Yes Maam

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Yes Ma'am

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Relationship: Adora/Catra (She-Ra)
Character: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Razz (She-Ra), Glimmer (She-Ra),
Kyle (She-Ra)
Additional Tags: SPOP Creative Flex (She-Ra), Nonbinary Adora (She-Ra), Power
Bottom Catra (She-Ra), Strap-Ons, Collars, Fluff and Smut, Teasing,
Marks, Biting, Explicit Consent, She/They Adora, Alternate Universe -
Modern Setting, Human Catra (She-Ra), First Smut Fic, probably last
Language: English
Collections: SPOP Flex Smut Swap
Stats: Published: 2022-02-21 Words: 4121

Yes Ma'am
by EGYx3D


It’s Adora’s first Valentine’s and she wants to make it very romantic and special for Catra.
But Catra finds the holiday cheesy and has other plans in mind…


For YoursFemmely,

It was fun being part of the smut swap and I hope you enjoy my first little smut piece!
Thanks to the mods for making sure everything ran smoothly!

“Come on, Adora you big goof. This is your first Valentine’s together, you gotta make it special for

A sudden knock shakes Adora out of her pep talk. She turns to see Glimmer holding the bathroom
door open with a bored look on her face. Her eyebrow is raised as she lets out a disgruntled sigh,
smacking her head in the process.
“Adora, please tell me you’re not talking yourself into some elaborate grand gesture for Catra on
the one day that she finds to be, and I quote, ‘the corniest day of the year’. You do know that she’ll
love just a normal day with her girlfriend, right? It doesn’t have to be anything special”

“But that’s just it, Glimmer, it does have to be special! This is our first time officially being
together. You know we both weren’t raised in the most accepting town and had to move to
Brightmoon last year. And ever since Madame Razz was kind enough to let us work at the
restaurant here and live in one of her apartments upstairs, it’s been a crazy year for me and Catra,
to say the least.”

Adora rubs the back of her neck solemnly, remembering the intense year that they had. From
running away from Thaymor and finding Brightmoon for Catra’s sake, to working and living at
The Whispering Woods , to Adora figuring out her feelings for said best friend and finally getting
the courage to confess after many jealous outbursts and deniability. It’s definitely been one hell of
a year for the both of them.

Glimmer drops her shoulders as she sighs lightly, walks up to Adora and places a hand on her
shoulder. As the bathroom door closes, Catra’s voice can be heard from the other side, calling to
Madame Razz about a table order. Glimmer turns back to Adora, giving her a serious expression.

“Listen to me Adora, I know you two have been through a lot. Bow and I have basically been there
from the beginning to see you figure yourself out and be a stumbling mess. But trust me when I say
that nothing in this world would matter to Catra than to just be with you. You don’t need to do
some complicated or cliche gesture to make her love you, she already does, you big goof. Now go
out there and don’t worry too much about what today is and just enjoy the day with your girl.”

Glimmer pushes Adora out the door, yelling back as the door swings closed, “And I love the new
cut! Very you!”

Before Adora can get her footing right and steady herself, she stumbles out of the bathroom and
right into the very person her and Glimmer were talking about.
“Hey, Adora”

Adora straightens herself as she looks right into those very familiar and mesmerizing
heterochromatic eyes. The same eyes that enchant her with every flutter of an eyelash, or a quirk of
a brow. She shakes herself back to reality as she remembers her girlfriend actually shouldn’t be
here right now.

“H-Hey Catra! What are you doing here? I mean, of course you’re here, you work here. Just like
me! And all of us! But like why are you here here? I thought you were off today?”

Catra chuckles at the hot mess in front of her and thinks to herself, but she’s my hot mess , and a
smile forms on her lips as she responds to her silly, adorable dork.

“I am off today, but I figured I’d help out a bit instead of just sitting upstairs and doing nothing all
day. Why are you down here, aren’t you supposed to be off too mister?”

Adora blushes at both being caught and the new honorific. They had told Catra recently that
they’ve been playing around with more masculine phrases and Catra picked up on it immediately
without a second thought. Every so often Catra will throw a new word and gauge Adora’s reaction
to see if it sticks or not. So far a good amount of them have stuck, Catra clearly knows what she’s

“Well you see, I’m down here because, uhh” Adora looks around, trying to find anything or anyone
to use as an excuse other than her real reason for being down here on an off day. When she spots a
mop of blond hair, Adora gets a lightbulb moment.


The poor boy jumps from the sudden yell, almost dropping the basket of clean silverware in his
hands. He looks around to find the source of the call before noticing Adora waving at him from
across the room. He hurriedly walks over, spoons and knives clinking together step by step.

“Hey Adora! Hey Catra! What are you guys doing here, I thought you were both off today?”

“Good question Kyle, why don’t you ask Adora. Apparently she came down here cuz she needed
you for something” Catra quirks her eyebrow, a knowing smirk on her face as she crosses her arms
and leans on a wall. Adora sighs as she turns to Kyle, trying to come up with something quick
enough in the next second that would also sound believable.

“Ya, uh actually Kyle, I needed you for something and that’s why I came down here. You know,
cuz you basically know everything about The Whispering Woods , so I figured I’d ask you!”

Kyle shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

“Sure, I mean, I’ve been here a while. And I guess as a busboy, I know my way around the whole
area. But what is it you want, exactly?”

“Ya Adora, what is it you want, exactly?”

“I, uh, I just wanted to know what the best seats are. Ya! What do you think the best seats are,
here? I’ve never actually sat down and tried the different areas, except for the very first time we
came here, you remember that Catra?”

“Of course, dummy, that was the time we both got a job and a place to live here. How could I
forget” Catra looks fondly at a distance, as if replaying that moment in her memory.

“Oh! If that’s what you wanted to ask, I think maybe the seats by the window, in the far right
corner? It’s pretty secluded over there, so great to have some alone time and it’s never too noisy in
that area. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really gotta take these silverware to the tables.”

“Thanks Kyle!” Adora waves as Kyle hurriedly walks back to the tables and gets them ready for
dinner service. She turns to look at Catra, still in a bit of a daze.

“Hey Catra, I got what I came here for. Do you want to go upstairs and get dressed? I want to take
you somewhere.”

Catra gives a skeptical look at Adora. “What exactly are you planning, you dork?”

Adora just shrugs her shoulders, a smirk growing on her face. “Guess you’ll have to get ready to
find out.”


“This… is where you wanted to take me?” Catra looks up at a sign with the words Château
D'amour , lost for any words to say to the nervous wreck of a blonde next to her. She lets out an
exasperated sigh and a light chuckle before turning to her girlfriend.

“You know we could have had dinner at the Woods, right? You don’t need to take me to some
fancy french restaurant that probably won’t even fill you up with their portion sizes, you lovable

“I know, but we eat the Woods all the time, I just wanted to take you somewhere nice tonight. And
I had a meal before we left, so don’t worry about me getting hungry.”

Catra lets out a hearty laugh, “You really did think it through. Alright, I guess we can go in this one
time. But if I hear your stomach, we’re going right back home and having Razz cook you up some
real food”

“Yes ma’am, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” Adora mock salutes as they both walk into the
restaurant to begin part one of Valentine’s date night, unbeknownst to Catra.


A few hours later, the two walk out of Château D'amour , Catra with a knowing smirk and her
arms crossed as Adora rubs the back of her neck.

“I told you it was going to be crazy expensive for almost no food. It would have been much better
if we just had Razz or Rogelio cook us up something.”

“I know I know, you’re always right–”

“I know I am”

“But you have to admit, the atmosphere was a nice change. It doesn’t hurt to splurge a little on

Catra stops walking and stares at Adora as the blonde unknowingly keeps moving ahead.

“What do you mean occasion? What occasion, Adora?”

Adora realizes her mistake and stops dead in her tracks. She turns to look at Catra, shrugs her
shoulders, and continues to hurry her pace.

“Don’t know what you mean. Come on, we have to get to this other place I wanted to take you. It’s
supposed to have a really nice view.”

Catra briskly catches up to Adora and grabs her shoulder to slow her down.

“Adora, you are the worst liar I know, now tell me what occasion you’re talking about?”

It takes a second of silence from Adora, the nerves obvious on her face, before Catra realizes.

“Oh! Valentine’s Day?” Catra attempts to stifle a chuckle, “You’re so cheesy.”

Adora rubs the back of her head for the millionth time that day, “I just wanted to do something to
show how much I appreciate you”

“On the corniest day of the year to do that” Catra lifts her eyebrow, not believing that Adora did all
this for a silly holiday.

“Do you hate it?”

“I do find the holiday very cheesy, yes.” Adora deflates at hearing that, “but it’s cute that you tried.
Just don’t do it again. So what’s this other place with a really nice view? Might as well check it out
since you seem excited to go.”

Adora lifts her head as Catra grabs her hand, nudging her to move. She takes a deep breath and
leads them to their final destination for the night.


“Hello ladies, how can I help you?”

“I have a reservation tonight under Adora Greyskull?”

The receptionist takes a minute to look at his computer. “Greyskull, Greyskull, ah! Here you are,
Room 214 miss. Enjoy your night” He hands over the room key before going to the next guest.
Catra leans towards Adora as they walk to their room, confusion apparent on her face.

“Hey Adora, where exactly are we? The outside looked pretty bland and now it’s just a bunch of
rooms. What are you planning?”

“Just one more second and you’ll find out, I thought you were the patient one.” Adora chuckles.

“Clearly not, you know how impatient I get, dummy.”

They finally arrive at Room 214, Adora inserts the key into the door, turns the knob and turns to
look at Catra with a smirk as she slowly opens the door and motions for her to enter first. Catra
hesitantly enters the room and LED lights instantly brighten the room with a dark red tint, giving a
dark room feel while still bright enough to see around. In the room there’s an enormous heart-
shaped bed in the center, with rose petals thrown all over the cover. A see-through bathroom with a
clear glass wall on the right side of the room, and on the left is an assortment of devices and toys
for what Catra finally realizes is the purpose of this room. She lets out a belly-aching laughter as
she takes in all the contents of the room. More things register with every minute that passes; the
giant mirror on the ceiling, the fuzzy handcuffs laid on the bed, random whips and candles
everywhere. Catra falls on the floor, hugging herself from all the laughter.
It isn’t until Adora comes back into her vision, with a bit of a defeated look on her face, that she
slowly composes herself back together.

“I’m sorry Adora, I’m not laughing at you, I promise. I just can’t believe you went through all this
trouble to take us to a sex cave , of all things. Is the apartment not enough for you, you horndog.”

Adora sighs heavily, chuckling lightly at the comment. “I just wanted us to have some privacy for
tonight. I know everyone knows we’re together but I still feel weird when I walk downstairs and
get those looks from everyone, you know? I just wanted tonight to be about us.”

Catra gets up from the floor, walks over to Adora and grabs her hands into her own, leaning her
forehead lightly on her girlfriends.

“I get it, and it’s actually really sweet of you to do all this. Definitely didn’t have to, but I
appreciate the thought you put into this. I love you, Adora, and no grand gesture will change that or
make me love you more. I would have been happy just eating Razz’s cooking and watching a
dumb show at our place.”

“I know, but I wanted tonight to be special.”

Catra releases Adora’s hands, a knowing smirk featuring her lips.

“Well, if you want it to be special, then I guess there’s a lot of things we can do to make it a night
you won’t ever forget, right?”

Adora looks around the room for the first time, taking in each and every item that could be used,
images and positions forming in her head right away, as she quickly turns a deep shade of red.
Catra notices and chuckles at her idiot. She should have known that Adora would plan all this out,
and still get flustered once it came time for her to actually do anything. An idea came in Catra’s
mind at that moment.

“Hey, Adora”

She drops the tone of her voice, giving off a sultry, raspy tone that immediately causes a shiver to
run down Adora’s spine upon hearing that familiar phrase. They knew that once Catra spoke like
that, it was her turn to take charge for the night. It worked out in Adora’s favor at times because
they recently learned they preferred to be more of a giver, which Catra has started leaning into
more often.

Adora gulps audibly, slowly turning to Catra to notice a mischievous smirk written on her face as
she hungrily eyes Adora’s body. She grabs a leather collar from the wall of toys, this one with
small rounded studs surrounding the collar, a long metal leash attached to it. Catra takes a long
look at the collar in her hand, then lifts an eyebrow and trails her eyes to Adora’s neck before
sliding her tongue out and licking her lips in anticipation.

“Well? Are you going to be a good boy tonight?”

A shiver runs down Adora’s spine as they close their eyes and let out a shuddering sigh. They
slowly walk up to Catra, eyeing the collar as their breath grows heavy in anticipation. They both
stand there, Catra eyeing Adora, Adora eyeing the collar, both waiting for the other. A small whine
comes out of Adora, clearly impatient and ready to get started. That causes Catra to chuckle,
twirling the collar in her hands, feigning innocence.

“What’s wrong, Adora? Something the matter?”

“You know what you’re doing, Catra. Stop teasing me.” Adora pouts a little as she huffs
impatiently through her nose. But Catra just rests her finger on her chin, looking quizzically in

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, you’ll have to be more specific, darling”
Adora’s knees buckle slightly at the pet name. They close their eyes and let out a low growl as they
get ready to ask for what they want. Catra knows exactly what they want, but she enjoys hearing
the words come out of Adora’s lips too much to just give Adora what they want.


Catra smirks, knowing exactly what game Adora is trying to play, but that won’t work on her.

“I’m sorry, what was that? You’ll need to speak up or we’ll be standing here all night, Adora.”

Adora takes a deep breath before trying again.

“I said, I want you to use that collar on me. Please” They look at Catra with a stern look, as if
saying that if she doesn’t put that collar on them right this second, they won’t be sorry for what
happens next. Catra smirks and nods in approval.

“Good girl, was that so hard to ask for?” Catra wraps the collar around Adora’s neck, securing it
and making sure it fits perfectly. Once Adora nods their head in confirmation, Catra lightly tugs on
the chain attached to the collar. Adora reflexively moves towards Catra, following her to the rose
covered bed. Catra lightly places a hand on Adora’s shoulder, pushing them down onto the bed as
they lean on their elbows to stare at Catra standing over them. Even with all her clothes still on,
Adora thought she looked ridiculously sexy standing there holding her collar and having full
control tonight. She might be a service top, but Catra was a power bottom and on nights when
Catra took over, it was always something else.

“What do you want me to do, Adora?” Catra asks nonchalantly, lightly tugging on the chain as she
trails her free hand up Adora’s toned muscles. Adora lightly shivers at the contact, closing her eyes
as she tries to think properly.
“I– uh, fuck. Just fuck me, Catra”

“Aww, but where’s the fun in that? You need to tell me exactly what you want, Adora.” Catra
leans in to whisper in their ear, “or I might just keep doing this all night”

Catra moves her knee between Adora’s legs, spreading them apart slightly as she places her hand
on their upper thigh, inching her thumb closer to their crotch. Adora closes her eyes and takes a
deep breath as she bites her bottom lip in an attempt to keep her composure.

“Fuckin– you’re being a real brat tonight”

“Aren’t I always?”

“If you don’t stop teasing, I’m going to flip you onto this bed and– ugh!” Adora is cut off when
Catra lightly nips the crook of their neck, leaving a little bruise. She makes her way to the other
side of their neck, a wide smirk evident on her face.

“You were saying, my love?”

Adora attempts to clear their throat, “If you want to keep teasing, then at least take these clothes
off, brat.”

“I’m sorry, is that any way to speak to me?” Catra playfully tugs at the collar, ceasing her love
marks and laying her hand right above Adora’s groin, playing with the hem of their shirt. Adora
lets out an involuntary groan before tilting their neck back.

“Please take these clothes off so I can fuck you, Catra” they say in one breath.
“Yes sir” Catra makes quick work of both of their clothes once she hears those words. When she
gets to taking off Adora’s boy shorts, she notices just how frustrated Adora really is and looks up at
them with a smirk.

“I didn’t realize just how wet you were for me, Adora. I guess it’s a good thing we won’t have to
worry about how loud you’ll be tonight.”

“Catra, give me a strap so I can fuck your brains out and then we’ll see who’s the loud one

“Ohhh, getting a little cocky now. Are we, dear?”

“More like if you keep trying to tease me any more, then I might have to pin you to this bed and
take charge for the rest of the night, brat.”

“But you wouldn’t do that because you like me being in charge too much.”

“Catra” Adora’s voice drops to a dangerous tone, alerting Catra that the teasing was over and
Adora was serious about taking charge and fucking her brains out. A shiver runs down Catra’s
spine at the serious tone, quickly turning to the wall and grabbing a strap to put on Adora. She
might not let them take charge just yet, but she was also ready to move on from all the teasing. As
she straps Adora up, Adora is about to get up but Catra lays them back down on the bed.

“Ah, ah, ah. Who ever said you were taking charge, big boy? Last I checked, I was still holding the
collar. Now sit back down and be a good girl for me, Adora”

Adora groans happily and slowly leans back down, staring intently at Catra in anticipation.
“Yes, ma’am.”

Catra begins kissing Adora from their shoulders and neck, down to their chest, biting and leaving
marks along the way. Slowly moving down their stomach and passing by their groin, to give
attention to their thighs. Adora grumbles as Catra moves to their inner thighs, their stomach and
hips involuntarily jerking at the contact.

“Fuck, Catra. I– I’m trying real hard not to take you right now but I’m at my limit.”

“Patience, darling”

“You know I’ve never been one for patience. Thank your lucky stars I haven’t already flipped you
onto this bed yet.”

“Adora?” Catra looks up with a mischievous smirk written all over her face. Adora audibly gulps at
that look.


“Shut up and fuck me already, you service top.”

“Thank fuck for that.” Adora sighs in relief. Catra crawls up to straddle Adora’s hips, positioning
herself above the strap to get ready to take it in. Despite her teasing Adora all night, she was also
frustrated and ready to get this show on the road.

Catra slowly eases down, taking Adora bit by bit. Adora reflexively jerks up, causing Catra to let
out a quiet moan. Adora smirks, their features turning cocky.
“You liked that, huh?”

“Shut up, idiot. I’m still in charge here.”

“Yes ma’am, and you’re taking me in so well, babe.” Adora lays their hands on Catra’s thighs,
grasping tightly as they begin thrusting into Catra. Catra lets out a short breath, tugging onto the
chain of Adora’s collar. Adora lifts herself forward, leaning in to plant kisses up Catra’s chin as she
goes deeper inside Catra. Catra tightens her hold on the chain, pulling it down as she moves her
hips in rhythm with Adora’s movements. Catra’s breath picks up as Adora continues marking up
her neck and collarbone.


Adora begins thrusting faster, Catra using her free hand to wrap it around Adora’s neck and
tightening her hold, causing Adora’s face to change their attention to the voluptuous breasts in front
of them. They take a nipple in their mouth and lightly roll it between their teeth, eliciting a moan
from Catra. Adora smirks at that sound.

“You liked that, babe?”

“Keep using that mouth, dummy. Don’t stop.”

“Yes. Ma’am.”

Adora takes turns between the nipples, giving each of them a fair amount of attention, until Catra
begins to reach her limit.
“A-Adora. I’m about to–”

“Say no more.”

Adora continues at their current pace, inching deeper into Catra with every thrust. It doesn’t take
long before Catra can’t take it anymore and screams out in ecstasy. Adora holds onto her tightly as
she climaxes as well, before falling backwards on the bed, Catra in her arms. They lay like that for
a short while, catching their breaths after the rigorous activity. Adora is the first to speak.

“That was–”

“I know. But don’t you dare try to do anything this elaborate again on the corniest day of the
year.” Adora chuckles at that.

“Yes ma’am. I promise it won’t happen again.”



Catra can practically hear Adora begging to ask a question. She lets out a deep sigh, “What is it?”

“No promises on other days though… Right?”

Catra just laughs at that. “No, idiot. I guess other days are ok, just don’t overdo it.”
“Got it, got it.” Adora nods in confirmation, the wheels in their head already planning out the next
stunt. Catra shakes her head in disbelief, a smile apparent on her face.

They lay like that for a while, Adora with her arm wrapped around Catra, cuddling before the two
begin to yawn, their bodies clearly tired from the long day. Adora nuzzles into Catra’s neck as they
begin to doze off.

“Happy Anniversary, Catra. I love you”

They manage to whisper out a “Happy Valentine’s Day” before knocking out, a light snore
confirming it.

Catra just chuckles at the absurdity of how quickly Adora can always fall asleep. “I love you too,
you big sapp. Happy Valentine’s Day”

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