

Problems 3 Solutions

The following object is the Given :

‘Rumah Pompa Kota Lama ● Square base with length 𝑠 = 1𝑚
building. In the structure of the ● height of the triangle side 𝑡 = 0, 6𝑚
building, there are details of the
shape of a quadrilateral pyramid at Asked :
the top of the pump house, the base A blanket will be made to cover the part without
is square with a square side length covering the base. What is the area of the blanket
1𝑚 and the height of the pyramid formed?
is 0, 6𝑚. A blanket will be made
to cover the part without covering Answer :
the base. What is the area of the To find the area of the blanket used, we need to
blanket formed? find out how much the surface area of the square
pyramid without the side of the base
𝐿𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑑 𝑛𝑜 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 4×𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒
= 4( (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒×ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
2 )
= 4( ) = 2×0, 6
= 1, 2
So, the area of the blanket formed is 1, 2𝑚

7. References
Lestari, F. D., Widianti, E., Nugroho, M. A., & Ardiansyah, A. S. (2022). Challenge-Based
Learning with Mathematical Modelling Activity on Mathematics Literacy Skill.
STIPRAM International Paper Competition 2022.
Nichols, M., Cator, K., & Torres, M. (2016). Challenge Based Learner User Guide. In Digital
Promise and The Challenge Institute.
Yoosomboon, S. dan Wannapiroon, P. 2015. Development of a Challenge Based Learning
Model via Cloud Technology and Social Media for Enhancing Information Management
Skills. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, pp. 2102–2107.
Eka Yulianti Fajlin. 2021. Pembangunan Museum Kota Lama dan Rumah Pompa Berok
Rampung, Pemkot Semarang Siapkan Konten. Diakses melalui
pompa-berok-rampung-pemkot-semarang-siapkan-konten, pada 12 Maret 2024 pukul
21:36 WIB.

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